20 September 2019

[200919.EN.AIR] British Airways' Pilots Call Off September 27 Strike Action

THE British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) has called off the strike over pay and conditions scheduled for September 27 explaining that industrial actions that took place on September 9 and 10 had "demonstrated the anger and resolve of pilots".

"It was now time for a period of reflection before the dispute escalates further and irreparable damage is done to the brand," BALPA added.

BALPA general secretary, Brian Strutton, said: "Someone has to take the initiative to sort out this dispute and with no sign of that from BA the pilots have decided to take the responsible course. In a genuine attempt at establishing a time out for common sense to prevail, we have lifted the threat of the strike on September 27."

However, the union warned that should the IAG-owned airline refuse "meaningful new negotiations" it would pursue further industrial action, according to London's Air Cargo News.

The strikes that took place earlier this month had bought cargo activities on British Airways aircraft to a standstill.

Source : HKSG / Photo : BBC.



19 September 2019

[190919.EN.BIZ] DHL, SATS Team Up To Offer Tailormade Catering Solutions For Airlines in Asia

DHL Supply Chain and Asia-based food solutions provider SATS Ltd have inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to develop bespoke solutions that enable airlines to optimise their supply chain for catering, merchandise and supplies across their flight networks.

Combining DHL's strengths in third party logistics (3PL) solutions with SATS' large scale culinary, procurement and last mile expertise, this new solution aims to help airlines enhance the passenger experience with a wider range of authentic food and beverage offerings and amenities.

Their integrated solution spans from demand planning, menu customisation and planning, to supply chain consultancy and reverse logistics. With end-to-end visibility, carriers will be able to achieve greater consistency, better inventory management, reduced waste and better customer insights.

Both companies have identified India, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam as the focus markets for the partnership.

"We have been providing a range of game-changing solutions to airlines across the globe, from inventory planning and forecasting using big data analytics to generating revenue from food waste. We are delighted to collaborate with SATS and look forward to launch new solutions that the airline industry hasn't seen," said DHL Supply Chain chief executive officer Terry Ryan in a statement.

SATS executive vice president Kerry Mok said: "SATS is advancing its vision to feed and connect Asia through our digital integrated supply chain, which enables us to provide our customers with seamless end-to-end solutions for their evolving needs."

He added: "Our partnership with DHL extends our global reach through reliable 3PL, allowing us to partner with airlines across their entire flight network."

Source : HKSG.



12 September 2019

[120919.EN.SEA] USCG Rescues Remaining Three Crewmen From Car Carrier Off Georgia

TWENTY-THREE crewmen and the pilot of the Hyundai Glovis car carrier have all been rescued after the ship capsized leaving Georgia's Port of Brunswick, reported American Shipper.

Four crewmen who were trapped inside the capsized 20,995-dwt Marshall Islands-flagged car carrier Golden Ray were extracted from the ship.

"We have outstanding news to report this afternoon," said US Coast Guard Capt John Reed after television showed footage of the third crew member extracted from the ship and taken to hospital.

Two other members able to crawl through a two by three foot hole that had been cut into the hull near the prop and walk onto a boat. They too were being transported to a hospital for evaluation. Nineteen crew members and the ship's pilot had been rescued in the first 10 hours after the ship had grounded at about 2am on September 8 as it was leaving Brunswick.

Capt Reed said the last remaining crewman had been located, but was on a different deck in a glass-enclosed engineering control room. Within a couple of hours, he also had been rescued.

The condition of the four men was "relatively good for having spent 34 to 35 hours in the conditions they were in," said Capt Reed. Extreme heat was an issue inside and outside the ship.

Temperatures were as hot as 120 degrees as the sun beat down on the upturned hull where rescue workers labored to free the men inside.

Donjon-Smit, a joint venture of Donjon Marine Co. and SMIT Internationale, is developing a salvage plan for the ship, and is sending vessels to Brunswick.

A UK Marine Accident Investigation Board looking into the 2015 grounding of the Hoegh Osaka warned that too little attention was being paid to the issues of stability by operators of roll-on, roll-off ships, particularly pure car carriers (PCCs) and pure car-truck carriers (PCTCs).

"What is a fundamental principle of seamanship appears to have been allowed to drift, giving rise to potential unsafe practices," that report said.

Source : HKSG.

[120919.ID.BIZ] E-commerce Mulai Kutip Bayaran ke Merchant, idEA: Itu Namanya Monetisasi Pasar

KONTAN.CO.ID -JAKARTA. Belakangan ini muncul kabar bahwa para pelaku startup di bidang e-commerce mulai melakukan monetisasi terhadap bisnisnya. Hal ini dibenarkan oleh Indonesian E-Commerce Association (idEA).

“Yang saya dengar begitu, jadi ada beberapa platform yang tadinya tidak mengenakan charge ke penjual sekarang mulai ada charge-nya,“ ujar Ketua Umum idEA, Ignatius Untung kepada Kontan.co.id (12/09).

Ignatius menyebutkan bahwa strategi monetisasi memang umum dilakukan oleh startup yang sudah memiliki basis penguasaan pasar yang kuat serta valuasi besar. Berdasarkan polanya, startup yang baru mulai menjalani bisnis umumnya akan berorientasi untuk melebarkan pasar terlebih dahulu.

Setelah memiliki basis penguasaan pasar serta valuasi yang besar, startup cenderung akan mencari sumber-sumber pendapatan baru, salah satunya dengan cara memonetisasi bisnis yang dijalankan. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menghindari risiko kegagalan dalam menggalang dana.

Menurut Ignatius, risiko gagal galang dana yang dihadapi startup akan menjadi lebih besar ketika startup sudah memiliki valuasi yang besar di kelasnya. Seiring terjadinya kenaikan pada valuasi startup, maka besaran nilai yang dibutuhkan untuk berinvestasi pada startup tersebut akan semakin tinggi.

Sementara itu, jumlah investor yang memiliki dana besar tidaklah banyak sehingga potensi untuk menjaring dana segara dari investor akan semakin kecil.

“Misal valuasinya sudah Rp 10 triliun, untuk mendapatkan dana sebesar Rp 1 triliun kan dia (startup) harus melepas share 10%, nah ada yang mau ga bayar Rp 1 triliun untuk share 10%?“ terang Igantius kepada Kontan.co.id.

Dalam hal ini, strategi monetisasi pasar menjadi langkah yang banyak diambil oleh pelaku bisnis startup dalam menghindari risiko gagal galang dana.

Langkah monetisasi yang dilakukan pun bermacam-macam, bergantung pada model bisnis yang dijalankan oleh masing-masing startup. Monetisasi bisa dilakukan dengan menawarkan fitur premium, memberlakukan keanggotaan berbayar, beriklan, dan sebagainya.

Saat ini, sudah terdapat beberapa startup di Indonesia yang sudah menyandang status unicorn ataau memiliki valuasi saham di atas US$ 1 miliar.

Sebagaimana publikasi daring Kontan pada 18 Februari 2019, startup-startup tersebut meliputi Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Gojek, dan Traveloka per data Februari 2019.

Sumber : Kontan, 12.09.19.

11 September 2019

[110919.EN.BIZ] Ban On Exporting of Hazmat Waste to Developing Countries Goes Into Law

CROATIA's ratification of the 1995 Basel Ban Amendment has enabled this global anti-waste dumping rule to finally enter into the force of international law on December 5.

The ban amendment - adopted by the parties to the Basel Convention in 1995 - prohibits the export of hazardous wastes from member states of the European Union, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and Liechtenstein to all other countries.

With Croatia's ratification, a total of 97 countries have now ratified the ban and most crucially the necessary 3/4 of the parties that were present and voted in 1995. The new agreement will become a new Article in the Convention and will enter into force for the 97 countries after 90 days.

Source : HKSG.

[110919.ID.INF] Breaking News: BJ Habibie Meninggal Dunia

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Presiden Ketiga RI Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie meninggal dunia. Pria kelahiran Parepare, Sulawesi Selatan, 25 Juni 1936, ini meninggal akibat penyakit yang dia derita.

Kabar duka ini datang dari Melanie Subono, putri dari Adrie Subono, keponakan BJ Habibie, lewat akun Instragramnya.

Eyang ... SAMPAI JUMPA DI KEABADIAN ... Senangnya dah bisa ngelepas kangen sala eyang puteri, bisa berdua dua an lagi... Kita disini ikhlas asal eyang bahagia —- SELAMAT JALAN —- -

Terimakasih sudah membuat Indonesia jauh lebih baik, terimakasih sudah mengajarkan saya jadi PEJUANG , kalo bahasa eyang “PEMBERONTAK” -

Love you -

Sebelum meninggal, keluarga dekat sudah berkumpul di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto, tempat Habibie dirawat. Habibie telah menjalani perawatan intensif di rumah sakit sejak 1 September 2019.

Rusli Habibie, keponakan BJ Habibie, menyebutkan, seluruh keluarga dekat sudah dipanggil dan berkumpul di Paviliun Kartika, RSPAD Gatot Subroto, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (11/9).

Hal tersebut Rusli sampaikan usai menjenguk secara langsung BJ Habibie. "Kondisinya seperti kemarin lagi. Semua keluarga sudah dipanggil terutama anak-anak beliau, sudah di tempat," ujar dia saat ditemui di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto.

"Baik Mas Ilham, Mas Thareq sudah ada. Kakak dan adiknya sudah lengkap. Keponakan dan anak cucu sudah dikumpulin tadi," kata Gubernur Gorontalo ini.

Rusli menyampaikan, seluruh keluarga dekat bisa langsung masuk ke dalam ruang perawatan karena sudah diperbolehkan dokter

Artikel ini telah tayang di Kompas.com dengan judul "BJ Habibie Meninggal Dunia di RSPAD"

Sumber : Kontan, 11.09.19.

10 September 2019

[100919.EN.BIZ] US-China Trade Conflict Could Take Years to Resolve, says Kudlow

WHITE HOUSE economic adviser Larry Kudlow has said the United States wants "near term" results from US-China trade talks in September and October but cautioned that the trade conflict could take years to resolve, reported Reuters.

Mr Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council, said that although the United States and China have been negotiating on trade and intellectual property issues for 18 months, that it was a short period of time in terms of what was at stake and negotiations could go on much longer.

"A deal of this size and scope and central global importance, I don't think 18 months is a very long time," he said."The stakes are so high, we have to get it right, and if that takes a decade, so be it."

But in confirming talks between high-level US and Chinese officials in early October, Mr Kudlow declined to predict outcomes or a specific timeline for reaching any agreements.

Source : HKSG.

[100919.ID.BIZ] Perusahaan Logistik dan Penyewaan Mobil Bertumbuh Baik Tahun Ini?

KONTAN.CO.ID -JAKARTA. Pertumbuhan bisnis e-commerce domestik membuat dampak turunan kepada perusahaan logistik dan penyewaan mobil. Pasalnya, kinerja kedua sektor tersebut mengalami peningkatan di semester pertama.

PT Satria Antaran Prima Tbk (SAPX) yang pada semester I kinerjanya tumbuh 74,58% menjadi Rp 179,06 miliar dan laba bersih Rp 13,04 miliar. Padahal manajemen SAPX hanya menargertkan pertumbuhan pendapatan 50% dan laba bersih di level Rp 14 miliar.

Budiyanto Darmastono, Presiden Direktur SAPX menjelaskan bahwa peningkatan pertumbuhan disebabkan oleh peningkatan permintaan dari e-commerce. Selain itu, dari sisi volume juga terjadi peningkatan sekira 20% hingga 30% ketimbang tahun lalu. "Tahun ini sampai akhir tahun di Desember itu bisa 60%-70% strateginya kami tambah volume baru," ujarnya kepada KONTAN, Senin (9/9)

Ia menyebut di kuartal IV, nanti kegiatan promosi e-commerce akan membuat kegiatan logistik miliknya semakin sibuk. Maklum, berkaca pada tahun sebelumnya, permintaan pengiriman e-commerce menanjak dua hingga tiga kali lipat saat kuartal terakhir.

"Omset akan naik, revenue naik. Apalgi di bulan-bulan kuartal IV dengan program online diskon-diskon itu, nanti ada 10.10,11.11, 12.12 kalau ini yang 9.9 tidak terlalu signifikan, biasanya dua kali hingga tiga kali lipat," lanjutnya.

Jany Chandra, Direktur PT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk (ASSA) juga menyebut bisnisnya akan bertumbuh cukup baik. Kendati di DKI Jakarta pihaknya harus berhadapan dengan perluasan aturan ganjil genap, namun secara bisnis tidak berpengaruh besar terhadap bisnis penyewaan kendaraan miliknya.

"Harusnya masih (bisa dicapai) pertumbuhan 10%-12%. Karena kostumer kami sebagian besar beroperasi nasional yang memang digunakan untuk kendaraan operasional dan dikontrak jangka panjang," tambahnya.

Sepanjang semester I, ASSA mencatat pertumbuhan pendapatan sebesar dari Rp 884,75 miliar menjadi Rp 1,08 triliun. Sewa kendaraan mobil penumpang dan autopool m asih menjadi kontributor utama dengan kontribusi sebesar Rp 607 miliar. Sedangkan jasa logistik hanya berkontribusi Rp 85,34 miliar, jasa pengiriman Rp 5,41 miliar, jasa lelang Rp 53 miliar.?

Sumber : Kontan, 10.09.19.