29 Desember 2016

[291216.EN.BIZ] DB Schenker Mergers Air, Sea and Land Services Under New Freight Division

TRANSPORT company, DB Schenker, is being reorganised from the start of next year, with the air and ocean freight division being combined with its land transport division, London's Air Cargo News reported.

The management of Schenker said the new board division will be called freight and it hopes the combination will "improve integrated transport products and services and make better use of growth potential".

Chief executive of Schenker, Jochen Thewes, said: "By reducing the number of members on the management board from seven to six and reorganising the board divisions, we intend to satisfy market requirements for fast and consistent solutions for our customers and to serve as a role model for creating more efficient structures."

The new division will be headed by Ewald Kaiser, currently member of the management board for land transport.

A new organisational unit named global land transport will also be created within this board division and will standardise and promote the development of land transport outside Europe.

In addition, a new division called commercial DB Schenker and contract logistics, headed by Tom Schmitt, will be created.

A personnel change has also been made at Schenker largest business region. Reiner Heiken (54), formerly chairman of the management board at Kühne & Nagel in Hamburg, has assumed the role of chief executive of Schenker's Europe region, replacing Ewald Kaiser in this function.

Source : HKSG.

[291216.ID.BIZ] Harga Minyak Dunia Naik Jelang Pemangkasan Produksi OPEC

New York- Harga minyak dunia pada perdagangan Selasa waktu Amerika Serikat atau Rabu pagi WIB (28/12) naik karena pasar mengantisipasi bahwa pemangkasan produksi produsen minyak akan membantu mengurangi kelebihan pasokan global.

Harga minyak bertahan di level tertinggi sejak pertengahan 2015, didukung kesepakatan yang dibuat Organisasi Negara-negara Pengekspor Minyak (OPEC) dan anggota non-OPEC untuk memangkas produksi sebesar hampir 1,8 juta barel per hari mulai 1 Januari 2017 menjadi 32 juta barel per hari.

Namun para analis mengatakan bahwa harga minyak mungkin kesulitan untuk menguat lebih lanjut sebelum pemangkasan produksi terealisasi.

Patokan AS, minyak mentah light sweet atau West Texas Intermediate (WTI) untuk pengiriman Februari meningkat US$ 0,88 menjadi US$ 53,90 per barel di New York Mercantile Exchange. Sementara patokan global, minyak mentah Brent North Sea untuk pengiriman Februari, bertambah US$ 0,93 menjadi US$ 56,09 per barel di London ICE Futures Exchange.

Sumber : Beritasatu, 28.12.16.

28 Desember 2016

[281216.EN.BIZ] 'K' Line Takes Legal Action Against APL Logistics Over Alleged Libel Comments

JAPAN's Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha ("K" Line) has filed a lawsuit in a Tokyo court against APL Logistics, seeking compensation for alleged "acts of disseminating false information."

The Japanese carrier alleged that APL Logistics employees had advised their clients to terminate bookings on fears that "K" Line might go bankrupt, The Maritime Executive reported.

"[We have] suffered considerable damage due to cancellations or suspensions of bookings by clients," the line said in a statement. "'K" Line has decided to file a lawsuit in order to restore its social confidence and clarify the social responsibility of a company such as [APL Logistics]."

In late September, APL Logistics issued a statement indicating that the alleged statements would be retracted.

"On or around 20 to 21 September 2016, a small number of APL Logistics Group employees conveyed opinions to several customers that touch on the potential financial position or viability of 'K' Line. These employees have since retracted their statements or are in the process of doing so," said APL Logistics president Beat Simon. While "K" Line emphasised that it will "continue to respond to customer demand and provide reliable and high-quality services," its recent investor announcements suggest that it is incurring deep losses due to the ongoing downturn in shipping. At the end of October it projected a loss of U$800 million for the twelve months ending in March 2017, and it predicted that there would be no annual dividend, citing an "urgent management priority to improve our fiscal strength in light of the forecast of a loss."

In response to the downturn, "K" Line says that it has reduced expenses to offset declining revenue, and it has worked in partnership with the Japanese government and with competitors to improve its position.

On October 31, "K" Line and compatriots MOL and NYK merged their container operations, seeking increased scale to compete with larger shipping firms. The carriers have also secured favourable changes to Japanese tax laws on depreciation, subsidies and tonnage tax, all of which will bolster their bottom lines.

Source : HKSG.

[281216.ID.BIZ] Tambahan Perjalanan KA Bandung-Jakarta Laku Keras

JAKARTA. PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) telah menambah enam perjalanan kereta api (KA) dengan jurusan Bandung-Jakarta. Penambahan perjalanan KA tersebut sebagai alternatif angkutan umum akibat Jembatan Cisomang yang bergerser.

Direktur Utama KAI, Edi Sukmoro menuturkan, hingga saat ini penambahan perjalanan KA tersebut selalu penuh dan cukup banyak permintaan.

"Penambahan perjalanan KA Jakarta-Bandung sampai tadi malam penuh," ujar Edi usai membuka bazar UMKM mitra binaan di Stasiun Gambir, Jakarta, Rabu (28/12).

Adapun, jadwal keberangkatan perjalanan KA tambahan dari Stasiun Gambir, antara lain pukul, 06.30 WIB, 11.45 WIB, dan. Pukul 00.35 WIB. Sementara, jadwal keberangkatan KA tambahan dari Stasiun Bandung pukul 07.35 WIB, 11.00 WIB, dan pukul 20.55 WIB.

Edi menuturkan, perjalanan KA tambahan Bandung-Jakarta ini sifatnya sementara hingga jembatan Cisomang bisa dilalui semua kendaraan.

"Sampai Cisomang selesai. Bandung-Jakarta ini juga kan arusnya signifikan," terangnya.

Sebelumnya, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) mengungkapkan adanya pegerseran (deformasi) pada pilar kedua (P2) jembatan Cisomang di Jalan Tol Purwakarta-Bandung-Cileunyi (Purbaleunyi) tepatnya di KM 100+700.

P2 telah bergeser ke samping sekitar 53 cm. Dengan adanya pergeseran tersebut, kendaraan yang boleh melintas hanya pada kendaraan golongan I.

Sumber : Kontan, 28.12.16.

27 Desember 2016

[271216.EN.BIZ] Hong Kong's Kerry Logistics Takes Over Spanish Forwarder Bofill & Arnan

HONG KONG's Kerry Logistics Network Limited has announced the takeover of the freight forwarding businesses of Bofill & Arnan, one of Spain's oldest customs brokers and freight forwarders.

The acquisition, part of Kerry's global strategy, will enhance logistics and forwarding services in Spain with an accent on the China, Taiwan, and India trade lanes, the company said.

Kerry said it already provides a complete suite of freight forwarding solutions, from air and sea freight, and customs brokerage, to door-to-door solutions in a wide spectrum of industries.

It said the additional businesses would further strengthen Kerry Logistics' service offerings and network in Spain through the addition of its sales force and two offices, one in Valencia, and one in Alicante.

"The freight forwarding businesses of Bofill & Arnan will be integrated into our existing network and will continue to be managed by Sebastian Bernardo, our managing director in Spain," said Kerry's European managing director Thomas Blank.

Following the transaction, Kerry Logistics will be operating from four locations in Spain, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Alicante, "with complete service coverage of major airports and seaports in the country."

"Spain is home to some of the world's biggest fashion retailers and some of Kerry Logistics' global key accounts," said the company statement.

Kerry Logistics has more than 700 service locations in 41 countries and territories, and is managing more than four million square metres of logistics facilities worldwide.

Source : HKSG.

[271216.ID.BIZ] Pabrik PBRX Terbakar, Sebagian Ekspor Tertunda

JAKARTA. Pabrik PT Pan Brothers Tbk (PBRX) di Sragen, Jawa Tengah baru saja terbakar. Kebakaran tersebut terjadi disaat  libur jelang Natal pada 24 Desember lalu. Tidak ada korban jiwa dalam kebakaran tersebut.

Dari keterbukaan informasi, kronologi kejadian kebakaran diketahui oleh Satpam pabrik siang hari pada 24 Desember lalu. Pada saat tersebut pabrik ini libur sehingga tidak ada proses produksi di dalam pabrik.

Menurut Iswar Deni, Corporate Secretary PT Pan Brothers Tbk, alasan kebakaran sampai saat ini belum diketahui. Yang jelas, hanya ada satu pabrik yang ludes terbakar dan berisi mesin jahit dan barang sedang diproduksi serta barang jadi yang rencananya diekspor menjelang akhir tahun.

Sekadar informasi di Sragen ada tiga gedung pabrik yang beroperasi dengan kapasitas produksi sebanyak 3,5 juta potong garmen per tahun. Sampai berita ini diturunkan nilai kerugian dari kebakaran belum bisa dipastikan.

"Tapi ada sebagian garmen yang ekspor yang akhirnya harus tertunda ekspornya sampai Januari depan," kata Iswar saat dihubungi KONTAN, Selasa (27/12).

Ekspor tersebut baik di negara Asia, Eropa, dan Amerika Pasifik. Dengan kejadian ini, emiten berkode dagang PBRX ini akan menyiapkan line produksi baru untuk bisa menunjang produksi. Rencananya line baru ini akan ditambahkan di unit extension yang berlokasi seberang pabrik lama.

Butuh waktu enam minggu untuk set-up mesin dan pengoperasian produksi. Sekarang pabrik di Sragen ini masih kerja dua shift sampai line baru berjalan enam minggu ke depan. Sebenarnya, PBRX juga punya pabrik di Boyolali untuk bisa menunjang produksi, tetapi Iswar mengatakan dengan extension baru sudah cukup untuk nunjang produksi.

"Seluruh yang terbakar sudah diasuransikan, dan kami sudah berkoordinasi dengan pihak asuransi untuk bisa menyelesaikan dampak ini," kata Iswar.

Sumber : Kontan, 27.12.16.

26 Desember 2016

[261216.EN.BIZ] Korean Air Cancels Flights as Pilots Seeking 29pc Pay Rise Go On Strike

KOREAN Air Lines had to cancel nearly 150 passenger and cargo flights last week due to a pilot strike which began last Thursday, according to a customer advisory notice from the airline.

About 180 unionised Korean Air pilots began a 10-day strike on December 22, causing the country's largest airline to cancel 148 flights, including 12 cargo flights, on domestic and international routes.

The Korean Air Pilots Union has been in negotiations with the company for over a year, reportedly seeking a 29 per cent pay increase instead of the 1.9 per cent raise proposed by management, but talks broke down recently, leading to the strike action, American Shipper reported.

"A strike is not our end goal. But the company's proposal for a pay raise is too little for us to accept," a union leader said, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

The walkout is the union's first since December 2005, when Korean Air was forced to cancel more than 1,000 flights and lost more than KWR200 billion (US$167 million) in just four days, according to the Korea Times.

Despite the strike, the airline said it will maintain an operation rate of 97 per cent for international flights, 90 per cent for flights to Jeju and 72 per cent for other domestic flights. Disrupted international routes include those from Incheon to Japan, Hong Kong, China, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia.

Passengers and cargo owners who booked space on the cancelled flights will be offered alternatives or receive refunds, the airline said.

Source : HKSG.

[261216.ID.BIZ] 2017, Kedaung Indah Can Jajaki Afrika Selatan

JAKARTA. Penjualan yang belum begitu membaik di sepanjang tahun ini membuat PT Kedaung Indah Can Tbk (KICI) sulit mendaki untuk memenuhi target yang sudah direncanakan. Meski begitu, Kedaung optimistis untuk meningkatkan pasar ekspor di tahun depan.

Ing Hidayat Karnadi, Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Kedaung Indah Can Tbk, bilang, kemungkinan realisasi target hanya mencapai sekitar 90%, namun pihaknya tetap optimistis untuk memenuhi realisasi target pendapatan 96,32 miliar-Rp 100,9 miliar tahun ini.

Rencananya tahun depan Kedaung Indah Can akan mencoba menjajaki pasar ekspor Afrika Selatan. Namun, Ing bilang, sejauh ini masih dalam tahap penjajakan. "Rencana ada tahun depan, masih proses negosiasi," ujar Ing kepada KONTAN, Jumat (23/12).

Meski belum bisa membeberkan jumlah kenaikan porsi ekspor di tahun depan, yang pasti pihaknya memperkirakan tahun depan akan lebih baik dibanding tahun ini.

Asal tahu, kontribusi terbesar penjualan ekspor KICI pada negara Amerika Serikat menyumbang penjualan hingga 83,42% terhadap total penjualan ekspor. Seperti diketahui, di kuartal III-2016 ini porsi ekspor hanya menyumbang 21,3% dan pasar lokal menyumbang 78,6% pada pendapatan KICI.

"Sebelumnya, ekspor kita bisa menyentuh 40% namun saat ini hanya sekitar 30%, maka itu tahun depan kami kembangkan lagi," ungkapnya.

Sumber : Kontan, 26.12.16.

25 Desember 2016

[251216.EN.BIZ] Box Ship Scrapping Rises in 2016 to 700,000 TEU, Panamaxes First To Go

THE number of containerships scrapped this year - as of December 20 - stands at 201 accounting for 700,000 slots, according to London shipbroker Braemar ACM, a dramatic increase compared to 187,500 TEU for the whole of 2015.

This rapid acceleration in containership demolition - particularly of panamax vessels, whose book values plummeted by 60 per cent this year to be on par with scrap value - has helped to slowdown the rise of the idle tonnage fleet, reported London's Loadstar.

The number of box ship in hot or cold lay-up by December 12 had dropped to 336 from 357 vessels two weeks previously, according to Alphaliner.

The drop was not only due to scrapping, but also to an increase in charter activity in the 1,000-3,000 TEU sizes, where there has been a dearth of newbuild deliveries in the past few years.

Nevertheless, at 1.4 million TEU the number of redundant container slots still remains higher than in the 2008/2009 during global financial crisis, and represents 7.1 per cent of the world's containership fleet.

Meanwhile, the bankruptcy of Hanjin Shipping continues to impact the larger ship sizes, with 51 vessels of 7,500 TEU and above in lay-up. Alphaliner reported that 34 ships previously operated by Hanjin, ranging from 7,000 TEU to 13,000 TEU, are idle, a figure which includes 28 vessels that have been redelivered to, or recovered by, their owners.

Until next April, when the Ocean and THE Alliance vessel-sharing groups formally commence operation, "prospects remain dim" for the largest ship sizes, said the analyst. However, it does expect a "spur in chartering activity" as the new alliances bed in.

Source : HKSG.



24 Desember 2016

[241216.EN.BIZ] King Abdullah Port's New Berth 5 And 6 to Open Soon to Bulk, Ro/Ro Cargo

THE construction of Berth 5 and 6 at King Abdullah Port in Saudi Arabia is expected to be completed at the start of the first quarter in 2017, raising the port's annual handling capacity to four million TEU.

The management of King Abdullah Port said it expects to finalise the first phase of bulk cargo terminals with a capacity of three million tons, in addition to the ro/ro terminals with a capacity of 300,000 CEU in a few weeks' time, reported Maritime Logistics Professional.

Managing director Eng. Abdullah Hameedadin of the Ports Development Company, the owner and operator of King Abdullah Port, said the expansion works will help "extend the port's reach to the most important trade hubs in the region and the world, solidifying the roles of the private sector in general, and King Abdullah Port in particular, in achieving Vision 2030."

Located on the Red Sea on one of the world's busiest shipping lanes and with direct access to extensive transportation networks and urban centres, King Abdullah Port is the first privately-owned, developed and operated commercial port in Saudi Arabia. Last year, the port's annual throughput rose to 1.27 million TEU.

Source : HKSG.



23 Desember 2016

[231216.EN.BIZ] French Reefer Truck Major Expands Into Holland With Buy-in and Buy-out

FRENCH reefer truck operator STEF has expanded in the Netherlands with the acquisition of Dutch counterpart Vers-Express and the purchase of a minority stake in Netko.

STEF, with 2015 revenues of EUR2.8 billion (US$2.9 billion), also bought Speksnijder in 2014 and runs three Dutch companies and offer 16,000 square metres of reefer warehousing, reports Lloyd's Loading List.

STEF is now positioned to cover the whole of the Netherlands in temperature-controlled transport and logistics, said deputy CEO Serge Capitaine.

It also operates reefer trucking in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Italy and from December 1 under the unified brand STEF Europe.

Now the biggest reefer trucker in Europe, STEF is also is in partnership with leading German frozen-food logistics operator Nordfrost.

STEF operates 200 offices and warehouses in Europe that runs a fleet of 1,900 vehicles and 1,950 refrigerated trailers.

Source : HKSG.



22 Desember 2016

[221216.EN.BIZ] Boeing Inks US$16.6 Billion Deal With Iran Air for 80 Aircraft

BOEING has finalised a US$16.6 billion contract to sell 80 passenger aircraft to Iran Air, comprising 50 B737s and 30 B777s, with deliveries slated to commence in 2018 and continue over a 10-year period, according to managing director Farhad Parvaresh of Iran's Civil Aviation Organization.

The sale followed President Barack Obama's lifting of economic sanctions on Iran in September. Shortly after the deal was signed, the US Treasury Department approved the delivery of Boeing passenger aircraft to Iran, reported UPI.

The lifting of sanctions is an offshoot of the Iran accord, reached in July 2015 between the United Nations Security Council members -- the United States, Britain, China, France and Russia -- and Germany. The agreement was opposed by Republican legislators and President-elect Donald Trump, who called it "the stupidest deal of all time."

Boeing touted the benefits of the deal for US workers. "Today's agreement will support tens of thousands of US jobs directly associated with production and delivery of the 777-300ERs and nearly 100,000 US jobs in the US aerospace value stream for the full course of deliveries," the aircraft manufacturer was cited as saying in a release.

Source : HKSG.



21 Desember 2016

[211216.EN.BIZ] Moody's Downgrades Maersk's Credit Rating With a Negative Outlook

MOODY's Investors Service has downgraded Danish shipping giant A P Moller-Maersk's credit rating, putting on pressure on the container shipper as it juggles a major restructuring with a multi-billion dollar acquisition of German rival, Hamburg Sud
Moody's said the downgrade from Baa1 to Baa2 with a negative outlook "reflects Maersk's deteriorating credit profile", according to Reuters.

The credit rating firm put the Danish shipping company under review in September, when it announced a split-up to focus on the shipping business and spin off its energy assets.

"(Maersk's) operations will be less diverse and potentially less protected from a downturn in its end markets," Moody's said in a statement.

Maersk's debt to operating profit ratio - a measure of a company's ability to cover its debt - climbed to 2.5 over the twelve months until the end of September, above Moody's downgrade benchmark of 2.25, the rating agency said.

Last month, Standard & Poor's lowered the company's credit rating to BBB from BBB+ with a negative outlook.

The current ratings from both agencies are still considered investment grade, and Maersk stressed at its capital markets day last week it was committed to maintain that, even if it meant selling assets or cutting dividends.

Maersk agreed this month to buy Hamburg Sud, the world's seventh-largest container shipping line, at an undisclosed price. It's also trying to spin off its oil and gas business, but merger talks with DONG Energy, which has put its North Sea oil and gas assets up for sale, have stalled, sources told Reuters last week.

Source : HKSG.

[211216.ID.BIZ] SISLOGNAS: Wacana Superhub Konsolidasi Kargo Jadi Polemik

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Pengusaha di industri logistik mempertanyakan kebijakan BUMN kepelabuhanan terkait dengan penetapan konsolidasi kargo ekspor untuk alih muat (transshipment) di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok.

Sebelumnya, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I-IV membuat kesepakatan untuk menetapkan dua pelabuhan, Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, untuk menjadi superhub yang fokus menjalankan transshipment atau alih muat ke kapal besar tujuan ekspor.

Yukki N. Hanafi, Ketua Asosiasi Logistik dan Forwarder Indonesia (ALFI) yang juga menjabat sebagai Chairman Asean Federation of Forwarders Association (AFFA), mempertanyakan kejelasan konsep superhub yang akan diterapkan BUMN pelabuhan.

Hal ini, ujarnya, karena tidak ada konsep pelabuhan demikian dalam tata kepelabuhanan nasional ataupun internasional sekalipun.

Berdasarkan cetak biru Sistem Logistik Nasional (Sislognas), hub internasional sudah ditetapkan di Pelabuhan Kuala Tanjung dan Bitung. Jika dari pemerintah mendukung hal ini, tentu harus ada revisi dari cetak biru tersebut.

"Berkaitan double handling, saya tidak bisa membayangkan kalau [kargo ekspor] dari Sumatra harus ke Jakarta dulu atau Makassar ke Surabaya atau ke Jakarta. Saya melihat ada potensi kenaikan biaya logistik di situ," ujarnya kepada Bisnis, Selasa (21/12/2016).

Dia memahami keinginan mendatangkan kapal besar ke Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok dalam rangka persaingan dengan Singapura dan Malaysia. Namun, operator pelabuhan dan pemerintah harus mengalkulasikan kapasitas volume kapal besar yang dibutuhkan untuk masuk ke Indonesia.

"Ini tidak ada jaminan. Semua kapal besar itu sudah ada hubungan dengan [pelabuhan] Singapura dan Malaysia," tegasnya.

Lebih lanjut, dia mengatakan pemerintah dan BUMN harus melihat adanya kargo dengan kebutuhan khusus yang harus cepat dikirim, seperti produk sayur, buah dan ikan segar.

Kargo jenis tersebut tidak mungkin mengunakan sistem pooling di satu pelabuhan karena akan memperlama waktu pengiriman. Kebijakan ini, lanjutnya, akhirnya mematikan direct call ke pelabuhan lain karena menganggu muatan di daerah. "Tidak akan ada [direct call] yang masuk [ke daerah]," ujarnya.

Dia membenarkan ada kemungkinan pengalihan pajak ekspor daerah dari pengapalan internasional ke Ibu kota, lokasi Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok.

Aulia Febrial Fatwa, Ketua Asosiasi Badan Usaha Pelabuhan Indonesia, menuturkan penetapan transshipment kapal besar di Pulau Jawa tidak sesuai dengan Sislognas. Di dalam Sislognas, sudah jelas hub internasional di Pelabuhan Kuala Tanjung dan Bitung.


Dia menambahkan kebijakan ini akan mengancam keamanan dan pertahanan nasional karena kapal asing masuk langsung ke perairan tengah Indonesia.

Selain itu, dia menilai kebijakan ini jika diterapkan untuk kargo ekspor saja akan berpotensi meningkatkan biaya logistik karena adanya double handling. Biaya logistik tinggi menekan daya saing eksportir. "Kalau ekspor ke Jakarta dulu, itu salah kaprah. Cost-nya seperti apa," ungkapnya.

Sementara itu, dia menilai jika konsolidasi kargo ditujukan untuk barang impor, pengusaha pelayaran nasional bisa diuntungkan. Di sisi lain, dia mempertanyakan dominasi Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok karena semua arus barang dan peti kemas akan mengalir ke sana.

Senator Nur Bahagia, Guru Besar Teknik ITB, mengatakan kebijakan superhub seharusnya ditekankan untuk konsolidasi barang impor. Sementara itu, dia menegaskan direct call harus tetap mengakomodasi produk ekspor.

"Menurut Sislognas, kita itu mempermudah ekspor dan memberikan barriers to entry untuk impor melalui pintu tertentu. Itu ada konsepnya, daerah terdepan dan terdalam kan," tegasnya.

Direktur Utama PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) Elvyn G. Masassya mengatakan superhub ini nantinya tidak akan menutup kesempatan pelabuhan di bawah BUMN lain untuk melakukan direct call atau pengapalan langsung.

"Direct call atau direct export tetap tercatat di situ. Pemerintah daerah akan mendapat pendapatan dari ekspornya," paparnya setelah Rakor Pelindo I-IV di Makassar, Senin (20/12).

Dia mencontohkan kargo ekspor dikumpulkan di Tanjung Priok dan dimuat ke dalam kapal besar sehingga tidak perlu melakukan transshipment di Singapura. Konsep superhub ini, lanjutnya, segera diterapkan pada tahun depan.

Sementara itu, Menteri Perhubungan Budi Karya Sumadi mengaku senang adanya sinergi antara Pelindo I-IV terkait konsep superhub ini.

"Saya senang karena koordinasi mereka saling memberi. Ada kesepakatan antara mereka mengenai hub dan superhub. Yang jadi superhub mungkin ada dua, Priok dan Perak, yang lain hub juga. Proses ekspor terjadi di masing-masing pelabuhan, tetapi transshipment hanya di titik tersebut," ungkapnya.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 21.12.16.

20 Desember 2016

[201216.EN.BIZ] IHS Commentary Doubts Oversupply Will End as Soon as Maersk Says It Will

HOWEVER foolish it may be for global shipping to order new ships in today's over-supplied market, it may be the only way for smaller shipping lines to survive.

That's the view taken by an IHS Media commentary discussing Maersk group CEO Soren Skou "rosy view" expressed during the company's capital markets day that today's supply and demand crisis would end by 2022.

"That far-away horizon allows for any number of scenarios to derail the largest container line's time frame: new carriers entering the market, new ship orders, worse than expected trade growth, and political events, to name just a few," said the IHS commentary.

"The newest entrant, Korea Line has signalled it might be open to ordering new ships because shipbuilding prices are low. The South Korean government also is eager to prop up its ailing shipping industry, having proposed a state-supported ship financing vehicle with initial capital of KRW1 trillion won (US$851 million)," it said.

"That's something Hyundai Merchant Marine could draw on as its successful restructuring made it eligible for state aid to order new mega-ships, and Korea Line outbid it for now-defunct Hanjin Shipping's transpacific networks," said the commentary, later noting Iran's IRISL's plans to order new ships.

Said Korea Line chairman Woo Oh-hyeon: "In the past, building a new ship cost KRW50 billion. Now, you just need KRW10 billion to build a ship with a lifespan of up to 17 years."

To this, the IHS commentary said: "By offering freight rates 10 per cent lower than transpacific competitors, Korea Line envisions grabbing market share with the 21 ships it plans to deploy on the trade lane in early 2017."

Source : HKSG.

[201216.ID.BIZ] PTPN III Rogoh Rp 3 T Revitalisasi Pabrik di 2017

JAKARTA. PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) III berencana membenahi sejumlah pabrik serta meningkatkan produktivitas lahan di tahun depan. PTPN III sekarang menjadi induk usaha atau holding dari 14 perusahaan perkebunan milik negara.

Pembenahan pabrik akan dimulai pada awal tahun dan ditargetkan selesai pada April 2017. Sebab, di paruh kedua 2017, PTPN III akan memaksimalkan kapasitas produksinya.

Erwan Pelawi Direktur Keuangan dan Korporasi PT Perkebunan Nusantara III mengatakan, untuk revitalisasi pabrik di tahun depan butuh modal sekitar Rp 3 triliun. Sebagian dari pabrik yang dioperasikan PTPN masih banyak yang tidak efisien serta produktivitasnya di bawah rata-rata. Sekadar informasi, saat ini PTPN III (holding) mempunyai sekitar 43 unit pabrik gula, 66 unit pabrik karet, dan 73 unit pabrik kelapa sawit.

PTPN III sebagai holding juga akan meningkatkan produktivitas empat komoditas yaitu kelapa sawit, karet, gula, dan teh. Salah satu cara yang dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan proses pemupukan rutin, penambahan jumlah penyadap karet, dan lainnya.

Perusahaan ini juga akan melakukan penguatan strategi pemasaran, implementasi TI terintegrasi, entreprise resources planning, dan e-procurement terintegrasi.

Untuk melakukan semua aksi bisnis tersebut, total dana yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan sekitar Rp 6 triliun. Saat ini perusahaan gencar berkomunikasi dengan perbankan untuk mendapatkan pinjaman guna memenuhi kebutuhan modal di tahun depan.

Erwan mengaku, tiga perbankan BUMN (BNI, BRI, dan Bank Mandiri) sudah sepakat untuk membantu penyediaan modal kerja. "Belum diketahui jumlahnya. BCA sudah sepakat memberikan pinjaman sebesar Rp 450 miliar, dan ada bank lain seperti DBS dan Bank Exim yang juga potensial," katanya, Senin (19/12).

Sumber : Kontan, 19.12.16.

19 Desember 2016

[191216.EN.SEA] Rickmers to Manage Samudera Indonesia's 2 Supramax Bulk Carriers

SAMUDERA Indonesia has selected Rickmers Shipmanagement to be its new technical manager of two supramax bulk carriers including their crewing.

As one of Indonesia's largest liner companies with containerships in its fleet, Samudera also owns LPG tankers and the two bulk carriers.

Rickmers said that the new contract strengthens the diversification of its fleet in third-party management. The Group has also recently won Westfal-Larsen as a new customer, adding 16 ships to its fleet under management which now numbers 115 vessels.

Rickmers Group CEO Dr Ignace Van Meenen explains: "Our shipmanagement approach is based on a particularly high level of transparency ensured by extensive technical, financial and operational reporting, and supported by our focus on energy efficiency and performance monitoring.

"This approach provides our customers with immediate benefits and has been independently confirmed by our positive rating by RightShip of 4.7 out of five possible points," he adds.

Source : HKSG.

[191216.ID.BIZ] KAI Luncurkan Railpay Untuk Berbagai Transaksi

JAKARTA. PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) meluncurkan kartu pembayaran dan membership dengan nama Railpay yang bisa digunakan untuk melakukan berbagai transaksi. Kartu prepaid ini menggandeng tiga bank pelat merah yakni PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BNI), PT Bank Mandiri Tbk dan PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI).

Railpay bisa digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran di berbagai transaksi mulai dari pembayaran tike KRL, kereta apai jarak jauh, tiket pesawat, tikel kapal laut, tiket Damri, Transjakarta, dan pembayaran tol.

Selain itu, kartu ini juga bisa digunakan untuk pembayaran parkir, pembayaran BBM di SPBU Pertamina, belanja di Sarinah dan toko retail seperti Indomaret, Alfamidi, Lawson, Superindo dan lain-lain serta pembayaran tagihan PLN, Telkom, Indovision dan First Media.

Edi Sukmoro, Direktur Utama KAI mengatakan sinergi BUMN lewat Railpay tersebut dilakukan untuk memberikan kemudahan konektivitas intermoda transportasi serta kemudahan bertraksasi secara cashless.

"Untuk kereta api dan KRL, kartu ini memberikan kemudahan bertraksi bagi penumpang. Maklum jumlah penumpang kereta trus mengalami peningkatan. Saat ini sudah mencapai 850.000 penumpang per hari," kata Edi di Jakarta, Senin (19/12).

Kartu Railpay ini diharapkan bisa mewadahi traksaksi di 118 perusahaan BUMN yang memiliki kepentingan sesuai dengan arahan Menteri BUMN. Hingga akhir tahun, KAI menargetkan akan menerbitkan 200 kartu.

Meskipun telah hadir kartu multifungsi tersebut, Edi bilang, kartu yang selama ini telah ada sebagai alat pembayaran tiket ketera api dan KRL, masih tetap bisa digunakan.

Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno menyambut baik kehadiran kartu Railpay tersebut. Menurutnya, terobosan yang dilakukan KAI akan meningkatkan daya saing kereta api yang kompetitif sebagai alat transportasi yang semakin diandalkan.

Sementara untuk bisa mendapatakan kartu Railpay, Edi mengatakan, pelanggan harus register terlebih dahulu agar menjaid member di mobile KAI Acces dan sudah melakukan sejumlah transaksi pembelian tiket kereta api pada aplikasi tersebut dalam kurun waktu satu tahun.

Selanjutnya, KAI akan mengirimkan email pemberitahuan kepada pelanggan yang memenuhi kriteria tersebut dan diminta melngkapi data yang dibutuhkan. Setelah data lengkat, kartu Railpay akan dikirimkan ke alama masing-masing pelanggan. "Jadi kartu ini tidak dijual," jelas Edi.

Sumber : Kontan, 19.12.16.

18 Desember 2016

[181216.EN.SEA] Hyundai Merchant Marine Relegated to Slot Buyer in Humiliating 2M Deal

KOREA's troubled Hyundai Merchant Marine (HMM) has been relegated to slot buyer in its association with the giant 2M Alliance from full membership to something much less.

Under the new arrangement the 2M Alliance members Maersk Line and Mediterranean Shipping Co (MSC), will take control and marketing of HMM vessels on the Asia-Europe and Asia US east coast routes, according to Alphaliner.

Bad as it is the deal, announced December 11, has at least won the support of HMM's main shareholder Korea Development Bank, which had originally sought 2M membership for its continued financial backing.

The new deal to take effect in April, subject to regulatory approval, is for three years. Under the agreement, HMM will purchase slots on the 2M routes connecting Asia with North Europe, the Mediterranean and the US east coast, while continuing to operate Asia-US west coast services on its own, with Maersk and MSC taking slots.

HMM chief executive Yoo Changkeun told a press conference his company could still join the 2M Alliance if its balance sheet becomes healthy in three years.

Alphaliner said despite the highly unfavourable terms, HMM had little choice but to accept, since it was left out of the other two east-west vessel sharing agreements.

Said veteran observer SeaIntel CEO Lars Jensen. "This makes it clear that HMM is now in a direct fight for survival with a limited range of options, none of which appears very attractive. This will stem the bleeding from the east-west trades and eliminate the alliance issues, but let's keep in mind that the intra-Asian market is also highly competitive."

Source : HKSG.

[181216.ID.BIZ] POLY Garap Serat Untuk Otomotif

JAKARTA. Industri serat dan benang PT Asia Pacific Fibers Tbk menargetkan pertumbuhan penjualan 10% di tahun 2017. Pertumbuhan pendapatan diharapkan datang dari industri non tekstil dan produk tekstil (TPT).

Ravi Shankar, Presiden Direktur Asia Pacific Fibers bilang, saat ini perseroan menggarap pasar serat sektor otomotif atau serat untuk mobil. Terkait produksi serat otomotif, emiten berkode saham POLY ini mengandalkan pabrik di Cikarang. “Kami sudah memproduksi serat untuk otomotif, dan salah satu merek mobil yang telah menjadi langganan kami adalah Toyota,” kata Ravi, Jumat (16/12).

Tak hanya mengincar pasar Indonesia, Ravi menargetkan serat untuk industri mobil tersebut bisa melawat ke berbagai negara. Untuk keperluan produksi, POLY telah membeli teknologi dari Eropa. Maka itu, Ravi juga menargetkan suatu saat nanti bisa ekspor serat untuk industri otomotif tersebut ke Eropa, Brasil, India, Thailand dan Jepang.

Ravi menjelaskan, upaya diversifikasi serat dan benang dilakukan saat kondisi bisnis TPT sedang lesu. Ravi bilang, saat ini industri TPT di dalam negeri tergerus oleh produk impor. Alhasil, industri TPT di dalam negeri sulit tumbuh dan kapasitas produksinya tak jauh berubah.

Maka itu, pilihan melakukan diversifikasi produk menjadi pilihan yang bijaksana bagi industri bahan baku tekstil seperti mereka. “Meski begitu, 80% produk kami masih menyasar pasar TPT, sisanya baru untuk non TPT,” jelas Ravi, yang telah mencairkan dana belanja modal sekitar US$ 10 juta untuk meningkatkan teknologi mesin.

Sumber : Kontan, 17.12.16.

17 Desember 2016

[171216.EN.BIZ] Maersk to Lower Capital Expenditure in a Bid to Improve Rating

DANISH business conglomerate A P Moller-Maersk may consider selling assets or cutting dividends as it seeks to retain its credit rating, the company said.

Maersk's Baa1 credit rating was put under review for a downgrade by Moody's in September, after it announced it would split up the company to focus on the shipping business and spin off its energy assets, The Maritime Executive reported.

Last month, Standard & Poor's lowered the company's credit rating to BBB from BBB+ with a negative outlook.

"We would like to send a very clear message today that we are committed to remain investment grade rated," chief executive Soren Skou told investors at its capital markets day in Copenhagen recently.

Cheap financing was a key argument of having a diversified business, but as the conglomerate is split up, it also becomes more exposed to the cyclical changes in the shipping industry.

Mr Skou said the company aimed to reduce capital expenditure in its transport and logistics division from around US$6 billion this year to $5.5 billion next year and $4 billion in 2018, while keeping new investments in its energy business at a minimum.

Maersk's energy business accounted for more than one-third of the company's EBITDA in the first nine months of the year.

"If it becomes necessary, we will also look at divestments and other cash flow enhancing measures," Mr Skou said.

"Finally, our board will also consider the dividend in line with our policy," he said, noting that Maersk last reduced annual dividends to shareholders in 2009.

Maersk also pointed out that it is targeting return on invested capital in its transport and logistics business at above 8.5 per cent while at the same time growing revenue.

In its first major deal since the restructuring was announced in September, Maersk said this month it would buy German rival Hamburg Sud in a cash deal, although it did not disclose the value of the deal. Hamburg Sid is the world's seventh largest container shipping line and a leader in the North–South trades. The company operates 130 container vessels with a container capacity of 625,000 TEU.

The acquisition of Hamburg Sud will replace some 60 per cent of revenue lost when A P Moller-Maersk spins off its energy division, the head of the Danish company said.

The energy division, which includes exploration and production, tankers and drilling, made up a quarter of Maersk's revenue last year, around $9.8 billion.

In comparison, Hamburg Sud had revenue of around $6 billion. "We intend to replace that lost turnover quickly through organic and inorganic growth," Mr Skou said, noting that Hamburg Sud's revenue last year totalled some 15 per cent of Maersk's total revenue.

With the acquisition, Maersk Line will have container capacity of around 3.8 million TEU and an 18.6 per cent global capacity share. The combined fleet will consist of 741 container vessels with an average age of 8.7 years.

Source : HKSG.

[171216.ID.BIZ] Michelin & Kemenperin Sepakati Tiga Hal Kerjasama

JAKARTA. Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto dengan Secretary General and Vice President Public Affairs Michelin East-Asia and Oceania, Segsarn Trai-Ukos menggelar pertemuan di Jakarta, Jumat (16/12). Mereka menyepakati tiga bidang kerja sama yang dapat didorong oleh Kemenperin dengan industri ban asal Prancis tersebut.

Pertama, pertemuan membahas kerja sama untuk peningkatan akses pasar ban Indonesia ke luar negeri khususnya pasar Amerika dan Eropa. Kedua, pengembangan bisnis retreading tire atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai vulkanisir. “Bisnis vulkanisir ini dikhususkan untuk ban pesawat terbang,” ujar Airlangga. Michelin sendiri sebelumnya telah mengembangkan bisnis retreading tire di Thailand.

Menurut Menperin, teknologi dan keahlian Michelin dapat membantu pengembangan industri vulkanisir ban pesawat di Indonesia sekaligus mengikis persepsi negatif selama ini.

Apalagi industri manufaktur pesawat dan industri transportasi udara terus berkembang. “Selain itu, hal ini juga dapat menekan cost dan turut serta dalam menjaga lingkungan,” tuturnya.

Kerja sama ketiga, yang perlu dijajaki adalah pemanfaatan ban bekas. Michelin diharapkan dapat membantu pemanfaatan ban bekas untuk diolah menjadi unsur pembangunan jalan, sehingga Indonesia dapat menggunakan limbah ban bekas untuk pembangunan infrastruktur sekaligus mengurangi kerusakan lingkungan.

“Sebagai contoh, saat ini terdapat 80 juta kendaraan bermotor roda dua sehingga total ada 160 juta ban. Dengan rata-rata pemakaian selama 1,5-2 tahun, maka akan banyak limbah ban bekas yang dapat dimanfaatkan,” ungkap Airlangga.

Dirjen Industri Kimia Tekstil dan Aneka (IKTA) Kemenperin Achmad Sigit Dwi Wahjono, yang mendampingi Menperin pada pertemuan itu juga menyampaikan, produsen ban asal Prancis tersebut menanyakan lebih rinci terkait Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Nomor 77 tahun 2016 tentang Ketentuan Impor Ban. “Pada dasarnya peraturan ini dibuat sebagai upaya untuk menyerap karet alam Indonesia serta mengundang investasi, mengingat importasi ban nasional naik 35% tahun lalu,” ujarnya.

Dengan adanya regulasi tersebut, untuk mendapatkan izin importasi ban, salah satu persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi adalah memiliki rekomendasi dari Dirjen IKTA Kemenperin. Selain itu, diperlukan surat penunjukan dari prinsipal pemegang merek atau pabrik di luar negeri yang disahkan notaris publik dan atase perdagangan negara setempat.

Sigit menjelaskan, upaya impor ban dapat dilakukan melalui Pusat Logistik Berikat (PLB) yang ada di Indonesia, sehingga tidak lagi memerlukan rekomendasi dari Kemenperin.

Menurutnya, Michelin dapat memilih cara yang ingin digunakan untuk impor ban. "Kalau lewat PLB, mereka tidak perlu rekomendasi dan tidak perlu pre-shipment dari negara asal. Jadi, bisa langsung masuk ke sana. Kita kan punya 9 PLB," jelasnya.

Sumber : Kontan, 16.12.16.

13 Desember 2016

[131216.EN.BIZ] 'No' to HMM's 2M Membership, But 'Yes' to Slot Deal with Maersk, MSC

DANISH shipping giant Maersk Line and Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) will enter a three-year "strategic cooperation" agreement with Hyundai Merchant Marine (HMM), but the Korean carrier will not be joining the 2M Alliance.

The cooperation deal begins in April 2017, subject to regulatory approval, and will be a combination of slot exchanges and slot purchases between the three parties. Maersk Line and MSC will also take over a number of charters and operations of vessels that are currently chartered to HMM, Maersk Line said in a statement, IHS Media reported.

"We are pleased to enter into this strategic cooperation with Hyundai Merchant Marine, Korea's leading container carrier," said Soren Toft, chief operating officer at Maersk Line. "It will enable us to enhance our 2M network and presence in the important trans-Pacific trade."

HMM signed a memorandum of understanding with 2M in July, a move some saw as a lifeline thrown to the struggling carrier that may have influenced its survival and the demise of fellow Korean carrier Hanjin at the end of August.

Business Korea reported the latest news by stating that HMM is now a half-fledged member of the 2M Alliance and dubbed the new looser cooperative relationship as "2M+H Strategic Cooperation".

The Maersk Line statement said that although the cooperation would be outside the scope of MSC and Maersk Line's 2M vessel sharing agreement, it would provide HMM access to the 2M network. For Maersk Line the cooperation will provide new opportunities, specifically in the trans-Pacific trade where 2M will have access to the strong HMM products.

The initial term of the cooperation is three years with an option to extend and covers key East-West trades. The parties said they expected to disclose more information about network changes and schedules in early 2017.

The addition of HMM to the 2M would have added only a 2 per cent boost to 2M capacity on the trans-Pacific, maritime analyst Drewry has said. The additional capacity available to Maersk comes after a third quarter when the company's container volumes grew 11 per cent versus total market growth that the carrier estimated at only 1 per cent to 3 per cent, as trans-Pacific traffic increased 14 per cent.

HMM nearly went bankrupt over the summer, avoiding such an outcome in dramatic fashion following down-to-the-wire negotiations with shipowners and creditors. As part of those efforts, HMM successfully secured charter rate reductions of 20 per cent from Danaos Corporation, Eastern Pacific Shipping, Zodiac Maritime Agencies, Navios Maritime, and Capital Ship Management Corporation.

Source : HKSG.