30 Desember 2018

[301218.EN.BIZ] Port Automation Faces Costs, Operational Challenges: McKinsey

A NEW report from research and consulting firm McKinsey & Co says the global port sector has been much slower to automate than other comparable industries, but that may be changing.

In its report, McKinsey noted several potential benefits of process automation for container ports, including safer working conditions, fewer human-related disruptions and more predictable performance.

The firm cited high up-front costs and "significant" operational challenges such as poor data quality, a lack of communication across silos and difficulties with exception management as the top factors hindering port automation efforts.

"On the face of it, container ports seem ideal placed to automate," the report said. "The physical environment is structured and predictable. Many activities are repetitive and straightforward. They generate vast amounts of readily collected and processed data. Better still, the value from automation includes not only cost savings but also performance and safety gains for ports and the companies that do business there.

"Nonetheless, ports are moving more slowly than sectors with comparable complexities, in part because the economics of automating them haven't lived up to expectations."

McKinsey pointed to the mining, warehousing and automotive manufacturing sectors as examples of industries that have reduced costs and improved productivity as a result of automation. The firm estimates early adopters of automation in the mining industry have shaved as much as 20 per cent off their operating expenses and increased their outputs by as much as 40 per cent, while warehouse operators have seen a 10 per cent decline in costs and a 30 per cent rise in productivity.

According to the report, there are nearly 40 cargo ports around the world using some form of process automation at a total investment cost of at least $10 billion. McKinsey projects this spending will accelerate in the near term, with ports and terminal operators expected to spend another $10 billion to $15 billion in the next five years.

The firm cautioned that it takes careful planning and management but said those ports that are successful in their automation efforts can decrease operating expenses 25 per cent to 55 per cent and increase productivity by 10 to 35 per cent.

Port asset management firms and transportation providers expect at least half of all greenfield port projects in the next five years to be semi- or fully automated, while 35 per cent said the number of automated ports will rise to above seven in ten.

McKinsey estimates that in order to justify the high cost of an automated greenfield port terminal, expenses would have to be 25 per cent lower than with a conventional facility or productivity would have to increase 30 per cent along with a 10 per cent decline in costs. But according to the report, survey respondents said the reality of terminal automation tends to fall short of expectations, with operating expenses generally falling only 15 per cent to 35 per cent and productivity actually declining 7 per cent to 15 per cent.

Given that the survey also indicated personnel capabilities, data quality, siloed operations and exception handling were the biggest impediments to realising the promised cost and productivity benefits of automation, McKinsey recommended ports "start with a blank slate" to build automation-ready capabilities, create a collaborative environment by coordinating and communicating automation efforts across various departments and stakeholders, test any new systems extensively before putting them into operation, incorporate external data into automation systems and clearly define implementation, productivity and cost targets ahead of time.

Source : HKSG.

[301218.ID.BIZ] LRT Fase I Ditargetkan Mulai Operasi Februari Tahun 2019

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Proyek Light Rapid Transit (LRT) fase pertama saat ini sedang dalam pengujian dan hamper rampung. Namun pengoperasiannya akan mulai dijalankan pada Februari 2019. Hal ini karena menunggu pengoperasian sky bridge rampung.

“Kita maunya operasi itu sudah langsung koneksi kan sama ini (sky bridge). Nah, target kami ini sekarang kan fokus supaya koneksi itu bisa selesai di Februari, sambil kita paralelkan uji operasinya (trial run),” kata Direktur Proyek Jakpro Iwan Takwin di Thamrin City, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (19/12).

Uji operasi saat ini masih dilakukan dengan pengawasan kementerian perhubungan. Dijadwalkan uji coba ini akan rampung di Januari. Selanjutnya saat ini progress LRT sudah mencapai 95 % dari main line dan untuk struktur jembatannya sudah 100 %.

“Sambil kita finalisasi, menyelesaikan koneksi ini. Jadi begitu nanti selesai trial run, semuanya udah aman, sudah kita operasikan. Mungkin akan menyeberang ke awal Februari,” ungkapnya.

LRT fase pertama akan beroperasi dengan rute Kelapa Gading – Velodrome. LRT Fase I ini merupakan proyek dari PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) yang akan dioperasikan oleh anak perusahaannya PT LRT Jakarta.

Untuk tariff, Iwan menegaskan akan terintegrasi dengan moda transportasi TransJakarta. Sistem integrasi tarif ini sedang dibahas antara TransJakarta dan LRT.

Model ini disebut single trip di mana usai penumpang menggunakan LRT, dan berpindah ke TransJakarta pembayaran juga terintegrasi dengan TransJakarta.

“Kalau kita kan modelnya single trip, kita sistemnya satu tarif nih, jadikan gampang tinggal dipotong aja (untuk ke TransJakarta). Nanti kan tapping out dulu, misalnya dia dari LRT, keluar dari LRT baru masuk ke busway, begitu pun juga sebaliknya selama tidak keluar stasiun,” jelasnya.

Sumber : Kontan, 19.12.18.

29 Desember 2018

[291218.EN.SEA] ] DP World's Fairview Terminal in Canada Hits Landmark 1m TEU Throughput

CANADA's port of Prince Rupert has celebrated a new milestone, the Fairview container terminal handling its one millionth container (TEU) for the first time in a calendar year.

The one millionth market was reached when a 40-foot TEU was loaded with dimensional lumber in Prince George before being shipped to Prince Rupert by train and loaded onto the Cosco Africa containership to be sent to market.

"Reaching one million TEU in a calendar year is a significant milestone for the port of Prince Rupert, which demonstrates the success we and our partners have had in building a strategic gateway for transpacific trade, making Prince Rupert one of the fastest growing gateways in North America," said port of Prince Rupert CEO Shaun Stevenson.

Fairview Terminal has come a long way since its first full year of operation in 2008 when it moved just 182,523 TEU. Since then the terminal's Phase 2 North expansion has raised its handling capacity from 500,000 TEU to 1.35 million TEU annually, reported The Northern View, Prince Rupert, Canada.

The next expansion, Phase 2B, will increase the terminal's capacity to 1.8 million TEU by 2022.

The port's continued expansion has been an economic boon for residents of Prince Rupert and the surrounding region. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 505 (ILWU Local 505) has expanded its workforce 425 per cent since the terminal opened in 2007.

DP World general manager Maksim Mihic said: "This accomplishment is also a testament to the strong collaboration and support amongst the supply chain and community partners."

Canadian National Railway president JJ Ruest added: "CN is proud to celebrate such a historic milestone at the port of Prince Rupert with our partners. At CN we are committed to ensuring the gateway continues to operate with fluidity as it continues to grow. As all of our supply chain partners continue to invest in this important gateway."

Source : HKSG / Photo : JoC.

[291218.ID,BIZ] Traveloka Yakin Sektor Travel Online Akan Bertumbuh Pesat di 2025

KONTAN.CO.ID -JAKARTA. Berdasarkan hasil riset dari Google dan Termasek, empat sektor pendorong ekonomi digital di tahun 2025 yakni dari travel online, e-commerce, media online dan transportasi online. Travel online merupakan salah satu sektor yang sedang berkembang di Asia Tenggara.

Di tahun 2018, travel online telah mencapai angka transaksi sebesar US$ 8,6 miliar dan diproyeksi akan meningkat drastis sebesar US$ 25 miliar pada tahun 2025.

Salah satu unicorn start up travel online di Indonesia, Traveloka juga mengalami pertumbuhan positif setiap tahunnya. Busyra Oryza, Public Relation Manager Traveloka menyebutkan pihaknya semakin optimis dengan perkembangan ekonomi digital di tahun 2019 karena semakin banyak masyarakat yang memahami kegunaan internet. “Kami percaya di tahun mendatang akan semakin banyak peluang yang akan dikembangkan,” kata Busyra kepada KONTAN.

Pihaknya akan terus berkomitmen untuk memberikan lebih banyak layanan atau fitur untuk kenyamanan pengguna sebagai salah satu travel onbline di Indonesia. Tentu saja, hal ini menjadi peluang besar di pasar Asia Tenggara dengan populasi 640 juta orang dengan penetrasi internet sekitar 58%.

Ia juga melihat bahwa hasil riset tersebut sedikit demi sedikit smakan sejalan dengan riset Google dan Termasek. Kami melihat tren yang terjadi saat ini sedikit demi sedikit sejalan dengan hasil riset tersebut dan kami harap iklim positif ini dapat terus berjalan dengan baik.

Busyra menambahkan, di tahun 2018 pariwisata dinilai sebagai salah satu sumber pendapatan Indonesia terbesar dengan nilai US$ 17 miliar berdasarkan data Kemenpar. Tahun 2019, diharapkan nilai tersebut bisa mencapai US$ 20 miliar.

Yang perlu diperhatikan untuk mencapai nilai tersebut, Busyra mengatakan perlu adanya sinergi dan kolaborasi yang positif antara pelaku usaha dengan pemangku kepentingan seperti pemerintah, regulator dan partner bisnis untuk terus menjaga iklim bisnis yang baik.

Kemudian, sebagai perusahaan unicorn di Indonesia, pengembangan produk dan inovasi menjadi kunci penting. “Inovasi dan pengembangan produk yang memudahkan serta memberikan kenyamanan bagi pengguna menjadi fokus utama kita,” tutupnya.

Sumber : Kontan, 27.12.18.

28 Desember 2018

[281218.EN.BIZ] DP World and AMOVA Develop Out-of-the-box Storage Rack For Containers

DP World and materials-handling firm AMOVA have joined forces to develop a rack-storage system for shipping containers passing through the port operator's Jebel Ali Terminal.

Instead of stacking containers directly on top of each other, the system places each container in an individual compartment within an 11-storey-tall steel rack. This method creates three times the capacity of a conventional container terminal of equivalent size, reported The Maritime Executive, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

As an additional benefit, the rack carries the weight of the upper containers in the stack, so a container towards the bottom can be accessed without restacking all the boxes on top of it first. This means that container moves will be tightly focused on transferring the cargo in and out, not shuffling it within the terminal.

DP World anticipates large gains in speed, energy efficiency and safety. It will also boost ability to handle peak loads since the company expects that the system will cut the time taken to load and unload mega ships by up to 30 percent.

"As a world first in our industry we are tremendously excited by its potential and ground-breaking features. Our engagement in new technologies is a major priority and we have become known for seeking ways that transform the way goods are moved across the world," said DP World CEO Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem.

The first model of the system will be installed at Jebel Ali Terminal 4. DP World expects it to be ready to commence operations in time for the Dubai Expo 2020 world fair.

Source : HKSG.