31 Oktober 2016

[311016.EN.BIZ] Boxship Fleet Growth Slows To Historic Low Despite Capacity Increase

WHILE fleet capacity increased 8.1 per cent in 2015, fleet growth has slowed since to a point where it is predicted to reach an historic low of 1.6 per cent in full year 2016, notes Clarksons.

"The recent slowdown in fleet growth has largely been driven by a reduced pace of deliveries," said the London shipbrokers.

"Just 700,000 TEU of capacity has been delivered in the year to date, compared to 1.7 million TEU in full year 2015, with large boxships of 8,000+ TEU accounting for the vast majority (almost 90 per cent) of delivered capacity so far in 2016.

"One key driver of slower deliveries this year is the shape of the orderbook; at start 2015, the orderbook scheduled for delivery in 2016 totalled 1.1 million TEU, around 40 per cent lower than deliveries then scheduled for 2015," said Clarksons.

Yet, the non-delivery of the scheduled orderbook has also risen this year from 11 per cent in TEU terms in 2015 to nearly 40 per cent so far this year, say Clarkson analysts.

Meanwhile, containership demolition has picked up, totalling 133 boxships of 45,000 TEU in the first nine months of the year, nearly four times recycling volumes in the same period in 2015.

Scrapping this year has been focused on old panamaxes following the opening of the expanded Panama Canal locks in June, with old panamaxes accounting for nearly half of the capacity scrapped so far this year.

"The dramatic shift in boxship fleet growth this year is partly evidence of the 'market mechanism" at work, as owners attempt to address significant oversupply.

"This should help to recalibrate the supply and demand balance in the boxship sector to some extent, the wind down in the pace of expansion now being seen may prove a helpful start," said Clarkson analysts.

Source : HKSG.

[311016.ID.BIZ] DHL Express Luncurkan Mobile Service Station

JAKARTA. DHL Express berinvestasi untuk pengadaan kendaraan operasional yang berfungsi sebagai Mobile Service Station (MSS). Kendaraan ini ditujukan untuk memangkas waktu layanan. MSS ini ditempatkan di kawasan segitiga emas Jakarta dengan membidik perusahaan-perusahaan di lokasi penting seperti Sudirman, Kuningan dan Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD).

Ahmad Mohamad, Senior Technical Advisor DHL Express Indonesia mengatakan, saat ini baru ada satu unit mobil. Tahun depan, manajemen menargetkan bisa mengoperasikan empat mobil serupa. Untuk mendatangkan satu mobil dengan tipe Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 315 ini memakan biaya sekitar Rp 1,3 miliar.

Mobil tersebut dilengkapi dengan empat CCTV, timbangan, pemindai nirkabel, mesin pencitraan, heavy duty label printer dan konektivitas 4G untuk mengoperasikan jaringan DHL. Setiba di MSS, berkas bisa langsung diproses dan dikirim ke bandara untuk proses ekspor.

Satu unit mobil mampu melayani 50 ton kiriman dan memproses sampai dengan 50.000 pengiriman per tahun. "Kami membidik perusahaan-perusahaan perbankan," ungkapnya. "Meskipun bukan termasuk efisiensi, dengan investasi ini, kami ingin waktu layanan menjadi lebih efisien dan cepat," ujar Ahmad disela-sela peluncuran MSS di Jakarta, Senin (31/10).

Saat ini, perusahaan ingin memfokuskan layanan tersebut di wilayah Jakarta. Untuk daerah lain, perusahaan sudah menyusun rencana serupa. Namun berbeda cara. Misalnya saja dengan membidik wilayah Jawa Tengah yang dinilai memiliki pertumbuhan cukup pesat. "Saat ini permintaan pengiriman dari luar dan dalam negeri hampir seimbang," ujar Ahmad.

Saat ini di wilayah Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta, DHL Express memiliki tiga lokasi service center yakni Yogyakarta, Solo, dan Semarang. "Kami berencana pertengahan tahun depan bisa menghubungkan Jawa Tengah langsung ke Internasional lewat Semarang," imbuhnya.

Sumber : Kontan, 31.10.16.

29 Oktober 2016



[291016.ID.BIZ] KA Ranggajati Jember-Cirebon Beroperasi 1 November

JEMBER. PT Kereta Api Indonesia Daerah Operasi (Daop) 9 Jember meluncurkan satu rangkaian kereta api baru untuk kelas eksekutif dan bisnis, yakni KA Ranggajati jurusan Jember-Cirebon pulang pergi (PP) yang beroperasi mulai 1 November 2016.

"Pengoperasian KA Ranggajati tersebut dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan transportasi kereta api, khususnya bagi warga yang akan bepergian dari Stasiun Jember menuju ke Stasiun Cirebon atau sebaliknya," kata Pelaksana Harian Humas PT KAI Daop 9 Tohari di Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur, Kamis (27/10).

Menurut dia, rangkaian KA Ranggajati tersebut terdiri dari empat kereta eksekutif, empat kereta bisnis, satu kereta makan dan satu kereta pembangkit/bagasi dengan jadwal keberangkatannya di Stasiun Jember pukul 05.00 WIB dan tiba di Stasiun Cirebon pukul 20.35 WIB.

"Dengan dioperasikan KA Ranggajati mulai 1 November 2016, maka jadwal KA Logawa dari Jember tujuan Purwokerto yang semula berangkat dari Stasiun Jember pukul 05.00 WIB berubah menjadi pukul 06.10 WIB," tuturnya.

Untuk kereta kelas bisnis dan eksekutif KA Ranggajati tersebut diberlakukan tarif batas bawah dan tarif batas atas dengan ketentuan kelas eksekutif jarak 0-310 kilometer (km) tarif batas bawahnya Rp170.000 hingga tarif batas atas Rp460.000.

Untuk jarak 311-625 km tarifnya Rp190.000 hingga Rp520.000 dan jarak lebih dari 625 km tarifnya Rp650.000.

Sedangkan untuk kelas bisnis dengan jarak 0-310 km tarif batas bawahnya Rp130.000 hingga Rp390.000 yang merupakan tarif batas atas. jarak 311-625 km tarifnya berkisar Rp140.000 hingga Rp440.000 dan jarak lebih dari 625 kilometer tarifnya berkisar Rp180.000 hingga Rp550.000.

Untuk masa promosi terhitung mulai tanggal 1-30 November 2016 diberlakukan tarif 'single subclass', yakni kelas eksekutif sebesar Rp210.000 untuk jarak 0-310 km, Rp240.000 untuk jarak 311-625 km dan Rp300.000 untuk jarak lebih dari 625 km.

"Sedangkan untuk kelas bisnis berkisar Rp140.000 (0-310 km), Rp160.000 (311-625 km) dan RpRp200.000 (>625 km)," katanya.

Sementara seorang warga Jember Nurmahmudi mengaku gembira dengan peluncuran kereta bisnis dan eksekutif jurusan Jember-Cirebon yang melewati Stasiun Gubeng Surabaya.

"Alhamdulillah ada KA baru dengan tujuan Cirebon, sehingga bisa digunakan sebagai salah satu transportasi pilihan saat libur Lebaran nanti," ujarnya.

Sumber : Kontan, 27.10.16.

28 Oktober 2016

[281016.EN.BIZ] Expansion of Caribbean Ports to Handle Mega Ships via Panama Canal

AS the Caribbean gears up for handling mega ships in the wake of and expanded Panama Canal, winners will be terminals with deep draft, enough cranes and skilled labour to turn boxes quickly.

At the Port of Kingston, US$600 million will be invested in upgrades and expansion to the Kingston Container Terminal (KCT). Terminal Link, a subsidiary of CMA CGM and the Jamaican government, entered into a partnership called Kingston Freeport Terminal Ltd (KFTL) that will operate the port jointly for 30 years.

Terminal Link will invest $460 million on reinforcing 394 feet of the wharf and dredging alongside 2,625 feet of the quay to 51 feet. The remaining funds will be spent on terminal expansion and upgrades, reported American Journal of Transportation.

In addition, the government will seek private partnerships to spend $130 million to dredge Kingston's harbour to accommodate neopanamax vessels.

The Dominican Republic's port of Caucedo, operated by DP World is capable of handling the largest ships passing through the Panama Canal. DP World holds a 50-year concession on the facility and intends to expand its capacity from 700,000 TEU to one million containers.

The consortium of NYK, Evergreen and Hyundai operating joint services in the Caribbean have spent $15 million to create a Caucedo Logistics Centre to improve their competitiveness in the region. The centre will coordinate the discharge and transloading of containers destined to various ports served by the three partners.

Hong Kong's Hutchinson Port Holdings (HPH) Cristobal operates two terminals in Panama, one on each coast. The two million TEU container terminal has 11 berths and is equipped with 13 panamax and postpanamax cranes to handle vessels that draw up to 42 feet of water.

Manzanillo International Terminal (MIT) is equipped with 19 post and neopanamax cranes on 5,380 feet of quay. The current depth alongside is 42 feet but can be dredged to 49 feet. MIT has an onsite logistics park and easy access to the Panama Canal Railway. The terminal handles 3.5 million TEU per year.

Operated by Evergreen Marine, Colon Container Terminal (CCT) can handle 2.4 million containers per annum. The depth at the newly completed Berth 4 is 54 feet. Plans to deepen Berth 3 and extend both berths 3 and 4 will bring the total useable wharf up to 2,559 feet allowing the facility to handle two 13,000 TEU ships simultaneously.

Source : HKSG.

[281016.ID.BIZ] Kemenhub Ingin Banyak Swasta Bangun Pelabuhan

Jakarta. PT Wahyu Samudera Indah (WSI) resmi kelola dan bangun terminal peti kemas Pelabuhan Talang Duku, Jambi. Ini merupakan perusahaan swasta pertama yang membangun pelabuhan dengan dana swasta murni.

PT Wahyu Samudra Indah pada tahap awal akan menginvestasikan sebesar Rp 702,2 milyar untuk membangun dermaga dan fasilitas penunjang serta pengadaan peralatan untuk menunjang kinerja Pelabuhan.

Adapun periode jangka waktu konsesi diberikan selama 66 (enam puluh enam) tahun dan Besaran pendapatan konsesi sebesar 5% per tahun dari pendapatan kotor atas kegiatan pengusahaan jasa kepelabuhanan di area konsesi.

Menteri Perhubungan Budi Karya Sumadi berharap muncul Wahyu Samudra Indah lain untuk membangun dan mengelola pelabuhan di daerah lain. "Kami mengundang pihak swasta untuk menjadi badan usaha pelabuhan (BUP)," kata Budi, Kamis (27/10).

Saat ini, pengelolaan pelabuhan didominasi perusahaan milik pemerintah, Pelindo. Keberadaan BUP swasta akan mencegah adanya monopoli serta memperbanyak layanan kepelabuhan di Indonesia.

Sumber : Kontan, 27.10.16.

27 Oktober 2016

[271016.EN.BIZ] Too Many Box Ports Risk Overcapacity, Now Mexico Bereft of Ro-Ro

CONTAINER terminals springing up on Mexico's Pacific and Atlantic coasts now risk overcapacity while leaving the nation woefully bereft of ro-ro facilities, reports London's Loadstar.

"Mexico, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Colombia and Peru have all been identified as trending towards high excess capacity," said John Bressi, general manager of Stevedoring Services of America's (SSA) Tuxpan terminal.

Speaking at the recent TOC Americas Container Supply Chain event in Cancun, he said 70.9 million TEU of new capacity was set to be built across Latin America - the equivalent of a 70 per cent of the region's total port throughput last year.

Mr Bressi is overseeing the development of Mexico's newest port, at Tuxpan, on the country's Gulf Coast, and he admitted that capturing volumes immediately after opening would be difficult.

Current annual capacity across the Mexican Gulf coast is 2.1 million TEU, in the medium term that will rise to 5.2 million TEU once the developments listed above have been completed.

The situation is mirrored on the Pacific coast, where current capacity is 5.5 million TEU, with this year's throughput forecast to reach 3.75 million TEU or 68 per cent utilisation - with another 3.3 million TEU capacity set to be added.

With a projected annual growth rate of four per cent, it will take 22 years before the additional capacity, mostly set to be built at Lazaro Cardenas, is used.

At the same time, there is enormous investment being ploughed into the country's automotive manufacturing sector, but little show in the way in the way of ro-ro facilities for those exports. Last year 3.8 million cars were produced, which is set to rise to five million within four years.

The overall car handling capacity at the country's ports is expected to reach 1.4 million units by 2017, a glaring shortfall.

The judge ordered the companies to direct $200,000 of the penalty to the National Parks Foundation and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation; and put them on probation for five years.

Source : HKSG.

[271016.ID.BIZ] Bankir: Waspadai Dampak Krisis Deutsche Bank

JAKARTA. Dampak dari krisis raksasa perbankan Eropa Deutsche Bank, harus diwaspadai oleh pelaku pasar keuangan di Indonesia.

Masalah kemampuan finansial Deutsche Bank untuk membayar denda bernilai jumbo kepada Departemen Kehakiman AS telah menimbulkan kekhawatiran adanya risiko terhadap perbankan dan pasar keuangan dunia, menurut di Jakarta, Kamis.

Terlebih, pemerintah Jerman juga telah menyatakan tidak akan melakukan upaya penyelamatan (bailout) terhadap Deutsche Bank. "Kabar dari Deutsche Bank harus kita waspadai, karena pengaruhnya banyak atau sedikit pasti sampai ke kita (Indonesia)," kata Direktur Keuangan BRI Haru Koesmahargyo, Kamis (27/10).

Dana Moneter Internasional (International Monetary Fund/IMF) pada Juni lalu juga telah mengelompokkan Deutsche Bank sebagai bank berisiko di dunia dan berkontribusi terhadap risiko sistemik di sistem keuangan global.

Menurut Deputi Dewan Komisioner Pengawasan Bank II Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Budi Darmanto, risiko dari krisis Deutsche Bank terhadap Indonesia, perlu dilihat dari seberapa besar transaksi perbankan Indonesia dengan bank perkreditan terbesar di Jerman tersebut.

Begitu juga dengan seberapa besar hubungan Deutsche Bank dengan kegiatan ekonomi di Indonesia. "Kalau kecil, saya kira sedikit pengaruhnya," kata Budi.

Di kesempatan yang sama, Ekonom, Aviliani, menilai krisis di Deutsche Bank tidak akan memberikan dampak langsung ke Indonesia.

Namun, regulator industri keuangan harus meyakinkan tentang hal tersebut kepada pasar. Sehingga aliran dana asing dan investasi tetap mengalir dan tidak terhambat sentimen negatif dari krisis Deutsche Bank.

Deutsche Bank tersangkut gugatan denda sebesar US$14 miliar atau sekitar Rp 181,6 triliun oleh pengadilan federal Amerika Serikat (AS).

Denda tersebut menyusul putusan otoritas di AS yang menyatakan Deutsche Bank bersalah dalam menjual kredit perumahan murah (subprime mortgage), yang menjadi biang keladi krisis pasar keuangan di AS pada 2008.

Sumber : Kontan, 27.10.16.

26 Oktober 2016

[261016.EN.BIZ] CMA CGM and ENGIE Join To Develop LNG As Marine Fuel For Box Ships

FRENCH shipping giant CMA CGM and ENGIE have announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to promote LNG as the marine fuel for tomorrow's container vessels.

CMA CGM group CEO Farid Salem and ENGIE chief executive Isabelle Kocher signed the agreement in Marseilles to undertake technical and economic study of LNG as marine fuel.

The study will include development of engineering specifications for a bunkering vessel adapted to LNG powered containerships, so as to improve over time the logistics chain necessary to fuelling this type of vessel, thus promoting their deployment.

Said Mr Salem: "Liquefied natural gas has many environmental advantages. It is undoubtedly the fuel of the future of the maritime shipping industry that will progressively substitute heavy fuel oil over the next few decades."

He said that CMA CGM wishes to be a pioneer in this area, and with the agreement with ENGIE this allows the company to move one step closer."

Said Ms Kocher: "For ENGIE, natural gas is a key element in the energy transition. LNG as marine fuel will lead to a massive reduction in pollutant emissions."

ENGIE manages a large LNG supply portfolio and has a significant presence in regasification terminals in Europe and worldwide. In 2014, it joined Mitsubishi Corporation and NYK in LNG marine fuel development and ordered the first purpose-built LNG bunkering vessel in the market.

Delivery to their first customer is expected in early 2017 at Zeebrugge. To go even further, last September the three groups launched a joint new brand, Gas4Sea, offering a clean, reliable, safe, and cost-effective ship-to-ship supply of LNG for the maritime sector.

Source : HKSG.

[261016.ID.BIZ] Kominfo Dorong Biaya Logistik Bisa Ditekan

JAKARTA. Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika mendorong pentingnya pembangunan infrastruktur telekomunikasi, diantaranya untuk pengembangan jaringan internet. Perkembangan internet dewasa ini turut mengerek bisnis baru, misalnya saja e-commerce, salah satu diantaranya terkait dengan logistik.

Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika, Rudiantara mengatakan, salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi tingginya disparitas harga di daerah adalah biaya logistik. Oleh karena itu, dia menilai kargo memiliki peran penting dalam menentukan standar harga antar wilayah. "Kita harus bisa menekan biaya logistik," ujar Rudiantara di sela-sela acara peluncuran platform aplikasi logistik CargoCentrals di Ruang Serba Guna Kominfo, Jakarta, Rabu (26/10).

Dia mengatakan proporsi biaya logistik di Indonesia bisa mencapai 25%. Artinya, setiap total pengiriman barang sampai ke tempat tujuan, seperempatnya merupakan biaya logistik. Angka tersebut dinilai masih lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan negara lain yang besarnya hanya belasan persen.

Oleh karena itu, perlu ada transparansi dan perbaikan sistem agar sistem logistik menjadi lebih efisien. "Kalau negara yang baik itu tidak lebih dari 15%," katanya.

Menyadari pentingnya kebutuhan infrastruktur penghubung, pemerintah melakukan sejumlah pembangunan. Mulai dari infrastruktur jalan, kereta, dan tol laut. Selain itu, upaya pemberatasan pungli juga dilakukan. "Ini dilakukan karena inefisiensi di Indonesia karena persoalan logistik," imbuhnya.

Katanya, ada tiga komponen penting dalam logistik. Yakni transportasi, penyimpanan (inventory), dan administrasi. Proses dalam ketiga komponen ini turut menyumbang besarnya biaya logistik. Oleh karena itu, lewat pengembangan aplikasi, Rudiantara berharap munculnya transparansi dalam pengelolaan sistem. Sehingga bisa menekan biaya logistik. "Karena transparan, calo gak bisa bermain," ujarnya.

Sumber “ Kontan, 26.10.16.

25 Oktober 2016

[251016.EN.BIZ] Boeing Changes Course and Closes Macon Plant in Georgia

US PLANEMAKER Boeing plans to shut a small defence plant that had been earmarked to make parts for the 747-8 jumbo jet, adding to a tally of almost 6,700 layoffs since the start of the year, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The aerospace group told the plant's workforce of the move this week, though the head of the 747-8 programme said in a message to employees that it wasn't a sign that Boeing planned to end jumbo production 'in the near term".

Boeing last year said it planned to create up to 200 new jobs at the Macon, Georgia, facility by insourcing work on making fuselage panels for the jumbo jet, but has reversed course after cutting 747 output to just six a year and flagging it may end production altogether.

The Macon facility's work on military aircraft is due to run out in December, and the workforce has shrunk to 120 from about 500 in 2011. The 747-8 work was due to be transferred from Triumph Group Inc, which Boeing said remains under contract for the business through the end of decade.

'We determined that there is not currently a business case to place 747 work in Macon, and the slower production rate gives us more time to make a work placement decision," said 747-8 general manager Bruce Dickinson in the message to staff.

The company reports third quarter earnings on October 26, with analysts expecting it may trim production rates on the existing 777 plane ahead of the introduction of a revamped model.

Source : HKSG.

[251016.ID.BIZ] Bisnis Jasa Kurir Mulai Tergerus Aplikasi Online

JAKARTA. Perkembangan teknologi berbasis aplikasi menjadi tantangan baru bagi perusahaan jasa kurir. Kehadiran transportasi berbasis aplikasi seperti Gojek dan Grab mencuil sebagian pasar bisnis pengiriman. Maklum, transportasi online tersebut tidak hanya menyediakan layanan pengangkutan orang, tapi juga merambat ke layanan kurir.

Muhammad Feriadi, Direktur Utama PT Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE), bilang, keberadaan transportasi online berdampak pada bisnis JNE karena layanan yang diberikan Gojek dan Grab  bersinggungan langsung dengan bisnis layanan premium yang perusahaan geluti. "Kami memiliki layanan premium dan ekonomi. Nah, yang premium ini mirip seperti yang ditawarkan transportasi online tadi. Ini yang tertekan," terangnya ke KONTAN, Senin (24/10).

Beruntung, efek keberaadaan transportasi online tersebut tidak terlalu signifikan. Pasalnya, transportasi online baru ada di kota besar sementara JNE bisa menyasar hingga ke daerah, mengingat jumlah jaringan perusahaan jasa kurir ini sudah mencapai 5.000 daerah di  Indonesia.

Namun, JNE tidak tinggal diam. perusahan berencana bakal menyesuaikan harga supaya bisa bersaing dengan layanan transportasi online.
Langkah lain adalah mengembangkan aplikasi My JNE. Perusahaan ini sudah berinvestasi sekitar Rp  50 miliar di aplikasi tersebut. Tujuannya agar pelanggan bisa melacak keberadaan barang kiriman.

JNE memang harus melakukan hal tersebut. Maklum, layanan yang terancam keberadaan aplikasi online adalah layanan premium yang mengedepankan kecepatan pengiriman. Layanan ini mulai beroperasi tahun 2014 dengan hasil 12 juta resi per bulan. Hingga kin sudah mencapai 15 juta resi per bulan.

Senada, PT Pos Indonesia juga terkena dampak kehadiran aplikasi transportasi.  "Dampaknya memang besar, tapi itu tidak signifikan, jika kami mampu memberikan layanan yang semakin baik kepada customer," kata Gilarsi Wahyu Setijono, Direktur Utama PT Pos Indonesia kepada KONTAN (24/10).

Gilarsih bilang, pasar Pos Indonesia yang telah diambil oleh transporasi online, sebagian besar ada di e-commerce. Sementara dari perusahaan dan perorangan yang beralih ke aplikasi online untuk pengiriman bersifat urgent.

Sumber : Kontan, 25.10.16.

24 Oktober 2016

[241016.EN.BIZ] EU Nations Complain Of 'Illegal' Road Haulage Practices

TRANSPORT ministers from eight European states have brought to the attention of the EU Transport commissioner Violeta Bulc their growing concerns over alleged violations of EU labour laws and illegal business practices within the road haulage sector, which they claim has led to unfair competition and "social dumping".

(Wikipedia defines "social dumping" as using cheaper labour than what is available on site, either migrant workers or moving production to low-wage regions.)

The transport ministers, from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy and Luxembourg and non-member Norway, claim that "the fundamental rights such as the free movement of goods and services, which we wholeheartedly support, are increasingly being invoked in an abusive way in order to avoid conforming to European regulations, which are the guarantee of fair competition in the internal market".

The ministers have also drawn attention to the emergence in the sector of so-called "letterbox companies" - set up to circumvent legal and collective agreement obligations in another EU country - "whose unfair business practices are more and more frequent."

The recommendations made to the commissioner include prohibiting drivers from sleeping in their vehicles during designated weekly rest periods, stepping up and harmonising checks on HGVs, introducing measures to put an end to "shell company" activity as well as action to curb the growing trend of light commercial vehicles (vans) carrying out international transport operations.

An EU source told Lloyd's Loading List that the European Commission shared a number of the views expressed in the letter and was currently working on a number of initiatives for the road haulage industry, to be presented in 2017, "to bring more clarity and a better enforcement of labour legislation".

"Certain rules are unclear and are implemented differently depending on the member state. This is the case regarding restrictions on cabotage for example. The rules on the establishment of road transport undertakings need to be revisited to address the phenomenon of 'letterbox' companies.

"By the very nature of the transport industry, many of its workers are highly mobile and this creates issues specific to it. For example, what salary should drivers be paid when working in 10 different countries in a single month?"

Source : HKSG.



22 Oktober 2016

[221016.EN.BIZ] Hanjin Shipping Could Have Survived With creditors' Aid, Says Chairman Cho

HANJIN Shipping could have survived if creditors had provided the company with aid, group chairman Cho Yang-ho told a parliamentary hearing in Seoul.

"We believe Hanjin Shipping's troubles could have been avoided if creditors had provided support," said Mr Cho, reported Bloomberg News.

"We had submitted to creditors a plan to inject KRW500 billion (US$451 million) into Hanjin Shipping over a two-year period."

Mr Cho apologised for the supply-chain disruptions and said the company suffered from fierce competition. A quick revival of Hanjin would be key to fending off competition, he said.

Hanjin Shipping controlled 2.9 per cent of the global container shipping market before its filing. As of September 21, its market share had fallen to 2.6 per cent, making the company the 10th biggest, falling from seventh place, according to Alphaliner.

Korean Air Lines, the biggest shareholder of Hanjin Shipping, agreed last month to provide KRW60 billion in new loans to help ease the cargo disruptions. The container company's main lender, Korea Development Bank, offered a conditional credit line of KRW50 billion and Mr Cho supplied KRW40 billion.

"It was an unavoidable situation derived from the aggressive supply of government-backed foreign shipping lines and their low price strategies," Mr Cho said in a parliamentary audit for the state-run Korea Development Bank. KDB is the main creditor of Hanjin Shipping.

"I felt our power was very limited as a private company. I apologise to the people for letting Hanjin Shipping face court receivership and causing a logistical chaos," he said, reported the Korea Herald.

Mr Cho said he made a confident investment of KRW2 trillion won to acquire Hanjin Shipping in 2014 because the shipping line was also a logistics business as Korean Air, the group's other subsidiary.

Hanjin Shipping had seemed to have competitiveness in sales and the ability to beat the recession at that time, he said.

Earlier at the hearing, KDB chairman Lee Dong-geol said Hanjin Group was responsible for the recent logistical chaos in the shipping industry.

"We have explained a numerous times [to Hanjin] that it could face court receivership if it fails to secure much needed capital by itself. But Hanjin waited for the creditors' capital support," Mr Lee said.

"We called on the CEO of Hanjin Shipping and the CFO of Hyundai Merchant Marine to come up with contingency plans in case of logistical chaos. But Hanjin refused to do so citing worries over breach of trust."

Mr Lee said his bank decided to let Hanjin face court receivership because Mr Cho lacked the will to sacrifice himself as the largest stakeholder to secure more cash, while Hyundai Group decided to sell Hyundai Securities to raise money.

If Hanjin Shipping fails to avoid liquidation, about 63 per cent of its logistics capacity will be taken by overseas shipping companies, according to Representative Park Yong-jin of the main opposition Minjoo Party of Korea during the audit.

Citing a report submitted by the state think tank Korea Maritime Institute, Park said out of the 1.88 million TEU managed by Hanjin Shipping, 1.18 million TEU will be absorbed by foreign shippers, if the Korean line is liquidated. Only 320,000 TEU or 17 per cent will go to the local No 2 shipping firm Hyundai Merchant Marine, the report said.

Source : SN-TR.



21 Oktober 2016

[211016.EN.BIZ] Productivity Falls At World's Top 30 Container Ports, Says Survey

CONTAINER shipping lines are incurring hundreds of millions of dollars in fuel costs by not putting enough focus on berth productivity, says a IHS Markit study.

The survey calculates port productivity as the number of container moves per port call divided by the total hours from when vessels arrive at port limits to the point of departure from the berth.

Productivity levels at the world's top 30 container ports have demonstrated worrying levels of decline, according to the latest port productivity analysis by Newark-based IHS Markit.

Relative port productivity among the top 30 ports decreased 7.5 per cent between the first half of 2014 and the same period in 2016, as indicated by port call information supplied by 74 per cent of the world's cellular fleet operators.

"With the exception of a few bright spots, the picture overall is not a good one," said Andy Lane of CTI Consultancy.

The study was a bi-annual analysis of data from IHS Markit Maritime & Trade, a project initiated by Newark's Journal of Commerce, which was acquired by IHS Markit in 2014.

"Most of the declines were experienced in 2015, and we saw a slight rebound in the first half of 2016, but it was not enough to recover port efficiency back to 2014 levels."

"The reason for the poor productivity performance across regions is largely attributed to apathy and lack of recognition as to the potential value of achieving productivity improvements," the study said.

Key findings include:

Mediterranean suffered the biggest declines, a 23 per cent fall in port productivity. Second worse were Mideast and Indian ports, posting a 16 per cent decline in berth productivity.

East Asia posted a nine per cent decline, mainly driven by a big increase in steam-in time from 5.3 to 6.8 hours, as well as a four per cent fall in berth productivity.

Good gains were made in North America with steam-in time from 3.9 to 1.8 hours was offset by a berth productivity decrease of 13 per cent, leaving port productivity at eight per cent, below its 2014 performance.

In southeast Asia, a more modest three per cent decrease in port productivity occurred, with a six per cent berth productivity gain wiped out by an increase of steam-in times from 5.6 to 7.5 hours.

Only north Europe improved port productivity, rising seven per cent, achieved solely by reduced steam-in times from 6.9 to 4.9 hours.

Source : HKSG.



20 Oktober 2016

[201016.N.BIZ] Cargo Discharged In South Korea From 75pc of Hanjin Containerships

NEAR-BANKRUPT Hanjin Shipping has discharged the cargo from 76 of its 97 containerships in South Korea with another nine scheduled to offload by November 1.

But Hanjin was unable to stave off an arrest of one of the ships after a Korean court appeal proved unavailing, prompting concerns that other discharging vessels may share the same fate, reported Lloyd's Loading List.

The Changwon District Court dismissed an appeal to its decision to have the Hanjin Xiamen detained and sold at auction, a Hanjin official told Lloyd's List, confirming its previous ruling that although the ship is not technically owned by Hanjin.

It was, the court ruled, technically owned by a special purpose vehicle set up by Hanjin in Panama - it is "beneficially owned" a status shared by 33 other ships in carrier's fleet.

Souurce : HKSG.



19 Oktober 2016

[191016.EN.AIR] US Bans The Carriage of Samsung Galaxy Note7 Mobile Phones On Aircraft

THE US Department of Transport has banned Samsung Galaxy Note7 mobile phones from being carried onboard aircraft flying to or from the US, with the passage of an emergency order in conjunction with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA).

The ban bars passengers from carrying the Galaxy Note7 on an aircraft either on their person or inside their baggage, and also bans the smartphone from being transported as air cargo due to a number of reported incidents of the phone's battery catching fire.

As a result, the Galaxy Note7 has also been classified as a forbidden hazardous material under the Federal Hazardous Material Regulations; and Samsung has been issued with a special commercial permit to transport these mobile phones, reported The Tech Portal based in Jaipur, southwest of New Delhi.

Commenting on the ban, US Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said: "We recognise that banning these phones from airlines will inconvenience some passengers, but the safety of all those aboard an aircraft must take priority. We are taking this additional step because even one fire incident inflight poses a high risk of severe personal injury and puts many lives at risk."

So far there has already been one confirmed case of a Galaxy Note7 smartphone burning a hole in the carpet of a Southwest Airlines' aircraft.

Samsung is currently working with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission to encourage consumers to pack their Galaxy Note7 in special, custom made containers and ship them back to the company.

The company is also offering them various benefits, including US$100 discount, if they decide to turn in their Note7 and opt for another of the South Korean company's smartphones.

Source : HKSG.

[191016.ID.BIZ] INKA Mengincar Pasar Perkeretaapian ASEAN

MADIUN. PT Industri Kereta Api (Persero) yang berada di Kota Madiun, Jawa Timur, menargetkan dapat menguasai pasar bidang perkeretapaapian di tingkat Asia Tenggara atau ASEAN.

"Target kami adalah menguasai pasar perkeretaapian di negara-negara anggota ASEAN. Sejauh ini yang sudah bekerja sama dengan INKA adalah Malaysia dan Singapura. Ke depan diharapkan bisa dengan Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, dan juga Kamboja," ujar Direktur Utama PT INKA (Persero) Agus Purnomo di Madiun, Rabu (19/10).

Dalam kesempatan menerima kunjungan delegasi ASEAN Railways CEO`s Conference (ARCEO) ke-38, dia menegaskan, teknologi yang dimiliki oleh PT INKA sudah sangat mumpuni untuk bersaing dan memenuhi kebutuhan perkeretaapian di negara-negara ASEAN.

Hal tersebut sudah dibuktikan dengan banyaknya pasar ekspor yang telah dipenuhi oleh INKA. Antara lain Malaysia, Singapura, Australia dan juga pasar dalam negeri.

"Pasar ekspor terbaru yang telah kai penuhi adalah pengiriman 150 kereta penumpang ke Bangladesh. Dengan demikian, kami siap memenuhi kebutuhan kereta untuk ARCEO," kata Agus Purnomo.

Dalam kegiatan tersebut, Agus memanfaatkannya untuk mempromosikan INKA kepada para delegasi. Para delegasi diajak berkeliling mengunjungi tempat pembuatan kereta. Mulai dari desain teknologi hingga work shop.

Seperti diketahui, ARCEO ke-38 diikuti tujuh perusahaan operator kereta api di Asia Tenggara yaitu dari Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Kamboja, Laos, dan Myanmar. Kegiatan tersebut berlangsung selama tiga hari di Yogyakarta.

Untuk Malaysia diwakili oleh Mr Dato Haji Sarbini selaku President dari Kereta Api Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB), Thailand diwakili oleh Mr Voravuth Mala selaku Deputy Governor of Locomotive and Rolling Stock Business Cluster dari State Railway of Thailand. Delegasi Vietnam diwakili oleh Mr Ngo Cao Van selaku Deputy General Director dari Vietnam Railway.

Kemudian, Kamboja diwakili oleh Mr Chan Samleng selaku Director of Railway Department dari Royal Railway of Cambodia, dari Laos diwakili oleh Mr Sonesack N Nhansana selaku Deputy General of Department of Railway dari Lao Railway Authority Laos, dan Myanmar diwakili Mr Thurein Win selaku Managing Director dari Myanmar Railways.

Sedangkan perwakilan dari Indonesia, delegasinya diketuai oleh Didiek Hartantyo selaku Direktur Keungan dari PT KAI (Persero).

Selain konferensi, peserta ARCEO ke-38 juga diajak mengunjungi pabrik kereta PT INKA di Madiun Jawa Timur dan mengunjungi Museum Kereta Api di Ambarawa Jawa Tengah.

Sumber : Kontan, 19.10.16.

14 Oktober 2016

[141016.EN.BIZ] Hapag-Lloyd CEO Expects More Mergers In Wake of Hanjin Collapse

THE bankruptcy of Korea's Hanjin Shipping will spark more mergers as container lines worldwide try to weather the storm buffeting the industry, says Hapag-Lloyd CEO Rolf Habben Jansen.

In the past two years, a new wave of mergers has witnessed the disappearance of five of the 20 biggest carriers, noted Bloomberg News.

"A lot of people hadn't expected the difficulties for Hanjin in the magnitude we have seen them," Mr Habben Jansen said. "It will change behaviour," with some assessing whether it might be better to "team up".

Germany's biggest carrier, which has used mergers to bring down costs and counter the slump that has shaken shipping for the past eight years, doesn't plan to buy the Asian company or its assets.

"We will look at the vessels like everyone else, but our primary objective is not to grow faster than the market," Mr Habben Jansen, forecasting company growth at two to three per cent this year.

Having already absorbed the container shipping business of Chile's CSAV, Hapag-Lloyd is full engaged completing its merger with United Arab Shipping Co (UASC) which has "quite a lot of capacity".

Source : HKSG.

[141016.ID.BIZ] KA Logistik Gencar Ekspansi Bisnis

JAKARTA. PT Kereta Api Logistik (Kalog) gencar melakukan ekspansi bisnis. Guna mengejar target pendapatan sekitar Rp 1 triliun di tahun ini, anak usaha PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) ini berencana menambah lini bisnis baru dan memperkuat bisnis kurir serta kereta api kontainer.

Kalog berencana menambah dua gerbong barang dan kereta penumpang. Sayang manajemen tidak membeberkan nilai investasi yang digelontorkan untuk penambahan gerbong tersebut.

"Melalui Kalog Express, kita akan tambah satu gerbong B pada kereta barang Over Night Service (ONS) dan satu gerbong B pada kereta penumpang Anggrek Pagi. Semuanya dimulai pekan depan," kata Adjeng Putri, Corporate Communication Kalog pada KONTAN, Jumat (14/10).

Selain itu, Kalog juga meningkatkan kapasitas gerbong barang dari semula 5 ton menjadi 10 ton pada kereta Senja Utama Solo. Peningkatan ini sudah efektif sejak 13 Oktober 2016.

Saat ini Kalog melayani pengiriman barang dan dokumen untuk kota-kota yang dilalui jaringan rel kereta api di Pulau Jawa. Perusahaan telah memiliki tujuh rangkaian kereta yang dipakai melayani angkutan barang dengan rute Jakarta-Surabaya, Purwokerto-Jember, Bandung-Surabaya, Jakarta-Solo, Jakarta-Malang.

Sementara pengoptimalan kereta api kontainer dilakukan dengan merilis relasi baru dengan lintasan Sungai Lagoa Jakarta-Semarang Pethek dan Kalimas Surabaya-Semarang Pethek pada September lalu. Layanan tersebut diklaim mendapat tanggapan positif dari pasar mengingat sebagian besar distribusi barang selama ini masih dilayani truk.

Kalog optimistis layanan kereta api kontainer tersebut mampu berkembang dengan potensi angkutan dari dan ke Semarang sekitar 400 twenty foot equivalent units (TEUs) per bulan. Ini didukung oleh kondisi Semarang yang strategis termasuk tersedianya Terminal Petikemas Semarang di Pelabuhan Tanjung Emas.

Kini, Kalog telah memiliki lima rangkaian kereta kontainer. Selain melayani relasi baru tersebut, perusahaan sebelumnya juga telah memiliki layanan kontainer untuk relasi Pasoso Jakarta - Gedebage Bandung dan JICT Jakarta - Cikarang Dry Port Jawa Barat. Ke depan, Kalog berkomitmen akan terus mengembangkan jumlah relasi dan angkutan kontainer kereta api.

Sumber : Kontan, 14.10.16.

13 Oktober 2016

[131016.EN.BIZ] Hanjin Customers Turn To Rail And Air To Move Ocean Backlogs

HANJIN customers that have suffered delays due to the container line's bankruptcy are now looking for alternative shipment modes into European markets to ensure key products are in stores ahead of the holiday season, according to leading forwarders.

Forwarders say the preferred option for shippers trying to expedite shipments to Europe while also limiting transport costs is rail. However, air freight solutions are expected to become more prominent the longer cargo is stranded in Hanjin's network as the countdown to the Christmas sales season begins, the UK's Lloyd's Loading List reported.

"In view of the current situation, we are seeing higher demand for rail services to Europe. We are also receiving more enquiries in Europe for rail deliveries to Asia, especially Korea," said a DHL statement.

DB Schenker also reports growing demand for accelerated shipments resulting from Hanjin's bankruptcy and the subsequent supply chain chaos that has followed.

"Some leading electronics customers face serious challenges to get time-critical supplies to Europe," a DB Schenker spokesman said. "From the corporate side, we have counted three major customers asking for rail as a substitution for ocean to avoid air shipments."

Procurement research analyst at market research firm IBISWorld, Ashley Cruz, said the inability to retrieve cargo from stranded Hanjin ships had sent retailers and forwarders into a spin.

In the aftermath of Hanjin's receivership filing, which left as many as 500,000 containers of cargo stranded offshore, she said freight forwarders were scrambling to reorganise and redirect the rail, air freight and trucking services that were supposed to follow the docking and unloading of Hanjin ships.

"Forwarders have also been rushing to arrange alternative transport routes for cargo that was due to be carried on Hanjin ships," she said.

"Most freight forwarders are seeking other deep sea cargo carriers, in spite of the substantial spot price spikes that have occurred during the past few weeks and could potentially last for months.

"However, some forwarders are also looking to international air cargo services as a substitute for ocean shipping in order to avoid further delays," said Ms Cruz.

A number of airlines have already reported an upsurge in demand out of Asia post-Hanjin and many others have capacity on standby.

Korean Air, a shareholder in Hanjin Shipping, has also reportedly laid on extra freighters to help out Korean exporters including Samsung. However, a spokesman for the carrier refused to confirm the reports.

But although there will be some switch to alternative modes, Swiss forwarder Panalpina believes it will be minimal, at least in terms of volumes.

Source : Unknown.

[131016.ID.BIZ] HM Sampoerna Mengincar Pasar Australia, Eropa

JAKARTA. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja penjualan rokok, produsen rokok tak hanya berharap dari kepulan asap rokok di dalam negeri. PT Hanjaya Mandala (HM) Sampoerna Tbk misalnya, kini mencoba peruntungan dengan menggenjot pasar ekspor.

Untuk menggarap pasar ekspor produk tembakau tersebut, emiten berkode saham HMSP tersebut mengklaim telah menggelontorkan investasi ratusan juta dolar Amerika Serikat (AS). "Sampoerna sudah investasi sekitar US$ 300 juta di dalam pabrik, dan itu untuk pasar ekspor," kata Paul Norman Janell, Presiden Direktur PT HM Sampoerna Tbk, di sela-sela acara Trade Expo Indonesia 2016, Rabu (12/10).

Sampai sekarang, Sampoerna telah mengekspor ke-43 negara di seluruh dunia. Mayoritas ekspor menyasar Eropa dan Asia. Adapun bidikan pasar yang kini menjadi fokus Sampoerna adalah Australia dan juga memperbesar lagi pasar Eropa. Sayang, Paul enggan membeberkan strategi menggarap pasr tersebut

Meski rokok milik produksi Indonesia digemari konsumen di pasar ekspor, Paul bilang, pihaknya tak serta merta bisa melenggang masuk ke Eropa. Sebab, ada sejumlah instrumen perdagangan yang menjadi kendala HMSP mengekspor rokok ke Eropa.

Selain pemberlakuan bea masuk, negara tujuan ekspor di Eropa juga menghadang rokok dari Indonesia dengan persyaratan ketat. Paul menyodorkan contoh, pihaknya tak bisa mengekspor rokok Sampoerna Mild ke Eropa karena kadar tar yang lebih tinggi dari persyaratan di sana.

Asal tahu saja, kawasan di Eropa memberlakukan maksimum tar 10%, sedangkan kadar tar Sampoerna Mild adalah 14%. "Ada kesempatan ekspor, tapi ada pula keterbatasan," ungkap Paul.

Sepanjang enam bulan pertama tahun 2016, ekspor Sampoerna tercatat senilai Rp 246,01 miliar atau turun 13% dibandingkan periode sama tahun 2015 yang mencetak nilai ekspor Rp 279,29 miliar. Kontribusi ekspor HM Sampoerna tersebut terbilang mini, hanya 0,52% dari total penjualan rokok yang mencapai Rp 47,34 triliun di semester pertama 2016.

Adapun sepanjang tahun 2015 lalu, ekspor HM Sampoerna mencapai Rp 559,38 miliar, naik 46% ketimbang ekspor Sampoerna tahun 2014 senilai Rp 382,84 miliar. Adapun total penjualan HM Sampoerna tahun 2015 tercatat Rp 89,07 triliun, naik 10,4% ketimbang penjualan tahun 2014 senilai Rp 80,69 triliun.

Terkait proyeksi penjualan sampai akhir tahun ini, Paul memperkirakan, terjadi penurunan penjualan sebesar 1% sampai 2%. Menurut Paul, pelemahan pasar rokok tersebut sudah dirasakan HM Sampoerna pada kuartal II-2016. Pada saat itu pangsa pasar HM Sampoerna turun menjadi 34%, dari semula 35% di kuartal II-2015. "Market share di bawah tahun lalu, untung kinerja HM Sampoerna masih oke," kata Paul.

Demi mendukung ekspor rokok tersebut, Sampoerna akan melakukan perawatan mesin pabrik. "Belum ada rencana ekspansi, tahun ini kami mengalokasikan belanja modal Rp 1 triliun untuk maintenance saja," kata Paul.

Sumber : Kontan, 13.10.16.

12 Oktober 2016

[121016.EN.BIZ] Thousands of Hanjin Boxes Stuck In Limbo Clog LA-Long Beach Ports

STRANDED Hanjin containers are clogging supply chains and the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach with thousands of box-mounted chassis taking up space and getting in the way of the flow of other cargo, reports American Shipper.

Shippers or truckers are unable to return containers to terminals or container yards of the near bankrupt South Korean shipping giant, so the chassis are not available for use.

"Other ports talk about hundreds, here it is thousands. The situation is critical," said Harbour Trucking Association executive director Weston LaBar.

He estimates at that 10,000 chassis out of 100,000 cannot be used because they have Hanjin containers on them.

In a Newark bankruptcy court filing, Hanjin said it did "not assert any interest in containers that it does not own or are the subject of a saleleaseback agreement," but added it had not settled issues relating to the saleleaseback agreements.

Hanjin also told the court it "advised customers that they should contact the owners of the containers to arrange for inland delivery and their return".

As to Hanjin owned containers, Hanjin is finalising a lease for property located near New York City for the return and storage of Hanjin containers. Hanjin said it was also working diligently to find space on the west coast for the return and storage of its containers.

"Moreover, Hanjin has been working with more than 70 marine terminals and offdock container yards to arrange for return and storage of Hanjin-owned and Hanjin-leased containers.

But Hanjin said it is has been advised by more than 40 of such terminals and yards that they are now at full capacity.

Said Mr LaBar: "When Hanjin declared bankruptcy, the trucking community saw a real dire situation that they would be facing. We've been pretty disappointed with the allotment of chassis in the pool of pools."

He said repairs were not being made at an adequate pace, there were concerns there were not going to be enough chassis for companies to operate.

Long Beach port's chief commercial officer Noel Hacegaba said they were encouraging the largest source of chassis in the region - the "pool of pools" - created by leasing companies DCLI, FlexiVan and TRAC Intermodal to do chassis repair faster.

They were also looking for locations where containers owned and leased by Hanjin can be stored.

The pool of pools has about 74,000 chassis, and 700 returned to service in just the past week. The percentage of "bad order" chassis has fallen to 7.6 per cent from nine per cent in the past two weeks.

Mr Hacegaba said leasing companies are continuing efforts to speed repairs and put the number of Hanjin containers "on the street" at 10,000 with 5,000 containers at terminals.

Many containers are at Pier T in Long Beach, which is operated by Total Terminals International (TTI). Hanjin's 2015 annual report notes it owns 54 per cent of TTI.

Meanwhile, other containers are scattered among at least five other terminals in the two ports where Hanjin or its space sharing partners in the CKYHE Alliance Cosco, "K" Line, Yang Ming and Evergreen operate.

Mr LaBar said some larger trucking companies do have the ability and space to put Hanjin containers on ground and continue to use chassis, but he said for small and medium size draymen, "they have run out of space and may not necessarily have the ability to ground Hanjin containers, so for them, the chassis situation is critical and they are looking for some true relief".

It is not clear exactly what percentage of the Hanjin containers in southern California are leased and what percentage are owned.

But many are leased from Triton International, the world's largest container lessor, formed recently through the merger of Triton Container and TAL International.

At a presentation to securities analysts last week, Triton said it had 87,010 containers (with 148,108 TEU of capacity) hired by Hanjin with a net book value of about US$243 million.

Triton also said it was seeking to gain control of those containers and redeploy them as quickly as possible.

With leased containers, Mr LaBar said there is some opportunity to return those containers, but he said some locations designated by leasing companies for returns "filled up quickly".

"You get some in and out, but they still tend to be pretty much fully utilised," he said. "It's not like there is a large amount of these leased boxes that are able to be returned at this point in time."

LA port spokesman Phillip Sanfield said the port had short-term agreements with terminals and other businesses to store containers, mostly those leased to Hanjin in and around the port.

But space was limited in and around the port. Port executive director Gene Seroka said storage was being set up away from in the "Inland Empire" area.

Mr Hacegaba said Saybrook Capital, affiliated with Total Transportation, is making 50 acres available in Ontario, California for Hanjin leased boxes, but not owned.

Said Mr LeBar: "I don't think that does anything for the trucking community unless that is a termination yard. You drop your box 50 miles from the harbour and you pay $15 a day on storage. That is not a solution."

LaBar and Hacegaba said none of the marine terminals in Los Angeles and Long Beach are accepting Hanjin-owned boxes, including TTI's terminal at Pier T.

Source : SN – TR.