31 Oktober 2010

[311010.EN.LOG] Globe Express Services Rebrands After Merger With Overseas Group

LOGISTICS provider Globe Express Services (Overseas Group) has unveiled its new logo, website (www.globeexpress.com) and corresponding corporate re-branding.

This comes after GES completed an historic merger with the Overseas Group in March, a move Globe expects will rank the merged company among the top 100 global logistics providers.

"The new organisation, operating under the official name of Globe Express Services (Overseas Group), has emerged with expanded service capabilities and a more extensive global network serving Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the Americas," a company statement said.

"The merger allowed us to strengthen our position in the logistics market by increasing our geographic footprint and market share, and expanding our core competencies and our negotiating platform (size, scale)," said CEO Ziad Korban.

Looking ahead, the new GES said it will pursue economies of scale while leveraging best practices throughout the organisation, in an effort to enhance customer services. The rebranding includes the launch of a redesigned website available in six languages: English, Chinese, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic.

Said group president Gilbert Khoury: "It has been inspiring to see over 750 logistics professionals worldwide, from a diverse cross section of divisions and backgrounds, come together and embrace this new brand identity."

Source : HKSG, 27.10.10.

[311010.ID.LHS] Mengapa Si Perfeksionis Jarang Merasa Bahagia

VIVAnews - Sikap perfeksionis atau sikap yang menuntut kesempurnaan dalam segala hal, memang bisa dikatakan salah satu kunci kesuksesan. Tetapi, di balik sukses tersebut ada 'harga' yang harus dibayar.

Menurut Linda Peterman, konselor kesehatan mental asal Florida, Amerika Serikat, orang yang perfeksionis memiliki kecenderungan cepat merasa lelah, stres dan seringkali bermasalah dalam hal hubungan personal. Hal ini dialaminya terus menerus dan bisa depresi saat targetnya tidak tercapai dan proses untuk mendapatkannya tidak berjalan dengan sempurna.
Berikut adalah beberapa karakteristik umum seorang perfeksionis yang akan menimbulkan masalah, seperti dikutip dari Shine :
1. Semua hal dinilai atas hitam atau putih dan benar atau salah.
2. Target yang tidak realistis
3. Harapan (untuk diri sendiri dan orang lain) tidak beralasan atau tidak realistis
4. Bersikap selalu khawatir dan cenderung berlebihan
5. Fokus pada hal-hal negatif orang lain
6. Berpikir absolut, selalu mengeluarkan perintah dan tidak bisa didebat
7. Percaya prestasi dan pencapaian bisa mengukur  seseorang
8. Tidak sabar
9. Mudah stres
10. Selalu berpikir "cara saya adalah yang terbaik"
Jika Anda merasakan karaketeristik tersebut, ada solusi yang diberikan oleh Linda untuk setidaknya mengurangi sikap perfeksionis yang bisa merugikan diri sendiri dan orang di sekitar Anda.
Berikut sepuluh solusinya :
1. Cari hal-hal positif dari situasi tertentu atau seseorang di sekitar, terutama yang telah Anda berikan penilaian buruk.
2. Buatlah target realistis
3. Buatlah pengharapan yang lebih beralasan
4. Maafkan diri Anda dan orang lain atas kesalahanan yang telah dibuat
5. Fokuslah pada hal positif
6. Jangan selalu berpikir keadaan terburuk
7. Cobalah lebih fleksibel dalam menghadapi masalah. Buatlah kemungkinan adanya "area abu-abu" tidak sekedar hitam dan putih.
8. Sediakan waktu untuk bersenang-senang
9. Biarkanlah kesalahan kecil berlalu
10. Mencoba lebih sabar.
Sumber : VIVAnews, 28.09.10.

29 Oktober 2010

[291010.EN.SEA] Settlement Ends Hanjin, Sumitomo, Unitas Battle Of The Boxes

RAIDS by US Marshals, suits and counter suits between Korea's Hanjin Shipping, Japan's Sumitomo bank and Korean container lessor Unitas over who owns a disputed 5,900 containers, has come to an end with an out-of-court settlement among the parties, reported London's Containerisation International.

"We have reached a mutual agreement in full and final settlement of all pending claims," said a Hanjin statement. "As a result, the ownership of the containers has been acquired by Hanjin free of encumbrances with the parties having agreed to put an end to all pending disputes.

"In addition, all existing litigations including arrest proceedings in the US and the High Court proceedings in London raised against each other will be withdrawn. Therefore, we can confirm that the use of 5,900 units of containers will be normalised from now on with no further risk of disruption to Hanjin's service."

The conclusion follows a complex case of twists and turns, which started when Sumitomo and Unitas secured arrest order from six US courts against the 5,900 containers leased by Unitas to Hanjin in 2001, which had US Marshals dispatched to seize those boxes found in the United States.

Sumitomo sued to enforce its priority mortgage on the boxes after Unitas allegedly failed to pay its instalments; which it said resulted from its dispute with Hanjin.

Source : HKSG, 29.10.10.

[291010.ID.SEA] Arpeni Sambut Positif Pembatalan Pailit

JAKARTA: Oentoro Suryo, Bos PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line, Tbk, tersenyum setelah mendengar putusan Pengadilan Niaga Jakarta Pusat yang menolak permohonan pailit yang diajukan oleh Korea Securities Finance Corporation.

Mengenakan baju berwarna putih dan berdasi merah, Oentoro kelihatan nikmat saat menyeruput secangkir air hangat pada acara Ulang Tahun Masyarakat Pemerhati Pelayaran, Pelabuhan dan Lingkungan Maritim (Mappel), hari ini.

Pria yang baru saja ikut dalam acara pelantikan P & I Club Indonesia itu selalu mengumbar senyum saat bersalaman dengan sejumlah rekan sejawatnya seperti Anggota Komisi V DPR Abdul Hakim dan Ketua Gapasdap Syarifuddin Mallarangan.

Oentoro mengatakan perseroannya wajar menang dalam kasus ini. “Saya senang, hari ini semua pemberitaan media menyangkut Arpeni sangat positif,” katanya.

Mantan Ketua Umum Dewan Pengurus Pusat Indonesian National Shipowners’ Association (INSA) itu mengatakan dengan keputusa tersebut, perseroannya akan lebih fokus dalam melanjutkan program restrukturisasi perusahaan.

Menurut dia, manajemen salah satu perseroan pelayaran terkemuka di Indonesia itu berkomitmen melanjutkan program restrukturisasi. “Tidak ada batas waktu sampai kapan, yang jelas restrukturisasi dilakukan sampai selesai,” ujarnya.

Seperti diketahui, majelis hakim yang terdiri dari Pramodana Kusumah Atmadja, Nirwana, dan Yulman, dalam sidang pembacaan putusan perkara No. 67/PAILIT/2010/PN.NIAGA.JKT.PST, Rabu, menolak gugatan pailit yang diajukan Korea Securities Finance Corporation.

Dalam pertimbangan hukumnya, majelis hakim a.l. berpendapat bahwa permohonan pailit yang diajukan Korea Securities (pemohon) terhadap Arpeni (termohon) ini pembuktiannya dinilai tidak sederhana sebagaimana yang dipersyaratkan dalam Pasal 8 Ayat 4 UU No. 37/2004 tentang Kepailitan dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang.

Pasalnya, menurut majelis hakim, dari proses pemeriksaan perkara tidak terungkap dengan terang mengenai eksistensi adanya utang dan kreditur lain, yang pada saat persidangan dibantah oleh Arpeni Pratama (termohon).

Arpeni Pratama merupakan penjamin dari YED 5 S.A., perusahaan yang didirikan berdasarkan hukum negara Republik Panama.

Majelis hakim menilai bahwa perkara ini bersifat kompleks dan pembuktiannya tidak bersifat sederhana, sehingga pembuktian yang rumit ini bukanlah menjadi wilayah dari Pengadilan Niaga dalam memeriksanya.

Di lain pihak, kuasa hukum Korea Securities, Yusfa Perdana, menyebutkan pihaknya masih mempertimbangkan apakah akan menempuh upaya hukum selanjutnya atau tidak. “Nanti kami pikir-pikir dulu,” katanya, seusai sidang, kemarin.

Yusfa berpendapat bahwa pada saat proses pemeriksaan perkara di pengadilan, pihaknya cukup mempunyai bukti-bukti yang dapat memperkuat dalil-dalil permohonan pailit terhadap Arpeni.

Apalagi dalam obligasi itu juga sudah jelas kapan jatuh temponya dan perusahaan asal Korea itu juga telah mengajukan somasi beberapa kali guna menagih kewajiban YED 5 itu kepada Arpeni tersebut. (sut)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 29.10.10.

28 Oktober 2010

[281010.EN.SEA] Containership Deliveries Up To 1.29 Million TEU This Year

DELIVERIES of new containerships have hit 1.29 million TEU this year and will rise to 1.42 million TEU by January despite slackening demand on major trade lanes, according to the Paris-based consultancy Alphaliner.

More than 1.07 million TEU of new building capacity was delivered in 2009, falling short of the record 1.57 million TEU in 2008. Total capacity of the world's containership fleet is predicted to grow to 14.3 million TEU by January.

"Fleet capacity growth is expected to reach 9.5 per cent after taking into account the about 180,000 TEU deleted this year, both through scrapping and the removal of vessels from the cellular fleet following conversion for other uses," said Alphaliner.

"Some 276 containerships should be delivered this year, a figure comparable to the 268 units delivered in 2009. However, the average size of new ships has increased from last year's 3,990 TEU to 5,150 TEU in 2010.

"A record number of ships has been deferred or delayed over the past two years, due to the financial crisis. About 100 ships for 530,000 TEU delivered in 2010 were initially planned for delivery in 2009, while 65 ships for 435,000 TEU initially planned for delivery in 2010 have been deferred to 2011 and beyond.

"Net capacity growth is expected to reach 9.1 per cent next year, with 1.40 million TEU of new capacity due to hit the water," it said.

Since the start of the financial crisis, order cancellations or conversions of containership orders into other vessel types amounted to 530,000 TEU, or 7.9 per cent of the order book, at October 2008, according to Alphaliner records.

"The level of new deliveries is expected to remain close to 1.4 million TEU for each of the next two years. However, the size of new ships will rise significantly. The average size should reach 6,050 TEU for 2011 and 7,015 TEU for 2012 deliveries, as the number of new 10,000-TEU+ ships increases.

"One hundred and eight vessels above 10,000 TEU are expected to be delivered between now and the end of 2012, compared to 27 such units which have been delivered so far this year."

To highlight the most significant vessel deliveries so far this year, Geneva's MSC has taken in charge the MSC La Spezia from German owner Claus Peter Offen. It is the 16th unit in a programme of 26 ships of 13,798-14,000 TEU built by Samsung and DSME.

Vancouver's Seaspan Corporation has taken delivery of the Cosco Thailand, the sixth of eight ships of 8,495 TEU ordered by this owner in May 2007 from Hyundai Heavy Industries. The ship is scheduled to join Cosco's transpacific SEA service that it jointly operates with Hanjin.

Meanwhile, Hyundai Merchant Marine has taken in charge the Hyundai Vancouver, the last of five 6,350 TEU vessels chartered from UK-based Zodiac Maritime and built in Japan by the Imabari Group at its Koyo shipyard. This ship will join the New World Alliance's Far East-Europe Central China Express (CEX).

Japanese carrier "K" Line has taken delivery of the Brotonne Bridge, the first of five postpanamax ships of 4,520 TEU ordered from Samsung by non-operating owner Seaspan in November 2007. The Brotonne Bridge will be deployed on the CKYH PSW-1 service.

Alphaliner added that a further seven newbuildings of similar size are also being built at Hyundai Heavy Industries for "K" Line's own account. Four ships from this series have been delivered since May.

Source : HKSG, 28.10.10.

[281010.ID.BIZ] Malaysia Tak Ingin Indonesia Tumbuh

PONTIANAK, KOMPAS.com — Kepala Badan Pengelolaan Kawasan Perbatasan dan Kerja Sama Kalimantan Barat Robert Nusanto kembali mengingatkan bahwa Malaysia tidak pernah menginginkan perekonomian Indonesia tumbuh. 

Jika ekonomi Indonesia tumbuh, Malaysia akan kehilangan para pekerja Indonesia yang diupah murah.

Robert menyampaikan hal itu dalam rapat koordinasi desk Kalimantan tentang Percepatan Pembangunan Wilayah Perbatasan (P2WP) di Hotel Kini, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat, Kamis (28/10/2010).

"Maka, kita harus mewaspadai agenda itu setiap kali melangkah dalam rangka percepatan pembangunan di kawasan perbatasan. Faktanya, Malaysia memang mengambil keuntungan dari kemiskinan dan keterisolasian di perbatasan Indonesia," kata Robert.

Jika perekonomian Indonesia tumbuh baik, akan semakin banyak tenaga kerja yang terserap. Padahal, ada sekitar 1,2 juta tenaga keraja Indonesia (TKI) yang bekerja di Malaysia. "Malaysia sangat takut kehilangan pekerja asal Indonesia yang bisa diupah murah," kata Robert.

Sumber : Kompas, 28.10.10.

27 Oktober 2010

[271010.EN.LOG] Toll Open Phase I Of Cambodian Railway

Toll Royal Railway, the company awarded the contract to operate the Cambodia railway system, has officially opened the line between Phnom Penh and Touk Meas.

The joint venture between Toll Group and local company Royal Group will manage the operation of the railway.

Initially with limited operation on this section of the southern line, the volume of rail traffic will increase once all tests have been carried out. This section of the line will be extended to the Sihanoukville container port and is expected to be completed and fully functional by May 2011.

With the Cambodian rail network and associated rolling stock and infrastructure in need of rehabilitation to effectively compete with road freight, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) initially proposed to commit around US$75 million of loan funds to this project once a concession was signed and various other conditions satisfied. 

Following submissions made by Toll during concession negotiations, the ADB and other bodies
subsequently committed further funds of around US$75 million for additional works to accelerate development of intermodal rail operations.

The entire rehabilitation project covers the South Line from Phnom Penh to the Port of Sihanoukville, the North Line from Phnom Penh to Poipet and rebuilding the ‘Missing Link'. The rehabilitation project will be completed by 2012.

Work on the segment of track between Phnom Penh and Touk Meas will continue until around May 2011 to bring it up to the agreed standard of acceptance and for handover to the operator.

Toll then plans to gradually take over the operation of the remaining parts of the track over the following months as the rest of the track is restored and renewed. In line with the completion of Phase II, Toll expects to commence the Sihanoukville container and fuel services from May
2011, although final acceptance of the track may not occur until a later date.

Thereafter, the sections between Phnom Penh and Poipet are scheduled to be completed by February 2012, with the aim being to have operational trains running on the Northern Line from May 2012.

Toll Royal Railway also hopes to see the handover of Phnom Penh and Samrong land take place in December 2010.

Greater Mekong opportunity: Singapore to Kunming railway line

The projects underway will put Cambodia in a better position when the time comes to link the country up to the Greater Mekong Region. It is anticipated that Cambodia will be ready to join this network and link up with Thailand by 2012 and with Vietnam by 2015, enabling cross-border services throughout South East Asia.

Source : EFT, 22.10.10.

[271010.ID.BIZ] Ekonomi RI Tumbuh Karena Beruntung?

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Pengusaha muda Sandiaga Uno mengatakan bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia yang terus membaik lebih disebabkan faktor keberuntungan akibat krisis ekonomi yang melanda Amerika dan Eropa.

"Banyak luck-nya memang karena jelas fenomena ekonomi Indonesia seperti ini diakibatkan oleh keterpurukan ekonomi Amerika dan Eropa. Sekarang ini kita dapat bonus-lah, hoki dari bagian negara lain yang sedang tidak baik," kata Sandiaga saat ditemui Tribunnews.com di sela-sela acara Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) Summit 2010 di Hotel Bidakara, Jakarta, Sabtu

Dia mengatakan, faktor ekonomi Amerika dan Eropa yang masih terguncang membuat pandangan dunia sekarang beralih ke Asia, salah satunya Indonesia. "Dan di Asia itu ada tiga, yaitu China, India, dan sekarang mulai Indonesia. Jadi, dikenal Cindonesia," paparnya.

Sandi juga mengatakan, terdapat beberapa kesuksesan ekonomi Indonesia yang perlu dilihat karena hal itu cukup memberikan stimulus positif. Misalnya, usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) yang sekarang terbukti menjadi tulang punggung perekonomian Indonesia.

"Dengan tumbuhnya UMKM ini, pasar domestik kita tumbuh dan customer demand kita terus bertumbuh bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi kita karena selama ini orang bilang sumber daya alam (SDA)-lah yang menopang perekonomian Indonesia.

Tapi, 18 bulan terakhir ini kita lihat justru customer market atau konsumsi domestik yang mendorong pertumbuhan kita," bebernya.

Dia juga menyampaikan, sekarang Indonesia harus merevitalisasi kemampuan untuk memanfaatkan gelombang yang sangat positif ini. (Andri Malau)

Sumber : Kompas, 24.10.10.

26 Oktober 2010

[261010.EN.LAN] Study : EU limits On Trailer Height Would Disrupt U.K Trucking

A PROPOSED EU ban on double-decker truck trailers would cost pallet networks and retail supply chains millions would increase the British annual road transport costs by GBP305 million (US$480 million), according to a new study.

If trailer heights were limited to four metres, the distance travelled by UK-registered semis would rise 4.5 per cent, according to research by Alan McKinnon, a professor at the Logistics Research Centre at Heriot-Watt University near Edinburgh.

The EU legislation, which Conservative UK Transport Minister Mike Penning vows to fight, would standardise the height of all semi-trailers built under Whole Vehicle Type Approval (WVTA).

Industry observers say this will increase the number of trucks on the road, lead to more congestion, undermine operating patterns, cost jobs in UK trailer manufacturing, push-up consumer prices and increase pollution.

The height limit would mean that double-deck trailers - almost unique to the UK and able to carry more cargo than single-deck trailers - would be banned, reported London's International Freighting Weekly.

"Annual road haulage costs would rise by roughly GBP305 million. Switching from double-deck to standard trailers would increase fuel consumption and carbon emissions by a mid-range estimate of 64 per cent," said Prof McKinnon's report. "In terms of its impact on emissions, it would be equivalent to adding 150,000 new cars to Britain's roads."

Double-deck trailers became increasingly popular in the UK because of the fuel savings they generate. "Companies, such as John Lewis, Tesco, B&Q and Boots, operate large fleets of double-deck vehicles. Many have put the double-deck trailer at the heart of their plans to cut carbon emissions and improve the general environmental sustainability of their distribution systems.

"So strong is the business case, in economic and environmental terms, for operating double-deck trailers that they are being used much more extensively across UK supply chains," the report said.
"Between 2004 and 2008, there was a 57 per cent increase in the amount of freight movement in double-deck trailers, measured in tonne-kilometres."
Double-deck trailers are commonly used in the distribution of parcels and palletised traffic, and the legislation would, therefore, impact pallet networks and supermarket supply chains the most, said IFW.

Source : HKSG, 26.10.10

[261010.ID.OTH] Siapa Bilang Perempuan Lemah Matematika?

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Siapa yang masih menganggap perempuan lemah dalam matematika? Jika masih ada yang beranggapan demikian, mungkin seperti ungkapan gaul anak-anak muda masa kini "ke laut aje lo..."
Head of Student and Alumni Afairs Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) Sulandjari Rahardjo mengatakan, anggapan perempuan lemah dalam matematika sebenarnya tidak relevan lagi dengan kapabilitas perempuan sendiri. Anggapan ini kan, ungkapnya, muncul karena kesempatan yang terbatas bagi anak perempuan untuk belajar matematika.

"Kemampuan itu sama. Hanya karena anggapan itu sudah lama ada di masyarakat, perempuan tidak diberi kesempatan. Ada anggapan perempuan itu enggak kuat dalam angka. Sebenarnya kalau diberi kesempatan yang sama, bisa juga kuat," ungkapnya, Sabtu (23/10/2010).

Stereotiping ini kemudian membuat anak-anak perempuan yang berniat melanjutkan sekolah di bidang-bidang eksakta, khususnya matematika, harus mengeluarkan tenaga lebih untuk menjelaskannya kepada orangtua. Untungnya, lanjut Sulandjari, makin banyak perempuan yang menguasai bidang-bidang eksakta.

Makin banyak pula perempuan yang menjadi guru-guru matematika membuat anak-anak perempuan juga termotivasi. Di jurusan Matematika STKIP Kebangkitan Nasional, Sulandjari mengatakan, jumlah calon guru matematika berimbang antara laki-laki dan perempuan.

"Oleh karena itu, perlu memperbaiki pola asuh di rumah dan budaya yang dianut. Kita harus pelan-pelan lihat, itu enggak bener," tambahnya.

Padahal, perempuan juga sangat dekat dengan matematika karena matematika memang hadir dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sulandjari mengatakan, transaksi belanja dan bikin kue juga menggunakan prinsip matematika.

Sumber : Kompas, 23.10.10.

25 Oktober 2010

[251010.EN.SEA] Thirteen Container Lines Vow to Use Costly, Eco-fuel in Hong Kong

THE Hong Kong Liner Shipping Association (HKLSA) has 13 members signed up to the Fair Winds Charter, an agreement to use low-sulphur fuel in Hong Kong harbour, which now includes APL, Evergreen, CMA CGM, Hamburg Sud, Alianca, Hapag-Lloyd, Hanjin, Hyundai, Maersk, MOL, NYK Line, OOCL, and Yang Ming.

HKLSA says the low-sulphur fuel is "very expensive" and will cost to each line between US$1 million to $2 million annually. 

Earlier, HKLSA secretary Roberto Giannetta told the Hong Kong Shipping Gazette that the cost would be borne by shippers - and locally by the 100,000 passengers who use the Hong Kong ferries every day if the cost fuel scheme is ever applied to them.

While the HKLSA wants low-sulphur fuel use imposed on Hong Kong ferries, it is first urging the Hong Kong government to press the Guangdong government to impose expensive fuel use in the Pearl River Delta to ensure mainland ports do not benefit from Hong Kong's extra environmental costs.

This represents more than 80 per cent throughput of HKLSA in Hong Kong and would involve some 430 vessels of participating lines, amounting to more than 5,300 vessel calls per year.

The charter proposes that participating member shipping lines will voluntarily switch to low-sulphur fuel while at berth in Hong Kong, between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2012.

Participating vessels at berth will convert to low-sulphur fuel in auxiliary generators that power shipboard electrical systems.

HKLSA has requested the Hong Kong SAR government to speed up discussion with the Guangdong government to introduce regulations consistent with international standards on ship emissions on both Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta by December 31, 2012.

The association also seeks to encourage container terminals to support this initiative by offering advantages to participating ships, as well as by addressing emissions from cargo handling equipment, and the trucks and local craft that service the terminals.

HKLSA believes this will offer a more effective approach towards better air quality in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta (PRD), saving up to 80 per cent of emissions from sulphur dioxide and particles. It will also ensure a level playing field for the industry, and enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong and PRD ports.

Source : HKSG, 25.10.10.

[251010.ID.BIZ] HIPMI: Ambrolnya Martadinata Tonggak Percepatan Pembangunan Infrastruktur

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia (Hipmi) mengatakan amrolnya Jalan RE Martadinata Jakarta Utara harus dijadikan momentum untuk melakukan percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur, khususnya jalan, oleh pemerintah.

"Semestinya ambrolnya jalan tersebut dijadikan momentum bagi pemerintah atau kementerian terkait segera mengambil banyak terobosan dan keberanian untuk mengeksekusi banyak proyek infrastruktur jalan yang terbengkalai atau menemui jalan buntu," kata Ketua Umum BPP Hipmi Erwin Aksa, dalam siaran persnya yang diterima di Jakarta , Minggu.
Erwin juga mengatakan selain masalah lingkungan, maka ambrolnya jalan tersebut kian menunjukkan semakin buruknya infrastruktur jalan di Tanah Air.
Menurut dia,percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur jalan di Tanah Air sudah tidak bisa ditawar-tawar lagi sehingga harus dicarikan solusi secepatnya yang bersifat darurat atau extra-ordinary untuk mengejar ketertinggalan dan melemahnya daya saing industri nasional.
"Harus ada langkah-langkah atau kebijakan yang tersifat extra-ordinary (luar biasa) untuk menyelesaikan masalah infrastruktur jalan. Tidak bisa hanya mengandalkan pendekatan-pendekatan konvensional," katanya.
Apalagi, kata Erwin, kondisi infrastruktur jalan di Indonesia, khususnya jalan, merupakan yang terburuk di ASEAN.
"Herannya meski negara kita yang terluas, panjang jalan di Indonesia terpendek di ASEAN. Itu pun dalam kondisi mengenaskan, seperti ambrolnya Martadinata," kata CEO Grup Bosowa ini.
Asian Development Bank (ADB) menyebutkan Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara yang memiliki kepadatan jalan (road densities) terendah di antara negara-negara ekonomi utama di Kawasan Asia Tenggara, baik untuk tiap 100 orang dan setiap kilometer persegi.
Panjang jalan yang diaspal per 100 orang juga salah satu yang terpendek di kawasan ini.
Selain itu, sekitar 36 persen dari jaringan jalan dilaporkan rusak atau megalami kerusakan berat pada tahun 2007.
ADB mengusulkan agar pemerintah melakukan reformasi kebijakan dalam jangka pendek dan menengah untuk mengatasi hambatan-hambatan pembangunan jalan, diantaranya, percepatan dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan infrastruktur yang baru, meningkatkan investasi swasta termasuk kemitraan pemerintah dan swasta.
Sumber : Antara, 18.09.10 (maaf, kliping hari Minggu ngga sempat dimuat, repot).

23 Oktober 2010

[231010.EN.SEA] Maersk To Cut Europe Capacity 10pc

COPENHAGEN's Maersk Line has announced it will suspend its Asia-Europe AE-9 service, deploying nine ships each between 6,000 to 8,000 TEU, from mid-November, cutting its capacity on the trade lane 10 per cent in response to shrinking demand.

"A few weeks ago, we said that we were ready to adjust our capacity to post-peak demand levels," said Maersk's Asia-North Europe chief Lee Sissons. "We are taking out one service [and] we will make adjustments to our network to maintain schedule reliability and coverage."

Maersk Line has joined the Grand Alliance in announcing that it will withdraw vessel capacity from the Asia-Europe trade lane during the winter season, reported London's Containerisation International. The slow period is usually used for vessel maintenance. Thus, no lay-ups are expected. 

Maersk will also reduce capacity from Asia to the US in December when its TP1 service stops after an Horizon Lines announced it would assume service itself, reported American Shipper. Maersk said it will not replace eastbound capacity and will allow other Maersk services to make up for it.

"Market demand is the driver," said a Maersk spokesman. "Should the market drop we would review. Additional capacity could be withdrawn, but there is no indication of this at this time." 

Other carriers are understood to have cut capacity too. Maersk also expects more capacity to be withdrawn after the February 3 Chinese New Year. 

According to Container Trade Statistics (CTS), July and August's average monthly flow of 807,000 TEU to northern Europe was only 9.4 per cent more than the second quarter's monthly average of 738,000 TEU. Growth rose 6.9 per cent to 1.22 million TEU per month if the Mediterranean is included. 

According to the Shanghai Containainerised Freight Index, the average spot rate from Shanghai to north Europe on October 15 was US$1,563 per TEU all-in, which was down from $1,870 per TEU on June 30, and US$1,552 per TEU to main Med ports against to US$1,906 per TEU charged at the end of June.

London's Drewry Shipping Consultants said average all-in spot rates from south China to the Britain peaked in July at $4,170 per FEU, then dropped to $3,950 per FEU in August and shrank again to $3,800 per FEU in September.
Source : HKSG, 22.10.10.

[231010.ID.BIZ] Ades Masuki Industri Kosmetik

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Perusahaan air minum dalam kemasan dengan merek dagang Ades, PT Akasha Wira International Tbk (Ades), akan mengembangkan usaha di industri kosmetik. Ekspansi ini dilakukan dengan mengakuisisi sejumlah aset perusahaan kosmetik PT Damai Sejahtera Mulia.

Direktur dan Sekretaris Perusahaan Wisnu Adji seusai rapat umum pemegang saham luar biasa perseroan, Kamis (21/10/2010), mengatakan, untuk mengakuisisi aset Damai Sejahtera Mulia, pihaknya telah menyiapkan dana 5 juta dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 44,5 miliar. 

Damai Sejahtera Mulia adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi produk kecantikan dan perawatan rambut, seperti Makarizo, Vorsatz, Spa, Creator, T1, dan MK3.

Wisnu menerangkan, akuisisi yang dilakukan perseroan terhadap Damai Sejahtera Mulia merupakan akuisisi aset, bukan akuisisi saham. 

”Yang akan kami akuisisi adalah mesin pembuat kosmetik milik Damai Sejahtera Mulia. Untuk ekspansi usaha di bidang lain ini, perseroan telah mengubah anggaran dasar dan telah disetujui 92 persen pemegang saham,” kata Wisnu.

Menurut dia, akuisisi aset Damai Sejahtera Mulia sebesar 5 juta dollar AS didanai dari pinjaman bank. Saat ini perseroan telah mendapatkan komitmen pinjaman dari Bank International Indonesia dengan tenor selama lima tahun.

Wisnu menjelaskan, perseroan tertarik masuk ke bisnis kosmetik karena melihat kosmetik telah menjadi salah satu kebutuhan dasar masyarakat saat ini. Kebutuhan akan produk kecantikan ini ditopang peningkatan daya beli masyarakat dan pertambahan jumlah penduduk setiap tahun.

”Saat krisis, bisnis consumer goods (barang konsumsi) menjadi tulang punggung perekonomian kita. Bisnis ini terbukti terus berkembang dan tahan terhadap krisis. Kosmetik adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak bisnis consumer goods yang menurut kami cukup prospektif,” kata Wisnu.

Pembelian aset Damai Sejahtera Mulia dan ekspansi ke bisnis kosmetik, lanjut Wisnu, diharapkan akan memberikan peningkatan pendapatan bagi perseroan sebesar Rp 324 miliar selama tahun 2011 hingga 2015. Proyeksi itu dengan asumsi perseroan mampu meningkatkan kapasitas terpasang mesin produksi kosmetik dari 29 persen menjadi 35 persen pada tahun 2011.

”Kapasitas terpasang ini diharapkan bertambah 40 persen pada tahun berikutnya dengan payback period diperkirakan kurang dari 4 tahun,” kata Wisnu.

Hingga semester I-2010, Ades berhasil mencatatkan laba bersih Rp 9,08 miliar atau naik dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun 2009 Rp 395 juta. (REI)

Sumber : Kompas, 22.10.10.

22 Oktober 2010

[2210101.EN.AIR] Garuda Indonesia Regains Foothold In Europe’s Cargo Market

Returning after a six-year break in operations, Garuda Indonesia has managed to re-establish its foothold in the European air cargo market with the help of its GSA partner, European Cargo Services (ECS).

The airline is achieving higher-than-forecast cargo payloads, with its daily Airbus A330 flights from Amsterdam to Jakarta via Dubai generally operating at full capacity. The A330 offers a daily uplift of 15 tons.
Garuda Indonesia found itself on the EU's "airline blacklist", and remained on the list until mid-2009 when the EC declared that the Indonesian authorities had finally ensured that the carriers under their regulatory control respected international safety standards.
Garuda awarded the Europe-wide cargo GSA contract to ECS to maximise the revenue potential of its bellyhold freight capacity. Garuda Indonesia's re-entry into Amsterdam at the start of June this year marked a significant step forward in the airline's global expansion strategy, and ECE expects to generate some 5,200 tonnes of freight per annum for the airline.
In addition to the Netherlands, other major cargo generating markets for Garuda include France, Germany and Scandinavia. 

As well as Dubai and Jakarta, ECS will market Garuda destinations across Asia and Australasia, including Bangkok, Beijing, Darwin, Guangzhou, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Jeddah, Kuala Lumpur, Melbourne, Nagoya, Osaka, Perth, Riyadh, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo.

Source : EFT, 21.10.10.

[221010.ID.BIZ] Tantangan Bagi Kesuksesan Asia

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Pertumbuhan ekonomi di kawasan Asia pada paruh pertama tahun 2010 sebesar 8 persen merupakan suatu kesuksesan bagi negara-negara Asia yang tampak memimpin dalam pemulihan ekonomi global. Akan tetapi, prestasi tersebut juga menciptakan tantangan-tantangan.

"Dengan cepatnya pertumbuhan lebih dari tingkat yang diekpektasikan, tekanan inflasi juga akan muncul di kawasan," ucap Direktur International Monetary Fund (IMF) Anoop Singh, Kamis (21/10/2010), di Kantor Perwakilan IMF, Bank Indonesia, Jakarta.

Tingginya angka inflasi terlihat dari semakin tingginya harga-harga bahan kebutuhan, terutama sektor pangan. Tidak hanya sektor pangan, inflasi juga terlihat pada tekanan harga di pasar properti di beberapa negara. "Harga rumah di beberapa negara seperti Cina, Hong Kong dan Singapura bahkan mengalami pertumbuhan harga hingga dua digit," ucap Singh kepada wartawan.

Di Cina, Singh mencontohkan, property bubble memunculkan inflasi di beberapa kota besar. "Tapi tidak dapat dikatakan harga properti di Cina tinggi secara keseluruhan," ujar Singh.

Asia, menurut Singh, juga tetap menjadi tujuan yang menarik bagi investasi asing terkait lesunya pemulihan ekonomi di Amerika Serikat dan Eropa. "Oleh karena itu, arus modal masuk dapat menambah tekanan lanjutan terhadap harga-harga di dalam negeri pada waktu mendatang," tandas Singh.

Adapun, keberhasilan-keberhasilan yang dicapai Asia ditunjukkan dari ekspansi yang melampaui ekspektasi pada paruh pertama tahun 2010. Hal ini membuat IMF merevisi ke atas proyeksi pertumbuhan tahun 2010 kawasan ini menjadi 8 persen, hampir 1 persen lebih tinggi daripada proyeksi yang dibuatnya pada bulan April.

Sementara pertumbuhan negara-negara Asia juga mengalami ekspansi yang kuat seperti Cina yang mencapai 10,5 persen dan India 9,7 persen. Sementara pertumbuhan di Indonesia mencapai angka 6 persen dan Jepang tumbuh 2,8 persen.

Sumber : Kompas, 21.10.10.

21 Oktober 2010

[211010.EN.SEA] NOL Back In Black

SINGAPORE's Neptune Orient Lines, owner of the APL container line, has announced a 55 per cent third quarter profit increase to US$282 million, recovering from a year-on-year net loss of $139 million, an improvement credited to a 55 per cent revenue hike to $2.4 billion.

Net profit for the first three quarters of 2010 was $283 million compared to a net loss of $530 million during the same period last year.

"Strong demand and an improved rate environment have helped us turn around our performance," said
NOL chief executive Ronald Widdows. "Our emphasis at this point is on operating efficiency and cost containment to ensure that we maintain momentum."

The group's third quarter pre-tax profit for the third quarter was $319 million compared to a year on year loss of $115 million. Pretax profit for the first three quarters was $359 million against a year on year loss of $468 million.

Third quarter revenue for APL, NOL's container unit, increased 60 per cent to $2.2 billion. For the first three quarters, its revenue rose 51 per cent to $5.9 billion.

APL pre-tax third quarter profit stood at $301 million against last year's $130 million loss while pre-tax profit for the three quarters of 2010 was $314 million against last year's nine-month loss of $502 million.

Shipping volume of the third quarter increased 12 per cent, while of the first three quarters rose 29 per cent.

"Volume and rates improved across most of our major trade lanes, and our ships were full," said
APL president Eng Aik Meng. "At the same time, we were well-prepared with vessel capacity and container equipment to meet our customer commitments."

APL Logistics, NOL Group's supply chain management business, reported its third quarter revenue of $302 million, up 30 per cent year on year. Revenue for the first three quarters improved 31 per cent to $880 million.

Pre-tax profit in the logistics business rose six per cent in the third quarter to $18 million. For the first three quarters, pre-tax income increased 10 per cent to $45 million.

"Volumes increased in most of our business lines and freight rates improved in international logistics," said APL Logistics president Jim McAdam. "The result has been a continuation of the revenue growth we've realised throughout 2010, indicating a return to pre-economic downturn levels." 
Source : HKSG, 20.10.10.