30 November 2010

[301110.EN.SEA] Nigeria Busts Another FEU From Iran - this time it's heroin

NIGERIAN drug enforcement and customs officers have intercepted another container of contraband from Iran, but this time it's 130 kilogrammes of heroin rather than munitions seized in October, reported the Daily Trust.

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) received an overseas tip about the consignment coming by sea four months ago and monitored movements closely before the FEU aboard the 1,900-TEU CMA CGM Montenegro out of Iran arrived and was discharged at Tin Can Island Container Terminal at Lagos.

After an initial inspection by customs, found no explosives, the NDLEA carried out a more thorough search and found the drugs.

NDLEA chief Ahmadu Giade said welders cut the container open to reveal the drugs. He said the action finally paid off, as the drugs were traced to some cylindrical equipment in which they were found.

"The discovery marks the beginning of intense investigation. Drug barons will be frustrated by similar undercover operations. We will maximise every opportunity to dismantle drug trafficking cartels. The agency will also collaborate with relevant agencies in its operations," said Mr Giade.

The heroin, he said, was destined for Europe and would have fetched US$9.9 million on the street. He commended the US government for the "growing relationship between both countries", noting that it was imperative in the dismantling of drug trafficking syndicates.

In the explosives case, a Nigerian court charged an alleged member of Iran's Revolutionary Guard with trafficking of arms - concealed in containers shipped from Bandar Abbas to Lagos - the firepower of which, the State Security Service (SSS) said could "sink a country in just three hours," reported London's Containerisation International.

Thirteen shippers associated with the containers were discharged from criminal connection with the consignment at the APMT Apapa box terminal from the CMA CGM Everest in July, discovered in October when it was to be transshipped to Gambia.

Charged is Azim Adhajani, appeared in court along with two Nigerian defendants charged with conspiring to re-export the weapons of war. But Adhajani did not enter a plea, preferring to have the Iranian embassy represent him.

The contraband, labelled "packages of glass wool and pallets of stone", on the bill of lading from CMA CGM, consisted Iranian weapons and munitions, including field artillery class 107mm rockets with a nine-kilometre range.
Source : HKSG, 30.11.10.

[301110.ID.SEA] Otoritas Pelabuhan Segera Bertugas Akhir Desember 2010

JAKARTA: Kementerian Perhubungan mengisyaratkan Badan Otoritas Pelabuhan (BOP) akan mulai efektif melakukan tugasnya pada akhir Desember 2010.

Dirjen Perhubungan Laut Kemenhub Sunaryo mengatakan BOP tersebut akan bertugas di empat pelabuhan utama yakni Tanjung Priok Jakarta, Tanjung Perak Surabaya, Makassar dan Belawan Medan.
”Kalau tidak ada halangan, pada akhir Desember tahun ini juga sudah efektif,” ujarnya kepada Bisnis di sela-sela sosialisasi pembentukan dan implementasi BOP yang diselenggarakan Kemenhub dan Asosiasi Perusahaan Bongkar Muat Indonesia (APBMI) di Jakarta hari ini.
Dia mengatakan BOP merupakan amanat UU No.17/2008 tentang Pelayaran. Badan otoritas ini akan mempertegas kewenangan di pelabuhan sehingga antara PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) dan perusahaan bongkar muat (PBM) swasta dapat tercipta harmonisasi kegiatan bongkar muat di pelabuhan.
“Ini termasuk soal tarif-tarif jasa kepelabuhanan, kita akan segera evaluasi setelah BOP berjalan efektif,”paparnya.
Sunaryo mengungkapkan hingga kini sudah ada 10 pengajuan pembentukan badan usaha pelabuhan (BUP) yang disampaikan ke Ditjen Hubla Kemenhub.
"Di Pelabuhan Priok sudah ada satu pengajuan BUP yang disampaikan oleh Multi Terminal Indonesia,” ujarnya.
Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 30.11.10.

29 November 2010

[291110.EN.SEA] Al-Qaeda Man Confirmed as Suicide Bomber of MOL Ship Off Oman

A SUICIDE bomb attack on MOL's 314,016-ton M Star in the Strait of Hormuz off Oman, has been confirmed by the US Department of Transportation as being the work of Al Qaeda franchise Abdullah Azzam Brigades, which originally claimed responsibility, but whose claims were doubted.

The July 28 explosion inflicted hull damage, killed the bomber and slightly injured a sailor, but caused no oil leakage, reported Tanker Operator.

"The martyr hero Ayyub Al Tayshan blew himself up in the Japanese oil tanker M Star in the Strait of Hormuz between the UAE and Oman," said the posting on the Abdullah Azzam Brigades website at the time of the attack on July 28.

Said the US Department of Transportation: "Government and industry sources can confirm that the claim by the Abdullah Azzam Brigades is valid. The group remains active and can conduct further attacks on vessels in areas in the Strait of Hormuz, southern Arabian Gulf, and western Gulf of Oman," it warned.

The department advised ships should pay close attention to any movements of smaller vessels when passing through these waters, as well as advising the "exercise increased vigilance and caution", particularly at night.

At the time of the attack, Lloyd's List reported there were doubts that Abdullah Azzam Brigades' claim to be a member of al Qaeda and its responsibility for the tanker bombing. Its report cited an unidentified security analyst saying that the group had falsely claimed responsibility for attacks before, and dismissed its Al Qaeda connection. Another analyst called the group "freelance and not state-sponsored."

Source : HKSG, 29.11.10.

[291110.ID.10] 12 Perusahaan India Tertarik Investasi di Indonesia

JAKARTA: Sebanyak 12 perusahaan asal India tertarik investasi di bidang batu bara, kereta api, pelabuhan dan smelter di Indonesia

Hal itu diungkapkan Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) Gita Wiryawan di Jakarta, kemarin setelah berkunjung ke India belum lama ini.

"Pada umumnya, mereka menyatakan minat, tetapi belum bisa diumumkan [nama ke-12 perusahaan tersebut]," tegas Gita di sela European Union-Indonesia Business Dialogue (EIBD) 2010, hari ini.

Gita menjelaskan perusahaan-perusahaan asal India tersebut ingin menggarap industri pengolahan dan penambahan nilai (industri hilir) di Indonesia. Sementara, menurutnya, perkiraan investasi mencapai US$5 miliar, selama periode 3-5 tahun yang akan datang.(msb)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 29.11.10.

28 November 2010

[281110.EN.SEA] NOL Chief Sees Tight Capacity, Container Shortage Ahead

Singapore's NOL chief Ron Widows told a group of garment importers that tight shipping capacity and lack of containers in the industry might emerge in next few years, reported American Shipper.

"Based on the bounce that we have seen, as well as what we have seen on the asset side, we are probably looking at something around 2013 when not only is there a rebalancing of supply and demand, but probably a squeeze," Mr Widows spoke at a meeting after the annual conference of the American Import Shippers Association and the United States Association of Importers of Textiles and Apparel.

He said there are just very few people ordering ships. "Ship financing is still largely locked up. The KGs are largely out of business. The Germans who built a lot of ships are largely not buying ships. There are no ships being bought on speculation, that is going to have the effect of tightening the supply side."

"KG" stands for kommanditgesellschaft in German, which means limited partnerships. They were widely used to finance containership construction in the past, but "that scheme for raising financing is effectively gone," said Mr Widdows, citing American Shipper.

He forecast that "capacity next year will be adequate, some squeezes in the peaks, maybe. But there is enough capacity in the world to meet the demand based on the growth we are projecting."

Also, slow steaming is likely here to stay, but would be less attractive on the transpacific to US-flag operators, he added.

Regarding the supply of containers, he said container manufacturers have started to increase production, but it may not be able to satisfy the demand in the shipping industry.

In 2011, the industry will "probably face less problems with containers. That presumes that leasing companies and carriers are going to pay historic high asset prices."

But for exporters, they might encounter the difficulty in getting containers. He said the price of a TEU has climbed to US$2,700 from about $1,500 already.
Source : HKSG, 22.11.10.

[281110. ID.BIZ] Menperin: Program Hilirisasi Cegah Deindustrialisasi

JAKARTA: Kementerian Perindustrian menggencarkan program hilirisasi industri dan mengupayakan pemberian insentif bagi pengembangan industri yang bernilai tambah dapat keluar pada tahun ini, menyusul sinyal deindustrialisasi di Tanah Air.

Menteri Perindustrian M. S. Hidayat mengatakan sinyal deindustrialisasi memang sudah terlihat hal ini terlihat dari ekspor Indonesa yang didominasi oleh sumber daya alam. 

"ini warning  untuk semua pihak agar waspada," kata Hidayat ketika dihubungi malam ini. 

Untuk mencegah terjadinya deindustrialisasi, Hidayat menegaskan pihaknya mengupayakan agar ekspor Indonesia memiliki nilai tambah, bukan hanya dalam bentuk sumber daya alam mentah.  

Pada tahap awal, menurut dia, pihaknya akan membicarakan program hilirisasi dengan beberapa kementrian terkait, seperti Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) dan Menteri Keuangan.

"Hari ini saya rapat dengan mereka untuk membahas usulan regulasi dan insentif dari Kemenprin untuk hilirisasi produk pertanian," tegasnya.

Dalam program hilirisasi, Hidayat mengatakan akan memfokuskan pada tiga sektor yaitu sektor  pertanian, pertambangan, dan petrokimia.  

Pada tahapan awal pengembangan hilirisasi industri akan dipacu pada sektor pertanian yang berbasis sawit, kakao dan karet.  

"Dengan ada hilirisasi, semua SDA kita nantinya diekspor sebagai barang jadi bukan bahan mentah," ujarnya.

Untuk memuluskan kebijakan pengembangan industri yang bernilai tambah, lanjutnya, tentu dibutuhkan insentif.  

Dia mengakui Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) dan Kementerian Keuangan sudah memberikan sinyal positif untuk mendukung langkah tersebut.

Bank Indonesia sebelumnya mengingatkan bahwa sektor manufaktur nasional mengarah kepada deindustrialisasi sejalan dengan tingginya tren ekspor bahan mentah jika dibandingkan dengan produk olahan.

Gubernur Bank Indonesia Darmin Nasution mengatakan ancaman deindustrialisasi merupakan tantangan ke depan Indonesia dari sisi domestik di tengah berbagai pencapaian positif perekonomian nasional.

"Peran dari industri berbasis sumberdaya alam terus menguat. Jika dibiarkan, persoalan ini bisa mengarah pada deindustrialisasi," katanya.

Menurut dia, acaman deindustrialisasi dapat berdampak pada penurunan nilai tambah industri nasional dan tergerusnya produktivitas ekonomi. 

Kondisi ini dinilai tidak menguntungkan di tengah persoalan pengangguran dan kemiskinan yang masih dihadapi Indonesia. Selain itu, industri manufaktur domestik dinilai masih kental dengan muatan ekspor. 

"Hal ini membuat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi akan dibarengi dengan naiknya impor secara signifikan, sehingga berdampak pada penurunan surplus pada transaksi neraca berjalan," kata Darmin. (hl)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 25.11.10.

27 November 2010

[271110.EN.SEA] Turkey's Yildirim Group to Take 20pc of CMA CGM For US$500

MARSEILLES' shipping giant CMA CGM has announced that the Turkish Yildirim Group will invest US$500 million in the leading French carrier by acquiring five-year ORA equity notes, giving access to 20 per cent of CMA CGM's share capital.

"The arrival of a new investor will additional resources to support and step up growth and represents a major milestone in our history," said CMA CGM chairman Jacques Saade.

Mr Saade also said Yildirim Group will get three seats on the 10-member board with his Saade family still retaining a majority interest and 80 per cent of the company.

The agreement enables CMA CGM to strengthen its equity base and secure the financing of its investment plan.

The Yildirim Group is an international family-run holding company established in 1963 in Samsun, Turkey. Yildirim is in chrome ore mining and trading, ferrochrome production, coal, fertiliser, shipping, shipbuilding and port management.

Said Yildirim president and CEO Robert Yuksel Yildirim: "Our decision to invest in CMA CGM attests to the quality of this world leader created 32 years ago, as well as to the capabilities of its management and teams. Its shipping expertise, worldwide presence and efficient fleet have enabled it to emerge from the crisis in even better shape. We are confident in CMA CGM's potential and intend to make a privileged contribution to its growth."

The agreement comes in a favourable environment, said a CMA CGM statement. "For the first nine months of 2010, revenue totalled $10.5 billion, up 38 per cent over the prior-year period, while freight volumes rose nearly 18 per cent year-on-year to 6.8 million TEU. The group achieved an operating margin (EBITDA) for the period of 18.5 per cent, one of the best performances of its sector," the statement said.

CMA CGM has taken delivery of 12 new ships since the beginning of 2010, bringing the number of owned ships to 92. New ships have also been chartered, bringing the total fleet to 400. In 2011, the group expects to receive nine new owned vessels, including six of more than 10,000 TEU.

Source : HKSG, 27.11.10.

[271110.ID.BIZ] Sariguna Tambah 4 Pabrik Minuman Kemasan

SIDOARJO: PT Sariguna Primatirta, produsen air minum beroksigen Cleo, berencana menanamkan modal Rp80 miliar pada 2011 untuk menambah empat unit pabrik air minum dalam kemasan (AMDK), sehingga perusahaan itu akan memiliki 13 pabrik.

Keempat pabrik AMDK itu rencananya berlokasi di Bangkalan (Jawa Timur), Samarinda (Kalimantan Timur), Bandung (Jawa Barat), dan Serang (Banten).

Direktur Komersial Sariguna Primatirta Melisa Patricia mengakui pihaknya akan pengembangan usaha dengan membangun empat unit pabrik AMDK yang terintegrasi dengan produksi kemasan.

"Pada tahun ini, manajemen telah membangun satu pabrik AMDK terintegrasi di Lombok Tengah. Fasilitas produksi baru itu menjadikan jumlah pabrik kami sembilan unit. Pada 2011, kami berencana membangun empat pabrik baru lagi," kata Melisa hari ini.

Direktur operasional perusahaan yang tergabung dalam Tanobel Group itu, Eko Susilo, menjelaskan konsep pengembangan pabriknya berbeda dengan pabrik AMDK pada umumnya sehingga investasi satu unitnya bisa mencapai Rp10 miliar hingga Rp20 miliar.

"Konsep pabrik terintegrasi dengan peralatan yang berteknologi tinggi dan menjamin kualitas produk menjadi komitmen manajemen. Bahkan, semua proses produksi dilakukan dalam satu unit pabrik tersebut, mulai dari pembuatan kemasan hingga proses pengisian air minum beroksigen," ujarnya.

Untuk keempat pabrik baru itu, kata Eko, perusahaan akan menginvestasikan Rp80 miliar. Empat pabrik itu disebar di beberapa daerah untuk memperkuat jaringan distribusi perusahaan.

"Selain air minum beroksigen Cleo, produk AMDK lainnya bermerk Anda. Cleo hingga kini masih berkontribusi 10% dari total produksi AMDK perusahaan, sisanya masih didominasi produk AMDK
Anda," ujarnya.

Eko mengklaim Cleo merupakan merupakan air minum beroksigen pertama di Indonesia yang memiliki potensi pasar cukup besar, karena masih belum memiliki pesaing sejenis.(hl)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 24.11.10.

26 November 2010



[261110.EN.SEA] Maersk's APMT Eyes Asian Secondary Ports For Development

MAERSK Group's APM Terminals (APMT) appears to be targeting second tier ports in Asia, particularly China, for container development, according to London's Containerisation International.

"Secondary ports are smaller fast growing facilities with the potential to be a player in the growing intra-Asia market - these are ports we are interested in," said APMT Asia Pacific chief executive Martin Gaard Christiansen.

"We are not only examining the secondary port market in China, but also Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia to mention a few." In China, APMT is studying secondary ports' growth rates and hinterland connections in the Yangtze River Valley and the Bohai Bay area.

Already there is a memorandum of understanding in place between APMT and the Chongqing Port Authority, said the report, which added Maersk Group is considering investment in port development with a decision expected next year, Mr Christiansen told CI.

"We would like to support Chongqing develop the right infrastructure to make [it] a manufacturing hub in west China. There has been significant growth in volumes moving from Chongqing to Shanghai," said Mr Christiansen.

Chongqing is currently building phase three of its terminal, which will see overall annual capacity jump to 1.6 million TEU in 2013 from today's 800,000 TEU.

Source : HKSG, 23.11.10.

[261110.ID.BIZ] Nestle Pure Life Garap Lini Listribusi Tradisional

JAKARTA: Nestle Pure Life akan mempertajam penetrasi pasar air minum dalam kemasan dengan menggarap lini distribusi tradisional, setelah sukses menggarap pasar ritel modern.

Technical Advisor Nestle Pure Life Indonesia Martin Jimi mengatakan pangsa pasar Nestle Pure Life di Indonesia saat ini relatif masih kecil dan baru terfokus di Jawa, Sumatra, dan Bali.

Namun, tuturnya, perusahaan berencana fokus mengembangkan distribusi dengan melakukan penetrasi lebih intensif untuk meningkatkan volume bisnisnya.

"Pangsa pasar kami di pasar AMDK masih sangat kecil. Kami masih fokus mengembangkan distribusi dan intensif di Jawa, dan baru 2 tahun ini masuk ke Sumatra dan Bali. Kami akan kembangkan distribusi lebih jauh dengan harapan volume bisnis meningkat," tuturnya hari ini.

Martin enggan menyebutkan volume pasar yang sudah dikuasai perusahaan saat ini, berikut target yang dicanangkan di masa mendatang. "Kami tidak bisa memberikan angka," kilahnya.

Ke depan, ungkapnya, Nestle Pure Life akan fokus mengembangkan sayap distribusi ke lini distribusi tradisional, seperti warung dan toko. Langkah tersebut ditempuh setelah penetrasi melalui pasar modern dinilai sudah cukup kuat.(hl)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 25.11.10.

25 November 2010

[251110.EN.SEA] Likes US Recovery, But CMA CGM Sees Poor Facilities, Truck Shortage Ahead

FRENCH shipping giant, CMA CGM expressed confidence in the strengthening of the US recovery and plans to enlarge its American market share, but also fears a coming lack of trucks and high terminal handling charges will undermine progress.
In an interview with London's International Freighting Weekly, an unidentified company executive said: "Rising stevedoring costs in the US are not compensated by any terminal handling charge, like in the rest of the world."

The executive also said the Asia-North America market would grow by about 14 per cent this year, following contractions of seven per cent in 2008 and 13 per cent in 2009.
But the transpacific demand recovery, he said, showed the weaknesses in US supply chains. "The 2010 transpacific market will most probably end up at 13.2 million TEU on the eastbound leg and about 7.3 million TEU westbound," said an unidentified company executive.
The problem, he said, was worsened by the "obsolescence of US infrastructure, such as access to ports - draughts and so on - which remain an obstacle to the introduction of bigger tonnage in a number of ports".

He also said there was a potential shortage of trucks, while the trade imbalance ramped-up costs because of heavy empty container repositioning expenses from inland points, said the report.

"Despite this, we are confident in the US economy for the years to come, and CMA CGM plans to grow its share in the US market - especially from Asia," he said.

Source : HKSG, 25.11.10.

[251110.ID.SEA] Pelindo II Integrasikan Sistem Informasi Online Pelabuhan

JAKARTA: PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II akan menerapkan information communication technologi (ICT) dalam proses pelayanan jasa kapal dan barang di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok.

"Penerapan ICT dilakukan melalui kerjasama dengan Telkom guna mempercepat pelayanan jasa kepelabuhanan ," ujar Richard Jose Lino, Dirut PT Pelindo II, kepada Bisnis hari ini.

ICT itu, kata dia, akan diterapkan secara bertahap di semua pelabuhan yang dikelola Pelindo II Sehingga perusahaan pengguna jasa dapat dengan mudah dan cepat melakukan permintaan pelayanan jasa kapal dan barang serta transkasi pembayaran melalui sistem komputer.

Menurut Lino, penerapan ICT itu selain mampu mempercepat pelayanan juga dapat memantau dan mengawasi proses pelayanan baik oleh perusahaan pengguna jasa maupun oleh manajemen Pelindo II.

Asisten Manager Pelayanan Pelanggan & Humas, PT PT Pelindo Cabang Tanjung Priok, Hambar Wiyadi menambahkan proses pertukaran data mampu mempercepat proses pelayanan dokumen sehingga dapat membantu kelancaran arus kapal dan barang.

Selain itu, kata dia, teknologi ini juga dapat menghindari terjadi kontak antara petugas pelayanan dengan pengguna jasa dalam memberikan pelayanan jasa kepelabuhanan serta menghindari adanya biaya tidak resmi alias pungli di dalam transaksi pembayaran.

Dia mengatakan sistem ICT akan online di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok sehingga seluruh biaya jasa kepelabuhanan secara jelas dan transparan dapat diketahui oleh pengguna jasa sesuai dengan jenis dan biaya pelayanan yang dibebankan kepada pelanggan. (arh)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 24.11.10.

24 November 2010

[241110.EN.SEA] Toxic Gas Halts Salvage of Grounded MSC Chitra in Mumbai

TOXIC gas leaks has stopped Geneva's Mediterranean Shipping Co (MSC) unloading containers from the grounded 2,314-TEU MSC Chitra until the ship has been raised and the hold drained and ventilated.

"Gases have restricted container recovery, sometimes to one or two per day. The monsoon has passed there is often no wind to clear gases, and the crane barge has to be pulled away when gas levels were unsafe," said MSC in a notice to trade about salvage operations at the entrance of Mumbai's channel, the site of a ship collision on August 7.

"With dry holds and drained containers a better success rate is hoped for to bring the remaining containers and cargo out. Container and recovery operations have now ceased until the vessel has been raised," said MSC.

MSC said conditions "continue to be very difficult with high levels of toxic gas from the cargo and now hydrogen sulphide from deteriorating cargo".

MSC said 314 containers have been recovered from the containership after its collision with the 33,113-ton bulker Khalijia 3, according to India's Economic Times. Some 600 of the remaining containers are "proving difficult to unload. Therefore, it has decided to raise the vessel," the report said.

India's shipping administration said the containers would be recovered after the vessel was raised. "It is to the credit of everyone involved that we could fast pace the efforts to such an extent that the ship will be lifted up in a few days," said an unnamed official.

In a notice to trade on November 16, MSC said 280 of the 314 salvaged containers have been landed while the remainder await customs clearance, reported American Shipper.

"Severe delays have been experienced landing the recovered containers ashore," MSC said. "This is due to a combination of customs delays, port congestion, and commercial issues arising because the damaged containers cannot be handled normally and each container requires significant berth time and space [sometimes up to 12 hours each].

"MSC has searched for and found some disused berths in the port area and has obtained permission to reactivate these to land damaged containers. This work has commenced but, in the meantime, the damaged containers are stored on barges," said the MSC statement.

The estimated 596 containers remaining on board (as of November 16) are fully submerged, with many damaged by monsoon seas and others deformed by the expansion of wet cargo from inside. That has made lifting them out in one piece difficult to impossible, MSC said.

"To have the best opportunity of recovering cargo the decision has been taken to raise the vessel with the remaining containers and cargo on board, during which operation the holds will be pumped out," the notice said.

"MSC is committed to doing business in India and has already expended tens of millions of dollars on this operation," said the company. "The circumstances continue to be difficult."

A list of containers salvaged and available for survey will be published and updated regularly on MSC surveyors' website. Login is "MSC" and the password is "containers".

Source : HKSG, 24.11.10.

[241110.ID.SEA] Pelindo II Ubah Rencana Induk Pengembangan Priok

JAKARTA: PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Pelindo II) mengajukan perubahan rencana induk (master plan) pengembangan Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok kepada Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut Kementerian Perhubungan.

Perubahan master plan itu dilakukan untuk memuluskan rencana perluasan pelabuhan yang digagas Pelindo II ke arah utara guna membangun terminal peti kemas baru.

Terminal peti kemas baru ini diharapkan dapat mengantisipasi lonjakan arus transportasi kargo dalam 5--10 tahun ke depan.

Bay M Hasani, Kepala Bidang Kepelabuhanan dan Angkutan Laut Adpel Tanjung Priok, mengatakan keinginan revisi master plan Pelabuhan Priok itu telah disampaikan manajemen Pelindo II kepada Adpel Tanjung Priok untuk diteruskan kepada Dirjen Perhubungan Laut Kemenhub.

“Rencana perubahan master plan itu disampaikan langsung melalui surat yang ditandatangani Dirut Pelindo II RJ Lino, pekan lalu. Namun, sampai saat ini kami masih membahas secara internal,” ujarnya kepada Bisnis hari ini.

Bay mengatakan rencana pengembangan fasilitas terminal peti kemas baru di Pelabuhan Priok masih harus dikaji secara mendalam terutama berkaitan dengan pemenuhan aturan international ship and port security (ISPS code).

“Kami sedang mengkaji dari aspek ISPS code sebab menurut rencana penyiapan terminal baru dilakukan dengan cara reklamasi dan harus disiapkan akses jalan layang di atas pelabuhan,”tuturnya. (arh)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 23.11.10.

23 November 2010

[231110.EN.SEA] TSA Forecasts Pacific Trade to Rise 6 to 9pc in 2011

SIX to nine per cent Asia-US cargo growth next year is anticipated by the Transpacific Stabilisation Agreement (TSA).

"The transpacific market is clearly returning to some kind of normality, with the US and Asian economies linked and imports from Asia vital to US consumers and businesses," said TSA chairman and Hanjin Shipping chief YM Kim.

Citing Alphaliner industry analysts' forecast that Asia-US cargo will experience a 12 per cent growth by the year end, TSA said the Paris-based agency estimated that transpacific capacity rose 18.6 per cent in the year since November 2009.

Overall, there were 15 new and restored services launched in the first three quarters, including three new service providers, to cater for the increasing demand, in part the result of improved rate levels.

Mr Kim stressed that it is essential to upgrade the service levels to satisfy the changing needs of customers. "Maintaining a stable infrastructure for the movement of goods is no less important today than in past years, and that will take sustained levels of carrier investment over time."

He also said carriers should pay attention to their financial stability. "Carriers have experienced solid revenue growth across their entire networks in 2010, but two strong quarters in the transpacific - a highly competitive freight market with very thin margins - still does not offset two years of heavy losses," he said.

"We said last year that we would not seek to recover all our losses in one year."

TSA executive administrator Brian Conrad said carrier operating costs have been rising, including labour, container handling, inland transport as well as both purchase and leasing of container equipment due to a global shortage.

Also, appreciation of some Asian currencies has raised currency costs, pegged with US dollar-denominated freight rates. "Individual lines would be discussing with customers in greater detail the background to their revenue and cost recovery objectives as contract negotiations move forward," said Mr Conrad.

Source : HKSG, 23.11.10.

[231110.ID.BIZ] Indonesia : Tuntut Gaji Tinggi, Karyawan Sara Lee Mogok Kerja

JAKARTA. Proses transisi kepemilikan PT Sara Lee Body Care Indonesia Tbk diwarnai oleh aksi mogok kerja tidak sah oleh para karyawan. Dalam aksi mogok kerja yang berlangsung Jumat pekan lalu (19/11) di pabrik Sara Lee di Cimanggis, karyawan menuntut kompensasi finansial yang jauh di atas ketentuan aturan ketenagakerjaan.

Amitava Chatterjee, Presiden Direktur Sara Lee mengatakan, dalam melaksanakan proses transisi ke pemilik baru, perusahaan berkomitmen untuk meminimalisir pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK). Untuk itu, manajemen menawarkan pilihan karir yang fleksibel kepada para karyawan. 

Dalam hal ini, karyawan masih diberikan kesempatan untuk melanjutkan hubungan kerja melalui mekanisme yang telah ada dan telah disosialisasikan sebelumnya.

"Namun Serikat Pekerja terus menuntut hal yang berbed dan sangat jauh di atas ketentuan Undang-undang Ketenagakerjaan," kata Amitava dalam siaran pers kepada KONTAN, Jumat (19/11). 

Lanjutnya, manajemen telah melakukan dialog dengan karyawan mengenai transaksi rencana akuisisi perusahaan oleh PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk pertama kali bergulir akhir tahun lalu. Hingga saat ini, Sara Lee Body Care mempekerjakan sekitar 150 karyawan.

“Kami menghargai pendapat yang disampaikan sepanjang disampaikan sesuai ketentuan perusahaan dan peraturan yang berlaku di Indonesia," lanjut Amitava. Untuk itu dia berjanji akan menyelesaikan hal ini secara internal. Selama kesepakatan masih dalam proses, perusahaan juga berkomitmen melayani konsumen dan pemangku kepentingan terkait.

Sara Lee adalah anak usaha Sara Lee Corp. Perusahaan ini pertama kali didirkan tahun 1962 dengan nama PT Prodenta Indonesia. Perusahaan yang awalnya berbasis di Surabaya ini dikenal sebagai produsen produk perawatan pribadi.

Pada tahun 1985, operasional perusahaan dipindah ke Jakarta dan seluruh saham diambil alih oleh Sara Lee Douwe Egbert NV, anak usaha Sara Lee Corp yang berbasis di Belanda. Anak usaha Sara Lee Body Care, PT Sara Lee Indonesia merupakan perusahaan distribusi dan pemasaran berbagai produk Sara Lee seperti Zwitsal, Sanex, Purol, She, dan Brylcreem.

Sumber : Kontan, 21.11.10.

22 November 2010

[221110.EN.SEA] CTS : Peak Season Slips Away With 3.9pc Rise Quarter to Quarter

DATA from Container Trade Statistics (CTS) indicate this year's peak season from Asia to Europe has proven a disappointment with shipping lines removing capacity well ahead of the slack season. 

Total cargo growth for the Asia to north Europe, west and east Med regions during the peak season in the third quarter was up 3.9 per cent compared to the previous quarter with the west Med being the worst performer.

A breakdown of the recorded cargo flow from Asia to North Europe in the third quarter amounted to 2,359,612 TEU, an increase of 6.6 per cent compared to the previous quarter.

Asia to the West Mediterranean, including North Africa, amounted to 648,665 TEU, down 4.8 per cent quarter to quarter. Asia to the East Mediterranean, including the Black Sea amounted to 558,408 TEU in the third quarter, up 3.5 per cent.

Ocean carriers had added 10 per cent more capacity in preparation for the peak season, pushing freight rates down, a report by London's Containerisation International said.

According to CTS, the average westbound freight rate to Europe in September was five per cent less than in July, although it was 14 per cent higher than the average for the whole of 2008.

The Shanghai Containerised Freight Index shows that by early November, the average all-in spot rate from Shanghai to North Europe had dropped to US$1,510 per TEU against $1,870 per TEU at the end of June. The corresponding rates to the Western Mediterranean were $1,469/TEU and $1,906/TEU, the report added.
Source : HKSG, 12.11.10.

[221110.ID.BIZ] Daya Saing Produk Indonesia Masih Lemah

JAKARTA: Daya saing produk Indonesia dalam perdagangan global dinilai masih rendah, sehingga perlu terus ditingkatkan agar Indonesia dapat memanfaatkan peluang dalam setiap kerjasama perdagangan bebas yang diikuti. 

Staf Khusus Menteri PPN/Bappenas Dedi Maskyur Riyadi mengatakan perdagangan bebas sebenarnya merupakan peluang besar yang bisa menguntungkan Indonesia apabila didukung dengan produk-produk nasional yang kompetitif baik dari sisi kualitas maupun harga. 

"Ketidaksiapan Indonesia saat ini terletak pada daya saing yang belum kuat apabila berhadapan dengan produk dari negara lain dalam pasar internasional," katanya di Jakarta Selasa. 

Untuk meningkatkan daya saing produk dalam negeri, lanjutnya, Indonesia harus meningkatkan kualitas produksi dari sektor industri dalam negeri. 

Menurut dia, rendahnya daya saing produk Indonesia disebabkan pemerintah dan swasta kurang jeli dalam menggarap nilai tambah sumber daya alam yang dimiliki Indonesia. 

"Ekspor Indonesia masih didominasi barang mentah. Ini akhirnya hanya akan dimanfaatkan oleh negara lain dengan mengambil nilai tambahnya melalui proses pengolahan," ujarnya. (luz)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 17.11.10.

21 November 2010

[211110.EN.LOG] Imperial Logistics Acquires majority Stake in ECW Express

South Africa's Imperial Logistics has acquired a majority stake in EWC Express, a domestic and international document courier that also specialises in break-bulk consolidation.
The acquisition will strengthen Imperial Logistics' small parcel, high-speed delivery services.

With offices in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth and George, EWC services more than 3 000 centres across South Africa every day, and its affiliation with the World Freight Network provides access to 174 privately owned freight forwarders in ninety countries.
EWC also offers airfreight, sea freight, customs clearing and freight forwarding, as well as warehousing and distribution services.

Source : EFT, 16.11.10.

[211110.ID.SEA] Revisi UU Pelayaran Turunkan Kepercayaan Investor

JAKARTA: Masyarakat pelayaran nasional menilai wacana revisi UU No.17/2008 tentang Pelayaran yang memuat pasal asas cabotage akan menghilangkan kepercayaan investor pelayaran ke Indonesia.

Maman Permana, Sekretaris Masyarakat Pemerhati Pelayaran, Pelabuhan dan Lingkungan Maritim (Mappel) mengatakan UU pelayaran yang baru berumur 3 tahun sangat beresiko terhadap kepercayaan Investor ke Indonesia.

Dia menjelaskan wacana merevisi UU itu harus dihentikan. “Dengan usia UU yang belum genap 3  tahun, tidak etis untuk direvisi karena tidak ada pasal yang keliru di dalamnya,” katanya kepada Bisnis, hari ini.

Menurut dia, pelaksanaan kebijakan nasional asas cabotage harus sesuai rencana dengan UU Pelayaran, Inpres No.5/2005, Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No.71/2005 dan Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No.20/2010.

Selain itu, katanya,  semua pihak agar mematuhi  kesepakatan antara Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kemenhub, INSA (Indonesian National Shipowners’ Association) dan Badan Pengelola Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Migas (BP MIgas) pada Juli 2009 soal tahapan pelaksanaan asas cabotage di sektor off shore.

Rapat tersebut menyepakati kapal-kapal off shore dibagi ke dalam tiga kelompok yang disertai dengan jadwal penutupan pemberian izin pemberitahuan pengoperasian kapal asing (PPKA).

Kelompok A adalah kapal jenis tugboats, mooring boats, utility vessels, barges, landing craft, oil barges, security boats, sea trucks, crew boats, crane barges, pilot barges dan anchor boat. Kapal di kelompok ini sudah ditutup bagi asing sejak 1 Januari 2010.

Adapun kapal di kelompok B adalah jenis accomodation barges > 250 feet class, anchor handling and tugs (AHT), anchor handling and tug supply (AHTS), ASD tugboats, platform supply vessel (PSV), seismic vessel, crane barge, floating storage and offloading (FSO), floating production storage and offloading (FPSO). PPKA kapal jenis ini ditutup bagi asing paling lambat 1 Januari 2011.

Sementara kapal yang ada dikelompok C adalah jenis jack up rig, drill ship, submersible rig dan cable laying ship yang disepakati memerlukan diskusi lebih lanjut karena jenis usahanya bukan termasuk pelayaran. (arh) 

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 18.11.10 (maaf, 2 hari libur tgl 19/11 dan 20/11).

18 November 2010

[181110.EN.LOG] TIACA, IATA, FIATA and GSF to Form Industry Advisory Group

Four organisations have signed a letter of intent committing to work towards the formation of an industry advisory group facilitated by TIACA to ensure the air cargo industry has a strong, unified voice in its dealings with worldwide regulatory authorities and other bodies whose decisions directly impact on air cargo.

The agreement commits the International Air Cargo Association (TIACA), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA), and the Global Shippers' Forum (GSF) to work together to look at their current positions on issues such as security, customs reform, e-commerce, and the environment and to try to find common ground to best protect and promote the interests of the air cargo industry, the organisations and customers.

The review will also look at the associations' respective resources committed to industry affairs and consider how to make the most effective use of the existing and growing relationships that TIACA, GSF, FIATA and IATA have with relevant government departments and other regulatory

The associations will also discuss the involvement of other global industry groups in the air cargo supply chain and seek the support of bodies such as the World Customs Organisation (WCO).

Michael Steen, vice chairman of TIACA, said that, collectively, the four organisations represent the most powerful grouping of all parties involved in the air cargo supply chain.

"We all share a common goal to protect our members against costly and sometimes unnecessary changes in legislation and to have a practical input into any future regulatory challenges before they become mandatory. We also want to have the strongest possible voice when it comes to highlighting to policy makers the vital role air cargo plays in world trade, in employment, in consumer choice and in the growth of developing markets," said Steen.

Giovanni Bisignani, IATA's director general & CEO, commented: "The industry is working together to improve efficiency with programs like IATA e-freight but governments have not always received clear signals from industry on what is needed for efficient global air cargo operations. 

strong and unified industry voice with the Global Shippers' Forum is a step in the right direction. IATA looks forward to working with FIATA, GSF and TIACA to make it an effective industry tool."

He added: "But we cannot be successful without an effective regulatory environment. We have been proactive in representing the airline industry and we would have a great deal to offer to a wider group representing the interests of the entire air cargo supply chain and customers. 

We believe FIATA and TIACA would be strong partners to work alongside, as well as the
GSF. We are keen to approach our discussions positively. Clearly, regulators will see us as having a more powerful voice as a group than as individual associations when it comes to industry affairs and we hope they will be even more willing to listen to us and to work with us."

Jean-Claude Delen, president of FIATA, said: "We clearly have a lot of areas to consider but we believe it is time for associations like FIATA, TIACA and IATA, and hopefully others, to look at how we can collectively approach the issue of regulatory and industry affairs as this is an area
where we need the strongest representation. We need to be able to influence decisions that are outside of our direct control but that can have the most dramatic impact on the effectiveness of the members of all our associations."

Source : EFT, 09.11.10.

[181110.ID.BIZ] Angkutan Peti Kemas Bodong Beroperasi Di Priok

JAKARTA: Armada pengangkut peti kemas yang tidak berdokumen resmi diduga marak beroperasi di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok sehingga berpotensi merugikan negara sekitar Rp5,3 miliar per tahun.

Ketua Organisasi Angkutan Darat Angkutan Khusus Pelabuhan (Organda Angsuspel) DKI Jakarta Gemilang Tarigan mengungkapkan armada tidak berdokumen resmi alias bodong itu juga mayoritas sudah tidak layak beroperasi dan memadati pelabuhan yang menampung sekitar 14.600 unit angkutan peti kemas.
“Kondisi ini mengakibatkan negara dirugikan mencapai Rp5,3 milliar per tahun yang semestinya berasal dari kewajiban pembayaran pajak kendaraan bermotor,” ujarnya kepada Bisnis hari ini.
Dia mengungkapkan bebas beroperasinya jenis armada seperti itu disebabkan adanya kolusi oknum aparat terkait yang memperbolehkan beroperasi dengan memberikan dispensasi.
Karena itu, lanjut dia, praktek seperti ini harus dihapuskan agar angkutan pelabuhan laik jalan sesuai persyaratan teknis, efisien, dan mengurangi tingkat kemacetan di jalan raya.
“Trailer yang tidak laik operasional seringkali mogok di jalan yang berakibat kemacetan. Selain itu pengelola armada bodong juga melakukan banting tarif angkutan sehingga sangat merugikan pelaku usaha angkutan yang resmi dan berizin,” paparnya.
Gemilang mencontohkan praktek banting tarif angkutan peti kemas seringkali dilakukan untuk rute jarak dekat dari dan ke pelabuhan Priok yang seharusnya sesuai pedoman tarif angkut Rp1 juta, tetapi armada bodong bersedia mengangkut dengan tarif Rp600.000 per sekali jalan.
“Akibatnya terjadi persaingan tidak sehat tarif angkutan pelabuhan, apalagi jika dihitung berdasarkan investasi yang telah dilakukan perusahaan angkutan,” ujarnya.
Untuk itu, Organda Angsuspel DKI mendukung penuh program operasi penertiban untuk memberantas armada bodong yang beroperasi di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok. Menurut rencana, lanjut dia, tim gabungan Dinas Perhubungan DKI Jakarta, Polda Metro Jaya dan Organda Angsuspel DKI, akan menggelar kembali operasi penertiban angkutan peti kemas pada 19 November 2010 di Jalan Raya Cakung Cilincing. (arh)
Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 18.11.10.