30 April 2019

[300419.EN.SEA] NYK Replaces Chairman After Reporting Loss of US$400m in 2018 FY

JAPAN's NYK Line has reported a loss of JPY44.5 billion (US$400 million) for the financial year ended March 31, in wake of its disposal of its container shipping line to establish ONE line. The company responded to the heavy loss by replacing the chairman, president and representative directors immediately.

"These losses were recorded mainly due to the negative impact as well as extraordinary losses of the liner trade and air cargo transportation segment and due to related expenses for structural reforms of the dry bulk business. We are viewing the results of this year seriously," the company said in a statement, reported New York's FreightWaves.

Former chairman Yasumi Kudo will now fill a "special advisor" position. Former president Tadaaki Naito will take the chairman's role and will also be a director. Former executive vice-president Hitoshi Nagasawa has been appointed as the president.

Director Eiichi Takahashi has been made "representative director" and still holds on to his senior managing corporate officer role. Chief outside director Yukio Okamoto is now out. Replacing Mr Okamoto in that role is Yoshihiro Katayama.

Revenues for NYK declined by 16.2 per cent from JPY2.18 trillion in the 12 months ended March 2018 to stand at JPY1.83 trillion by the year ending March 2019. Operating profit dropped by 60.2 per cent from JPY27.8 billion to JPY11.09 billion during the same period.

Liner trade revenues decreased by 58.6 per cent by the end of the financial year to stand at JPY286.3 billion. Air cargo revenues fell by 41 per cent to JPY56.7 billion. Logistics revenues rose by 2.6 per cent to JPY525.8 billion. Bulk shipping revenues grew by 5.8 per cent to JPY841.3 billion.

Commenting on the results, the group noted that in the container shipping division the newly established shipping line "ONE" immediately suffered problems with a drop in liftings and slot utilization. That improved over the year but empty container repositioning costs owing to insufficient liftings "placed pressure on the bottom line."

Freight rates were described as being favourable, particularly on the North America trade. Bunker prices also negatively impacted the bottom line. There were also higher than anticipated expenses relating to the termination of the NYK Line container business.

With regards to the air cargo side of the business, volumes were badly hurt after the company was forced to ground all of its aircraft due to an air safety order from the Japanese Minister of Transport. The group said that there had been "improper maintenance work conducted in the past" by a consolidated subsidiary.

The group's logistics division received a boost from urgent demand for air freight on account of stranded cargoes from typhoons. Ocean freight volumes were "particularly strong" owing to the political friction between Washington and Beijing. Robust US demand and "firm" volumes in Europe also helped.

Automobile shipping volumes were strong to north America and Europe but volumes elsewhere were "sluggish" and total finished car volumes dropped. NYK worked to overcome the problems by "slow-steaming" ships and by trying to expand logistics proposals.

Looking ahead, NYK foresees greater profitability on lower revenue as it expects business performance in the ocean liner and air cargo trades to "significantly improve".

NYK expects ocean box shipping company "ONE" to recover liftings and slot utilisation that were lost immediately after the beginning of operations.

NYK adds that "efforts will be made" to improve cargo volumes in air and ocean freight forwarding.

NYK is forecasting profits of JPY26 billion by the year ending March 31, 2020.

Source : HKSG.

[300419.ID.BIZ] Di Tengah Revolusi Industri 4.0, Buruh Minta Perlindungan

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA — Peta jalan dan regulasi yang bertujuan melindungi tenaga kerja pada era revolusi industri 4.0 mendesak untuk dibuat.

Presiden Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Indonesia (KSPI) Said Iqbal mengatakan roadmap atau peta jalan dan regulasi dalam menghadapi revolusi industri 4.0 itu harus dapat menjawab tantangan yang akan dihadapi ke depan. Menurutnya, roadmap dan regulasi itu harus memuat proyeksi industri yang dibutuhkan dan kesiapan teknologi untuk mendukung industri tersebut.

Tujuan penyusunan roadmap dan regulasi revolusi industri di bidang ketenagakerjaan itu dapat menjadi pegangan pemerintah dan pengusaha serta perlindungan untuk buruh.

"Kesiapan sumber daya manusia juga perlu, implementasinya seperti apa. Ini perlu aturan dan roadmap-nya khusus menghadapi industri 4.0," ujarnya kepada Bisnis, Sabtu (27/4).

Revolusi industri 4.0, lanjutnya, akan menyebabkan  hilangnya pekerjaan tertentu karena tergantikan dengan teknologi. Hal itu tentu berdampak akan terjadinya pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) yang mencapai 37,5 juta orang. Hal tersebut harus menjadi sorotan pemerintah dengan mengindentifkasi perlindungan seperti apa yang dibutuhkan pada tenaga kerja.

"Kalau tak ada perlindungan tenaga kerja saat revolusi industri 4.0 ini nanti akan terjadi banyak pelanggaran yang diterima oleh tenaga kerja," kata Said.

Presiden Asosiasi Serikat Pekerja (Aspek) Indonesia Mirah Sumirat menilai saat ini pemerintah belum siap dalam menghadapi revolusi industri 4.0. Hal itu dikarenakan belum ada aturan perlindungan hukum bagi pekerja pada era industri 4.0.

Tak hanya itu, sudah seharusnya saat ini pemerintah memulai mengadakan pelatihan teknologi agar para pekerja tak gagap pada era industri 4.0.

"Revolusi industri 4.0 dimulai di sektor tol, saat pembayaran tol menggunakan digital. Pemerintah saat ini secara mendadak dan tak dilakukan transfer ilmu teknologi dan enggak ada persiapan pengalihan pekerja petugas tolnya ke bidang pekerjaan apa sehingga banyak yang dirumahkan," tuturnya.

Pelatihan teknologi tak hanya diberikan kepada para pekerja yang tengah bekerja saja tetapi lulusan perguruan tinggi juga diberikan pelatihan agar skill yang dimilikinya bertambah. Dengan skill yang dimiliki saat ini saja, tenaga kerja di Indonesia tak akan mampu menghadapi revolusi industri 4.0.

Di bidang pendidikan, dibutuhkan kurikulum yang jelas untuk dapat mendukung kebutuhan sumber daya manusia pada era industri 4.0.

"Jadi semua aspek ya, mulai dari pendidikan juga harus disiapkan kurikulum seperti apa yang menunjang industri 4.0, jangan sampai lulusannya ini tak terserap industri. Tentu ini antara pemerintah, pengusaha, pekerja, kalangan pendidikan perlu duduk bareng," ucap Mirah.

Sumber : Bisnis, 30.04.19.

29 April 2019

[290419.EN.SEA] ONE Reports US$586 Million Net Loss In First Year of Operation

JAPANESE container carrier Ocean Network Express (ONE), jointly owned by NYK, MOL and "K" Line, posted an annual net loss of US$586 million drawn on revenues of $10.88 billion in its first year of operation.

But the company said that in the current fiscal year, from April 1 to March 31, 2020, it will have a profit of $85 million on revenue of $12.7 billion.

It also said that in the final quarter of its fiscal year - three months to March 31 - the eastbound transpacific route trade was relatively weak after the Chinese New Year, due "in part to a backlash downturn from the earlier rush demand ahead of additional US tariffs on China".

Freight rates slightly declined from Q3 because of a decrease in demand, noted American Shipper.

Singapore-based ONE said it expects profits to gradually recover throughout the first half of its fiscal year with improved container volumes that will recover to the levels before NYK, MOL and "K" Line integrated their liner operations.

ONE said that volumes that dropped due to teething problem when it began its services last spring have been restored.

"Measures will be taken to improve revenue and reduce expenditures such as improving the cargo portfolio, reducing fuel oil costs and cutting overhead costs," said ONE.

Source : HKSG.

[290419.ID.AIR] Garuda Indonesia (GIAA) Kian Serius Garap Segmen Kargo Udara

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk (GIAA) berkomitmen untuk memberikan kontribusi terbaik bagi stakeholders dengan terus memperbaiki kinerjanya. Hingga akhir tahun 2018, Garuda Grup berhasil membukukan laba bersih sebesar US$ 5,02 juta.

Ke depan perusahaan akan berupaya untuk meningkatkan performa dan kinerjanya. Salah satunya dengan cara mengoptimalkan sumber-sumber pendapatan non-passenger.

Fuad Rizal, Direktur Keuangan Garuda Indonesia mengungkapkan perusahaan ini akan lebih mengoptimalkan pendapatan dari jasa kargo udara. Sebagaimana diketahui, bahwa potensi kargo udara di Indonesia sangat besar. Apalagi, bisnis e-commerce saat ini berkembang pesat, sehingga akan memberi dampak positif bagi perusahaan.

“Saat ini Garuda Indonesia menjadi pemain utama dalam bisnis kargo nasional. Kami akan terus berupaya meningkatkan bisnis kargo ini sehingga bisa memberikan dampak positif bagi perusahaan,” ujarnya dalam siaran pers, Minggu (28/4)

Selama ini pendapatan dari non-passenger masih di bawah dari pendapatan dari penjualan tiket penumpang. Di waktu-waktu yang akan datang, Kami harapkan Garuda akan membesarkan persentasi pendapatan dari kargo.

Sampai kuartal I, GIAA mencatat pendapatan usaha sebesar US$ 1,05 miliar sebanyak US$ 82,03 juta diantaranya merupakan pendapatan dari kargo. Jumlah tersebut meningkat dari periode yang sama tahun lalu, yang tercatat sebesar US$ 61,29 juta.

Sumber : Kontan, 29.04.19.

28 April 2019

[280419.EN.BIZ] Cosco's OOCL First Quarter Revenue Up 2.3pc To US$1.46 Billion

HONG KONG's Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL), now a Cosco unit, has declared its first quarter revenue increased 2.3 per cent to US$1.46 billion.

Average revenue per TEU increased 4.2 per cent year on year to 441,184,000 TEU in the first quarter, said OOCL in a Hong Kong stock exchange filing.

On the transpacific, liftings declined 3.6 per cent while revenue per box was up 5.6 per cent to US$558.4 million.

On the Asia-Europe run, liftings were up 7.5 per cent while revenue per box was up 5.6 per cent to US$558.4 million.

On the transatlantic, liftings were up 13.4 per cent year on year to 116,822,000 TEU while revenue per box was up $120.8 million, an increase of 16.3 per cent.

In intra-Asia trade, liftings were up 0.8 per cent year on year to 722,318,000 TEU million while revenue per box was up two per cent.

All service liftings increased 0.8 per cent year on year to 1,605,564,000 million TEU while revenues per box came in at $1.6 billion.

Source : HKSG.