30 Oktober 2018

[301018.EN.BIZ] ICS Hails Progress Made by IMO to Implement Greenhouse Gas Reduction

THE International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has welcomed the International Maritime Organisation's progress on key environmental issues and the constructive role of China in greenhouse gas (GHG) debate. The comments follow a critical IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) meeting.

ICS chairman Esben Poulsson commented: "IMO also made very good progress towards implementing the ambitious GHG reduction strategy agreed in April, adopting an action plan for the development of short-term measures that will deliver additional CO2 reductions before 2023 plus longer-term measures that will eventually achieve full decarbonisation of international shipping."

The ICS said it is particularly pleased that IMO member states have not sought to reopen the historic agreement or the carbon dioxide reduction targets previously agreed and that governments, in partnership with industry, are totally committed to making the GHG strategy a success.

"We were very pleased by the constructive role taken by China, whose proposals for organising future work formed a key part of the agreed IMO action plan," said Mr Poulsson.

While no concrete decisions were taken on specific new CO2 reduction measures, ICS notes broad support for the industry's proposals for mandatory auditing of Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plans - the 'Super SEEMP' - and further improvements to the Energy Efficiency Design Index for future ships. Both are measures that ICS says can be adopted very quickly.

ICS highlighted that there is growing understanding amongst member states about the serious problems associated with ideas such as publishing mandatory operational efficiency indicators or adopting mandatory speed limits due to the potential for "seriously distorting shipping markets and disrupting the efficiency of global trade."

Mr Poulsson added: "With the action plan agreed by IMO this week, the way is now clear to make detailed proposals for specific CO2 reduction measures at the next MEPC in May. In co-operation with other industry associations ICS intends to come forward with detailed ideas, potentially including new and innovative measures for long term CO2 reduction and the development of zero CO2 fuels."

The ICS also welcomes the adoption by IMO of guidelines on implementation of the global 0.5 per cent sulphur content cap in maritime fuel, which takes effect on January 1 2020, including a template for implementation planning as requested by the industry.

"Many industry associations, including ICS, have raised legitimate concerns about fuel availability, safety and compatibility of new fuels - a particular problem for those in the tramp trades," the ICS added.

"But if shipowners can demonstrate in good faith that they've done everything possible to follow an implementation plan - in line with the template IMO has now adopted - we hope that common sense will prevail in the event that safe and compliant fuels are not immediately available everywhere."

Source : HKSG.

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