29 November 2014

[291114.EN.LOG] Canadian Pacific Chief Operating Officer Hailed as 'Railroad Innovator'

IN recognition of his contribution to the railway industry Canadian Pacific's (CP) president and chief operating officer, Keith Creel, has been named Progressive Railroading's "Railroad Innovator" of the year at the RailTrends conference in New York.

Mr Creel has been serving as CP president and COO since February 2013.

Said Mr Creel: "I've been fortunate in my career to have known and worked with several of the past recipients of this award and am humbled to be counted in their company."

During his acceptance speech at the event he highlighted that innovation is engrained in the culture of CP and always starts with a conversation between people who are looking for a better way to do something.

The railway is committed to leading the discussion on North American rail transport in a bid to improve productivity for the industry as a whole, a company statement said.

Mr Creel began his railroading career in 1992 in Birmingham, Alabama as an intermodal ramp manager at Burlington Northern after serving in the United States Army. 

Source : HKSG.

[291114.ID.SEA] Berlabuh Perdana di Tanjung Perak, Kapal Ini Disambut Meriah

Bisnis.com, SURABAYA—MV Seabourn Odissey menjadi kapal pesiar pertama yang berlabuh di terimal penumpang Gapura Surya Nusantara (TP GSN) Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak Surabaya.

Terminal penumpang GSN dikhususkan untuk kapal pesiar dan telah diresmikan pada 2 Oktober 2014.
Kepala Humas PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) III Edi Priyanto mengatakan pihaknya telah menyiapkan acara penyambutan dengan suguhan berbagai kesenian tradisi Jawa Timur yang dikemas dalam tema Wonderful East Java.

"Penyambutan kedatangan kapal pesiar MV Seabourn Odissey ini berbeda. Biasanya kami hanya menyuguhkan tarian reog bagi para penumpang," katanya usai acara penyambutan kedatangan kapal MV Seabourn Odissey, di Surabaya, Sabtu (29/11/2014).

Menurutnya sambutan dengan berbagai atraksi budaya dapat dijadikan contoh bagi pelabuhan-pelabuhan lain yang selama ini melayani kapal pesiar. Dia mengatakan cara seperti itu dapat menarik wisatawan untuk datang dan menjadi apresiasi atas karya budaya.

Edi menambahkan setiap tahun Kementrian Pariwisata mempromosikan pariwisata Indonesia kepada para operator kapal pesiar asing.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 29.11.14.

28 November 2014

[281114.EN.SEA] Indian Bureaucratic Storm Looms as Banned Chinese Cranes Move to Mumbai

WHETHER New Delhi will look the other way or make a fuss has yet to be determined as DP World's terminal at Jawaharlal Nehru Port prepares to erect four banned Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co (ZPMC) cranes from Shanghai.

The Indian Government had banned the Shanghai company's cranes in state-owned ports of which Jawaharlal Nehru Port is one because of difficulties with relations with China, reports the UK's Container Management.

Indian security services have formally banned the Shanghai company from supplying India's state-owned ports due to ZPMC links with the Chinese government. It is also true that exceptions can and have been made.

Unlike other state-owned ports, Jawaharlal Nehru port did not seek a security clearance from the government for the cranes, which were ordered by DP World last year.

Said DP World: "The necessary permissions from the Port Authority have been granted for the purchase of ZPMC cranes and we have not been informed of any ban by government authorities."

It is understood that the port did not seek security clearance because it needed to increase capacity and did not want to delay the opening of the DP World terminal.

ZPMC is the biggest port crane maker in the world and the largest supplier of port gear to Indian ports, with about 146 cranes in operation.

Source : HKSG.

[281114.ID.BIZ] Ganti Logo, Campina Incar Pertumbuhan Penjualan 20%

Bisnis.com, SURABAYA – Produsen es krim PT Campina Ice Industry mengincar pertumbuhan penjualan 20% pada tahun depan sejalan dengan diluncurkannya logo baru Campina pada akhir tahun ini.

Direktur Campina Samudera Prawirawidjaja mengatakan potensi pasar untuk produk minuman es krim di Indonesia masih sangat besar meski sepanjang tahun ini sempat mengalami penurunan konsumsi es krim di masyarakat.

“Secara umum konsumsi produk turunan susu memang menurun tahun ini, tapi kami optimistis tahun depan tingkat konsumsi masyarakat akan semakin membaik,” katanya dalam peluncuran logo baru Campina, di Kawasan Industri Rungkut Surabaya, Kamis (27/11/2014).

Dia menjelaskan tingkat konsumsi es krim di Indonesia yakni hanya 0,6 liter/kapita. Angka tesebut lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan konsumsi es krim di negara lain seperti Malaysia yang mencapai 2,1 liter, sedangkan Singapura mencapai 5,5 liter/kapita.

“Kami ingin mengejar tingkat konsumsi ini, salah satunya dengan melakukan inovasi rasa maupun bentuknya. Setiap tahun kami mengeluarkan lima sampai enam varian baru,” ujarnya.

Dia menambahkan dalam berinovasi Campina menyesuaikan gaya hidup masyarakat agar tidak jenuh dengan rasa dan bentuk es krim yang dihadirkan kepada masyarakat.

Adapun saat ini Campina memiliki 70-80 varian es krim dengan berbagai rasa, bentuk dan kemasan. Industri es krim yang didirikan sejak 1972 itu telah memiliki pasar terbesar di Jawa, dan disusul daerah lain di Indonesia, kecuali Papua yang belum terjangkau.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 27.11.14.

27 November 2014

[271114.EN.SEA] ESC Warns 'Risky' Container Shipping Alliances Need Strict Controls

THE European Shippers' Council (ESC) has warned of "a risky development for a free market for transport of goods over sea" with the recent moves towards a global container line market in the hands of four major alliances.

The ESC stated that this would be bad for lines' customers and end consumers "in terms of price and quality of service," if competition authorities do not impose strict conditions on the operation of the alliances, the UK's Lloyd's Loading List reported.

The council pointed out that with this concentration, "world trade is now facing a market dominated by four major alliances that represent more than 95 per cent of the total container vessel capacity worldwide."

The ESC, which was originally set up to oppose the now outlawed "conference system" of container line alliances or cartels, said shipowners had been pushed to this rationalisation to limit costs and reach economies of scale with ever-larger ships and enhanced cooperation.

"All these alliances are reaching a critical point now (only CKYHE is still under scrutiny of the FMC) and they will be allowed to operate without strict or even any control at all.

"ESC, as the shippers' representative organisation, is seeing the aggregation of the market within four huge alliances as a very risky situation," the organisation said.

"Indeed, too much market share in too few hands will lead to an oligopoly where the service quality will be endangered. Shipowners will be, of course, tempted to rationalise even more services to save more money and increase revenues.

"Extremism in rationalisation will take the form of the reduction of the number of direct calls, reduction of the number of services, increase of prices, etc."

It said that the US Federal Maritime Commission (FMC), through Commissioner Lidinsky, had acknowledged the potential competition threat of such a situation and was supporting the organisation of a global summit on competition with competition authorities from the US, China and Europe.

To prepare this summit, and to be able to promote its position, the ESC said it would be meeting with the European Commission's competition directorate "DG COMP" and present its plan for the creation of a monitoring system for alliances.

It said American and Asian shippers' councils would, of course, be encouraged to take the same approach towards their national competition authorities.

"As an example, the European Shippers' Council is willing to see monthly capacity, actual filling rates and monthly average revenue per TEU tracked by competition watchdogs," the ESC said.

"Furthermore, a strict monitoring of freight rates modification following capacity changes has to be created."

Source : HKSG.

[271114.ID.BIZ] Insa Usulkan Dua Rute Tol Laut

Jakarta (Antara) - Asosiasi Pemilik Kapal Nasional Indonesia (Insa) mengusulkan ke Kementerian Perhubungan dua rute tol laut yang akan dilaksanakan secara bertahap dengan mengoptimalkan rute pelayaran kontainer serta layanan keperintisan.

Ketua Umum Insa Carmelita Hartoto saat ditemui di Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, Jakarta, Kamis, mengatakan dua rute utama yang akan dioptimalkan yakni Jakarta-Surabaya-Makassar-Sorong dan Belawan-Jakarta-Surabaya-Makassar-Bitung.

"Selama ini, pada kedua rute tersebut, operator pelayaran telah mengoperasikan kapal kontainer berkapasitas 1.000-1.500 TEUs dan masih akan diperbesar sesuai kebutuhan," katanya.

Carmelita mengatakan untuk mengoptimalkan implementasi tol laut pada rute tersebut, pelayaran akan meningkatkan kapasitas angkut kapal untuk disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan skala ekonomi serta kemampuan infrastruktur penunjangnya seperti pelabuhan hingga alur pelayaran.

Selain itu, lanjut dia, operator kapal juga menginisiasi kerja sama "joint slot" antarsesama operator guna mengurangi beban biaya akibat muatan kapal yang tidak seimbang sembari menunggu realisasi rencana pemerintah mengembangkan berbagai kawasan ekonomi di seputar jalur tol laut tersebut.

Dia mengatakanp bahwa pelayaran juga akan mengoptimalkan rute-rute tetap, berjadwal dan teratur lainnya dengan menambah kapasitas kapal sesuai dengan kebutuhan, tingkat pertumbuhan muatan, kesiapan infrastruktur penunjang seperti dermaga, lapangan penumpukan, kedalaman alur dan kolam pelabuhan.

"Optimalisasi kapasitas angkut ini tidak menggunakan dana APBN, tetapi hasil investasi swasta," katanya.
Dengan demikian, anggaran negara dapat dialihkan untuk kegiatan yang lebih produktif yakni meningkatkan akses tol Laut pada rute-rute terpencil atau "remote area", daerah perbatasan dan tertinggal.

Proyek pendulum nusantara atau "tol laut" berdasarkan kajian Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas) akan menelan biaya sekitar Rp700 triliun, di antaranya untuk membangun 24 pelabuhan strategis, "short sea shipping" (pelayaran jarak dekat), fasilitas kargo dan boat, pengembangan pelabuhan komersial sebanyak 1.481 pelabuhan, serta pembangunan transportasi multimoda serta infrastruktur penunjang tol laut.(rr)

Sumber : Antara, 27.11.14.

26 November 2014

[261114.EN.SEA] More Lines Re-apply WC Congestion Fee, PMA Fumes, ILWU Dawdles

THREE more carriers have joined Hanjin and Mediterranean Shipping Co (MSC) in re-applying their US west coast congestion surcharge that they had all withdrawn earlier, but now have re-established them in defiance of official and unofficial protests.

Joining the defiant pair are Hyundai Merchant Marine, NYK and Zim, which will now levy surcharges ranging from US$800 to $1,000 per FEU from November 26, reports Newark's Journal of Commerce.

They all withdrew their surcharges, led by Maersk, after shippers cried out in protest and the US Federal Maritime Commission voice displeasure and cast doubts about the legality of surcharging cargo at sea.

Meanwhile, 18 ships, among them, 12 box ships, ride at anchor in San Pedro Bay outside the congested ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach unable to get a berth, reports American Shipper.

The 12 box ships are the OOCL Kuala Lumpur, OOCL Italy, NYK Thesius, OOCL Antwerp, APL England, Xin Fei Zhou, the Stadt Aachen, Hanjin New York, the Ever Develop, the Manulani, Hanjin Buddah and the NYK Silvia.

Meanwhile talks between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the employers of the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) continue fitfully.

PMA president James McKenna said he is unhappy with the union's decision to discontinue talks on coastwide issues after December. 2.

The ILWU says it wants to focus on subcommittee negotiations, which involve mostly local issues at the individual port ranges.

Mr McKenna complained of union slowdowns plaguing terminal operations, including the ILWU's refusal to dispatch qualified yard crane operators.

ILWU spokesman Craig Merrilees said that while subcommittee negotiations involve mostly local port issues, the smaller committees in the past have also addressed a variety of coastwide issues.

Source : HKSG.