29 Februari 2016

[290216.EN.BIZ] New Chairman and CEO at Panalpina as Sitting Executives Move Up a Notch

SWISS forwarding giant Panalpina has nominated CEO Peter Ulber, 56, as the chairman, succeeding Rudolf Hug, 72 from May 10, the date of the next annual general meeting.

Stefan Karlen, 42, currently Asia Pacific chief, becomes the new CEO succeeding Mr Ulber, who will remain chief executive after the AGM until Mr Karlen is available to take over later in the year.

Panalpina vice chairman Beat Walti, speaking on behalf of controlling shareholder Ernst Gohner Foundation, said: "During his tenure, Dr Hug was instrumental in setting the strategy for Panalpina and turning it into the highly professional and bottom-line focused company it is today.

"Peter Ulber's nomination will ensure continuity and a seamless transition; and we are convinced that he will be a most capable chairman,"

Said Dr Hug: "The board and I are confident that Peter Ulber, with his extensive knowledge of the industry, is the right candidate to guarantee the future growth and success for Panalpina.

"After almost a decade at Panalpina's helm, I leave knowing that the company will be in good hands and well positioned to deliver long-term value," he said.

A German, Mr Ulber joined Panalpina in 2013 as president and CEO on the departure of Monika Ribar, who had been chief executive for seven years, having served in various management roles in the company for more than two decades.

Previously, Mr Ulber held management positions from 1985 to 2011 at Kuehne + Nagel in Europe, as well as North and South America. He was appointed to the international management board in 2008, and was responsible for sea freight and air freight, as well as the global sales organisation.

Said Mr Ulber: "Panalpina is now a fundamentally stronger company, making this the ideal time for me to concentrate on the strategic development and future direction of the group by handing over the day-to-day responsibilities to Stefan Karlen."

A Swiss, Mr Karlen joined Panalpina in 1997 and has held various positions spanning across Europe, Africa, Central Asia and Asia Pacific. He played a key role in Panalpina's international expansion. In 2012, he became the managing director for South East Asia before assuming the position of Regional CEO for Asia Pacific in 2013

"Stefan Karlen's proven track record of delivering results and in-depth knowledge of the freight forwarding and logistics industry, coupled with him having successfully lead Asia Pacific, Panalpina's most dynamic region, for the last three years makes him a formidable candidate," Mr Ulber said.

Source : HKSG.

[290216.ID.BIZ] Presiden Ingin Holding BUMN Segera Diputuskan

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – Presiden Joko Widodo menginginkan skema super holding (induk usaha) dalam  rencana peta jalan BUMN 2015-2019 bisa sesegera mungkin diputuskan.

Dalam pembukaan rapat terbatas, dia mengatakan implementasi pembentukan holding menjadi langkah awal untuk mewujudkan BUMN yang kuat, lincah dan berani dalam menghadapi era persaingan yang kompetitif.

“Baik dalam bentuk superholding atau holding, atau dimulai dulu dengan virtual holding. Ini memang harus segera diputuskan agar kekuatan BUMN dan kelincahan segera dilakukan, terutama menghadapi MEA,” katanya, di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Senin (29/2/2016).

Dengan begitu, dia mengatakan BUMN dapat menjadi lokomotif pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan memberikan multiplier effect yang maksimal untuk kesejahteraan rakyat.

Selain itu, Jokowi mengatakan cara tersebut dapat menjadikan BUMN dalam negeri tidak hanya kuat di dalam negeri, namun juga mampu berprestasi di kancah luar negeri.

“Selain langkah restrukturisasi dan memfokuskan bisnis, selain itu perlu dilakukan perubahan total budaya kerja seharian di BUMN, saya yakin kami punya competitiveness,” katanya.

Sebelumnya, dalam salinan dokumen Kementerian BUMN yang didapat Bisnis, pihaknya tengah menyiapkan sekitar 15 holding BUMN dalam kurun 2015-2019 sebagai upaya menjadikan BUMN garda terdepan dalam pembangunan nasional.

Holding BUMN yang disiapkan antara lain, sektor pariwisata, logistic, pangan, perkebunan, pupuk, farmasi, pelabuhan, konstruksi dan infrastruktur, konektivitas, tambang, pertahanan strategis, reasuransi, industri berat, asuransi umum perbankan dan jasa survei.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 29.02.16.

28 Februari 2016

[280216.EN.BIZ] Debt-ladened CEVA Denies Reports It Is In Talks To Sell Out to K+N

DUTCH forwarding giant CEVA denies reports that it is in talks with Kuehne + Nagel over a possible full or partial sale of the company, reports Lloyd's Loading List.

Owned by private equity firm Apollo since 2006, analysts say CEVA has not yielded the kind of returns it expected and now seek an exit.

This is how London's Loadstar told it. K+N would only say: "As a matter of principal, we do not comment on rumours."

Said Barclay's transport expert Rob Riddleston: "CEVA is a very good business, a very large business, but of course it has been saddled with huge amounts of debt.

"Apollo have been looking for a way out for the past five or six years, really. There were rumours that they were going to float, but I don't think that was ever going to be the case.

"K+N have no real debt at all if you look at their accounts. They have the financial firepower for a major acquisition," said Mr Riddleston.

Source : HKSG.

[280216.ID.BIZ] Ekspansi Usaha, Aqua Jajaki Bangun Pabrik Di Sumatra

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Aqua Group melakukan ekspansi bisnis air minum dalam kemasan, dengan menjajaki investasi pabrik di wilayah Sumatra.

Vice President Corporate Secretary PT Tirta Investama Parmaningsih Hadinegoro mengatakan wilayah Sumatra paling memungkinkan untuk di buka pabrik baru, mengingat populasi penduduk terbesar kedua setelah Pulau Jawa.

“Kami mempertimbangkan supply and demand dulu, kalau sekarang tentu saja perhatian terarah ke Sumatra. Akan tetapi letaknya di provinsi mana, kami tidak bisa menyebutkan dahulu,” tuturnya.

Dari 17 pabrik yang dimiliki Aqua Grup yang tersebar mulai dari Sumatra hingga Sulawesi, pabrik yang berada di Solok merupakan pabrik yang baru saja berproduksi pada Agustus 2013.

Menurutnya, dalam pembukaan pabrik baru maupun investasi lainnya, pihaknya melihat daerah mana yang paling siap baik secara infrastruktur maupun kandungan air di tanah dalamnya dan masih banyak criteria yang harus dipenuhi.

“Di wilayah lain sebenarnya tetap berpotensi untuk dibangun pabrik, tetapi sekali lagi ini masalah seberapa permintaan konsumen di sebuah daerah,” tambahnya.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 28.02.16.

27 Februari 2016

[270216.EN.BIZ] Mongolia Seeks US$1.3 billion From China To Resume Stalled Coal Railway

MONGOLIA wants a US$1.3 billion loan from the Export-Import Bank of China to complete a stalled railway connecting China to the Tavan Tolgoi coal fields, reports Bloomberg News.

After the project stalled for lack of funds, Mongolian SOSC railway officials have been meeting in China with lenders, said, Idesh Ivshin, the railway's project chief in Ulaanbaatar.

The 240-kilometre (150-mile) railway will increase export volumes and lower the cost of transporting coal to Mongolia's biggest customer at a time when weak prices are tightening margins.

Coal is Mongolia's second biggest export earner, accounting for $556 million last year.

The Ministry of Finance may also offer a government guarantee, said Manduul Nyamdeleg, Head of Financial Markets and Insurance Division. The proposal would need to be ratified by the cabinet.

"We hope to conclude agreements in the next few weeks because the construction season starts in spring," said Mr Idesh, adding the railway could be completed by 2018 if work begins this year.

According to terms under discussion, the Export-Import Bank would appoint a Chinese contractor to construct the railway, Mr Idesh said.

That would replace the existing agreement with South Korea's Samsung C&T, which has stalled over a debt of more than $30 million that the railway says it can't pay.

State-owned Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi JSC and Tavantolgoi JSC, and Hong Kong-listed Mongolian Mining Corp operate in the Tavan Tolgoi basin, located 540 kilometres south of Ulaanbaatar in the Gobi Desert.

Source : HKSG.

[270216.ID.BIZ] PT INKA Garap 5 Lokomotif Pesanan Pemerintah

MADIUN. PT Industri Kereta Api (INKA) menggarap lima unit lokomotif tipe DH CC-300 pesanan dari pemerintah. Nilai kontrak yang dikumpulkan sekitar Rp 200 miliar.

"Kontrak tersebut kami dapatkan pada tahun 2012 dan diserahkan ke Kementerian Perhubungan pada tahun 2014. Nilai kontrak tiap lokomotif sekitar Rp 40 miliar," ujar Senior Manager Secretary, Public Relations, dan CSR, PT INKA, Cholik Mochamad Zam Zam, di Madiun, Jumat (26/2).

Lokomotif tersebut didesain murni untuk Indonesia, mulai dari warnanya yang merah dan putih, serta karakter mesinnya yang sesuai dengan kondisi Tanah Air.

Dua dari lokomotif pesanan tersebut akan dikirim ke Medan (Sumatra Utara), dan Palembang (Sumatra Selatan), untuk digunakan sebagai kereta kerja guna mendukung pengerjaan proyek Kementerian Perhubungan di daerah tersebut.

"Sehingga pembangunan sarana dan prasarana perkeretaapian di Medan dan Palembang akan lebih cepat dan hemat biaya," kata Cholik.

Adapun, lokomotif yang untuk Medan, saat ini sudah berada di Surabaya dan akan tiba di Medan sekitar 10 Maret mendatang. Sementara untuk Palembang akan dikirim menyusul setelah itu.

Sedangkan, tiga lokomotif dari pesanan yang tersisa, untuk sementara dititipkan oleh pihak Kementerian Perhubungan di PT INKA hingga menunggu lokomotif tersebut digunakan.

Cholik menjelaskan, secara spesifikasi, lokomotif CC-300 memiliki sejumlah keunggulan dibandingkan dengan lokomotif lainnya seperti tipe diesel elektrik (DE) CC-204. Di antaranya, dibuat untuk tahan banjir.

CC-300 memiliki sistem kelistrikan yang terintegrasi dengan penggerak diesel hidrolik yang diletakkan di bagian atas lokomotif, sehingga kereta tetap dapat melaju meski rel tergenang air setinggi 1 meter.

"Selain itu, lokomotif CC-300 juga memiliki mesin sendiri dan mesin cadangan. Sehingga saat digunakan dalam rangkaian kereta api, tidak lagi memerlukan kereta pembangkit," terang Cholik.

Ia menambahkan, secara umum, saat ini PT INKA tidak hanya memproduksi lokomotif, namun juga kereta atau gerbong pesanan dari PT KAI dan juga negara asing.

Di antaranya 150 unit gerbong penumpang pesanan Bangladesh yang nilai kontraknya mencapai US$ 72 juta atau sekitar Rp900 miliar, kereta kedinasan, dan juga kereta ekonomi (K3) serta kereta eksekutif (K1) pesanan PT KAI.

"Pesanan PT KAI merupakan kereta yang akan digunakan untuk angkutan Lebaran tahun 2016. Ini sedang digarap," kata dia.

Sumber : Kontan, 27.02.16.

26 Februari 2016

[260216.EN.AIR] Dollar-starved Air France-KLM Wants Its US$13 Billion Egypt Has Seized

AIR FRANCE-KLM has urged Egypt to release EGP100 million (US$13 million), the lack of which makes it increasingly hard to operate in the country, reports Jordan's Al-Bawaba Business.

Air France-KLM country manager Cees Ursem said the airline had been unable to transfer earnings out of the country since October and had asked the tourism minister and central bank governor to help resolve the delays.

"All the foreign carriers they have the same problem," Mr Ursem told Reuters, adding companies are unable to repatriate funds out of the country due to an acute dollar shortage.

"All our revenues are blocked at the bank, but at the same time we have costs like leasing, fuel, staff, ground handling etc, which have to be paid in dollars."

Trade-dependent Egypt has been facing an acute dollar shortage since a 2011 uprising and subsequent political turmoil, which drove away foreign investors and tourists, key sources of foreign currency. Foreign exchange reserves have more than halved to $16.4 billion.

The crash of a Russian airliner over Egypt's Sinai in late October, killing all 224 people aboard, has further impacted tourism in the Red Sea area, and with it Egypt's dollar earnings.

The Egyptian pound has come under downward pressure as reserves have tumbled, but the central bank is reluctant to devalue for fear of greater deflation.

Source : HKSG.

[260216.ID.BIZ] Leila Djafaar Gantikan Parmaningsih Hadinegoro

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – Leila Djafaar mantan Executive Vice President & Head Corporate Affairs PT Bank Permata Tbk. bakal mengemban tugas baru sebagai Vice President Corporate Secretary PT Tirta Investama menggantikan Parmaningsih Hadinegoro.

Parmaningsih pernah menjabat sebagai Presiden Direktur di Aqua Golden Mississippi.

Perihal pergantian itu disampaikan langsung oleh Parmaningsih saat berkunjung ke kantor redaksi Harian Bisnis Indonesia, Kamis (25/2/2016). “Mulai 1 Maret , Ibu Leila Djafaar akan menggantikan saya,” ujarnya.

Parmingsih mengaku masih akan melanjutkan kariernya di kelompok bisnis Aqua.

Leila Djafaar cukup lama berkarier di Bank Permata. Bank Permata merupakan entitas yang sahamnya masing-masing dimiliki oleh Standard Chartered Bank dan PT Astra International Tbk.

Adapun Aqua Danone di Indonesia dikenal sebagai perusahaan yang memproduksi air minum dalam kemasan dan saat ini memiliki 18 pabrik dengan 12.500 karyawan di seluruh Indonesia.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 25.02.16.

25 Februari 2016

[250216.EN.BIZ] India's Freight Forwarding Industry Undergoes Rapid Change

TWO factors that have changed forwarding in India are foreign integrators and the Internet bringing transparency to supply chain operations, says International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) vice president Keshav Tanna.

Mr Tanna made the comments during a panel discussion on the theme of, "Freight forwarding - evolving paradigms and embracing global best practices - at the Air Cargo India conference and exhibition in Mumbai.

"As freight forwarders, we do less of forwarding and we are now being an integrated part of the customer," said Jeena & Company partner Sam Katgara, reported the STAT Trade Times, New Bombai (Navi Mumbai).

Vishal Kashyap of DHL Global Forwarding said customers have become better informed and every customer is now a unique proposition in himself, so service providers need to offer customised services.

President of Air Cargo Agents Association of India (ACAAI), Hemant Bhatia, added that financing provided to the shipper has been one of the key changes over the last few years.

Spource : HKSG.

[250216.ID.BIZ] ALFI: Pembenahan Dwelling Time Harus Efektif Pangkas Biaya Logistik

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Terkait Paket Kebijakan XI yang fokus pada dwelling time, Asosiasi Logistik dan Forwader Indonesia (ALFI) berharap isinya benar-benar akan efektif menurunkan biaya logistik.

Ketua Umum ALFI Yukki N. Hanafi mengaku dirinya belum tahu mengenai isi paket Kebijakan XI. Namun jika salah satu isi paket tersebut terkait dwelling time atau waktu inap barang di pelabuhan, dia berharap kebijakan tersebut berdampak sebaliknya yakni mempersulit dan menambah biaya logistik.

“Jangan sampai menurunkan dwelling time tetapi malah menambah biaya. Selama ini, hanya berkaitan memindahkan barang saja,” ujarnya kepada Bisnis, Senin (24/2/2016).

Terkait program deregulasi pemerintah ini, ALFI ingin melakukan evaluasi Paket Kebijakan I-X karena kami lihat implementasi belum jalan. “Beberapa aturan turunannya belum ada.”

Selain itu, dia mengatakan para pengusaha logistik dan angkutan darat penumpang masih menunggu kejelasan polemik DNI dalam Paket Kebijakan X kemarin. Alasan ALFI dan beberapa pelaku jasa lain meminta pemerintah meninjau ulang DNI karena beberapa pengusaha mikro, kecil dan menengah akan tergilas dengan kebijakan tersebut.

Menurutnya, pengusaha mikro dan kecil banyak yang bermain di sektor jasa logistik atau logistic service provider sehingga ditakutkan mereka akan kalah saing dengan masuknya pemain asing. “Yang provider service-nya jangan, kalau infrastruktur logistik silakan masuk,” ujarnya.

Yukki mengatakan pengusaha logistik di dalam negeri justru berharap pemerintah bersedia menurunkan suku bunga yang selama ini menjadi beban bagi pengusaha untuk mengembangkan usahanya.

ALFI sudah menyampaikan kepada pemerintah soal penurunan suku bunga ini pada rapat persiapan Paket Kebijakan IX tahun lalu. Sayangnya, usulan ini sulit untuk diterapkan karena perbankan di Indonesia terdiri dari bank swasta yang sulit diintervensi.

Namun, dia tetap berharap pemerintah bisa memasukan kebijakan penurunan suku bunga dalam paket deregulasi yang akan datang. “Dimasukan ke Paket Kebijakan XI yang menyangkut suku bunga bank hebat sekali,” tegasnya.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 24.02.16.

23 Februari 2016

[230216.EN.BIZ] Hyundai Merchant Marine Has Bank's Backing In Liquidity Crisis, Appeals For Time

HYUNDAI Merchant Marine (HMM) has the backing of its principal lender, the state-owned Korean Development Bank (KDB), as the company appeals for patience in its current liquidity crisis until its restructuring plans bears fruit.

Facing a liquidity crisis, Hyundai Merchant Marine CEO Paik Hoon Lee said the company had sold off many of its assets to raise bridging finance.

Of the restructuring plan, KDB said: "After thorough review, Hyundai Group's plan has been deemed viable and trustworthy, and capable of substantially helping HMM to recover its financial structure and achieve normalisation if well-implemented."

Said CEO Lee: "Once our restructuring is successfully completed, HMM will be transformed into a sound company."

HMM has made a deal to sell its bulk dedicated business for KRW120 billion (US$100 million)

Hyundai Group chairwoman Hyun Jeong-eun will also donate KRW30 billion (US$25 million) of her personal funds through a third-party allotment.

"We have decided to raise share capital by issuing six million shares (at KWR5,000 apiece) through a third-party allotment," Hyundai Merchant Marine said in a regulatory filing.

Mrs Hyun and her mother Kim Moon-hee will buy KWR30 billion in newly issued shares.

Also sold is Hyundai Securities and well as the settlement for charters and debts.

"Also the stake sales of Busan New Port Terminal and Hyundai Securities are progressing well. All plans are scheduled to be completed within the first half of the year at the latest," said the HMM statement.

"After all this was put in place, KDB closely reviewed our additional restructuring plan with the accounting first 'Deliotte' who had a common understanding of our efforts to execute the restructuring plan," said the HMM statement.

Said Mr Lee, the CEO: "We can expect KDB support as debt settlement once the restructuring plan is completed as we expect it to be very soon. Currently our restructuring plan is being executed as planned."

An industry insider said: "It seems like HMM's plan is well thought-out and feasible, and Hyundai Group's commitment is strong. Consequently, the main creditor bank and other creditors are supportive. Such assurance will help HMM to win the credibility of partners, investors, shipowners and the market at large."

Source : HKSG.

[230216.ID.BIZ] Indonesia Eximbank Incar Pembiayaan Infrastruktur Rp10 Triliun

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Lembaga Pembiayaan Ekspor Indonesia mengincar pembiayaan proyek infrastruktur pendukung ekspor minimal Rp10 triliun sepanjang 2016.

Basuki Setyadjid, Direktur Pelaksana Lembaga Pembiayaan Ekspor Indonesia (Indonesia Eximbank), menuturkan di 2016 pihaknya menargetkan pertumbuhan pembiayaan 25%-35% secara keseluruhan.

"Rencana kami untuk infrastruktur pendukung ekspor sekitar Rp10 triliun," kata Basuki, di Jakarta, Minggu (21/2/2016).

Di tahun 2015, Indonesia Eximbank telah memberikan pembiayaan untuk proyek infrastruktur sebesar Rp13,6 trilliun atau 18,14% dari total pembiayaan.

Sementara di 2016, tahap awal perusahaan juga telah menyepakati pembiayaan modal kerja bagi PT Adhi Karya (Persero), Tbk., sebesar Rp1 triliun.

Modal kerja ini dapat digunakan Adhi untuk pembiayaan proyek- proyek konstruksi dan infrastruktur di dalam maupun luar negeri yang mendukung aktivitas ekspor nasional.

Selain mengincar infrastruktur pendukung ekspor, Ngalim Sawega, Ketua Dewan Direktur Indonesia Eximbank mengatakan pihaknya juga akan memberikan dukungan untuk sektor Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM).

" prosedur pembiayaan yang lebih cepat namun tetap menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian. Juga akan memberikan dukungan dengan suku bunga yang lebih kompetitif," katanya.

Untuk perluasan dukungan pembiayaan ekspor ini LPEI juga akan menambah jaringan kantor hampir dua kali lipat dari yang dimiliki saat ini.

"Kami akan membuka 4 jaringan kantor tahun depan, sehingga total seluruhnya menjadi 9 jaringan kantor di 2016 untuk memperluas jangkauan dan cakupan potensi bisnis Pembiayaan, Penjaminan dan Asuransi. Saat ini kami sudah memiliki jaringan kantor di Surabaya, Medan, Makassar, Solo dan Balikpapan," katanya.

Selain sisi komersial, Indonesia Eximbank juga menerima penugasan khusus dari pemerintah. Dalam Keputusan Menteri Keuangan No.1156/KMK.08/2015, LPEI diberikan mandat menyalurkan fasilitas kepada badan usaha yang memproduksi gerbong penumpang kereta api dengan negara tujuan Bangladesh.

Alokasi dana untuk proyek tersebut sebesar Rp300 miliar dengan jangka waktu penugasan sampai dengan 31 Desember 2016.

Indonesia Eximbank juga ditugaskan memberikan dukungan fasilitas pembiayaan untuk badan usaha di industri pengolahan komoditas olahan ikan, alas kaki, tekstil dan produk tekstil, serta furnitur.

Pemilihan empat komoditas tersebut didasarkan pada kelompok industri padat karya yang tengah mengalami perlambatan ekspor. Kendala lain penurunan produksi akibat kenaikan harga bahan baku sebagai imbas pelemahan kurs.

" Setiap pelaku ekspor paling banyak menerima fasilitas sebesar Rp50 miliar. Alokasi dana sebesar Rp700 miliar dan jangka waktu penugasan sampai dengan 31 Desember 2016," jelasnya.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 23.02.16.

22 Februari 2016

[220216.EN.BIZ] CMA CGM Adds St Petersburg Shuttle Service to Hamburg and Rotterdam

FRENCH shipping giant CMA CGM has commenced regular calls at the Russian Port of Bronka near St PetersbUrg, reports IHA media.

St Petersburg Shuttle Service D connects Rotterdam and Hamburg, served by two ships, the 1,730-TEU Vladimir and the same size Voronezh.

The vessels have weekly schedule at the port and will improve the trade and import/exports of the Russian port. The new route connects Bronka with Rotterdam and from there to the world's largest terminals.

The Port of Bronka is built on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, near important routes, connecting the port with inner country.

At the end of 2015, CMA CGM has signed long-term contract for the handling and storage of containerised cargo with Russian company Phoeni.

The French carrier aims to add the Port of Bronka into the weekly schedule of French shipping operator.

Bronka has a container terminal, ro-ro facilities and a logistics centre, covering 207 hectares. The container terminal has five berths and a 1,220 metre quay with an annual capacity of 1.45 million TEU.

Source : HKSG.

[220216.ID.BIZ] Dwelling Time Sebabkan Rugi Rp740 Triliun, Presiden Awasi Terus

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA--Presiden RI Joko Widodo menyatakan akan terus memantau pemotongan masa inap di pelabuhan (dwelling time) untuk mencapai target 3 hari.

Berbicara di hadapan jajaran Kabinet Kerja serta kepala daerah tingkat satu dan dua, Senin (22/2/2016), Presiden menuturkan dwelling time menyebabkan kerugian hingga Rp740 triliun akibat inefisiensi.

Selain itu, lanjut Kepala Negara, dwelling time yang terlalu lama akan membuat Indonesia kesulitan bersaing dalam konstelasi ekonomi kawasan dan global.

Dari catatan Presiden, dwelling time sempat memakan waktu hingga 6 hari dan berkurang menjadi 4,7 hari pada Januari 2016. Saat ini, dwelling time diklaim telah sesuai target 3 hari.

"Saya akan urus dwelling time sehingga betul-betul bisa dalam posisi bersaing," kata Presiden Jokowi di Istana Merdeka.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 22.02.16.

21 Februari 2016

[210216.EN.BIZ] Hapag-Lloyd To Test Cloud-based IT To Improve Data Flow With Ports

GERMAN container shipping giant Hapag-Lloyd is to test cloud-based stowage-planning software from XVELA to improve data flow to and from ports.

Through the use of this cloud-based software, stowage-planning and cargo data of the individual ships in ports will be available in real-time for both the shipping company and the terminal.

The aim is to reduce unexpected changes at short notice in the coastal schedule as well as unnecessary waiting times for both sides, a statement from the carrier said.

In this way, the shipping company will be able to see the progress of loading and unloading operations on an ongoing basis and can deploy its ships more efficiently.

For the terminals, there will be continual transparency regarding the state of stowage planning for an expected ship, which will allow them to allot equipment and staff in a timely and reliable fashion.

"The more transparency there is throughout the transport chain, the more efficiently everyone involved can make plans for and employ their assets and resources," said Hapag-Lloyd fleet support centre chief Jorn Springer.

Source : HKSG.

[210216.ID.BIZ] Investor Akan Tinggalkan Batam

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Kekacauan pengelolaan Kawasan Perdagangan Bebas dan Pelabuhan Bebas Batam mulai menimbulkan dampak besar.

Investor dikabarkan akan rame-rame hengkang dari kawasan tersebut.

Nuryanto, Staf Ahli Menteri Dalam Negeri yang juga mantan Pejabat Gubernur Kepulauan Riau, mengatakan, investor hengkang karena buruknya pengelolaan kawasan tersebut.

Rencananya, investor tersebut akan hengkang ke Vietnam dan Malaysia.

"Persentasenya mencapai 30 persen dari total pabrik karena Malaysia dan Vietnam tawarkan yang lebih baik," kata Nuryanto di Kantor Menko Perekonomian, Jumat (19/2/2016).

Nuryanto mengatakan, sebagian besar investor yang akan hengkang tersebut berasal dari sektor otomotif dan elektronik.

Batam, Bintan, dan Karimun sudah ditetapkan menjadi kawasan perdagangan dan pelabuhan bebas. Namun, iklim investasinya bermasalah.

Sebelumnya, Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengatakan, salah satu penyebab masalah ini adalah tumpang tindih kewenangan antara Pemerintah Kota Batam dan Badan Pengelola Batam.

Selain itu, Jokowi mengatakan, masalah juga dipicu oleh benturan peraturan.

Jokowi mengatakan, benturan dan dualisme tersebut telah membingungkan investor yang ingin masuk ke Batam.

Atas dasar itulah, Jokowi memerintahkan jajarannya untuk segera mencari solusi dalam mengatasi masalah di Batam tersebut.

Sumber : Kompas, 19.02.16.

20 Februari 2016

[200216.EN.BIZ] Maersk Insists GRIs Do Not Break EU Law, Despite Commission's Doubts

MAERSK Line says the EU Commission's more than two-year investigation into container line rate announcement practices found no evidence of antitrust infringements, reports Lloyd's Loading List.

The European Commission in November 2013 opened a formal investigation into 15 container shipping companies into suspected wrongdoing in the use of General Rate Increase (GRI) announcements.

After more than two years, the commission announced that it had closed its probe "without finding an infringement of EU competition law", Maersk said.

Despite the absence of any evidence of wrong doing, the commission assumes an injured air, saying it still considered the posting of general rate increases unlawful.

So the carriers - Maersk included - together with China Shipping, CMA CGM, Cosco, Evergreen, Hamburg Sud, Hanjin, Hapag Lloyd, HMM, MOL, MSC, NYK, OOCL, UASC, and Zim caved and agreed to include more information with their GRIs.

Nonetheless Maersk wished to make it known that the commission's website of the Directorate-General for Competition, "included a statement that 'the Commission has not established that there is any evidence that an infringement of EU or EEA competition law has occurred and makes no determination as to the existence of such an infringement'."

The company added: "Maersk Line and the other shipping companies have throughout declared that they have not engaged in any practices that may give rise to any concerns relating to EU/EEA competition law. However, Maersk Line and the other parties have agreed to offer the above-mentioned proposed commitments."

Maersk Line offered the compromise on the "understanding that the EU Commission confirms that there are no grounds for further action, and that the Commission will close its proceedings opened on 21 November 2013 without finding an infringement of EU/EEA [European Union / European Economic Area] competition law.

"If the proposed commitments are adopted, Maersk Line and the other shipping lines will change the way they make price announcements to customers. Notably, there will be changes to the current industry practice of announcing GRIs."

Said a company statement: "Maersk Line will continue to announce price increases 30 days in advance of implementation to its customers by the usual communication channels. However, instead of solely announcing the 'increased' amount, the new price will include further elements to increase transparency for customers."

Forwarding representatives from the British International Freight Association (BIFA) have given a cautious welcome to the agreement.

Although BIFA director general Robert Keen was careful in his wording, his comments suggest that the organisation had remained unhappy with aspects of liner pricing announcements.

Said Mr Keen: "The demise of liner shipping conferences in Europe in 2008 should have put an end to 'price-fixing' between competitors extending to any other component that makes up the total price of the service, including surcharges, terminal handling charges and so on. If this latest EU initiative delivers that, it should be good for our members."

Source : HKSG.

[200216.ID.BIZ] TPK Koja Usulkan Tarif Inspeksi Peti Kemas Karantina Berlaku Maret

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Manajemen Terminal Peti Kemas (TPK) Koja di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok berencana memberlakukan tarif penanganan peti kemas impor yang wajib dilakukan pemeriksaan fisik barang oleh instansi karantina sebelum respons kepabeanan terhitung 1 Maret 2016.

General Manager TPK Koja Agus Hendryanto mengatakan, rencana pemberlakuan tarif itu juga sudah melalui kajian dan kordinasi para pemangku kepentingan terkait termasuk sosialisasi dengan kalangan pengguna jasa di pelabuhan Tanjung Priok.

Dia mengatakan TPK Koja sudah melayani bongkar muat peti kemas impor yang wajib inspeksi karantina yang bersifat uji coba/pilotting sejak 1 Maret 2015 hingga saat ini tanpa dipungut biaya apapun di lapangan penumpukan TPK Koja.

“Sudah satu tahun layanan itu gratis di TPK Koja dan rencananya mulai awal bulan depan akan diberlakukan tarif pelayanan peti kemas wajib periksa karantina itu,” ujarnya kepada Bisnis, Rabu (17/2/2016).

Kegiatan inspeksi peti kemas karantina di lapangan TPK Koja mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Pertanian Amran Sulaiman No:12/Permentan/OT.140/3/2015 tanggal 25 Maret 2015 yang bertujuan memberikan kepastian pelayanan tindakan karantina di pelabuhan guna mengawasi masuknya media pembawa penyakit hewan karantina dan organisme pengganggu tumbuhan karantina (OPTK).

Dalam beleid itu dijelaskan fasilitas tempat pemeriksaan karantina yang berada di dalam tempat penimbunan sementara (TPS) yang mempunyai fasilitas dermaga paling kurang harus memiliki area penumpukan peti kemas media pembawa, plugging (untuk peti kemas berpendingin), ruang administrasi dan kelengkapannya, fasilitas sistem teknologi informasi dan fasilitas pemeriksaan fisik media pembawa.

Adapun bagi TPS yang tidak mempunyai fasilitas dermaga selain harus memiliki sarana sebagaimana di atas tadi, juga mesti memiliki ruang laboratorium, longroom dan coolroom, area perlakuan, dan area penahanan.

Sekretaris Perusahaan TPK Koja Nueryono Arif mengatakan formulasi tarif yang diusulkan terhadap layanan inspeksi peti kemas wajib periksa karantina di TPK Koja itu sama dengan biaya penanganan peti kemas impor yang terkena kategori jalur merah yang mengantongi surat pemeriksaan jalur merah (SPJM) dari Bea dan Cukai.

Adapun tarif yang berlaku yakni Rp1.015.000 per peti kemas ukuran 20 feet dan Rp1.290.000 per peti kemas 40 feet.

Namun, kata dia, kepastian pemberlakuan tarif tersebut sampai kini masih menunggu persetujuan dari Direksi Pelindo II. “Rencananya memang 1 Maret mau diterapkan, tetapi masih menunggu persetujuan Direksi Pelindo II,” tutur Arif.

Dikonfirmasi Bisnis, Ketua Asosiasi Logistik dan Forwarder Indonesia (Alfi) DKI Jakarta, Widijanto mengatakan sudah mendengar akan diterapkannya tarif penanganan peti kemas impor wajib periksa karantina di TPK Koja mulai bulan depan tersebut.

“Asalkan komponen tarifnya transparan dan ada jaminan kelancaran dalam pelayanan di lapangan, bagi kami tidak ada masalah,” ujarnya.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 17.02.16.

19 Februari 2016

[190216.EN.BIZ] Greek Dockers Stage New Strike To Stop Cosco's Privatisation of Piraeus

GREEK dockers began a two-day strike to protest against the sale of the country's two biggest ports, Reuters reports.

Dockers are protesting privatisation upon which international lenders insist as a condition of the indebted country's financial bailout.

Thus far, Greece has only generated EUR3 billion (US$3.4 billion) of the EUR50 billion total owed in the initial stage of the pay back in the face of resistance from politicians and unions as well as bureaucratic snags.

The plans to sell the ports, stalled when a leftist government took power early last year, was reactivated after Athens signed up to a third bailout of up to EUR86 billion last summer.

Last month Greece named Cosco as the highest bidder for a 67 per cent stake in its biggest port, Piraeus.

About 500 men picketed the entrance of Piraeus port's sole cargo pier in Athens to protest against the plan.

Athens is also leasing 67 per cent in Thessaloniki Port Authority, which operates the country's second largest port in the north of the country.

Eight groups, including Maersk's APM Terminals, Philippines-based ICTSI, Tokyo-based Mitsui & Co and UK-based P&O Steam Navigation Company (DP World), had been short-listed for the port in 2014.

Source : HKSG.