07 November 2018

[071118.EN.BIZ] Trump Says Trade Deal Close, But National Economic Council Chief Differs

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump repeated his optimistic tone towards the prospect of striking a trade deal with Beijing in the near future, telling reporters that "they [China] very much want to make a deal" and that it will be "a very fair deal for everybody."

"We've had a very good discussions with China, we're getting much closer to doing something," said President Trump.

US markets edged up on the president's remarks, despite earlier swings following a report by Bloomberg that the White House was drawing up plans for a China trade deal, which was subsequently denied by Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council.

"There's no mass movement, there's no huge thing. We're not on the cusp of a deal," Mr Kudlow told CNBC.

Mr Kudlow is a. financial analyst and former television host and was appointed by President Trump earlier this year. He began his career as a junior financial analyst at the New York Federal Reserve, leaving government to work at Paine Webber and Bear Stearns.

Source : HKSG.

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