30 April 2013

[300413.EN.SEA] European Forwarders Remain Confident After Posting 5pc Upturn

IMPROVEMENTS are expected to continue for Europe's forwarders after a five per cent improved month-to-month performance in March, according to the Danske Bank European Freight Forwarding Index.

The market increased from 47 in February to 52 in March indicating a minor increase in volumes for sea, road and air with expectations for the next two months to see much the same.

Freight forwarding companies are asked for predictions of volumes to be stronger in the next two months for one index, the other asks if volumes are stronger now than two months ago.

Air freight suffered a slight decline in March from February but rallied to 53 over December and January. Sea freight fared better in March at 52 up from 45 in February while road freight hit 50, up from 47.

The UK showed positive increases in the European freight forwarder sector from 50 in February to 68 in March. Germany forwarders' continued to experience weak demand at 33 in March, although up on February's 25. It was still above other countries outside of the Benelux region that contracted significantly from 64 in February to 14 in March.

Source : HKSG.

[300413.ID.BIZ] Tabrakan Kapal: Bahuga Jaya dan Norgas Karena Inkonsistensi

BISNIS.COM, JAKARTA—Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) menemukan adanya ketidaktaatan aturan pelayaran antar kapal MV Norgas Cathinka asal Singapura dan KMP Bahuga Jaya yang menyebabkan tubrukan di Selat Sunda, pada 26 September 2012.

“Dari hasil investigasi kita, ditemukan unsur inkonsistensi antar masing-masing kapal untuk mencegah tubrukan pada saat kejadian,” kata Ketua KNKT Tatang Kurniadi dalam jumpa pers hasil investigasi tubrukan antara KMP. Bahuga Jaya dengan MV. Norgas Cathinka, Senin (29/4/2013).

Tatang menjelaskan kedua nakhoda kapal, baik Norgas maupun Bahuga, melanggar aturan Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS).

Dia menjelaskan terjadi ketidaksesuaian untuk olah gerak kapal. Pada saat kapal Norgas memasuki lintas penyeberangan Merak-Bakauheni dari arah selatan, Norgas berhadapan dengan lima kapal ferry lainnya yang melintasi haluannya kearah timur. Pada saat kapal-kapal ferry yang bergerak ke arah timur menuju Merak, lanjutnya, Norgas diwajibkan untuk mempertahankan haluannya sampai dengan kapal ferry yang terakhir.

“Norgas juga diharuskan untuk menghindari KMP Bahuga Jaya. Pada saat itu, pukul 04.36,  Bahuga mash berada pada lintasan potensi tubrukan dengan jarak 074 T atau 2 mil laut, masih leluasa untuk melakukan olah gerak kapal sesuai COLREGS,” kata Tatang.

Namun, lanjutnya, dari analisa data VDR diketahui bahwa pada pukul 04.40, Mualim Jaga Norgas mulai merubah haluan kapal ke kanan, namun pergerakannya terlalu pelan dan tidak cukup signifikan untuk memberikan kejelasan sikap olah gerak pada kapal-kapal lainnya.

“Olah gerak kapal Norgas ini menyebabkan mualim jaga Bahuga Jaya menjadi ragu-ragu dan selanjutnya mengasumsikan bahwa Norgas masih mempertahankan arah haluan dan kecepatannya. Untuk menghindari tubrukan, selanjutnya mualim jaga Bahuga mengambil tindakan mengubah haluan kapal ke arah kiri," kata Tatang.

Akhirnya, pada pukul 04.44, haluan kapal Norgas yang tetap berbelok ke kanan dengan cepat, menubruk dinding atas bagian kanan Bahuga tepat berada di bawah anjungan. “Perubahan haluan ke arah kiri ini tidak sesuai COLREGS,” tutur Tatang.

Tim Investigasi KNKT Sri Untung mengatakan ternyata mengapa alas an Norgas tidak mengubah haluan dalam waktu yang cepat, karena Norgas berpapasan dengan KMP Gelis Rauh sehingga memberikan tanda sinyal lampu merah-merah.

"Inilah makanya Norgas tidak bisa mengubah haluan ke kanan pada saat terlihat ada kapal Bahuga yang masuk di lintasannya,” tutur Sri.

Hal lainnya, lanjut Sri,  pihaknya menemukan alasan mengapa kapal Bahuga Jaya berbelok kekiri untuk menghindari tabrakan,  ternyata Mualim Jaga (yang mengendarai kapal saat itu) sesuai kebiasaan nakhoda yang membawa kapal ferry.

 “Perwira kapal ferry sebenarnya sudah sangat paham soal olah gerak kapal. Tetapi kenapa Bahuga berbelok kiri, itu karena kebiasaan mereka yang menganggap kapal besar tidak mengubah haluan secara baik. Biasanya nakhoda berbelok mengikuti arah belakang kapal besar, sedangkan Norgas harusnya memberi ruang gerak yang luas untuk Bahuga,” ucapnya.

Kapal Bahuga Jaya dan Nirgas Cathinka bertubrukan di empat mil laut sebelah timur Pulau Rimau Balak di perairan Selat Sunda, lintas Merak-Bakauheni pada 26 September 2012, dan menewaskan tujuh penumpang Bahuga.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia,29.04.13.

29 April 2013

[290413.EN.BIZ] CAI International Posts 3pc Quarterly Profit Hike, Hopes High For 2013

SAN FRANCISCO intermodal container lessor CAI International has posted a year-on-year first quarter three per cent net profit increase to US$17 million, drawn on revenues of $51 million.

Its average container fleet utilisation remained at 92.2 per cent over the past 12 months, which includes off-hire equipment, Storage and handling costs increased to $4.3 million, compared to $2 million during the first quarter of 2012.

CAI closed deals on two managed container portfolios and a sale-leaseback transaction representing 66,000 TEU involving an investment of $82 million to contribute to overall 2013 profits.

The company expects a high utilisation of smaller fleet as well as new container demand for the rest of the year, based on Clarkson Research Services container intelligence monthly forecast that predicts traffic volume growth of 6.1 per cent for 2013 - almost double the increase of 2012.

Source : HKSG.

[290413.ID.BIZ] E-Commerce : Persaingan Semakin Ketat

BISNIS.COM JAKARTA - Tutupnya situs penyedia jasa layanan perdagangan elektronik  Multiply.com membuat gempar industri yang biasa disebut e-commerce ini.

Seperti diberitakan pada Jumat (26/4) lalu bahwa perusahaan Multiply termasuk PT Multiply Indonesia akan berhenti beroperasi pada 6 Mei nanti dan secara bertahap menghentikan kegiatan usahanya sampai akhir Mei.

Termasuk Wakil Ketua Umum Asosiasi E-Commerce Indonesia (iDea) Jullian Gafar yang kaget mendengar kabar tersebut. Namun dirinya masih percaya bahwa industri ini masih menjanjikan.

"Buat saya sangat mengagetkan mendengar kabar itu. Sebelumnya tidak ada bayangan kami melihat Multiply akan tutup. Tapi itu keputusan bisnis para pemegang saham," ujarnya ketika dihubungi Bisnis akhir pekan kemarin, Sabtu (27/4).

Berkurangnya pemain e-commerce tidak menyurutkan kepercayaan Jullian dengan iklim dunia usaha. Dia tidak mengetahui secara pasti apa alasan Multiply untuk tutup.

Meskipun dibenarkannya bahwa saat ini kompetisi di industri ini sangat ketat. Semakin banyak pemain baik dari dalam negeri dan luar negeri berinvestasi dengan membuat situs e-commerce.

Sehingga menurutnya hal yang wajar apabila ada perusahaan jatuh bangun dalam prosesnya. Terlebih bisnis ini mempunyai modal yang sangat besar dan produknya haris berbeda dengan yang lain.

Pola permainan e-commerce, lanjut Jullian sudah berbeda dibanding tiga tahun yang lalu yang masih dipandang sebelah mata. Konsistensi dan fokus pada pengembangan menjadikan bisnis ini harus dikerjakan lebih serius.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 27.04.13.

28 April 2013

[280413.EN.SEA] OOCL Takes Delivery of Fourth 13,208-TEU Ship From Samsung For NYK

HONG KONG's Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) has christened its four of ten 13,208-TEU ships, the NYK Hercules, as the vessel is being leased to Japanese shipping giant NYK.

The vessel along with its sister ships was ordered by OOCL from Samsung Heavy Industries, and the naming ceremony was held on Geoje Island in South Korea.

The NYK Hercules will be deployed on the LP4 service that serves the Asia-Europe trade on the following port rotation: Ningbo, Yangshan, Shenzhen-Yantian, Singapore, Suez Canal, Le Havre, Southampton, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Suez Canal, Jeddah, Singapore, Shenzhen- Yantian and back to Ningbo on a 77-day round trip.

The vessel features innovative designs and the latest green technologies, including a sophisticated hull form and state-of-the-art engine technologies to lower energy consumption levels and reduce emissions.

Source : HKSG.

[280413.ID.BIZ] Keselamatan Kerja: Mayoritas Perusahaan Masih Anggap Sepele

BISNIS.COM,JAKARTA--Organisasi Perburuhan Dunia (ILO)  melaporkan mayoritas pabrik di Indonesia tidak memiliki kebijakan yang jelas terkait dengan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) yang akan diperingati setiap  28 April.

Siaran pers ILO Sabtu (27/4)  menyebutkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Better Work Indonesia baru-baru ini menemukan bahwa 21 dari 35 pabrik di Indonesia dak memiliki kebijakan K3 yang jelas.

"Selain itu, pabrik-pabrik itu juga tidak secara rutin melakukan penilaian terhadap bahaya yang berdampak pada keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja," tulis siaran tersebut.

Hal itu dinilai membuat karyawan dalam jumlah yang tak sedikit  menjadi rentan terhadap bahaya kebakaran dan kecelakaan di tempat kerja.

Pada 28 April bertepatan dengan Hari K3  Better Work Indonesia akan menyelenggarakan suatu hari untuk para pekerja dan keluarganya di area KBN (Kawasan Berikat Nusantara) Cakung, Jakarta yang menyoroti elemen pencegahan kebakaran. (if)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 27.04.13.

27 April 2013

[270413.EN.AIR] New Zealand Orders Cathay Pacific to Pay US$3.6 Million For Price Fixing

HONG KONG's Cathay Pacific Airways has been ordered to pay a NZ$4.3 million (US$3.6 million) fine by New Zealand High Court for operating a cartel on cargo flown into New Zealand, announced the country's Commerce Commission.

Also fined was Malaysia's MASkargo System - NZ$2.6 million - and Thai Airways International - NZ$2.7 million - for being engaged in the same cartel between February 2000 and February 2006.

Three major international airlines have been penalised with fines totalling NZ$9.6 million. The latest penalties bring the total number of airlines fined to 10 and the total penalties to NZ$35 million.

"The penalties are a reminder to both New Zealand and overseas that colluding on prices is illegal and may result in substantial penalties under the Commerce Act. The commission is committed to pursuing cartels that affect New Zealand markets," said Commerce Commission chairman Mark Berry.

Air New Zealand is refusing to comment on reports that it is talking to the Commerce Commission about a possible resolution to the long running air cargo cartel case now that there is only carrier left to settle.

"This matter is before the courts and it's inappropriate for us to comment," a spokeswoman said.

Three more airlines have settled with the Commerce Commission in the long-running air cargo cartel case. The regulator dropped proceedings against Garuda Indonesia, United Airlines and six Air New Zealand executives last year, and discontinued against two Qantas executives in February last year.

Source : HKSG.

[270413.ID.BIZ] KSPI: Upah Buruh Indonesia Terendah se-ASEAN

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Indonesia (KSPI) menilai upah buruh di Indonesia merupakan yang terendah se-ASEAN. Upah buruh di Indonesia hanya lebih baik dibanding Kamboja dan Vietnam. Data tersebut merupakan data statistik upah minimum di Asia dan sekitarnya pada 2012. Data ini membandingkan jumlah upah buruh di negara kawasan ASEAN.

"Upah buruh di Indonesia masih terendah se-ASEAN. Kami dengan tegas menolak upah murah yang ada saat ini," kata Presiden KSPI Said Iqbal saat konferensi pers di kantornya, Condet, Jakarta Timur, Kamis (25/4/2013).
Nilai upah minimum bulanan di Indonesia tahun 2012 hanya 161,3 dollar AS per bulan. Jumlah upah tersebut 
masih kalah dengan Thailand yang sudah memberi upah buruh sebesar 283,54 dollar AS per bulan. 

Melalui data yang diperoleh KSPI, upah minimum negara Asia dan sekitarnya, khususnya Indonesia, masih jauh tertinggal dibanding Australia yang sudah mencapai 3.901,89 dollar AS per bulan yang disusul dengan Selandia Baru sebesar 2.620,09 dollar AS per bulan dan Jepang 2.560,72 dollar AS per bulan.

Adapun untuk jaminan sosial lebih dari 100 juta jiwa masyarakat belum tertutup sebagai peserta Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) pada 1 Januari 2014. Berdasarkan data 2012 hanya tercatat 151.548.981 jiwa dari 251.857.940 jiwa penduduk Indonesia yang terjamin dalam program BPJS.

Jumlah tersebut di antaranya peserta Askes PNS sebesar 17,2 juta jiwa, TNI Polri 2,2 juta jiwa, peserta Jamkesmas 76,4 juta jiwa, peserta JPK Jamsostek 5,6 juta jiwa, peserta Jamkesda 31,9 juta jiwa, jaminan perusahaan 15,3 juta jiwa, dan peserta askes komersial 2,8 juta jiwa. "Pemerintah hanya menaikkan coverage bagi orang miskin sebesar 10 juta, dari 76 juta menjadi 86 juta jiwa," tambahnya.

Sumber : Kompas, 25.04.13.

26 April 2013

[260413.EN.SEA] African Independent Coastal Services Takes on Zim's Ghanaian Cabotage

GHANA's African Independent Coastal Services (AICS), which runs its 650-TEU Adobia a multi-purpose ship from Abidjan to Tema port near Accra, has signed an agreement to move containers along the cabotage Tema-Takoradi route for Israeli carrier Zim.

It aims to add more scheduled calls to other West African ports in the near future. This first deal for AICS in a long-term contract of carriage is likely to be followed by other joint partnerships of lines that do not operate at Takoradi port, according to analysts cited in a report from Netherlands-based GhanaWeb.

The feeder service will deploy its geared 8,475-dwt Adobia cargo vessel to support growing demand in African box volumes forecast to increase by 10 per cent in 2013. Takoradi port, Ghana is expected to reach annual throughput of 700,000 TEU by year-end.

AICS launched a Ghanaian flagged, registered, crewed and owned coastal shipping service last year. It acquired the first vessel, and only cargo ship on the Ghananian ship register. 

Source : HKSG.

[260413.ID.OTH] USTAD UJE Wafat : Ustad Gaul Yang Selalu Dirindukan

BISNIS.COM, JAKARTA-Inna Lillaahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Roji’un. Dunia dakwah di Tanah Air kehilangan salah satu tokoh mudanya, Jeffry Al Buchori – akrab disapa Ustad Uje – Jumat dinihari (26/4/2013),  menghembuskan nafas terakhir dalam satu kecelakaan tunggal menabrak pohon di bundaran kawasan Pondok Indah, tepatnya di Jalan Gedung Hijau Raya 7, Jakarta Selatan.

Ustad Uje sempat dirujuk ke RS Pondok Indah dan Fatmawati, namun akibat luka parah nyawanya tidak tertolong beberapa saat kemudian.

Perjalanan hidup almarhum menjadi pendakwah muda tenar penuh lika-liku. Sejak kecil anak ke-3 dari 5 bersaudara pasangan almarhum H.Ismail Modal-Ustadzah Dra.Hj.Tatu Mulyana ini telah ditempa dengan pendidikan religi Islam yang kuat. Di bangku SD, dia menorehkan prestasi dalam Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an (MTQ) hingga ke tingkat provinsi.

Setelah lulus SD, dia kemudian dimasukkan ke sebuah pesantren di Tangerang hingga lulus di Madrasah Aliyah. Almarhum yang kelahiran Jakarta, 12 April 1973 ini kemudian menempuh kuliah akademibroadcasting pada 1990. Di fase remaja ini Uje sempat terjebak dalam pergaulan bebas, bergaul dengan pemakai narkoba dan dunia gemerlap (dugem). Dia juga malang melintang di dunia casting, sempat meraih gelar sebagai pemeran pria terbaik dalam Sepekan Sinetron Remaja TVRI tahun 1991.

Saat masih jadi pengguna narkoba, di tahun 1995, Uje bertemu dengan Pipik Dian Irawati, model gadis sampul Majalah Aneka asal Semarang, yang kemudian dipersuntingnya. Dari pernikahannya dengan Pipik, Uje dikaruniai 3 anak yakni Adiba Khanza Az-Zahra, Mohammad Abidzar Al-Ghifari, Ayla Azuhro.

Tak lama berselang setelah bertemu dengan Pipik, sang ibunda tercinta dan kakaknya mengajak Uje umroh, disinilah titik awal dia memulai babak hidup baru, bertaubat nasuha dan meninggalkan ‘dunia hitam’ untuk selamanya.

Sebaliknya memantapkan diri untuk berdakwah dari satu majelis taklim, masjid, musholla hingga menjadi pendakwah muda tenar.

Bakatnya di bidang casting dan musik, mengantarkannya menjadi lebih terkenal dengan meluncurkan sejumlah sinetron dan album lagu religi. Beberapa album terkenalnya a.l. Lahir Kembali (2006), Para Pencari-Mu (2007) bersama grup band papan atas, Ungu.

Kini sang ustad gaul itu telah pergi untuk selamanya, meninggalkan para penikmat dakwahnya yang selalu merindukan dakwah Uje yang khas itu.

“Setiap detik dalam kehidupan kita hendaknya memberikan makna dan nilai. Yakinlah kepada Allah Insya Allah setiap masalah akan ada solusinya,” begitu pesan almarhum yang dipajang di akun Twitter dengan 85.933follower.

Allahummagfirlahu warhamhu, semoga Allah Swt mengampuni segala dosanya, memaafkan semua kesalahan almarhum sepanjang hayat, Amin. (Islamedia/yus)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia,

25 April 2013

[250413.EN.SEA] MSC To Sell 35pc of Terminal Unit To Global Infrastructure Partners

GENEVA's Mediterranean Shipping Co (MSC) has reached agreement with Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) and a group of its LP co-Investors to sell 35 per cent of its Terminal Investment Limited (TIL) for US$1.9 billion, including certain payments contingent on TIL's future performance.

Deal closing is expected to take place in the middle of the year and is subject to obtaining the relevant approvals.

TIL has, or is in the process of acquiring, controlling or joint-controlling interests in 30 container terminals serving most of the world's major trade routes located in North and South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia, said the MSC statement.

"TIL has grown rapidly over the last decade and is now the world's sixth largest container terminal operator. TIL's growth will continue to benefit from its relationship with MSC which is the world's second largest container shipping company," said the company statement.

"The new strategic partnership between MSC and LP Co-Investors-GIP will provide a strong foundation to support the next phase of TIL's growth, including further acquisitions and investments. GIP will play an active role with Alistair Baillie joining TIL as president," said the statement.

Said MSC president Diego Aponte: "Through this partnership we are reinforcing our terminal division, which will enable us to capitalise on future opportunities and growth. This will complement MSC's strategy to maintain a leading position in the industry."

Said GIP chairman and managing partner Adebayo Ogunlesi: "This is in line with our strategy of developing best-in-class joint ventures with industry leaders. We expect to work closely with MSC in growing and improving this high quality portfolio of container terminal assets."

GIP is an independent infrastructure investment fund with US$15 billion under management. GIP invests worldwide in infrastructure assets and businesses in both the OECD and select emerging market countries.

GIP's other port sector investments are a joint-controlling 27 per cent interest in Port of Brisbane, Australia; 50 per cent of International Trade Logistics in Buenos Aires, Argentina and 100 per cent of Great Yarmouth.

MSC is a privately owned shipping line, founded in 1970, which is now the number two global container shipping line (behind Maersk Line), operating 446 containerships with an intake capacity of over 2,200,000 TEU.

TIL invests in, develops and manages container terminals around the world. It was founded in 2000 to secure berths and terminal capacity in major ports used by MSC. TIL terminals are hubs and gateways in Europe, Asia, North America, South America and West Africa.

Source : HKSG.

[250413.ID.BIZ] Komisaris MRT: Jokowi 'Ngotot' Tempatkan Penasehat Ahok

BISNIS.COM, JAKARTA--Perusahaan penyedia transportasi berbasis rel PT Mass Rapid Transit mengganti jajaran komisaris dipimpin Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas dengan empat komisaris di bawahnya.

Salah satunya adalah Krisbiantara yang merupakan penasehat Wakil Gubernur DKI Basuki 'Ahok' Tjahaja Purnama yang kantornya bersamaan dengan mantan bupati Belitung Timur tersebut.

Menurutnya, pemilihan Krisbiantara sebagai komisaris bukan keinginan Ahok tetapi Gubernur Joko Widodo yang ngotot untuk mengurusi persoalan bidang transportasi.

"Itu pak Gubernur saya tidak ikut campur, pak Gubernur yang tentukan, saya sempat komplain pak jangan ke kantor saya terus orang pikir saya yang KKN lagi. saya pun komplain gitu pak gub tetap ngotot," katanya di Balai Kota, Kamis (25/4)..

Krisbiantoro merupakan penasehat soal transportasi dari Universitas Trisakti Jakarta berperan sebagai penghubung PT MRT ke Hongkong dan Singapura. Saat ini hubungan dengan Hongkong sudah jalan dan direksi PT MRT merasa cocok jika menjadi komisaris.

Sebelumnya, PT MRT menggelar RUPS dengan agenda merombak jajaran komisaris dengan menunjuk komisaris utama mantan wakil ketua KPK Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas menggantikan Achmad Harjadi.

Mantan Wakil Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas di pilih sebagai Komisaris Utama PT . MRT Jakarta. Erry menggantikan penduhulunya Achmad Harjadi.

Kemudian empat komisaris baru dibawahnya meliputi Sarwo Handayani, Krisbiantara, Tundjung Inderawan dan Adriansyah. Namun untuk Adriansyah belum pasti karena masih menunggu persetujuan dari Menteri Keuangan. (if)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 25.04.13.

24 April 2013

[240413.EN.SEA] SeaSpan Orders ChartCo To Install Navigation Software Suite Fleet-wide

INDEPENDENT owner of container ships, SeaSpan Corporation, has placed an order with ChartCo to fit its navigation data management system across the entire fleet after a period of evaluation and trials.

London-based ChartCo will be installing its full software suite, including PassageManager, and supplying paper and electronic chart updates to each vessel. PassageManager allows the ChartCo subscriber to plot routes, attach navigational products to those routes and then produce comprehensive passage plans combining products, port and route data.

The software follows maritime best practice for creating passage plans and can be tailored to meet the varying demands of bridge procedures.

"We are extremely pleased that another prestigious owner-manager such as SeaSpan has decided to work on a long term basis with ChartCo. ChartCo has placed considerable investment into producing cutting edge software and services for the management of important navigational data," said Steve Mariner, business development director. "SeaSpan was able to see for themselves the benefits of PassageManager(tm) before committing to the installation across their fleet."

Raj Dewan, director - procurement and technical services of SeaSpan Ship Management Ltd added: "We looked closely at a few good updating systems that are now available in the market and undertook exhaustive sea trials. ChartCo stood out as being the most comprehensive and easy to use. As we operate on a global basis with various crewing nationalities, usability was a vital consideration. ChartCo's software, support and broad scope of services are a perfect fit for our requirements."

ChartCo was formed in 1998 and now distributes data via Broadcast, email and internet and currently has more than 5,900 subscribers.

Source : HKSG.

[240413.ID.BIZ] 25 Juta Penumpang KA di Jakarta Beli Tiket Secara 'Online'

BISNIS.COM, JAKARTA--Kepala Humas PT Kereta Api Indonesia Daerah Operasi I Jakarta Sukendar Mulya menyatakan realisasi penumpang kereta api jarak jauh yang melakukan pembelian tiket secara online pada 2012 mencapai 25,42 juta penumpang.

Sukendar menjelaskan selama kuartal I/2013 sebanyak  43% penumpang telah melakukan pembelian tiket secara online, dari jumlah penumpang KA jarak jauh di Daops I sebanyak 1,34 juta penumpang.

Dia menambahkan pihaknya menargetkan pada tahun ini dapat meningkatkan penjualan tiket secara online mencapai 60% . “Kami targetkan bisa beralih secara bertahap tahun ini 60%, melalui jaringanonline yang ada dan Indomaret serta Alfamart,” ujarnya kepada Bisnis, Rabu (24/4/2013).

Dia menyatakan pada  kuartal I sebanyak 1,34 juta penumpang menggunakan 48 kereta api lintas Jawa yang berangkat dari wilayah Daops I Jakarta.

Menurutnya dengan menggunakan sistem pembelian secara online dapat mencegah praktek percaloan di sejumlah loket stasiun.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 24.04.13.

23 April 2013

[230413.EN.BIZ] Boston Bombing Prompts Heightened Port Security With Mandates Imposed

THE Boston Marathon bombing has prompted the Captain of the Port (COPT) of Boston to raise maritime security to MARSEC level 2 within the Boston zone, the US Coast Guard (USCG) has announced.

"Each owner or operator of a vessel or facility is required to have a security plan under 33 CFR Parts 104 or 105 must notify the COTP at (617) 223-5242 within 12 hours of receipt of notification that measures or actions described in their security plan and any other requirements that may be imposed by the COTP that correspond with MARSEC Level 2 have been attained," said the statement.

"Due to this heightened level of security, regulated vessels and facilities under the authority of the COTP and all maritime partners are asked to be aware of the higher threat conditions and to increase protective measures. Security plans should be reviewed with employees and additional security measures implemented, where appropriate," the statement said.

"We ask the maritime industry, boaters, and general public to maintain a high state of alert and vigilance and to contact the Sector Command Centre at (617) 223-5757 or VHF channel 16 for immediate assistance," said the US Coast Guard.

Source : HKSG.

[230413.ID.BIZ] Hari Buruh 1 Mei : 200.000 Pekerja Akan Gelar Aksi Damai

BISNIS.COM,JAKARTA-- Sebanyak 200.000 pekerja  akan melakukan aksi damai secara besar-besaran di Jakarta dalam rangka memperingati Hari Buruh Sedunia  (May Day)  yang jatuh setiap tanggal 1 Mei.
Presiden Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (KSPSI) Andi Gani Nena Wea mengatakan serikat buruh akan turun memenuhi jalan Sudirman dan Thamrin. Menurut Andi aksi tersebut akan dimulai sejak pukul 09.00 WIB dan juga dilakukan serentak di 20 provinsi di Indonesia, termasuk Jakarta.

"Kita perkirakan totalnya mencapai sepuluh juta buruh akan bergerak di 20 provinsi di Indonesia. Namun kami memastikan bahwa aksi ini murni aksi damai karena tidak ada muatan politik dan kita juga tidak mengundang tokoh politik dalam aksi tersebut," ujarnya  dalam konfrensi Pers, Senin (22/4).

Sementara itu  Presiden Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Indonesia (KSPI) Said Iqbal mengatakan isu utama dalam aksi May Day tahun ini adalah menolak rencana kenaikan harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM).

"Kita akan tolak rencana kenaikan harga BBM sebesar Rp2.000, karena kalau sampai naik, maka dipastikan daya beli para buruh akan menurun. Semua kebijakan yang menyangkut pencabutan subsidi pasti akan kita tolak, karena belum jelas kemana peruntukan subsidi tersebut, apalagi ini menjelang pemilihan presiden," tutur Iqbal.  (if)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 22.04.13.

21 April 2013

[210413.EN.SEA] Striking Dockers March On Legco, Vow To Camp Outside Chong Kong Centre

STRIKING Hong Kong dockers marched on the Legislative Council building in Central yesterday demanding to see Hong Kong Labour Secretary Matthew Cheung, who they accuse of failing to meet his responsibilities to settle their dispute.

After the Legco rally, the 200 dockers marched the short distance to continue their protest at the Chong Kong Centre, where the conglomerate, Hutchison Whampoa, that owns the terminal, is headquartered. The dockers vowed to camp there until they received satisfaction from the owners.

The conglomerate owns Hutchison Port Holdings Trust (HPH), which in turn owns Hongkong International Terminals (HIT).

The dockers union and the stevedoring contractors, who directly employ them at HIT across Victoria Harbour at Kwai Chung, were supposed to negotiate yesterday, but the workers walked out when only one of the contractors appeared.

Singapore-listed HPH, which pays the contractors to hire the dockers, is expected to suffer a profit loss because of the strike, according to a report by Citi Research, a division of Citibank.

Revenue at HIT has suffered an estimated HK$100 million (US$12.9 million) loss since dockers went on strike on March 28, said the Citi Research note.

Annual wage rate inflation could be closer to 10 per cent at HIT this year, as each of its subcontractors comes to the table to negotiate terms, versus the five per cent annual wage rate inflation built into HIT's current model, said Citi Research.

But cargo handling at the terminal has reached 86 per cent of normal efficiency, said HIT, up from 50 per cent when the strike began. The Hong Kong Shippers Council told the Hong Kong Shipping Gazette that their members still suffer delays, but the situation has improved.

Said Hong Kong Labour Secretary Matthew Cheung: "I am pretty optimistic that, provided all sides take part in the negotiation in a pragmatic manner, in a rational manner, through rational dialogue, all differences can be resolved and ironed out at the end of the day."

Source : 18.04.13.

[210413.ID.BIZ] Sengketa Media Sosial : Timelines.Com Gugat Facebook

BISNIS.COM,JAKARTA--Situs sosial media terkemuka Facebook tengah menghadapi tuntutan dari situs Timelines.com karena telah menggunakan istilah 'timeline' dalam produknya.

Timelines Inc., yang mengoperasikan situs tersebut, mengajukan gugatan terhadap Facebook pada September 2011 atau seminggu setelah layanan sosial media itu mengumumkan mereka beralih dari tampilan 'wall' ke 'timeline' yang menggunakan skema kronologis.

Seperti diberitakan oleh Bloomberg, Senin (22/4), persidangan tersebut dijadwalkan digelar pada 22 April. Timelines menginginkan Facebook berhenti memakai kata 'timeline' karena istilah tersebut dan skema kronologisnya sudah lebih dulu dikenal oleh pengguna internet sejak 2009.

Timelines Inc. sendiri memiliki sekitar 94 ribu pengunjung tiap bulannya. Perusahaan yang berbasis di Chicago ini membebaskan penggunanya untuk membuat lini masa sendiri dan menambahkan berbagai kegiatan atau peristiwa yang terjadi, termasuk kegiatan olahraga, perang, eksplorasi luar angkasa, bahkan pembunuhan.

Penggugat meminta ganti rugi yang nilainya setara dengan pendapatan yang diterima Facebook dari iklan di timeline-nya.

Adapun pihak Facebook menyangkal tuduhan itu dan mengatakan istilah 'timeline' umum untuk mendapat hak paten sendiri dan karenanya tuntutan itu harus dibatalkan. (Bloomberg/if)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 21.04.13.

20 April 2013

[200413.EN.SEA] 'K' Line Maintains Inclusion In Environmental FTSE4Good Global Index

JAPAN's "K" Line has again been selected as a constituent company of the FTSE4Good Global Index Series, the leading socially responsible investment index provided by FTSE Group.

A company statement said the index is reviewed twice a year and "K" Line has qualified for inclusion in the FTSE4Good indices since 2003. The FTSE4Good is an equity index series that is designed to facilitate investment in companies that meet globally recognised corporate responsibility standards. For inclusion, eligible companies must meet stringent environmental, social and governance criteria, the company added.

"K" Line always strives to reduce environmental impact, strengthen corporate governance and support communities in which it operates as a good corporate citizen.

Source : HKSG.

[200413.ID.BIZ] Rel Terendam Banjir, Kecepatan KA Dibatasi

BANDUNG, KOMPAS.com - Rel kereta api di wilayah Cimekar-Rancaekek di KM 171-2/3 jalur selatan Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat, Sabtu (20/4/2013) terendam banjir sehingga kecepatan KA yang melintas dibatasi.

"Rel di KM 171-2/3 sempat terendam banjir pada Sabtu pagi, sehingga kecepatan dibatasi maksimal lima kilometer per jam. Hal itu untuk mengantisipasi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan," kata Kepala Humas PTKA Daop II Bandung, Bambang Setya Prayitno, di Bandung.

Menurut Bambang, jalur rel itu terkena luapan Sungai Citarik yang meluap di akibat hujan deras yang turun dalam dua hari ini di kawasan Bandung bagian timur itu.

Ketinggian air cukup tinggi, namun pada Sabtu siang mulai menyusut sehingga PTKA Daop II Bandung kembali menaikan kecepatan KA menjadi 20 kilometer per jam.

"Jalur itu biasanya dilintasi dengan kecepatan 80 kilometer per jam, namun saat kena banjir ada pembatasan," kata Bambang.

Jalur yang terendam banjir itu, menurut Bambang merupakan jalur rawan bencana banjir. Namun banjir yang terjadi pada Sabtu, tidak sampai memutus arus lalu lintas KA di jalur selatan.

"Tidak sampai menunda perjalanan KA, namun hanya ada pemberlakuan pembatasan kecepatan saja. Jalur tetap bisa dilintasi," kata Bambang.

PTKA menyiapkan sejumlah karung berisi pasir dan tanah untuk mengantisipasi kemungkinana ada bagian tanah yang tergerus air.

Sementara ke depan, PTKA akan menaikan jalur rel di kawasan itu setinggi 50 centimeter agar tidak terendam banjir. Peninggian permukaan rel itu antara lain dari KM 170 hingga 171-2/3 yang selama ini kerap dilanda banjir.

Sumber: Kompas-Antara, 20.04.13.

19 April 2013

[190413.EN.SEA] MOL First Japanese Carrier To Install Ballast Water Treatment System

JAPAN's MOL has announced the completion of work to install a ballast water treatment system on the very large crude oil carrier (VLCC) Libra Trader at Keppel Shipyard in Singapore.

Early this year, the company announced plans to install the system on a VLCC ahead of IMO installation compulsion. MOL is the first Japanese shipping company to install such a system for existing VLCC. Keppel Shipyard has timely delivered the vessel as committed and Libra Trader has already returned to service, and the ballast water treatment system will be tested and adjusted during operation.

This is the first installation of its kind to be completed at Singapore, the centre of repair and conversion industry of the VLCC.

Ballast water discharged while loading cargo carries marine organisms around the world and can have a negative impact on marine ecosystems and biodiversity. This has become a subject of global concern since the late 1980s. Accordingly, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) adopted the Ballast Water Management Convention in February 2004, and its ratification is under way.

Source : HKSG.

[190413.ID.BIZ] Dahlan Pangkas Jumlah BUMN Dengan Merger

JAKARTA - Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) akan mengurangi jumlah perusahaan plat merah secara bertahap. Hal itu dilakukan karena jumlah BUMN yang saat ini mencapai 141, dirasa perlu dirampingkan.

"Sesuai amanat keputusan bersama yaitu harus mengurangi perusahan BUMN, dari 141 akan menjadi 80 BUMN," ujar Menteri BUMN Dahlan Iskan di Gedung Nusantara I DPR, Senayan, Jakarta, Senin (8/4).

Meski begitu Dahlan menjamin kementerian yang dipimpinnya tidak akan serta merta menghilangkan beberapa BUMN. Sebab, akan ada merger BUMN secara bertahap.

Dahlan mencontohkan rencana merger PT INTI dengan PT Len Industri. "PT INTI dan en akan dilakukan dengan proses merger. Jadi perusahaan BUMN yang bagus kita gabung," sebutnya.

Sebelumnya, PT Len Industri berencana bergabung dengan PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia. Namun, bentuk dari penggabungan ini masih dalam tahap kajian. CEO PT Len Industri (Persero) Abraham Mose menyatakan bahwa pihaknya akan menerima apapun keputusan terkait penggabungan dua perusahaan tersebut. (chi/jpnn)

Sumber : JPNN, 08.04.13. 

18 April 2013

[180413.EN.SEA] Sinotrans Profit Up 1pc To US$104.3 Million As Revenues Rise 8.5pc

DIVERSIFIED Chinese logistics giant Sinotrans has posted a one per cent increase in net profit to CNY649 million (US$104.3 million) drawn on revenues of CNY47.4 billion, up 8.5 per cent.

Forwarding revenue in Hong Kong-listed company's 10th year of operation increased 8.7 per cent to CNY39.8 million in 2012, compared to CNY36.6 million in 2011. Volume of sea freight forwarding containers was 8.2 million TEU in 2012, up 3.2 per cent on the previous year.

Revenue from marine transportation of the group in 2012 amounted to CNY4.91 billion, down 3.2 per cent in 2011. The number of containers shipped by the group rose to 2.8 million TEU up 9.8 per cent from 2011.

Air freight tonnage conveyed by company forwarding services stood at 417.2 million tonnes in 2012, increasing five per cent year on year.

"The increase in revenue from forwarding services in 2012 was higher than the increase in business volume, mainly attributable to the increase in the freight rates of container shipping market and rapid growth of specialised logistics business," said a company statement accompanying the results.

"In 2012, the group proactively acted upon the adversity of external market environment, maintained steady growth of operations and ensured the completion of full-year budget," the statement said.

Source : HKSG

[180413.ID.BIZ] E-Commerce : Pos Indonesia Berambisi Menjadi Pemain Terbesar

BISNIS.COM,BANDUNG–PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) berambisi menjadi pelaku bisnis e-commerce terbesar di Tanah Air melalui lini usaha barunya yaitu Plazapos.com.

Direktur Utama PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) I Ketut Mardjana mengatakan dirinya ingin performa Plazapos.com menyamai situs e-commerce terbesar dunia saat ini seperti Amazon.com.

 “Kami berharap pada 2016 nanti Pos Indonesia sudah menjadi perusahaan yang menguasai pasar e-commerce ini, sehingga ini ke depannya menjadi bisnis inti kami,” katanya kepada Bisnis, Jumat (12/4).

 Plazapos.com merupakan satu-satunya layanan e-commerce yang mengintegrasikan kekuatan collecting dan delivery dalam satu pengelolaan yaitu Pos Indonesia, menawarkan tiga jenis item produk kelas dunia, Indonesian heritage, dan gadgets.

 Plazapos.com mengakomodasi tiga segmen pasar sekaligus, segmen bawah, menengah, dan atas dengan menghadirkan barang-barang mewah antara lain Hugo Boss, Ralph Laurent, dan Swarovski.

Untuk mewujudkannya, katanya, pemerintah melalui Kementerian Perdagangan harus mempertegas soal undang-undang e-commerce di Indonesia, jangan sampai terjadi over lapping dengan regulasi yang lainnya.

“Regulasi tersebut  termasuk di dalamnya mengatur soal pajak dan trasportasi [pengiriman barang]. Ini akan menjadi acuan bisnis e-commerce keseluruhan,” ujarnya. (if)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 14.04.13.

17 April 2013

[170413.EN.SEA] Drewry: Coping With Flood Of New Tonnage Is Job 1 For Carriers In 2013

MANAGING month-to-month changes to services and schedules is now a constant battle for carriers as they strive to keep the spot market from collapsing, according to Drewry's Container Forecaster. report.

"Carriers have already had a taste of how difficult it will be to resist falling rates in the spot market this year," said Drewry container research chief Neil Dekker.

"The mid-March Asia to North Europe GRI [general rate increase] was successful at first, with increases of over US$300 per FEU, but most gains had already been lost by the end of the first week," he said.

"Carriers are asking themselves where they can put these vessels without flooding the market, Mr Dekker said. "In this weak market, carriers cannot have it both ways - upgrading all services to lower slot costs while at the same time adding new services."

How to absorb additional ship capacity at the trade route level is the No 1 issue for carriers in 2013 if they are to have any chance of being profitable, although all of them are doing their best to cut operating costs. he said.

The industry managed the influx of new vessels pretty well in 2012, with a small reduction of 1.6 per cent in operational headhaul capacity in the three main east-west trades for the full year said the report.

Greater use of slow steaming has helped, and there was an average of 10.3 vessels assigned to weekly strings in the three core east-west trades as of January, up from 10.1 last October, the report said.

But by the end of April Drewry estimates that the year-on-year capacity on three trades will have risen by nearly one per cent. Further ahead, capacity on the headhaul will increase by 10.2 per cent on Asia-North Europe and 5.5 per cent on the transpacific in the second quarter, said the report.

With over 40 ships of at least 10,000 TEU due for delivery in 2013, carriers will find it increasingly difficult to manage capacity without upsetting the fragile supply-demand balance, the report said.

Said Mr Dekker: "Missed sailings between October and February may have lifted average load factors in the east-west trades by between two and five per cent, but there is no evidence that this improves the success of GRI attempts over any sustained period.

"The supply-side pressures caused by new deliveries could force carriers to take more drastic measures such as suspension of whole strings. For now, the lines' strategy seems to be one of damage limitation on a very short-term basis before the next wave of ships is delivered," he said.

The decisions by Evergreen to launch its new CPS2 transpacific service in May and by MSC to start its stand-alone service on the Asia-east coast South America trade this month will only add to what is already a very challenging operating environment, said the report.

The global cascade is now more difficult to manage and the average capacity of ships across the major north-south trades increased by 9.1 per cent last year to just under 4,000 TEU. More 8,000 TEU vessels are being pushed into the Asia-east coast South America trade, and this is no longer the "jewel in the crown" for carriers, with headhaul cargo growth only expected to be three to four per cent this year, he said.

London-based Drewry Maritime Research is the research arm of the Drewry group. Drewry also includes two advisory brands, Drewry Maritime Advisors and Drewry Supply Chain Advisors and specialist investment research brand Drewry Maritime Equity Research.

Source : HKSG.