27 Juli 2014

[270714.EN.OTH] Eid Mubarak 1435 H and Holidays

Dear Readers,

In connection with the appreciation of the celebration of Eid Mubarak, 1 Syawal 1435 Hijriah by Muslims worldwide, coinciding with the homecoming as well, then we do not publish clipping as usual.

We were on duty in the “Posko Angkutan Lebaran 2014" almost ïn all major stations, so it is probable that the time and effort devoted is no longer possible and pick off shortly.

Hopefully, starting 01/08 everything is back to normal and we will try to take the time to submit clipping again. For that, let us convey "Happy Eid Mubarak".

Greetings from the e-Ditor.

[270714.ID.OTH] Selamat Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1435 H dan Libuuuuur

Yth Pembaca Yang Budiman,

Sehubungan dengan apresiasi terhadap perayaan hari raya Idul Fitri, 1 Syawal 1435 Hijriah oleh umat Muslim sedunia, bertepatan dengan masa mudik juga, maka kami tidak menerbitkan kliping seperti biasa.

Kami pun sedang bertugas di Posko Angkutan Lebaran 2014 di hampir semua stasiun besar, sehingga besar kemungkinan waktu dan tenaga yang tercurah, sudah tidak memungkinkan lagi dan memilih libur “sesaat”.

Semoga di tanggal 01/08 semuanya sudah kembali normal dan kami akan berusaha meluangkan waktu untuk menyampaikan kliping pilihan seperti biasa. Untuk itu, perkenankan kami mengucapkan “Selamat Idul Fitri, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin”.

Salam Ketupat dari e-Ditor.

26 Juli 2014

[260714.EN.BIZ] US Companies Face Risks as Latin American Economies Hit Hard Times

AMERICAN companies, Ford Motor, 3M and Caterpillar have reported second quarter earnings that highlight weakness in their Latin American operations illustrating risks in relying on emerging markets.

While Venezuela's weak currency valuation previously weighed on US corporate finances, the latest results indicate tepid performance in Brazil, the biggest economy in Latin America, where some economists fear recession.

"The place where we see a little bit more of a challenge is Latin America," 3M CEO Inge Thulin said, while cutting its full-year revenue forecast for the region, the worst-performing in the quarter.

US companies that have looked to emerging Latin economies for growth have seen those expectations dented by Brazil's political and economic turmoil, Venezuela's currency woes and Argentina's renewed battle with creditors.

A Reuters poll of more than 60 economists from earlier this month found that Latin American economies will probably grow at a slower pace than previously thought this year.

Economies in Brazil, Argentina and Chile are expected to be weaker this year than in 2013, while Mexico is far from achieving the fast growth promised by sweeping economic reforms, the poll found.

US corporate prospects in Latin America have also been dampened by competition, lack of expected growth among the middle class and fluctuations in commodity prices, said Rafael Amiel, director for Latin America economics at research firm IHS.

"For multinational companies, the growth they were expecting in many Latin American markets is not happening," he added.

South America was the only region in the world where Ford posted a quarterly loss US$295 million, compared with a $151 million profit a year earlier.

Source : HKSG.

[260714.ID.BIZ] GM Selidiki Kebocoran Teknologi di Korsel

Bisnis.com, SEOUL--General Motors Co. mengatakan bahwa jaksa Korea Selatan sedang menyelidiki sebuah perusahaan kontraktor yang diduga membocorkan teknologi mesin dari produsen mobil AS tersebut ke luar negeri.

Jaksa melakukan penggrebekan ke sebuah perusahaan desain di Korea Selatan pada Selasa (1/7) untuk mencari bukti, Kim Byeong Soo, seorang juru bicara GM mengatakan melalui telepon hari ini.

Namun, dirinya menolak menyebutkan nama perusahaan yang dimaksud.

Bloomberg melansir, Rabu (1/7/2014) bahwa GM diketahui telah melakukan investigasi internal untuk mengetahui situasi yang terjadi.

Jaksa Korea Selatan tengah mempelajari tentang kemungkinan bocornya teknologi tersebut melalui jaringan intelijennya sendiri.
News1 melaporkan mengutip Kejaksaan Agung yang menduga adanya kejahatan keuangan dan teknologi.

Seorang pejabat di sebuah divisi Kejaksaan Agung yang enggan disebutkan namanya menolak untuk mengomentari masalah tersebut, dirinya mengaku bahwa hal untuk mengungkapkan hal tersebut telah menyalahi kebijakan internal tim investigasi.

Sementara itu Departemen Kehakiman dan Kejaksaan Agung tidak segera merespon e-mail yang dikirim Bloomberg.

Seorang pejabat di divisi, yang tidak memberikan namanya, menolak untuk mengomentari masalah mengutip kebijakan internal pada investigasi ketika dihubungi oleh Bloomberg News.

Departemen Kehakiman dan Kantor Kejaksaan Agung tidak segera menanggapi permintaan e-mail.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 02.07.14.

25 Juli 2014

[250714.EN.LOG] France's New Law Banning Truckers From Sleeping In Cabs Hits Sour Note

A NEW law in France banning truck drivers from sleeping in their cabs during rest times has been slammed by international road freight operators and union representatives for targeting foreign truckers.

The International Road Transport Union (IRU) described the move as "worrying national protectionist measures" and called on the European Union and member states to act.

Failure to comply with the new rule could lead to a year's imprisonment and a fine of EUR30,000 (US$40,382).

Critics of the new regulation say it has not been thought through properly and has security, cost and competition implications, reports Lloyd's Loading List.

France introduced the law in a move designed to improve compliance with labour legislation in the road haulage sector, particularly non-compliance or "dumping" regarding working-hours restrictions.

IRU general delegate to the EU, Michael Nielsen, said: "As EU legislation is unclear on weekly rest time in vehicle cabins and the fact that the EU does not consider it to be a serious infringement, these announced penalties are completely unacceptable."

Another said that the lawmakers in question "had no idea of how the road haulage sector worked" in having to cope with daily uncertainties such as customers premises which are not open to take deliveries when a truck pulls up, traffic jams and road diversions.

"On top of that, separating a driver from his truck raises a fundamental security issues. For want of dedicated parking facilities for trucks at hotels, a driver might have to walk some distance to find accommodation, returning the next morning to the vehicle to find no freight nor diesel."

Source : HKSG.

[250714.ID.BIZ] Pendatang Tinggal di Pinggir Rel, Ahok: Diusir

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama mengimbau warga Ibu Kota yang kembali dari mudik turut mengingatkan kerabatnya yang baru datang ke Jakarta agar tak tinggal di pinggiran rel dan sungai. Sebab, Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta akan mengusir warga yang masih kedapatan tinggal di permukiman kumuh.

"Kami akan usir mereka yang tinggal di pinggir sungai," kata Basuki di Taman Silang Barat Monumen Nasional saat melepas rombongan mudik, Jumat, 25 Juli 2014. (Baca juga : Ahok Tak Gelar Operasi Yustisi Usai Lebaran. )

Ahok, begitu ia disapa, tak melarang warga pendatang untuk turut mencari nafkah. Alasannya, menurut dia, warga pendatang biasanya langsung terserap sebagai sebagai pekerja pabrik, sopir, maupun asisten rumah tangga dan tak menimbulkan beban bagi pemerintah. Para pekerja ini akan mampu mencarikan tempat tinggal yang layak bagi dirinya.

Ahok tak mengkhawatirkan mereka yang tak terserap lapangan pekerjaan. Alasannya, pendatang yang tak memiliki pekerjaan dan tetap menumpang di rumah kerabat akan dipulangkan dengan sendirinya oleh kerabatnya itu.

Sedangkan bagi pendatang yang berkukuh tinggal di Jakarta meski tak memiliki pekerjaan tetap, mantan Bupati Belitung Timur itu memastikan bahwa mereka tak akan berkesempatan menempati lahan-lahan ilegal. Ahok berujar telah bekerja sama dengan PT Kereta Api Indonesia dan perusahaan-perusahaan swasta untuk membersihkan daerah pinggiran rel.

Dengan begitu, Ahok mengatakan tak akan lagi ada permukiman kumuh yang dapat disewa dengan harga Rp 5.000-10 ribu per harinya. "Kalau sudah begitu, mereka tak akan punya tempat tinggal," kata dia.

Ihwal kemungkinan pendatang yang justru menjadi penyandang masalah kesejahteraan sosial, Ahok menjamin akan memulangkan mereka dengan menandatangani surat perjanjian agar tak kembali ke Ibu Kota. Sebab, menurut dia, kebanyakan pengemis tak meminta uang untuk makan, tapi untuk membangun rumah di daerah asalnya. "Kalau masih kembali, kami laporkan ke Kepolisian atas tuduhan penipuan terhadap Pemprov," ujar Ahok.

Sumber : Tempo, 25.07.14.

24 Juli 2014

[240714.EN.SEA] Matson Fined US$9 Million And Agrees To Pay $950,000 To Whistleblower

JONES Act carrier Matson Navigation has agreed to pay a US$9 million to the US Government for violations under the False Claims Act and agreed to pay $950,000 to the man who informed on the company, reported American Shipper.

Matson said it entered into a settlement agreement on July 17 with the federal government over a whistleblower lawsuit that claimed false fuel surcharges were imposed on military household goods moved in part by rail or truck.

Matson, in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing, said it agreed to pay to the federal government $9 million in settlement of all claims and $950,000 to informer Mario Rizzo for expenses, attorney's fees and costs.

Source : HKSG.

[240714.ID.BIZ] Tragedi MH17: AS Kembali Bahas Sanksi Terhadap Rusia

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA—Amerika Serikat membahas serangkaian sanksi baru bagi Rusia dan menekan Uni Eropa untuk mengikutinya dengan memberikan penalti, menurut Deputi Penasihat Keamanan Nasional, Ben Rhodes.

Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin kian terisolasi akibat dukungannya kepada kelompok separatis di Ukraina, ujar Rhodes kepada wartawan di Gedung Putih sebagaimana dikutip Bloomberg, Kamis (24/7/2014).
Kelompok separatis terus meminta merdeka dari Ukraina setelah sebelumnya wilayah Crimea lepas dari negara bekas Uni Soviet tersebut.

“Dukungan itu jadi bumerang dan menjadikannya terisolasi dan menjadi sasaran kecaman,” ujar Rhodes. Kendati demikian, dia tidak memerinci waktu pelaksanaan sanksi tersebut.

Sejak ditembak jatuhnya pesawat Malaysian Airlines oleh kelompok pemberontak di Ukraina, AS telah mengisyaratkan akan menambah sanksi untuk menekan ekonomi Rusia. 

Sementara itu, Uni Eropa mengancam akan memperbanyak sanksi terhadap Rusia jika Putin tidak membantu jalannya investigasi atas kecelakaan pesawat yang menewaskan 239 penumpang dan awak pesawat tersebut.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 24.07.14.

23 Juli 2014

[230414.EN.SEA] APM Terminals Sells High-tech Virginia Terminal to Investment Funds

MAERSK's standalone port operator APM Terminals (APMT) has found buyers, Alinda Capital Partners and Universities Superannuation Scheme Ltd, for its highly automated Virginia facility built from scratch seven years ago.

APMT chief financial officer Christian Moller Laursen told Lloyd's List that buyers had been found for APM Terminals' Virginia terminal, which it owns the facility, but ceded operational control in 2010 to the agency that runs the port.

The two investment funds intend to raise US$450 million through a private placement bond this week to fund the acquisition, said the report. The amount is lower than original $540 million cost of the terminal. Sale price has not been disclosed.

APMT Virginia, the most high-tech terminal in the US, will be renamed Virginia International Gateway.

Weak volumes after the 2009 global economic downturn and failure to raise productivity, induced APMT to cede operational control to Virginia International Terminals while retaining ownership of the site.

Mr Laursen indicated that ownership of the terminal as a passive investor did not fit with APM Terminals' global strategy and ambition to operate and develop ports.

The Virginia Ports Authority (VPA) owns Norfolk International Terminals, Newport News Marine Terminal, Virginia Inland Port and the Portsmouth Marine Terminal. It leases the APM Terminals complex and the Port of Richmond.

Hampton Roads is regarded as one of the most important ports on the east coast, partly because its 53 foot draft gives terminals on the James River the ability to handle the biggest ships afloat without dredging.

Virginia also is ideally located as transshipment hub, with good road and rail links serving a nearby rich hinterland with easy access to the south, north and the Midwest.

Source : SN-TR.

[230714.ID.BIZ] Ekonomi AS: Baby Boomers Menyurut. AS Jelang Kehadiran Kelompok Millenials

Bisnis.com, WASHINGTON—Fokus Gubernur The Fed Janet Yellen untuk menggenjot pertumbuhan upah tenaga kerja tampaknya harus menghadapi perubahan tren demografi Amerika Serikat.

Pasalnya, kalangan kelas menengah AS mulai menua dan meninggalkan pekerjaan utamanya. Sebaliknya, beberapa kelompok anak muda memasuki angkatan kerja, menjadi pegawai baru di level pemula.

Era baby boomers, yang mencakup lebih dari 76 juta dengan tahun kelahiran 1946-1964, memasuki usia 65 tahun pada 3 tahun lalu. Millenials atau orang-orang yang lahir di kurun 1981-2000 akan masuk waktu kerja utama.

Tren perubahan demografi ini mungkin merupakan penjelasan yang logis terhadap lemahnya pertumbuhan upah tenaga kerja yang dikategorikan Yellen sebagai pemulihan yang belum merata.

“Jika upah sedikit melemah akibat tren demografi, maka itu fakta yang harus diterima AS. Tetapi, saya memperkirakan masih lemahnya kondisi pasar tenaga kerja tidak sebesar yang dipikirkan Yellen,” tekan Ray Stone, Direktur Manajer Stone & McCarthy Research di Princeton, New York, Senin (21/7).

Pemulihan signifikan di sektor tenaga kerja adalah satu-satunya alasan the Fed untuk menunda kenaikan suku bunga, setidaknya hingga program pembelian obligasi bulanan berakhir pada Oktober tahun ini. Otoritas bank sentral AS telah mempertahankan suku bunganya hampir mendekati 0 sejak 2009.

Jika dirinci, data statistik Departemen Tenaga Kerja menyebutkan pegawai tetap di kalangan usia menengah rata-rata menghasilkan US$898 per minggunya pada kuartal I/2014.

Lebih lanjut,  pendapatan masyarakat di atas usia 65 tahun mencapai US$809 sedangkan orang-orang yang berusia di kisaran 25-34 tahun hanya menghasilkan US$727 pada periode yang sama. 

Tidak hanya itu, pendapatan per jam untuk pegawai produksi tercatat meningkat rata-rata 2,1% year-over-year sejak resesi yang berakhir pada Juni 2009, merosot dibandingkan ekspansi sebelumnya.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 21.07.14.

22 Juli 2014

[220714.EN.LOG] TNT Express, FedEx and Royal Mail target of French Anti-trust Probe

PARCEL express couriers, TNT Express, FedEx and Royal Mail are being investigated in France for suspected anti-competitive behaviour in parcel-delivery dealings and may face substantial fines.

The French regulator, Authroite de la Concurrence, has given the companies a Statement of Objections (SO) since the investigation began in 2010.

Dutch TNT Express said it was co-operating fully with the investigation. "On the basis of preliminary analysis of the SO, it cannot be excluded that TNT Express will be fined," TNT said in a company statement.

FedEx states that the SO regarding a breach of anti-trust laws by the French express provider TATEX was before the US company acquired courier in 2012.

Britain's recently privatised Royal Mail, face allegations that its French subsidiary GLS, agreed that the potential loss was likely but no figure was given, reported American Shipper.

Source : HKSG.

[220714.ID.OTH] Rekapitulasi di 33 Provinsi Selesai, Jokowi-JK Menang

Merdeka.com - Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) telah merampungkan sidang pleno rekapitulasi suara hasil Pemilu Presiden dan Wakil Presiden 2014. Baik itu rekapitulasi suara nasional seluruh provinsi di Indonesia dan rekapitulasi suara di PPLN (Luar Negeri).

"Dengan demikian maka rekap untuk luar negeri dinyatakan ditetapkan. Bapak ibu, para saksi, pimpinan Bawaslu, DKPP, kamia akan menerbitkan surat keputusan rekapitulasi suara dan surat keputusan calon terpilih," kata Ketua KPU Husni Kamil Manik saat memimpin sidang pleno rekapitulasi di KPU, Jakarta, Selasa (22/7).

"Kita akan menerbitkan surat keputusan calon terpilih dan menjadwalkan ulang dari pukul 16.00 WIB menjadi 20.00 WIB," tambahnya.

Dari rekapitulasi di 33 provinsi, Jokowi-JK memperoleh 70.633.576 suara atau 53,15 persen. Sedangkan pasangan Prabowo-Hatta mendapat 62.262.844 atau 46,85 persen. Dengan demikian, selisih suara sebesar 8.370.732 dari Jokowi. Jumlah suara sah sebanyak 132.896.438 suara.

Berikut hasil rekapitulasi suara nasional dari 33 provinsi di seluruh Indonesia dan PPLN (Luar Negeri)

1. Kalimantan Barat
Prabowo-Hatta : 1.032.354
Jokowi-JK : 1.573.046
Suara sah : 2.605.400

2. Nusa Tenggara Barat
Prabowo-Hatta : 1.844.178
Jokowi-JK : 701.238
Suara sah : 2.545.416

3. Aceh
Prabowo-Hatta : 1.089.290.
Jokowi-JK : 913.309
Suara sah : 2.002.599

4. Sumatera Selatan
Prabowo-Hatta : 2.132.163
Jokowi-JK : 2.027.049
Suara sah : 4.159.212

5. Kalimantan Selatan
Prabowo-Hatta : 941.809
Jokowi-JK 939.748
Suara sah : 1.881.557

6. Kepulauan Riau
Prabowo-Hatta : 332.908
Jokowi-JK : 491.819
Suara sah : 824.727

7. Jambi
Prabowo-Hatta : 871.316
Jokowi-JK : 897.787
Suara sah : 1.769.103

8. Bangka Belitung
Prabowo-Hatta : 200.706
Jokowi-JK : 412.359
Suara sah : 613.065

9. DIY
Prabowo-Hatta : 977.342
Jokowi-JK : 1.234.249
Suara sah : 2.211.591

10. Bengkulu
Prabowo-Hatta : 433.173
Jokowi-JK : 523.669
Suara sah : 956.842

11. Sulawesi Barat
Prabowo-Hatta : 165.494
Jokowi-JK : 456.021
Suara sah : 621.515

12. Kalteng
Prabowo-Hatta : 468.277
Jokowi-JK : 696.199
Suara sah : 1.164.476

13. Gorontalo
Prabowo-Hatta : 378.735
Jokowi-JK : 221.497
Suara sah : 600.232

14. Sultra
Prabowo-Hatta : 511.134
Jokowi-JK : 622.217
Suara sah : 1.133.351

15. Sumbar
Prabowo-Hatta : 1.797.505
Jokowi-JK : 539.308
Suara sah : 2.336.813

16. Bali
Prabowo-Hatt : 614.241
Jokowi-JK : 1.535.110
Suara sah: 2.149.351

17. Riau:
Prabowo-Hatta : 1.349.338
Jokowi-JK : 1.342. 817
Suara sah: 2.692.155

18. Maluku:
Prabowo-Hatta : 433.981
Jokowi-JK : 433.040
Suara sah: 877.021

19. Sulawesi Tengah
Prabowo-Hatta : 632.009
Jokowi-JK : 767.151
Suara sah: 1.399.160

20. Jawa Tengah
Prabowo-Hatta : 6.485.720
Jokowi-JK : 12.959.540
Suara sah: 19.445.260

21. Jawa Barat
Prabowo-Hatta : 14.167.381
Jokowi-JK : 9.530.315
Suara sah: 23.697696

22. Lampung
Prabowo-Hatta : 2.033.924
Jokowi-JK : 2.299.889
Suara sah : 4.333.813

23. Sulawesi Utara
Prabowo-Hatta : 620.095
Jokowi-JK : 724.553
Total suara sah : 1.344.648

24. Kalimantan Timur
Prabowo-Hatta : 687.734
Jokowi-JK : 1.190.156
Total suara sah : 1.877.890

25. Papua Barat
Prabowo-Hatta : 172.528
Jokowi JK : 360.379
Jumlah suara sah : 532.907

26. Banten
Prabowo-Hatta : 3.192.671
Jokowi-JK : 2.398.631
Total suara sah : 5.591.302

27. Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT)
Prabowo-Hatta : 769.391
Jokowi-JK : 1.488.076
Total suara sah : 2.257.467

28. Sulawesi Selatan
Prabowo-Hatta : 1.214.857
Jokowi-JK : 3.037.026
Total suara sah : 4.251.883

29. Maluku Utara
Prabowo-Hatta: 306.792
Jokowi-JK: 256.601
Total suara sah: 563.393

30. DKI Jakarta 
Prabowo-Hatta: 2.528.064
Jokowi-JK: 2.859.894
Total suara sah: 5.387.958

31. Jawa Timur
Prabowo-Hatta 10.277.088 Jokowi-JK 11.669.313
Total suara sah 21.946.401

32. Papua

Prabowo-Hatta 769.132
Jokowi-JK 2.026.735
Total suara sah 2.795.867
Partisipasi 86,6 persen

33. Sumatera Utara 
Prabowo-Hatta 2.831.514
Jokowi-JK 3.494.835
Total suara sah 6.326.349 Tingkat partisipasi 62,7 persen.

Untuk Rekapitulasi PPLN (Luar Negeri)
Prabowo-Hatta 313.600
Jokowi-JK 364.257
Total suara sah 677.857.

Sumber : Merdeka, 22.07.14.

21 Juli 2014

[210714.EN.AIR] Qatar Airways Signs Order For 100 Boeing 777-9Xs With Options On 50

QATAR Airways and Boeing have finalised an order for 100 aircraft - fifty 77-9Xs, and an intent to buy fifty more, which if exercised would amount to US$40 billion at list prices.

Qatar Airways also announced its intent to order four 777 Freighters and options for four more, with a combined value of $3 billion at list prices.

"Qatar Airways continuously builds upon its fleet programme, and this announcement demonstrates our investment in quality equipment," said Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker.

Said Boeing commercial airplanes CEO Ray Conner: "Qatar Airways took delivery of its first 777 a few short years ago, and we are honoured to see this partnership continue to grow and strengthen."

Source : HKSG.

[210714.ID.AIR] Penyelidikan MH17 Malaysia Airlines, SBY Sesalkan Sikap Warga Ukraina

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA -- Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menyesalkan sikap masyarakat lokal di wilayah bagian timur Ukraina yang dinilai tidak kooperatif terhadap upaya penyelidikan tertembaknya pesawat MH17 milik Malaysian Airlines.

SBY menyayangkan sikap masyarakat lokal yang oleh banyak kalangan dan sumber resmi internasioanal dinyatakan menghalangi dan mempersulit proses pencarian jenazah untuk penyelidikan di lapangan.

"Indonesia sangat menyesalkan. Itu sikap yang tidak baik," ujar SBY sebelum menerima kehadiran 5 duta besar negara sahabat di Istana Merdeka, Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Senin (21/7).

SBY mengingatkan bahwa penyelidikan tersebut untuk kepentingan para korban yang tidak berdosa serta para keluarga yang ditinggalkan. Kepala Negara mempertanyakan rasa kemanusiaan yang dimiliki oleh pihak yang menghalang-halangi kepentingan penyelidikan.

"Indonesia tidak ikut-ikutan politik dalam negerinya, tapi kalau sudah menyangkut kemanusiaan, mestinya mereka yang ada di tempat itu kooperatif dengan negara-negara yang warga negaranya menjadi korban, dengan tim yang akan melaksanakan investigasi secara bersama," katanya.

SBY berharap semua pihak, bukan hanya masysrakat lokal, memiliki rasa kemanusiaan yang tinggi dengan membuka akses seluasnya terhadap proses investigasi bersama.

"Bahkan jika perlu membantu agar investigasi berjalan dengan baik, pengumpulan jenazah dan barang pribadi bisa dilaksanakan dengan baik," katanya.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 21.07.14.

20 Juli 2014

[200714.EN.SEA] PIL Halts China Transpacific Australasia Service, Takes Slots instead

PACIFIC International Lines (PIL) has shelved its China Transpacific Australasia (CTP) service connecting Manila, Keelung, Ningbo, Shanghai, Long Beach, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Tauranga, Brisbane, Manila.

The triangular China-USWC-ANZ-China service was operated using 10 ships of 1,500-1,700 TEU on a weekly frequency.
The service was introduced in April 2010 as a direct China-US west coast service and its port rotation was expanded to include Australia on the westbound leg in May 2011.

The call at Manila was added in June 2013, making the CTP the first full container service to connect the Philippines directly to the US since 2001, said Alphaliner.

The CTP's final eastbound sailing from Asia set sail on June 19 from Shanghai with the 1,550-TEU Kota Wangsa.

PIL continues to offer transpacific connections to the Los Angeles/Long Beach port complex through its existing slots on the CALCO-C/CAL service operated by "K" Line and Wan Hai (branded TP2 by PIL), on "K" Line's CALCO-B service (branded TP3 by PIL), and on CSCL's AAC service (also branded AAC by PIL).

The US-ANZ southbound leg will continue to be ensured through slots on the southbound leg of the PSW-ANZ Oceania joint service operated by Hapag-Lloyd, Hamburg Sud and ANL.

PIL will take a weekly average of 425 TEU slots from Oakland and Los Angeles to Auckland, Melbourne, Sydney and Tauranga on this service.

Nine of the 10 ships deployed on the CTP are either owned or long-term chartered by PIL and are expected to be redeployed on other PIL-related services.

Source : SN-TR.

[200714.ID.BIZ] Lebaran Ini, Pendapatan KAI Tak Naik Signifikan

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Direktur Utama PT Kereta Api Indonesia Ignasius Jonan memprediksi pendapatan perusahaannya selama Lebaran tahun ini meningkat lima persen dibanding masa mudik tahun lalu. Menurut Jonan peningkatan itu tak terlalu besar karena kursi yang penuh cuma keberangkatan dari Jakarta.

"Gak signifikan pendapatannya. Keberangkatan barat ke timur penuh, tapi timur ke barat kosong. Sama saja," kata Jonan di Stasiun Pasar Senen, Jakarta Pusat, Ahad, 20 Juli 2014.

Menurut Jonan, untuk arus mudik lebaran tahun ini, peningkatan kursi dibanding akhir pekan masa normal mencapai 10-12 persen. Bila saat akhir pekan kursi yang terjual kira-kira 190 ribu, saat mudik meningkat jadi 220-225 ribu kursi.

Sedangkan dibandingkan hari biasa, kata Jonan, peningkatan kursi yang terjual mencapai 40-45 ribu. Untuk hari biasa pada masa normal, kata Jonan, jumlah kursi yang terjual sejumlah 160 ribu.

"Ini tak termasuk kereta seperti Argo Parahyangan (Jakarta - Bandung) atau ke Cirebon ya (non jarak menengah-jauh)," kata Jonan. Sedangkan jika dibandingkan dengan kursi yang terjual selama arus mudik tahun lalu, kata Jonan, peningkatannya mencapai 6 persen.

Sumber : Tempo, 20.07.14.

19 Juli 2014

[190714.EN.SEA] Jilted CMA CGM Likely to Join UASC and CSCL - Drewry, Alphaliner

MARSEILLE-based CMA CGM is expected to look for its own vessel sharing agreement with another carrier now it has been jilted by Maersk and MSC, according to London's Drewry Shipping Consultants and Paris-based Alphaliner.

Both research houses agree that leading candidates are the United Arab Shipping Company (UASC) and China Shipping Container Liner (CSCL), after hopes of being included in a Maersk-MSC-CMA CGM alliance were torpedoed by Chinese regulators.

Said Drewry: "Both [UASC and CSCL] have recently ordered 18,000-TEU ships, and have worked with CMA CGM in the past, but there are other options. They may be needed as CMA CGM has 28 ships of 9,000 TEU on order, some of which are more suitable for north-south trades."

Alphaliner agreed that CMA CGM would likely join "CSCL and UASC in a potential '2CU' alliance". What could emerge, said Alphaliner, is a "four-way battle involving the 2M, 2CU, CKYHE and G6."

Drewry said Maersk and MSC in their substitute 2M proposal were attempting to meet Chinese regulatory objections in that the new configuration reduced market share, and does not look so much like a merger.

Alphaliner agreed: "Unlike the aborted P3, the 2M will not include joint marine operations and the 2M joint coordination committee will not have any independent executional powers.

"This differs from the P3's Network Centre, jointly owned by the carriers and would independently manage the entire vessel pool with centralised cost sharing as well as decision making powers to withdraw sailings," said Alphaliner.

On market share, Drewry said: "Maersk and MSC's 32 per cent share of effective westbound vessel capacity, is more than a 30 per cent normally allowed under the European Union's consortium regulation, so this will require close scrutiny."

Alphaliner said the main conflict area will be the Asia Europe trade, where the 2M vessel sharing agreement would control 33 per cent of the Asia-North Europe capacity and 38 per cent of the Far East-Mediterranean capacity.

"Although the 2M carriers' capacity share on these two trades will still exceed the 30 per cent market share threshold that the regulators have used in assessing dominant market control, the two carriers stress that the 2M will be a traditional VSA and would not constitute a 'closely associated alliance'," said Alphaliner.

"CMA CGM's options are limited at this point, as it seems to have little time to react to the 2M announcement. According to the carriers, both Maersk and MSC have already given notice to their current slot partners to terminate all relevant east west slot arrangements," said the Paris-based analyst.

Source : SN-TR.

[190714.ID.BIZ] Koperasi Cipaganti : Wakil Direktur Utama Cipaganti Cece Kadarisman Ditahan

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA -- Setelah tiga orang petinggi PT Cipaganti Citra Graha Tbk. (CPGT) ditahan, kini giliran Wakil Direktur Utama Cipaganti Cece Kadarisman yang ditahan oleh Polda Jawa Barat.

Seperti disampaikan Sekretaris Perusahaan Cipaganti Toto Moeljono dalam keterbukaan informasi kepada otoritas bursa, Sabtu (19/7/2014), Cece ditahan pada Kamis malam, 17 Juli 2014.

“Penahanan terhadap Bapak Cece Kadarisman oleh Polda Jabar adalah perihal kepengurusannya di Koperasi Cipaganti Karya Guna Persada sebagai Sekretaris I,” tulis Toto.

Berdasarkan laporan keuangan CPGT per 31 Maret 2014, susunan komisaris perseroan adalah Komisaris Utama Julia Sri Rejeki Setiabudi, Komisaris Yulinda Tjendrawati Setiawan, dan Komisaris Independen Marzuki Usman.

Sedangkan, susunan direksi adalah Direktur Utama Andianto Setiabudi, Wakil Direktur Utama Cece Kadarisman, Direktur Robertus Setiawan, Direktur Wahyudi Parulian, dan Direktur Tidak Terafiliasi Herly Hernawan.

Sebelumnya pada Senin malam, 23 Juni 2014, tiga petinggi Cipaganti yaitu Andianto, Julia Sri, dan Yulinda sudah lebih dulu ditahan oleh Polda Jabar.

Penahanan dilakukan karena ketiganya merupakan pengurus di Koperasi Cipaganti Karya Guna, yang diduga koperasi itu melakukan penggelapan dana.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 19.07.14.

18 Juli 2014

[180714.EN.SEA] MOL, Evergreen, Cosco Start Asia-W Africa Loop as CMA CGM Beefs Up

MOL, Evergreen Line and Cosco are launching a weekly direct service from Asia to West Africa, branded the WA1, to meet the increasingly diverse commercial requirements in Africa.

Meanwhile, the French shipping giant CMA CGM is continuing to flex its muscles in the West Africa trades by adding capacity to its ASAF service by deploying 12 containerships of 5,700 TEU.

In so doing, it has become the first carrier to use ships of this size to call directly at West Africa ports.

The joint MOL, Evergreen Line and Cosco WA1 service operated with 12 vessels has commenced from Shanghai since June 2. Six of the ships are provided by MOL, four by Evergreen Line and two by Cosco.

The port rotation for the WA1 service is Shanghai (Mon-Mon), Ningbo (Tues/Wed), Hong Kong (Fri/Fri), Guangzhou-Nansha (Sat/Sat), Singapore (Thurs/Thurs), Lagos Apapa (Mon/Thurs), Tema (Fri/Mon), Lome (Mon/Fri), Abidjan (Sun/Wed), Singapore (Mon/Mon) and back to, Shanghai (Mon/Mon).

Its launch coincided with the arrival of the first ship operated on the ASAF service at Walvis Bay, Namibia on May 9, which reached Pointe Noire in Congo on May 14 and Luanda, Angola on May 17.

This comes as the CMA CGM has been ramping up its presence on the continent since the beginning of the year, acquiring a 25 per cent stake in Nigeria's Lekki Terminal.

The group launched two new services during this period, including a feeder to Mozambique ports; and the Noura Express, a new service linking the world with Somalia through its hub in Khor Fakkan.

It also opened two new offices in Mauritania, in Nouakchott and Nouadibhou; and opened a new office in Maputo, Mozambique, as well as two new offices in Madagascar, in Tulear and Antsiranana, bringing the number of offices in Madagascar to eight.

Additionally, CMA CGM has upgraded its east coast South America-West Africa SAMWAF service.

The world's third largest carrier has announced an upgrade on its SAMWAF service with direct calls at South America east coast and West African ports from the end of May.

The upgrade will bring to the service larger vessels and add two new calls in Lome in Togo and Rio in Brazil.

The new structure offers a wide range of connection opportunities through local feeders, barges and transshipment to:

Montevideo and Asuncion via Itaja and Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal and other African destinations are available via its Lome hub.

Inland transport is also provided by integrated intermodal solutions, being the SAMWAF service the gateway to connect the Brazilian and African markets.

The new service configurations are settled in two stages:

Phase 1: From the end of May to August: CMA CGM shares allocation on 2,500 TEU NileDutch vessels.

Phase 2: From August: CMA CGM Group and NileDutch will enter into vessel sharing agreement. Four 4,250-TEUers will be operated, of which two will be from CMA CGM and two fron NileDutch.

The service, that provides bi-monthly departures, will rotate through Buenos Aires, Rio Grande, Itaja Santos, Rio de Janeiro, Lome, Pointe Noire, Luanda and back to Buenos Aires.

Source : HKSG.