31 Januari 2017

[310117.EN.SEA] Cosco Sells Eight Containerships For US$30.8 Million Scrap Value

AS part of its integration with China Shipping (CSCL), Cosco Shipping Holdings Co, Ltd, a subsidiary of state-run shipping line China Cosco Shipping Corp, has sold for CNY212 million (US$30.8 million) eight containerships for scrap, resulting in a book loss of CNY638 million.

The ships had a combined capacity of 32,574 TEU, according to ocean carrier schedule and capacity database BlueWater Reporting. Most of the vessels are built in the late 1990s and early 2000s with the youngest being 15 years old. One of the ships is 3,400 TEU, two are 542 TEU and the other five are 5,618 TEU.

The 2001-built 542-TEU Cosco Ran 2001-built 542-TEU Cosco Sakura were previously owned by Cosco (Cayman) Mercury Co, and the other six were previously owned by Shanghai Pan Asia Shipping Co, also a subsidiary of China Cosco Shipping.

The company said in a filing with the Hong Kong stock exchange the disposal of the ships would reduce the average age of its fleet as well as reduce its fuel consumption and environmental impact.

"The board considers that the decommissioning of the vessels is conducive to enhancing the overall operational competitiveness of the shipping fleet of the company and is in the interest of the company and the shareholders as a whole," it said.

Source : HKSG.

[310117.ID.BIZ] Pemerintah Tunggu Kajian Jepang Untuk Kereta Cepat

JAKARTA. Pemerintah hingga kini masih menunggu proposal yang diserahkan Jepang untuk menggarap proyek kereta Jakarta-Surabaya.

Proposal itu diharapkan dapat menawarkan gagasan proyek kereta dengan inovasi teknologi namun tetap dengan anggaran yang terjangkau.

"Kami menunggu proposal, mungkin akhir tahun baru tahu apa yang akan dilakukan," kata Menteri Perhubungan Budi Karya Sumadi di Istana Wapres, Jakarta, Selasa (31/1).

Adapun proposal yang ditunggu yakni untuk pengerjaan proyek kereta cepat maupun kereta semi cepat. Keduanya nanti akan menggunakan lahan yang sama sebagai jalur konektivitas.

Namun bedanya, ia menuturkan, untuk semi cepat akan menggunakan cara dengan menggandakan rel serta elektrifikasi dan menghilangkan lintasan sebidang.

Diharapkan nantinya laju kecepatan kereta kurang lebih mencapai 150 kilometer per jam.

"Tapi kalau high speed, maka dengan tanah yang sama kita elevated. Berarti jalannya ada dua, ada yang di bawah dan di atas. Tidak ada gangguan terhadap kecepatan, karena lintasan sebidang otomatis tidak ada," ujarnya.

"Dan dengan teknologi yang baru kecepatan bisa maksimal lebih dari 200 kilometer," kata dia.

Meski demikian, ia tak menampik, bila biaya untuk membangun elevated line lebih tinggi dibandingkan teknologi biasa.

Kendati enggan menyebut secara rinci anggaran yang diperlukan, Budi Karya menuturkan, teknologi itu mampu menyelesaikan sejumlah persoalan yang ada.

Untuk itu, ia mengatakan, pemerintah masih menunggu kajian yang dilakukan Jepang saat ini.

Sumber : Kontan, 31.01.17.

30 Januari 2017

[300117.EN.BIZ] Container Shipping Industry Recovery Is Threatened By Newbuild Deliveries

LONDON's Drewry Maritime Research is warning that the large amount of new tonnage to be delivered this year poses the biggest threat to the recovery of the container shipping.

"We are more optimistic than we have been in a long while as demand will continue to make small, incremental gains and freight rates will rebound after last year's nadir," Drewry commented in its weekly report on the container market.

"However, we also identified the biggest risk to that outlook as the huge number of ship deliveries, particularly at the top end of the scale."

Barring delivery delays, up to 1.7 million TEU of newbuildings will join the global container shipping fleet this year, more than half of these over 14,000 TEU, meaning most will operate on the Asia-Europe route.

Vessels currently plying this trade will consequently be cascaded into other trades such as the transpacific and Asia-Mediterranean, and in turn smaller vessels on those trades will need to find new homes or be laid-up. The flood of capacity onto the secondary trades puts improvements in rates at risk.

Capacity rose by seven per cent on the Asia - east coast South America trades, yet demand is down by 20 per cent. Drewry said that while utilisation was up slightly on the east - west trades, and as a result boosting rates, the pain was merely being passed along to the north - south trades.

"These trades are the victims of the fact there is simply nowhere else to put the cascaded east-west ships and until they recover the demand strength carriers will either have to accept poor returns on freight rates or park more ships," Alphaliner added.

Source : HKSG.

[300117.ID.BIZ] Eksportir Lebih Hemat Berkirim Dari Tanjung Priok

JAKARTA. Direktur Utama PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Pelindo) Elvyn G Masassya membeberkan berbagai manfaat bila Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok menjadi hub internasional. Salah satunya, akan terjadi konsolidasi kargo di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok.

Dengan adanya konsolidasi kargo di Tanjung Priok, maka kegiatan ekspor dari berbagai daerah tidak perlu melalui Singapura. Selama ini, konsolidasi kargo kegiatan ekspor dari berbagai daerah Indonesia dilakukan di Singapura.

"Jadi barang-barang dari daerah tidak perlu ke Singapura kalau mau pergi ke Osaka atau Taiwan. Tapi dikonsolidasikan dulu di Tanjung Priok. Dengan cara ini, rute pelayaran itu menjadi lebih efisien, lebih efektif. Khususnya untuk daerah di Pulau Jawa dan Sumatera," ujar Elyvn saat ditemui di Kantor Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Jakarta, Senin (30/1).

Dengan begitu, terang Elvyn, akan ada penghematan biaya dalam kegiatan ekspor jika melalui Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok. Dirinya mengungkapkan para eksportir bakal hemat Rp 1 juta hingga Rp 1,5 juta.

"Setelah kita simulasikan, rata-rata bisa lebih murah Rp 1 juta hingga Rp 1,5 juta via Tanjung Priok. Poinnya kan adalah yang penting cost logistic turun, ada kargo konsolidasi sehingga kapal besar bisa masuk," jelasnya.

Dirinya pun berharap penunjukkan Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok menjadi hub internasional bisa terjadi pada semester II tahun 2017. Saat ini, kata dia, terdapat tiga perusahaan pelayaran (shipping line) yang berminat mendukung kegiatan ekspor tersebut.

"Kita harapkan semester II 2017 sudah terimplementasi," tandasnya. Penunjukkan Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok menjadi hub internasional tertuang dalam Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor KP 901 Tahun 2016 tentang Rencana Induk Pelabuhan Nasional (RIPN) yang telah ditetapkan pada 30 Desember 2016.

RIPN tersebut menjelaskan kebijakan pemerintah yang menetapkan fungsi Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (bersama dengan Pelabuhan Patimban secara komplementer) sebagai pelabuhan hub internasional peti kemas tergolong tepat.

Sumber : Kontan, 30.01.17.

29 Januari 2017

[290117.EN.BIZ] Etihad's CEO Hogan and CFO Rigney To Step Down Amid Controversy

ABU DHABI's Etihad Aviation president and CEO James Hogan will step down in the second half of 2017 together with his chief financial officer James Rigney.

Departures follow criticism of links to Germany's Lufthansa, which surfaced at a recent Dublin conference, when Mr Hogan hit out at critics of Etihad's partnership strategy, describing it as a "core element of the growth of the business".

Together with Mr Rigne, Mr Hogan will join an investment company once a global search for replacements is completed.

In the same week, the Middle East carrier also had to deny industry rumours, originating in the Italian financial press, that Etihad was looking to take a stake of up to 40 per cent in Lufthansa, reported London's Air Cargo News.

In December, reports suggested that Etihad was reviewing its investment strategy in European airlines as part of a wider restructuring involving a range of job cuts.

Said Etihad chairman Mohamed Mubarak Fadhel Al Mazrouei: "We are very grateful to James. In just 10 years, he has overseen the growth of the company from a 22 plane regional carrier into a 120 aircraft global airline. We look forward to James' continued association with Abu Dhabi in new ways."

Said Mr Hogan: "Along with the board and my 26,000 colleagues, I am proud of what we have built together at Etihad and of the company's substantial contribution to the UAE and to the development of Abu Dhabi. The last decade has seen incredible results but this only represents a first chapter in the story of Etihad."

Etihad is a major freighter operator, with four Airbus A330Fs, three Boeing 777Fs and three Boeing 747Fs. The United Arab Emirates' national carrier will also be the host at IATA's World Cargo Symposium 2017, which takes place in Abu Dhabi, March 14-16.

Source : HKSG.

[290117.ID.BIZ] Bemo, Penjelajah Ibukota Yang Mulai Punah

JAKARTA. Sejak bermunculan transportasi berbasis aplikasi online, banyak warga yang beralih menggunakan transportasi konvensional. Tak pelak, angkutan seperti bemo pun mulai ditinggalkan warga.

Seorang sopir bemo di Bendungan Hilir, Nanang (50), mengaku tak akan berhenti menjadi sopir bemo dan beralih profesi. Dia sudah menjalankan profesi ini selama 25 tahun.

"Saya tidak tahu mau kerja apa. Sekarang cari kerja makin susah. Jadi tukang ojek juga kurang berani, kelihatannya bahaya," ujar Nanang.

Kedua anak Nanang sudah menikah. Karena itu, menurutnya penghasilan dari "narik" bemo masih mencukupi untuk kebutuhan pokoknya dengan istrinya.

Nanang mengaku mencoba bertahan menghadapi persaingan dengan transportasi online secara alami. "Saya bingung harus bagaimana. Ya sudah, jalani saja. Sampai sekarang bemo juga masih banyak dipakai sama warga sekitar dan anak sekolah," ucap Nanang.

Walaupun begitu, sudah banyak sopir bemo lain yang menjual bemo atau beralih profesi. Seperti Joko (45), yang sudah pernah menjual satu bemo miliknya dan sedang merencanakan untuk berhenti menjadi sopir bemo.

Joko mengatakan, alasan lain yang menyebabkan dirinya dan beberapa sopir bemo menjual kendaraannya adalah karena sparepart bemo sudah semakin sulit dicari. Jika mesin rusak pun mereka harus mencoba untuk memperbaikinya sendiri terlebih dahulu.

Sudah jenuh di Jakarta

Sebelumnya, Joko memiliki dua buah bemo. Lalu, dia memutuskan untuk menjual salah satu bemo miliknya kepada seorang kolektor barang antik di Semarang. "Saya buat bagus dulu bemonya. Saya cat ulang body luar dan dalam, serta saya perbaiki mesinnya," kata Joko.

Bemo milik Joko pun dibeli seharga Rp 28 juta. Menurutnya, memang banyak kolektor dari luar daerah yang menawar untuk membeli bemo di Bendungan Hilir.

Uang hasil penjualan bemo tersebut digunakan Joko untuk menambah modalnya membangun bisnis di Sumatra. Dia berencana untuk memiliki perkebunan karet. "Bersyukur modal sudah terkumpul. Tahun depan saya mau pindah ke pulau seberang," ujar Joko.

Joko mengaku sudah jenuh bekerja di Jakarta. Ditambah pendapatan bemo yang sudah semakin tak menentu.

Seperti Joko, banyak sopir bemo lain yang sudah dibeli bemonya oleh kolektor. Jumlah bemo di Bendungan Hilir pun hanya tersisa sekitar 40 bemo dari 100 bemo yang sebelumnya beroperasi.

"Tinggal menunggu saja kapan bemo habis dengan sendirinya atau dihilangkan oleh pemerintah. Sebelumnya pernah dengar kalau Januari 2017 bemo sudah mau dihabiskan, tetapi ternyata belum dilakukan," ucap Joko.

Sebenarnya Joko tidak ingin bemo benar-benar hilang. Sebab, warga sekitar masih banyak yang membutuhkan bemo untuk pergi sekolah atau pergi dalam jarak dekat. Terlebih lagi, biaya bemo tetap lebih murah dibandingkan alat transportasi lain.

Sumber : Kontan, 28.01.17.

28 Januari 2017

[280117.EN.AIR] Struggling Alitalia to Cut Up To 1,600 Jobs in Restructuring: Sources

EXECUTIVES from key investor Etihad Airways and Alitalia, which went bankrupt in 2008 and again was on the edge of collapsing in 2014, will meet with Italian ministers, according to a statement from the Abu Dhabi-based airline.

Talks will be centred on new restructuring measures with development and transportation ministers in Rome, according to three people familiar with the discussions. The plan could include as many as 1,600 job cuts, according to two of the people, who asked not to be identified before an official announcement, reports Bloomberg.

Less than three years after Etihad bought a 49 per cent stake as part of a plan to revive the Italian airline, Alitalia was notified in December by investors and creditors that it had 60 days to come up with a viable cost-cutting plan.

Alitalia has also authorised Etihad to pump in an additional US$231 million in funding via "semi-equity" financial instruments that lack voting rights, according to minutes of an extraordinary shareholders' meeting for the Italian carrier held on December 22.

After reaching an agreement with shareholders, which include short-term financing deals with Italy's two biggest banks, Intesa Sanpaolo SpA and UniCredit SpA, Alitalia plans talks with labour unions, suppliers, aircraft leasing companies and other partners on potential spending reductions, including a road map for job cuts, the Rome-based carrier said December 22.

After losing EUR200 million ($211 million) in 2015, Alitalia's deficit for last year could be near EUR400 million, two people said. Alitalia declined to comment.

Along with the job cuts, the new plan calls for a shift in business model away from the airline's traditional schedule of short and medium-range flights towards a setup that would allow it to better compete with low-cost carriers, according to the people.

Source : HKSG.

[280117.ID.BIZ] Investor Jepang Bangun Pabrik Fatty Acid di Dumai

JAKARTA. Perusahaan hilirisasi kelapa sawit asal Jepang siap menginvestasikan modalnya sebesar US$ 90 juta atau sekitar Rp 1,2 triliun mendirikan pabrik fatty acid di Dumai, Riau. Pembangunan tersebut dilakukan melalui joint venture antara produsen produk konsumer dengan badan usaha milik swasta nasional.

Pejabat Promosi Investasi Indonesia Investment Promotion Center (IIPC) di Tokyo, Jepang, Saribua Siahaan mengatakan, perusahaan patungan tersebut direncanakan mulai beroperasi pada Januari 2017 dengan porsi kepemilikan saham perusahaan Indonesia sebesar 65%.

Menurut Saribua, perusahaan joint venture tersebut akan memproduksi fatty acid yang merupakan bahan bahan baku untuk memproduksi berbagai jenis produk seperti detergen, sampo dan pembersih muka.

"Pabrik tersebut ditargetkan mulai berproduksi pada 2019 di lahan seluas 44.000 meter persegi (m2) di Dumai, Riau dengan kapasitas sebesar 100.000 ton per tahun," kata Saribua dalam keterangan resmi, Jumat (27/1).

Pengoperasian pabrik di Dumai akan mendongkrak kapasitas produksi fatty acid Kao sebesar 130% dan meningkatkan porsi pasokan fatty acid internal perusahaan hingga 60%. Saat ini, investor Jepang tersebut memproduksi fatty acid di pabrik mereka di Wakayama, Jepang.

"Pabrik yang di Indonesia akan menyediakan kebutuhan bahan baku untuk pabrik produk konsumer Kao di Thailand, Indonesia dan Vietnam," tambahnya.

Pemerintah menyambut baik rencana investasi investor Jepang di sektor industri hilir CPO di Indonesia, yang potensi industri manufaktur berbasis CPO di tanah air masih besar. Sebab, kebutuhan bahan baku industri makanan dan produk konsumer terus meningkat.

Sumber : Kontan, 27.01.17.

27 Januari 2017

[270117.EN.SEA] Yang Ming Recovery Plan Hinges On Government Recapitalisation

TAIWAN's troubled ocean carrier Yang Ming said it expects its government's share of the company to increase much more than the 33.3 per cent it now holds as part of a recapitalisation plan to repair it balance sheets.

Following the bankruptcy of Hanjin, Yang Ming is now the container line in the greatest financial danger, according to London's Drewry Maritime Research.

Following the Hanjin crash, which left some US$12 billion of cargo stranded on 100 containerships around the world, shippers were nervous about the financial health of ocean carriers.

On its website, Yang Ming assured investors: "Shareholders voted to approve a stock consolidation plan to pare down accumulated loss . . . and that Yang Ming would receive injection of fresh capital from new investors.

"The first stage of this injection of capital will be from various government and private entities, including banks and financial institutions. Yang Ming will issue new stock to these investors, and with the new capital, Yang Ming expects immediate benefits to its balance sheets.

"With this strong showing of government support, it is also expected to help enhance additional private sector investment in Yang Ming," its website said.

In response to Drewry's reports questioning the level of Yang Ming's debt, the company said: "Customers and vendors can rest assured that Yang Ming is not in default of any obligations and any suggestions otherwise are patently false," the carrier said.

"As it has been repeated in early advisories, Yang Ming has never approached its creditors with any demands to restructure any part of its debt, and Yang Ming does not have any intentions to do so. Yang Ming has never failed to deliver in difficult times, even in the wake of the largest carrier bankruptcy," the company said.

Source : HKSG.

[270217.ID.BIZ] Berani Berubah Bikin Transjakarta Moncer

JAKARTA. Pada 15 januari 2017, PT Transportasi Jakarta genap memasuki usia 13 tahun melayani warga Jakarta. Dulunya, Transjakarta masih berbentuk Badan Layanan Umum yang berada di bawah naungan Dinas Perhubungan DKI Jakarta.

Transjakarta berubah menjadi perusahaan sejak 2015 dengan nama PT Transportasi Jakarta. Perusahaan ini 99% dimiliki Pemprov DKI dan 1% dimiliki BUMD Pemprov DKI, PT Jakpro. Dengan kata lain, PT Transjakarta 100% dimiliki Pemprov DKI.

Dinas Operasional PT Transjakarta Daud Joseph mengatakan performa perusahaan itu pada 2015 tidak begitu bagus. "Perusahaan transportasi itu terlihat bagus atau tidak itu bisa dilihat dari jumlah penumpangnya," ujar Joseph, di Kantor PT Transjakarta, Cawang, Rabu (25/1/2017).

Pada 2015, jumlah penumpang yang dilayani Transjakarta hanya 102 juta. Jumlah rata-rata penumpang per hari adalah 207.000 orang. Dengan pencapaian itu, akhirnya PT Transjakarta menerapkan tagline "Berani Berubah" pada 2016.

Berbagai perubahan dilakukan untuk meningkatkan jumlah penumpang bus Transjakarta. Harapannya, kenaikan jumlah penumpang bus Transjakarta dapat mengurangi kemacetan di Jakarta.

"Perlahan pencapaian kami naik dan pada Mei 2016 kami berhasil melampaui pencapaian tahun 2014 dan 2015. Kami berhasil rebound di bulan Mei," ujar Joseph.

Pada Mei 2016, jumlah penumpang bus Transjakarta mencapai 10 juta orang. Ini merupakan jumlah terbesar selama bus Transjakarta beroperasi. Jumlah penumpang terus meningkat pada bulan-bulan selanjutnya.

Lalu pada Oktober 2016, PT Transjakarta mencapai rekor jumlah penumpang terbanyak yaitu 12,3 juta orang. Joseph mengatakan kenaikan ini bisa terjadi karena ada penambahan armada bus yang signifikan.

Pada 2015, jumlah bus Transjakarta hanya 605, dan jumlahnya meningkat menjadi 1.347 unit pada 2016. Bus baru yang dimiliki PT Transjakarta ada 800 unit. Selain itu, ada 80 rute baru bus Transjakarta pada 2016.

Mendekat pelanggan

Direktur Pelayanan PT Transjakarta Welfizon Yuza menjelaskan, perubahan yang dilakukan pihaknya bukan hanya penambahan jumlah bus, melainkan juga peningkatan pelayanan dan pola komunikasi dengan pelanggan.

Welfi mengatakan mereka melakukan pelatihan terhadap 6.000 karyawan Transjakarta agar bisa memberi pelayanan yang baik pada penumpang. Selain itu, PT Transjakarta juga melakukan kegiatan sosial agar semakin dekat dengan pelanggan.

"Misalnya saat hari libur nasional, itu kami jadikan campaign. Di hari pelanggan dan hari guru, banyak yang kami lakukan seperti pengumpulan buku," ujar Welfi.

Layanan bus khusus juga semakin meningkat pada 2016. Tahun lalu, PT Transjakarta mendapatkan tambahan bus wisata tingkat hingga 19 unit yang berasal dari sumbangan swasta.

Ada juga inovasi layanan "Transjakarta Cares" yang dibuat untuk warga dengan kebutuhan khusus. Selain itu, ada juga bus-bus khusus wanita dengan ciri khas berwarna pink dan bus vintage series.

Target 2017

PT Transportasi Jakarta sudah memiliki target jumlah penumpang naik hingga 50% pada 2017. "Target kami tahun 2017 adalah 185 juta orang. Ini artinya naik 50%," ujar Joseph.

Dengan melihat grafik pertumbuhan penumpang tahun lalu, Joseph optimistis target kenaikan penumpang sebesar 50% akan tercapai. "Kalau lihat dari tren kenaikan sekarang ini, memang naik 50% bukan omong kosong," ujar Joseph.

Jumlah rute non-koridor juga akan bertambah pada 2017 menjadi 152 rute. Adapun jumlah rute non-koridor pada tahun 2016 adalah 80 rute. "Pada tahun 2017 mudah-mudahan bus kami akhir tahun nanti bisa 2.590 bus," ujar Joseph.

Sumber : Kontan, 26.01.17.

26 Januari 2017

[260117.EN.BIZ] Alphaliner Says Ocean Alliance Partners Best Placed to Buy OOIL

WHILE Drewry believes CMA CGM is the favourite to take over Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) either by acquisition, merger, or reverse merger, Alphaliner is putting its money on Cosco Shipping or Evergreen Line.

As speculations by analysts that the parent company of the Hong Kong-based shipping line, OOIL is for sale continue, those being tipped as potential buyers are limited to the carrier's partners in the new Ocean Alliance that starts operating on April 1.

There was no confirmation of any sale from a spokesperson for OOCL. "Many of us have seen a number of changes in the industry landscape over the past year and during this period, many rumors on various topics have spread and speculative reporting have been made from time to time, including those about OOCL. While we appreciate the public discourse, we would not be in any appropriate position to respond to the rumors and speculations."

Talk of a takeover continues to stimulate trading in OOIL stock on the Hong Kong Exchange, with its share price up by around 20 per cent since trading closed at the end of December.

The Tung family owned carrier has consistently managed to remain profitable, although when OOIL reports its 2016 financial results it is expected to post its first loss in seven years. The problem facing OOCL is that it is stuck in the middle in terms of scale with a TEU capacity of 575,561 putting it at No. 8 in the world and with a global market share of less than 3 per cent.

Shipping lines have only two viable paths: Become a scale leader or become a niche player focused on certain trades, according to a Boston Consulting Group report. Companies that haven't adopted either of these approaches will lack sufficient scale to drive down costs and the differentiation that can offer unique commercial value or command premium rates, according to IHS Media.

Even with the consolidation, container shipping remains a very challenging business. Dynamar estimates that the top 12 container lines lost a combined US$13 billion in the first three quarters of 2016. While rates improved in the final three months of 2016, few lines are expected to record a full-year profit.

But the market conditions that resulted in the long-awaited industry consolidation last year have not changed - capacity this year will still outstrip demand by some measure, low rates will persist, and container lines are likely to remain unprofitable. On top of that, Alphaliner said carriers will face a further challenge from rising bunker fuel prices that doubled in 2016.

The analyst said the only consolation for carriers was that charter rates were expected to remain at rock bottom levels in 2017.

So, the quest for scale by the larger container lines will continue in 2017 and more mergers and acquisitions are inevitable. OOCL is an attractive target and if a suitor comes up with the right price, the Hong Kong carrier could be the latest shipping company to jump on the consolidation wagon.

Source : HKSG.

[260117.ID.BIZ] Ini Progres Pembangunan Kereta Cepat Jakarta-Bandung

Jakarta - Proyek kereta cepat Jakarta-Bandung sepanjang 142 km telah memiliki perkembangan yang cukup baik. Hal tersebut diungkapkan Direktur Utama PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Bintang Perbowo.

"Kita sudah soil test (tes tanah) lebih dari 500 titik dari 2.000 titik konstruksi," kata Bintang di Komplek Istana, Jakarta, Rabu (25/1/2017).

Bintang menyebutkan, hingga saat ini PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia Cina (KCIC) telah membangun sepanjang 26 km. Padahal, dari awal pengajuan izin konstruksi, hanya 5 km yang disetujui. "Itu (posisinya) di dalem Walini yang PTPN VIII," jelasnya.

PT KCIC merupakan perusahaan gabungan antara China Railway International Co. Ltd dengan PT Pilar Sinergi yang di dalamnya PT Adhi Karya, PT Wijaya Karya, PT Kereta Api Indonesia, PT Jasa Marga, dan PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) VIII.

Bintang menyebutkan, pembangunan sepanjang 26 km pada proyek kereta cepat Jakarta-Bandung sampai saat ini masih menggunakan modal sendiri. Sebab, pinjaman dari China Development Bank (CDB) masih belum cair atau belum masuk tahap financial close.

"Pakai equity kita dulu, Rp 1,2 triliun ditambah Rp 1,2 triliun lagi, jadi Rp 2,4 triliun untuk 26 km dulu," jelasnya.

Proyek kereta cepat Jakarta-Bandung sepanjang 142 km akan dimulai pembangunannya dari Halim Perdanakusuma di Jakarta Timur sampai Tegalluar di Bandung.

Kereta cepat akan melalui 4 stasiun yakni Halim, Karawang, Walini dan Tegalluar. Proyek ini ditargetkan beroperasi pada tahun 2019.

Sumber : detik, 25.01.17.

25 Januari 2017

[250117.EN.BIZ] CMA CGM Opens Third Command Centre in Singapore For Global Fleet

CMA CGM Group opened a navigation and port operations centre at APL's corporate headquarters in Singapore to be used for serving the French shipping line's 500-strong fleet in Asia by examining nautical, meteorological and geographic information in real-time 24/7.

The centre in Singapore complements existing centres in Marseille and Miami. "Based on live analytics of the vessels' operating speeds, ocean currents, weather forecasts and high traffic areas, each centre's team of experts are empowered to assess, anticipate and mitigate any navigation-related risks to the group's vessel operations," CMA CGM said.

"Accurate guidance and alerts are provided to its deck officers on how vessel routes, speeds and fuel consumption can be optimised across its fleet, while ensuring the safety of its crews and vessels globally."

Source : HKSG.

[250117.ID.BIZ] Bentuk Holding, Jokowi: BUMN Jadi Lebih Baik

Jakarta – Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) optimistis pembentukan induk usaha (holding) Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) secara sektoral akan menjadikan perusahaan milik negara itu lebih baik dan sehat.

Pembentukan holding diyakini selain akan membuka peluang bagi BUMN melakukan sebuah lompatan, juga meningkatkan modal perusahaan, dan mempermudah akses ke sumber pendanaan.

“Saya optimistis sekali, kita akan menjadi baik. BUMN akan menjadi lebih baik. Tapi, seperti apa yang telah saya sampaikan, kita harus berhati-hati,” kata Kepala Negara saat berpidato pada Peresmian Pembukaan Executive Leadership Program (ELP) Direksi BUMN di Istana Negara, Jakarta, Rabu (25/1).

Hadir pada kesempatan itu, Menko Perekonomian Darmin Nasution, Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno, Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Menteri PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono, Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Susi Pudjiastuti, dan Sekretaris Kabinet Pramono Anung.

Saat ini, terdapat 118 BUMN beserta 25 anak perusahaan eks BUMN dengan jumlah karyawan lebih dari satu juta orang.

Pada tahun 2016, belanja modal BUMN mencapai Rp 298 triliun atau naik 35 persen dibandingkan tahun 2015. Fokus belanja modal BUMN pada infrastruktur, energi, dan konektivitas. Sedangkan aset BUMN tumbuh 10 persen atau berjumlah Rp 6.325 triliun.

Kepala Negara mengingatkan, pembentukan holding BUMN harus dilakukan secara cermat, berhati-hati, serta melalui perhitungan matang dan tidak asal gabung.

“Kalkulasi yang matang, jangan asal gabung, jangan asal besar, dan tetap harus ada catatan-catatannya,” katanya.

Menurut dia, proses pembentukan holding BUMN harus diikuti tahapannya dengan baik agar tidak melanggar undang-undang dan aturan yang berlaku.

“Taati undang-undang yang ada. Betul-betul ini harus dijaga. Ini ada prosesnya yang harus dilakukan,” katanya.

Selain itu, katanya, diperlukan kehati-hatian, kalkulasi matang berbagai masalah yang berkaitan dengan kendali manajemen, tata kelola, dan beban keuangan.

Hal itu wajib dilakukan untuk mencegah jangan sampai BUMN yang baik malah terbebani oleh BUMN yang tidak sehat, atau BUMN yang berkinerja baik akhirnya menjadi tidak baik akibat pembentukan holding.

“Libatkan banyak institusi, lakukan secara terbuka, sehingga semua orang bisa memberikan masukan yang baik untuk perbaikan BUMN,” katanya.

Sumber : BeritaSatu, 25.01.17.

24 Januari 2017

[240117.EN.BIZ] Hunter Harrison Leaves CP Rail Early For 'Opportunities' With Other Railways

CANADIAN Pacific Railway CEO Hunter Harrison, and former CEO of its rival Canadian National Railways, is retiring at the end of month and will be replaced by chief operations officer Keith Creel.

"Hunter has made enormous contributions to CP, and we are forever grateful for his years of service," said Andrew Reardon, chairman of the board. "We have a tremendous CEO-in-waiting in Keith Creel. Keith and his team are ready to formally take the reins."

"Leaving CP is bittersweet," said Mr Harrison. "I have had a wonderful experience and depart with many friends and with full confidence in Keith's ability to build on the great success we have enjoyed."

Mr Harrison was scheduled to retire at the end of June. However, he approached the board to discuss his early retirement from CP and potential related modifications to his employment arrangements that would allow him to pursue opportunities involving other Class 1 Railroads.

Following negotiations, CP Rail said Mr Harrison agreed to forfeit $118 million in benefits and awards by leaving five months earlier than scheduled.

Much was riding on CP's hostile bid to take over the US Norfolk Southern Railway, the success of which Mr Harrison pinned hopes for future development of the railway. The Norfolk Southern board rejected the deal and regulatory approval seemed doubtful.

As CEO, Mr Harrison's CP profits nearly tripled from the end of 2012 to the end of 2015.

Source : HKSG.



23 Januari 2017

[230117.EN.BIZ] Box Shipping Scrapping to Hit New High in 2017 of 750,000 TEU: Alphaliner

GLOBAL containership scrapping is forecast to climb to a new record high of 750,000 TEU this year based on Alphaliner's estimates, effectively surpassing 2016's record 655,000 TEU that went for demolition.

Old panamaxes are expected to make up most of tonnage scrapped this year with 16 vessels of 4,000- to 5,000-TEU destined for the scrapyard.

The Paris research house analyst said that 42,000 TEU of capacity had already been removed in the first three weeks of the year and 113,000 TEU in ships were due to be sent for scrap in the coming weeks, reported Seatrade Maritime News.

Source : HKSG.



22 Januari 2017

[220117.EN.BIZ] Talk of Hunter Harrison CSX Takeover Sends Stock Up to 5-year High

TALK of former Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) CEO Hunter Harrison's takeover of Jacksonville-based CSX railroad had the US company's stock soar 23.4 per cent to close at US$45.51 - a five-year high.

"With Harrison's protege and current chief operating officer Keith Creel taking the reigns at CP, some have posited that a merger between CP and CSX could be in cards should Harrison be installed at CSX," reported American Shipper.

Reports came as CP announced Harrison would retire effective immediately, nearly six months ahead of the previously announced schedule, causing him to forfeit benefits and equity awards totalling US$88.6 million. According to anonymous sources quoted by the Wall Street Journal, Mr Harrison's early exit is all part of a plan to team up with activist investor Paul Hilal and pursue a leadership position with CSX.

Mr Hilal knows Mr Harrison, previously when he was CEO of CP's rival the Canadian National Railway, from his time at billionaire Bill Ackman's Pershing Square Capital Management, which won a proxy fight to install Mr Harrison as CEO at CP in 2012.

Mr Harrison has long advocated consolidation of North Americans railways, and analysts have already begun to speculate as to his intentions with CSX.

Under Mr Harrison, CP made an unsuccessful hostile bid to take over Norfolk Southern, the fourth biggest railway in the States.

Source : HKSG.



21 Januari 2017

[210117.EN.SEA] OOCL Denies Cosco Bid Amid New Report of an Offer of US$4b

CHINA state-owned conglomerate, Cosco Group, is in the process of preparing a bid valued at more than US$4 billion for its Hong Kong-based competitor, Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL), according to one person familiar with the matter, The Wall Street Journal reported.

OOCL declined to comment on whether it is in talks with Cosco or any other suitor, but a person familiar with the matter said the discussions "have been going on for months."

However, in a note to OOCL staff, the company's CEO, Andy Tung, quashed media rumours circulating about the company. "The reports are untrue. We are not aware of, nor are we involved in, any bid relating to OOIL or OOCL."

Mr Tung explained that although OOCL has never been amongst the biggest in terms of fleet size, the company has consistently managed to compete effectively to maintain one of the most healthy balance sheets. "With this performance, our dedicated team, as well as continued financial strength, we remain fully confident in our future," he added.

Nevertheless, Mr Tung pointed out that with the current challenging market environment with overcapacity and weak global demand growth, "carriers must develop long term sustainable competitiveness positions in order to continue thriving. We will also need to find improvements in the service we provide, while continuously lower our costs."

The upcoming delivery of the 6 mega vessels, the transition into Ocean Alliance, and the ongoing ramp up of MHRP ( Middle Harbour Redevelopment Project) operations in Long Beach, California, will all provide the company with the foundation for further solid growth, quality improvement and cost competitiveness, Mr Tung stated.

Cosco, based in Beijing, stands to benefit from OOCL's sales team and young fleet, which data provider VesselsValue estimates is worth around $1.5 billion.

Cosco merged its container-shipping assets with China Shipping (Group) in December 2015 to form the world's fourth-biggest player. Last week, it secured a $26 billion multiyear financing deal with China Development Bank, giving it plenty of cash to increase its footprint.

Shares of OOCL's listed parent, Orient Overseas International Ltd., have risen close to 30 per cent over the past month in Hong Kong on expectations of a deal.
Source : HKSG.



20 Januari 2017

[200117.EN.SEA] Hapag-Lloyd to Sell EUR150 Million 5-year Bonds

GERMAN ocean carrier Hapag-Lloyd has announced the launch of a EUR150 million (US $159 million) bond offering with a five-year maturity.

Part of the proceeds, initially amounting to about 47 million euros ($50 million), will be used for the early redemption of US dollar notes due this fall.

The US dollar notes originally had a volume of $250 million, half of which was repaid in 2015. The remaining proceeds will go towards general corporate purposes (including further repayment of existing indebtedness).

The new euro bond will be listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and there will be no public offering of the bonds in the US, American Shipper reported.
Source : HKSG.