28 Februari 2018

[280218.EN.BIZ] Drewry Astonished by Hyundai's Bizarre Asia-Europe Market Moves

KOREA's Hyundai Merchant Marine's (HMM) expansion plan in ordering fourteen 22,000-TEU ships, is incompatible with market stability, declares London's Drewry Maritime Research.

Also astonishing to the research house is HMM's plan to deploy the Asia Europe Express (AEX) using old and comparatively tiny panamaxes of 4,700 TEU in April.

"The AEX ships would be the smallest deployed on the route that is usually reserved for ultra large container vessels with faster transit times to Europe," said Drewry

Alphaliner says calls at Rotterdam, Hamburg and Felixstowe being used as the carrot to shippers.

"The two developments appear to be connected. HMM has two years left to run on a slot-charter agreement signed in 2016 with 2M carriers Maersk Line and MSC and presumably sees the new ships either as a bargaining chip to continue that partnership as it will have more to bring to the table, or to leverage full membership of another carrier group, or in the worst case scenario to have sufficient means to operate independently, building on the custom generated by the AEX service," says Drewry.

Source : HKSG.

[280218.ID.BIZ] Tol Jakarta-Cikampek Dibatasi, Ada Tiket Kereta Idle Seat

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. PT KAI akan memberlakukan tarif khusus idle seat mendukung pemberlakuan pembatasan di Tol Jakarta-Cikampek (Japek).

Seperti diketahui, 12 Maret mendatang jalur Tol Jakarta-Cikampek (Japek) akan diatur sedemikian rupa. Niatnya agar momok kemacetan Tol Japek bisa hilang.

Beberapa aturan tersebut adalah pembatasan kendaraan bersumbu tiga ke atas, dan pemberlakuan sistem ganjil-genap. Kedua aturan ini akan dilaksanakan sejak jam 06:00-09:00. Pada waktu tersebut, akan disediakan pula satu lajur yang dikhususkan untuk bus.

Mulai 22 Februari 2018 lalu, PT KAI Daop 1 Jakarta memberlakukan idle seat atau tempat duduk yang tersedia pada jarak tertentu, dengan dikenakan tarif khusus yang berlaku pada semua KA Komersial pemberangkatan dari Daop 1 Jakarta.

Idle seat tersebut akan berlaku untuk relasi Dari dan menuju stasiun Gambir, Pasar Senen, dan Bekasi.

“Diharapkan dengan adanya tarif khusus ini, para penumpang semakin tertarik menggunakan moda transportasi kereta api," ucap Edy Kuswoyo, Senior Manager Humas Daop 1 Jakarta dalam keterangan resminya, Rabu (28/2).

Meski demikian, Edy mengingatkan bagi calon penumpang harus memperhatikan beberapa ketentuan untuk menikmati layanan idle seat ini.

Pertama, tarif khusus tidak berlaku pada kereta fakultatif atau tambahan serta kereta PSO seperti, KA Matarmaja, KA Bengawan, KA Gaya Baru Malam Selatan, KA Tegal Ekspres, KA Serayu, KA Brantas.

Kedua, penjualan dilakukan mulai 2 jam sebelum jadwal keberangkatan kereta di stasiun pemberangkatan. Dengan catatan selama tiketnya masih tersedia. Dan pembelian dapat dilakukan di loket stasiun ataupun channel eksternal yang telah ditetapkan.
Berikut tarif idle seat yang diberlakukan

1. Cirebon-Gambir (PP)

Eksekutif (Rp 165.000)

Bisnis (Rp 135.000)

Ekonomi (Rp 105.000)

2. Cirebon-Pasar Senen (PP)

Eksekutif (Rp 165.000)

Bisnis (Rp 135.000)

Ekonomi (Rp 105.000)

3. Cirebon Prujakan-Pasar Senen (PP)

Eksekutif (Rp 165.000)

Bisnis (Rp 135.000)

Ekonomi (Rp 105.000)

4. Bekasi-Gambir (PP)

Eksekutif (Rp 30.000)

Bisnis (Rp 25.000

Ekonomi (Rp 20.000)

5. Bekasi-Pasar Senen (PP)

Eksekutif (Rp 30.000)

Bisnis (Rp 25.000)

Ekonomi (Rp 20.000)

6. Gambir-Purwakarta (PP)

Eksekutif (Rp 65.000)

Bisnis (Rp 55.000)

Ekonomi (Rp 45.000)

7. Cikampek-Bandung (PP)

Eksekutif (Rp 65.000)

Bisnis (Rp 55.000)

Ekonomi (Rp 45.000)

Sumber : Kontan, 28.02.18.

27 Februari 2018

[270218.EN.BIZ] UPS Sues EU Over Banned TNT Merger After Court Invalidates Ban

ATLANTA's United Parcel Service (UPS) is suing the European Union for EUR1.7 billion (US$2.1 billion) in damages after regulator vetoed its acquisition of TNT Express in 2013, reports American Shipper.

UPS had made a EUR5.16 billion offer for Netherlands-based TNT, but EU regulators vetoed the deal on the grounds that it would concentrate too much power in one courier company since a series of smaller acquisitions had already given UPS a strong presence in many EU countries.

UPS argued that competition was still strong in areas of the EU where most parcel delivery activity takes place and proposed selling off assets, in countries where there were overlaps to alleviate concerns that consumers would pay more as a result of the deal.

UPS appealed the European Commission's decision, which was overturned by an EU court in March 2017 after the EU General Court found the commission had failed to inform the company that it had changed the economic models used to weigh the impacts of a given merger.

But that helpful ruling came too late - months after TNT was purchased by UPS' rival FedEx for $4.8 billion. The takeover put FedEx on par with UPS in offering customers complete supply chain services in all geographic regions.

The reason the EC approved the FedEx-TNT deal and not the UPS bid, was that FedEx had a much smaller market share in Europe.

As such, UPS is asking the court to compensate the company and "be put in the position it would have been in had the unlawful decision not been adopted," the company reportedly said in a filing with the EU's General Court, as blocking the deal prevented UPS "from materialising the benefits associated with that proposed transaction.

"The compensation being sought corresponds to what we believe, through objective assessments verified by expert third parties, to be the value of the opportunity wrongly prohibited by the European Commission," UPS said in a statement.

For its part, the European Commission is appealing the EU General Court's ruling to overturn the UPS-TNT deal. According to Bloomberg, the commission has taken the case to the EU's highest tribunal, arguing that the General Court's judgment gives regulators less freedom in the approval process.

Source : HKSG.

[270218.ID.BIZ] Kemhub dan Pelni Teken Kontrak PSO Rp 1,86 Triliun

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Kementerian Perhubungan melalui Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut dan PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) menandatangani Perjanjian Penyelenggaraan Kewajiban Pelayanan Publik Bidang Angkutan Laut untuk Penumpang Kelas Ekonomi Tahun Anggaran 2018 atau dikenal juga sebagai public service obligation (PSO).

Penandatanganan kontrak PSO Tahun 2018 tersebut dilakukan oleh Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Laut, R. Agus H. Purnomo dan Direktur Utama PT Pelni, Insan Purwarisya L. Tobing pada Senin (26/2) di Kantor Pusat Kementerian Perhubungan.

Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut mulai memberikan bantuan dalam bentuk subsidi PSO ke Pelni sebagai agen pembangunan sejak tahun 2003. Bantuan ini merupakan bentuk tanggung jawab negara dalam memenuhi hak warga negara Indonesia untuk mendapatkan akses transportasi ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia, termasuk wilayah terpencil dan terluar.

Tahun ini, Kemhub memberikan dana PSO sebesar Rp 1,86 triliun pada Pelni yang akan dialokasikan untuk 26 unit kapal dengan total 266 voyage. "Harapannya adalah, dengan adanya PSO ini, masyakarat pengguna transportasi laut kelas ekonomi dapat menikmati pelayanan yang baik dengan harga terjangkau,” ujar Direktur Lalulintas dan Angkutan Laut, Dwi Budi Sutrisno dalam keterangan, Senin (26/2).

Dwi berharap Pelni dapat meningkatkan pelayanan angkutan laut penumpang sesuai dengan standar minimal yang ada.

Sumber : Kontan, 27.02.18.

25 Februari 2018

[250218.EN.BIZ] Potential to Use Mega Ship Sparks China-India Service Upgrades

THE end of 2017 and the first couple of weeks this year saw a string of new and enhanced container shipping service offerings on intra-Asia and China-Southeast and South Asia routes.

The move comes amid the recognition that these China-India routes provide an opportunity to deploy vessels of up to 8,000-9,000 TEU.

"Overall, the intra-Asia market is expected to grow five per cent in 2018. Southeast Asian countries are likely to see strong trade growth while trade between China and India is expected to rise in line with India's economic development," said APL.

Partners in the Ocean Alliance, OOCL and APL, were among the first to launch. The former's Far East-Chennai service boosts service to the southeast of India from China while APL also announced revamps to its China-India Subcontinent network.

"2017 saw APL offering 38 services as part of the Ocean Alliance, as well as introducing 14 new APL services and enhancing 14 existing loops," said a spokeswoman.

She added that the services were introduced to strengthen the line global network, especially key transpacific and intra-Asia trade lanes, as well as enhance its presence in the Middle East and Indian subcontinents, as well as seek growth opportunities in Oceania and transatlantic.

Recognising challenges APL said: "It is noteworthy that the Southeast Asia shipping network is constantly changing. In particular, the intra-Asia short sea market is fast moving with comparatively lower barriers to entry or exit compared to long haul trades."

In response, APL kicked off the year with the announcement of a new China Southeast Asia (CSE) service that has been introduced to meet this demand.

"In 2018, more APL services will be introduced to serve market needs and further develop our service network," she said.

Source : HKSG.

[250218.ID.BIZ] Kata KPPIP, Proyek Prioritas Kemungkinan Tidak Ditambah, Tetap 37

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA — Proyek prioritas dalam daftar Proyek Strategis Nasional kemungkinan tidak akan ditambah ataupun dikurangi dalam evaluasi ketat yang tengah dilakukan pemerintah.

Saat ini, terdapat 37 proyek prioritas dalam daftar PSN yang ditetapkan oleh Komite Percepatan Penyediaan Infrastruktur Prioritas (KPPIP) yang dinilai paling utama untuk diselesaikan.

Tiga puluh tujuh prioritas tersebut terdiri atas 13 proyek jalan tol, 4 proyek pelabuhan, 3 proyek minyak dan gas, 5 air dan sanitasi, 3 kereta api, 5 ketenagalistrikan, dan 3 transportasi perkotaan, dan 1 jaringan informasi serat optik.

Di sisi lain, pemerintah tengah melakukan evaluasi rutin untuk menentukan kelanjutan 245 proyek plus 2 program Proyek Strategis Nasional (PSN), terutama pada proyek yang belum memulai tahapan financial close.

Direktur Program KPPIP Rainier Haryanto mengatakan bahwa opsi untuk menambah proyek prioritas kemungkinan belum akan dilakukan dalam evaluasi kali ini.

"Mungkin belum karena untuk masuk dalam PSN itu ada 16 kriteria. Untuk masuk proyek prioritas ada 20 kriteria tambahan lagi. Jadi, ada 36 kriteria yang harus dipenuhi dan itu sangat technical, sepertinya belum ya," katanya kepada Bisnis, Rabu (21/2/2018).

Opsi untuk mengurangi proyek prioritas juga merupakan hal yang tidak mudah karena harus melewati kajian dan analisis yang komprehensif dan sangat mendasar.

“Tahun lalu waktu kami drop beberapa proyek, itu kami analisis teknis sampai benar-benar dalam. Sampai kami menemukan bahwa skema itu tidak tepat. Jadi, memang tidak mudah juga untuk mengedropkan proyek,” ujarnya.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 23.02.18.

24 Februari 2018

[240218.EN.BIZ] Maersk Sets Sights On Carving Out Its Own Niche Landside

THE Maersk group plans to expand its land-based activities to meet growing demand from customers by targeting takeovers outside the maritime industry, Bloomberg reports.

The group's chief financial officer Jakob Stausholm said: "We're currently very big in the ocean segment, and we'd rather grow in non-ocean, so it may be a good idea to look for M&A targets there.

Maersk is in the midst of offloading its energy business and last year finalised its takeover of Hamburg Sud to now command one-fifth of the container shipping market. Maersk says it wants to be part of further consolidation, but analysts caution it may face regulatory complications.

The CFO said that the world's largest container shipping company is expanding its competitive universe to include different types of companies, including FedEx Corp and UPS Inc.

"We're not going to be direct competitors to FedEx and UPS, but we will see them as peers," he said. "They are the global integrators in their industries and we want to become that in our industry."

The CFO declined to identify what specific parts of the land-based logistics chain Maersk may target for mergers and acquisitions. He also said it may take some time before the group makes such acquisitions because the Copenhagen-based company is still focusing on getting its transport units to work more closely together.

From now on, the carrier will report revenue based on its ocean and non-ocean operations, with the latter including the logistic service activities and the port terminals. In 2017, non-ocean revenue accounted for 28 per cent of its turnover.

Source : HKSG.