26 September 2018

[260918.EN.SEA] World's Largest Ship Propeller Heading For MSC Vessel in S Korea

HAMBURGER Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) has successfully loaded a 110-tonne ship propeller that required the "HHLA IV" floating crane to move what is effectively the world's biggest propeller onto its transport platform and then bring it to the berth of the "Hyundai Supreme" containership at the port of Waltershof.

The journey for the giant propeller started from its production facility in Waren an der Muritz in Mecklenburg-western Pomerania and transported by road to Hamburg where it was temporarily stored at Hachmannkai quay close to the HHLA Container Terminal Tollerort until it was ready for loading.

The jib of the floating crane raised the propeller from the transport platform and carefully lifted it over the towering side of the 300-metre-long containership. It was a delicate operation that involved lowering the heavy load centimetre by centimetre into the hold of the ship, reported Hellenic Shipping News.

The "Hyundai Supreme", a 5,000-TEU box ship, then departed from the port of Hamburg headed for the Far East. The propeller on board is destined for the South Korean port of Busan. From there, it will be transported on to the Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering shipyard, where the first of eleven 23,000-TEU container ships are being built for MSC.

Source : HKSG.

[260918.ID.BIZ] Fact or Fake: Proyek Kalibaru NPCT-2 dan NPCT-3 Dihentikan, Karena NPCT-1 Gagal Konstruksi

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – Kelanjutan proyek reklamasi pembangunan terminal Kalibaru Tanjung Priok atau New Priok Container Terminal (NPCT) tahap 2 dan 3 saat ini dikabarkan dihentikan menyusul adanya temuan dan audit Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) kepada DPR-RI yang menyebutkan pembangunan  NPCT tahap 1 atau reklamasi 1 gagal konstruksi.

Informasi yang diperoleh Bisnis di pelabuhan Priok  menyebutkan saat ini pengerjaan reklamasi tersebut juga dihentikan karena dinilai berbahaya. PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo II) selaku pemlik proyek sedang meminta pihak konsultan untuk menilai masalah ini.

Pelindo IIasi belum mau berkomentar banyak mengenai hal itu  saat dihubungi Bisnis Rabu (26/9/2018).

"Coba Anda tanyakan ke bagian tehnik yang menanganinya. Saya urusan operasional dan saat ini sedang rapat," ujar Prasetiadi,Direktur Operasi dan sistem IT Pelindo II, kepada Bisnis (26/8/2018).

Prasetiadi juga belum bisa memastikan berkaitan informasi apakah reklamasi proyek NPCT tahap 2 dan 3 yang dimaksud itu di hentikan atau tetap dilanjutkan.

"Sepertinya masih berjalan kok, tetapi coba nanti kami cek," ucapnya.

Sementara itu, Direktur Tehnik Pelindo II Dani Rusli maupun Direktur NPCT-1 Rino Wisnu Potro yang dikonfirmasi Bisnis via telpon selulernya belum merespon.

Dalam kesimpulan laporan audit BPK mengenai pembangunan NPCT-1 yang diserahkan kepada ketua DPR Bambang Soesatyo pada Selasa (25/9/2018 ) disebutkan bahwa  NPCT-1 gagal konstruksi dan umur pemakaian hanya 20-25 tahun, sehingga biaya yang sudah dikeluarkan Pelindo II mencapai Rp 7 Triliun (70%) dihitung total loss.

Ketua DPR Bambang Soesatyo menyatakan adanya kejanggalan dalam konstruksi pelabuhan Kalibaru atau NPCT milik Pelindo II. Dari kejanggalan itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelabuhan Kalibaru gagal konstruksi sehingga menimbulkan kerugian negara.

"Ini (NPCT-1) tidak bisa dipakai,” ujar Bamsoet—panggilan akrab Bambang Soesatyo. (Bisnis.com edisi Rabu 26/9).

Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) menyerahkan hasil audit investigatif terkait kasus pembangunan pelabuhan Kalibaru (NPCT) Pelindo II kepada DPR. BPK menemukan proyek pembangunan pelabuhan Kalibaru terindikasi merugikan negara Rp1,4 triliun.

“Biaya pembangunan pelabuhan Kalibaru termasuk fase 1 eksisting (NPCT-1) oleh Pelindo II yang telah dikeluarkan senilai Rp10 triliun lebih masuk dalam kategori total loss," ujar Bamsoet.

Menurutnya, akibat berbagai kejanggalan yang ditemukan di lapangan negara tidak saja dirugikan tapi NPCT tidak bisa dipakai. Laporan BPK itu dipastikan akan dibawa ke sidang paripurna DPR.

Sumber : Bisnis, 26.09.18.

25 September 2018

[250918.EN.BIZ] Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding to fit 29 MSC Box Ships With Scrubbers

MEDITERRANEAN Shipping Company (MSC) has inked a contract with China's Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding to fit 29 of its containerships with scrubbers. The installation work by the China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC) affiliate will commence in June next year.

The 29 vessels comprise eight 19,000 TEU ships, six 16,000 TEU ships, eight 14,000 TEU ships and seven 13,000 TEU ships, reported Singapore's Splash247.

The shipping line signed a framework agreement with French bank BNP Paribas and China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation in August regarding the financing for its fleet's scrubber conversion projects. The carrier planned to select a number of Chinese yards to perform the work.

Source : HKSG.



24 September 2018

[240918.EN.BIZ] Harbour Pilots' Strike Prevents Dozens of Ships Berthing at Antwerp

UP to 40 cargo vessels were left stranded outside the Belgian port of Antwerp after harbour pilots staged a walkout recently, with the indefinite strike also affecting operations at the smaller ports of Zeebrugge and Ghent.

The pilots launched the industrial action in response to a controversial plan by the federal government that would "reduce the benefits afforded to pilots in their capacity as public employees", including paid time off and long-term disability pay, according to a report by The Brussels Times.

The strike, which could soon spread to inland waterways as well, began after a meeting with the Flemish government's vice-minister-president Liesbeth Homans during which the two sides failed to reach an agreement.

"What the unions are doing now is unprecedented, and demonstrates anything but a sense of responsibility," Mr Homans was quoted as saying by The Brussels Times. "Anyone with any sense of responsibility will come to the table instead of crippling the Flemish economy and holding a huge number of businesses and their employees hostage."

According to BlueWater Reporting, the port of Antwerp receives 100 regular cargo services operated by several of the largest shipping lines and all three of the major east-west shipping alliances, including 77 direct strings connecting the port with regions outside of Europe and 41 intra-European loops, reported American Shipper.

Source : HKSG.

[240918.ID.BIZ] Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Angkat Komisaris Utama Baru

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Jusman Syafii Djamal diangkat sebagai Komisaris Utama PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) (KAI) pada 14 September 2018. Hal tersebut diputuskan oleh Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS).

Dalam keterbukaan informasi ke Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), pengangkatan Jusman tertuang dalam keputusan Nomor SK-243/MBU/09/2018 pada 14 September 2018 tentang pengangkatan komisaris utama perusahaan perseroan (Persero) PT Kereta Api Indonesia.

Jusman Syafii Djamal menggantikan Suhono Harso Supangkat yang sebelumnya menjabat Plt Komisaris Utama. Jusman kini menjabat sebagai komisaris utama merangkap Komisaris Independen PT KAI (Persero)

"Penambahan jumlah dewan komisaris emiten dapat membantu fungsi pengawasan terhadap kebijakan, tujuan dan kinerja perusahaan,” tulis EVP Corporate Secretary KAI Dariyadi dalam laporan tertulisnya di laman BEI.

Sumber : Kontan, 24.09.18.