07 September 2018

[070918.EN.BIZ] US east and Gulf Coast ILA Dockers Agree to 6-year Master Contract

THE International Longshoremen's Association said that members at ports from Maine to Texas on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a six-year extension of its contract with the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX).

The union said the deal will "bring generous pay increases, landmark protections against job-killing fully automated ports and labour peace and stability through September 30, 2024."

ILA President Harold Daggett said this was the best contract in his 50-year career, and applauded the ratification.

"ILA members covered under this ILA-USMX master agreement can now look to a bright future where their salaries will increase and the threat of job loss from fully automated terminals, semi automated terminals and automated equipment is eliminated," Mr Daggett said.

The current ILA master contract was set to expire at the end of September.

Source : HKSG.

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