29 Februari 2020

[290220.EN.SEA] Japan's Ocean Network Express Upgrades Raft Of Intra-Asia Loops

JAPANESE-OWNED Singapore-based Ocean Network Express (ONE) has announced its enhanced Intra-Asia Japan Services, offering improved coverage, comprehensive port connections and competitive transit times.

ONE will operate seven of these services, and co-loading five ensured through slots. Enhancements include the introduction of a Keelung call on the Japan Straits Malaysia (JSM) service, providing competitive and direct coverage from Japan ports to Keelung, and Keelung to Singapore and Malaysia.

The carrier will also review port rotation in Japan for JTV1 to provide faster transit time from Laem Chabang and Cai Mep to Yokohama and Tokyo.

Details of the Intra-Asia Japan service network are as follows: JTV1: (Japan Thailand Vietnam 1) Yokohama, Tokyo, Shimizu, Pusan, Laem Chabang, Cai Mep and back to Yokohama - JTV2: (Japan Thailand Vietnam 2) Osaka, Kobe, Yokkaichi, Nagoya, Laem Chabang, Cat Lai and back to Osaka - JTV3: (Japan Thailand Vietnam 3) Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Kobe, Taichung, Xiamen, Hong Kong, Yantian, Cat Lai, Laem Chabang, Hong Kong and back to Tokyo - JID (Japan Indonesia Tokyo) Kawasaki, Yokohama, Yokkaichi, Nagoya, Kobe, Singapore, Jakarta, Singapore, Cai Mep and back to Tokyo.

JSM (Japan Straits Malaysia) Tokyo, Yokohama, Shimizu, Nagoya, Kobe, Keelung- Hong Kong, Singapore, Port Kelang, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shekou and back to Tokyo - JSM3 (Japan Straits Malaysia) Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, Yokohama, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Port Kelang, Cai Mep,Shekou, Hong Kong and back to Osaka.

JPH (Japan Philippines) Osaka, Yokkaichi, Nagoya, Shimizu, Tokyo, Yokohama, Kobe, Busan, Manila, Busan and back to Osaka. JVH (Japan Vietnam Haiphong) Tokyo, Yokohama, Shimizu, Nagoya, Kobe, Hakata, Pusan, Keelung, Kaohsiung, Haiphong, Kaohsiung and back to Tokyo.

JTS (Japan Taiwan South China) Nagoya, Tokyo, Chiba, Yokohama, Keelung, Kaohsiung, Hong Kong, Shekou, Xiamen and back to Nagoya. JP1 (Japan Pusan 1) Pusan, Hakata, Nagoya, Kobe. HAS (Hokkai Arirang Service) Pusan, Tomakomai and back to Pusan. BNX (Busan Niigata Express) Pusan, Niigata, Toyama Shinko, Kanazawa and back to Pusan.

The strengthened service network is scheduled to launch from April 2020, subject to necessary regulatory approvals. With the upgraded service network, ONE provides more excellent, reliable, efficient, and effective services in Asian and Japanese markets for our valued customers.

Source : HKSG.



28 Februari 2020

[280220] Maersk Credit Linked To Eco Performance, Forcing Small Fry To Comply

DANISH shipping giant Maersk is helping banks enforce the carbon-neutral agenda, terms under which smaller players must conform, reports London's Lloyd's List.

New revolving credit facility will see Maersk pay lower rates if it meets or exceeds carbon reduction targets. The 18,340-TEU Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Maersk's credit costs will reflect its emissions reduction performance.

The widespread application of such lending policies may leave smaller players struggling to catch up with big multi-nationals that can absorb such costs.

Maersk has attached environmental terms to a new US$5 billion revolving credit facility, as it seeks to put incentives behind its moves toward decarbonisation of shipping.

Under the terms of the new facility, the credit margin will be adjusted based on Maersk's progress to meet its target of reducing CO2 emissions per cargo unit moved by 60 per cent by 2030, against a 2008 baseline. The performance will be measured against the carrier's Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator.

"We have received strong support from our global relationship banks. The facility was substantially oversubscribed, and we are pleased with the terms and conditions of the new facility," said Maersk chief executive of fleet and strategic brands Henriette Hallberg Thygesen.

Source : HKSG.



27 Februari 2020

[270220.EN.SEA] Maersk Meets IMO 2020, But Will Use More Heavy Fuel With Scrubbers

AP Moller Maersk CEO Soren Skou says the switchover to lower sulphur fuel to meet the demands of newly implemented IMO 2020 has been "very successful" during the first two months of the year, adding that the group did not experience any operational problems and the fleet is now fully compliant with the sulphur cap.

"Currently, only a limited number of our vessels have scrubbers installed due to delays at the yards and the situation in China, and I think those delays are probably going to become even longer," Mr Skou said during a conference call following the release of the carrier's 2019 results.

He said Maersk's fleet currently consumes 10 per cent heavy fuel oil (HFO), 10 per cent marine gas oil (MGO) and 80 per cent very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO). By year-end, when more scrubbers are installed, he expects HFO's share to rise to 25 per cent, reported American Shipper.

"We have witnessed high volatility in fuel prices," he added, noting that as a result, Maersk will implement a new surcharge of US$50-$200 per FEU from March 1.

Asked about passing costs on to shippers, Mr Skou replied: "As far as spot volumes, which are about half our volumes, if you look at the Shanghai Freight Index, freight rates have gone up substantially since October 1 at least until Chinese New Year."

Source : HKSG.



26 Februari 2020

[260220.EN.SEA] Maersk Optimistic Shipping Will Have V-shaped Coronavirus Recovery

THE first quarter of the year was decimated by the outbreak of the coronavirus, however, Maersk foresees a V-shaped recovery could occur after normal factory production levels return in China, provided outbreaks of the virus around the world do not become more widespread in the second quarter.

Maersk is looking towards April for a possible recovery after a weak first quarter thanks to the fallout of the Wuhan coronavirus.

Speaking in a conference call following the release of the carrier's full-year results, chief executive Soren Skou said that while it was difficult to get a full sense of the impact of the coronavirus on trade, the first quarter would be "significantly impacted" by the extended factory closures in China, reported London's Lloyd's List.

"Factories are slowly returning to production but we estimate that they are operating at 50-60 per cent of capacity, which will be ramping up to around 90 per cent of capacity by the first week of March," he said.

The consensus is that the outbreak would peak over the coming weeks, with data showing the number of new infections decreasing.

"That means that we could expect a trajectory similar to the one we saw during SARS, but with a larger magnitude, since China's impact on global supply chains is much bigger today and China's role in the global economy is much bigger."

That, he added, would imply a V-shaped recovery.

"We will have very weak exports in February and March, then hopefully a strong rebound in April," Mr Skou said.

But there were still uncertainties and the prognosis implied no new outbreaks in other countries outside China, he added.

"The next two to three weeks will tell us what the trend is. The long-term outlook will depend on how long the outbreak lasts."

Maersk cancelled 50 sailings in addition to those it would have usually cancelled for the Lunar New Year slowdown, Mr Skou said. Idling ships has an effect on the company's bottom line.

"When ships are idle we are not spending money on fuel or port costs, but we are still depreciating and paying charter fees," Mr Skou said. "We will not be able to mitigate the loss of volumes with costs on a one-to-one basis so we will have an increased negative effect in the short term."

Even with the capacity reductions, Maersk has lowered its full-year earnings guidance by US$200 million to $5.5 billion, largely as a result of coronavirus, but also taking into account the impact of IMO 2020 and wider macro trends.

"Coronavirus affects all of our businesses, such as terminal ventures in China and the significant logistics and warehousing business there," Mr Skou said.

Pent-up demand should help Maersk and other carriers should the outbreak retreat over the coming weeks, leading to an "excess of exports" in April.

"Inventories are being run down, both of finished goods and semi-finished goods," Mr Skou said. "Many manufacturers in Southeast Asia rely on China for parts and semi-finished goods. If we do end up with a V-shaped recovery then we will see an overshoot in the latter part of the second quarter."

Yet, if the coronavirus continues to spread unabated, there would be an even bigger impact.

"If a recovery does not happen then it will impact global economic growth, which is the main outcome we are worrying about."

Source : HKSG.

[260220.ID.BIZ] Virus Corona Mengganas, Ini Pesan Sri Mulyani ke Pengusaha

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati meminta pelaku usaha di Indonesia untuk tidak patah semangat dalam melakukan ekspansi kendati situasi perekonomian dilanda ketidakpastian akibat penyebaran virus Corona (Covid-19).

"Pesan saya ke pengusaha, tetap jaga optimisme tanpa menghilangkan kewaspadaaan," katanya saat acara CNBC Economic Outlook 2020 di Ritz-Charlton, Rabu (26/2/2020).

Dia menuturkan,  setiap periode perekonomian memiliki cerita tersendiri. Sri Mulyani menilai periode terberat bagi pelaku bisnis dunia terjadi sepanjang 2019 karena adanya perang dagang (trade war) dan permasalahan geopolitik.

Awalnya, semua pihak merasa optimistis 2020 akan menjadi titik balik perekonomian yang sudah menyentuh level terendah (bottom line) tahun lalu. Namun, harapan tersebut sirna ketika virus Corona muncul dari China dan menyebar ke berbagai belahan dunia.

Merespons kejadian tersebut, pemerintah telah mengeluarkan paket kebijakan atau stimulus untuk menangkal dampak virus Corona terhadap perekonomian domestik. Sri Mulyani juga mengungkapkan pemerintah sangat ambisius untuk menetaskan Omnibus Law, khususnya perpajakan agar pelaku usaha memiliki ruang gerak yang lega untuk mengekspansikan bisnis pada tahun ini.

"Pemerintah akan menghilangkan seluruh beban dan halangan bagi pengusaha. [Saya yakin] 2020 kita masih memiliki optimisme. Kami akan gunakan seluruh kebijakan agar perekononomian Indonesia kompetitif dan produktif," tuturnya.

Pemerintah akhirnya mengeluarkan jurus untuk meredam dampak virus corona atau Covid-19 terhadap perekonomian. Sejumlah paket stimulus ekonomi diterbitkan untuk menggairahkan daya beli masyarakat, misalnya diskon tiket pesawat, insentif bagi pelaku pariwisata, penambahan anggaran kartu sembako, dan peningkatan subsidi bunga perumahan untuk masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah.

Presiden Joko Widodo telah mengalokasikan anggaran senilai Rp10,3 triliun untuk merealisasikan paket kebijakan guna meminimalisir perlambatan pertumbuhan ekonomi akibat penyebaran virus Corona.

Sumber : Bisnis, 26.02.2020.

25 Februari 2020

[250220.EN.BIZ] EU Trade Chief Warns Virus May Delay China Trade Deal Beyond Fall

EUROPEAN Union Trade Commissioner Phil Hogan told the international trade committee of the European Parliament on that a planned March meeting with Chinese officials would now probably not happen, reports Aljazeera.

A planned European Union-China investment agreement looks unlikely to be struck by September as planned because of the coronavirus outbreak, said Mr Hogan.

The European Commission chief and other senior EU officials were to meet Chinese counterparts in Beijing in late March before an EU-Chinese summit to be held in Leipzig, Germany, in September - ideally to sign a deal.

Said Mr Hogan: "There's a lot of time lost now and going to be lost because of the coronavirus. A lot of meetings have been cancelled. If we were going to get a deal by the Leipzig summit we would have to largely have it completed by July."

The EU sees the agreement as opening more sectors of the Chinese economy to investment by European companies, as well as setting conditions for them to do so, such as whether they have to do so jointly with a local Chinese firm.

Source : HKSG.

[250220.ID.BIZ] Sempat Anjlok, KRL di Stasiun Jayakarta Berhasil Diatasi

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. KRL antara Jakarta Kota - Stasiun Jayakarta anjlok sekitar pukul 14.28 WIB sore tadi (25/2) di KM 1+200. PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI) mengerahkan kereta penolong untuk mengevakuasi kereta anjlok jurusan Jakarta Kota - Bogor.

Vice President Corporate Communications PT KCI Anne Purba mengatakan, kendala operasional KRL KA 1118 relasi Jakarta Kota - Bogor yang terjadi pada pukul 14.28 WIB tadi sudah berhasil diatasi oleh petugas dari PT KCI dan PT KAI Daop 1 Jakarta.

"Kereta yang sebelumnya mengalami kendala telah dievakuasi ke Dipo KRL Bukit Duri. Setelah evakuasi kereta, petugas juga telah memastikan seluruh prasarana perkeretaapian dapat kembali dilintasi kereta dengan aman mulai pukul 16:54 WIB," ujar Anne dalam keterangan resmi, Selasa (25/2).

Mengenai penyebab kereta anjlok, PT KCI belum bisa memberikan keterangan. Anne menyebut, petugas masih memerlukan pemeriksaan terhadap sarana dan prasarana perkeretaapian dari berbagai pihak untuk dapat disimpulkan faktornya.

Anne menjelaskan, usai kendala operasional tersebut, perjalanan KRL Lintas Bogor/Depok - Jakarta Kota PP dan Cikarang/Bekasi - Jakarta Kota PP saat ini telah berangsur normal. Namun, KCI masih perlu waktu untuk mengurai antrian kereta yang sebelumnya terjadi.

Adapun situasi operasional perjalanan KRL di seluruh lintas adalah sebagai berikut:

- Lintas Bogor/Depok - Angke/Jatinegara PP perjalanan hanya sampai Stasiun Angke, imbas jalur rel Stasiun Kampung Bandan - Stasiun Kemayoran masih tergenang banjir.

- Lintas Cikarang/Bekasi - Jakarta Kota PP via Pasar Senen, perjalanan hanya sampai Stasiun Pasar Senen, imbas jalur rel Stasiun Kampung Bandan - Stasiun Kemayoran masih tergenang banjir.

- Lintas Bogor – Jakarta Kota PP normal dalam proses mengurai antrian kereta setelah kendala operasional.

- Lintas Cikarang/Bekasi – Jakarta Kota via Manggarai PP normal dalam proses mengurai antrian kereta setelah kendala operasional.

- Lintas Rangkasbitung - Tanah Abang PP Beroperasi normal

- Lintas Tangerang - Duri PP

- Lintas Tanjung Priok - Jakarta Kota PP beroperasi normal.

Informasi terkini seputar kondisi perjalanan KRL dapat dilihat melalui akun media sosial @commuterline, aplikasi KRL Access, Contact Center (021) 121, serta informasi dari petugas di stasiun maupun di dalam KRL. Bagi para pengguna jasa KRL yang terimbas banjir maupun kendala operasional hari ini, dan sudah membeli tiket maupun melakukan tap in pada gate dapat melakukan pembatalan perjalanan di seluruh stasiun hingga tujuh hari ke depan.

Sumber : Kontan, 25.02.2020.

24 Februari 2020

[240220.EN.SEA] Coronavirus Mitigation: OOCL Extends Free Time In Cargo Detention

HONG KONG's Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) is offering an extended free time period in the cargo detention calculation from February 10 to 16 in consideration of the coronavirus outbreak in China.

This is in addition to the arrangement presented in the customer advisory on February 3. This extension is only applicable to import cargo inbound to northern and southern China, and excludes other items such as storage and monitoring fees.

Customers are asked to use the OOCL webpage link to Tariff & Rate Enquiry for full price (including base rate, bunker related charges, security related charges and additional charges and surcharges reflecting high demand, such as Peak Season Surcharges) on www.oocl.com. Local surcharges and contingency charges may apply.

In general, the detention free time expiring on or after January 25 will be extended to February 9 for China exports, and February 16 for China imports.
The actual detention calculation would depend on many other factors as usual. Refer to the website or contact local customer service representatives for further details.

This extended free time period is only offered to OOCL shipments to/from mainland China ports affected by the extended Chinese National New Year holiday and virus outbreak but does not apply to shipments to/from Hong Kong and Macau ports.

This extension is only applicable to OOCL shipments affected by the extended Chinese National New Year holiday and virus outbreak in China, so any free time already expired on January 24 or earlier is not entitled for this extension.

Source : HKSG.

[240220.ID.BIZ] Kebijakan AS: Produk Ekspor RI Makin Rentan Digugat

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA — Keputusan pemerintah Amerika Serikat untuk mengeluarkan Indonesia dari daftar negara berkembang diperkirakan bakal membuat produk Tanah Air makin rentan menjadi objek penyelidikan antisubsidi oleh Negeri Paman Sam dan berpotensi mendapat tambahan bea masuk.

Dalam kebijakan baru AS yang berlaku sejak 10 Februari 2020 tersebut, Indonesia dikeluarkan dari daftar negara berkembang sehingga kebijakan perlakuan khusus (special differential treatment/SDT) yang tersedia dalam WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures tidak lagi berlaku bagi Indonesia.

Akibatnya, batasan de minimis untuk margin subsidi agar suatu penyelidikan antisubsidi dapat dihentikan, harus diturunkan dari kurang atau sama dengan 2 persen menjadi kurang atau sama dengan 1 persen.

Selain itu, kriteria negligible import volumes yang tersedia bagi negara berkembang tidak lagi berlaku bagi Indonesia.

Direktur Pengamanan Perdagangan Kementerian Perdagangan Pradnyawati mengemukakan bahwa batas pangsa pasar impor individual yang dulu berlaku bagi Indonesia adalah sebesar 4 persen atau 9 persen jika digabung dengan sesama negara berkembang lainnya.

"Hal ini akan berdampak pada semakin mudahnya pihak otoritas Amerika Serikat untuk mengenakan bea masuk anti-subsidi terhadap produk-produk Indonesia," kata Pradnyawati kepada Bisnis, Senin (24/2/2020).

Meski, klasifikasi Indonesia sebagai negara maju menurut aturan baru ini hanya diperuntukkan bagi penyelidikan antisubsidi, Pradnyawati mengatakan bukan tak mungkin bahwa kebijakan ini bakal diaplikasikan dalam cakupan yang lebih luas. Di antaranya dalam penyelidikan trade remedies lain seperti antidumping dan safeguard.

Adapun sampai saat ini, produk Indonesia yang mendapat tuduhan subsidi oleh Amerika Serikat mencakup biodiesel dan utility scale wind towers yang masing-masing nilainya berjumlah US$255,56 juta dan US$90,38 juta.

Pradnyawati mengemukakan sejumlah produk lain yang yang rentan menjadi objek penyelidikan subsidi adalah besi dan baja, berbagai jenis kertas, dan sawit beserta produk turunannya.

"Secara eksternal kami [Kemendag] melakukan pembelaan terhadap produk yang dituduh mengandung subsidi. Sementara secara internal kami melakukan sosialisasi kepada regulator dan pelaku usaha untuk menghindari tuduhan subsidi dari negera mitra," ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Wakil Ketua Umum Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) Indonesia Bidang Hubungan Internasional Shinta W. Kamdani menilai Indonesia bakal lebih sulit dalam membela diri dan membuktikan tidak adanya subsidi pada produk ekspor dengan batas baru yang ditentukan. 

Shinta pun menyebutkan Indonesia bakal lebih rentan karena negara maju seperti AS dan terutama negara Uni Eropa, kerap melakukan klaim "particular market situation" pada negara emerging market seperti China, India, dan Indonesia dalam kasus penyelidikan antisubsidi dan countervailing duties.

"AS dan Uni Eropa kerap menolak untuk mengakui bahwa negara tertuduh melakukan praktik perdagangan yang baik dan sehat sesuai dengan konsep 'market economy'," kata Shinta kepada Bisnis.

Hal ini disebutnya mengakibatkan besaran penghitungan subsidi menjadi besar dan bisa mencapai 300 persen tergantung pemasok pembanding di Amerika Serikat. Dengan demikian, negara tertuduh pun tidak bisa memberi pembelaan secara efektif.

Sumber : Bisnis, 24.02.2020.

23 Februari 2020

[230220.EN.BIZ] Seaspan 2019 Profit Up 77.3pc to US$368 Million As Revenue Rises 3.6pc

SEASPAN, Hong Kong's non-operating containership owner, posted a 77.3 per cent year-on-year increase in net profit to US$368 million, drawn on revenues of $1.13 billion, up 3.6 per cent.

Seaspan's fourth quarter posted a 20.3 per cent year-on-year increase in net profit to $53.9 million, drawn on revenues of $288 million, down two per cent.

Seaspan executed agreements to acquire three 10,700-TEU and three 9,200-TEU ships on long-term charters; increasing, on a fully delivered fleet basis, Seaspan's contracted revenue to $4.3 billion and average remaining contract term to 4.2 years.

The company achieved vessel utilisation of 99.1 per cent for the fourth quarter and 98.9 per cent for the full year, its highest level since 2014.

Seaspan CEO Bing Chen said 2019 had been another year of achievement and transformation.

"We focused on relentless execution of priorities, building a strong team with core competencies to continue growing the franchise. The proposed holding company reorganisation to form Atlas Corp is expected to provide a solid foundation to expand our power via the acquisition of APR Energy while augmenting our commitment to container shipping customers," he said.

Said chief financial officer Ryan Courson: "We have made improvements across our capital structure adding $500 million of equity, restructuring nearly $2 billion of secured debt into an innovative portfolio financing programme, and increasing our balance sheet flexibility by adding a total of $450 million of liquid revolving credit capacity - with the long-term goal of achieving an investment grade credit rating."

Last November, Seaspan agreed to buy six containerships for $380 million in cash. This means the Seaspan fleet stands at 119 vessels of 975,000 TEU, a global market share of 7.7 per cent.

Source : HKSG.



19 Februari 2020

[190220.EN.SEA] Blanked Box Sailings Ups Backhaul Shippers?rates in Capacity Crunch

THE three leading container shipping alliances have blanked sailings as the prolonged factory shutdown over the Chinese New Year holidays and Wuhan coronavirus outbreak in China have dented cargo volumes.

Danish maritime analysts at Sea-Intelligence report that the rapid mass-cancellation of sailings is very likely to cause capacity shortages for back-haul shippers in three to six weeks' time, depending on where shippers are based, reported, Athens' Container News.

"Back-haul shippers should therefore now prepare not only contingency plans for potential capacity issues, but also for significant price spikes," said a Sea-Intelligence report. "In terms of operations, we should expect larger than normal delays in the sailing schedules, an effect which will be felt for several months as the delayed vessels work their way around their planned loops."

Capacity issues could spread to other ports and countries, particularly Vietnam, where manufacturing plants have picked up some of the slack, which could lead to "capacity issues in secondary ports as well as an impact on feeder carrier rotations."

Coronavirus voided sailings on the transpacific trade have reached 25, with carriers on the Asia-North America west coast trade lane announcing 23 blank sailings.

"In total, roughly 231,100 TEU, 210,800 TEU on Asia-North America west coast and 20,300 TEU on Asia-North America east coast, or six per cent of the total capacity, are slated to be taken out of the Pacific trades in the analysed eight-week period," according to Sea-Intelligence.

The Asia-Europe trade will see a similar pattern with 22 blank sailings, with 16 on Asia-North Europe and six on Asia-Mediterranean. This translates into a total capacity withdrawal of 364,800 TEU, 276,900 TEU on Asia-North Europe and 88,000 TEU on the Asia-Mediterranean route, or 10 per cent of the total capacity on the trade.

Cuts by the alliances are not, however, equal explains Sea-Intelligence, with THE Alliance only withdrawing capacity from one route, the Asia to US west coast trade, out of the four major trade lanes as a result of the coronavirus.

"Even then, they are slated to blank a lower amount compared to 2M and Ocean Alliance on that trade lane," said Sea-Intelligence, adding that in all four major trade lanes, "2M has announced blank sailings equalling roughly 269,200 TEU, which translates into 12 per cent of their total capacity.

"Ocean Alliance is slated to blank 272,300 TEU or 10 per cent of its total capacity. THE Alliance will only blank two per cent of its total capacity, which equates to 41,200 TEU, all to be blanked on Asia-North America west coast route."

On February 7 Sea-Intelligence reported that exports from China has been slashed by up to 350,000 TEU per week, costing the industry US$350 million every week.

Source : HKSG / Illustration : JoC.

[190220.ID.BIZ] Facebook: Kelas Menengah Jadi Tulang Punggung Bisnis Digital 2025

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Sebuah survei yang dilakukan oleh Facebook dan Bain & Company menunjukkan bahwa kelas menengah di Asia Tenggara bakal menjadi tulang punggung pertumbuhan konsumen digital pada 2025.

Hal ini didorong dari membaiknya akses internet dan tingkat kesejahteraan populasi meningkat. Dua hal ini akan menjadi faktor kunci mendorong aktivitas belanja online di Asia Tenggara. Studi tersebut melihat bagaimana prilaku dan preferensi kelas menengah membentuk tren belanja di e-commerce dan ranah online.

Kepala Pemasaran untuk Facebook Indonesia Hilda Kitti menerangkan, studi ini merupakan kelanjutan dari Emerging Middle Class yang dilakukan pada 2018.

Saat itu penelitian menunjukkan bagaimana dunia digital memiliki peran penting dalam pertumbuhan bisnis dan ecommerce di Asia Tenggara, termasuk Indonesia.

"Ada banyak cara berbelanja, dan tidak ada orang yang berbelanja dengan cara yang sama dua kali. Kuncinya adalah merancang strategi pada fase pencarian, mengingat pelanggan berinteraksi dengan banyak mereka melalui berbagai saluran pada waktu yang sama," ujar Hilda di Hermitage Lounge, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (19/2/2020).

Studi mensurvei 12.965 responden di Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina, Singapura, Thailand dan Vietnam, serta mewawancarai lebih dari 30 CEO dan pemodal di wilayah tersebut. Hal ini menunjukkan kelas menengah di Asia Tenggara akan mendominasi 70-80 persen dari pertumbuhan konsumen digital pada 2025.

Menurut Hilda, Facebook telah hadir mendukung bisnis kecil dan besar, serta industri yang lebih luas melalui investasi dalam hal inovasi produk, solusi, program dan kemitraan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan digital dan mendorong dampak ekonomi di Indonesia.

"Di Indonesia, 66 persen responden mengatakan, mereka terbuka untuk memilih merek lain atau akan membeli berbagai merek saat berbelanja online," kata Hilda. "Artinya, seluruh skala bisnis, memiliki peluang besar untuk bersaing dalam cakupan yang lebih besar di Asia Tenggara."

Partner Bain & Company, Edy Wijaya, menyebutkan dari 90 juta konsumen digital pada tahun 2015, Asia Tenggara menunjukkan pertumbuhan sebesar 2,8 kali lipat menjadi 250 juta konsumen digital pada tahun 2018. "Pada tahun 2025, akan ada 310 juta konsumen digital di Asia Tenggara," tutur Edy.

Di Indonesia, angka konsumen digital telah tumbuh pesan dan hal ini mendorong pertumbuhan belanja online. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa konsumen digital di Indonesia tumbuh dari 64 juta, 34 persen dari total populasi pada tahun 2017 menjadi 102 juta, 53 persen atau setelah dari total populasi pada tahun 2018.

"Dengan kenaikan angka konsumen digital ini, pertumbuhan belanja online juga diprediksi tumbuh 3,7 kali dari US$ 13,1 miliar pada 2017, menjadi US$ 48,3 di 2025," tambah Edy.

Sumber : Bisnis, 19.02.2020.

18 Februari 2020

[180220.EN.BIZ] Canada To Back Ban On Heavy Fuel Oil In Arctic at IMO Meeting in London

CANADA will support a ban on scrubbers in the course of lobbying for a ban on the use of heavy fuel oil by ships plying Arctic waters when the UN's International Maritime Organisation (IMO) meet in London, Transport Canada officials announced.

To ban heavy fuel oil use in the Arctic is to ban scrubber technology, which cleans the emissions from burning heavy bunker fuel. Such a ban would boost rival LNG and blend technology.

Transport Canada officials announced their commitment to ban a heavy fuel oil (HFO) during a stakeholder engagement call ahead of the 7th Session of the IMO's Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR7).

"The Government of Canada will publicly announce its position on this issue early next week, once Canada has declared its official position to the international membership of the IMO at the Sub-Committee meeting," Transport Canada officials told Radio Canada International.

This would make Canada the seventh Arctic country to support the ban championed by environmentalist and Eskimo, but faces opposition from shipping companies plying Arctic waters.

Source : HKSG / Map : Britannica.

[180220.ID.BIZ] Bisnis Pergudangan Dan Area Industri di Banjarmasin Mulai Bangkit

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Belum pulihnya kondisi sektor pertambangan, ternyata tidak lantas membuat Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan (Kalsel) terpuruk jauh.

Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Kalsel kini berupaya keras mendorong sektor ekonomi alternatif yang dapat menggantikan sektor pertambangan yang selama ini merupakan primadona di Banjarmasin.

Menjadi salah satu kota utama di Pulau Kalimantan, Banjarmasin sangat strategis sebagai kota transit distribusi barang, karena letaknya dekat dengan kota besar, yakni Surabaya dan Makassar.

Inilah alasan mengapa Banjarmasin tetap dilirik oleh perusahaan dan industri nasional sebagai wilayah ekspansi penting dalam rangka pemerataan distribusi produknya.

Terbukti dalam dua tahun terakhir, ekspansi beberapa perusahaan dan industri nasional terus masuk di Banjarmasin. Perusahaan dan industri tersebut relatif tidak terpengaruh terhadap kondisi perekonomian nasional, sebab produk yang dihasilkan adalah consumer goods (barang konsumsi) yang setiap hari dibutuhkan masyarakat.

Alhasil proyek permintaan akan properti pergudangan dan area industri masih tetap tumbuh. Hal itu dirasakan oleh Ciputra Group yang mengembangkan kawasan pergudangan BizPark Ciputra di Banjarmasin.

 “Untuk perusahaan dan industri yang bergerak consumer goods, mereka tetap melakukan ekspansi usaha. Di Banjarmasin sendiri, kebutuhan atau permintaan terhadap pergudangan dan area industri masih tumbuh, meski tidak dalam jumlah masif,” kata Johan Giam Direktur Ciputra Group dalam keterangan resminya, Selasa, (18/2).

Kebutuhan akan business park atau kawasan industri di Banjarmasin, diyakini oleh Johan terus tumbuh dan akan booming saat sektor pertambangan kembali membaik.

Kata Johan, tahun 2019 permintaan gudang dan kavling industri di BizPark Ciputra Banjarmasin sudah memperlihatkan peningkatan. Dengan masuknya perusahaan farmasi Konimex dan beroperasi sejak 2019 yang membeli lahan seluas 2.016 m².

“Selain itu, ada juga investor besar membeli lahan besar dan membangun pergudangan, lalu disewakan, salah satunya kepada perusahaan consumer goods brand internasional. Para investor melihat ada prospek bisnis pergudangan di Banjamasin cukup besar, dan proyek kami menjadi pilihan utamanya,” jelas Johan.

Sumber : Kontan, 18.02.2020.

17 Februari 2020

[170220.EN.SEA] HMM Net Losses Narrow In 2019 With Increased Sales

SOUTH Korea's biggest shipping company by sales, Hyundai Merchant Marine (HMM) has announced in a regulatory filing that that its net losses narrowed to KRW592 billion (US$501 million) last year from KRW790 billion in 2018.

Operating losses also narrowed to KRW304 billion in 2019 from KRW558.6 billion a year ago. Sales rose 5.6 per cent to KRW5.51 trillion in 2019 compared to the previous year, the company said.

The shipping company has been mired in operating losses since the second quarter of 2015. Hyundai Merchant said its business performance in 2019 was mainly driven by rationalising its service network as well as maximising utilisation of five new very large crude carriers, according to South Korea's Yonhap News Agency.

The South Korean shipper said its profitability could improve this year as a result of new cooperation with THE Alliance and the deployment of twelve 24,000-TEU container ships.

HMM said it "will continue to secure global competitiveness through enhancing operational efficiency, strengthening cost-saving efforts and establishing customer-oriented solutions."

Hyundai Merchant has said its 12 container ships in the 24,000-TEU class are to operate in order starting in April on a route connecting Asia and Europe.

In April, the shipping company is set to join of THE Alliance, one of the world's top three shipping alliances along with 2M Alliance and Ocean Alliance. It has been serving as a strategic partner for 2M Alliance operated by Maersk Line of Denmark and Mediterranean Shipping Co of Switzerland since April 2017, but their partnership is set to expire in March.

Source : HKSG.

[170220.ID.BIZ] Kereta Api Indonesia Menyediakan 233.464 Tiket Per Hari Untuk Akomodasi Lebaran 2020

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. PT Kereta Api Indonesia akan menyediakan 233.464 tiket per hari untuk akomodasi Lebaran tahun 2020. Tiket berlaku untuk semua Daop dan semua tujuan untuk Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Tiket sudah bisa dipesan mulai 14 Februari 2020.

Tahun ini hari raya Idul Fitri 1441 H jatuh pada tanggal 24-25 Mei 2020. Penjualan tiket KA Reguler untuk masa Angkutan Lebaran juga sudah mulai dijual sejak H-90 untuk keberangkatan H-10 Lebaran atau 14 Mei 2020 dan seterusnya.

"Tiket KA Reguler untuk masa Angkutan Lebaran 1441 H akan dijual H-90 sebelum lebaran agar rentang waktunya lebih lama dan tidak terjadi penumpukan dalam satu waktu," kata Yuskal Setiawan VP Public Relations PT KAI kepada Kontan.co.id, Sabtu (15/2).

Yuskal juga menambahkan, agar para pengguna jasa bisa lebih leluasa mempersiapkan waktu keberangkatan dan waktu pemesanan tiket. Menurut dia, pembelian tiket berlaku untuk semua Daop dan semua tujuan untuk Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur.

Guna melayani perjalanan mudik para pengguna kereta api (KA) Yuskal memaparkan, PT KAI menyediakan 374 KA reguler. Menurutnya, sampai saat ini penjualan tertinggi ada pada KA Bengawan yaitu 79% dengan 757 penumpang dari 954 tempat duduk sedangkan untuk KA lainnya menurut Yuskal masih di bawah 50%.

Sedangkan untuk ketersediaan tempat duduk, dalam kurun waktu 22 hari masa Angkutan Lebaran 14 Mei - 4 Juni 2020 (H-10 sampai dengan H+10) untuk keberangkatan KA Reguler di area Daop 1 Jakarta tersedia sebanyak 879.736 tempat duduk, yang terbagi dari 405.856 tempat duduk keberangkatan dari Stasiun Gambir, 426.360 tempat duduk keberangkatan dari Stasiun Pasar Senen, dan 47.520 tempat duduk dari Stasiun Jakarta Kota.

Yuskal juga menuturkan, di masa angkutan Lebaran tahun ini, ada kemungkinan menyediakan KA tambahan. "Tetapi kami belum menentukan berapa banyak jumlah KA tambahan yang disiapkan. Untuk KA tambahan lebaran akan kami umumkan nanti," paparnya.

Yuskal mengatakan, Sebagai langkah antisipasi meningkatnya jumlah pengunjung channel penjualan tiket, KAI telah mengoptimalkan sistem penjualan tiket serta menambah kapasitas server dan bandwidth sebanyak dua kali lipat dari hari biasa.

Yuskal menyebut, pada tahun ini tidak ada peningkatan harga tiket dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya. "Kami fokus untuk kemudahan para calon penumpang untuk mendapatkan tiket. Jadi tidak ada peningkatan, harga masih sama," katanya.

Sumber : Kontan, 17.02.2020.