18 Februari 2020

[180220.EN.BIZ] Canada To Back Ban On Heavy Fuel Oil In Arctic at IMO Meeting in London

CANADA will support a ban on scrubbers in the course of lobbying for a ban on the use of heavy fuel oil by ships plying Arctic waters when the UN's International Maritime Organisation (IMO) meet in London, Transport Canada officials announced.

To ban heavy fuel oil use in the Arctic is to ban scrubber technology, which cleans the emissions from burning heavy bunker fuel. Such a ban would boost rival LNG and blend technology.

Transport Canada officials announced their commitment to ban a heavy fuel oil (HFO) during a stakeholder engagement call ahead of the 7th Session of the IMO's Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR7).

"The Government of Canada will publicly announce its position on this issue early next week, once Canada has declared its official position to the international membership of the IMO at the Sub-Committee meeting," Transport Canada officials told Radio Canada International.

This would make Canada the seventh Arctic country to support the ban championed by environmentalist and Eskimo, but faces opposition from shipping companies plying Arctic waters.

Source : HKSG / Map : Britannica.

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