31 Desember 2010

[311210.EN.SEA] Cosco Strengthens Its Presence in Turkey

(ANKARA) China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (Cosco), China's largest shipping group, has been strengthening its foothold in Turkey since entering the market in 1996.

Cosco, which owns and controls over 800 merchant vessels with an annual carrying capacity of 400 million tonnes, offers container liner services in major Turkish ports, including Istanbul, Izmir and Mersin, and provides ship agency for bulk cargo carriers at all Turkish ports.

With a 13 per cent share in Turkey's container transportation market, Cosco has become an important player in the shipping market of Turkey.

Zhang Zhiliang, former Chinese consul-general in Istanbul and the new Chinese Ambassador to Qatar, said the Cosco Turkey office has acted according to the Turkish law, respected working partners in Istanbul and brought their advantages into full play.

The office has set a good example for the cooperation between Chinese and Turkish companies, he pointed out.

Erdal Tokcan, vice chairman and general manager of Turkey's Marti Container Services SA, said that there has been good synergy between Cosco and Marti, which has a good understanding of the local market.

The Cosco staff always listen to the advice of their partners before making a decision or judgement and act in a fair and reasonable way, he said, noting that Cosco's success in Turkey was based on Chinese culture, etiquette and ethics shown in its interaction with the Turkish side.
'I hope we can foster closer cooperation with Cosco in future,' he added.

Source : Xinhua-BT, 30.12.10.

[311210.ID.BIZ] 2025, Indonesia Masuk 10 Negara Besar

BOGOR, KOMPAS.com - Pada tahun 2025, Indonesia ditargetkan menjadi satu dari sepuluh negara besar di dunia. Saat itu, pendapatan domestik bruto Indonesia diperkirakan mencapai 3,7-4,4 triliun dollar AS, sementara pendapatan per kapita sekitar 12.800-16.160 dollar AS. Target ini termaktub dalam Visi 2025 yang disusun pemerintah.

Menurut Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa, saat ini Indonesia merupakan salah satu dari 16 negara besar di dunia jika mengacu pada proyeksi pertumbuhan. Pertumbuhan Indonesia pada 2010 mencapai enam persen.

Terkait visi 2025, Hatta mengatakan, pemerintah telah menyusun roadmap. Pemerintah, misalnya, mendesain enam koridor sumber devisa negara. Terhadap enam koridor ini, pemerintah memadukan pendekatan sektoral dan regional.

Mereka didorong mengembangkan pengelolaan sumber daya alam yang berbasiskan manufaktur. Jadi, mereka tak sekedar mengekspor bahan mentah saja.

"Kita sudah mengidentifikasi seluruh koridor, mulai dari Sumatera, Kalimantan, Papua, Sulawesi, Maluku, Maluku utara, NTB, dan Bali. Oleh sebab itu, maka tidak ada sumber daya alam yang tidak kita jadikan devisa," katanya di sela-sela retret bidang perekonomian yang digelar Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono di Istana Bogor, Kamis (30/12/2010).

Ia mengatakan, di cluster Jawa dikembangkan industri tekstil dan otomotif. Kalimantan, Sulawesi, hingga Papua juga dikembangkan. Misalnya, pengembangkan food estate dan mineral di Merauke, food industry di Membneramo, serta industri di petro Mimika dan sekitarnya. 

"Semua kita buat time frame-nya dan kita harapkan mulai 2011 kita mulai bergerak," katanya.

Dikatakan Hatta, Indonesia memiliki kekayaan sumber daya alam, gas, geotermal, batubara, kakao, minyak kelapa sawit, timah, nikel, dan bauksit. Hal ini menjadi peluang karena belum diolah dengan baik.

Sumber : Kompas, 30.12.10.

30 Desember 2010

[301210.EN.SEA] US Clean Ports Act and 100pc Cargo Screening Bills Fade Away

TWO troublesome US congressional bills have died on the order paper as the 111th Congress adjourned, and with control passing to Republicans from Democrats, there is little chance of them being revived.

One of the bills, the Clean Ports Act of 2010, sponsored by New York Democratic Senator Jerrold Nadler and supported by the Teamsters union allowed and local government to pre-empt federal laws on motor carriers.

The Nadler bill would allow local governments to set container fees for cleaner trucks and in turn prevent independent drivers using the ports in favour of unionised trucking companies. It would have overridden a federal lawsuit by the American Trucking Associations (ATA), which seeks to have such measures deemed unconstitutional.

The ATA have always held that it is less about clean ports and clean trucks and more about organising and unionising independent truckers.

Although the bills may be resurrected in another form, National Retail Federation vice president Jonathan Gold, who opposed the Nadler, said there is unlikely that it will be revived.

"It's still an issue that we're following and will probably continue until the court case is finally settled," Mr Gold said. "I think the issue stays alive, but the focus might change now to how the drivers are classified, which is a much bigger issue for independent contractors."

The second bill in the Air Cargo Security Act for 100 per cent screening of all-cargo and package express carriers came in the wake of the foiled Yemeni bomb plot, which supported by Massachusetts Democratic Congressman Edward Markey, the author of 2009 legislation on screening of all cargo on passenger flights, was referred to the House Homeland Security Committee where it went no further. 

Source : HKSG, 30.12.10.

[301210.ID.LAN] KAI Fokus Investasi KA Barang

JAKARTA: PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) akan mengalokasikan 100% dana investasi 2011 untuk memperkuat lini bisnis kereta api (KA) barang dengan nilai investasi Rp7 triliun untuk periode 2011—2015. 

Menurut Direktur Utama PT KAI Ignasius Jonan, dana Rp7 triliun tersebut terdiri atas 30% dari kas internal dan 70% dari pinjaman.

Dia menambahkan investasi dilakukan melalui pembelian sejumlah lokomotif, gerbong datar tipe PPCW, kereta pengangkut batu bara tipe KKBW, serta perbaikan pra sarana untuk Sumatra Selatan.

“Investasi di Sumatra Selatan sendiri menghabiskan dana sekitar Rp1,25 triliun untuk pengembangan rel,” ujarnya kepada Bisnis seusai penandatanganan kerja sama pengadaan kereta api wisata Bali, Senin 27 Desember.

Meskipun demikian, Jonan mengatakan untuk KA penumpang tetap disediakan anggaran berupa perawatan armada dan pembenahan fasilitas stasiun pada 2011. Namun, ia mengatakan dana yang dianggarkan tidak terlalu besar, sekitar Rp200 miliar.

Direktur Komersial PT KAI Sulistyo Wimbo Hardjito menuturkan pada 2011, PT KAI mematok pertumbuhan omzet sebesar 12% atau sekitar Rp2,5 triliun untuk KA barang.

Ia menambahkan secara rinci, mulai 2011 akan ada pembelian 144 lokomotif, 1.200 PPCW, 1.800 KKBW, dan investasi Rp1,25 triliun pengembangan jalur KA barang di Sumatra Selatan. 

Wimbo mengatakan pembelian lokomotif, gerbong barang PPCW, dan gerbong barang KKBW tersebut akan datang secara bertahap mulai 2011, dengan rincian 100 lokomotif untuk Pulau Jawa dan 44 lokomotif untuk Pulau Sumatra.

Adapun, pembangunan jalur KA di Sumatra Selatan akan dianggarkan Rp250 miliar per tahun untuk 5 tahun.

“Potensi pasar untuk KA barang masih sangat luas, tapi selama ini kurang optimal digarap oleh PT KAI,” tegas Wimbo.

Dia menambahkan selama ini KA barang baru menyumbang omzet sebesar 40% terhadap seluruh total pendapatan PT KAI, sementara 60% omzet PT KAI diisi dari sektor KA penumpang.

PT KAI, katanya, ingin mengubah komposisi tersebut menjadi 60% dari sektor barang, sedangkan 40% disumbangkan oleh sektor penumpang.

Kurang berpihak

Di tempat terpisah, Direktur Jenderal Perkeretaapian Tundjung Inderawan menyambut baik rencana PT KAI yang akan menginvestasikan 100% dana investasinya untuk KA barang.

Menurut dia, rencana tersebut cukup realistis karena infrastruktur untuk KA barang cukup mengimbangi penambahan armada KA barang.

“Justru bagus, karena angkutan barang lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan dengan angkutan penumpang dan memang perlu dilakukan cross subsidi disitu,” ujarnya.

Namun demikian, Tundjung menghimbau pada PT KAI agar tidak menelantarkan kenyamanan penumpang KA. “Tak masalah jika PT KAI ingin fokus pada KA barang, selama penumpang tetap diakomodir secara baik.”

Tundjung menjelaskan saat ini kebijakan pemerintah—dalam hal ini Kementerian Keuangan—dinilai masih kurang berpihak pada angkutan berbasis rel atau kereta api.

Untuk tahun anggaran 2011 saja, Ditjen Perkeretaapian hanya mendapat alokasi dana sebesar Rp4,1 triliun, padahal kebutuhannya mencapai Rp9 triliun.

“Anggaran untuk Bina Marga itu mencapai Rp26 triliun, sementara instansi saya hanya Rp4,1 triliun, dan itu terjadi hampir setiap tahun,” ujarnya.

Menurut Tundjung, jika pemerintah serius ingin mengalihkan angkutan barang berbasis jalan raya ke angkutan berbasis rel, perlu difokuskan kebijakan anggaran kepada kereta api. (sut)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 27.12.10.

29 Desember 2010

[291210.EN.SEA] NOL Secures Financing for 78pc of 12 Mega Boxship Orders

SINGAPORE's Neptune Orient Lines (NOL) says it has financing for 12 containerships with lenders offering of US$926 million, or 78 per cent of the $1.2 billion needed, NOL said in a filing to the Singapore Exchange.

The rest will come from an earlier bond issue and internal sources, reported Lloyd's List. NOL said financing "will be customary for ship acquisition financing".

Ten 10 ships will be in the 8,400-TEU range while two will be 10,700 TEU and delivered between 2012 and 2014 from Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering.

Source : HKSG, 28.12.10.

[291210.ID.SEA] Arpeni Gagal Bayar Bunga Obligasi Lagi

JAKARTA: PT Arpeni Ocean Line Tbk meyakini tidak mampu melunasi kupon imbal hasil ijarah ke-10 MTN syariah ijarah II/2008 senilai Rp5,15 miliar yang akan jatuh tempo besok, 30 Desember.

"Hal ini dikarenakan posisi likuiditas perseroan saat ini yang tidak baik dan kebutuhan untuk memberikan prioritas kepada kegiatan operasional," ujar Direktur & Sekretaris Perusahaan Arpeni Ronald Nangoi dalam keterbukaan informasi perseroan kepada BUrsa Efek Indonesia hari ini.

Menurut dia, pada saat ini perseroan juga sudah menangguhkan pembayaran bunga atas seluruh utang tanpa jaminan dengan kreditur lainnya.

Dia mengatakan perseroan masih berharap mulai dapat memenuhi lagi kewajiban pembayaran bunga dan imbal hasil setelah proses restrukturisasi perseroan selesai.

Peringkat MTN perusahaan yang berkode saham APOL itu masih berada pada level idCCC(sy) dan peringkat perusahaan sendiri pada level idSD dari PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo).

Sebelumnya, perusahaan yang dipimpin Oentoro Surya itu juga gagal melunasi kupon ke-11 obligasi II/2008 senilai Rp25,28 miliar.

Restrukturisasi sedang dilakukan perseroan dengan sebuah pihak, yang sedang memasuki proses uji tuntas untuk memfinalisasi suntikan modal untuk memperbaiki keuangan perusahaan yang masih tersisa pascakrisis global dua tahun lalu. (bsi)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 29.12.10.

28 Desember 2010

[281210.EN.BIZ] South Africa to turn BRIC into BRICS

(PRETORIA) South Africa announced on Friday it has been invited to join the Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) group of key emerging nations, bolstering its image as the economic gateway to Africa.

Foreign Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane said China, which currently chairs BRIC, invited South Africa to join the group, whose current members will account for 61 per cent of global growth in 2014, according to the International Monetary Fund.

'China, in its capacity as rotating chairperson of the BRIC formation, based on agreement reached by the BRIC member states, invites South Africa as a full member into what will in future be called BRICS,' she told journalists in Pretoria.

'(Chinese) President Hu Jintao also issued a letter of invitation to (South African) President Jacob Zuma to attend the third BRICS leaders' summit, to be held in China in the first quarter of 2011,' she added.

China's state news agency Xinhua confirmed the invitation, saying 'BRIC has accepted South Africa as a full member of the group'.

BRIC, a term coined by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'Neill in 2001 to describe the growing influence of large emerging economies, accounted for about half of global economic growth between 2000 and 2008. The BRIC countries are not formally linked but have held summits and taken steps to boost financial cooperation and investment opportunities.

South Africa's economy is about one-fourth the size of Russia's, the smallest BRIC, but the country had been lobbying heavily to be admitted to the club. Mr Zuma has visited all four member countries this year.

Ms Nkoana-Mashabane called the invitation 'the best Christmas present ever' for South Africa and touted the country's leading role in Africa.

'South Africa will provide a gateway into Africa for BRICS, and everything South Africa does as a member of the forum will be to advance the African agenda,' she said.

But analysts, including the man who coined the term BRIC, said the country does not have the same economic calibre as the group's other members.

'In terms of my thesis of economics, it doesn't make a huge amount of sense,' Mr O'Neill told AFP. 'There are lots of other emerging nations that have more people and/or considerably bigger economies than South Africa,' he added\.

Source : AFP-BT, 27.12.10.

[281210.ID.BIZ] Mendag: India Akan Jadi Prioritas

JAKARTA: India diproyeksikan menjadi pasar nontradisional yang diprioritaskan dalam perdagangan luar negeri Indonesia 2011.

Menteri Perdagangan Mari Elka Pangestu memprediksi akan adanya kemungkinan penurunan pertumbuhan beberapa negara Asia seperi China dan Jepang pada tahun yang akan datang, sehingga Indonesia harus memikirkan diversifikasi pasar.

"Tahun depan, Indonesia harus berjaga-jaga juga karena kemungkinan beberapa negara Asia akan mengalami penurunan pertumbuhan, tetapi India diperkirakan masih tetap tinggi, juga berfikir soal diversifikasi pasar.

Mungkin pertumbuhan perdagangan dengan India menjadi prioritas tahun depan, pasar yang baru," ungkap Mari saat ditemui di kantor Kementerian Koordinasi Perekonomian, Jakarta, kemarin malam (22 Desember 2010).

Mari berharap tahun depan ekspor dapat tumbuh hingga 10%-12% dengan pertumbuhan paling tinggi berasal dari ekspor CPO, batu bara dan karet. Pertumbuhan yang tinggi itu juga berkaitan dengan permintaan India dan China.

Selain itu, dia optimistis terhadap pertumbuhan manufaktur, alas kaki, elektronik, serta otomotif, karena belakangan sektor tersebut mendapatkan investasi baru yang prospektif.

Sementara itu, untuk dalam negeri, Mari merencanakan perbaikan pengelolaan gula. "Arahnya lebih kepada bagaimana kita mengelola kebijakan gula kepada kualitas, tidak lagi dibedakan GKP [gula kristal putih] atau rafinasi, tetapi berdasarkan kualitas, dan standar, misalnya SNI," tutur Mari.

Menurut Mari, rencana itu masih dalam pembahasan. Rencana perbaikan distribusi gula, baik GKP maupun rafinasi juga termasuk dalam pembahasan tersebut. Namun demikian, dia memastikan hingga saat ini belum ada perubahan kebijakan mengenai gula rafinasi. "

Tidak ada perubahan kebijakan, gula rafinasi tetap dibatasi, tidak boleh dijual langsung ke pasar untuk konsumsi. Namun industri kecil, dari dulu memang dibolehkan. Kami tetap ketat menjagaagar tidak terjadi perembesan," tegasnya.(msb)

Sumber : Kompas, 23.12.10.

27 Desember 2010

[271210.EN.SEA] Linescape Launches FRESCO Freight Rate Exchange

FRESCO, the new Freight Rate Exchange for Shipping Containers, has been launched by Linescape in a bid to raise "the bar in competitive purchasing and sales for the freight forwarding sector and buyers of freight services.

The service follows the launch of the company's on-line search engine for container sailing schedules that hosts schedules from more than 120 shipping lines.

FRESCO is said to connect the two main groups of visitors in Linescape's user base, giving access to each other for the purpose of initiating bookings and a business relationship.

"We bring together shippers and forwarders, requesting and offering freight rate quotations, all seamlessly tied in to our sailing schedule search engine," said Linescape's co-founder Dimitrios Sogas.

"Users can now leverage the huge user base Linescape has assembled, and simplify the task of gathering quotes or finding new customers. With just a few simple steps, a shipper can request quotes from a much larger group of forwarders than would previously have been feasible.

"And similarly, forwarders can reach a much wider customer base, all made possible by the broad appeal of Linescape's simple and powerful sailing schedules search engine."

FRESCO users seeking to book a shipment on a specific route can seek a quotation from many logistics providers at one time with one request, ensuring the users receive the most competitive prices.

The system works by freight forwarders and other logistics providers establishing a FRESCO membership, selecting the countries from where they wish to offer quotations, so that they can then start receiving rate requests by email. 

"An added benefit for forwarders is that their company contact details are included in Linescape's directory and appear in Linescape search results, greatly increasing their visibility to thousands of potential new customers," the company said.

"Linescape is an ideal platform for planning container bookings, where users can search and find sailing schedules and get ocean freight rates, all in one place," added co-founder David Tarizzo. "Linescape is a place where shippers and forwarders can do business."

Source : HKSG, 14.12.10.

[271210.ID.LAN] Menhub Minta Proyek Kereta Api Di Bali Direalisasikan

JAKARTA: Menteri Perhubungan Freddy Numberi mengatakan proyek kereta api di Bali harus ditindak-lanjuti dengan aksi nyata.

"Selain menjadi proyek pertama yang menunjang sektor wisata, juga menjadi solusi atasi kemacetan," ungkap Freddy Numberi saat menghadiri MOU Perkeretaapian antara Kemenhub, Kemenbudpar dan PT Kereta Api Indonesia.
Naskah tersebut ditandatangani oleh Firmansyah Rahim, Dirjen Pengembangan Destinasi Kemenbudpar dan Tunjung Inderawan, Dirjen Perkeretaapian Kemenhub, serta Gubernur Bali Made Mangku Pastika di Balairung Kemenbudpar, hari ini.

Menhub mengatakan komitmen MOU itu harus ditindaklanjuti dengan aksi nyata sehingga para direktur jenderal yang terlibat perlu  all-out melakukan tahap lanjutan dan bekerja secara profesional.

"Bangsa kita pintar membuat sejarah lewat MOU (memorandum of understanding) namun pelaksanaannya tidak jelas kapan selesainya. Untuk proyek kereta api di Bali ini saya minta harus ada  progres dan punya target kapan selesainya," tandasnya.

Menurut Menhub, kalau semua pihak bekerja profesional maka tidak ada kata gagal dan proyek kereta api di Bali dapat berjalan dengan baik untuk menunjang pariwisata," ungkap Freddy.

Oleh karena itu pihaknya meminta setelah MOU segera dibentuk tim kerja untuk membahas tindak lanjut dan rencana aksi penyelenggaraan perkeretaapian sepanjang 565 Km mengelilingi pulau Bali.

Saat ini proyek masih tahap komitmen dan studi awal belum ada penentuan jumlah anggaran yang dibutuhkan.
"Alokasi anggaran nantinya dari APBN 2011 dan 2012 dari masing-masing instansi terkait yaitu Kemenhub, Meneg BUMN, Pemprov Bali dan Kemenbudpar. Pengadaan stasiun dan gerbong keretaapinya nanti jadi tanggungan PT KAI," ungkap Freddy. (mfm)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 27.12.10.

26 Desember 2010

[261210.EN.SEA] MTTS Charters Ships From Swee Joo

Kuala Lumpur: Penang-based MTT Shipping Sdn Bhd (MTTS) has chartered 10 vessels from debt-laden PN17 company Swee Joo Bhd, writes The Star.

Swee Joo executive director Allistar Hilton Smith said the fleet comprised seven container ships and three tugboats and barges owned by Swee Joo’s subsidiary, Johan Shipping Sdn Bhd.

“These vessels are chartered for two years as part of Swee Joo’s proposed restructuring scheme to regularise its financial condition,” he told StarBiz yesterday. The charter agreement is to ensure uninterrupted operation of the Swee Joo container vessel chartering business, thus allowing it to focus on addressing its debt problems.

Swee Joo, which owns more than 30 vessels, including four chemical tankers, was classified a PN17 company about four months ago after it defaulted on its loan obligations. The group has total borrowings of some RM466mil. MTTS, a special-purpose vehicle to facilitate the restructuring of Swee Joo group, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the latter last month.

Swee Joo and MTTS shareholders have agreed that within 30 days from the completion of the proposed restructuring scheme, MTTS will be sold to Swee Joo, which will pay for the acquisition of MTTS via the issuance of new shares.

Under the MoU, MTTS must emerge as a substantial shareholder, owning at least a 30% stake in the Swee Joo group on completion of the proposed restructuring scheme. MTTS group executive chairman is Datuk Dr Kenny Ong Kean Lee, who is also chairman of Evergreen Marine Malaysia, which is 49%-owned by Taiwan’s Evergreen Marine Ltd.

Ong also heads the Priority Group of companies which offer total logistics services, including warehousing, multi-modal international freight forwarding, local trucking, container haulage and distribution to local and international multi-national corporations.

Hilton Smith said Johan Shipping had a long working relationship with Evergreen Marine Malaysia as its exclusive agent in Sabah and Sarawak since the 1990′s. “We know each other well and it is a good alliance,” he added. He said Swee Joo was now actively working on the proposed regularisation scheme for presentation to its creditors. The company is required to submit its regularisation plan to the Securities Commission by August, 2011.

On Swee Joo’s coastal vessel operations within Sarawak, he said it was profitable. “With the oil palm industry doing well, there are a lot of fertiliser to be shipped. Besides, there are many building and raw materials to be transported to cater for development projects within Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy,” he added.

Hilton Smith said Swee Joo’s wholly-owned unit, Asia Bulkers Sdn Bhd, which operates the four chemical tankers, was being restructured. The operation of the tankers, which cost a total US$56mil to build, has stopped pending the outcome of the restructuring exercise.

The company was in talks with the lenders and studying options whether to sell the tankers or time charter them, Hilton Smith said. Previously, these tankers transported palm oil products between Malaysia and China, Malaysia and India as well as Indonesia and India.  

Source : STA-Online, 24.12.10.

[261210.ID.BIZ] Indonesia Ekspor Anjungan Minyak

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com PT Gunanusa Utama Fabricators tengah menggarap tiga proyek anjungan minyak dan gas lepas pantai dengan nilai lebih dari 650 juta dollar AS. 

"Platform tersebut dibangun di Cilegon, dan akan dipasang masing-masing di laut Mumbai High India, di Teluk Siam Thailand, dan di Ujung Pangkah Laut Jawa Barat dari Surabaya, Jawa Timur," sebut Presiden Direktur PT Gunanusa Samad Solbai dalam siaran persnya.

Umumnya anjungan lepas pantai terdiri dari dua bagian utama, yaitu di bagian atas disebuttopsidemodule atau deck (yang menempatkan peralatan proses, tempat tinggal, kantor dan lapangan pendaratan helikopter), serta bagian bawah yang disebut jacket, yaitu tiang-tiang penopang yang dipancang di dasar laut. 

“Konstruksi anjungan lepas pantai 90 persen dari baja dan jumlah pekerja untuk ketiga-tiga proyek itu sekitar 6.500 orang. Sebanyak 99 persen adalah orang Indonesia,” kata Samad.

Menurutnya, proyek yang pertama akan selesai adalah proyek ONGC ICP-R yang akan dipasang di Mumbai High yang akan dimuat ke tiga tongkang dan akan diberangkatkan pada akhir bulan Desember 2010.

Antara pemuatan dan pemberangkatan perlu waktu untuk mengikatkannya (seafastening:pengelasan platform ke tongkang, penambahan keperluan safety dan instalasi) ke tongkang selama sekitar 2 minggu. Bobot total topside ONGC ICP-R melebihi 9.000 ton, terdiri dari 5 moduleyang akan disatukan saat pemasangan di lokasinya di India.

Samad mengatakan, proses kerja ICP-R yang dilakukan PT Gunanusa meliputi keseluruhan proses pembangunan anjungan mulai dari desain, pemerolehan, pabrikasi, transportasi, instalasi, dan pengomisian hingga bisa beroperasi. Kemampuan seperti ini merupakan suatu kelebihan karena tidak semua produsen di Asia Tenggara memilikinya.

Sementara itu, proyek kedua yang akan diberangkatkan adalah HESS Ujung Pangkah CPP dan AUP dengan bobot melebihi 6.000 ton dengan tujuan lapangan minyak Ujung Pangkah, Jawa Timur. 

Adapun CPP atau central processing platform berbobot 2.650 ton dengan jaket 260 ton dan AUP atau accomodation and utility platform berbobot 2.080 ton dengan jacket 260 ton. AUP merupakan tempat tinggal untuk 35 pekerja. Kedua struktur tersebut akan dipasang di kedalaman 10 meter.

Proyek ketiga adalah PTTEP QPS (guarter platform south) dengan bobot 3.500 ton dan tempat tinggal untuk 158 orang. Platform itu akan dipasang di lepas pantai Teluk Thailand (Bongkot). 

"Semua hasil kerja di atas adalah karya anak bangsa karena semua pekerjaan dilakukan oleh 99 persen orang Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, kemampuan ini harus selalu ditingkatkan demi mencapai kemajuan bangsa Indonesia ke depannya,” tambah Samad.

PT Gunanusa Utama Fabricators adalah perusahaan nasional konstruksi berat yang berkiprah sebagai engineering, procurement, construction, installation (EPCI), kontraktor anjungan minyak dan gas lepas pantai yang telah menghasilkan lebih dari 100 konstruksi anjungan.

Sumber : Kompas, 24.12.10.

25 Desember 2010

[251210.EN.SEA] Will Carriers Recreate The Success Of This Year’s Rate Hikes In 2011 ?

FREIGHT rates saw a recovery in January this year. Will we see a repeat performance this coming January? Some industry analysts have recently commented that freight rate hikes seem unlikely to happen soon, but some leading carriers, seeing the potential surge in demand at the outset of next year, do expect the same early rate spike will reoccur this time around also. 

The world's three largest shipping lines have announced freight rate increments.

Maersk, the world's largest carrier, has announced that the freight rates for Asia-Central America and west coast South America trade lanes will be increased from US$250 to $300 per TEU starting January.

Likewise, Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), the second largest carrier, is going to raise rates on various trades with effect from January 1. 
The suggested increases are $280 per TEU, as well as $400 per FEU and 40-foot high cube containers for trades between Asia and the Caribbean, Central America East Coast, Cartagena, Panama and Venezuela.

CMA CGM has announced rate increases from January 1. Its Asia-North America freight rates will increase by $320 per TEU, $400 per FEU, $450 per 40-foot high cube or reefer and $510 per 45-footer. Rates between West Africa and the Far East, as well as between west Asia and India, will raise $100 per TEU.

For Asia-Europe trade lanes, rate increases announced by carriers are between $500 and $600 per FEU.

Also, the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has announced a $400 per FEU guideline rate hike for the 2011-12 transpacific contract season, according to Paris-based maritime agency Alphaliner.

However, according to statistics from the Shanghai Shipping Exchange (SSE), freight rates from China have been shrinking in the past five months. The spot rates have declined by 29 per cent after reaching its pinnacle in July.

Alphaliner analysed that the two key factors - capacity and inventory levels - that led to freight rate increases last year are not seen now, implying that the proposed rate hikes will not succeed this time.

Carriers are reported to be reluctant to reduce capacity in the current winter period and some even continue to add new capacity despite the moderate utlisation levels. Inventory levels have also reached a new record high in the US in November as the peak season was pushed forward this year because shippers ordered the goods earlier than usual.

Alpahliner further pointed out that weekly capacity on the Far East-Europe and Far East-North America routes is now 19 per cent higher than 12 months ago.

Barring further capacity cuts, said a Alphaliner report, there will be sufficient capacity in forthcoming January when shippers rush to move goods before Chinese New Year holidays that start the first week of February. 

Also, its statistics showed that the idled box fleet stood at 147 containerships with a combined capacity of 356,000 TEU as of 6 Dec 2010, up 2.5 per cent from 142 ships for 336,000 TEU a fortnight ago. However, the figures indicated that there was an obvious improvement from a peak of 1.52 million TEU idle capacity a year ago.

"Nevertheless, our analysis suggests that much of the volume strength seen during May-August was caused by abnormally high movements of empty containers," reported London's International Freighting Weekly, citing a Macquarie report. 

This suggests that the so-called better-than-expected cargo volume figures in second and third quarters were somewhat exaggerated and did not reflect the whole picture of global sea freight.

If empty containers are excluded in calculation, third-quarter volume only grew two per cent compared to the second quarter, much lower than expected, said International Freighting Weekly (IFW).

"Rates have declined over 22 weeks, as has demand," warned Arthur Worsley, a Freight Investor Services (FIS) container derivatives broker. 

The risk of oversupply remained "palpable" and it would only take the actions of one line to send the entire market into a price war, IFW reported.  

The US stock levels reached a new 20-year high in November as stock replenishment appears to have reached the highest point. "No significant surge in cargo volumes is expected in late December. This could hit carriers' plans for rate increases in 2011," said Alphaliner.

But the newly released US Commerce Department figures show that wholesale inventories in October rose 1.9 per cent, while sales grew 2.2 per cent in October, both better than initially estimated. This implies that companies may be growing confident about the prospects for demand.

The October US retail same-store sales figures were up 1.6 per cent, according to Thomson Reuters, which rose more than estimated and showed "signs of momentum in the economy before the end of the year," said Bloomberg.

"The inventory cycle is maintaining its solid momentum," said Joshua Shapiro, chief US economist at MFR Inc in New York, citing Bloomberg. "With final demand showing more signs of life, it will build on itself. It means better output but also maybe more imports."

Analysts at Macquaire Research and Goldman Sachs looked at the issue from another angle. After analysing the relationship between shipbuilding and growth in container volumes, they have come out with a projection that there would be a shortage of containership capacity in 2012, because the construction and delivery of vessels usually lag behind the forecast growth in container volumes, reported Journal of Commerce.

Indeed, more transpacific capacity is expected in 2011. The CKYH Alliance, comprising Cosco, "K" Line, Yang Ming and Hanjin Shipping, as well as Hainan PO and TS Lines have announced separate plans to launch transpacific services next year, according to Alphaliner.

If Macquaire Research and Goldman Sachs' estimate is correct, the potential threat of overcapacity will not happen and rate hikes will be expected. Nonetheless, the drawback of this analysis is that it overlooked the influence of global economic performance over the demand for boxship capacity.

A recent China Export Container Transport Market Report published by Shanghai Shipping Exchange (SSE) said that "no signs of recovery could be perceived in the American economy." According to the figures of the US Federal Reserve on the November 23, the US economic growth rate had been down to 2.4-2.5 per cent from 3-3.5 per cent estimated in June.

"Besides, the excessive money supply engendered by the US outperformed quantitative currency easing policy may evoke a global inflation, whose negative social effect would be increasingly evident in the next few months and bring a lot of uncertainties to the China's export containerised transport," said the SSE report.

Adversely, most EU countries are at present beset with severe debt crisis, so they are no better than the US about the economic uncertainties.

If the rebound is not sustainable, overcapacity may trigger market share competition and rate war. Therefore, unless carriers maintain "discipline" and make best endeavours to balance the supply and demand, "a rate war is likely to ensue," our sister publication
 Hong Kong Shipping Gazettewas quoted as saying.

Source : CSM, 14.12.10.

[251210.ID.BIZ] Afsel Diminta Bergabung Dengan BRIC

BEIJING: Afrika Selatan diminta secara resmi untuk bergabung dengan kelompok BRIC yang terdiri dari Brasil, Rusia, India dan China

Presiden China Hu Jintao menulis surat kepada mitranya dari Afsel, Jacob Zuma untuk memberitahu tentang keputusan itu. Zuma diundang untuk menghadiri pertemuan ketiga kepala negara BRIC yang akan diadakan di Beijing tahun depan, kata Menlu China Yang Jiechi hari ini.

Afsel, yang berpenduduk 49 juta jiwa, akan dapat meningkatkan perannya di panggung dunia bila bergabung dengan emerging market. Afsel juga dapat memperkuat hubungan perdagangan dan politik di dalam blok itu.

Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, Menteri Hubungan dan Kerjasama Internasional Afsel, mengatakan bergabung dengan kelompok itu merupakan hadiah Natal terbaik.

“Kami akan menjadi pintu gerbang utama bagi Negara BRIC. Meski penduduk kami kecil, kamti tak hanya bicara Afsel, kami bicara Afrika secara keseluruhan,” ujarnya.

Zuma telah melakukan kunjungan kenegaraan ke semua anggota BRIC sejak dia berkauasa pada Mei tahun lalu. Pemerintah telah melakukan lobi yang intensif agar bias bergabung dengan kelompok itu, yang sekarang lebih dikenal dengan BRICS. (tw)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 25.12.10.

24 Desember 2010

[241210.EN.AIR] Airbus Foresees Demand For 1,000 Freighters In The Next Twenty Years

According to Airbus' Global Market Forecast, (GMF), the industry will require almost 26,000 new aircraft valued at US$3.2 trillion between 2010 and 2029, 1,000 of which will be freighters.

The demand for these aircraft is driven primarily by the need to replace aircraft with newer more eco-efficient models in mature markets, dynamic growth in new emerging markets, low-cost carriers particularly in Asia, further market liberalisation and capacity growth on existing routes.
Freight traffic is recovering at 5.9%, and is expected to rebound closer to 18% in 2010 before levelling off at more typical growth levels by the end of 2011.
Combined with fleet renewal, this translates to a demand for around 2,980 freighters. While some 870 will be new aircraft valued at US$211 billion, 2,110 will be converted from passenger aircraft.
Aircraft are getting bigger as airlines capitalise on the benefits of larger aircraft to absorb traffic growth, minimise airport congestion, reduce costs and increase eco-efficiency.
Demand for Very Large Aircraft (VLA) passenger and freighter aircraft, like the A380, is more than 1,700 valued in excess of US$570 billion.

Source : EFT, 20.12.10.

[241210.ID.BIZ] Indonesia : 55 Jenis Barang Bebas Bea Masuk

JAKARTA : Pemerintah menambah 55 jenis barang dan bahan pembuatan komponen kendaraan bermotor yang dibebaskan bea masuk guna memperkuat daya saing industri tersebut.

Dalam Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) No. 47/PMK.011/2010 tentang Bea Masuk Ditanggung Pemerintah atas Impor Barang dan Bahan Guna Pembuatan Komponen Kendaraan Bermotor untuk Tahun Anggaran 2010, pemerintah hanya memberikan fasilitas bea masuk yang ditanggung pemerintah (BMDTP) untuk 145 item barang dan bahan pembuatan komponen kendaraan bermotor.

Namun, direvisi dengan PMK No.214/PMK.011/2010 yang berlaku per 2 Desember lalu dengan menambahnya menjadi 200 item.

“Jenis barang dan bahan pembuatan komponen kendaraan bermotor yang ditanggung bea masuknya oleh pemerintah, yang pada peraturan sebelumnya berjumlah 145 item menjadi 200 item guna memperkuat daya saing industri kendaraan bermotor di Tanah Air,” ujar Kepala Biro Humas Kementerian Keuangan Yudi Pramadi dalam siaran persnya, hari ini.

Menurut Yudi, beberapa contoh tambahan jenis barang atau bahan komponen kendaraan yang bea masuknya ditanggung pemerintah, a.l. PVC Plastisol (cairan), Acrylic pulp (serat), Pita Perekat (gulungan), Film Graphic (gulungan), PVB Film (gulungan), Rubber Compound (lembaran), Karet campuran tidak divulkanisasi (bales), Rubber Sponge (dari karet seluler dalam bentuk batang dengan profil segi empat).

Selain itu Insulator Hose (gulungan), Filter Paper (lembaran dan gulungan), Filter Paper Glasin dan Transparan (lembaran dan gulungan), Nylon/Spun polyester (gulungan), Ceramid Fiber (serat), Rayon Powder (serbuk), Non Woven Filter Fabric (gulungan), V-Belt cord (gulungan), Canvas Fabric (gulungan), dan Fiber Glass (serat).(api)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 23.12.10.

23 Desember 2010

[231210.EN.BIZ] World Economy, Shipping Demand And Capacity Outlook

THE global economy is a crucial factor in determining the direction of the container shipping market, as it impacts on the number of export volumes that are shipped out to consumers across the world, and for the shipping lines, this then reflects on their vessel utilisation levels. 
Today in The Container Shipping Manager we will look at the level of confidence in the global economy going forward and what implications that has for global trade volumes and ultimately to what degree shipping capacity will be utilised based on the current outlook.
First, let’s look at the GDP growth projections for the full year 2010 and 2011 as an indicator for the health of the global economy going forward, as shown in the table above.
From the above figures it appears that the recovery in 2010 represents a V shaped recovery after global GDP contracted last year. Both China and India have helped lead the way in terms of the bounce back in 2010 with GDP growth in the two countries expected to reach 9.9 and 8.4 per cent respectively. 
What is not shown in the table is the strong growth also posted by a number of the Southeast Asian countries as well.
Despite what is expected to amount to a very strong recovery in 2010, next year the growth is expected to be a little more conservative, and the above figures concur with this assertion. 
This more conservative expectation for 2011 comes as economists and analysts are still cautious over the lingering issues of unemployment and the generally slow rate of economic recovery in the US and Europe. 
At the bottom of the table, we can also see the expectations for world trade growth, which is based on the GDP growth projections. 
World trade shrunk by roughly 11 per cent in 2009, but is expected to recover by 11.4 per cent this year, which means not only did the market bounce back, it even surpassed, albeit by less than one per cent, the contraction last year. 

Source : CSM, 15.12.10.