31 Juli 2016

[310716.EN.BIZ] ACCC Sues Japan's NYK Group For Alleged Shipping Cartel

AUSTRALIAN Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC), the country's competition watchdog, has for the first time used its power to launch criminal prosecutions for cartel behaviour in a case filed against Japanese shipping group NYK.

It's the first time the ACCC has used its criminal cartel powers, which attract stiff penalties including jail time, since they were granted in 2009 following the watchdog's exposure of collusion between packaging giants Visy and Amcor, The Australian reported.

If found guilty, corporations face severe fines of up to AUD 10 million (US$7.6 million), 10 per cent of their annual turnover or three times their ill-gotten gains, whichever is larger, while individuals can be jailed for up to 10 years.

An NYK spokeswoman said: "I do not feel that it is appropriate to comment at this stage other than to note that NYK has co-operated fully with the ACCC during the course of its investigation."

The exact charges against NYK are not known. The ACCC declined to comment.

However, in March the US Department of Justice (DoJ) said it had jailed an executive of the company, Susumu Tanaka, for 15 months for his role in a price-fixing and bid-rigging conspiracy over international shipping of roll-on, roll-off cargo such as cars and trucks.

This followed NYK paying a US$59.4 million fine in December after pleading guilty over its involvement in the same conspiracy from 1997 until 2012.

Four companies, including NYK, pleaded guilty to participating in the RO-RO cartel and were fined a total of $230 million, the DoJ said. Eight executives were charged, with four, including Tanaka, jailed while the other four remain as "fugitives from justice".

The DoJ's latest scalp came last week when Norwegian line Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics pleaded guilty to price fixing and agreed to pay a $98.9 million fine.

In documents filed with the US District Court in Baltimore, Maryland, the DoJ said that at meetings of the cartel participants "discussed and exchanged prices for certain customer tenders so as not to undercut each other's prices".

Source : HKSG.

[310716.ID.BIZ] Perusahaan China Kian Menyerbu Amerika Serikat

SEJAK kunjungan Presiden Xi Jinping ke Amerika Serikat (AS) pada awal 2016, China sepertinya makin gencar menjalin hubungan ekonomi dengan negara adidaya ini. Sebagai negara dengan ekonomi terkuat kedua di dunia, para pengusahanya tentu tak segan-segan menggelontorkan dana jutaan hingga miliaran dollar untuk mengekspansi bisnis mereka ke negeri Paman Sam.

Maka tak heran ketika di paruh pertama 2016 ini China berhasil mencetak rekor jumlah investasinya di Amerika Serikat.

Pengusaha-pengusaha China sepertinya semakin getol melakukan ekspansi ke sampai ke seberang Samudera Pasifik. Buktinya total nilai investasi perusahaan-perusahaan China di Amerika Serikat berhasil mencatatkan rekor baru. Tak tanggung-tanggung, menurut data yang dirilis Rhodium Group, nilainya mencapai US$ 18,4 miliar pada semester pertama 2016.

Sebagai perbandingan, total investasi perusahaan China di Amerika Serikat hanya sebesar US$ 6,4 miliar pada periode yang sama tahun lalu dan hanya sebesar US$ 15,3 miliar sepanjang 2015. Artinya nilai investasi China di Negeri Paman Sam ini meningkat sampai nyaris tiga kali lipat dibandingkan dengan paro pertama tahun lalu.

Mengutip dari Forbes, peningkatan yang luar biasa ini disebabkan oleh akuisisi perusahaan-perusahaan di sektor swasta. Tercatat ada 55 akuisisi yang sudah selesai di berbagai bidang. Mulai dari sektor layanan, teknologi, consumer-oriented asset, dan juga greenfield project baik itu di bidang infrastruktur atau pun manufaktur.

Jumlah tersebut dipastikan akan bertambah karena perusahaan-perusahaan dari negeri tirai bambu ini belum memperlihatkan akan mengendorkan hasrat mereka berinvestasi di AS. Rhodium group mencatat, setidaknya ada sejumlah rencana konsolidasi dan akuisisi senilai US$ 23 miliar yang masih dalam proses.

Di antaranya penawaran senilai US$ 6 miliar konglomerat penerbangan dan jasa pengiriman China, HNA Group terhadap Ingram Micro. Pun penawaran senilai US$ 6,5 miliar dari Anbang Insurance Group untuk membeli Strategic Hotels. Namun, ada apa dibalik itu?

Sumber : Kontan, 31.07.16.

30 Juli 2016

[300716.EN.BIZ] Ahrma Designs a 'Smart' Pallet

DUTCH start-up Ahrma has launched a "revolutionary" smart pallet that combines the best characteristics of both wooden and plastic pallets.

By using a technique of spraying the PU-Coating Elastocoat-C of BASF on a specially developed wood composite inner structure, developed by Greenpanel, Ahrma has created a pallet that is more durable and lighter than other types of pallets. The pallet is produced in components and assembled with a special adhesive at the first point of usage.

Currently a small group of triple-A launching customers are commercially testing this "pallet loaded with innovation," a company statement said.

"The pallet industry hasn't shown any major innovation in the last 50 years," said managing director Erik de Bokx. "Ahrma aims to be a frontrunner in this industry by adapting The Internet of Things in logistics," he said.

The embedded transponder in each pallet has several radio-protocols: a long-range protocol for factory and warehouse wide coverage and a short-range protocol for smartphone scanning.

Transponders communicate with intelligent low cost receivers that are mounted at strategic places on the customer premises.

Such an intelligent system offers great benefits in the reuse of transport packaging market as all assets can be tracked & traced in real time with very little operator input and minimal costs and minimal investments in infrastructure.

Furthermore, the transponder allows for measurement of acceleration, temperature and weight, allowing users to access operational data through the company's supply chain big data system.

Source : HKSG.

[300716.ID.BIZ] Bisnis Obat Kalbe Farma Menggeliat

Jakarta. Perusahaan farmasi PT Kalbe Farma Tbk percaya diri menjalani paruh kedua tahun ini. Sampai akhir tahun, emiten berkode saham KLBF di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) ini optimistis mencetak pertumbuhan penjualan 8%–10%.

Dari sisi laba operasional, Vidjongtius, Direktur sekaligus Sekretaris Perusahaan Kalbe Farma Tbk mematok kenaikan laba 14%–15%. "Kurs rupiah stabil dan membuat beban bahan baku impor kami berkurang, sehingga ada kenaikan laba," kata Vidjongtius saat dihubungi KONTAN, Kamis (28/7).

Optimisme mencapai target diyakini bisa tercapai karena sampai dengan semester pertama 2016, Kalbe Farma telah menorehkan pendapatan Rp 9,56 triliun atau naik 9,6% ketimbang periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya senilai Rp 8,72 triliun.

Adapun laba Kalbe Farma pada semester pertama 2016 tertoreh senilai Rp 1,17 triliun. Perolehan tersebut naik 8,1% ketimbang laba pada periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya senilai Rp 1,08 triliun.

Kontributor penjualan Kalbe Farma terbesar berasal dari bisnis distribusi dan logistik yang berkontribusi 30,5% terhadap  pendapatan. Setelah itu obat resep 24,2%.

Vidjongtius menjelaskan, komposisi penjualan tidak akan banyak berubah sampai akhir tahun ini. "Porsinya hampir sama walaupun ada potensi masing-masing segmen untuk tumbuh," jelas Vidjongtius.

Selain karena ada kenaikan penjualan, Kalbe Farma diuntungkan oleh kurs mata uang yang relatif stabil. Perlu diketahui, gejolak mata uang sangat berpengaruh bagi perusahaan yang berdiri tahun 1966 tersebut. Sebab, produk farmasi dan produk kesehatan yang mereka produksi mengandalkan bahan baku impor yang mencapai 90%.

Sampai dengan Juni 2016, Kalbe Farma telah merogoh dana senilai Rp 1,98 triliun untuk membeli bahan baku dan bahan kemasan. Angka tersebut naik dari 17,15% dari periode yang sama sebelumnya senilai Rp 1,69 triliun.

Salah satu lini bisnis Kalbe Farma yang punya potensi tumbuh adalah bisnis obat resep. Vidjongtius bilang, belakangan banyak perusahaan besar membuka dan mengembangkan bisnis rumah sakit. Jika rumah sakit terus bertambah, maka jumlah pelanggan obat resep Kalbe Farma juga akan bertambah.

Asal tahu saja, 70% penjualan obat resep Kalbe Farma menyasar rumah sakit swasta. Sedangkan obat bagi rumah sakit pemerintah berkontribusi 30%.

Jadi, Vidjongtius bilang, berkembangnya bisnis rumah sakit di tanah air akan berdampak positif bagi bisnis mereka. "Kami terus menjual obat resep bermerek di rumah sakit swasta dan generik di rumah sakit pemerintah," kata Vidjongtius.

Lanjutkan ekspansi

Setelah melihat kinerja yang positif tersebut, produsen farmasi terbesar di Asia Tenggara itu kembali melanjutkan ekspansinya. Asal tahu saja, tahun ini Kalbe Farma mengalokasikan belanja modal senilai Rp 1 triliun – Rp 1,5 triliun untuk ekspansi.

Sampai Juni 2016, manajemen Kalbe Farma telah membelanjakan Rp 600 miliar. Dana ini mereka digunakan untuk membangun pabrik Bio Tech di Cikarang, dan membangun pabrik susu yang beroperasi April 2016 lalu.

Untuk proyek pabrik Bio Tech, saat ini proses pembangunannya masih berjalan dan ditargetkan rampung 2017 dan beroperasi pada tahun 2018. Pabrik tersebut ditargetkan tak hanya sekadar memproduksi produk obat biologi semata, pabrik hasil kerjasama dengan Genexine Inc dari Korea Selatan itu ditargetkan bisa menjadi media alih teknologi.

Dengan kehadiran pabrik tersebut, maka bisa meningkatkan kemampuan Kalbe Farma memproduksi bahan baku obat di pabrik sendiri. Jika bisa produksi bahan baku sendiri, Vidjongtius yakin dalam dua sampai tiga tahun nanti, pihaknya bisa mengurangi impor bahan baku. "Bila bahan impor berkurang pastinya beban perusahaan berkurang, hasilnya laba naik," kata Vidjongtius.                 

Sumber : Kontan, 30.07.16.

29 Juli 2016

[290716.EN.SEA] Hapag-Lloyd Inks Agreement With UASC To Merge

GERMAN-CHILEAN transportation company Hapag-Lloyd and United Arab Shipping Company (UASC) have signed a business combination agreement to merge both companies.

Following the integration, the new Hapag-Lloyd will rank among the five largest container shipping lines in the world, with 237 vessels and a total transport capacity of around 1.6 million TEU and an annual transport volume of 10 million TEU. The merged entity will have a combined turnover of approximately US$12 billion, according to The Maritime Executive.

The fleet of the combined company will include UASC's six recently received 18,800 TEU ships, known for their superior eco-efficiency credentials, as well as eleven newly built 15,000 TEU ships, the last of which will be delivered soon. With an average age of 6.6 years and average size of 6,600 TEU the combined company will have one of the most modern and efficient vessel fleets in the industry.

The combined company will remain a registered and stock listed company in Germany with its head office in Hamburg. CSAV, HGV (City of Hamburg) and Kuhne Maritime will remain controlling shareholders of Hapag-Lloyd.

The majority shareholders of UASC, Qatar Holding LLC (QH) and The Public Investment Fund of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (PIF), will become new key shareholders of Hapag-Lloyd holding 14 per cent (QH) and 10 per cent (PIF) respectively.

CEO of Hapag-Lloyd, Rolf Habben Jansen, said: "This strategic merger makes a lot of sense for both carriers as we are able to combine UASC's emerging global presence and young and highly efficient fleet with Hapag-Lloyd's broad, diversified market coverage and strong customer base.

"Furthermore it will give the new Hapag-Lloyd access to ultra large container vessels. After the successful integration of CSAV which was concluded mid of 2015 this transaction with UASC is another historic milestone for Hapag-Lloyd. The merger reinforces our position as a top five and one of the largest truly global carriers in liner shipping."

President and CEO of UASC, Jorn Hinge, said: "With this merger, we are embarking on an exciting new phase of UASC's growth. Leveraging on UASC's heritage in the Middle East as well as our recent growth in other markets, the combined company will provide customers with valuable expertise and very efficient service offerings in all major trade lanes and markets around the world".

The company will be the key player in the new "THE Alliance" consisting of Hanjin, Hapag-Lloyd, K-Line, Mitsui O.S.K Lines, Nippon Yusen Kaisha and Yang Ming. THE Alliance is scheduled to begin operation in April 2017 and will cover all East-West trade lanes including Asia-Middle East/Arabian Gulf and Red Sea.

Following regulatory and contractual approvals, the merger is expected to be completed by the end of 2016. Until then, UASC and Hapag-Lloyd will continue to operate as stand-alone companies. Each company will also operate in its own alliance as currently structured until the end of March 2017, after which THE Alliance will commence operations.

Source : HKSG.

[290716.ID.BIZ] Cikarang Dry Bisa Pangkas Biaya Logistik Kapas

JAKARTA. Pusat Logistik Berikat Cikarang Dry Port kembali menerima pengiriman kapas kedua dari Brazil. Pengiriman ini diklaim bisa menghemat biaya logistik pengusaha tekstil di tanah air. Selama ini pengambilan kapas hanya bisa dilakukan di Malaysia sebagai tempat penyimpanannya.

“Mereka tak perlu jauh-jauh untuk mengambil persediaan kapas dari Malaysia. Maklum, selama ini stok komoditas itu hanya bisa disimpan di negeri Jiran itu," kata Ernovian G Ismy, Sekjen Asosiasi Pertekstilan Indonesia (API) dalam keterangan tertulis, Jumat (29/7).

Selain memangkas beban logistik, pengirimkan ke PLB di Cikarang juga bisa meringankan beban cash flow para pengguna kapas khususnya pabrik tekstil. Beban cash flow pabrik-pabrik tekstil pengguna kapas akan lebih ringan hingga tiga bulan. Kebutuhan kapas untuk industri tekstil nasional setiap tahun diperkirakan mencapai 650.000 ton hingga 700.000 ton.

Iskandar Zulkarnaen, Ketua Komite Tetap Konektivitas & Multimoda, Kepelabuhanan dan Kebandaraan KADIN Indonesia menambahkan, PLB ini merupakan langkah awal untuk menjadikan Indonesia tidak hanya sebagai maritime hub seperti cita-cita pemerintah menjadi logistics hub di Asia Tenggara. Konsep Pusat Logistik Berikat dinilai bersifat strategis untuk memberikan kepastian pasokan bahan baku bagi industri nasional, dalam hal ini kapas.

“Selanjutnya dapat dikembangkan agar menjadikan Indonesia sebagai logistics hub di Asia Tenggara. Letak Indonesia yang strategis menguntungkan untuk tujuan tersebut,” imbuhnya.

Sumber : Kontan, 29.07.16.

28 Juli 2016

[280716.EN.BIZ] Rivals MSC, CMA CGM Tie-up In Backing TRAXENS Box Tracker

THE WORLD's second biggest container shipping company, Geneva-based MSC (Mediterranean Shipping Company) the second largest, Marseilles' CMA CGM have joined in backing French start-up, TRAXENS container monitoring software provider.

Founded in 2012, TRAXENS has been developing unique solutions for the cargo logistics arena, and has created an innovative container monitoring and coordination system, said the MSC-CMA CGM joint statement.

With a combined fleet of 4.5 million boxes these two transport 25 per cent of the world's shipping containers.

The agreement involves CMA CGM and MSC investment with each having a seat on the TRAXENS board.

The deployment of the TRAXENS devices across the fleets of both carriers will be announced in late this year, said the statement.

Said MSC president and CEO Diego Aponte: "We see container monitoring as an important innovation when we compete on service, but we co-operate in technology and innovation."

Said CMA CGM vice chairman Rodolphe Saade: "We recognised the need for more and better data coming from our containers quite a while ago. We are proud to have identified the potential of the TRAXENS solution early on."

Said TRAXENS founder and CEO Michel Fallah: "Our solution was designed to be a global solution for all container companies. This is an encouraging step towards setting a market standard."

Source : HKSG.

[280716.ID.BIZ] Dirut AP II Kosong : Pengganti Definitif Masih Disiapkan

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Rini Soemarno mengatakan posisi Direktur Utama Angkasa Pura II (Persero) definitif masih diproses sebelum diajukan untuk disetujui oleh Presiden Joko Widodo.

Rini mengatakan pengganti definitif Budi Karya Sumadi yang dilantik menjadi Menteri Perhubungan, kemarin (27/7/2016), bakal melewati persetujuan Presiden Joko Widodo , maksimal 30 hari ke depan setelah Budi melepas jabatannya.

“Iya nanti, proses harus ke Presiden dulu,” katanya di kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Kamis (28/7/2016).

AP II merupakan BUMN strategis yang dalam penunjukkan direksi harus melalui seleksi tim penilai akhir (TPA). Presiden bertindak sebagai Ketua dalam memutuskan pengganti direksi.

Biasanya, Kementerian BUMN bakal melakukan fit and proper test sebelum mendapatkan sedikitnya 3 calon pengganti yang disodorkan dalam TPA untuk disetujui Presiden.

Saat ini, Rini mengatakan AP II akan dipimpin oleh pelaksana tugas (Plt) Direktur Utama yang pemilihannya dilakukan secara otomatis oleh Dewan Komisaris perusahaan pelat merah tersebut.

“Otomatis dewan komisaris yang tentukan, bukan saya,” ujarnya.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 28.07.16.

27 Juli 2016

[270716.EN.BIZ] DP World Volume Up 2.5pc To 31.4 Million TEU In First Half

DUBAI's global port operator, DP World has announced that it handled 31.4 million TEU, up 2.5 per cent year on year at all its container terminals during the first half, reported TradeArabia News Service.

Growth in the first half of 2016 was largely driven by a strong performance from our European and Indian subcontinent terminals.

Conditions in Australia and Latin America remain challenging while the UAE handled 7.4 million TEU, down six per cent year on year due to a reduction in lower margin cargo, it said.

At a consolidated level, the company's terminals handled 14.6 million TEU during the first half of 2016, a 1.6 per cent improvement in performance on a reported basis and down 1.4 per cent year-on-year on a like-for-like basis, a statement added.

"Despite challenging market conditions in the first half of the year, our portfolio continues to deliver growth," said DP World chairman and CEO Ahmed Bin Sulayem.

"We expect the second half of 2016 to show an improved performance as our new developments in Rotterdam, Mumbai's Nhava Sheva, London Gateway (UK) and Yarimca (Turkey) deliver an increasing contribution," he said.

"We continue to focus on driving profitability by targeting higher margin cargo, improving efficiencies and managing costs. We are encouraged by the progress we have made in the first half of 2016, and we remain confident in meeting full year market expectations," said Mr Sulayem.

"We continue to focus on driving profitability by targeting higher margin cargo, improving efficiencies and managing costs," said Mr Sulayem. "We are encouraged by the progress we have made in the first half of 2016, and we remain confident in meeting full-year market expectations."

DP World plans to spend between US$1.2 billion and $1.4 billion this year to expand its terminals in Jebel Ali in Dubai, the Economic Zones World free zone in Jebel Ali, London Gateway in the UK and Prince Rupert in British Columbia, Canada.

It expects to have about 86 million units of gross global capacity by the end of this year, up from 79.6 million units at the end of last year, reports the National of Abu Dhabi.

DP World's net profit rose by 30.7 per cent last year, beating analyst expectations, thanks to the port operator's acquisition of a free zone in Dubai in 2014 and growth in throughput.

Source : HKSG.

[270716.ID.BIZ] Pembangunan KEK Tanjung Api-Api Ditargetkan Akhir 2017

Bisnis.com, PALEMBANG--Salah satu pengembangan prioritas di Sumatera ialah Kawasan Eekonomi Khusus (KEK) Tanjung Api-Api yang terletak di Kab. Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan.

Area seluas 2.300 hektare ini rencananya akan dikelola oleh perusahaan joint venture antara Pemprov Sumsel melalui BUMD dan PT Hutama Karya (Persero).

Pemerintah sudah menetapkan Kawasan Industri (KI) maupun KEK baru di Sumatera, yakni KEK Sei Mangke dan KI Kuala Tanjung di Sumatera Utara, serta KEK Tanjung Api-Api.

Direktur Pengembangan HK Putut Ariwibowo menyampaikan, dalam 9 bulan ke depan pihaknya bersama BUMD yang ditunjuk Pemprov Sumsel akan membentuk perusahaan patungan (joint venture) sebagai pengelola KEK Tanjung Api-api. Adapun groundbreaking akan dilakukan pada akhir 2017.

Menurutnya, biaya investasi KEK tersebut memerlukan dana sekitar Rp15-Rp20 triliun. Sejumlah industri yang sudah menawarkan diri untuk masuk di antaranya ialah batubara, powerplant, petrokimia, kimia dasar, dan tekstil.

Untuk mempermudah aksesibilitas, dari Tanjung Api-api ke Palembang akan dibandung tol sepanjang 70 km. Jalan bebas hambatan ini akan terintergasi dengan rencana Tol Trans Sumatera sepanjang 2.770 km.

Saat ini, HK bertugas membangun delapan ruas jalan bebas hambatan prioritas dengan panjang 650 km. Delapan ruas tersebut ialah Medan—Binjai (17 km), Palembang—Indralaya (22 km), Pekanbaru—Dumai (130 km), Bakauheuni—Terbanggi Besar (140 km), Terbanggi Besar—Pematang Panggang (100 km), Pematang Panggang—Kayu Agung (80 km), Palembang—Tanjung Api Api (70 km), dan Kisaran—Tebingtinggi.

Menurut Putut, delapan ruas prioritas membutuhkan dana Rp83 triliun. Sekitar Rp52 triliun berasal dari ekuitas perusahaan, sedangkan sisanya berasal dari pinjaman.

"Sumber dana bisa dari pinjaman Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), dana repatriasi tax amnesty, perbankan, dan sisa blue book Kementerian PUPR sebesar Rp16 trilun," ujarnya kepada Bisnis.com di Palembang, Selasa (26/7/2016).

Delapan ruas tol prioritas saat ini masih dalam tahap pengembangan dengan progress pembangunan yang berbeda. Namun, Putut menjamin semuanya akan selesai pada 2019.

Direktur Keuangan HK Realtindo Taufik Hendra Kusuma menambahkan, sudah ada dua perusahaan besar yang berminat masuk ke Tanjung Api-Api, yakni China Fortune Land Development dan Boustead Projects asal Singapura. Dia berharap adanya perusahaan besar dapat menarik minat investor lainnya.

"Fortune Land memiliki 8 kawasan industri di China dengan besaran minimal 1.000 hektare. Sementara Boustead berpengalaman sebagai pengelola logistik Bandara Changi . Kami harap dapat bersinergi," ungkapnya.

Adapun pengembangan deep sea port akan dilakukan oleh perusahaan pengelola pelabuhan Oropesa Porth Management (OPM) asal Australia.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 27.07.16.

26 Juli 2016

[260716.EN.BIZ] Latest Maersk-MSC 'back to the future' Move Favours Panama Over Suez

2M MEMBERS Maersk and MSC have made a strategic move in their Far East-US east coast loops, dropping the Suez priority and returning the headhaul to Panama in a new 'round-the-world service.

From early September, Maersk and MSC will re-route one of their joint Asia to US east coast loops from Suez to Panama under the 2M accord in a revamp of their Asia-USEC all-water services, reports Alphaliner.

The TP-12/Empire service, now part of a pendulum that also includes a Far East-WCNA TP-8/New Orient string operated with 17 ships in the 8,400 to 9,500-TEU range, will become a 'round the-world service using the Panama route on the headhaul instead of Suez.

The new TP-12/Empire will be run in 11 weeks with 11 ships of 8,500 TEU, calling at Hong Kong, Shenzhen-Chiwan, Shenzhen-Yantian, Ningbo, Shanghai, Busan, (Panama), New York-NJ, Norfolk, Baltimore, New York-NJ, (Suez), Salalah, Colombo, Singapore and back to Hong Kong.

The additional call at Busan allows it to offer a direct connection between Korea and the ports of New York, Norfolk and Baltimore, notes Alphaliner, the Paris-based container research house.

Transit times from Ningbo and Shanghai to the USEC arealso improved as a result. The westbound backhaul call at Tanjung Pelepas is removed and replaced by Singapore.

The TP-8/New Orient is to be combined with the TP-11/America within a new pendulum running in 17 weeks with 17 ships of 8,500 TEU. A direct link from Xiamen and Kaohsiung to USEC ports is added, in place of Ningbo, while Norfolk will also be added to the USEC range.

The new pendulum service will call at Shanghai, Xiamen, Kaohsiung, Shenzhen-Chiwan, Shenzhen-Yantian, Cai Mep, Singapore, Salalah, (Suez), New York, Norfolk, Savannah, Charleston, Miami, Freeport (Bahamas), (Suez), Singapore, Qingdao, Shanghai, Busan, Prince Rupert, Long Beach and back to Shanghai.

An eastbound call at Ningbo and a new westbound call at Busan will also be added to the trans-Panama TP-10/Amberjack loop, while the New York call is removed.

The revised service will then cover Qingdao, Xingang, Ningbo, Shanghai, Busan, (Panama), Savannah, Charleston, Jacksonville, (Panama), Busan and back Qingdao.

The rotation of the TP-18/Lone Star Express trans-Panama service, covering Houston, Mobile and Miami, will remain largely unchanged, with only the addition of a westbound call at Freeport in Bahamas.

This service calls at Qingdao, Ningbo, Shanghai, Xiamen, Shenzhen-Yantian, Busan, (Panama), Cristobal (MSC only), Houston, Mobile, Miami, Freeport (Bahamas), (Pan), Balboa, Busan and back to Qingdao.

These two latter services are so far run with classic panamaxes of 4,200-5,100 TEUers, but some of them could be replaced by larger ships due to the Panama Canal expansion. A first unit of larger dimension (of 5,992 TEU) was introduced on the TP-18 in late June.

Source : HKSG.

25 Juli 2016



[250716.EN.BIZ] India Issues Strong China Trade Advisory But Only To Select Trading Bodies

INDIA has issued a stern trade advisory aimed at China - only the fourth such public advisory in six years - warning trading companies about a range of trade-related problems and scams perpetrated by Chinese companies, according to Delhi's India Today.

While the advisory - prompted by a string of trading disputes - was circulated this week by the Indian Consulate in Shanghai to only select trading bodies, the Indian government has sought to play down the warning amid several concurrent strains in ties with China.

Unlike the past three advisories, issued in 2010, 2011 and 2013, this one was not published on the Indian Embassy's website. Traders in Beijing and Tianjin in the north when contacted said they were unaware of the advisory, and questioned why it was only being made available to select trading bodies and community associations if it presented serious warnings about trade with China.

"It is a routine thing," an Indian Embassy official in Beijing said, but offered no comment as to why unlike the previous three advisories it was not published on the embassy's website.

The detailed advisory issued stark warnings about trading with Chinese companies. It said it was "being issued in the interest of Indian traders/small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that intend to or are doing trade with Chinese entities in China.

It listed a range of problems faced by companies, from the supply of "sand, stones, salt, bricks, mud etc in place of chemicals, silicon carbide, aluminium and zinc ingots, shellac, plastics, polymers" to refusals to send consignments despite payments being made.

The advisory offered a list of precautions, from running credential checks on Chinese companies, including through the Indian Embassy or Consulates in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong, to "avoid transacting with any company from a B2B platform".

Source : HKSG.



24 Juli 2016

[240716.EN.BIZ] Boston Docks Its Biggest Ship Yet - 8,530-TEU Xin Mei Zhou

COSCO-China Shipping's (COCOCS) 8,530-TEU Xin Mei Zhou, the biggest ship to call at Boston Harbour successfully docked at the Conley terminal, reported the American Journal of Transportation, of Plymouth, Massachusetts.

"This is an exciting time as we have seen double digit growth in both imports and exports this year," said Massport's port director Lisa Wieland. "Having calls by larger ships is the future, and the port is working to accommodate them."

Conley now services 4,000 to 6,000-TEUers, but with the opening of the expanded Panama Canal, COSCOCS and its CKYHE Alliance plans to send 8,500-TEUers from Asia to the US east coast.

The need for a new berth, landside improvements and harbour dredging are all being addressed by the Massachusetts Congressional delegation, the Commonwealth, Massport, and the US Army Corps of Engineers.

Massport was recently told it would receive US$42 million as part of the US Department of Transportation's FASTLANE grant programme to be used to upgrade existing facilities at Conley.

Massport could also get $107 million in state funding from the economic development bill that funding would go towards the building of a new berth and bigger cranes to handle bigger ships carrying more cargo.

Source : HKSG.

[240716.ID.BIZ] Banyak Teror, Paket Wisata Ke Eropa Turun Peminat

JAKARTA. Gelombang teror yang terjadi di Eropa beberapa minggu ini meresahkan banyak orang, termasuk para turis. Mulai dari serangan di Paris, kudeta di Turki, sampai serangan di Munich pagi ini.

Hal tersebut menimbulkan penurunan angka pemesanan paket wisata ke Eropa. Hal tersebut diungkapkan Asnawi Bahari, Ketua Association of The Indonesian Tours And Travel Agencies (ASITA).

"Kekhawatiran pasti ada, itu yang membuat penurunan di wisata," tutur Asnawi saat dihubungi KompasTravel, Sabtu (23/07/2016).

Asnawi mengatakan, pembatasan jumlah wisata ke Eropa juga dilakukan oleh agen perjalanan.

"Wisata ke Turki juga sementara ini akan diberhentikan. Bukan tanpa alasan melainkan karena adanya  travel advisory atau semacam travel warning yang dikeluarkan pemerintah," papar Asnawi.

Berkaca pada kondisi genting di Eropa saat ini, Asnawi mengatakan, agen perjalanan di Indonesia sedang berhati-hati. Baik pengurangan maupun pemberhentian sementara adalah demi keselamatan WNI.

Pihaknya juga tidak mau mengambil resiko terlalu besar untuk mengabaikan teror ini.

"Namun tetap saja apabila ada yang menanyakan wisata ke Turki ataupun ke Eropa, kami beri penjelasan terlebih dahulu," jelas Asnawi.

Tiap agen perjalanan memiliki travel consultant yang akan menjelaskan kondisi terkini di Eropa. Juga soal risiko jika Anda ingin traveling ke benua tersebut.

Asnawi juga menegaskan, pihaknya tidak akan menghentikan 100% rencana perjalanan wisata WNI ke Eropa mengingat liburan adalah hal yang sudah direncanakan.

Namun sebelum proses keberangkatan, pihaknya berusaha untuk memberikan pengertian tentang kondisi di sana supaya wisatawan bisa mengambil langkah-langkah antisipatif.

Sumber : Kontan, 23.07.16.

23 Juli 2016

[230716.EN.BIZ] Singapore Airlines Cargo Q1 Losses Widen Fourfold To US$25.1 Million

SINGAPORE Airlines (SIA) Cargo widened its fiscal first quarter profit loss nearly fourfold to S$34 million (US$25.1 million), as cargo revenues declined S$60 million (SIA does not reveal cargo revenues).

SIA blamed the decline on poor yields of 17.4 per cent and said they came despite a S$35 million reduction in operating costs - thanks to lower fuel costs - and a 6.4 per cent increase in demand to 1.7 billion freight tonne kilometre.

Going forward, SIA said: "The cargo market remains soft, with economic uncertainty in Europe and China. Cargo yields are expected to remain under pressure as overcapacity persists in the industry."

Cargo capacity at the airline was also up on a year earlier during the quarter, but SIA Cargo still managed to improve its load factor to 62 per cent from 61.1 per cent a year earlier.

SIA Cargo operates nine Boeing 747-400 freighters as of June 30, compared with eight at the same point last year. With today's yields down, the breakeven load factor is 68.7 per cent against 63.9 per cent last year.

Source : HKSG.

[230716.ID.BIZ] Banyak Teror, Paket Wisata Ke Eropa Turun Peminat

JAKARTA. Gelombang teror yang terjadi di Eropa beberapa minggu ini meresahkan banyak orang, termasuk para turis. Mulai dari serangan di Paris, kudeta di Turki, sampai serangan di Munich pagi ini.

Hal tersebut menimbulkan penurunan angka pemesanan paket wisata ke Eropa. Hal tersebut diungkapkan Asnawi Bahari, Ketua Association of The Indonesian Tours And Travel Agencies (ASITA).

"Kekhawatiran pasti ada, itu yang membuat penurunan di wisata," tutur Asnawi saat dihubungi KompasTravel, Sabtu (23/07/2016).

Asnawi mengatakan, pembatasan jumlah wisata ke Eropa juga dilakukan oleh agen perjalanan.

"Wisata ke Turki juga sementara ini akan diberhentikan. Bukan tanpa alasan melainkan karena adanya  travel advisory atau semacam travel warning yang dikeluarkan pemerintah," papar Asnawi.

Berkaca pada kondisi genting di Eropa saat ini, Asnawi mengatakan, agen perjalanan di Indonesia sedang berhati-hati. Baik pengurangan maupun pemberhentian sementara adalah demi keselamatan WNI.

Pihaknya juga tidak mau mengambil resiko terlalu besar untuk mengabaikan teror ini.

"Namun tetap saja apabila ada yang menanyakan wisata ke Turki ataupun ke Eropa, kami beri penjelasan terlebih dahulu," jelas Asnawi.

Tiap agen perjalanan memiliki travel consultant yang akan menjelaskan kondisi terkini di Eropa. Juga soal risiko jika Anda ingin traveling ke benua tersebut.

Asnawi juga menegaskan, pihaknya tidak akan menghentikan 100% rencana perjalanan wisata WNI ke Eropa mengingat liburan adalah hal yang sudah direncanakan.

Namun sebelum proses keberangkatan, pihaknya berusaha untuk memberikan pengertian tentang kondisi di sana supaya wisatawan bisa mengambil langkah-langkah antisipatif.

Sumber : Kontan, 23,07.16.

22 Juli 2016

[220716.EN.BIZ] Air France-KLM Says Recent Terror Spree Is Hurting Business

AIR France-KLM Group said the succession of terrorist attacks that have spanned Paris to the Riviera are affecting its markets as fares fall and France's standing as a tourist hotspot is undermined.

Europe's largest airline said earlier this week that there is "special concern about France as a destination" amid the Islamic State-inspired killings. Fuel savings that lifted second-quarter operating profit 77 per cent will also be "more than offset" over the year as a fare drop prompted by overcapacity clips revenue, Bloomberg reported.

Demand for travel from countries including Japan and China is ebbing away, and sluggish growth in markets such as Brazil is also hurting passenger numbers, while Britain's vote to quit the European Union may prove a further drag.

"If the question is, do we see a deteriorating environment, the answer is yes," chief financial officer Pierre-Francois Riolacci said.

"As the months have gone by we've seen a significant drop in demand for inbound travel to Europe, especially France. This pressure is happening in the context of capacity growth that is very high for the summer season," he said.

Second-quarter operating income increased to EUR317 million (US$348 million) from EUR179 million a year earlier as the Franco-Dutch group's fuel bill shrank by 30 per cent. At the same time, the fare slide led sales to slip 5.2 per cent to EUR6.22 billion, and a four-day pilot strike timed to disrupt the Euro 2016 soccer championships wiped EUR40 million from earnings.

Source : HKSG.

[220716.ID.BIZ] Kemhub Akui Dua Asosiasi Pelayaran

JAKARTA. Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub) telah mengakui dua asosiasi pelayaran niaga nasional di Indonesia. Dua asosiasi itu adalah Indonesian National Shipowners Association (INSA) dan Perkumpulan Persatuan Pengusaha Pelayaran Niaga Nasional Indonesia (P3N2I).

Pengakuan Kemenhub sebagai tindak lanjut dari Surat Keputusan (SK) dari Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia yang mengesahkan pendirian badan hukum dua asosiasi tersebut.

"Kedua SK Menteri Hukum dan HAM tersebut sah. Sehingga tidak ada alasan bagi lembaga lain, termasuk Kemenhub untuk tidak mengakui kedua organisasi pelayaran niaga tersebut," ujar Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Laut, Antonius Tonny Budiono, dalam keterangan resmi yang diterima, Jakarta, Kamis (21/7).

Tonny menuturkan pihaknya akan terus membina kedua asosiasi tersebut. Hal itu dilakukan agar dua asosiasi tersebut bisa mendukung program-program Kemenhub khususnya pada sektor pelayaran.

"Oleh karena itu, sudah seharusnya kedua organisasi tersebut mendapatkan pembinaan Kemenhub agar mereka dapat bekerja melayani anggota dan mendukung program pemerintah, khususnya program Kementerian Perhubungan dalam rangka tol laut dan poros maritim dunia," imbuhnya.

Sumber : Kontan, 21.07.16.

21 Juli 2016

[210716.EN.BIZ] IATA and FIATA Complete Reforms To The IATA Cargo Agency Programme

THE International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) have unveiled reforms to the IATA Cargo Agency Programme.

The amendments reflect the transformation of IATA cargo agents or freight forwarders from being 'selling-agents' for airlines into 'purchasing customers,' and aims to involve forwarders as equal partners in the decision making process, reported Air Cargo News.

The new IATA-FIATA Air Cargo Programme (IFACP) moves decision-making on the rules governing the airline-forwarder relationship away from an airline-led conference to a governance body, the IATA-FIATA Governance Board (IFGB). This will be jointly managed by forwarders and airlines, to reflect current market conditions.

The new agreement better reflects new business models and the buyer-seller relationship between forwarders and airlines.

The joint governance board will be better equipped to promote efficiency and shared values, clarify supply chain liability and improved compliance with safety and security standards through a more coordinated and concerted industry approach.

IATA senior vice president, financial and distribution services, Aleks Popovich, said that the new jointly-managed air cargo programme was "the result of four years of hard work to modernise the relationship between freight forwarders and airlines."

According to a joint IATA and FIATA statement, a phased rollout of IFACP will begin in early 2017 with Canada as the pilot country and it will be completed worldwide by the end of 2018.

Source : HKSG.

[210716.ID.BIZ] ESDM: Newmont Sudah Laporkan Perubahan Komposisi Saham

Jakarta - Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengungkapkan PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (NNT) sudah melaporkan secara resmi perubahan komposisi kepemilikan saham. Namun masih ada sejumlah persyaratan yang harus dilengkapi.

Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM Bambang Gatot mengatakan petinggi NNT melaporkan perubahan saham itu beberapa hari lalu. "Dari hasil evaluasi kami masih ada yang kurang persyaratannya. Sehingga kami harus mengembalikan," kata Bambang di Jakarta, Kamis (21/7).

Bambang tidak membeberkan persyaratan yang kurang tersebut. Dia hanya menyebut pihaknya bergerak cepat dengan melakukan evaluasi setelah perusahaan mengajukan perubahan komposisi saham. "Jika tidak sesuai persyaratan kami kembalikan," tegasnya.

Perubahan komposisi saham NNT seiring dengan langkah PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk (MedcoEnergi) mengakuisisi saham PT Amman Mineral Internasional (AMI) yang mengendalikan 82,2 persen dari NNT dengan nilai US$ 2,6 miliar.

NNT memiliki izin konsesi penambangan di Indonesia melalui penandatangan kontrak karya di 1986. NNT melakukan penambangan tembaga di Batu Hijau, Sumbawa Barat di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Setiap ton bijih yang diolah hanya menghasilkan 4,87 kilogram tembaga. Sedangkan emas jauh lebih sedikit hanya 0,37 gram dari setiap ton bijih yang diolah.

Sumber : BeritaSatu, 21.07.16.

20 Juli 2016

[200716.EN.BIZ] EU Insists China Respect Hague Court's Rejection of its South China Sea

THE European Union has insisted China uphold international law in reaction to the rejection of its claim over the South China Sea by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague.

In the statement of all 28 EU governments, the bloc acknowledged the court ruling, saying it was "committed to maintaining a legal order of the seas and oceans."

The EU said it supported a "swift conclusion" on talks for a so-called code of conduct for the South China Sea, a vital waterway through which US$5 trillion of trade passes a year, Reuters reported.

The United States and Japan responded by urging China to respect the court's decision. China has refused to recognise it.

In the case brought by the Philippines, the court ruled on that Beijing's claim to 85 per cent of the sea violated Manila's economic and sovereign rights under the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Source : HKSG.

[200716.ID.BIZ] Otoritas Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok Diminta Optimalkan Kinerja

Jakarta - Otoritas Pelabuhan (OP) Tanjung Priok seharusnya mendesak para operator di pelabuhan untuk mengoptimalkan kinerjanya. Pelayanan di pelabuhan tidak boleh terganggu hanya karena adanya libur bersama, karena dapat mengganggu sistem logistik di Tanah Air.

Hal itu disampaikan Direktur Eksekutif The Maritim National Institute (Namarin) Siswanto Rusdi menanggapi kemacetan total yang terjadi di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok di akhir pekan ini. Akibat belum normalnya jam kerja para operator pelabuhan, banyak terjadi penumpukan peti kemas yang mengakibatkan pelayanan menjadi semakin semrawut.

“Dalam situasi apapun layanan pelabuhan harus tetap optimal. Apalagi Tanjung Priok sebagai gerbang utama perekonomian harus tetap dijaga standar layanannya,” jelas Siswanto, akhir pekan lalu.

Menurutnya, sebagai pemerintah, sudah menjadi ranah OP untuk mengatur operasional di pelabuhan untuk bekerja optimal. Pelayanan di pelabuhan Tanjung Priok merupakan wajah dari pelayanan logistik di Indonesia. Dengan demikian, pelabuhan tidak boleh libur atau mengurangi kinerjanya apapun alasannya.

“Pelayanan di pelabuhan itu sudah sama seperti di bandara, rumah sakit, kantor polisi, yang tidak boleh libur. Mall saja buka saat Lebaran, karena harus melayani konsumennya,” tutur Siswanto.

Dia menambahkan, kebijakan pelarangan truk melintas saat musim mudik-balik Lebaran itu tidak lazim di negara-negara lain. Hal ini akan mengganggu pengapalan barang, sehingga dampaknya akan mengganggu jadwal pelayaran.

Selain jadwal kerja yang belum normal, kemacetan yang terjadi di Pelabuhan Priok akhir pekan ini juga disebabkan banyaknya kapal-kapal besar yang melakukan bongkar muat kontainer. Tercatat sejumlah kapal seperti Maersk Line dan NYK Line tengah melakukan bongkar muatan.

“Pelabuhan tidak boleh libur, apalagi Tanjung Priok yang menjadi pelabuhan ekspor-impor utama di Indonesia. Pelayanannya harus tetap dijaga untuk beroperasi 24 jam dalam 7 hari. Jika operator tidak menjalankan komitmennya untuk beroperasi sesuai jadwal yang ditentukan, Otoritas Pelabuhan, sebagai pemerintah, harus bertindak tegas kepada operator yang belum bekerja penuh,” tutur Siswanto.

Ia menambahkan, dengan kurang optimalnya kinerja di pelabuhan Tanjung Priok selama musim libur, banyak perusahaan pelayaran yang mengeluh karena kurang terlayani ketika tiba di pelabuhan. Perusahaan pelayaran yang paling dirugikan apalagi perusahaan yang berasal dari luar negeri.

Sumber : BeritaSatu, 18.07.16.

19 Juli 2016

[190716.EN.BIZ] IATA Index Shows Air Cargo Executives Foresee Gloomy Outlook

IATA's July 2016 Business Confidence Index shows that airline CFOs and heads of cargo are less optimistic about the economic prospects for the next 12 months than at the same time last year.

In general, the report found executives to be more positive about future growth in air travel, but less positive about cargo, reported Air Cargo World, Atlanta area.

That said, according to this year's report, only 9.1 per cent of surveyed executives anticipate cargo traffic volumes decreasing in the year ahead. The survey found that another 48.5 per cent expect volumes to remain static, while the remaining 42.4 per cent are more optimistic, reporting that they expect improvement or an increase in cargo volumes.

Of the surveyed executives, 45.7 per cent anticipate a decrease, 14.3 per cent foresee no change and the remaining 40 per cent expect an increase in profitability. This puts 60 per cent in the decrease/no-change camp.

This disposition, according to IATA, reflects disruptions following recent terrorist attacks in France, Belgium and Turkey, "particularly for European airlines."

One year ago, executives were far more sanguine. In 2015, IATA found that only 22.9 per cent expected a decrease in profits, and a full 60 per cent were confident that profitability would increase.

Source : HKSG.