31 Maret 2018

[310318.EN.SEA] World's Largest Container Ship, Cosco Shipping Leo, Collided and Almost Sinking With 150 Onboard

A ship collision accident occurred on COSCO's 20,000 TEU container ship! The new super ship of COSCO was on trial since only 2 days and it has not been officially put into operation!
Just recently, according to the latest report from foreign media, on the afternoon of March 29, a container ship of 20,000 TEU collided with a cargo ship named MERCURY TRIUMPH loaded with steel in the East China Sea.

According to speculation, the container ship is likely to be COSCO SHIPPING LEO, which just completed its naming ceremony on March 23 and started trial on March 27.

It is reported that the MERCURY TRIUMPH cargo ship was seriously damaged, and the starboard of the Leo ship's bow on COSCO SHIPPING was damaged.

At the time of the incident, there were 150 people on COSCO SHIPPING LEO at the time, but fortunately there was no report of casualties. COSCO SHIPPING LEO continued to try again after the accident .

It is worth mentioning that a week ago, on March 22, COSCO SHIPPING LEO just completed its naming ceremony and was a 20,000 TEU super-large container ship, and will join COSCO SHIPPING to constellation. "Airline" opens a new voyage.

According to statistics, as a typical representative of a new generation of ultra-large container ships, this type of ship is a new-generation ship developed independently by Nantong COSCO Shipping Kawasaki. It has a length of 400 meters, a width of 58.6 meters, a depth of 30.7 meters, and a maximum load of 197,000. The ton is one of the longest ships in the world.

COSCO SHIPPING LEO was originally scheduled to start a sea trial on March 27 and join the COSCO shipping consignment fleet on April 10th. The first European-Mediterranean route was put into COSCO Shipyard alongside the first ship “COSCO Seaborne Aries”: Europe 3 line (AEU3 line).

It is reported that all 11 new vessels of the COSCO Sea Constellation Express are named by the constellation. The constellation is a combination of a group of stars in the sky. It was widely used in the early days of navigation. It is almost a reference for determining the position of the sky in all civilizations. Therefore, the route has a dream name: COSCO Sea Constellation Express.

After the capacity upgrade, COSCO Container Lines will own more than 11,000TEU of AEU3, an increase of more than 60%. The AEU3 line connects Greece with Piraeus, Holland with Rotterdam (Double), Hamburg with Germany, and Antwerp with Belgium. It provides fast, stable services for the Mediterranean and Northwest Europe in North China, East China and Southeast Asia.

Source : SN-TR, 31.03.18.

[310318.ID.BIZ] Komite Industri Nasional Disiapkan Untuk Hadapi Revolusi Industri ke-4

Bisnis.com, Jakarta – Pemerintah akan membentuk Komite Industri Nasional (Kinas), untuk memfasilitasi penyelerasan percepatan agenda pengembangan industri nasional lintas kementerian/lembaga, dan lintas pemangku kepentingan.

“Melalui komite ini, kita ingin membangun komunikasi yang berkelanjutan dalam kaitannya dengan revolusi industri ke-4,” kata Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Darmin Nasution usai rapat seperti yang ditulis siaran pers Kamis (29/3/2018).

Adapun, yang hadir dalam rapat tersebut Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto, Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Rudiantara, Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) Thomas Lembong, dan perwakilan K/L terkait.

Kementerian Perindustrian telah merancang “Making Indonesia 4.0” sebagai sebuah roadmap (peta jalan) yang terintegrasi untuk mengimplementasikan sejumlah strategi dalam memasuki era industri 4.0.

“Maka, memang diperlukan koordinasi, baik itu terkait dengan harmonisasi regulasi, insentif-insentif fiskal, dan juga infrastruktur telekomunikasi dan lain-lain,” kata Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto.

Ada pun, 5 (lima) fokus sektor yang disasar antara lain Industri Makanan dan Minuman, Industri Tekstil dan Busana, Industri Otomotif, Industri Elektronik, dan Industri Kimia.

Nantinya, Kementerian Perindustrian akan mencari proyek-proyek percontohan industri yang sudah menjalankan industri 4.0 di masing-masing sektor.

“Itu adalah 5 sektor yang demand-nya terbesar di dunia. Sekitar 80% dunia itu menghendaki 5 produk tersebut. Beberapa di antaranya juga memiliki domestic market yang kuat untuk daya saing kita. Jadi itu yang akan jadi prioritas,” kata Airlangga.

Menteri Perindustrian juga menyatakan, Indonesia beraspirasi untuk menjadi top 10 ekonomi dunia di tahun 2030.

Menurutnya, momentum saat ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk merevitalisasi sektor manufaktur di Indonesia.

“Kita targetkan ekspor netto Indonesia dapat kembali ke level yang sama di tahun 2000, yaitu dengan konstribusi 10% terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB),” terangnya.

Target lainnya adalah peningkatan kontribusi manufaktur terhadap PDB menjadi 25% serta tambahan lapangan pekerjaan.

Mengenai kekhawatiran dalam hal penyerapan tenaga kerja, Airlangga mengatakan, dengan adanya implementasi roadmap ini akan membuat industri meningkatkan eksistensi dan melakukan ekspansi, sehingga justru akan membutuhkan tenaga kerja baru.

Di akhir rapat, Menko Perekonomian berpesan kepada Menperin untuk segera melengkapi susunan KINAS. Selain itu, perlu dibuat peta yang lebih rinci dari masing-masing sektor.

“Untuk komite, silakan dilengkapi lagi dari masukan-masukan di rapat ini. Kita juga perlu peta yang lebih detail, mana yang lebih spesifik diprioritaskan karena kan ambil saja contoh industri kimia dan mamin itu jalurnya kan ada banyak. Jadi rumuskan lagi yang seperti apa,” pesan Darmin.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 29.03.18.

30 Maret 2018

[300318.EN.AIR] HNA Airlines to Pay Overdue Fuel Bills to State-owned Supplier

TROUBLED Chinese aviation conglomerate HNA Group's airlines have started to pay overdue jet fuel bills, though they have yet to settle on the amount, reports Bloomberg.

The supplier, state-owned China National Aviation Fuel Group, continues to provide fuel to HNA Group's airlines under existing contracts, a spokesman for CNAF said.

Chinese aviation authorities had asked the airlines to pay overdue bills. HNA Group is in the midst of more than US$10 billion in asset sales after a debt-fueled acquisition spree in the past few years strained its finances.

The Hainan-based group is said to have targeted CNY100 billion (US$16 billion) in asset disposals by the first half of the year to ease financial pressures.

Source : HKSG.

[300318.ID.BIZ] AirNav Indonesia Tuntaskan Validasi Prosedur Penerbangan Bandara Kertajati

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Perusahaan Umum Lembaga Penyelenggara Pelayanan Navigasi Penerbangan Indonesia (Perum LPPNPI) atau AirNav Indonesia menyelesaikan proses validasi navigasi penerbangan di Bandara Internasional Jawa Barat (BIJB), Majalengka pada Jumat (30/3).

Proses validasi prosedur navigasi bandara baru tersebut telah dilakukan sejak kemarin dengan menguji total delapan prosedur penerbangan. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggandeng Balai Besar Kalibrasi Fasilitas Penerbangan Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Kementerian Perhubungan menggunakan pesawat udara Beechcraft King Air B350-i dengan registrasi PK CAP.

“Pengujian ini melakukan beberapa manuver untuk memvalidasi delapan prosedur penerbangan berbasis satelit atau performance-based navigation (PBN),” ujar Sekretaris Perusahaan AirNav Indonesia, Didiet K. S. Radityo dalam keterangan resminya, Jumat (30/3).

Dia menyampaikan, kegiatan validasi ini dilakukan demi memastikan keselamatan dan efisiensi penerbangan di Bandara Kertajati yang rencananya akan mulai beroperasi pada bulan Mei 2018.

Dalam dua hari ini kalibrasi Kertajati telah menyelesaikan delapan prosedur berupa standard instrument departure (SID) empat prosedur, standard arrival runway (STAR) dua prosedur dan instrument approach procedure (IAP) du prosedur.

"Lima prosedur divalidasi pada hari pertama sedangkan tiga prosedur divalidasi pada hari kedua. Prosedur ini akan memastikan keselamatan dan efisiensi penerbangan dapat berjalan dengan baik di BIJB,” ungkap Didiet.

Lima Prosedur PBN yang divalidasi pada hari pertama adalah standard instrument departure runway 32 (DAGOH 1B departure), standard arrival runway 14 (DAGOH 1C arrival), instrument approach procedure dan missed approach procedure runway 14 serta standard instrument departure runway 14 (DAGOH 1A departure).

Sedangkan tiga prosedur yang divalidasi pada hari kedua adalah standard instrument departure runway 14 (Lacap 1A departure), standard arrival runway 32 (Gapit 1D arrival) dan RNP approach procedure runway 32.

Didiet bilang, proving flight ini menjadi salah satu bukti bahwa operasional penerbangan di BIJB sudah siap dilaksanakan. Dari sisi AirNav, progres pembangunan menara air traffic control (ATC) sudah rampung dan hanya finishing beberapa hal kecil. "Personel navigasi penerbangan juga sudah kami siapkan, termasuk program training untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan keahlian mereka,” paparnya.

AirNav Indonesia menginvestasikan Rp 149 miliar untuk operasional navigasi penerbangan di BIJB dimana Rp 109 miliar untuk peralatan communication, navigation, surveillance and automation (CNS-A), sedangkan Rp 40 miliar lagi untuk pembangunan tower ATC.

Untuk personel navigasi penerbangan, pada tahap awal akan ditempatkan sembilan orang ATC, tiga orang aeronautical communication (COMM), enam orang teknisi communication, navigation, surveillance (CNS) dan satu orang teknisi support.

Sumber : Kontan, 30.03.18.

21 Maret 2018

[210318.EN.BIZ] DHL Supply Chain Finds Robots Double Warehouse Picking Productivity

GERMANY's DHL Supply Chain is finding that robots double productivity in picking medical devices at its Memphis warehouse and now plans to introduce robotics more widely in e-commerce fulfilment.

"These LocusBots have quite a good sweet spot," said DHL Supply Chain vice president Adrian Kumar, standing next to one of them at the recent Retail Industry Leaders Association convention in Phoenix. "We see them suiting e-commerce and fashion."

Dozens of the 100-pound mobile robots, made by Wilmington, Massachusetts-based Locus Robotics, now deployed by DHL Supply Chain to help speed surgical implants, prep materials delivery throughout the US.

Orders placed at night are picked by robots and put on FedEx planes and rushed to hospitals the next day, reports the American Journal of Transportation.

Mr Kumar said he believes productivity gains as high as 250 per cent greater that human capabilities are achievable with robots.

Not only is DHL Supply Chain expected to increase LocusBots at Memphis the New England company anticipates the introduction of piece-pickers at other warehouses to supply orders that are not cube-intensive.

And other robotic solutions are being explored for use in picking larger items, he said.

"Software technology allows speed to work on the floor, and hardware solutions like Locus allow faster picking," Mr Kumar said.

Other innovations demonstrated by DHL Supply Chain at its RILA event booth included another pick-assist device known as vision picking, an augmented reality tool using "smart glasses" to optimise warehouse processes.

Also used by DHL Supply Chain is an optimisation science tool called Box It Up, which saves shipping costs by finding the best carton size for items - that being the size that minimises the amount of empty space ¡V and an algorithm-based technology that reduces pick paths through what Kumar described as "intelligent clustering of orders."

Source : HKSG.