31 Desember 2011

[311211.EN.OTH] Goodbye 2011, Welcome 2012

Every person on earth was born as a happy being
Who deserves to be happy
Who can choose to be happy
Who can lead a happy life.

Every person has his / her own choice of happiness
Never force any body to be happy of "your" kind of happiness
Just like we can't be happy of other's.

So, my friend, find your true happiness
The ones worth your effort and energy
Choose them wisely, live your life well and enjoy them truly.

Only you can make "you" happy
Only you know what makes you happy.

The new year is approaching - a full of happiness to reach
Live through it bravely and happily
Feed your soul with happiness
And you will also spread happiness wherever you go.

Remember, choose to be happy !
Wishing you happiness and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012.

Source : Unknown.

30 Desember 2011

[301211.EN.SEA] Mega Ship Glut Makes Asia-Europe Overcapacity Trap Inescapable

OVERCAPACITY on Asia-Europe trade lanes looks like an inescapable trap because of the glut of mega ships that are too big to go anywhere else, say analysts.

Containerships are losing money on Asia-Europe route after slashing rates more than 50 per cent this year because of a rate war and overcapacity with 42 of the world's biggest newbuildings joining the mega ship glut, reports Bloomberg.

Shipping lines have cut capacity on Asia-Europe routes to revive rates, with Hapag-Lloyd, Maersk and Mediterranean Shipping Co (MSC) announcing US$250 per TEU increases.

But these may not significantly boost rates, said Johnson Leung, head of regional transport for Jefferies Group in Hong Kong, because only 10 per cent of capacity has been cut against 15 per cent on the transpacific.

Alphaliner and Clarkson data show that next year's 13,000-TEU ships will nearly double that launched in 2011 and boost the mega fleet to 100 ships to be devoted to Asia Europe because they are too big for US ports, said the report.

MSC and its new partner, Marseilles-based CMA CGM, will add the most tonnage in 2012, with 21 new ships, increasing their combined fleet to 49. Asian lines will have 26 similar ships by 2013, leaving them reliant on smaller vessels ships to face the MSC-CMA group and Maersk, together representing half of the Asia-North Europe capacity.

"The alliance is going to put a lot of the Asian players at a huge disadvantage. There is no way they will be able to match it. Shipping lines have taken steps to reduce capacity, but it is not enough. They need to make drastic cuts or it's only going to get worse with all those new ships coming next year," said Um Kyung, Seoul-based analyst at Shinyoung Securities.

Said another Seoul-based analyst, Jee Heon Seok, at NH Investment & Securities: "It's getting tough for Asian lines on a trade that is dominated by the Europeans. There's not much choice at the moment other than reducing capacity to give them a better chance of raising rates."

Spot rates per TEU from Asia to Europe have dropped to US$490, the lowest since the Shanghai Shipping Exchange started tracking data, as a flood of new ships outpaces demand for Asian-made goods. The breakeven point on the route is at least $700, according to Morgan Stanley.

Maersk, the world's biggest container shipping line, has taken advantage of the twenty-three 13,000-TEU plus ships it operates to help set up a daily service on Asia-Europe routes, offering the industry's only guaranteed shipping times.

Maersk expects a loss in containers this year, but nonetheless will add twenty 18,000-TEU vessels in 2013. These ships, the world's biggest, will have an estimated 26 per cent per-box cost advantage over the largest vessels now used on Europe lanes.

Among Asian lines, only China Cosco and China Shipping operate ships with capacities bigger than 13,000 TEU. This reflects a greater focus on transpacific routes by carriers in the region.

More Asian lines are set to begin operating mega-ships next year. Hanjin, a partner of Cosco, will get five vessels bigger than 13,000 containers, according to Clarkson data. Cosco will double its fleet of that size to eight vessels. The two lines also work on Asia-Europe routes with United Arab Shipping, which will increase its mega ship tally to nine from one by the end of 2012.

Hyundai Merchant Marine Co will also add its first five mega-ships next year. Its partner Singapore's APL will get its first ship of that size in 2013 and is receiving ten 10,000-TEU vessels. The shipping lines' other partner MOL won't get its first mega ship until 2013 at the earliest.

Source : HKSG, 29.12.11.

[301211.ID.BIZ] Tahun Depan Bank Mutiara Sulit Laku

JAKARTA: Divestasi PT Bank Mutiara Tbk, dahulu Bank Century, sulit terlaksana pada tahun depan dikarenakan harga jual yang ditetapkan masih terlalu tinggi dibandingkan dengan nilai buku perseroan.

Maryono, Direktur Utama Bank Mutiara, mengatakan demi mengejar harga jual Rp6,7 triliun yang ditetapkan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan sebagai pemilik, perseroan harus memiliki ekuitas sebesar Rp1,8 triliun dan rasio harga saham terhadap nilai buku (price to book value/PBV) 4 kali.

Padahal, kondisi Bank Mutiara saat ini masih jauh dari rasio-rasio minimal tersebut. Misalnya, ekuitas perseroan baru mencapai Rp1,01 triliun pada akhir 2011. Lebih sulit lagi adalah rasio harga saham untuk dapat memenuhi minimal 4 kali PBV, mengingat rata-rata PBV perbankan nasional saat ini hanya 2,2 kali.

Karena itu, Bank Mutiara agak sulit untuk bisa terjual tahun depan. "Namun tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan ada calon pembeli yang berminat,” ujarnya hari ini, Rabu, 28 Desember 2011.

Keyakinan Maryono tentang adanya peluang peminat itu didukung oleh pengalamannya sebagai bankir, bahwa pertimbangan investor dalam membeli bank bukan hanya terletak terhadap PBV, tetapi juga kondisi dari bank tersebut, seperti jumlah cabang dan nasabah yang dimiliki.

“Investor tidak [hanya] melihat PBV ansich. Bisa saja PBV kecil tapi dia memiliki kelebihan dari nasabah dan jumlah cabang, sehingga dia bisa membeli 5—6 kali dari PBV,” jelasnya.

Pada tahun depan LPS akan kembali melakukan divestasi Bank Mutiara setelah tahun lalu gagal dijual akibat tiga calon investor tidak memenuhi persyaratan.

Menurut undang-undang LPS, harga jual Bank Mutiara harus sebesar nilai penyertaan modal sementara Rp6,7 triliun yang disuntikkan pada 2008 lalu.

Namun, apabila dalam dua kali penawaran divestasi tidak dapat mencapai nilai optimal, pada penawaran ketiga yang diproyeksi pada 2013, Bank Mutiara akan dijual dengan harga tertinggi. (dba)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 28.12.11.

29 Desember 2011

[291211.EN.BIZ] Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil Threaten Ban of Falklands Vessels

A South American trading bloc has announced a ban on Falkland Islands flagged vessels, as Argentinean president Cristina Kirchner accused Britain of taking national resources and ignoring UN resolutions, reports the London Guardian.

The Mercosur trading bloc is made up of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil, and now joins in President Kirchner's protest over Britain's oil and gas exploration, particularly after a UK company struck oil last year.

The British Foreign Office condemned the Mercosur declaration, under which it vows to "adopt all measures possible to impede the entry of boats flying the illegal flag of the Malvinas [Falkland] Islands".

Said the Foreign office: "It is not immediately clear what practical impact, if any, this statement will have, which mirrors the language already used by the Union of South American Nations in 2010. We are discussing this urgently with countries in the region. But no one should doubt our determination to protect the Falkland Islanders' right to determine their own political future."

President Kirchner thanked her allies for their solidarity, but refrained from calling for the islands to be declared Argentinean.

"We are not asking them to come here and recognise that the Malvinas are Argentinean, but what we are saying is for them to comply with the UN, sit down and talk, talk, talk," she said.

Falklands Chamber of Commerce president Roger Spink said the community already felt isolated. "If we were Palestine, the European Union would be up in arms," he told the BBC.

British Prime Minister David Cameron affirmed commitment in his Christmas message to islanders, promising Britain would never surrender sovereignty without their consent.

"Your right to self-determination is the cornerstone of our policy. We will never negotiate on the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands unless you, the Falkland islanders, so wish. No democracy could ever do otherwise," Mr Cameron said.

Source : HKSG, 29.12.11.

[291211.ID.SEA] OUTLOOK Industri Pelayaran: Masih Akan Jago Kandang

JAKARTA: Industri pelayaran nasional pada 2012 diperkirakan masih mengandalkan pangsa dalam negeri menyusul melambatnya perekonomian dunia akibat dampak krisis di Eropa.

Direktur The National Maritime Institut (Namarin) Siswanto Rusdi mengatakan pada 2012 armada niaga nasional tetap  merajai kegiatan pengangkutan laut di dalam negeri.

"Tahun 2012, pelayaran  nasional masih akan jago kandang. Berat, kalau tidak mau disebut mustahil mereka mau bermain di angkutan ekspor dan impor," katanya kepada Bisnis, Kamis 29 Desember.

Dia menambahkan persaingan pengangkutan laut komoditas ekspor dan impor lebih ketat, terutama pada kegiatan pengangkutan peti kemas karena jumlah operatornya yang banyak.

Namun, katanya, operator pelayaran nasional tidak kehilangan kesempatan untuk memperbesar porsi pengangkutan barang ekspor dan impor.

Hingga September 2011, jumlah muatan laut domestik mencapai 313,6 juta ton dengan 98,7% diangkut kapal berbendera Merah Putih dan sisanya kapal asing.

Operator pelayaran nasional dan Kementerian Perhubungan sudah merencanakan untuk memperbesar porsi kapal nasional pada kegiatan pengangkutan muatan ekspor dan impor menjadi 20% pada 2020.

Untuk itu, Indonesian National Shipowners' Association (INSA) menegaskan ambisinya untuk merebut pangsa pasar muatan ekspor dan impor yang setiap tahun rata-rata mencapai 550 juta ton.  (ea)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 29.12.11.

28 Desember 2011

[281211.EN.LOG] Canadian Pacific Railway Completes First Stage Of Northern Line Upgrade

THE Canadian Pacific Railway has announced completion of its first year of infrastructure enhancements as part of a three-year plan to upgrade its North Main Line between Winnipeg and Edmonton.

The C$250 million (US$242.3 million) North Main Line infrastructure programme spans roughly 850 miles in three provinces and allows CP to increase capacity and service reliability for customers, including agricultural, fertiliser and energy producers.

"The investment provides flexibility and alternative route options with operating speeds equivalent to its southern Canadian route," said CP executive vice-president operations Mike Franczak. "Not only will the North Main upgrade increase capacity and raise train speed, it will offer a more direct route for some bulk and intermodal traffic."

During the 2011 work season CP completed 155 miles of track enhancements on the North Main Line. CP customers are now experiencing the service benefits of these investments that include increased track speeds and improved asset utilisation.

The North Main Line project includes rail and tie upgrades as well as new and extended sidings, which will allow for increased number of long trains and public crossing upgrades. In addition, CP will enhance efficiencies at CP yards in Saskatchewan, such as its Bredenbury yard, which is benefiting from increased staging capacity.

"About two-thirds of Saskatchewan's provincial GDP is derived from exports," said provincial Highways Minister Jim Reiter. "With Saskatchewan once again forecasted to lead the nation in economic growth, CP's enhancement to main line capacity will positively impact our province's competitiveness in a global marketplace."

Source : HKSG, 26.12.11.

[281211.ID.BIZ] Maret 2012, Hitachi Buka Pabrik Baru di Indonesia

JAKARTA: Raksasa manufaktur Jepang, Hitachi Plant Technologies menargetkan pembangunan pabrik baru mereka di Indonesia dimulai pada Maret tahun depan sebagai bagian pengembangan bisnis di Asia Tenggara dan India.

Seperti dikutip dari laman resmi mereka, kantor utama operasional Asia Tenggara, Hitachi Plant Technologies (Asia) Pte. Ltd akan berlokasi di Singapura dan resmi beroperasi pada bulan ini.

Kantor Singapura akan mengendalikan pabrik baru di Thailand, Hitachi Plant Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd. yang nama resminya belum diumumkan dan akan diteken pada pekan ini.

“Selain Thailand, pabrik Hitachi juga akan dibangun di Indonesia dan Vietnam pada Maret 2012,” tulis pernyataan resmi tersebut.

Hitachi Plant Technologies (Asia) Pte. Ltd. yang berlokasi di Singapura akan tetap mengendalikan Hitachi Aqua-Tech Engineering Pte. Ltd. di Singapure, PHPC Co., Ltd. Inc. di Filipina da MHPT Engineering Sdn. Bhd. di Malaysia.

Sementara itu, pabrik di India dijadwalkan akan dimulai pembangunannya pada Februari 2012. (faa)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 29.12.11.

27 Desember 2011

[271211.EN.SEA] GL Aids IHIMU’s Gas-powered Boxship Design

Tokyo: To investigate and develop solutions for large LNG fuelled container vessels classification society Germanischer Lloyd (GL) and Japan’s IHI Marine United Inc. (IHIMU) signed an agreement for a joint development project.

GL and IHIMU will be working together on a concept study for a 13,000 TEU container vessel fuelled by LNG. "IHIMU shares GL's assumption that LNG will be a key technology for addressing the challenges the maritime industry faces in terms of reducing emission to the air and reducing its contribution to global climate change," said Dr Pierre C. Sames, GL Senior Vice President and Head of Strategic Research and Development.

IHIMU first launched the eFuture 13000C container vessel design in 2010. At that time GL reviewed the main hull structure. The new JDP focuses on the LNG fuelling system, consisting of the bunker station, tanks, gas preparation and gas lines.

IHIMU will design the key structures of the system with GL providing design review, hazard identification and upon the successful completion of the project, approval in principle of the design. Assessment of the safety performance of the gas supply system will be the key aspect of GL's contribution to the project.

Source : STA, 15.12.11.

[271211.ID.BIZ] Kemenhub Dukung Penggunaan GamaCard

JAKARTA: Kemenhub mendukung uji coba dan penggunaan GamaCard, hasil integrasi kartu tanda mahasiswa Universitas Gajah Mada dengan kartu tiket bus Trans Jogja.

Wamenhub Bambang Susantono mengatakan GamaCard nantinya dapat dikembangkan menjadi e-ticketing untuk mendukung layanan transportasi intermoda Trans Batik Solo-Pramex (KA Prambanan Expres)-Trans Jogja.

Selain itu, katanya, kartu tersebut dapat dikembangkan bahkan diintegrasikan dengan layanan e-money. "Kartu ini bisa dikembangkan ke layanan transportasi intermoda bahkan e-money," katanya dalam rilis yang diterima Bisnis, hari ini.

Dia menjelaskan terobosan transportasi intermoda di kota Solo dan Yogyakarta sangat penting untuk menjadi bahan masukan dan pengembangan untuk mengatasi masalah transportasi di kota-kota di Indonesia.

Saat ini, sosialisasi penggunaan GamaCard terus dilakukan dengan mensinerjikan Swaragama Group, Bank Mandiri selaku sponsor sosialisasi dan Gama Techno sebagai mitra integrasi teknis dan nonteknis.

Bambang menjelaskan kartu mahasiswa UGM bernama GamaCard memiliki chip smartcard yang sudah diluncurkan sejak 2004. Chip GamaCard itu digunakan untuk pendataan aktivitas akademik universitas. (tw)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 27.12.11.