31 Maret 2013

[310313.EN.AIR] IATA Revises Cargo Profit Forecast Up To As Much As US$10.6 Billion

THE International Air Transport Association (IATA) has revised its earlier predictions, after projecting airlines globally will make a net profit of US$10.6 billion on $671 billion in industry revenues in 2013, and post a combined net profit margin of 1.6 per cent.

IATA forecasts global cargo volumes to rise 2.7 per cent, yet cargo yields will be flat, indicating commercial aviation is likely to pick up this year, after two years of falling cargo demand and yields.

"Industry profits are taking a small step in the right direction," said IATA director general Tony Tyler, former CEO of Cathay Pacific Airways.

"Against a backdrop of improved optimism for global economic prospects, passenger demand has been strong and cargo markets are starting to grow again. The economic optimism is also pushing fuel prices higher. We are seeing a $12 billion improvement in revenue, and a $9-10 billion increase in costs, most of which is related to fuel." Fuel accounts for about 33 per cent of an airline's costs.

Asia Pacific airlines are expected to account for the largest contribution to industry performance with a $4.2 billion net profit expected for 2013. Asian carriers comprise 40 per cent of the air cargo market and will be the biggest beneficiaries of the predicted upturn in cargo demand.

Furthermore, North American, European, Middle East and African airlines are also likely to see improvement, while Latin American airlines will suffer a decline.

But IATA warned that considerable risks remain that could derail any recovery, not least the fall-out from the financial situation in Cyprus that could re-ignite the Eurozone crisis all over again.

"Chronic anaemic profitability is characteristic across most of the aviation value chain when compared to other sectors. It will require more than improving economic conditions to fix. Neither the challenges nor the benefits of doing so should be underestimated," Mr Tyler said.

Source : HKSG.

[310313.ID.SEA] Tanjung Emas : 35% Angkutan Pelabuhan Tak Beroperasi

BISNIS.COM, JAKARTA—Operator angkutan barang dan peti kemas di Pelabuhan Tanjung Emas Semarang Jawa Tengah mengeluhkan sulitnya memperoleh bahan bakar minyak (BBM) bersubsidi jenis Solar untuk angkutan jenis itu.

Slamet Riyadi, Ketua Organda  Angkutan Khusus Pelabuhan (Angsuspel) Tanjung Emas Semarang, mengatakan, kondisi tersebut menyebabkan, lebih dari 35% armada pelabuhan di Tanjung Emas tidak bisa beroperasi sudah sejak sepekan terakhir ini.

“Kami sudah meminta kepada Pertamina dan Pemrov setempat, untuk penambahan kuota BBM jenis itu. Sudah ada janji mau diberi penambahan kuota 10 dari yang saat ini tetapi sampai sekarang belum terealisasi,” ujarnya kepada Bisnis sore hari ini, Selasa (26/3/2013).

Dia mengatakan, saat ini jumlah armada angkutan peti kemas anggota Organda yang beroperasi di Pelabuhan Tanjung Emas Semarang sebanyak  1.300 unit, sedangkan untuk angkutan non peti kemas (kargo umum) mencapai 800 unit.

Sulitnya memperoleh BBM Solar bersubsidi tersebut, kata dia,  menyebabkan banyak barang di pelabuhan tidak bisa dilayani sesuai jadwal karena banyak stasiun pengisian bahan bakar minyak umum (SPBU) di wilayah Semarang , Jawa Tengah dan sekitarnya tidak menjual BBM Solar bersubsidi.

Padahal, kata dia, seharusnya kuota/volume solar bersubsidi bagi truk angkutan barang di perbanyak di wilayah ini, sebab wilayah Semarang merupakan perlintasan operasional truk dari Jawa Barat maupun Jawa Timur.

“Kalaupun ada yang jual solar bersubsidi di SPBU, jumlahnya dibatasi yakni satu truk trailler hanya bisa mengisi BBM Solar bersubsidi maksimal 100 liter, atau hanya sepertiga dari kebutuhan tiap unit per operasional per hari,” tuturnya.

Dia mengatakan, sudah menyampaikan masalah ini melalui Forum Komunikasi  (Forkom) Organda Angkutan Khusus Pelabuhan se-Indonesia untuk segera di tindaklanjuti melalui Pemerintah pusat di Jakarta.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 26.03.13.

30 Maret 2013

[300313.EN.AIR] 'Merging China's Big Air Cargo Units Good Idea, But Too Many Obstacles'

CHINA EASTERN Airlines general manager Ma Xulun has dismissed suggestions that plans are afoot to merge the airline's cargo services with those of Air China and China Southern Airlines.

But it's the best solution, he said, though too fraught with obstacles, and therefore there was no plan to take such a course at this time, he told Xinhua.

Mr Ma allowed that China Eastern is in talks with a number of provinces in cooperation on local air business and has received active responses, adding that feeder services are not sustainable without local government subsidies.

The three carriers continue to suffer from weak cargo demand. Traditional air freight faces increasing difficulties, said Mr Ma, adding that airlines must now think beyond offering air cargo services alone and create a more comprehensive logistics service.

China Eastern Airlines has been reorganising its cargo business since last year and is expecting better performance this year.

The airline also signed a cooperation agreement with the local government of Qinghai last June, under which Qinghai would be responsible for buying or renting aircraft and the application for new routes that would be operated by China Eastern.

Feeder services were not keeping up with the development of local carriers, he said, noting that imported feeder aircraft are subject to higher tariffs and value added taxes than large and medium passenger aircraft, all of which result in higher costs.

Mr Ma suggested tax cuts and appealed for local government subsidies and other financial support, saying a different mindset was needed to focus on regional hubs and create feeder routes to mesh with larger ones.

Mr Ma also disclosed that China Eastern is planning to reduce its debt-asset ratio to about 70 per cent. As of the third quarter of last year the carrier's debt-asset ratio has been as high as 78.5 per cent.

Source : HKSG, 26.03.13.

[300313.ID.SEA] Proyek Kalibaru : Pelindo II Dituding Langgar Etika Bisnis

BISNIS.COM, JAKARTA—Indonesian Port Corporation (IPC/dulu PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II) dinilai lakukan pelanggaran etika bisnis, sehingga proyek itu molor sekitar 9 bulan.
Pembangunan terminal Kalibaru di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, telah diresmikan oleh Presiden SBY ditandai peletakan batu pertamanya (groundbreaking) pada akhir pekan lalu.

Fasilitator Tim Pengawas Independen Kalibaru, Siswanto Rusdi, mengatakan, tahapan ini sempat molor bahkan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II//IPC (Indonesia Port Corporation) menargetkan seremoni Kalibaru pada Juli 2012 namun karena berbagai kendala barulah pekan lalu bisa  dihelat.

Dalam pandangan Tim Pengawas Independen  Kalibaru proyek tersebut tidak semulus yang diduga.
“Dari sisi legal formal dan lainnya ia [proyek Kalibaru] sudah cleardengan dikantonginya Perpres No 36/2012. Namun, telah terjadi pelanggaran etika bisnis di sana,” katanya kepada Bisnis hari ini (26/3/2013).

Dia mengatakan, pelanggaran etika itu terjadi karena IPC mendelegasikan kembali konsesi yang diberikan negara kepada perusahaan tersebut kepada pihak lain.

“Menurut Anda, apakah etis mengalihkan pekerjaan yang telah diamanahkan kepada kita namun karena pertimbangan tertentu diserahkan kepada pihak lain? Tentu saja tidak, ” paparnya.

Ketidakpatutan yang dilakukan oleh IPC, lanjut Siswanto, terasa amat menyesakkan. Pasalnya, sebelum BUMN itu mendapatkan konsesi pengembangan Kalibaru telah digelar tender yang diikuti oleh berbagai perusahaan, termasuk perusahaan-perusahaan internasional yang kini berminat menjalin kemitraan dengan IPC di Kalibaru.

Namun, karena berbagai pertimbangan, termasuk rasa nasionalisme, akhirnya proses tender dibatalkan dan diganti dengan penunjukan langsung.

“Kalau pada akhirnya Mitsui & co,  yang mengerjakan terminal 1 Kalibaru, mengapa tidak dari awal saja perusahaan Jepang ini diberikan konsesi dalam tender tadi. Itukan lebih fair.Ini hanya masalah etika saja," ujarnya.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 26.03.13.

29 Maret 2013

[290313.EN.SEA] International Chamber of Shipping Fears Eco Rules Will Damage Shipping

INTERNATIONAL Chamber of Shipping (ICS) chairman Masamichi Morooka has express serious concern about the negative financial consequences of upcoming environmental legislation on the shipping industry.

The extra investment required comes at a time when shipping companies are feeling the pinch of lower volumes, rates and financing.

Speaking at this year's Connecticut Maritime Association gathering he called on regulators to be more aware of the impact of their actions.

"While regulators have a responsibility to balance the interests of shipowners with the need to protect the interests of society, they also need to be pragmatic and understand the impact that their actions," said Mr Morooka.

He highlighted that shipowners are now required to invest heavily in new technologies and solutions, to deal with sulphur emissions, NOx emissions, CO2 emissions and ballast water discharges.

"If a shipping company is already sinking in debt, how is it going to pay for the retrofitting of expensive new ballast water treatment systems that will be required in the next few years at an estimated cost of between US$1 million-$5 million per ship, and at a total cost to the industry that will probably run into hundreds of billions?"

With regards to a monitoring, reporting and verification systems (MRV) of CO2 emissions, Mr Morooka said such a system is widely seen as a tool to reduce emissions and thus fuel consumption.

But the ICS remains cautious about the need to develop a market-based measure to further curb shipping's emissions given that the industry has the two mandatory technical and operational measures in force.

The European Commission is expected to propose the mechanism for an MRV later this year. Brussels's move to develop an MRV comes with its decision to cease work temporarily on developing a Europe-wide, market-based measure to curb CO2 emissions.

Source : HKSG, 25.03.13.

[290313.ID.BIZ] Dahlan Iskan Ancam Pecat Direksi BUMN Tolak Holding

BISNIS.COM, JAKARTA -- Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Dahlan Iskan tidak segan memecat jajaran direksi perusahaan pelat merah yang tidak mendukung rencana pembentukan induk usaha (holding) ataupun konsolidasi BUMN.

Saat ini, pemerintah sedang mencanangkan program perampingan (rightsizing) perusahaan pemerintah dengan membentuk holdingBUMN perkebunan, farmasi, kehutanan, konstruksi, serta tambang.

“Kita akan ganti direksi yang tidak suka dengan adanya holding,” tegas Dahlan dalam acara diskusi bertema Peran Industri Semen Indonesia Dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi di Indonesia dan Asia, di Wisma Bisnis Indonesia, Jakarta, Senin (25/3/2013).

Dahlan mengakui tidak mudah untuk membentuk holding perusahaan pelat merah. Pembentukan induk usaha BUMN perkebunan dan perhutanan tidak kunjung selesai hingga saat ini.

Pembentukan holding BUMN didorong untuk terus dipercepat. Dengan adanya holding tersebut, perusahaan dinilai akan mampu berkembang lebih cepat.

“Kita punya ideologi untuk mempercepat holding ini. Saat pembentukan tidak sinkron, maka akan kita sinkronkan. Kalau ada direksi yang tidak sinkron, akan kita ganti,” ujarnya.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 25.03.13.