17 Maret 2020

[170320.EN.BIZ] US Trade Pressure Induces Indonesia To Drop Russian, Chinese Arms Deals

THE United States has persuaded Indonesia to not to buy 11 Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets for US$1.1 billion from Russia and several naval patrol boats for $200 million from China, reports Bloomberg.

The US threatened Indonesia with sanctions for dealing with Russia, one official said. President Joko Widodo's administration also feared the US would take punitive action on trade.

The moves illustrate how the US is having some success deterring countries from dealing with Russia and China, which the Trump administration has identified as the biggest threats to American national security.

The US hasn't fared as well trying to convince countries to avoid using Shenzhen's Huawei Technologies for 5G mobile networks, with the UK most notably rebuffing American pressure.

Source : HKSG.

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