30 September 2012

[300912.EN.SEA] IMO – Implementation of Energy-Efficiency, BW Management and Ship-Recycling Rules

The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) meets for its 64th session from 1 to 5 October 2012, at IMO Headquarters in London.

As well as discussing matters relating to the implementation of energy-efficiency, ballast water management and ship-recycling regulations, the MEPC will also consider formally designating the Saba Bank, in the North-eastern Caribbean area of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA).

Work to continue on energy-efficiency measures for ships

The MEPC is expected to continue its work on further developing technical and operational measures relating to energy-efficiency measures for ships, based on a work plan agreed at the last session. This follows the adoption of the new chapter 4 of MARPOL Annex VI, which enters into force on 1 January 2013 and includes new requirements mandating the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), for new ships, and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) for all ships.

This work will include the development of guidelines for determining minimum propulsion power and speed to enable safe manoeuvring in adverse weather conditions and the development of EEDI frameworks for ships not covered by the current EEDI, e.g., ro-ro and cruise passenger ships, and ships with non-conventional propulsion systems, e.g., diesel-electric or turbine propulsion. This work is expected to continue at this session, based on submissions received.

Technical cooperation for the implementation of mandatory energy-efficiency measures

Regulation 23 of chapter 4 of MARPOL Annex VI on Promotion of technical co-operation and transfer of technology relating to the improvement of energy efficiency of ships requires Administrations, in co-operation with the Organization and other international bodies, to promote and provide, as appropriate, support directly or through IMO to States, especially developing States, that request technical assistance. It also requires the Administration of a Party to MARPOL Annex VI to co-operate actively with other Parties, subject to its national laws, regulations and policies, to promote the development and transfer of technology and exchange of information to States which request technical assistance, particularly developing States.

The MEPC will further consider a draft MEPC resolution on promotion of technical co-operation and transfer of technology relating to the improvement of energy efficiency of ships. The resolution is intended to provide a framework aimed at promoting and facilitating technology transfer, to support the implementation of the new regulations on energy efficiency for ships.

Market-based measures to address the reduction of GHGs under discussion

The MEPC is expected to continue its consideration of proposed market-based measures (MBMs) to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which would complement the technical and operational measures already adopted.

It is anticipated that the discussions at MEPC will focus on an update of the GHG emissions’ estimate for international shipping and the methodology and criteria for a comprehensive impact assessment of the MBM proposals (following earlier, initial impact assessments), with a view to studying in detail the direct and indirect impacts on (consumers and industries in) developing countries of the introduction, and non-introduction, of an MBM for international shipping under the auspices of IMO.

Availability of fuel oil to meet air pollution requirements to be considered

The MEPC will further consider matters relating to the availability of fuel oil to meet the requirements set out in the MARPOL Annex VI regulation on emissions of sulphur oxides (SOx) from ships.

Fuel oil sulphur content (expressed in terms of % m/m – that is, by weight) is required to be a maximum of 3.50% m/m (outside an Emission Control Area (ECA)), falling to 0.50% m/m on and after 1 January 2020. Depending on the outcome of a review, to be completed by 2018, as to the availability of compliant fuel oil, this requirement could be deferred to 1 January 2025.

The MEPC is expected to consider the start date for this review.

It should be noted that, within ECAs, fuel oil sulphur content (expressed in terms of % m/m – that is, by weight) must be no more than 1.00% m/m; falling to 0.10% m/m on and after 1 January 2015.

Ballast water management systems up for approval

The MEPC will consider the reports of the twenty-first, twenty-second and twenty-third meetings of the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environment Protection (GESAMP) Ballast Water Working Group (held during 2012), with a view to granting basic approval to five, and final approval to three, ballast water management systems that make use of active substances.

The MEPC is expected to reiterate the need for those countries that have not yet done so to ratify the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004, to achieve its entry into force at the earliest opportunity. To date, 36 States, with an aggregate merchant shipping tonnage of 29.07 per cent of the world total, have ratified the Convention. The Convention will enter into force twelve months after the date on which not fewer than 30 States, the combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than 35 per cent of the gross tonnage of the world’s merchant shipping, have become Parties to it.

The Committee will also consider a number of proposals related to the practical implementation of the Convention, aimed at harmonizing the type-approval and sampling procedures, and eliminating uncertainties with regard to compliance and preventing the possibility of improperly penalizing ships’ crew members.

Specific proposals related to highly specialized ships will also be examined by the MEPC, with a view to developing specific guidance for offshore support vessels and mobile offshore units, in anticipation of the entry into force of the BWM Convention.

Recycling of ships – guidelines to be considered

The MEPC is expected to consider draft Guidelines for Survey and Certification of Ships under the Hong Kong Convention (Survey and Certification Guidelines) and Guidelines for Inspection of Ships under the Hong Kong Convention (Inspection Guidelines), which have been further developed by the intersessional correspondence group on Ship-Recycling Guidelines.

These guidelines, along with other guidelines already adopted, are intended to assist ship-recycling facilities and shipping companies to commence introducing voluntary improvements to meet the requirements of the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, which was adopted in May 2009. The treaty will enter into force 24 months after ratification by 15 States, representing 40 per cent of world merchant shipping by gross tonnage, and combined maximum annual ship-recycling volume not less than 3 per cent of their combined tonnage. Efforts are being made to encourage Member Governments to ratify the Hong Kong Convention at their earliest convenience.

Saba Bank PSSA designation to be considered

The MEPC will consider formally designating the Saba Bank, in the North-eastern Caribbean area of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA), following approval in principle at the last session.

Associated Protective Measures were approved by the Sub Committee on Safety of Navigation (NAV), at its meeting in July 2012, namely, the establishment of a new mandatory ‘no anchoring’ area for all ships and a new ‘area to be avoided’ (for ships of 300 gross tonnage or over) in the proposed PSSA.

Amendments to the IBC Code set for adoption

The MEPC will consider, for adoption, draft amendments to chapters 17, 18 and 19 of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code), which have been already been approved for adoption by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 90).

Sewage treatment plant guideline set for adoption

The MEPC is expected to consider for adoption draft 2012 Guidelines on implementation of effluent standards and performance tests for sewage treatment plants, which are intended to provide guidance on the implementation of new requirements (coming into effect from 1 January 2016) for sewage treatment plants installed on passenger ships operating in MARPOL Annex IV special areas.

Mandatory audit scheme: approval of draft III Code and MARPOL amendments expected

The MEPC is expected to approve the draft IMO Instruments Implementation Code (III Code), which sets the standard for the IMO audit scheme, and to approve draft amendments to MARPOL to make the III Code and auditing mandatory under that treaty.

The aim is to adopt the MARPOL amendments in 2014, once the III Code has been formally adopted by the IMO Assembly, in 2013.

Recognized organizations code to be approved

The MEPC is expected to approve the draft Code for Recognized Organizations (ROs) and related draft amendments to MARPOL (Annexes I and II) to make it mandatory, for adoption at a future session.

The Code will provide a consolidated text containing criteria against which ROs (which may be authorized by flag States to carry out surveys and issue certificates on their behalf) are assessed and authorized/recognized, and give guidance for subsequent monitoring of ROs by Administrations.

Source : SN-TR, 28.09.12.

[300912.ID.SEA] Pembenahan TANJUNG PRIOK : Pelindo II Ditenggat 2 Pekan Perlancar Lalu Lintas Barang

JAKARTA: Otoritas Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok memberikan tenggat 2 pekan atau hingga pertengahan Oktober 2012 kepada PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II untuk membenahi kegiatan pemeriksaan fisik barang (behandle) di kawasan Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT), TPK Koja ataupun di lokasi container depo centre (CDC) Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok.

Sahat Simatupang, Kepala Otoritas Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok,  mengatakan instansinya  juga mengintruksikan pemindahan gate di TPK Koja dari yang ada saat ini, sehingga kelancaran lalu lintas barang lebih cepat dan efisien.

“OP sudah melayangkan surat ke PT Pelabuhan II agar segera membenahi tata cara pemeriksaan fisik barang/kontainer selama dua pekan terhitung hari ini. Hal ini merupakan kelanjutan dari rapat di Kantor Sekretaris Kabinet pekan lalu tentang kelancaran arus barang di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok,” ujarnya, Kamis (27/9/2012) saat sosialisasi ‘JICT  full autogate system’ yang akan diterapkan pada 1 Oktober 2012.

Sahat mengatakan dengan penataan kegiatan behandle dan gate di TPK Koja diharapak  distribusi  peti kemas ekspor dan impor lebih cepat dan keamanannya  terjamin.

Menurut Sahat, seperti hasil pembahasan di Kantor Seskab bahwa untuk behandle petikemas impor yang berasal dari TPK Koja dan JICT agar dilakukan di lokasi behandle lapangan  Graha Segara.

Kemudian untuk di CDC adalah pemeriksaan (behandle) bagi petikemas impor  dari Multi Terminal Indonesia (MTI) dan terminal Mustika Alam LestariN di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok.

"Korelasinya pemusatan pemeriksaan kontainer yang terpusat akan meringkas kegiatan lalu-lintas trailer dan jaminan kelancaran ditunjuang dengan pemindahan gate di Koja dimajukan lebih ke depan (500 meter), sehingga lalu lintas di kawasan itu menjadi lebih leluasa," paparnya.

Secara rinci,kata dia, nantinya tak ada lagi pemeriksaan petikemas impor atau behandle di lapangan JICT yang menyita 1,1 hektare di lokasi terminal peti kemas itu dan bisa digunakan untuk penumpukan bongkar muat peti kemas."Karena itu Pelindo II dan operator terminal harus segera membenahinya," paparnya.

Selain itu, sambungnya, untuk kegiatan pemeriksaan petikemas impor wajib karantina di Graha Segara juga bisa dilakukan terhadap  peti kemas impor berstatus jalur merah. "Jadi  pemeriksaan itu bukan semua kegiatan karantina, selain jalur merah akan menggunakan TPS lain,"ujarnya.

Terkait dengan penerapan JICT full autogate system, Organda Angkutan Khusus Pelabuhan (Angsuspel) DKI Jakarta akan membuka layanan 24 jam selama 14 hari terhitung dari 1 Oktober 2012.

Ketua Organda Angsuspel DKI Jakarta Gemilang Tarigan mengatakan dukungan dari Organda meskipun hanya rekomendasi, tetapi dapat membantu anggota Organda yang dalam implementasi sistem pintu masuk elektronik di JICT tersebut.(bas)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 27.09.12.

29 September 2012

[290912.EN.LOG] Hefei To Be National Logistics Hub Of 10 Centres At Full Build-out In 2015

EASTERN China's hinterland city Hefei has publicised its development plan for the 12th Five-year Plan period from 2011 to 2015, under which, the city will turn itself into the logistics centre in central and eastern China, Xinhua reports.

Hefei plans to form a "4+10+4" layout in the city comprising of four logistics parks, 10 logistics centres and four agricultural product logistics facility. It is aiming at becoming a hub like Zhengzhou and Wuhan.

The four logistics parks are Dongcheng Logistics Park, Xingang Logistics Park, Airport Logistics Park and North Station Logistics Park. The 10 logistics centres are in Chang'an, Taohua Industrial Park, Sanshitou, Dianbu, Yuxihe, Chaohu Economic Development Zone, Nangang, Wanshan, Xiatang and Lunan.

The four agricultural product parks are Hefei Agricultural Product International Logistics Park, Beicheng Agricultural Product Logistics Park, Feixi Shangpai Agricultural Product Logistics Park and Lujiagn Tongda Agricultural Product Logistics Park.

Among the 18 logistics parks, only Airport Logistics Park and Taohua Industrial Logistics Park are yet to be finished. Others are already in operation.

Source : HKSG.

[290912.ID.BIZ] Resesi : Bank Sentral China Enggan Longgarkan Kebijakan Moneter

JAKARTA: Meski bank-bank sentral utama lain seperti Bank Sentral Eropa (ECB), the Federal Reserve (the Fed), dan Bank Jepang (BOJ) telah melancarkan ‘quantitative easing’ (QE), Bank Rakyat China (PBOC) diperkirakan tidak akan mengikuti langkah mereka.

Sebagai bank sentral perekonomian terbesar kedua di dunia yang tengah melambat, PBOC berpotensi beri stimulus untuk genjot perekonomian, meningkatkan konsumsi domestik untuk mengimbangi penurunan ekspor, dan mengangkat lagi kinerja bursa saham.

Meski demikian, menurut Rektor Universitas Renmin Chen Yulu yang merupakan penasehat akademis PBOC, risiko rebound harga properti menjadi alasan mengapa pemerintah menahan diri untuk beri stimulus.

“Kebijakan moneter China tengah dalam situasi yang cukup sulit. Pemerintah harus menstabilkan pertumbuhan, tapi di sisi lain juga harus mencegah rebound harga perumahan,” kata Chen seperti dikuti dari Bloomberg.

PBOJ telah memangkas suku bunga acuan pada Juni dan Juli, serta menurunkan rasio kecukupan cadangan modal pada Mei. Pertumbuhan ekonomi terus turun dalam 7 kuartal terakhir karena ekspor dan permintaan domestik yang melemah.

Pemerintah juga telah membatasi industri properti yang sebelumnya lebih memanjakan spekulan ketimbang pembeli rumah murah. Pemerintah mengatur sistem KPR, sehingga harga properti lebih terjangkau dan tidak volatil.

“Sekali properti menggelembung, tidak ada satupun negara yang mampu mengatasi masalah ini secara efektif. Sebagian besar malah harus kena krisis. China tidak boleh krisis,” jelas Chen.

Menurutnya, keputusan menurunkan suku bunga acuan dan rasio kecukupan modal tergantung pada seberapa buruk kondisi eksternal. Setelah ECB, the Fed, dan BOJ memberi stimulus, ada harapan perekonomian dan permintaan ekspor membaik.

Menurut Kepala Ekonom Bank Mandiri Destry Damayanti, kondisi perekonomian China yang tidak separah Eropa, AS, dan Jepang juga menjadi alasan mengapa China tidak mengikuti langkah yang diambil ketiga bank sentral tersebut.

“China tidak perlu menyuntikkan dana ke pasar SUN,” ujarnya kepada Bisnis belum lama ini.

Menurutnya, pemerintah Negeri Tirai Bambu akan lebih berkosentrasi dalam peningkatan belanja negara terutama untuk investasi proyek pembangunan  infrastruktur guna meningkatkan penanaman modal asing (PMA) dan menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan.

Chen juga melihat hubungan ekonomi China dengan Jepang terancam oleh konflik sengketa kepulauan di Laut China Timur yang telah menyulut unjuk rasa besar-besaran di China dan mengganggu kinerja perusahaan-perusahaan Jepang di China.

Sebelumnya, pemerintah China ingin menjadikan Tokyo sebagai pusat bisnis berdenominasi yuan. Namun, rencana ini semakin sulit mengingat memanasnya hubungan bilateral kedua negara dengan perekonomian terbesar di Asia itu.

Chen melihat Hong Kong, Singapura, London, dan Taiwan berpotensi menggantikan peran Tokyo untuk menjadi basis bisnis yuan di luar negeri. “Perdagangan antar kedua negara telah berkurang. Saya harap ini sementara,” ujarnya. (/faa)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 28.09.12.