31 Oktober 2014

[311014.EN.SEA] Vessel Operating Costs Expected to Rise 6pc by The End of 2015

THE projected six per cent increase in vessel operating costs for the next two years will be difficult for owners, operators and managers to absorb, according shipping accountancy firm Moore Stephens.

Operating costs are expected to rise three per cent both this year and next, while seafarers' wages are to rise 2.4 per cent in 2014 and by 2.6 per cent in 2015. Other crew costs are to go up 1.9 per cent and 2.1 per cent.

The study is based on responses from key players in international shipping, predominantly shipowners and managers in Europe and Asia, reports Lloyd's List.

"Crew costs remain a critical factor," said one respondent. "There will continue to be a high level of demand for trained crew, especially for top-end ships."

It was also noted that "the full implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 is likely to be a significant factor in higher labour and crewing costs."

The cost of repairs and maintenance is expected to escalate by 2.3 per cent by the end of this year and by 2.4 per cent in 2015.

P&I insurance costs are estimated to rise two per cent in 2014 and by 2.2 per cent in 2015, with increases of 1.6 per cent and 1.8 per cent predicted for the cost of hull and machinery insurance.

Drydocking costs are expected to rise 2.1 per cent in 2014 and by 2.2 per cent in 2015, and expenditure on spares is forecast to rise by 2.1 per cent and by 2.2 per cent, respectively.

One respondent noted that owners are hard-pressed to cut costs and lower operating expenses because of poor freight markets. "There is a particularly severe impact on running costs for ships bought prior to 2009."

Several respondents felt that surplus tonnage on the market would inevitably increase operating costs. "The recent increase in tonnage supply will add pressure to operating costs," said one.

"Sensible owners with adequate funding are planning for the future by investing in eco-friendly ships and by weighing up the advantages of [liquefied natural gas] propulsion," said Moore Stephens partner Richard Greiner.

"Such initiatives will bring long-term benefits but are likely to increase costs in the short term because new technology and associated research and development costs do not come cheap," said Mr Greiner.

"On the plus side, oil and gas prices are falling, which should translate into savings for owners and operators, and shipping continues to attract new money from both internal and external investors," he said.

Source :  HKSG.

[311014.ID.BIZ] Hadapi MEA 2015, 13 Kawasan Industri Dibangun

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Menteri Perindustrian Saleh Husin mengatakan akan membangun 13 kawasan industri untuk menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) pada 2015. Kawasan-kawasan industri itu akan dibangun luar Pulau Jawa. "Akan dibangun di Sumatera Utara, Lampung, Sulawesi Selatan, Maluku Utara, dan Papua," katanya di Menara Kadin, Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014.

Menurut Saleh, pembangunan kawasan industri ini telah disesuaikan dengan potensi daerah. Keunggulan dan potensi daerah bisa segera diolah di kawasan industri baru tersebut. Dia mengatakan pemerintah juga akan mengupayakan pembangunan infrastruktur di kawasan industri baru. "Salah satunya pelabuhan, agar mempermudah distribusi," ujarnya. (Baca: Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN Sulit Dicapai)

Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dana pembangunan kawasan industri, Saleh akan menjajaki skema kerja sama antara pemerintah dan swasta. Jika kerja sama dengan swasta tidak memungkinkan, pemerintah bisa membangun sendiri kawasan industri itu. Namun Saleh belum merinci dana yang diperlukan untuk membangun 13 kawasan industri tersebut. Setelah kawasan industri ini berdiri, Saleh berharap harga produk lokal bisa bersaing dengan produk asing.

Data Sekretariat ASEAN menyebutkan, perdagangan antar-negara-negara di Asia Tenggara tumbuh lebih cepat dibanding perniagaan dengan negara di luar kawasan. Selama periode 1993-2013, perdagangan intra-ASEAN tumbuh 10,5 persen per tahun. Perdagangan intra-ASEAN juga menyumbang 25 persen produk domestik bruto Asia Tenggara. (Baca: Mengantisipasi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN )

Namun banyak kalangan yang khawatir Indonesia tidak mampu menghadapi MEA 2015. Sebab, produk Indonesia dinilai sulit bersaing dengan barang asing. Selain itu, jumlah penduduk Indonesia yang sangat besar dinilai hanya menjadi pasar empuk bagi negara lain. Sedangkan Indonesia tidak mampu menembus pasar negara lain.

Sumber : Tempo, 31.10.14.

30 Oktober 2014

[301014.EN.LOG] CIMC Profit Soars 66pc in First Nine Months of 2014 as Revenues Rise 20pc

SHENZHEN's China International Marine Containers (CIMC), the world's biggest box maker, posted a 66 per cent year-on-year net profit increase to US$265 million, drawn on revenues of $8 billion, up 20.3 per cent.

Hong Kong-listed CMIC reported a 38 per cent year-on-year increase in third quarter net profit to $55.1 million, according to a filing to the Hong Kong stock exchange.

CIMC said it sold 22.7 per cent more dry containers aggregating to 1.06 million TEU with reefer boxes accounting for 96,000 TEU, up 28.69 per cent year on year.

CIMC truck revenues were up 9.1 per cent to $1.73 million with 87,300 units sold, a year-on-year increase of 10.93 per cent.

"In the first three quarters of 2014, the import and export performance of China’s foreign trade has been improving quarter by quarter," the company statement said.

CIMC said it is upgrading factories that make standard dry containers and has built two cold chain industry parks at Qingdao and Taicang that went into production in the first half.

The company now provides cold chain logistics, making and designing equipment, as well as offering port container services and logistics finance.

The company attributed its good results to the continuing recovery of the American and European economies driving renewed demand for containers. Growth in the oil and gas sector also helped.

CIMC is 17 per cent held by Cosco Container Industries and is involved in manufacturing drilling platforms, engineering equipment, airport facilities and property development.

The US Government is conducting an anti-dumping investigation into CIMC's export of 53-foot boxes, mostly used in America, but "as the revenue generated by 53-foot dry cargo containers only takes up a small portion of the group's total, it is expected that the investigation will not have a significant impact on financial conditions".

Source : HKSG.

[301014.ID.BIZ] Sebulan Demo Hong Kong Belum Ada Titik Temu

TEMPO.CO, Hong Kong - Sebulan sudah pendemo pro-demonstrasi Hong Kong melakukan aksinya untuk menuntut pemerintah Cina memberikan demokrasi penuh kepada mereka. Namun, hingga tepat sebulan, pada Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014, belum ada tanda-tanda bahwa gerakan ini menemui titik temu dengan pemerintah. (Baca: Pendemo Kepung Rumah Pemimpin Hong Kong)

Mengutip laporan Channel News Asia, sekitar 10 ribu orang memenuhi jalan-jalan utama Hong Kong untuk menandai sebulan aksi mereka. Tepat pukul 18.00, secara serentak mereka membuka payung sebagai bentuk ekspresi kecewa dan marah kepada pemerintah dan polisi yang kerap kali menggunakan cara kekerasan untuk membubarkan mereka.

Payung telah menjadi simbol gerakan para demonstran. Benda sederhana ini awalnya digunakan untuk menangkal semprotan gas air mata dan water canon yang digunakan aparat untuk membubarkan mereka.

Tak hanya payung, para pendemo kreatif yang dimotori mahasiswa ini juga membuat masker mereka sendiri. Masker ini merupakan perisai dari serangan semprotan merica yang juga dipakai untuk menghalau massa. (Baca: Bubarkan Massa, Polisi Hong Kong Semprotkan Merica)

Memasuki pekan kelima demonstrasi, belum ada tanda-tanda aksi akan berakhir. Tekad pendemo untuk menerapkan demokrasi penuh pada pemilihan pemimpin Hong Kong 2017 mendatang masih bulat.

Namun, pemerintah Beijing, juga masih berkeras bahwa mereka akan memberikan kebebasan demokrasi asal dengan persetujuan pemerintah. Beijing mengizinkan adanya calon pemimpin dari Hong Kong sendiri asal dengan persetujuan mereka. Namun, langkah ini dinilai sebagai ‘demokrasi palsu’ oleh para demonstran.

Sumber : Tempo, 30.10.14.

29 Oktober 2014

[291014.EN.SEA] Too Many Big Ships, Too Few Chassis Prime Causes of Long Beach Congestion

BIGGER ships landing near twice the cargo and the lack of available chassis to take it away are key cause of peak season harbour congestion, say Long Beach port authorities.

At sea, 11 containerships were anchored offshore in San Pedro Bay, shared by the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach in what some say is the worse pile up in two years.Most ships in the queue are from the G6 alliance, whose vessels must call at several terminals within the LA-Long Beach port complex, another contributor to the congestion problem, notes Lloyd's List.

"We don't have enough chassis to go around and on top of that the ones that are available are not where they should be," said the port's chief commercial officer Noel Hacegaba.

"A big ship comes to Terminal A, for example, but Terminal B has all the chassis," Dr Hacegaba told the Long Beach Post.

"Five years ago the average containership could carry 8,000 TEU, today at the Port of Long Beach, we see vessels that are 12,000 and 14,000 TEU," he said.

Bigger ships bringing in almost twice as much cargo to ports that were designed to handle much less are taxing facilities that have yet to be enlarged to handle more.

On average, 365 containerships arrive each month, but there were 391 in as of Monday and October doesn't end till Friday. October is already the record month for 2014, surpassing May's high of 390 ships.

But the No 1 problem is chassis. There are chassis providers who supply on the basis of average use, which spikes well beyond average in the peak season when there are not enough chassis (truck trailers) to go 'round, he said.

Another problem is arriving trucks with chassis must wait until their cargo is found, often at the bottom of a stack of container which must be removed to access the needed box.

The system has been likened to all taxis at an airport each having to collect a specific passenger, and having to wait until he is found.

Some big importers, such as Wal-Mart, Home Depot and the like, now pile up all their cargo and have it taken away by the first truck hired by the company rather than having the truck wait for a specific consignment to be found in the pile of boxes.

Source : HKSG.

[291014.ID.AIR] Singapura Akui Punya Izin Terbang di Pontianak

TEMPO.CO, Singapura - Perusahaan pelatihan penerbangan Singapura yang menaungi pesawat C90Gti mengaku sudah memiliki izin terbang. Bahkan, mereka sudah terbiasa melintasi wilayah udara Indonesia selama beberapa tahun belakangan. (Baca: Paskhas TNI AU Kepung Pesawat Latih Singapura)

“Kami telah mengajukan rencana penerbangan sesuai dengan peraturan wilayah udara melalui Otoritas Penerbangan Sipil Singapura dan telah beroperasi di rute ini selama beberapa tahun tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dulu (ke pihak Indonesia) sehingga tidak perlu ada masalah,” ujar juru bicara perusahaan Singapore Technologies Aerospace (ST) kepada Channel News Asia, Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014.

Pesawat latih dengan nomor kode VHPFK yang dioperasikan oleh anak perusahaan ST, Pasific Flight Services, dipaksa mendarat di Pangkalan Militer Bandara Supadio Pontianak, Kalimantan, Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014 sekitar pukul 11.00 WIB.

Saat ini pesawat yang terbang dari Bandara Seletar di Sarawak tersebut masih berada di hanggar Bandara Supadio. Tiga orang yang berada di dalam kapal, terdiri atas satu pelatih Singapura dan dua siswa penerbang asal Cina, masih diperiksa.

Pihak berwenang Singapura telah meminta izin ke Indonesia agar ketiganya diperbolehkan kembali ke Singapura. Juru bicara ST mengatakan pihaknya masih menunggu izin keluar. Diharapkan ketiga orang ini bisa berangkat dari Pontianak pada Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014 siang.

Sumber : Tempo, 29.10.14.

28 Oktober 2014

[281014.EN.SEA] Despite Russian Objections, UN Polar Code Closer to Being Law of the Sea

ENVIRONMENTAL provisions in a proposed International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters, also known as the Polar Code, has won approval to become mandatory from a United Nations body despite Russian objections.

Aspects of the Polar Code may well become law in as soon as November 17-21 when the UN's International Maritime Organisation's (IMO) maritime safety committee meets to consider adopting it into its Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) convention.

Unlike most laws passed by legislatures, these come as amendments to existing treaties, requiring little if any legislative oversight, but cobbled together by civil servants assigned to UN agencies.

The UN's Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) said that it would consider the code for adoption in May with a view to have enter into force in January 2017, reported London's Tanker Operator.

The draft Polar Code covers the full range of design, construction, equipment, operational, training, search and rescue and environmental protection matters relevant to ships operating in Arctic and Antarctic waters.

But Russian deputy Transport Minister Victor Clerks, whose country is involved in Arctic more than any other, recently warned that the code would be hard, if not impossible, to live by and detrimental to shipping.

Speaking to journalists at a Copenhagen shipping conference, about banning overboard discharges, he said smaller vessels operating between Russia's Arctic ports would have difficulty complying with all that was demanded in the code.

There was also the unspoken issue of the number of icebreakers in the Arctic that may have to comply with the Polar Code, with Mr Clerks suggesting that state-owned and operated icebreakers could be exempt like warships.

The environmental provisions added requirements to those already contained the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (Marpol) to be applied to ships operating in polar waters.

The Antarctic, an international scientific preserve and of no immediate commercial value, is already established as a Special Area under MARPOL with stringent restrictions on discharges. The new Polar Code aims to replicate these provisions in the Far North.

Mandatory provisions include prohibiting any discharge into the sea of oil or oily mixtures from any ship, as well as structural requirements including protective location of fuel-oil and cargo tanks.

"Control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk, prohibiting any discharge into the sea of noxious liquid substances, or mixtures containing such substances.

"Prevention of pollution by sewage from ships, prohibiting the discharge of sewage except for comminuted [reduced to tiny particles] and disinfected sewage under specific circumstances, including a specified distance from ice.

"Prevention of pollution by garbage from ships, adding additional restrictions to the permitted discharges (under MARPOL Annex V, discharge of all garbage into the sea is prohibited, except as provided otherwise)."

Source : HKSG.

[281014.ID.BIZ] 7 Permintaan Pengusaha Penerbangan Kepada Jonan

JAKARTA: Pengusaha penerbangan yang tergabung dalam Asosiasi Perusahaan Penerbangan Nasional Indonesia (INACA) menyambut baik penunjukan Ignasius Jonan sebagai Menteri Perhubungan (Menhub) mengingat rekam jejak karirnya selama ini dan sejumlah keberhasilannya di sektor transportasi.

“INACA berharap Menhub baru dapat meningkatkan daya saing maskapai penerbangan nasional sekaligus membangun atmosfer industri penerbangan yang sehat,” kata Ketua INACA Arif Wibowo di Jakarta, Selasa (28/10/2014).

INACA juga menyampaikan tujuh poin penting yang dapat menjadi masukan bagi menteri perhubungan dalam membenahi dan menciptakan industri penerbangan yang sehat, terutama menjelang implementasi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN pada 2015.

“Setelah kami inventarisasi, ada sejumlah bidang yang segera mendapatkan pembenahan, mulai dari kebijakan mengenai safety, penetapan tarif, hingga persoalan airport tax yang semestinya memudahkan maskapai,” kata Arif yang juga President & CEO Citilink Indonesia.

Pertama, dalam hal keselamatan penerbangan Arif mengatakan Menhub baru perlu melakukan percepatan untuk “menaikkan kelas” dari FAA kategori 2 menjadi kategori 1, dengan demikian akan menurunkan country safety risk yang pada akhirnya juga menurunkan biaya asuransi pesawat.

Hal ini juga semakin diperlukan mengingat persaingan di level regional dan global yang membutuhkan Kedua, soal penataan bandara yang terdiri dari bandara utama, bandara pendukung serta bandara perintis sehingga terbentuk interkonektivitas yang mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi yang efektif.

Hal itu meliputi juga penataan pungutan-pungutan tambahan yang tidak relevan di dalam bandara sehingga tetap sesuai dengan dokumen standar ICAO 9082 yang sebetulnya sudah tercakup.

Ketiga, penurunan terhadap struktur biaya avtur di Indonesia yang masih tergolong tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan negara-negara tetangga, sehingga dapat mengurangi daya saing maskapai penerbangan nasional jelang ASEAN Open Sky Policy 2015.

Keempat, kebijakan nol persen untuk bea masuk bagi komponen pesawat, mengingat sudah ada SK Menkeu mengenai hal tersebut namun dalam pelaksanannya belum berjalan baik.

Kelima, perlu kebijakan tarif yang “pro-pasar” tanpa adanya pembatasan harga namun mengikuti mekanisme pasar, terutama di rute-rute yang sudah dilayani banyak operator penerbangannya, sedangkan untuk yang single operator memang perlu ada penerapan batas atas.

INACA mengaku paham bahwa kebijakan pemerintah tentang tarif merupakan instrumen untuk melindungi kepentingan konsumen dan juga melindungi maskapai penerbangan selaku operator angkutan udara sesuai dengan UU Penerbangan No.1/2009.

Keenam, perlu regulasi yang bisa memenuhi kebutuhan sumber daya manusia di bidang penerbangan, seperti pilot, instruktur, inspektur dan mekanik. Hal itu sangat mendesak mengingat perkembangan teknologi dan jenis pesawat yang pesat.

Ketujuh,INACA juga berharap agar penerbangan tidak berjadwal (charter) mendapat perhatian pemerintah dengan ditetapkannya FBO (fixed based operation) untuk penerbangan charter di setiap bandara serta perlu adanya regulasi terbang malam untuk helikopter. (Nrm)

Sumber : Liputan6, 28.10.14.

27 Oktober 2014

[271014.EN.SEA] More Asia-Europe, Transpacific Services to be Cut Over Winter

CONTAINER shipping lines, including Maersk and the G6 Alliance, are cancelling more services on the transpacific and Asia-Europe routes over the slack winter season.

The Central China (CC2) service to the US west coast will be temporarily halted in response to "seasonal changes in market demand". The service is provided by G6 members APL, Hapag-Lloyd, HMM, MOL, NYK and OOCL.

The last sailing of the service is scheduled for October 31. The alliance said all ports called by CC2 will be covered by other services, reported Lloyd's List.

The CC2 is operated by four vessels with an average total capacity of 5,800 TEU.

In total, there are 57 services that cover Asia and the North American west coast, although many of those stop at the west coast on their way to the east coast, South America and Caribbean, or they are pendulum services. The G6 Alliance is an operator on 14 of these services.

The axing of these non-direct services leaves a total of 38 dedicated Asia-US west coast strings.

The report estimates the service suspension will remove 1.6 per cent of capacity from the market.

Last week, the G6 announced it would combine its NYE and SCE service heading from Asia to the North American east coast. This would remove 3.3 per cent of capacity on the transpacific east coast trade lane.

Maersk Line is cancelling four sailings on the Asia-North Europe trade lane.

The carrier said that due to a "predicted lack of demand", it would cancel four AE6 sailings scheduled for the fourth quarter.

One of these cancellations will take place in October, two in November and the final one in December.

The service is operated with vessels averaging 6,500 TEU in size.

Extra calls will be added to either the AE2 or AE7 services over the period to cover customer requirements, the Danish line said.

In September, the G6 Alliance announced it would cancel a sailing of its Asia-Europe Loop 7 service leaving Qingdao in mid-November.

Source : HKSG.

[271014.ID.BIZ] Inilah Perintah Jokowi di Rapat Kabinet Perdananya

Presiden Joko Widodo (kiri) dan Wapres Jusuf Kalla (kanan) memimpin sidang kabinet paripurna perdana dari Kabinet Kerja di Kantor Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Senin (27/10). Joko Widodo meminta para menteri tidak boleh ragu dalam menghadapi berbagai kendala termasuk masalah penataan organisasi, sementara bagi menteri yang kementeriannya tak mengalami perubahan, maka harus langsung bekerja.

JAKARTA. Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) memberikan pidato dalam rapat kabinet perdana di masa pemerintahannya, Senin (27/10) di Istana Negara. Dalam pidatonya tersebut, Jokowi meminta agar kementerian yang mengalami pengabungan atau pemisahan tetap bekerja dengan menggunakan organisasi yang ada.

Bagi kementerian yang belum ada kantornya, Jokowi juga meminta untuk segera berkoordinasi dengan Menteri Sekretaris Negara (Mensesneg) dan Kementerian Aparatur Negara (Menpan). "Tapi tetap mulai bekerja, gunakan apa yang ada," katanya.

Dia mengaku akan segera mengeluarkan aturan untuk memfasilitasi kementerian baru, ataupun yang mengalami penggabungan atau pemisahan. Menurutnya, menjadi tugas Kabinet Kerja untuk menjalankan visi misi dan program kerja presiden. Oleh karena itu dia meminta menteri-menterinya bekerja dalam garis lurus. "Ego sektoral harus dihentikan, kita harus memulai dengan tradisi baru lintas sektor, lintas kementerian," katanya. Menurutnya, koordinasi bukan hanya antar kementerian namun juga tetapi lintas Kementerian Koordinator.

Jokowi meminta agar menterinya segera bekerja dengan merujuk pada visi misi presiden. Visi misi itu harus segera diuraikan dalam berbagai implementasi kebijakan. Kabinet Kerja diminta juga untuk menemukan titik-titik kebuntuan dan segera melakukan totok nadi agar mengalir deras. "Tim transisi telah banyak memberi rekomendasi yang beragam, segera pelajari," katanya. 

Secara khusus, Jokowi juga meminta Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas) segera menjelaskan kepada seluruh menteri mengenai kebijakan dan visi misinya. Untuk itu Bappenas akan ditempatkan satu kelompok dengan Mensesneg. "Tugas Bappenas bukan hanya ekonomi semata, tetapi makro," katanya.

Dalam rapat kabinet perdana itu, Jokowi juga meminta agar menteri kordinator untuk segera memimpit rapat koordinasi dalam dua hari ke depan. Setelah rapat itu, maka Menko diwajibkan untuk melapor ke Presiden Jokowi. "Kita harus menjaga kepercayaan rakyat," katanya. Jokowi juga mewanti-wanti agar menterinya menata organisasi secara tepat, audit organisasi dan melakukan penyederhanaan organisasi agar lebih efektif dan efisien.

Sumber : Antara, 27.10.14.

--- quote ---

(artikel) Ini Susunan Lengkap 'Kabinet Kerja' Jokowi-JK

Mega Putra Ratya - detikNews

Jakarta - Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) telah mengumumankan susunan kabinetnya di halaman Istana Negara, Minggu (26/10/2014) pukul 17.30 WIB. Kabinet ini diberi nama Kabinet Kerja. Pengumuman ini dilakukan pada hari keenam setelah Jokowi-JK dilantik.

Dalam mengumumkan kabinet, Jokowi didampingi Wapres JK, Ibu Negara Iriana dan Ibu Mufidah Jusuf Kalla. Jokowi juga memanggil dan memperkenalkan 34 menterinya satu per satu.

Berikut susunan kabinet selengkapnya:

Presiden RI : Joko Widodo
Wakil Presiden RI : M Jusuf Kalla

1. Menteri Sekretaris Negara : Praktino
2. Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Negara/Kepala Bappenas: Andrinof Chaniago

3. Menko Bidang Kemaritiman : Indroyono Soesilo
4. Menteri Perhubungan : Ignasius Jonan
5. Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan: Susi Pudjiastuti
6. Menteri Pariwisata : Arief Yahya
7. Menteri Energi dan Sumberdaya Mineral: Sudirman Said

8. Menko Bidang Polhukam : Tedjo Edy Purdijatno
9. Menteri Dalam Negeri : Tjahjo Kumolo
10. Menteri Luar Negeri : Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi
11. Menteri Pertahanan : Ryamizard Ryacudu
12. Menteri Hukum dan HAM : Yasonna H Laoly
13. Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika: Rudiantara
14. Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi: Yuddy Chrisnandi

15. Menko Bidang Perekonomian: Sofjan Djalil
16. Menteri Keuangan : Bambang Brodjonegoro
17. Menteri BUMN : Rini M Soemarno
18. Menteri Koperasi dan UMKM: Anak Agung Gde Ngurah Puspayoga
19. Menteri Perindustrian : M Saleh Husin
20. Menteri Perdagangan : Rachmat Gobel
21. Menteri Pertanian : Amran Sulaiman
22. Menteri Ketenagakerjaan : Hanif Dhakiri
23. Menteri PU dan Perumahan Rakyat: Basuki Hadi Muljono
24. Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan: Siti Nurbaya
25. Menteri Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Kepala BPN: Ferry Mursyidan Baldan

26. Menko Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan: Puan Maharani
27. Menteri Agama : Lukman Hakim Saefuddin
28. Menteri Kesehatan : Nila F Moeloek
29. Menteri Sosial : Khofifah Indar Parawansa
30. Menteri Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak: Yohanan Yambise
31. Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pedidikan Dasar dan Menengah: Anies Baswedan
32. Menteri Ristek dan Pendidikan Tinggi : M Nasir
33. Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga: Imam Nahrawi
34. Menteri Desa dan Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi: Marwan Ja'far.

26 Oktober 2014

[261014.EN.SEA] 24,000-TEU Boxships Would Weigh Heavily on Infrastructure Costs

INFRASTRUCTURE costs and related constraints could outweigh the benefits of ever larger containerships even though it is feasible to build ships of 24,000-TEU, according to classification society DNV GL.

Against the near universal cry for lower slot costs, such as voiced by port planner Larry Nye of Moffatt & Nichol engineering of Long Beach, warnings are increasingly heard.

But Mr Nye insists megaships are coming to the US west coast and tells terminal operators in Los Angeles and Long Beach to brace themselves for 18,000-TEUers, reports Newark's Journal of Commerce.

To handle these, he said, terminals must invest in varying degrees of automation.

But automation is expensive, costing US$300 to $500 million to fully automate a facility that will handle two million TEU a year, say others.

"You have to really study it closely and guess right from the start," warned Dan Smith, a partner in the Tioga Group, Philadelphia consultants.

Also sounding a cautionary note is DNV GL class society's Jost Bergmann, as shipping lines seek lower slot costs, the largest vessels on order going up to 19,000 TEU.

"We believe it's worth looking at the total picture of where ship sizes will go in the future. We should also have a look at the infrastructure costs, which are developing in the opposite way to slot costs," Mr Bergman, DNV GL's containership business managers, told a recent seminar in Singapore.

"If liner companies insist on getting 24,000-TEU ships it is possible from a naval architecture point of view," he said, reported Seatrade Global.

Moving up to the possible 24,000-TEU capacity vessel would need larger cranes, reinforced berths, bigger turning basins, deeper water and investment in landside infrastructure such as road and rail connections.

Port congestion being seen this year in Europe and now Asia is a possible sign of infrastructure problems already starting to appear.

A 24,000-TEU ship would be 430 metres long compared to 400 metres for a 19,000-TEU ship and have a beam of 64 metres compared to 59.

"If the vessels are longer, then in the upper parts of the ship steel plates of 100-110 millimetres may have to be used to ensure it is strong enough, which poses challenges not just for the shipyards but also the steel mills," said Mr Bergmann.

The size of container tiers in the cargo hold would also be increased from 11 to 12, which would result in weight restrictions on the cargo carried given that only 11 containers can be stacked on top of each other without crushing the boxes at the bottom.

According to Mr Bergmann, the average size of boxships has been increasing dramatically by 5.5 per cent annually. Of the current orderbook 40 per cent of the vessels are in excess of 13,000 TEU capacity.

So far this year 140 newbuildings have been ordered with 1.1 million TEU of capacity.

"We believe we see some moderate newbuilding activity in the next few years maybe around 200 vessels a year, and we also believe there will be a focus on the larger, more energy efficient vessels."

Source : HKSG.