30 April 2015

[300415.EN.SEA] Iran Seizes Maersk Tigris, Shows It Too Can Stop, Hold Ships As Saudis Do

MAERSK's 5,466-TEU Marshall Islands-flagged Maersk Tigris has been seized after Iranian gunboats put a shot across her bow and ordered her to heave to near Bandar Abbas, reports the US Naval Institute's website USNI News.

Meanwhile, a Saudi-led coalition of naval forces has imposed arms blockade by searching ships for weapons destined for the rebels, Reuters reports.

Maersk Line told American Shipper it does not own the 2014-built ship or employ its crew, but it is time chartered from Singapore's Rickmers Shipmanagement. Equasis lists Wide Golf Ltd. as the vessel owner. That apparently is an affiliate of Los Angeles-based Oaktree Capital Management.

Reuters reports Iranian forces boarded in the Gulf after patrol boats fired warning shots as it was moving through the Strait of Hormuz to Dubai from Jeddah.

The ship initially ignored Iranian patrol boats that ordered it deeper into Iranian territorial waters but complied after the vessels fired several warning shots, US Army Colonel Steve Warren said.

US forces in the region responded to distress calls from the Maersk Tigris, by sending the destroyer USS Farragut to monitor the situation along with reconnaissance aircraft. No Americans were aboard, Col Warren said.

Rickmers Shipmanagement part of Hamburg's Rickmers Group, declined to comment. The Pentagon said earlier that the Marshall Islands-flagged Maersk Tigris was boarded by Iranian forces.

Iranian warships have been active in Gulf of Oman and off the Yemen coast supposedly chasing pirates, at which their official new agencies say they have had a number of successes.

The Yemeni civil war, in which all have taken sides, pits forces loyal to ousted President, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, who is backed by the Saudi-led coalition of US, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco and Sudan, while the Shia rebels known as Houthis, are backed by Iran.

Rebels have long ago taken the capital Sanna and have since closed in on the ousted president's southern stronghold of Aden. But a coalition led by Saudi Arabia has defended the city with air strikes on Houthi targets.

The UN Security Council has added and arms embargo that works against the rebels and Saudi-led naval forces engage in arm searches on all ships entering the Port of Aden from where comes 90 per cent of the local food supply.

Reuters reported at least five merchant ships were held up. Only two of those vessels have fully discharged so far with a third docked currently.

"Ships with wheat need to wait up to five days for permission to enter. Several seem to be delayed," a German commodities trader said.

What is often overlooked is that troops are seldom in need of weaponry if they are already supplied. Ammunition is only freely spent in pitched battles, which are rare. What active troops need and, need in abundance, is food.

Source : HKSG, 30.04.15.

[300415.ID.BIZ] Pengusaha Ragu Belanja Infrastruktur Mampu Mendongkrak Penjualan Semen

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA--Industri semen nasional meragukan realisasi belanja infrastruktur pemerintah yang baru dimulai mampu mendongkrak penjualan semen nasional dengan signifikan setelah mengalami penurunan dalam pada kuartal I/2015.

Agung Wiharto, Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Semen Indonesia Tbk., mengatakan porsi konsumsi semen untuk proyek infrastruktur di Indonesia hanya 21% dari total serapan. Mayoritas penggunaan semen berada pada sektor retail dan properti yang mencapai 79%.

Penggunaan semen untuk proyek infrastruktur itu mudah dihitung. Untuk satu kilometer jalan tol menggunakan 3.000 ton semen. Jika dalam lima tahun dibangun 2.000 km maka konsumsi pertahun hanya 1,2 juta ton semen, katanya kepada bisnis, Rabu (29/4/2015).

Menurutnya, suplai semen nasional saat ini sekitar 70 juta ton per tahun. Design capacity hingga Desember 2015 berkisar 70 juta ton 75 juta ton dengan kemampuan produksi antara 65 juta ton - 70 juta ton.

Maka, ujarnya, jika produksi semen nasional dibandingkan dengan rencana pengerjaan proyek infrastruktur saat ini, serapannya tidak terlalu signifikan. Dia mengatakan, produsen lebih berharap pada pertumbuhan sektor properti.

Proyek infrastruktur tidak ada apa-apanya dengan total produksi industri dalam negeri, karena, proyek infrastruktur menggunakan semen curah. Yang diharapkan tumbuh adalah pembangunan rumah masyarakat, katanya.

Untuk diketahui, saat ini Semen Indonesia Grup menguasai 44% pasar semen nasional melalui produk Semen Padang, Gresik dan Tonasa.

Erwin Aksa, CEO Bosowa, mengatakan dengan dimulainya belanja infrastruktur oleh pemerintah seharusnya terjadi peningkatan permintaan semen. Harusnya kalau belanja sudah dimulai, tender selesai dan pekerjaan fisik dilakukan ada peningkatan permintaan, katanya dalam pesan singkat.

Menteri Keuangan Bambang Brodjonegoro sebelumnya memastikan belanja pemerintah dan BUMN, terutama yang berkaitan dengan infrastruktur, berjalan mulai April sehingga dapat mengungkit pertumbuhan ekonomi tiga kuartal ke depan.

Selain itu, Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PU-Pera) Basuki Hadimuljono menyatakan pemerintah mencanangkan pembangunan sejumlah proyek infrastruktur senilai Rp124 triliun.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 29.04.15.

29 April 2015

[290415.EN.SEA] Hapag-Lloyd Urges Alliances To Look At New Inland Transport Focus

GERMANY's Hapag-Lloyd expects ocean-going shipping alliances to expand inland the preferred option of industry consolidation seems too far off to be feasible, says Hapag-Lloyd CEO Rolf Habben Jansen.

"Most alliances focus on the ocean leg. But if you look ahead, I would say that the big four alliances will have comparable slot costs. There is more that can be done. Things that can be done to optimise terminals and inland trucking," he said.

Mr Habben Jansen said the G6 Alliance was already actively exploring these areas, as it would allow them to expand their service and also take out costs.

One G6 member, Japan's Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL), has already announced a change of focus to inland logistics and de-emphasising its traditional ocean container shipping role.

Speaking at a Containerisation International shipping conference in Hamburg, Mr Habben Jansen said he would like to see further industry consolidation to help combat volatility but doubted it would soon happen.

Nine of the top 20 shipping lines are family-owned or government-owned in whole or in part, thus making mergers difficult if not unlikely, leaving little hope for major sector-wide consolidation in the short term.

That made shipping alliances the "only realistic alternative", but he would like to see the alliance expanded further to include inland systems.

"We believe that consolidation will continue but also that it will move slowly. So we need to look at other ways to become more competitive and more cost-efficient and that is where alliances are useful.

Said Mr Habben Jansen: "Looking at the size of the ships today, we have to co-operate because no-one can fill the capacity on the water. But we also have to take the consequence and explore every possible way to work together beyond the port."

One roadblock was regulatory restriction. "We welcome that discussion with the authorities to jointly explore what is possible and what is not, but in the end offer a better service to the customer and better choices between various parties," he said.

Source : HKSG, 29.04.15.

[290415.ID.SEA] Akui Kesalahan, Kemenhub Ajukan Revisi Peraturan PNBP Ilustrasi Bisnis

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA—Direktorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan Kementerian Perhubungan mengakui ada kesalahan dalam penetapan aturan tentang jenis dan tarif Pendapatan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) yang tercantum dalam PP No.11/2015.

Oleh karena itu, Direktorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan akan segera mengajukan revisi terhadap aturan tersebut karena ada beberapa satuan dalam peraturan ini yang akan disempurnakan.

Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Laut Kemenhub Bobby R Mamahit mengatakan pengajuan revisi tersebut ditargetkan selesai ditandatangani pada akhir April ini.

Menurut Bobby, contoh kesalahan tersebut adalah mengenai pengawasan barang berbahaya, dalam Pasal 7 ayat i PP No.11 Tahun 2015 ada sedikit kekeliruan.

“Sebenarnya konsepnya benar tetapi kok diketik seperti itu mestinya Rp10 per ton menjadi Rp25.000 per Kg. Satu ton bisa seribu kali kilogram, berarti jadi Rp25 juta per ton,” katanya, Rabu (29/4/2015).

Sebelumnya pada 2 April 2015, Kementerian Perhubungan mengeluarkan Mapel Dirjen Hubla No.22/PHBL yang ditujukan kepada seluruh Kantor Syahbandar, Otoritas Pelabuhan dan Kantor Syahbandar dan Otoritas Pelabuhan (KSOP) di seluruh Pelabuhan Indonesia.

Maklumat Pelayaran (Mapel) ini dikeluarkan sebagai petunjuk sementara di lapangan agar penarikan PNBP di Kemenhub berjalan lancar.

Isi dari Mapel ini adalah menegaskan pungutan PNBP terhadap pengawasan barang berbahaya termasuk bahan bakar minyak (BBM), bahan kimia dan bahan sejenisnya dalam bentuk curah hanya dikenakan tarif Rp10 per ton per muatan.

Sedangkan pengawasan bongkar muat pengangkutan BBM dikenakan PNBP sebesar Rp50.000 per muatan.

Bobby tidak mengelak terhadap kesalahan ini karena banyaknya pasal yang diatur dalam peraturan tersebut. Bahkan, menurutnya ada duplikasi di beberapa pasal dan untuk hal ini sudah dihapus.

Selain itu, dalam peraturan tersebut ada beberapa penambahan seperti pengawasan pipa bawah laut, pengawasan kabel bawah laut dan sewa perairan.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 29.04.15.

28 April 2015

[280415.EN.SEA] Carriers Refuse To Speed Ships, Despite Shippers' Pleas Based On Low Oil

DESPITE shippers' pleas for faster ships, given cheaper oil prices, top container lines say they have no plans to speed up ships in the hard-pressed Asia-Europe trades, reports Lloyd's Loading List.

Both Maersk and Hapag-Lloyd have dismissed calls to drop slow steaming. Maersk north Europe chief Karsten Kildahl said there wasn't the demand to pay high enough rates to make high-speed services profitable.

Not mentioned in the reports was the value slow steaming has in absorbing excess tonnage that floods today's market, and that faster transits would only increase the number of idle ships.

Carriers pointed out that speeding up would require new berthing windows and feeder contracts - far more complicated than before - now that nearly all big shipping lines are in alliances.

Hapag-Lloyd chief executive Rolf Habben Jansen said punctuality was more important than speed. "We need to get schedule reliability up where it belongs. We do not intend to speed up anything," he told delegates.

But shippers such as Siemens say they would pay more for shorter Asia-Europe transits. "There is a market for this," said Siemens vice president Robert Gora.

He told the told the Containerisation International industry conference in Hamburg that he would welcome the option for a quicker alternative to the current 40-day voyage from Shanghai to Germany.

Existing alternatives are expensive air freight at 10 days door to door or rail at 20 to 25 days.

Conference chairman Jesper Kjaedegaard cited US carrier Matson showing there is a market for high-speed services, charging $200 more per container more on its Asia-US services for quicker turnaround times.

Source : HKSG.

[280415.ID.BIZ] Deutsche Bank: Tersandung Kasus Manipulasi Suku Bunga, Laba Anjlok

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Di luar dugaan, perolehan laba Deutsche Bank sepanjang kuartal I/2015 tergerus cukup dalam setelah perseroan tersandung denda jutaan euro karena manipulasi tingkat suku bunga pinjaman.

Sekalipun pendapatan total bank raksasa asal Eropa itu melonjak 24% secara year on year menjadi 10,4 miliar euro, laba bersih perusahaan justru turun menjadi 559 juta euro atau setara dengan US8 juta.

Pendapatan bank terkuras untuk membayar denda senilai US$2,5 miliar yang timbul akibat dugaan manipulasi tingkat suku bunga acuan. Deustsche Bank bersama dengan sederet bank besar lainnya didenda oleh regulator AS dan Inggris.

Sebelumnya, konsensus analis mengestimasikan laba bersih menurun 40% menjadi sekira 655 juta euro dalam tiga bulan pertama tahun ini. Sementara itu sejak 2012 Deustshe Bank tercatat sudah menggelontorkan lebih dari sembilan miliar euro untuk membayar denda serta penyelesaiannya.

Bahkan, analis memprediksi tahun ini perseroan masih harus membayar denda sekitar 4 miliar euro untuk perkara serupa. Adapun, hampir setengah dari pendapatan bank ditopang oleh unit investasinya seiring dengan melonjaknya volume serta nilai transaksi investor yang berada di bawah naungan Deutsche Bank.

Saat ini, unit usaha investasi milik Deutsche Bank adalah salah satu yang terbesar di Eropa kendati perseroan sendiri sudah mulai memperkecil unit usaha tersebut.

Deutsche Bank juga mengumumkan strategi bisnis barunya, termasuk penjualan jaringan ritel Postbank miliknya. Pendapatan Postbank tercatat naik tipis 1% dan menjadi unit bisnis dengan performa terburuk.

Sementara itu bank investasi layaknya Deutsche mereguk keuntungan dari pelonggaran moneter besar-besaran (quantitative easing) yang dilakukan oleh European Central Bank (ECB). Morgan Stanley misalnya, pesaing berat Deutsche Bank itu mencatat keuntungan terbesar secara kuartalan sejak krisis finansial di akhir 2008 lalu.

Laba bersih Morgan Stanley melambung hingga 60%, di bawahnya ada Goldman Sachs yang membukukan kenaikan laba sebesar 41%.  Di sisi lain bank besar lain seperti UBS dan Barclays, justru memangkas pendapatan dari pos investasi.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 27.04.15.

27 April 2015

[270415.EN.BIZ] Bloated Vessels And Alliances Make Shippers Rely More On 3PLs

UPSIZING ships the growth of mega shipping alliances has let shippers to rely on third party logistics providers (3PLs), according to a top executive for Agility, the Kuwaiti global forwarder.

Speaking to delegates at the TOC container supply chain conference in Singapore, Agility vice president Sundara Sundara said for small and medium size businesses the 3PL was often their first point of entry into world shipping.

"There has been a surge of small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) using 3PLs as a one stop shop to try to keep track of all the changes that are going on in the industry," he said.

"At the same time the alliances are looking to fill up the ultra large container vessels so they are coming to 3PLs to get these volumes. So for the SME, the 3PLs become a point of entry, especially as they don't have things such as existing credit terms with the carriers," said Mr Sandara.

Kuehne + Nagel's Singapore and Malaysia sea freight chief Bjorn Schoon agreed, saying he found evidence of this trend in the increasing share of volumes that 3PLs booked with lines compared to the share booked directly with carriers by shippers.

"Forwarders control 40 per cent  global sea freight volumes - some 68 million TEU out of a total market of 170 million TEU, although the top 10 forwarders control just 15 million TEU, with the remainder controlled by thousands of smaller forwarders who concentrate on specific cargoes or trade lanes.

"Carriers control the remaining 60 per cent of volumes, but that is down from 95 per cent 30-odd years ago, and we expect to see forwarders gain further market share," he said, in a release from TOC.

One of the chief reasons for this, he said, was that in their search for reducing the cost per TEU, carriers had been reducing regional sales forces, "which means their proximity to customers has been getting less."

In contrast, he said, 3PLs had been hiring more sales people, investing in end-to-end solutions and the IT systems that support global supply chains including, crucially, the ability for shippers to run shipments over different transport modes.

He added that declining liner performance in terms of schedule reliability continued to cause stress in the container supply chain.

Global logistics manager, David Panjwani, for Africa and Asia at US-based heavy machinery manufacturer John Deere admitted that its use of its logistics service providers had increased.

The company ships 110,000 TEU per year, as well as 30,000 ro-ro units, and Mr Panjwani said that while John Deere directly books 98 per cent of its ocean freight purchasing with shipping lines the continuing poor performance of liner shipping meant a focus on day-to-day container flows had become more important.

"We have to focus more on the details, and the role of freight forwarders helping us to run ocean freight contracts has become more critical than ever.

Source : HKSG.

[270415.ID.BIZ] Sejuta Buruh Siap Rayakan May Day

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA -- Sebanyak satu juta buruh akan turun ke jalan dalam rangka memperingati hari buruh internasional atau May Day pada 1 Mei mendatang di 30 provinsi dan 250 kabupaten/kota.

Presiden Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Indonesia (KSPI) Said Iqbal mengatakan khusus untuk DKI Jakarta sebanyak 150.000 buruh yang berasal dari KSPI, KSPSI, KSBSI, SBTPI, KASBI, dan sejumlah elemen buruh lainnya akan long march dari Bundaran HKI menuju Istana Presiden.

"Khusus masa KSPI sebanyak 100.000 juga akan bergerak ke GBK untuk merayakan May Day Fiesta untuk menyuarakan tuntutan," katanya dalam siaran pers yang diterima, Senin (27/4/2015).

Tuntutan yang akan disuarakan oleh buruh tersebut adalah tolak upah murah, jaminan pensiun dengan manfaat 60% dari gaji terakhir, dan tambah anggaran jamkesmas Rp30 triliun.

"Kami juga minta hapus outsourcing khususnya di BUMN, tolak kenaikan harga BBM, elpiji, listrik sesuai harga pasar, serta turunkan harga bahan pokok," tegasnya.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 27.04.15.

26 April 2015

[260414.EN.SEA] Alliances Mess Up Terminal Operations: FMC's Doyle Tells Athens Meet

LARGE shipping alliances - those comprising more than three ocean carriers - are contributing to port congestion, according to US Federal Maritime Commissioner (FMC) William Doyle.

Speaking at the European Maritime Law Organisation's (EMLO) Spring Seminar in Athens, the commissioner said the problem had been aggravated by ships not meeting their scheduled windows, resulting in bunching on reaching ports.

"Once at the terminal, these new larger ships discharge cargo, one ship after the other - swamping the terminal," he said.

Citing the Asia-US west coast trade lane, which was hard hit by congestion and docker go-slows for four months from November, Mr Doyle said the "disorganised" block loading of containers at load ports was a contributing factor leading to confusion at the discharge terminal, reported London's Loadstar.

"The containers are scattered all over the west coast terminals making it difficult for truckers and shippers to retrieve their cargo," he said.

It has been reported that the G6 alliance's six members have the most complicated operation at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, serving seven terminals at the San Pedro Bay port complex, with some of the members suffering above average extra costs during the peak of the congestion troubles.

There is no doubt that an 8,000- to 10,000-TEU ship co-loading for six carriers in Asia from four or five ports for discharge at seven terminals on the US west coast, is an extremely challenging operation requiring a complex stowage plan.

Source : HKSG.

[260415.ID.BIZ] Utang YUNANI: Kucuran Dana Tunggu Kelengkapan Rencana Reformasi

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA- Menteri keuangan Zona Euro memperingatkan Yunani untuk melengkapi rencana reformasi ekonomi, sebelum mendapatkan kucuran bantuan dana kembali.

Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Menteri Keuangan Belanda yang memimpin pertemuan para menkeu Zona Euro di ibukota Latvia, pada Jumat (24/4/2015) waktu setempat.

"Daftar lengkap dan rinci reformasi dibutuhkan. Banyak komprehensif diperlukan sebelum pencairan dapat terjadi. Kita semua menyadari waktu hampir habis," kata Dijsselbloem dalam konferensi pers setelah pertemuan di Riga seperti dikutip Reuters, Jumat (24/4/2015).

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 25.04.15.

24 April 2015

[240415.EN.BIZ] New Indonesia Rule Requiring Extra Screening Risks EU Export Ban

INDONESIAN Transport Minister Ignasius Jonan has issued a new regulation concerning air cargo and supply chain safety that requires logistics companies to have freight screened by regulated agents (RA) in Line 2 (unrestricted) areas at international airports before being moved to the secure Line 1 areas.

Since most RA firms lack screening expertise, logistics firms and airlines will have to screen the cargo once again in Line 1 before shipment boards an aircraft because of fears that security could be compromised during the move from Line 2 to Line 1.

Forwarders have raised concerns that the new policy may have a detrimental impact on exports as the shipment of cargo from Indonesia may be subject to delays or even banned by the European Union, and small- and medium-sized logistics firms may be forced out of business, reports the Jakarta Post.

"There are concerns over safety compromises in the new regulation," said Indonesian Logistics and Forwarders Association chief Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi.

"From what I know, the EU will have to validate the new procedure, otherwise our freight cannot enter Europe," he said.

Aside from safety issues, the regulation revision could also disrupt the supply chain as it could delay cargo arrivals. "Customers choose air cargo because it's faster. By moving the inspection area, we may see delays of up to two days," Mr Yukki said.

The Law and Human Rights Ministry is currently reviewing the regulation before it takes effect on May 31.

Source : HKSG, 24.04.15.

[240415.ID.BIZ] Penyerapan Anggaran Kemenhub Baru 10%

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA—Menteri Perhubungan Ignasius Jonan mengatakan penyerapan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) Perubahan 2015 Kementerian Perhubungan yang baru mencapai 10% dari seluruh anggaran Rp65triliun.

Dia menjelaskan minimnya penyerapan tersebut merupakan hal yang wajar karena kurang lebih kementerian lain pun dipastikan mengalami hal yang sama. Dia mengungkapkan tidak masalah dengan pencapaiannya daripada harus memulai proyek yang asal-asalan.

 “Penyerapan APBN dan APBN-P 2015 baru 10% terhitung sampai akhir Maret. Ya kurang lebih tiga bulan pertama ini semua kementerian juga mengalami hal yang sama kok,” katanya Jumat (24/4).

Jonan menerangkan Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran (DIPA) APBN 2015 pun, ucapnya, baru turun pada Februari lalu dan APBNP 2015 baru turun bulan ini. Untuk suatu pembangunan dibutuhkan masterplan atau rencana induk yang hukumnya wajib ada. Misalnya untuk bangun bandara, kereta api, maupun pelabuhan. Selain itu, pembangunan juga perlu membuat amdal (analisis dampak lingkungan) guna mencegah adanya perkara hukum dikemudian hari.

“Sekarang sedang coba prosedur internal seperti proses pengadaan barang dan jasa bisa dipercepat. Maksudnya, proses yang tidak perlu ya dikurangi saja tapi tetap melihat faktor kehati-hatian dan transparansi apabila ada penyimpangan,” paparnya.

Untuk lebih mempercepat penyerapan anggaran, Jonan menggunakan jasa Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Pemerintah (LKPP) atau proses tender untuk pengadaan barang dan jasa. Selain itu, dia mengatakan akan memangkas prosedur internal, seperti review proyek yang dilakukan oleh Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Balitbang) Kemenhub sendiri dan pimpinan bertanggung jawab apabila diminta selesai dalam waktu dua minggu tanpa melewati lembaga lain (eksternal).

"Saya sih maunya tahun ini bisa menyerap sampai 100%, ya kalau tidak jangan beda jauh sama tahun lalu sekitar 85%. Tapi, tetap harus utamakan masterplan dan amdal yang memang memakan waktu," imbuhnya.

Sejauh ini, ungkapnya, belum ada rencana proyek yang dibatalkan olehnya. Dia berharap di pertengahan tahun penyerapannya bisa naik menjadi 30%, 9 bulan naik lagi 60% dan akhir tahun lebih banyak lagi. Tahun ini, Jonan menargetkan menyelesaikan perbaikan di 50 bandara dan 170 pelabuhan. Dirinya berjanji akan bekerja semaksimal mungkin efektif dan tepat waktu.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 24.04.15.

23 April 2015

[230415.EN.BIZ] German Train Drivers Stage 66-Hour Strike - to Cost US$107 Million Daily

GERMAN train drivers began a 66-hour strike over higher pay and greater union influence, expected to cost as much as EUR100 million (US$107 million) a day in production stoppages, Reuters reports.

Despite this, Deutsche Bahn said that it aims to have about one third of trains running.

Twenty per cent of German freight moves by rail and millions of commuters use trains every day.

The union, the Gewerkschaft Deutscher Lokomotivfuhrer (GDL), representing 10 per cent of Deutsche Bahn’s 200,000 workers, wants five per cent more pay, a shortened work week of 37 hours instead of 39 and the right to negotiate for other rail workers.

The Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) industry association said the strike would hit the whole country and that after a few days, the cost of disruption from assembly line stoppages could balloon to as much as EUR100 million a day.

"GDL is acting irresponsibly and has lost all sense of proportion," BDI manager Dieter Schweer said, adding that chemical, steel and auto sectors could be hardest hit
Germany’s steel industry association, which transports 200,000 tonnes of raw materials and steel daily by rail, said a three-day strike would cause "huge problems" and could cost the sector millions of euros in additional costs.

The DIHK chambers of commerce also criticised the strike, with chief economist Alexander Schumann saying it was not only an annoyance for commuters but that it could cost firms "a significant amount of money".

Source : HKSG.

[230415.ID.BIZ] Banten Siap Garap Bojonegara Jika Pusat Restui

Kabar24.com, JAKARTA--Pemerintah Provinsi Banten bersedia cari investor sendiri untuk proyek kawasan industri Bojonegara di Serang beserta infrastruktur pendukungnya.

Plt. Gubernur Banten Rano Karno menyatakan sedianya pemprov mau mencari investor untuk jadi mitra dalam menggarap proyek tersebut. Tapi hal ini baru bisa dilakukan jika pemerintah pusat menyerahkan proyek Bojonegara seutuhnya jadi program provinsi.

“Kalau pemerintah pusat serahkan ke kami, kami akan cari investor saking pentingnya proyek ini. Kewenangan proyek ini sekarang di pemerintah pusat,” kata Rano kepada Bisnis, di Tangerang, belum lama ini.

Berdasarkan rencana tata ruang Pemprov Banten 2010 – 2030, Serang diarahkan untuk pengembangan industri, pelabuhan, pergudangan, pariwisata, jasa, dan perdagangan. Bojonegara sendiri dinyatakan layak secara keekonomian untuk dikembangkan bertahap.

Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan komitmen dan gerak cepat guna mengembangkan infrastruktur pendukung, seperti kawasan industri alat berat dan pembangkit listrik, tol menuju keluar Cilegon barat, dan pembebasan lahan untuk pelebaran jalan menuju kawasan. Ada pula infrastruktur pembangunan lintasan kereta api menuju kawasan serta pemenuhan AMDAL.

Pola tata ruang di Bojonegara dinyatakan dekat dengan jalur perdagangan atau pelayaran internasional. Oleh karena itu pengembangan kawasan ini akan dilengkapi dengan pelabuhan sehingga arus pelayaran masuk dan keluar Indonesia lebih lancar.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 23.04.15.

22 April 2015

[220415.EN.SEA] NYK to Fix Focus On Logistics Rather Than Containership Operations

JAPANESE shipping giant Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK) is plotting a new course by diversifying into integrated logistics focusing on distribution, rather than rely on being a container shipping line in a market plagued by overcapacity.

"We have considered business diversification, such as expansion into logistics, to be essential in order to continue to grow in the 21st century," said the group's new president, Tadaaki Naito, in his inauguration speech.

"This transformation has required us to become a diverse, integrated logistics company focusing on all areas of distribution, rather than relying on the liner trade alone.

"Given the highly sophisticated nature of logistics today, we must gain an awareness of the needs of our customers through thorough analysis of customer demands by our people on the front lines."

The company's current mid-term plan calls for investment of JPY80 billion (US$626.4 million) in the ocean liner trade and logistics business in the five years to March 31, 2019.

In addition to the group's container shipping business, NYK operates air and ocean freight forwarding and contract logistics services via its Yusen Logistics organisation. Its air freight activities also include Nippon Cargo Airlines, which operates a fleet of Boeing 747 freighters.

Between April and December 2014 the recurring profits of the company's global logistics business grew to JPY12 billion from the year-ago level of JPY500 million owing to improvements across its liner, air cargo and other logistics divisions.

According to Mr Naito, the shipping and logistics industries overall offer "promising growth" despite persistent overcapacity since 2008, and that the company is especially keen to tap demand growth in emerging markets.

"We expect that the Asia region and emerging nations such as the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) will continue to show high growth rates going.

Source : HKSG.

[220415.ID.BIZ] Restorasi Bangunan De Driekleur Bandung, BTPN Diganjar Penghargaan Unesco

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) raih penghargaan dari United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Apresiasi berwujud pada 2014 UNESCO Asia Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation kategori Honourable Mention.

BTPN meraih penghargaan karena restorasi bangunan De Driekleur atau tiga warna di kawasan Dago, Bandung, Jawa Barat.

"Kami berterimakasih kepada UNESCO yang telah memberikan penghargaan ini dan bangga bisa menjadi bagian dalam upaya merawat cagar budaya di Kota Bandung melalui restorasi De Driekleur," ujar Wakil Direktur Utama BTPN Ongki W. Dana dalam siaran pers yang diterima Bisnis.com, Rabu (22/4/2015).

Dia berharap upaya BTPN dalam melestarikan cagar budaya tersebut dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat Bandung.

"Masyarakat nantinya bila berkunjung ke BTPN Sinaya cabang Dago ini dapat menikmati cagar budaya dan sejarah yang dijaga dengan baik," katanya.

Kota Bandung, lanjut Ongki, merupakan cikal bakal lahirnya BTPN sejak 57 tahun lalu. Oleh karena itu, BTPN merasa wajib untuk memberikan kontribusi kepada kota Bandung.

Proses restorasi bangunan De Driekleur yang menghabiskan waktu kurang lebih empat tahun ini dipimpin oleh Budi Lim, seorang arsitek berpengalaman dengan keahlian konservasi dan restorasi.

Keahlian Budi Lim dibuktikan dengan penghargaan tertinggi UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards pada 2001 karena telah merestorasi Gedung Museum Arsip Nasional di Jakarta.

Arsitek Budi Lim menambahkan De Driekleur dibangun pada 1938 oleh arsitek Belanda bernama Albert Frederik Aalbers.

Aalbers kala itu, lanjutnya, termasuk sebagai salah satu arsitek paling mashur seantero Hindia Belanda. Aalbers dan arsitek-arsitek muda lainnya sedang menggandrungi aliran seni yang dikenal dengan Art Deco.

"Sebagian besar waktu justru saya habiskan untuk melakukan riset atas gedung ini dan material-material yang digunakan oleh arsitek. Kami berupaya keras merestorasi kembali bangunan ini sesuai aslinya," tutur Budi.

Rancangan Art Deco ini mempunyai bahasa arsitektur yang jelas yang mencerminkan jiwa kebebasan dan kemajuan. Ruang-ruangnya mempunyai fungsi yang jelas selalu menekankan kualitas ruang daripada kuantitas. Art Deco selalu mempunyai skala yang bersahaja dan manusiawi.

"Selama 4-5 tahun saya mempelajari bangunan De Driekleur yang dibuat oleh Aalbers ini saya melihat adanya benang merah antara BTPN dengan spirit dan khas jiwa Art Deco yang memperhatikan masyarakat menengah dan kelas bawah," terang Budi.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 22.04.15 / Kredit Foto : duniadarisudutmataku.blogspot.com.

21 April 2015

[210415.EN.SEA] Intra-Asia's Value and Volume Booms As Rising Middle Class Demand Grows

THE appearance of larger vessels in intra-Asia trade lanes has prompted expectations of significant growth in that market's cargo value and volume, reports London's Loadstar.

First it noted that Thai feeder operator Regional Container Lines (RCL) has deployed larger vessels on its Singapore-Manila (RMN) and Singapore-Ho Chi Minh (RHS) services, upsizing vessels from 1,600 TEU to 2,000 TEU and 1,080 TEU to 1,600 TEU.

And later this month, RCL will also launch a direct service between Thailand and Myanmar, said the report.

Despite slower growth in 2014, the intra-Asia market is still fastest-growing trade route worldwide, with recent estimates from Maersk Line's intra-Asia subsidiary, MCC Transport, placing volumes at 30 million TEU a year.

With feedering and cabotage, that figure could be as high as 35 million TEU, according to MCC, and represent 22 per cent of the entire global container trade.

What strikes RCL vice president Charlie Chu is that the growth of the middle class in Asia as a driver of demand.

"We see higher-value, finished cargo being shipped within Asia as the middle class continues to grow - thereby there is more use of 40ft high-cubed versus 20ft containers," he said.

"We are seeing greater competition in intra-Asia from the global carriers as it now has the biggest trade volumes in the world at a high level [of freight rates]," said Mr Chu.

Other new or upgraded services include those recently announced by "K" Line, APL, Evergreen, Pacific International Lines (PIL), Hanjin Shipping and OOCL.

"K" Line launched a service between China and south east Asia, while Singapore's APL will add a new call at Jubail, Saudi Arabia, to its West Asia Express (WAX) service.

Meanwhile Taiwan's Evergreen has upgraded its intra-Asia offering by launching a Taiwan, Shenzhen-Shekou to Malacca Strait service (TSS), as well as a dedicated Taiwan-Hong Kong loop (THK).

Singapore's PIL made its intentions clear by taking a major shareholding in Mariana Express Lines, which specialises in shipments to Hawaii and the Pacific islands, said Loadstar.

Come April 27, PIL will join "K" Line and Hanjin to launch the weekly China Straits Express. The service will link ports in China, Thailand and Vietnam with four 2,500 TEU vessels.

Last month, Hong Kong's OOCL introduced the Central PRC/South East Asia Service (CSS), loop to enhance its portfolio in the intra-Asia market. The CSS will provide direct connections between central Chinese ports, Ho Chi Minh City, Singapore, Jakarta and Laem Chabang.

Another development is escalating ship sizes that has resulted in cascading postpanamaxes into intra-Asia networks.

"Mega alliances and vessels will create opportunities for us to combine shipper-owned container (SOC) and carrier-owned container (COC) loadings on the same service, allowing us to string up longer and more frequent port-to-port services that meet the combined needs of SOC and COC customers," said Mr Chu.

On the impact of vessel upsizing and mega alliances on Asia's port productivity, Mr Chu pointed out some potential limitations.

"Draft, terminal productivity and congestion issues may limit upsizing and enjoy lowest unit cost per TEU on a number of intra-Asia corridors.

"Terminals are becoming increasingly congested in Asia, with securing a preferred berth an issue at times. In some countries, there is also limited investment in some facilities, with politics and finances being issues," he said.

Source : HKSG, 21.04.15 / Illustration : Bignews.big.

[210415.ID.BIZ] Teknologi Akan Ubah Wajah Bisnis Dunia

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – Penggunaan teknologi, khususnya software, mobile, dan ecommerce diprediksi akan mengubah wajah bisnis di dunia pada masa yang akan datang. Sementara itu, pasar Asia menjadi sangat menarik bagi para produsen dunia karena penggunaan media social yang sangat tinggi.

Chief Executive Officer Asia-Pasifik Dentsu Aegi Network Nick Waters mengatakan, media social dan mobile akan akan memiliki peran yang besar bagi perekonomian dunia. Dari perspektif konsumen, sambung Waters, saat ini pelanggan mobile  memiliki jumlah yang lebih besar dibanding jumlah populasi manusia.

Kawasan Asean, sambungnya, memiliki peluang ekonomi yang paling menggairahkan yang tampak pada 10 – 15 tahun terakhir. Saat ekonomi China melambat, para  produsen langsung mengalihkan perhatian mereka ke  Asean.

“Prediksinya Asean akan terus berkembang. Rumah tangga di Asean dengan  jumlah penghasilan yang cukup besar akan berlipat ganda dalam lima tahun ke depan,” ujar Waters.

Filipina menjadi negara yang menghabiskan waktu di media social lebih banyak dari negara lain. Sementara Jakarta menjadi ibukota pengguna twitter Dunia. Bandung pun menempati posisi 10 besar kota dengan pengguna Twitter terbesar.

“Ada tren baru di media social, mobile, dan ecommerce, di mana keterlibatan brand semakin mendekat. Harga smartphone pun semakin murah melalui manufaktur india dan china. Selain itu produsen domestik mempermurah tarif operator, kita butuh semakin banyak kompetitor agar tarifnya semakin murah.”

Waters menyebutkan, dengan situasi yang berkembang saat ini memunculkan peluang yang sangat besar yang merangsang kewirausahaan dan menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 21.04.15

20 April 2015

[200415.EN.SEA] Drewry Expects No Relief From Oversupply of Containership Tonnage in 2015

EXCESS growth in tonnage supply in 2015 is in store for container shipping as the more deliveries are expected with no let up in sight, says Drewry Maritime Research.

The delivery of over 60 mega ships in 2015 in the 15,000-TEU range is expected to cause problems for trade route managers - made worse by a slow growth in the global economy, said the London research house.

Some 40 ultra-large container vessels (ULCVs) have been ordered since January with orders coming from CMA CGM as well as OOCL's record-breaking order of six 21,000-TEU ships, reports the UK's Port Technology.

This does not include any provision for Maersk and Cosco orders yet to be finalised. Drewry believes that new orders for ULCVs of at least 18,000 TEU are pushing back the date when supply and demand are expected to meet.

"The industry paid a heavy price for the huge ordering it undertook in 2006/07 and it seems that four years after Maersk spent US$3.8 billion on its Triple Es, history is repeating with many joining or are about to join this now not so exclusive club," said Drewry box analyst Neil Dekker.

"The one difference this time around is that the operational agreements should mean that not all top 20 lines will make this big step," he said.

"The decision by Maersk and MSC to downgrade the average size of ships on one of their European strings to the east coast of South America from 9,000 TEU to 5,500 TEU may not seem particularly important in the grand scheme of things.

"But all ocean carriers have argued that deploying new and big ships across every trade route is strategically critical. This is the first sign that on routes where trade growth is weak, the lower slot cost per unit argument is simply not enough because freight rates dive to well below sub-economic levels," Mr Dekker said.

Source : HKSG.

[200415.ID.OTH] KBRI Yaman Luluh Lantak Dihantam Misil Scud

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA-- Kedutaan Besar RI (KBRI) di Sanaa, Yaman, terkena bom yang mengakibatkan dua orang staf KBRI luka ringan.

Demikian keterangan Kepala Sub Direktorat Repatriasi dan Bantuan Sosial Kementerian Luar Negeri RI Aji Surya seperti dikutip Antara, Senin (20/4/2015).

"Bom itu mengakibatkan dua korban luka ringan, sementara beberapa staff KBRI lainnya menyelamatkan diri di kediaman Duta Besar RI di Sanaa," ujarnya.

Dia menambahkan bom tersebut menghancurkan 90% dari Gedung KBRI.

Reuters melaporkan, Senin (20/4//2015) penyebabnya hancurnya Gedung KBRI diduga karena terkena imbas serangan udara yang ditujukan pada basis misil Scud di gunung Faj Attan, Sanaa.

Serangan udara itu menimbulkan ledakan sangat besar di sekitar lokasi, sehingga sejumlah rumah dan kantor kedutaan rusak parah. Di dekat distrik Hadda, terdapat istana kepresidenan dan sejumlah kedutaan, termasuk kedutaan besar Indonesia.

Foto yang dimiliki Reuters menunjukkan, asap hitam membubung tinggi udara tak lama setelah serangan terjadi. Warga sekitar bernama Adel Mansour mengatakan, ini adalah ledakan terbesar yang dia lihat selama serangan dari Arab Saudi dan koalisi terjadi tiga pekan terakhir.

Arab Saudi sudah memimpin aliansi Arab Sunni untuk menyerang kalangan Syiah Houthi yang loyal kepada mantan presiden Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 20.04.15.

19 April 2015

[190415.EN.SEA] GESTAŞ Ferry "Gokceada 1" Went Aground with 198 Passengers Onboard

Ferry liner between Kabatepe Port at Gallipoli Peninsula and Kuzulimanı Port at the Nort of Gokceada Island went aground with 198 pax onboard and 11 crew.
Çanakkale Gökçeada district with car and passenger ferry between Port Kabatepe, ran aground near Kuzulimanı harbour, in the North East of Gokceada island. Name of the ferry is also Gokceada 1. The ferry has went aground for an "unknown" reason, officials said. Accident took place at 16:09 hrs, on 19 April 2015 (Today)

Canakkale Governor Ahmet Cinar, said in a statement, "Reason for grounding is not clear. There is no hurt, does not seem to be a problem at the moment. There are passengers and vehicles onboard, a tug is proceeding to the accident site from Canakkale. Tug will tow the ferry into the port"

198 passengers on board, was reportedly found 209 people, including 11 crew.

Tug named "Kurtarma 7" belonging to Turkish Coastal Safety Administration, reportedly proceeding to the area.

UPDATE: All passengers reportedly rescued by Monday morning. It was reported that the number of passengers onboard were 188. All 188 passengers were rescued after 14 difficult hours onboard grounded vessels. Some of the cars in the ferry's car deck crashed doe to heavy roll. In evacuating the passengers, Kiyi Emniyeti 9 fast rescue boat, Kurtarma 7 tugboat and one coast guard boat has been used. 

Some of the passengers had nervous breakdown because they were reportedly left without information by the ferry operator GESTAŞ. Experts said that 14 hours were risky for the passengers because the ship was very close to the rocky shore and could sink in the meantime. It was unknown why the passengers were not evacuated before when the accident just happened.

Source : SN-TR, 19.04.15.

[190415.ID.BIZ] Wah, Tarif Angkutan Darat Bisa Lebih Mahal

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Menteri Perhubungan Ignasius Jonan menilai para operator angkutan berbasis jalan raya melakukan perang tarif sehingga mengabaikan kelengkapan kendaraan yang berkaitan dengan keselamatan transportasi.

Karena itu, pihaknya berencana melakukan pengetatan tarif sehingga para operator bisa menyisihkan budjet guna menunjang kelengkapan keselamatan transportasi darat berbasis jalan raya.

“Sekarang ini angkutan banting-bantingan tarif sehingga lampu satu mati tidak apa-apa, ban gundul setengah tidak apa-apa. Kami akan tegakkan itu,” paparnya, Jumat (19/4/2015).

Dia mengatakan jika Kementerian Perhubungan melakukan pengetatan aturan maka para operator angkutan harus melaksanakan ketentuan sesuai peraturan yang berlaku. Jika aturan diketatkan, maka menurutnya sebagai konsekuensi tarif angkutan tidak bisa terlalu murah.

“Kalau mau murah tapi pelayanan naik, tentu sulit. Logikanya agar dari tarif itu, bisa disisihkan anggaran untuk menambah fasilitas yang berhubungan dengan aspek keselamatan. Bisa ban, bisa lampu dan semacamnya,” ujarnya.

Menurut Jonan, Kemenhub bisa melakukan penegakkan aturan di bidang keselamatan transportasi darat berbasis jalan raya paling lambat 2017 mendatang setelah pengujian keur kendaraan, operasional jembatan timbang serta terminal diambil alih oleh pemerintah pusat.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 19.04.15 / Kredit Foto : MetroTV.

18 April 2015

[180415.EN.BIZ] Dane Wins First World Crane Championship Organised by Hiab

THE first ever World Crane Championships held at the Commercial Vehicle Show in Birmingham has been won by Johnny Jensen from Denmark, who took away a prize of EUR25,000 (US$26,940) for his winning time of two minutes 18 seconds.

To win Mr Jensen had to manoeuvre a crane manufactured by Cargotec unit Hiab, the X-HiPro 192, through a series of obstacles. The aim of the competition was to beat a time set by one of the company’s crane professionals on a challenging course, which included toppling water-filled drums with a load whilst keeping the crane below a crossbar.

Said Haib vice president Carl Gustaf Goransson: "The enthusiasm for the World Crane Championships has been tremendous, with people flying in from all over world, and a staggering amount of interest from the media and spectators."

He said that the success of this event means that the company is committed to holding it annually, and the next competition will be staged in Germany at the IAA Exhibition.

Source : SN – TR, 18.04.15.