30 Juni 2015

[300615.EN.SEA] Only Russian Ships Will Carry Russian Arctic Oil Exports If Bill Passes

LEGISLATION being considered by the Russian Ministry of Transport to ban companies from exporting Russian Arctic oil and gas in foreign bottoms.

The ministry is also considering banning Arctic oil shipping with vessels not built in Russia, a source close to the ministry told the Kommersant, a leading liberal business newspaper.

The bill can be seen as a response to western countries' sanctions against the Russian Arctic oil industry, the Moscow Kommersant said.

Those sanctions are hitting energy giants Rosneft and Gazprom, both of which are dependent on Western know-how and technology for complex Arctic field developments.

The law is likely to prove awkward for Russia's biggest shipping company, Sovcomflot, which has most of its ships sailing under foreign flags.

Also, the company's new liquefied natural gas carriers are all to be registered abroad. And the Russian shipbuilding industry is not yet ready to take on the construction of the number of ships needed.

The new Zvezda yard outside Vladivostok, the country's future shipbuilding hub, will be ready to take on construction of large-scale tankers only after 2018.

Source : HKSG.

[300615.ID.BIZ] Yunani Terancam Didepak dari Zona Mata Uang Euro

Yunani – Para pemimpin negara-negara anggota Uni Eropa memperingatkan warga Yunani bahwa negara mereka harus keluar dari zona mata uang euro jika mereka memilih menolak proposal kreditur dalam referendum pada Minggu (5/7) mendatang.

Peringatan itu muncul dari berbagai figur seperti Wakil Kanselir Jerman, Sigmar Gabriel. Menurutnya, referendum nanti ialah ‘ya atau tidak untuk eurozone’.

Perdana Menteri Italia Matteo Renzi mengatakan pilihan bagi warga Yunani ialah apakah mereka ingin tetap memakai euro atau kembali menggunakan drachma.

Adapun Presiden Prancis Francois Hollande menyebutkan bahwa kini “pertaruhannya ialah apakah rakyat Yunani ingin bertahan dalam eurozone”.

Referendum Minggu (5/7) nanti, sejatinya memberi pilihan kepada rakyat Yunani untuk menyetujui atau menolak proposal Komisi Eropa, Bank Sentral Eropa, dan Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF).

Proposal itu semula diajukan ke Perdana Menteri Yunani Alexis Tsipras untuk mengucurkan dana talangan sebesar 7,2 miliar euro atau setara dengan Rp108 triliun. Dana itu krusial bagi Yunani mengingat pada Selasa (30/6) Yunani harus membayar utang kepada IMF sebesar 1,6 miliar euro atau setara dengan Rp22 triliun.

Namun, Tsipras menolak proposal pengucuran dana talangan karena menilai pihak kreditor memberikan persyaratan yang terlalu ketat. Pada Jumat (26/06) lalu, Tsipras pun mencetuskan referendum.

Dia mendesak rakyat Yunani memilih ‘tidak’ agar pemerintah memiliki posisi tawar yang kuat untuk memulai negosiasi dengan pihak kreditur. Menurutnya, pemerintah punya mandat untuk berada di dalam kerangka kerja Eropa, namun disertai dengan keadilan.

Tsipras berjanji akan mundur jika rakyat Yunani memilih ‘Ya’. “Jika rakyat Yunani ingin lanjut dengan langkah pengetatan sampai tiada batas, kita tidak akan bisa mengangkat kepala…Kami akan menghormati keputusan itu, tapi bukan kami yang akan menjalankannya,” kata Tsipras.

Kembali ke Sistem Barter
Mandeknya negosiasi antara pemerintah Yunani dan pihak kreditur berdampak besar terhadap perekonomian Yunani.

Bank-bank di seluruh Yunani dan pasar modal sudah ditutup, apalagi setelah badan pemeringkat Fitch menurunkan rating empat bank nasional Yunani, yakni National Bank of Greece, Piraeus Bank, Eurobank Ergasias dan Alpha Bank.

Hal ini mendorong warga Yunani untuk menarik uang dari bank. Mereka antre panjang di anjungan tunai mandiri, dengan tiap orang hanya diizinkan mengambil 60 euro atau sekitar Rp900.000 setiap hari. Namun beberapa ATM dilaporkan sudah tidak memiliki cadangan uang tunai lagi.

Warga Athena, Ilia Iatrou, mengaku situasi di negaranya sudah luar biasa buruk. “Ibu mertua saya mengantre selama sejam ke mesin penarik uang, namun dia hanya bisa menarik jumlah kecil. Kami tidak punya banyak uang lagi. Para tetangga dan saya kini kembali ke sistem barter,” ujar Iatrou.

Oleh karenanya, Iatrou bertekad untuk menentang Uni Eropa. “Uni Eropa tidak mampu membiarkan kami gagal. Untuk itu, kami harus terus mengatakan tidak dan mereka akan memberikan kami kesepakatan yang lebih baik.” (bbc.co.uk)

Sumber : ObsessionNews, 30.06.15.

29 Juni 2015

[290615.EN.SEA] Maritime Sector Open To Cyber Attack, ESC Global Security Warns

CYBER-SECURITY chief at ESC Global Security, Joseph Carson, has warned that the maritime industry is vulnerable to cyber-crime unless it develops a better awareness of the dangers and adopts security best practice.

"Certainly there is the possibility for AIS [automatic identification system], GNSS [global navigation satellite system], ENC [electronic navigation chart] and ECDIS [electronic chart display and information system] charts to disappear from bridge screens or be modified, but the issue today is that most adversaries want to obtain data for financial gain or criminal activities," said Mr Carson.

He pointed out that payment systems, for example, can be easily attacked using phishing scams to raise fake invoices or even to change shipping manifests in order to transport illicit goods, drugs and weapons. While the threat is indeed a real one, greater computer literacy and security awareness can reduce the risk by as much as 25 per cent.

"The biggest risk is from human operators not understanding how to deal with or identify a possible security breach. Almost 70 per cent of malware is manually shared through social media, so awareness and continuous training can have a tangible impact."

Mr Carson explained that the maritime industry is operating computer systems that "remain unpatched" for long periods, but continuous updating can prevent vulnerabilities in software from being exposed and used by adversaries.

"Approximately 99 per cent of all cyber-security breaches are from known vulnerabilities with the common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) listed in the National Vulnerability Database.

About 90 per cent of these breaches, however, have patches [software updates] available containing the required security fixes," he said.

"No one has established best practice guidelines that specifically targets maritime industry cyber threats," said Mr Carson.

"We need to act in concert so that the International Maritime Organisation [IMO] has the information required to implement measures that will ultimately safeguard the maritime industry from cyber-crime and protect very sensitive data," he said.

Source : HKSG.

[290615.ID.BIZ] Tekan Waktu Bongkar Muat, Importir Diperiksa

JAKARTA. Perintah Presiden Joko Widodo untuk menekan waktu tunggu bongkar muat (dwelling time) di pelabuhan mulai  membuat kementerian terkait gerah.  Kali ini, giliran Kementerian Perdagangan (Kemdag) menyisingkan lengan dengan memeriksa importir melakukan bongkar muat di Tanjung Priok. Ini demi menganalisa penyebab lamanya dweeling time.

Staf Khusus Menteri Perdagangan bidang Penguatan Perdagangan Nasional Ardiansyah S.Parman mengatakan Kemdag telah memeriksa sekitar 1.000 kontainer milik importir yang ada di Tanjung Priok.

Dari jumlah itu, hasilnya ada sekitar 700 importir yang waktu bongkar muatnya lebih dari lima hari. "Sekarang kami teliti lagi indikasi kenapa (waktu bongkar muat 700 importir itu) di atas lima hari," katanya akhir pekan lalu.

Ia menambahkan, Kemdag akan menindak tegas importir yang sengaja mengulur waktu proses bongkar muat barang di pelabuhan. Bila ditemukan bukti yang kuat, Kemdag akan memberikan penalti berupa pencabutan izin impor.

Percepat pemeriksaan
Upaya menekan waktu tunggu bongkar muat di pelabuhan butuh dukungan dari berbagai lembaga terkait. Selain pihak pelabuhan, salah satu instansi yang berperan penting dalam menurunkan dwelling time di pelabuhan adalah Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai. Maklum, lembaha inilah yang bertugas memeriksa dokumen barang sebelum barang diperbolehkan keluar pelabuhan.

Pelaksana tugas (Plt) Direktur Jenderal Bea dan Cukai Supraptono mengatakan Bea cukai memegang tanggung jawab pada proses dwelling time di custom clearance yakni proses pemeriksaan sejak Pemberitahuan Impor Barang (PIB) dierima hingga diterbitkannya Surat Persetujuan Pengeluaran Barang (SPPB) oleh bea cukai. Saat ini angka dwelling time customs clearance adalah 0,6 hari, masih lebih lama dari target yang ditetapkan untuk customs clearance 0,5 hari.

Supraptono bilang, kendala bea cukai untuk mencapai target dwelling time adalah masih lamanya waktu penyerapan hardcopy dokumen jalur kuning dan merah, lamanya penarikan kontrainer untuk pemeriksaan fisik, dan lamanya pengurus barang dalam pendampingan pemeriksaan fisik.

Untuk mengatasinya, bea cukai akan mempercepat penyerapan dokumen PIB dan pemeriksaan fisik serta menambah dua unit hi-co scan PIB baru untuk Terminal Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) dan dua unit hi-co scan untuk Pelabuhan Kalibaru.

Dari segi kebijakan, bea cukai akan melakukan koordinasi dengan kementerian/lembaga terkait untuk mengembalikan fungsi pelabuhan sebagai tempat kegiatan bongkar muat dan tempat penimbunan sementara. "Bukan sebagai tempat penimbunan umum," jelas Supraptono. Untuk itu, kata Supraptono pemerintah akan berencana menaikkan tarif sewa penimbunan barang di pelabuhan.

Tapi, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Logistik Indonesia Zaldi Ihza Masita bilang, kenaikan tarif biaya sewa lahan penumpukan kontainer di pelabuhan ini tak cukup ampuh untuk menurunkan dwelling time di pelabuhan. Sebab, kata Zaldi  akar masalah dwelling time bukan pada besaran tarif sewa pelabuhan.

Sebenarnya, kata Zaldi untuk menekan dwelling time, hal terpenting yang harus dilakukan oleh pemerintah adalah memperkuat otoritas pelabuhan. "Seharusnya otoritas pelabuhan diberi kuasa untuk menjadi penguasa tunggal di pelabuhan," ujar dia.   Dengan begitu, seluruh kegiatan di pelabuhan ada di bawah otoritas ini. Dengan begitu, koordinasi akan lebih cepat" ungkap Zaldi. 

Sumber : Kontan, 29.06.15.

28 Juni 2015

[280615.EN.BIZ] ESC To Regulators: Tell Carriers To Tell Their Secrets So We Can Understand

A WORLD of heightened regulation with carriers' data - even commercially sensitive information - made available to a wider group of academics and sundry experts, has been proposed by the European Shippers Council (ESC) to meet the risks of uncompetitive wrong-doing by shipping lines.

Not that any wrongdoing is evident at the moment, the ESC conceded, but all should be made ready through co-ordinated international action of regulators, shippers and forwarders when it does.

In a paper released to coincide with the recent meeting of regulatory authorities of the EU, China, and the US in Brussels on antitrust activities, made anti-climactic by their absence, the ESC was left to warn of future risk.

The often foggy ESC "white paper" wants the consolidation information about the market situation to be submitted by carriers, shippers and forwarders, claiming it will provide a better idea of what is happening.

"Exchanging not only findings but interpretation will also help," it said - then foggily adding "as it might prove very difficult to analyse the real impact of the newly born ship operator's cooperation as well as their real benefits for the whole supply chains and the end customer".

The paper also proposed shippers' associations and freight forwarders' associations to launch a collaboration at international level "to jointly collect and report some data such as perceived service quality", reported Lloyd's Loading List.

"Then professional experts, consultants and academics, could be called to analyse the data and identify emerging trends. Such surveys could be started by the end of 2015 and the first results made available by mid-2016," said the ESC paper.

The paper also suggested a threefold joint action plan between the three main competition authorities of the world ?MOFCOM from China, FMC from US and DGCOMP from EU ?who have started regular consultation meetings on that matter since 2014.

The ESC recommendations would require regular meetings worldwide so bureaucrats, academics, consultants and industry lobbyists could discuss the risks of carrier wrong-doing.

Source : HKSG.

[280615.ID.BIZ] Ekonomi Lesu, Perusahaan Ancang-ancang PHK Pekerja Usai Lebaran

Bisnis.com, BANDUNG—Perlambatan ekonomi dalam negeri memicu beberapa industri atau perusahaan di Jawa Barat berencana melakukan pemberhentian hubungan kerja (PHK) setelah Idul Fitri.

Seperti diketahui, pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia selama kuartal I 2015 hanya 4,71% atau lebih lambat dibanding periode yang sama tahun lalu yang mencapai 5,14%.

Ketua Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo) Jabar Dedy Widjaja mengatakan perlambatan ekonomi ini sudah berdampak pada perusahaan dalam negeri terutama padat karya.

Dia menjelaskan banyak perusahaan yang memiliki stok barang dan masih terkumpul di gudang. Di sisi lain, perusahaan harus tetap membayar pekerja karena masih menjalankan aktivitas produksi.

Kendati demikian, perusahaan tidak akan langsung melakukan PHK, namun mencoba memangkas jam kerja salah satunya dengan meliburkan pekerja lebih cepat H-10 Idulfitri.

"PHK itu jalan terakhir, sekarang industri mencoba memangkas jam kerja dulu. Jika pemangkasan jam kerja tidak efektif, baru PHK bisa dilakukan," ujarnya kepada Bisnis.com, Jumat (26/6/2015).

Dedy mengaku pilihan meliburkan para pekerja lebih cepat berbeda dibandingkan tahun lalu. Kebijakan ini diambil bukan atas instruksi pemerintah, namun atas keinginan perusahaan. "Kalau terus jalan, maka cost-nya tinggi dari biaya upah, uang makan, dan lain-lain," katanya.

Meski dipercepat, pihaknya tetap berkomitmen untuk memberikan tunjangan hari raya (THR) kepada para pekerja mengingat hal ini merupakan sebuah rutinitas setiap tahun.

Sementara itu, Ketua Serikat Buruh Sejahtera Indonesia (SBSI) 92 Jabar Ajat Sudrajat mengaku setuju dengan rencana Apindo Jabar yang akan mendorong industri untuk libur lebih cepat pada H-10 Idul Fitri untuk menghindari pengeluaran lebih tinggi serta PHK.

"Memang kami para pengurus sudah mendapatkan informasi dari Apindo mengenai rencana itu dan kami bisa memahami kondisi perusahaan yang memang sedang lesu karena omzet turun hingga 30%," katanya.

Menurutnya, apabila perusahaan tetap memaksakan diri beroperasi sebagaimana mestinya, dikhawatirkan akan semakin membengkaknya kerugian yang dialami perusahaan. Untuk mengantisipasi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan menimpa kaum pekerja, pihaknya akan membangun posko pengaduan THR.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 26.06.15.

26 Juni 2015

[260615.EN.BIZ] Close ExIm Bank, And GE To Sends Manufacturing To Canada, EU: CEO

AMERICAN multinational conglomerate General Electric (GE) has warned that it will move manufacturing to Canada and Europe if the controversial Export-Import Bank closes as Republican cost-cutters want.

Government cost-cutters want to close state-owned Ex-Im bank, arguing that it provides "corporate welfare" to big companies, including GE and Boeing.

The charter of the Ex-Im Bank, the federal credit agency, will expire on June 30, blocking it from writing new loans and trade guarantees, unless Congress acts to reauthorise it.

GE chief executive Jeff Immelt also warned that that US economic influence will wane in the world if Congress votes down the major Pacific-rim trade pact, Reuters reports.

Speaking to business leaders at a luncheon of the Economic Club of Washington, Mr Immelt said US companies need market access and financing tools to help level the playing field in an "economic war for exports".

Without ExIm, major export deals will be lost to China, Japan and Europe, where there is aggressive government support for exports, he said.

Since GE does not want to lose that business, it will move production to countries where it can take advantage of export credit agency support.

"Good GE jobs in the United States will be moved to Canada and Europe. That's a mighty high price to pay for ideological purity," Mr Immelt said.

He also said Democrats needed to be more confident that trade deals will help generate well-paying jobs in the United States, adding that a number of GE's unionised plants export the most of their products.

Passing both the "fast-track" trade authority package and reauthorising the ExIm bank would send a strong signal to global customers that the United States intends to stay a leader in exports for the long term, Mr Immelt said.

Source : HKSG.

[260615.ID.BIZ] Calon Sopir Baru Bisnis TAXI Bernama Saratoga

JAKARTA. Dalam waktu dekat, PT Express Transindo Utama Tbk (TAXI) bakal memiliki pengendali baru. Grup Saratoga segera mengambil alih 51% saham TAXI dari tangan Grup Rajawali.

Para analis menilai, laju bisnis TAXI di bawah Saratoga akan lebih kencang. Ekspansi emiten transportasi ini  ditenggarai bakal lebih mudah dengan pendanaan yang kuat dari Saratoga.

Analis Bahana Securities Agustinus Reza mengatakan, jika akuisisi ini berjalan lancar, prospek TAXI menjadi lebih baik. Maklum, Saratoga lebih banyak memiliki pengalaman mengelola bisnis transportasi dan otomotif dibandingkan Rajawali. "Bisnis Rajawali lebih general. Sementara Saratoga lebih memahami bisnis di industri ini," ujar Agustinus, Senin (22/6).

Dengan dimiliki Saratoga, TAXI bisa melakukan sinergi operasional dengan bisnis distribusi otomotif milik Saratoga melalui PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Tbk (MPMX). Sehingga, TAXI akan lebih mudah melakukan pengadaan kendaraan. Biaya yang dikeluarkan perseroan juga bisa ditekan.

Thennesia Debora, Analis BNI Securities mengatakan, secara likuiditas, Grup Saratoga yang memiliki banyak perusahaan terbuka lebih mudah mencari pendanaan. Sehingga, dari sisi finansial , TAXI bisa mendapat bantuan dari holding barunya itu.

Apalagi, saat ini, TAXI tengah mengerem ekspansi. TAXI hanya akan menambah kendaraan baru sebanyak 500 unit dengan anggaran belanja modal sekitar Rp 400 miliar- Rp 500 miliar.

Di bawah bendera Saratoga, Thennesia yakin, TAXI lebih giat berekspansi dengan membeli 1.000 unit kendaraan baru.

Peta persaingan

Bisnis taksi memang semakin ketat. TAXI harus bersaing dengan banyak pendatang baru. Belum lagi, perseroan harus berkompetisi dengan kompetitor utamanya, Blue Bird Grup.
Namun, menurut Thennesia, TAXI kini memiliki strategi khusus yakni melalui peningkatan kualitas layanan. Misalnya saja  adanya penambahan alat-alat teknologi informasi untuk meminimalisir tindak kejahatan.

Dengan strategi ini  Thennesia yakin, pangsa pasar TAXI tetap akan terjaga. "Namun, kita harus melihat rentang harga akuisisi. Sampai sekarang belum ada konfirmasi manajemen. Kalau terlalu mahal, sahamnya juga bisa volatile," ujar Agustinus.

Saat ini, rumor yang beredar, Rajawali akan melepas TAXI di harga Rp 1.200- Rp 1.400 per saham. Sehingga menurut Thennesia, harga itu bisa melambungkan saham TAXI dalam jangka pendek.

Tahun ini Thennesia memprediksi, TAXI bisa mencetak pendapatan Rp 967 miliar atau tumbuh 8,7% dibandingkan tahun lalu. Sementara laba bersihnya bisa naik menjadi Rp 147 miliar tumbuh 24,5%.

Namun Agustinus mengingatkan tingginya beban bunga dan beban operasional TAXI saat ini yang bisa menekan margin labanya.

Thennesia merekomendasikan buy saham TAXI dengan target harga Rp 1.375. Agustinus merekomendasikan reduce dengan target Rp 820. Analis Macquaire Securities Lyall Taylor merekomendasikan netral dengan target Rp 1.000 per saham. Saham TAXI turun 1,02% ke Rp 970 pada perdagangan Senin (22/6).

Sumber : Kontan, 23.06.15.

25 Juni 2015

[250615.EN.BIZ] RI To Break Into Global Top 10 By 2050: Think Tank

JAKARTA. Mexico and Indonesia will replace Russia and Italy in the world’s top 10 economies in the near future, with China, the US and India taking the top three slots, according to forecasts by the Economist Intelligence Unit as reported by Bloomberg Business.

The world’s most populous nation will overtake the US as early as 2026 in nominal gross domestic product (GDP) in dollar terms.

India and China will each be richer than the next five nations — Indonesia, Germany, Japan, Brazil and the UK — combined, representing “a scale of wealth relative to the rest of the top 10 that is unique in recorded history”, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).

In terms of per capita income, China is projected to almost catch Japan by 2050, by which point it will be just under half the US level from 14 percent in 2014. India’s spending power will surge to about 24 percent of US consumers from just 3 percent, the EIU said.

Asia will account for 53 percent of global GDP by 2050, with Europe’s share declining, according to the EIU.

However, for increases in working-age populations, you will need to look to Africa and the Middle East. Much of Europe and East Asia will record a decline in their labor forces, with fast-aging Japan seeing the biggest drop at more than 25 percent.

China and South Korea might see a 17 to 18 percent contraction in their labor forces, while Greece, Portugal and Germany were forecast to fall by more than a fifth, the EIU said.

The two Asian giants’ massive increase in economic power is likely to be accompanied by greater political clout.

“Given China’s and India’s economic might, they will take on a much bigger role in addressing global issues, such as climate change, international security and global economic governance,” the EIU said.

“In the medium term, this will require the world’s existing powers — notably the US — to let India, and especially China, play a greater role on the world stage and adapt international institutions to allow them to exert greater influence.”

Indonesia in 2008 became the first and still the only Southeast Asian member of the G20, which comprises a mix of the world’s largest advanced and emerging economies, 
representing about two-thirds of the world’s population, 85 percent of global GDP and over 75 percent of global trade.

With GDP of less than US$900 billion, the country’s economy is now ranked as the 16th-largest in the world. However, in terms of GDP based on purchasing power parities valuation, Indonesia is already among the top 10-largest in the world, according to figures from the IMF and World Bank.

Source : Kontan, 24.06.15.

[250615.ID.BIZ] Nutella Membeli Thorntons

PINO TORINESE. Bisnis Ferrero semakin manis. Perusahaan pembuat cokelat Nutella asal Italia ini mengajukan penawaran membeli perusahaan cokelat asal Inggris, Thorntons Plc senilai £ 112 juta atau US$ 178 juta. Penggabungan ini akan menyatukan dua perusahaan pembuat cokelat paling terkenal di Eropa.

Kematian Michael Ferrero di awal tahun ini menghidupkan spekulasi tentang kemungkinan pengambilalihan perusahaan oleh rival yang lebih besar seperti Mondolez International, Nestle serta Mars and Hershey. Namun, kesepakatan ini akan menangkis rumor tersebut.

Mengutip Reuters, Chief Executive Ferrero, Giovanni Ferrero mempertimbangkan pertumbuhan melalui akuisisi dan menjadi lebih kompetitif secara internasional.

Kesepakatan ini telah mendapatkan persetujuan dari pemegang saham Thorntons. Mereka mengatakan tawaran tunai tersebut adil dan wajar. Saham Thorntons naik 42,9% setelah pengumuman itu menjadi 149 pence per saham.

Sumber : Kontan, 23.06.15.

24 Juni 2015

[240615.EN.SEA] Indonesian Prez To Sack Ministers If Jakarta Box Dwell Time Is Not Cut

INDONESIAN President Joko Widodo threatens to sack cabinet ministers if they fail to cut dwell time at Jakarta's Tanjung Priok Port, reports London's Container Management Magazine.

Mr Widodo said that he was well aware of the legendary delays at Indonesia's largest and busiest the port which handles two-thirds of the nation's international trade.

His own experience running a furniture export business has taught him that much, but now that it is costing the country US$58 billion, he says heads will roll if it is not fixed.

"The process takes too long because the people handling it don't want to move fast," he told reporters. "Dwell time is an average of 5.5 days - the longest in Asia, while some items take up to a month to clear customs."

Mr Widodo said that he will not hesitate to fire such officials. "If they have to be dismissed then they will be [and] if any director general or even minister does not give a fast service, then I will do what I have said," he said.

The president had visited Tanjung Priok for a "detailed check on several activities" and to ask port officials "to solve the problems causing long dwell times and inefficiency at the port".

Port officials glossed over the problems and dared not answer his question about why long delays had persisted and that the situation had provoked him to find the answer by himself, and in his own way.

He had previously asked officials to reduce container loading and unloading times to the levels achieved in neighbouring countries.

"The average dwell time at Tanjung Priok should be brought down to 4.7 days if Indonesia was to be competitive with Singapore and Malaysia," he said.

"Don't say everything's fine. The reality is that [Indonesia] is lagging far behind. So who? Customs or trade? Who should I be speaking to?" he said, repeating the question several times.

There was no response from any of the officials.

In July this year (2015) container handling will be transferred to Phase 1 of the new Kalibaru container port seven kilometres to the west.

Currently under construction, Kalibaru is an expansion of Tanjung Priok and the first terminal will have a capacity of 1.5 million TEU.

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Pelindo II), the Indonesia Port Corporation (IPC), has appointed Japanese conglomerate Mitsui Co to jointly operate the first container terminal at Kalibaru. IPC will own a 51 per cent stake in the joint venture and Mitsui will hold the remaining 49 per cent.

After the first terminal is completed, Mitsui will build two other container terminals with an additional capacity of 4.5 million TEU with completion currently scheduled for 2018.

Source : HKSG.

[240615.ID.BIZ] Polemik Merger Cheil Dengan Samsung C&T

SEOUL. Merger dua anak usaha Samsung tidak berjalan mulus. Elliot Associates menggalang suara untuk membatalkan rencana pengambilalihan Samsung C&T Corp oleh Cheil Industries Inc.

Selama beberapa hari terakhir, hedge fund yang dikelola oleh Paul Singer bersama dengan ratusan pemegang saham kecil Samsung itu menolak tawaran Cheil. Penyebabnya, nilai penawaran terlalu rendah.

Asal tahu saja, pada Mei 2015 lalu, Cheil Industries mengajukan proposal penawaran kepada Samsung C&T senilai US$ 8,9 miliar. Cheil Industries menawarkan 35% saham baru untuk setiap saham Samsung C&T. Perusahaan hasil merger akan menggunakan nama Samsung C&T dengan target penjualan tahunan KRW 60 triliun di 2020. Tahun lalu, penjualan gabungan kedua perusahaan ini sebesar KRW 34 triliun.

Keluarga pewaris Samsung Group, Lee Kun Hee berencana menggabungkan Samsung C&T dan Cheil supaya memiliki kendali penuh terhadap seluruh bisnis perusahaan. Kedua perusahaan yang terdaftar di bursa Korea Selatan ini memiliki nilai valuasi gabungan lebih dari KRW 30 triliun.

Elliot Associates merupakan pemegang saham terbesar ketiga Samsung C&T dengan nilai kepemilikan sebesar 7,1%. Jika digabungkan, jumlah saham Elliot Associates dengan pemegang saham asing di luar keluarga Lee mencapai 33%.

Sedangkan, pewaris Samsung beserta sekutunya termasuk keluarga Lee dan kelompok afiliasinya menggenggam saham gabungan sebesar 19,8% saham.

Dana pensiun nasional

Kedua kubu berkompetisi mendapatkan suara dari Dana Pensiun Nasional Korea Selatan alias National Pension Service (NPS). Maklum, NPS merupakan pemegang saham terbesar Samsung yakni 10,15%. Keputusan NPS berdampak terhadap kelangsungan merger tersebut.

"Bagian investasi NPS masih mengkaji masalah ini," kata Jurubicara NPS Chi Young Hye mengutip Bloomberg.

Analis HI Investment & Securities Co Lee Sang Hun mengatakan sulit melawan Samsung saat ini, sebab harga saham Samsung C&T meningkat. Ini merupakan insentif bagi pemegang saham untuk menyetujui aksi korporasi tersebut.

"Saya tidak melihat alasan tunggal untuk dana pensiun menentangnya. Saham Cheil dan Samsung C&T akan turun jika kesepakatan ini dibatalkan," kata Lee.

Pada Perdagangan, Selasa (23/6), harga saham Samsung C&T naik 0,2% menjadi KRW 64.400. Begitu juga dengan harga saham Cheil yang meningkat 0,9% menjadi KRW 173.500 per saham. 

Sumber : Kontan, 24.06.15.

23 Juni 2015

[230615.EN.SEA] Retailer's Suit Against Zim Quashed When Ruled As An 'Act of God'

A US DISTRICT Court has ruled that Hurricane Sandy in 2012 was an "Act of God" and, therefore, absolves the defendant, Israeli-flag carrier Zim, from liability, reports American Shipper.

Retail department store chain Lord & Taylor had sued Zim Integrated Shipping Services for damage to 211 cartons of sweaters that were in two containers.

The sweaters were damaged after they were offloaded from a Zim ship at New York Container Terminal (NYCT) on Staten Island days before the terminal was heavily damaged in the storm.

Based on the retail sales value of the sweaters, Lord & Taylor suffered a loss of US$206,972.

Judge Analisa Torres ruled the New York Container Terminal had no "reasonable or practical way" to protect over 2,200 containers damaged in the storm.

Source : SN-TR.

[230615.ID.BIZ] Menteri Rini Soemarno Marah Rini Soemarno

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA--Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Rini Mariani Soemarno marah dengan tudingan utang dari China senilai US$50 miliar setara dengan Rp665 triliun dapat membuat BUMN Indonesia dikuasai China.

Rini mengatakan pinjaman dalam bentuk standby loan itu akan disediakan China Development Bank (CDB) dan Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC). Total pinjaman CBD senilai US$30 miliar dan ICBC senilai US$20 miliar.

Dia mengaku geram terhadap penilaian sejumlah pihak yang menuding pinjaman dari China akan membuat BUMN dikuasai oleh Negeri Tirai Bambu.

Menurutnya, masyarakat tidak perlu takut karena pinjaman dari lembaga keuangan China itu seperti utang-utang yang dilakukan oleh BUMN-BUMN sebelumnya.

"Kok takut dikuasai China itu lho, BUMN kita kuat, BUMN kita pintar. Kita di Indonesia, bagaimana kita bisa dikuasai orang lain? Harusnya kita yakin bahwa kita punya kemampuan menguasai tempat kita sendiri," bebernya saat buka puasa bersama di rumah dinasnya, Kawasan Widya Chandra, Jakarta, akhir pekan lalu.

Pinjaman dari CDB dan ICBC, sambungnya, merupakan standby loan yang dapat ditarik kapan saja sesuai dengan kesepakatan.

Dia menilai, pembangunan proyek infrastruktur di Tanah Air selalu membutuhkan dana pinjaman yang tidak sedikit.

Dana fasilitas utang yang disediakan oleh CDB dan ICBC itu, katanya, tidak berbeda dengan pendanaan yang selama ini dilakukan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan pelat merah.

Misalnya, PT Pelindo II beberapa waktu lalu telah merilis global bonds senilai US$1,6 miliar setara dengan Rp21,28 triliun.

Penyerapan global bonds yang diterbitkan Pelindo II itu dinilai merupakan sebuah kepercayaan investor internasional terhadap perusahaan BUMN.

Kerjasama antarnegara dinilai lebih mudah ketimbang masing-masing BUMN harus mencari pendanaan sendiri.

"Jadi begini, dari China ingin betul kerjasama dengan Indonesia itu berjalan dengan lancar. Oleh karena itu, mereka melalui pemerintahannya, yakni NDRC national development reformation commission, mengatakan, oke BUMN saya yang bisa jadi partner Anda adalah yang ini," jelasnya.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 21.06.15.

22 Juni 2015

[220615.EN.AIR] Korean Orders 62 Airbus, Boeing Planes With Options On 40 More

SOUTH Korea's flag carrier, Korean Air has made aviation history back home by signing a tenative order for 102 new Airbus and Boeing aircraft worth US$12.2 billion at list prices at the Paris Air show.

The carrier has a firm agreement to buy thirty 737 MAX-8 aircraft with options for 20 more, as well as two 777-300ER (extended range) jetliners from Boeing.

Korean Air has ordered fifty A321neo aircraft, including 30 firm orders with options for 20 more aircraft from Boeing's European rival, Airbus.

The airline also signed at the Paris Air show a tenative deal with Pratt & Whitney for its PurePower PW1100G engines to power the A321neo aircraft.

The aircraft will be delivered between 2019 and 2025 and will be used to replace the airline's aging B737 fleet and increase capacity to address growing demand.

A statement from the carrier added that it also plans to introduce new cutting-edge aircraft such as the Boeing 747-8i and B787-9 over the next few years.

Source : HKSG.

[220615.ID.SEA] Pemerintah Putar Otak Selesaikan Dwelling Time

JAKARTA. Proses bongkar muat barang hingga keluar pelabuhan (dwelling time) di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok Jakarta tidak kunjung terselesaikan. Beberapa strategi telah disiapkan oleh pemangku kepentingan untuk mempercepat dwelling time tersebut.

Kementerian Perdagangan (Kemdag) misalnya, mengancam akan mencabut izin impor dari para importir bermasalah yang membuat kegiatan bongkar muat barang molor.

Menteri Perdagangan Rachmat Gobel mengatakan, lamanya dwelling time di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok tersebut disebabkan karena para importir baru mengurus perizinan setelah barang yang diimpor memasuki wilayah pelabuhan.

"Barang impor sudah masuk, setelah turun di pelabuhan baru diurus izinnya. Nantinya kita akan berlakukan izin terlebih dahulu sebelum pengapalan," kata Rachmat, akhir pekan lalu.

Sementara itu, Direktur Komersial dan Pengembangan Usaha Saptono R Irianto mengatakan, persoalan dwelling time yang dikeluhkan selama ini sebenarnya faktornya tidak berasal dari ranah PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Pelindo II).

Sebagai operator, tugas dari Pelindo II sendiri adalah melakukan pengangkutan atau pemindahan muatan barang dari kapal hingga keluar pelabuhan. "Untuk pengurusan barang tersebut ada instansi-instansi terkait yang memberikan rekomendasi dan izin," kata Saptono.

Senada dengan Rachmat, Saptono bilang selama ini ada beberapa importir yang tidak memiliki kelengkapan gudang untuk melakukan bongkar muat. Lantaran harga sewa yang dianggap murah yakni Rp 24.700 per kontainer ukuran 20 feet, maka banyak importir yang menitipkan kontainernya di pelabuhan.

Saptono menambahkan, untuk dapat meringankan beban yang ada saat ini, terminal 1A pelabuhan New Priok yang rencana akan dioperasikan pada awal tahun 2016 dapat dimajukan sekitar bulan Oktober-November nanti meski belum 100%.

Sumber : Kontan, 21.06.15.

21 Juni 2015

[210615.EN.BIZ] FedEx Ground To Pay US$228 Million To Settle Claims By Drivers

FEDEX Corporation's trucking segment, FedEx Ground, has reached a tentative US$228 million settlement with drivers of the company in California who were classified as independent contractors instead of being employees of the firm in the seven years up to 2007.

The settlement agreement is still subject to approval by the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, American Shipper reported.

FedEx vice president Christine Richards said the settlement "resolves claims dating back to 2000 that concern a model FedEx Ground no longer operates".

As a result of the agreement in principle, the company said it took a $197 million pretax charge in its fiscal 2015 fourth quarter, which ended last month, to account for the expense.

Investment advisor William Blair said in an equity research report that due to the fact FedEx no longer operates the independent contractor model, "we do not believe there is a significant risk of this settlement spilling over into other states; however, litigation is admittedly not our expertise and can be difficult to predict".

Mr Blair estimates the company's revenues will increase three per cent to $12.2 billion in the fiscal fourth quarter of 2015. For the full fiscal 2015 year, the investment firm projects revenues will rise four per cent to $47.6 billion.

Source : HKSG.

[210615.ID.BIZ] KAI Klaim Siapkan 45 Kereta Tambahan

JAKARTA. PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) telah menyiapkan 45 perjalanan kereta tambahan untuk mengakomodir lonjakan penumpang saat mudik lebaran tahun 2015. Hal tersebut dipaparkanya dalam jumpa pers di kediaman Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno, kemarin petang (20/6).

A. Herlianto, Direktur Operasi PT KAI demi mengantisipasi lonjakan penumpang, di tahun ini pihaknya telah menambah jumlah perjalanan kereta api yang dioperasikan 14% lebih tinggi dari tahun 2014 kemarin. Rencananya armada tambahan itu mulai tanggal 10 -30 Juli nanti.

“Untuk kapasitasnya sendiri dari 4,9 juta menjadi 5,4 juta, kurang lebih 9,7% peningkatan,” terangnya.

Saat ini PT KAI tengah bersiap diri untuk meluncurkan penjualan kereta tambahan tahap II. Beberapa waktu lalu, Edi Sukmoro, Direktur Utama PT KAI berjanji akan memberikan potongan harga hingga 30% untuk penjualan tahap II. Sayangnya ia masih belum bisa membeberkan berapa kapasitas yang akan disiapkan dan kapan penjualan itu akan dilakukan.

Penjualan kereta tambahan tahap I sendiri sejatinya sudah dilakukan 11 Mei lalu. Kala itu, PT KAI menjual tiket untuk 30 perjalanan yang dioperasikan oleh 15 rangkaian kereta. Adapun penambahan itu terdiri dari 7 KA eksekutif dan bisnis, 1 KA ekonomi komersial dan 7 KA ekonomi subsidi.

Sumber : Kontan, 21.06.15.

19 Juni 2015

[190615.EN.BIZ] Freightos Mystery Shopper Shows Top Forwarders Inept At E-commerce

TOO many forwarders miss sales because of their tardy, vague and inept responses to requests for online quotations, according to automation specialist Freightos.

Hong Kong-based Freightos said shippers and procurement officers were "increasingly likely to buy both goods and services online", reported Lloyd's Loading List.

Using the "mystery shopper" technique, Freightos sought quotes for an LCL shipment from China to Chicago were submitted to the websites of the top 20 forwarders.

Only 45 per cent of forwarders surveyed provided a quote. The average quote time was 90 hours. The quickest response took 30 hours, while the slowest quote took 840 hours.

And only five companies followed up after providing the quote in order to attempt to secure the business.

Of the 16 forwarders canvassed, 75 per cent did not automatically confirm receiving the request. Three of the 16 never responded.

Five who provided quotes required multiple conversations to clarify details. One demanded a personal meeting before providing one, even after several telephone conversations.

The fastest personal confirmation from forwarder was seven hours. One refused to quote, even after multiple conversations, insisting on a personal meeting.

Not one provided instant online pricing for international freight sales; 20 per cent of the top 20 have neither an online quote form or a "contact us" on their websites.

Said Freightos CEO Zvi Schreiber: "Consumers start nearly every purchase with an online search. This behaviour is increasingly taking place at the workplace as well, with more and more shippers looking for online freight services."

Mr Schreiber said he found that while the industry is aware of the potential for online sales, most top forwarders have yet to take advantage of it.

"Instead, most provide a sub par online customer experience with slow, manual freight pricing and quoting,?he said.

Mr Schreiber said Freightos was already working with leading forwarders and import-export companies to help bridge this gap.

Source : HKSG.

[190615.ID.BIZ] Ketua Asosiasi Logistik Indonesia: Jokowi Plin Plan

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Asosiasi Logistik Indonesia mengkritik kebijakan Presiden Joko Widodo yang dirasa kurang tegas dalam mengatasi permasalahan logistik di Indonesia.

Ketua Umum Asosiasi Logistik Indonesia (ALI) Zaldy Masita mengatakan ketidaktegasan Presiden Joko Widodo terlihat dari pembangunan Pelabuhan Cilamaya yang batal dilakukan.

"Jokowi plin-plan buktinya Cilamaya diveto oleh JK, padahal pelabuhan ini dibutuhkan untuk menurunkan biaya logistik," ujarnya dalam diskusi Indonesia Transport, Supply Chain and Logistics & Intralogistics di Jakarta, Selasa (16/6/2015).

Zaldy menyayangkan studi kelayakan yang dilakukan selama empat tahun harus batal dalam dua jam saja oleh keputusan Wapres Jusuf Kalla.

Lebih lanjut, dia juga mengkritisi pembangunan jalan tol Trans-Sumatera.

Menurutnya, Sumatera tidak memerlukan jalan tol bila pemerintah mempunyai visi pengembangan logistik berbasis maritim.

ALI menakutkan tol yang dibangun di pulau ini justru akan mengulangi permasalahan di Pantai Utara Jawa (Pantura).

Saat ini, tarif angkutan darat di Sumatera lebih murah dibandingkan jalur laut.

Kenyataan ini berbanding terbalik dengan kondisi di Pulau Jawa di mana angkutan darat lebih murah.

"Kalau laut ya laut, jangan bangun tol," ujarnya.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 16.06.15.

18 Juni 2015

[180615.EN.BIZ] Weak European Cargo Demand Prime Cause of Current rate Collapse

Cargo demand from the Far East to Europe has shrunk 3.3 per cent, based on the latest available statistics from Container Trade Statistics (CTS).

A weak euro, which has depreciated 20 per cent against the dollar so far this year, will continue to curb European imports, noted Alphaliner's weekly newsletter.

Total westbound traffic for January to April fell 3.3 per cent to 4.71 million, compared to 4.87 million TEU in the same period last year.

A total of 51 new ships of 13,800-19,000 TEU are due to be delivered in 2015, of which 26 units are already sailing and are all deployed on the FE-North Europe route, it said.

"The incessant introduction of these new ships, and the pressure to fill them, will continue to pose a significant challenge to the carriers. The pressure will continue in 2016, with a further 46 units of this size due to be delivered," said Alphaliner.

Demand weakened across all three key markets, with the main North Europe market registering a three per cent decline, while volumes to the West Med fell 3.3 per cent, it said The East Med/Black Sea market saw the largest declines, falling by 4.5 per cent.

"Anecdotal evidence suggests that demand has remained weak in May and June, with the peak summer shipping season also expected to be muted," said Alphaliner.

Weak capacity utilisation on the FE-Europe route - 80-85 per cent in recent weeks despite multiple sailing cancellations - was the main reason for the failure of June 1 rate increases, mirroring the five previous failed attempts to raise rates so far this year, it said.

The demand weakness has caught carriers by surprise, as it follows the relatively strong growth of 7.5 per cent recorded in 2014 and six per cent in 2013, coinciding with a steady influx of ULCS newbuildings that cannot be redeployed to other trades.

Source : HKSG.