31 Agustus 2015

[310815.EN.BIZ] Top Box Maker CIMC Profit up 120pc To US$111 Million As Revenues Rise 8.5pc

SHENZHEN container maker China International Marine Containers (CIMC), the world's biggest, has posted a 120 per cent first half net profit increase to CNY710 million (US$111.1 million), drawn on revenues of CNY12.48 million, which increased 8.5 per cent year on year.

Sales of standard dry boxes, a 17.7 per cent year-on-year increase. Reefer box sales rose 22.9 per cent to 86,900 TEU over the same period.

"In the first half, under the influence of optimistic expectations for steady growth in the global container trade and launching of new ships at the beginning of this year, the market demand for containers maintained the favourable trend of previous year," CIMC said.

Meanwhile, the group implemented the entire upgrade of the container business by adjusting and optimising the composition of the existing production capacity.

Its container project in Dongguan Fenggang was progressing on schedule to start operation in the first half of next year. It also won the bidding for the largest modularised office building project in China-Shenzhen Qianhai Business Innovation Centre.

Source : HKSG.

[310815.ID.BIZ] Apindo Sebut Ancaman PHK di Sumut Lebih Besar

MEDAN. Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia menilai ancaman terjadinya pemutusan hubungan kerja atau PHK di Sumatera Utara lebih besar karena di tengah penguatan dollar AS terhadap Rupiah, juga sedang terjadi penurunan volume dan harga ekspor.

"Ancaman PHK diprediksi lebih banyak terjadi di daerah penghasil komoditas seperti Sumut (Sumatera Utara), karena harga dan permintaan ekspor komoditas sedang anjlok," kata Ketua Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo) Sumut, Parlindungan Purba di Medan, Minggu (30/8).

Ancaman PHK, ujar dia, semakin sangat memungkinkan karena selain nilai dollar AS menguat, volume dan harga ekspor yang masih melemah, daya beli di dalam negeri juga menurun.

"Dewasa ini di Sumut sedang terjadi gangguan besar pada kinerja perusahaan khususnya yang bergerak di bidang sawit dan karet dan itu sangat mengancam terjadi PHK," katanya.
Untuk menghindari PHK, ujar Parlindungan yang juga anggota DPD RI utusan Sumut itu, pemerintah perlu segera bisa mengendalikan nilai tukar Rupiah atas dollar AS itu.

Pemerintah, diminta juga membuat kebijakan-kebijakan yang bisa menolong petani dan pengusaha komoditas dari harga jual yang terpuruk.

"Untuk petani perlu dilakukan segera mengalokasikan dana talangan guna membeli komoditas yang harganya tidak menguntungkan sehingga masyarakat tetap bisa memiliki daya beli yang membuat ekonomi bergerak," katanya.

Sementara untuk pengusaha, perlu diberi berbagai keringanan mulai kemudahan ekspor dan penjualan di dalam negeri termasuk dalam kewajiban membayar pajak.

"Kalau langkah itu dilakukan dan nilai tukar Rupiah kembali distabilkan, maka kinerja perusahaan membaik dan terhindar dari PHK," katanya.

Ketua Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (Gapki) Sumut, Setia Dharma Sebayang menyebutkan, permintaan dan harga jual CPO (crude palm oil) atau minyak sawit mentah yang melemah telah membuat kinerja perusahaan terganggu.

"Nilai dollar AS yang menguat belum membantu gangguan pendapatan dari volume dan harga ekspor CPO yang terganggu," katanya.

Data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Sumut, mengungkapkan, akibat harga ekspor yang melemah, nilai ekspor lemak dan minyak hewan/nabati Sumut yang di dalamnya ada CPO pada semester I-2015 turun 18,89 persen dibandingkan periode sama tahun 2014.

Dari senilai 1,969 miliar dollar AS pada semester I-2014 menjadi 1,597 miliar dollar AS pada semester I-2015.

Sumber : Kontan, 31.08.15.

30 Agustus 2015

[30085.EN.SEA] CMA CGM Freezes Liberty Solo Service From North Europe-US East Coast

FRENCH container shipping group CMA CGM is shelving its Liberty Solo service, the smallest of the carrier's four services between north Europe and the US east coast, despite the transatlantic still being one of the few healthy trade lanes.

The carrier announced it will "reinforce" its transatlantic services this autumn, reported Newark's Journal of Commerce.

At the end of August, the ocean liner plans to add a weekly direct westbound call at Savannah to its Victory Bridge service from North Europe to the US South Atlantic, Gulf, and east coast of Mexico. The service uses five 4,200-TEU ships.

During the first half of the year, the company controlled an 8.7 per cent share of the North Europe-US east coast container trade, with 110,743 TEU transported. The carrier's transatlantic volume soared 66 per cent from a year earlier as its market share rose 5.5 per cent.

The Liberty Solo is operated by ships of 1,700 TEU and the service added a port call at Baltimore in May. The last two sailings before the service is suspended left Rotterdam on August 18, and from New York-New Jersey on August 24.

Source : HKSG.

[300815.ID.BIZ] 19 Perusahaan Bersengkokol Di Tender Transjakarta

JAKARTA. Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) memastikan adanya persekongkolan yang dilakukan oleh 19 terlapor dalam kasus pengadaan bus Transjakarta di tahun 2013. Lembaga antimonopoli usaha tersebut juga merekomendasikan kepada Pemerintah Provinsi DKI dan Kejaksaan untuk melanjutkan hasil keputusan tersebut dengan memeriksa pihak-pihak yang terlibat.

Muhammad Nawir Messi, Komisioner KPPU mengatakan, hasil putusan majelis komisi, proses lelang bus Transjakarta dilaksanakan secara tidak adil sehingga memberikan keuntungan yang tidak wajar bagi terlapor. Namun, "Untuk melihat potensi kerugian negara yang ditimbulkan, kami akan rekomendasikan ke Kejaksaan untuk memeriksa para pihak yang belum kami sentuh," kata dia ke KONTAN, Jumat (28/8).

Dalam sidang putusan KPPU untuk perkara Nomor 15/KPPU-I/2014 terkait pengadaan bus Transjakarta yang dibacakan Rabu (26/8) lalu, lembaga antikartel ini memutuskan bersalah 18 perusahaan dan panitia lelang. Para perusahaan tersebut diberikan sanksi mulai dari pelarangan ikut lelang selama dua tahun serta pembayaran denda sampai dengan Rp 25 miliar.

Misalnya saja, PT Indo Dongfeng diberikan sanksi pelarangan ikut lelang, PT Industri Kereta Api (Persero) diberikan sanksi denda sebesar Rp 4,938 miliar, PT Korindo Motors dengan denda Rp 5,4 miliar, PT Zonda Indonesia wajib membayar Rp 99 juta, serta PT San Abadi dengan denda Rp 25 miliar.

"Indikator besar kecilnya denda yang diberikan dilihat dari peran terlapor sebagai pengagas atau pendamping dalam pengadaan, atau juga ada pertimbangan kooperatif tidaknya terlapor saat proses sidang," jelas Nawir.

KPPU juga meminta Sekretaris Pemprov DKI Jakarta agar memberikan sanksi administratrif kepada panitia pengadaan barang/jasa bidang pekerjaan konstruksi I Dinas Perhubungan DKI Jakarta tahun anggaran 2013 karena keterlibatan dalam kasus ini. Nasir bilang, bukti yang ditemukan pihaknya berupa tetap mempertahankan perserta lelang yang tidak memenuhi kualifikasi, ataupun sebaliknya dengan menggugurkan perusahaan yang telah memenuhi persyaratan.

"Kami meminta agar Pemprov DKI memperhatikan sitem lelang maupun integritas petugas panitianya. Kami merekomendasikan pihak-pihak yang dinyatakan bersalah diberikan sanksi administratif dari masing-masing instansinya," kata Nawir. Rencananya, surat rekomendasi ke Pemprov DKI akan dikirimkan pekan ini.

Nawir menambahkan, KPPU juga akan menyiapkan surat rekomendasi ke Kejaksaan untuk memeriksa Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT). Pasalnya, badan tersebut dinilai melampaui kewenangannya sebagai konsultan pengadaan, dengan turut serta dalam penandatangan dokumen penandatanganan rencana kerja dan syarat-syarat (RKS) lelang.

Menurut dia, dalam masa persidangan majelis komisi bus Transjakarta, KPPU mengaku belum memeriksa BPPT dan pejabat pembuat komitmen (PPK) "Semua yang terlibat harus diperiksa secara pidana, BPPT dan PPK kami minta diperiksa sebelum dinyatakan tidak bersalah," kata dia.

Syarkawi Rauf, Ketua KPPU mengatakan, setelah pembacaan putusan, pihaknya memberikan waktu 14 hari ke depan untuk pada terlapor untuk mengajukan keberatan ke Pengadilan Negeri. Namun, jika dalam jangka waktu belum ada pengajuan, para terlapor tersebut akan dianggap sudah memerika putusan KPPU.

Nama terlapor dan sanksi dari KPPU :

PT Adi Tehnik Equipindo (Terlapor I) Rp 3,064 miliar
PT Ifani Dwi (Terlapor II) Rp 9,158 miliar
PT Industri Kereta Api (Terlapor III) Rp 4,938 miliar
PT Korindo Motors (Terlapor IV) Rp 5,4 miliar
PT Mobilindo Armada Cemerlang (Terlapor V) Rp 4,044 miliar
PT Putera Adi Karyajaya (Terlapor VI) Rp 2,832 miliar
PT Putriasi Utama Sari (Terlapor VII) Rp 3,62 miliar
PT Saptaguna Dayaprima (Terlapor VIII) Rp 5,175 miliar
PT Antar Mitra Sejati (Terlapor IX) Rp 2,225 miliar
PT Ibana Raja (Terlapor X) Rp 937 juta
PT Indo Dongfeng Motor (Terlapor XI) dilarang ikut lelang
PT Mayapada Auto Sempurna (Terlapor XII) Rp 1,425 miliar
PT Srikandi Metropolitan (Terlapor XIII) Rp 910 juta
PT Sugihjaya Dewantara (Terlapor XIV) Rp 302 juta
PT Transportindo Bakti Nusantara (Terlapor XV) dilarang ikut lelang
PT Viola Inovasi Berkarya (Terlapor XVI) Rp 818 juta
PT Zonda Indonesia (Terlapor XVII) Rp 99 juta
PT San Abadi (Terlapor XVIII) Rp 25 miliar
Panitia lelang Dishub DKI Jakarta (Terlapor XIX) -rekomendasi sanksi administrasi.

Sumber : Kontan, 30.08.15.

29 Agustus 2015

[290815.EN.BIZ] Hutchison Hints Australian Operations At Risk Unless Dockers Settle Down

HONG KONG's Hutchison organisation appears to threaten drastic action to resolve labour problems in its Australian operations unless it gets co-operation from workers after laying off 87 dockers in Brisbane and Sydney.

"In the context of the conciliation conferences before the Fair Work Commission, the company has put forward a number of ways of resolving the current impasse," said Hutchison Ports Australia (HPA) personnel chief Harriet Mihalopoulos.

But without agreement Ms Mihalopoulos said HPA is now considering all of its options ahead of the Federal Court hearing on September 1.

"The company has maintained its position that unfortunately due to severe financial pressures, it has had to make some hard decisions about the Australian operations," she said.

"Hutchison Ports Australia (HPA) says it remains committed to negotiating a resolution to the current industrial dispute with workers in Brisbane and Sydney," said its press statement.

"HPA has invested A$700 million (US$498 million) in the Australian operations since June 2013 and made an A$87 million loss for the 2014 calendar year.

"The company has been incurring substantial losses in Australia after finding it extremely difficult to break into the current duopoly in the Australian market," said the press release.

Source : HKSG.

[290815.ID.BIZ] Jokowi Mengaku Belum Tahu Soal Ancaman Mundur Lino

JAKARTA. Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) tak mau banyak berkomentar soal ancaman mundur Direktur Utama Pelindo II Richard Joost Lino setelah kantornya digeledah penyidik Bareskrim.

Dia menyatakan belum mendapatkan laporan atas kasus korupsi yang diduga menjerat RJ Lino tersebut.

"Saya belum dapat laporan, nanti kalau sudah dapat laporan baru saya komentar," kata Jokowi singkat usai membagikan paket sembako di Tanah Tinggi, Jakarta Pusat, Sabtu (29/8).

Lino sempat mengancam untuk mengundurkan diri karena tim Bareskrim Mabes Polri menggeledah kantornya. Lino terkejut saat mengetahui kantornya digeledah tanpa pemberitahuan terhadap dirinya

"Ini contoh enggak baik untuk negeri ini. Kasih tahu Presiden, 'Pak, kalau caranya begini, saya berhenti saja besok,'" kata Lino melalui sambungan telepon kepada seseorang yang disebutnya Sofyan Djalil, seperti disiarkan Kompas TV, Jumat (28/8/2015) malam.

Setelah kantornya digeledah, Lino juga akan segera diperiksa polri terkait kasus dugaan korupsi mobil crane. Diduga, proses tendernya menyalahi prosedur karena menelan biaya hingga Rp 45 miliar.

Direktur Tindak Pidana Ekonomi Khusus Bareskrim Polri Victor E Simanjuntak di Mabes Polri, Jakarta, Jumat, mengatakan, polisi menyita 26 bundel dokumen dari kantor Lino.

Sumber : Kontan, 29.08.15 / Foto : Kompasiana.

28 Agustus 2015

[280815.IE.BIZ] FedEx Founder Slams Lack of Competition in Education For Poor Results

FEDEX founder and CEO Fred Smith has slammed American education for failing to provide workers the schooling jobs require, citing "poor results" and the "sociological environment" in which students must grow up.

"We're not producing the type of students we need for the 21st-century workforce," he told the audience at the Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce's annual meeting.

Mr Smith blamed the breakdown in public schools on the lack of competition, reported the Chattanoga Times Free Press.

"Monopolies tend to gravitate to the lowest common denominator," he said in support of school vouchers that supported charter schools that offer parents a competitive choice.

Public school management an teachers unions, have long opposed charter schools on the grounds that charter schools would drain away better students and leave the public sector with the dregs.

"You wouldn't watch an NFL game if there weren't two teams on the field," Mr Smith said in answer to a question at the event that drew about 1,200 people. "You wouldn't watch a tennis match if there weren't two players."

"The archaic regulations were stifling innovation," Mr Smith said.

His own experience showed that complex government regulations regarding air cargo made it so the company initially couldn't use planes which carried more than 7,500 pounds of cargo.

Mr Smith said the company also pushed for the 1980 deregulation of surface transportation for interstate trucks and railways. Also, the US has been at the forefront of deregulating highly regulated international skies, he said.

That has led to FedEx expanding around the world, the CEO said, serving 220 countries and territories.

"We serve everyplace that's permitted by the U.S. government with the exclusion of Cuba, which may change soon, Iran, Syria and North Korea," he said.

The FedEx chief said his company led a movement that resulted in deregulation of the air cargo industry after "a bruising series of fights" in 1977.

"Contrary to opponents, life on earth did not cease," he said.

Mr Smith said the company also pushed for the 1980 deregulation of surface transportation for interstate trucks and railways. Also, the US has been at the forefront of opening up highly regulated international skies, he said.

The deregulatory efforts and legislation have permitted today's modern society, he said.

"They were profound pieces of legislation, absent of which there'd be no Wal-Mart, no Target, no Amazon, no FedEx," he said. "It's government getting out the way and it made a huge difference in our society."

He said the changes have cut logistics costs from 16 cents of every dollar to about 9 cents.

"Those enormous productivity improvements are what basically has funded this economy's ability to offer the social benefits that we now do in terms of increased Medicare, Medicaid, things of that nature," he said.

The Chattanooga chamber chairman Roy Vaughn also attacked the poor educational development of the workforce.

"It helps us get home-grown prosperity and major investments," said Mr Vaughn, citing a US$22.5 million plan announced by West Star Aviation to place an air maintenance facility at Lovell Field.

The comments come amid the giant express delivery firm's plans to expand its worldwide network that currently includes 220 countries and territories. 

"We serve everyplace that's permitted by the US government with the exclusion of Cuba, which may change soon, Iran, Syria and North Korea," said Mr Smith.

Source : HKSG.

[280815.ID.BIZ] China Patok Kurs Yuan Terendah Dalam 4 Tahun

SHANGHAI. Bank sentral China pada hari Kamis (27/8) kembali mematok nilai tukar yuan ke level terendah dalam empat tahun terakhir versus dollar Amerika.

Berdasarkan data China Foreign Exchange Trade System, nilai tukar yuan berada di level 6,4085 per dollar AS. Itu artinya, nilai tukar tersebut lebih lemah 0,07% dibanding hari sebelumnya. Meski demikian, menurut Shanghai Securities News, nilai tukar tersebut merupakan yang terendah sejak Agustus 2011.

Langkah penurunan nilai patokan yuan menyusun pemangkasan tingkat suku bunga acuan yang diumumkan People's Bank of China (PBOC) pada Selasa (25/8) lalu.

"Depresiasi yuan dilakukan seiring munculnya harapan pasar atas pelemahan yuan yang sebelumnya sudah terjadi setelah kebijakan devaluasi pada 11 Agustus lalu," jelas Liu Dongliang, senior analyst China Merchants Bank di Shenzen kepada AFP.

Sekadar mengingatkan, pada 11 Agustus lalu, PBOC mendevaluasi yuan hampir sebesar 2%. PBOC beralasan, keputusan itu bertujuan untuk mengubah sistem penetapan mata uang ke sistem yang berorientasi pasar sehingga lebih fleksibel.

Saat ini, yuan diperdagangkan di level 6,4091 per dollar AS, menguat tipis dari penutupan kemarin yang berada di level 6,4095 per dollar.

Sumber : Kontan, 27.08.15.

27 Agustus 2015

[270815.EN.AIR] Boeing Sees China Demand at 6,330 Aircraft Worth Nearly US$1 Trillion

BOEING, China's leading provider of commercial aircraft, projected a demand in the country for 6,330 new planes over the next 20 years, declared the big American planemaker.

Boeing has released its annual China Current Market Outlook (CMO) in Beijing, estimating the total value of those new aircraft at US$950 billion.

"Despite the current volatility in China's financial market, we see strong growth in the country's aviation sector over the long term," said Randy Tinseth, vice president of marketing, Boeing Commercial Airplanes.

"Over the next 20 years, China's commercial airplane fleet will nearly triple: from 2,570 airplanes in 2014 to 7,210 airplanes in 2034, with more than 70 per cent of these deliveries accommodating growth," he said.

"China's aviation market is incredibly dynamic, from its leading airlines to its startups and low-cost carriers," said Ihssane Mounir, vice president of Sales and Marketing for Northeast Asia, Boeing Commercial Airplanes.

"Boeing is committed to serve customers in the world's largest airplane market by providing the most fuel-efficient airplanes and services to support their growth and profitability," he said.

As China becomes the world's largest domestic air travel market, Boeing is forecasting demand for 4,630 single-aisle aircraft through 2034. This sector is driven by growth in new carriers and low-cost airlines in developing and emerging markets, as well as continuous expansion in established airlines.

The efficiency and flexibility of single-aisle aircraft like the 737 helps Chinese carriers connect and stimulate growth along the Economic Belt as part of the One Belt, One Road Strategy, said the Boeing statement.

Mr Tinseth said the Next-Generation 737-800 and new 737 MAX 8 ¡V Boeing products at the heart of the single-aisle market - offer airlines the best fuel efficiency, reliability and capability.

China's low-cost carriers are currently responsible for about eight per cent of single-aisle market demand, rising to 25-30 per cent of demand by 2034, he noted.

"The 737 MAX 200 will have the lowest fuel costs ¡V 20 per cent per seat - versus today's most efficient single-aisle airplanes," Mr Tinseth said.

"737 MAX fuel efficiency and the 737's position as the industry's most reliable airplane offer Chinese low-cost carriers competitive advantages as they grow new business," he said.

Boeing forecasts that the widebody segment will require 1,510 new aircraft, led by small and medium widebody planes such as the 777-300ER (Extended Range), 777X and the 787 Dreamliner.

Mr Tinseth said Chinese airlines have more than doubled their long-haul international capacity over the past three years, in large part following the delivery of 747-8 Intercontinental aircraft to Air China and 777-300ERs and 787s to several leading Chinese carriers.

"Enabled by China's growing middle-class population, new visa policies and the underlying strength of its economic growth, this expansion is expected to continue, and in fact accelerate," Mr Tinseth said. "The 777, 787 and 747-8 are perfectly positioned to support Chinese airlines' continued globalisation."

Source : HKSG.

[270815.ID.BIZ] 1.800 Pekerja di Kota Tangerang Dirumahkan

JAKARTA. Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kota Tangerang, Banten, mencatat sudah ada sekitar 1.800 pekerja yang dirumahkan dalam kurun waktu tiga bulan terakhir akibat dampak melemahnya nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar AS.

Kepala Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kota Tangerang Abduh Surahman mengatakan, perusahaan terpaksa melakukan PHK karena melemahnya rupiah membuat biaya operasional semakin tinggi.

"Ditambah lagi daya beli masyarakat mengalami penurunan sehingga membuat langkah pengurangan karyawan," katany, Kamis (27/8).

Ia mengatakan, sebanyak 10 perusahaan garmen dan tekstil di Kota Tangerang, terancam tutup akibat pelemahan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar AS. Perusahaan garmen dan tekstil tersebut mengalami kendala dalam memenuhi kebutuhan bahan baku impor.

Perusahaan sendiri telah berkonsultasi dengan Dinas Tenaga Kerja guna membahas masalah keuangan yang mereka hadapi. Bahkan, jika pelemahan rupiah semakin parah, kemungkinan terjadinya PHK akan kembali berlanjut.

Saat ini, lanjutnya, sejumlah perusahaan telah mengurangi kapasitas produksi serta jam kerja pegawai sejak sebulan lalu.

"Ini dilakukan untuk mempertahankan produksi. Tetapi kalau sampai dua bulan ke depan masih seperti ini kondisi ekonomi maka perusahaan akan melakukan pengurangan karyawan," ujar Abduh.

Meski demikian, perusahaan yang melakukan ekspor tidak terpengaruh pelemahan rupiah. "Di sisi lain, untuk yang ekspor tidak ada masalah," kata Abduh.

Sementara itu, untuk mengatasi pengangguran di Kota Tangerang, pihaknya akan melakukan bursa kerja dalam waktu dekat. "Kami akan optimalkan bursa kerja dalam waktu dekat ini," papar Abduh.

Sumber : Kontan, 27.08.15.

26 Agustus 2015

[260815.EN.BIZ] Cash-strapped Athens May Raise Tonnage Tax 4pc For Greek Foreign-flag Ships

GREECE's shipping industry could face a tax increase, as part of the austerity measures in the financial bailout terms with the European Union.

Before Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' resignation sparked calls for a snap election so he can retake power amid growing opposition to the austerity, it was originally agreed that the tonnage tax be imposed on Greek foreign-flagged ships owned by Greeks covering the four years from 2016 to 2020.

The new law could also include a tax rate reduction on foreign currency brought to Greece by overseas companies exclusively engaged in insurance, chartering, brokerage and shipbuilding. Excluded from the rules are domestic route cargo ships, reported London's Tanker Operator.

Union of Greek Shipowners president Theodore Veniamis said any change in the existing tax regime would induce owners to seek a friendlier tax environments.

At present, Greek shipowners enjoy constitutional tax breaks, including no profits tax on shipping operations and ship sales. Changing these laws would require a two-thirds majority in parliament.

Source : HKSG.

[260815.ID.BIZ] Krakatau Nippon Memulai Pembangunan Pabrik Baja

CILEGON. PT Krakatau Nippon Steel Sumikin (KNSS) hari ini, Selasa (25/8), memulai pembangunan pabrik baja di Cilegon, Banten.

Naomasa Arita, Presiden Direktur KNSS mengatakan, pabrik ini merupakan fasilitas produksi Galvanizing and Annealing Processing Line (GAPL) yang merupakan lini produksi terintegrasi antara proses continuous annealing dengan proses continuous galvanizing. Produk yang dihasilkan adalah produk baja berkualitas tinggi untuk kebutuhan industri otomotif, termasuk baja untuk bagian luar mobil.

Direncanakan pabrik ini akan memiliki kapasitas produksi 480 ribu metric ton per tahun. "Targetnya pabrik ini akan beroperasi secara komersial pada pertengahan tahun 2017," ujarnya.

Investasi pendirian fasilitas produksi ini diperkirakan US$ 300 juta dan akan menyerap 280 orang tenaga kerja pada saat beroperasi.

KNSS adalah perusahaan patungan antara PT Krakatau Steel Tbk dengan Nippon Steel Sumitomo Metal Corporation (NSSMC) dari Jepang. "PT KS memiliki saham 20 % dan 80% sisanya milik NSSMC," kata Naomasa.

Sumber : Kontan. 

25 Agustus 2015

[250815.EN.BIZ] Maritime CIO Forum, Rotterdam On Cyber Attacks, Cloud, Big Data

THIS year's Maritime CIO Forum in Rotterdam on September 29 will focus on the industry's approach to "genuine road to recovery" and how innovation in maritime communications will drive the future of shipping, and how to maximise efficiencies created by the "next generation" solutions of the Digital Age for the maritime industry.

Other discussions will focus on the future of unmanned vessels; innovating and investing in the industrial Internet of Things (IoT); Big data and analytics to drive innovation, competitiveness and growth; putting information security onto the boardroom agenda; can the cloud lift global trade?; future-proofing your IT infrastructure; and disruptive innovation.

Speakers include Airbus Defence and Space CEO Tore Morten Olsen, BIMCO chief shipping analyst Peter Sand; ESC Global Security cyber security chief Joseph Carson, Ericsson director of shipping Douglas Watson, Iridium maritime director Kyle Hurst and Intelsat maritime product manager Chris Insall.

In addition, coordinator research & innovations, Swedish Maritime Administration, Captain Ulf Svedberg; director of business development, EMEA, Dell OEM Solutions, Mary Etienne; and senior scientist, MARINTEK Dep. Maritime Transport Systems, Ornulf Jan Rodseth.

Source : HKSG.

[250815.ID.BIZ] Rizal Ramli Tuding Pelindo II Penyebab Lamanya Dwelling Time

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Menteri Koordinator Kemaritiman dan Sumber Daya Rizal Ramli menuding PT Pelindo II sebagai penghambat lamanya waktu tunggu bongkar muat (dwelling time) di pelabuhan.

Rizal menilai Pelindo II  mendapat keuntungan dari banyaknya  kontainer yang menumpuk di pelabuhan. "Pelindo memang senang juga kalau kontainernya tetap di situ (pelabuhan), karena bayar kan," ujar Rizal seusai rapat koordinasi di kantor BPPT, Selasa (25/8/2015).

Menurut Rizal, Pelindo II mendapat keuntungan hingga triliunan rupiah dari penumpukan kontainer. Biaya sewa gudang di pelabuhan yang terbilang murah, dinilai sebagai penyumbang lamanya dwelling time. "Pelindo dapat Rp1 triliun itu kalau lama."

Untuk membenahi lamanya proses dwelling time, Rizal berencana menaikkan harga sewa gudang di pelabuhan. Harga sewa gudang di pelabuhan sendiri lebih murah ketimbang sewa gudang swasta lainnya.

Menurut Rizal,  murahnya harga sewa gudang di pelabuhan inilah yang  membuat importir betah berlama-lama menaruh barangnya. "Jadi kita akan ubah pricing-nya," ujarnya.

Bukan hanya menaikkan harga sewa gudang, Rizal juga berencana membuat jalur kereta api menuju Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok.

Namun, Rizal menyebut Pelindo II tak sejalan dengan rencana itu karena akan menghambat bisnis mereka. "Dari dulu berantem antara Pelindo dan KAI. Pelindo enggak mau ada jalur kereta karena bisa berkurang bisnisnya."

Meski bertentangan dengan Pelindo dan berpotensi membuat bisnis  Pelindo seret , Rizal mengaku akan terus menjalankan rencana tersebut dengan alasan kepentingan nasional. "Kali ini kita mau tegas. Kita kepret kalau ada yang enggak mau," ujarnya.

Rizal berpendapat rencana pembangunan jalur kereta api yang mengarah ke pelabuhan ini dapat mengurangi kemacetan di ruas jalan Tanjung Priok. "Kemacetan akan berkurang. Memang ini akan merugikan pihak tertentu tapi ini demi kepentingan nasional," ucapnya.

Rapat koordinasi membahas dwelling time hari ini dihadiri oleh Kementerian Perdagangan, Kementerian Perhubungan, Kementerian Perindustrian, Bea Cukai, serta Mantan KSAL Laksamana Marsetio. Rapat dimulai pukul 10.30 WIB di gedung BPPT dan berlangsung tertutup.

Menteri yang datang hanya Menteri Perdagangan Thomas Lembong dan Menteri Perindustrian Saleh Husin. Namun, di tengah rapat Saleh beranjak pergi karena mesti rapat transmisi listrik di kantor Wapres. Adapun kementerian lainnya diwakilkan oleh bawahannya.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 25.08.15.

24 Agustus 2015

[240815.EN.BIZ] MISC Ends Vitol Joint Venture, Sells Its 50pc For US$830 Million

MISC BERHAD (previously, the Malaysia International Shipping Corporation) has announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary MTTI Sdn Bhd (previously, Magna Conglomerate Sdn Bhd) has agreed to sell to Vitol's VIP Terminals Finance its 50 per cent share for US$830 million, ending their joint venture.

VIP Terminals Finance BV is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vitol Investment Partnership Limited, an investment vehicle sponsored and managed by the Vitol Group.

MISC Berhad's main shareholder is Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS), the national oil conglomerate of Malaysia, but its main business is ship owning, ship operating as well as owning and operating of offshore floating facilities as well as marine repair and engineering. It has 120 vessels with a combined tonnage 13 million dwt.

Said MISC chief executive Yee Yang Chien: "It has been a great pleasure working with Vitol over the past five years. We wish Vitol the very best in its future endeavours and we are confident that the good relationship we have will continue."

Said Vitol CEO Ian Taylor: "MISC has been an excellent partner over the last five years and we have greatly enjoyed working with them."

Vitol was founded in 1966 in Rotterdam and is now the world's largest independent energy trader, trading five million barrels of crude oil and oil products a day.

MISC said will continue to strengthen its core businesses in energy shipping and energy-related services, as well as undertake opportunistic acquisitions or investments for future growth.

Source : HKSG.

[240815.ID.BIZ] Saham 13 BUMN Kakap Rontok, Pemerintah Buyback Rp10 Triliun

Bisnis.com, BOGOR - Pemerintah menyiapkan Rp10 triliun untuk membeli kembali atau buyback saham 13 badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) kakap yang dilepas melalui Bursa Efek Indonesia.

Rini Soemarno, Menteri BUMN, mengatakan pihaknya menargetkan mulai menyuntikkan dana untuk buyback saham BUMN besok, Selasa (25/8/2015).

Pembelian kembali saham tersebut akan dilakukan kepada 13 BUMN yang melantai di Bursa Efek Indonesia.

"Total BUMN yang akan melakukan buyback ada 13 yang besar dan kami lihat. Kami pada dasarnya berkisar di situ. Minimal Rp10 triliun yang kami siapkan," katanya, di Istana Bogor, Jawa Barat, Senin (24/8/2015).

Rini menuturkan BUMN yang mendapatkan dana untuk buyback adalah perusahaan yang sahamnya anjlok dalam beberapa waktu belakangan.

Selain itu, pemerintah juga mempertimbangkan program employee stock option program atau ESOP yang akan dilakukan.

Menurutnya, buyback saham BUMN merupakan salah satu bagian dari investasi perusahaan milik negara yang melantai di bursa, saat kondisi pasar melemah.

Sekadar diketahui, pekan lalu Otoritas Jasa Keuangan atau OJK memperbolehkan emiten untuk melakukan buyback sahamnya tanpa melalui rapat umum pemegang saham (RUPS).

Ketentuan tersebut tertuang dalam Surat Edaran OJK No. 22/SEOJK.04/2015 tentang Kondisi Lain Sebagai Kondisi Pasar Yang Berfluktuasi Secara Signifikan Dalam Pelaksanaan Pembelian Kembali Saham Yang Dikeluarkan Oleh Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 24.08.15.

23 Agustus 2015

[230815.EN.BIZ] US Steelmakers, Unions, Politicians Decry Chinese Steel Price Cuts

PRICE-CUTTING Chinese steelmakers have aroused the US steel industry to anger, reducing American political support for the pending Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement.

Reuters reports Chinese steel producers were cutting export prices, riding the fall of the yuan after the series of central bank devaluations last week.

"This devaluation is just the latest attempt to support Chinese industry at the expense of producers in the rest of the world who have to earn their cost of capital to survive," said US steelmaker Nucor Corp lawyer Alan Price.

Mr Price also said China had built "massive excess capacity in steel, aluminum unrelated to market demand" and should shut some of its plants.

Said United Steelworkers president Leo Gerard: "Washington has been asleep at the switch in dealing with China" and called for action against "China's predatory practices" before more US jobs were lost.

Steel jobs are pivotal in the coming presidential election, including in Ohio, where state senators from both parties criticised the devaluation, linking it to trade talks.

Said Ohio Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown: "The US needs to ensure American businesses and workers have a backstop to fight against currency manipulation."

Said Ohio Republican Senator Rob Portman: "We cannot afford to sit idly by as China refuses to play by the rules. Any negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership must combat currency manipulation."

Since July, American steelmakers including AK Steel, US Steel Corp and Nucor have filed trade petitions over imports of hot-rolled steel and cold-rolled steel. China was named in the cold-rolled steel complaint.

Said American Iron and Steel Institute head Thomas Gibson: "China has consistently intervened directly in foreign exchange markets to make their exports more competitive and impose new barriers to imports."

Source : HKSG.

[230815.ID.BIZ] Rizal Ramli Soroti Utang Luar Negeri

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA—Menko Kemaritiman percaya Indonesia bisa membangun tanpa harus menggunakan dana, apalagi yang bersumber dari utang luar negeri.

Menko Kemaritiman Rizal Ramli mengatakan negara ini bisa bebas membangun tanpa utang dengan kebijakan terobosan yang cepat dan tepat, perekonomian Indonesia bisa tumbuh dan rakyat langsung merasakan manfaatnya.

Dia mencontohkan, pasca krisis moneter, industri penerbangan kita jatuh hingga 60%. Saat itu, Indonesia hanya memiliki tiga maskapai. Menurutnya, pemerintah minta agar maskapai menurunkan tarif, agar industri ini kembali bergairah, namun sayangnya para pemain lama tidak mau dengan berbagai dalih dan alasan.

“Saat itu saya Menko Perekonomian. Akhirnya saya keluarkan kebijakan, membuka izin maskapai penerbangan baru. Maka, lahirlah 6-7 maskapai baru, sehingga terjadilah persaingan,” ujarnya, dalam rilis Kemenko Maritim, Rabu (19/8).

Akibatnya, harga tiket turun drastis, dan jumlah penumpang naik hingga 5 kali dibandingkan sebelum krisis.

“Ini menjadi bukti, bahwa untuk membangun tidak harus menggunakan dana, apalagi kalau sumbernya hutang luar negeri,” tambahnya.

Dalam konteks itu, dia menegaskan Indonesia membutuhkan pejabat publik yang punya kemampuan memahami masalah dan berani mengambil tindakan yang out of the box.

“Satu lagi, pejabat harus tidak punya konflik kepentingan,” tukasnya.

Dalam hal ini, Rizal Ramli sengaja menekankan pentingnya membangun tanpa harus mengandalkan utang.

Pasalnya, tingginya utang luar negeri (ULN) akan menekan neraca pembayaran. Ujung-ujungnya, ungkap Rizal, nilai tukar rupiah pun semakin melemah terhadap sejumlah mata uang utama dunia, khususnya dolar Amerika.

Berdasarkan data Bank Indonesia (BI), posisi ULN pada akhir triwulan II-2015 tercatat sebesar US$D304,3 miliar. Jumlah itu terdiri atas ULN sektor publik sebesar US$134,6 miliar (44,2%) dan ULN sektor swasta sebesar US$169,7 miliar (55,8%).

Dengan perkembangan tersebut, debt service ratio (DSR) atau rasio utang terhadap pendapatan ekspor adalah 56,3% pada triwulan II-2015. Angka ini sedikit lebih baik dibandingkan 56,9% pada triwulan I-2015.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 19.08.15.

22 Agustus 2015

[220815.EN.BIZ] Cool Logistics Global Conference in Belgium on Regionalisation of Perishables

THE 7th Cool Logistics Global conference will be held in Bruges, the capital of West Flanders in Belgium from September 29 - October 1.

Bruges is located in the heartland of Belgium's vegetable production and is the leading region in Europe for the frozen vegetables industry, a statement from the organisers of the event said.

The conference will focus on the trend towards increasing regionalisation of perishable trades given that the distribution of fresh or frozen produce over shorter distances continues to grow much faster than long distance shipments.

"As the European economies are slowly emerging from the global recession, there are early indications that both food and non-food perishable supply chains are emerging relatively unscathed from the gloom. Intermodal trade is also set to increase significantly in the short and medium term," the release said.

Confirmed speakers include head of Operations, Fresh/Time definite & Cross Functions at Lufthansa, Oliver Blum; global director of Reefer Logistics at Kuehne + Nagel, Frank Ganse; global head of Commercial Reefer Management, Maersk Line, Ole Schack Petersen; director of Supply Chain Advisors, Phillip Damas; and director of Logistics, Ardo Group, Jan Debaillie.

This year's conference will be opened by Joachim Coens, chairman of Port of Zeebrugge, conference sponsor, who will address the key challenges faced by 21st century perishable distribution and the role of ports.

On the first two days, the conference will assess the impact of these factors and analyse new trends in global perishables distribution.

Sessions will also tackle perennial issues such as investments in new cold storage capacity in emerging markets and in new reefer boxes and technology, which should benefit shippers and freight forwarders alike after a protracted period of notorious under investment in the sector.

The conference will also provide an analysis of perishables being transported by short sea operators as well as intra-European container services.

Discussion of the cascading effect of bigger vessels being deployed on north-south routes will feature a new twist: Have ports become the Achilles heel of the perishable supply chain?

Other questions to be asked are: How will smaller ports be affected, especially as the new shipping alliances are concentrating their services on the biggest ports, which have sufficient draft?

Or are we witnessing a bonanza for short sea and feeder operators as a result of this or are the restricted sulphur emissions in northern Europe leading to perishable cargo being driven back onto the roads.

Source : HKSG.

[220815.ID.BIZ] Harum Energy Bantah Caplok Medco Energi Milik Arifin Panigoro

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA--Manajemen PT Harum Energy Tbk. (HRUM) membantah perseroan bakal mengakuisisi saham perusahaan milik Arifin Panigoro PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk. (MEDC).

Made Satya P., Pejabat Sementara Sekretaris Perusahaan Harum Energy mengatakan informasi yang beredar di media masa tidaklah benar.

"Harum Energy dikabarkan akuisisi MEDC adalah tidak benar," ungkapnya dalam keterbukaan informasi di Bursa Efek Indonesia, Rabu (19/8/2015).

Dia menegaskan, pihaknya tidak pernah memberikan informasi apapun kepada jurnalis pada media tersebut.

Dalam sebuah media nasional disebutkan, emiten tambang batu bara itu bakal mengambil kepemilikan saham Keluarga Arifin Panigoro di dalam Medco Energi.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 20.08.15.

21 Agustus 2015

[210815.EN.SEA] G6 Alliance Voids 4 Asia-Europe Sailings To Meet Feeble Demand

MEMBER of the G6 Alliance have announced it will void four void sailings in October within their Asia-Europe product in response to changes in market demand.

As the G6 Alliance continues to review its product profile, the following void sailings are planned for the following loops:

Loop 6 service in week 40 (westbound ETA Kaohsiung on October 1). Kaohsiung will be added as a westbound call, while Jebel Ali will be inserted on the eastbound leg of Loop 7. The westbound Colombo and Xiamen calls will be added into Loop 4.

Loop 7 service in week 41 (westbound ETA Qingdao October 5). Qingdao will be added to Loop 4 on the westbound leg in the corresponding week, while Loop 5 will cover Gdansk, Gothenburg and Antwerp calls on the eastbound direction during the same timeframe.

Loop 4 service in week 42 (westbound ETA Ningbo October 16). Loop 6 will cover the westbound Le Havre call in the respective week.

Loop 5 service in week 43 (westbound ETA Kwangyang October 23). The westbound Kwangyang and Busan calls will be added in other loops in the respective week.

The G6 Alliance continues to offer a variety of services between Asia and Europe covering all major port pairs with weekly sailings, and to make further service adjustments where necessary.

G6 members are APL, Hapag-Lloyd, Hyundai Merchant Marine, MOL, NYK and OOCL.

Source : HKSG.

[210815.ID.BIZ] BKPM Patok Target Tinggi Untuk Investasi Manufaktur 2016

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA-Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) menargetkan peningkatan proporsi investasi sektor manufaktur hingga 52,7% atau senilai Rp313,5 triliun dari keseluruhan realisasi investasi pada 2016 yang ditargetkan mencapai Rp594,8 triliun.

Kepala BKPM Franky Sibarani menyatakan peningkatan proporsi investasi sektor manufaktur merupakan upaya mendorong transformasi ekonomi Indonesia dari berbasis konsumsi menjadi berbasis produksi.

"Bapak Presiden dalam pidatonya menyebutkan adanya perubahan paradigma ekonomi dari yang bersifat konsumtif ke produktif. Dengan memperbesar porsi realisasi investasi sektor manufaktur akan mendukung terjadinya industrialisasi di masa mendatang," katanya dalam keterangan pers.

Franky merinci pertumbuhan realisasi investasi sektor manufaktur diharapkan berasal dari industri logam dasar, barang logam, mesin dan elektronik; industri kimia dasar, barang kimia dan farmasi; industri makanan; industri kertas, barang dari kertas dan percetakan, serta industri manufaktur lainnya

"Realisasi investasi beberapa industri sektor manufaktur dapat tumbuh cukup tinggi seperti industri logam, industri kimia, industri mineral non logam, industri tekstil dan Industri kayu. Meskipun ada beberapa industri yang perlu perhatian lebih seperti industri makanan dan Industri alas kaki,"tambahnya.

Untuk merealisasikan target tersebut, BKPM menempatkan sektor Industri sebagai salah satu prioritas pemasaran investasi, selain infrastruktur, pertanian, maritim, serta pariwisata dan kawasan.

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 21.08.15.