29 Juni 2017

[290617.EN.BIZ] Dockers Plan Pan-European Strike Thursday to Protect Closed Shop

THE International Dockworkers' Council labour union said it will stage a two-hour strike Thursday June 29 as a show of solidarity with Spanish dockers on strike against job-killing port reforms.

Spanish dockers held a 48-hour strike June 14 and 15 following a breakdown in talks on saving 6,000 jobs to be eliminated in reforms voted on by the Cortes, the Spanish parliament.

Under the new rules port loading services are open to competition and companies are allowed to hire freely.

Future 48-hour strikes in Spain are a strong possibility, the workers have indicated, reports American Shipper.

The pan-European strike is set for 10am to noon Thursday June 29 at ports in Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Montenegro, Portugal, the UK, Spain, Slovenia and Sweden, according to the union.

Source : HKSG.

[290617.ID.BIZ] Perusahaan Konsumer Gencar Berinvestasi

JAKARTA. Sejumlah perusahaan konsumer terus mengerek kapasitas produksi. Upaya tersebut untuk mengimbangi permintaan pasar yang terus meningkat saban tahun.

Tengok saja PT Mandom Indonesia Tbk yang mengalokasikan belanja modal atawa capital expenditure (capex) sebesar Rp 165 miliar bersumber kas perusahaan. Jumlah ini meningkat dibandingkan capex tahun lalu yang hanya Rp 135 miliar.

Dana tersebut untuk pembelian mesin, peralatan, software dan lainnya. "Yang jelas bila permintaan bertambah produksi ikut bertambah", kata Alia Dewi, Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Mandom Indonesia Tbk, saat dihubungi KONTAN, Kamis (22/6).

Emiten berkode dagang TCID ini memiliki dua pabrik di Cibitung, Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Sayang, Mandom belum bersedia memberikan informasi mendetail terkait peningkatan kapasitas dan kapasitas eksisting. "Tahun ini, kami tetap membidik kenaikan penjualan dua digit," sebut Alia.

Demi meningkatkan performa penjualan di semester kedua nanti, Mandom berencana merilis produk baru untuk pria, yakni Gatsby. Sedangkan produk wanita merek Pixie.

Sepanjang tahun lalu, Mandom Indonesia mencatat penjualan Rp 2,53 triliun. Angka tersebut tumbuh 9,2% dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya.

Pabrik baru

Setali tiga uang dengan PT Kalbe Farma Tbk, yang menyediakan belanja modal tahun ini senilai Rp 1,2 triliun atau tumbuh dari penyerapan tahun lalu yang sebesar Rp 1 triliun. Presiden Direktur Kalbe Farma Vidjongtius mengatakan, dana capex tersebut akan dipakai untuk membiayai pembangunan dua pabrik baru di Pulogadung dan Cikarang. "Kuartal I-2017 terserap sekitar Rp 250 miliar," kata Vidjongtius, kepada KONTAN Kamis (22/6).

PT Kalbio Global Medika, salah satu anak usaha Kalbe Farma, bakal mengoperasikan pabrik di Cikarang secara komersial pertengahan tahun 2018. Nantinya, pabrik tersebut akan memproduksi produk obat biosimilar. Pabrik ini berkapasitas produksi 10 juta-11 juta unit obat per tahun. Sedangkan pabrik di Pulogadung akan memproduksi obat resep injeksi.

Kalbe Farma memproyeksikan pabrik ini berproduksi secara komersial tahun 2019. Pada 2017, emiten berkode dagang KLBF menargetkan penjualan bisa naik 8%-10%. "Akan ada 10 produk baru di tahun ini," sebut Vidjongtius.

Menilik laporan keuangan kuartal I-2017, penjualan bersih Kalbe Farma sebesar Rp 4,89 triliun atau naik 7,7% dibandingkan tahun lalu yang sebesar Rp 4,54 triliun.

Direktur PT Kino Indonesia Tbk Peter Chayson menyebutkan, tahun ini perusahaan yang dia pimpin juga menganggarkan belanja modal sebesar Rp 50 miliar. Dan yang bersumber dari sisa dana initial public offering (IPO) untuk revitalisasi mesin pabrik.

Jumlah ini turun dibandingkan tahun lalu yang sebesar Rp 220 miliar. "Dana ini untuk kebutuhan peralihan beberapa mesin lama ke model otomatisasi," ungkap Peter, ke KONTAN, Kamis (22/6).

Asal tahu saja, emiten berkode KINO ini menargetkan penjualan bisa tumbuh 4%-5% tahun ini. Dalam laporan keuangan kuartal 1-2017, tercatat penjualan KINO sebesar Rp 670 miliar, turun 22% dari periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya Rp 860 miliar.

Tahun ini, KINO juga berencana membentuk joint venture dengan sebuah perusahaan asing. Aksi korporasi ini diharapkan rampung akhir tahun ini. Sayang, belum ada penjelasan lebih detail terkait rencana joint venture itu.

Sumber : Kontan, 23.06.17.

19 Juni 2017

[190617.EN.BIZ] Indonesia's Patimban Port Looks Set To Commence Operations by 2019

THE final preparations are being made to begin construction of the Indonesia-Japan Patimban deep seaport, putting the port in West Java on track to commence operations by 2019.

"We can at least partially open the port in the first quarter of 2019. So everything is proceeding. Before the end of March, at least part of it should be opened," local media cited Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Masafumi Ishii as saying.

The new port will have a capacity of 1.5 million TEU when it begins operations in 2019 and reach a full capacity of 7.5 million TEU by 2027, half the capacity of Indonesia's busiest port, Jakarta's Tanjung Priok, and helping to ease congestion there, reports Colchester's Seatrade Maritime News.

Meanwhile efforts are underway to strengthen logistics facilities in the outlying regions in Indonesia.

Logistics firm Cipta Krida Bahari has just begun operations at its fourth bonded zone in Sorong, Papua, built on a 3,700 square metre plot of land. The facility is the first to be built in the eastern part of Indonesia, and is expected to help boost efficiency in the transport infrastructure in the region.

"The operation of the bonded zone in Sorong will create efficiency and make the economy in the region grow faster," Cipta Krida's president director Iman Sjafei was quoted as saying.

Source : HKSG.

[190617.ID.BIZ] Gudang Garam Akan Ikut Bangun Bandara di Kediri?

KEDIRI. Kabar pembangunan bandara di Kediri, Jawa Timur, mencuat belakangan ini. Proyek disebut tidak melibatkan anggaran pemerintah tetapi oleh swasta yakni perusahaan rokok PT Gudang Garam Tbk.

Perusahaan rokok yang bermarkas di Kediri itu sendiri memilih bungkam atas kabar yang ada. Direksi menyebut saat ini bukan waktu yang tepat membahas soal pembangunan bandara bagi moda transportasi udara itu.

"Jawaban tentang bandara ini hanya akan kami rilis pada waktunya. Jadi saat ini no comment," ujar salah satu Direktur PT Gudang Garam Tbk. Istata Taswin Siddharta seusai Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham di Hotel Grand Surya Kediri, Jawa Timur, Sabtu (17/6).
Dikonfirmasi terpisah, Bupati Kediri Haryanti Sutrisno memastikan adanya proses pembangunan bandara di wilayahnya. Hanya saja dia enggan menyebut pasti lokasinya.

"Ini (lokasinya) rahasia," ujar Haryanti, Sabtu (17/6).

Bupati yang juga istri dari mantan Bupati Sutrisno ini berdalih pengumuman lokasi bandara terlalu dini sehingga khawatir harga tanah akan melonjak tajam.

Hal itu sebut dia, akan menyulitkan realisasi proyek.

"(harga) tanah naik tidak terbeli, bisa gagal (pembangunan bandara)," kata Bupati yang sudah menjabat dua kali periode ini.

Kabar pembangunan bandara ini sudah merebak luas.  Sebelumnya Kemenhub menyatakan, pembangunannya diperlukan untuk menjangkau wilayah Jawa selatan dan saat ini masih tahap studi.

Sumber : Kontan, 19.06.17.

18 Juni 2017

[180617.EN.BIZ] US Farmers Unhappy Mega Alliances Do Little to Fix Problems

US AGRICULTURAL exporters have expressed dissatisfaction that mega shipping alliances do little to end service reductions or reduce their costs, reports the American Journal of Transportation.

Speaking at the Agriculture Transportation Coalition (AGTC) Annual Meeting in California, farmers said they were worried that new ocean carrier alliances may be hurting service and costing shipper's money.

Panellists included Elena Asher, Dairy Farmers of America (powdered milk and cheese); Justin Cauley, CHS (grain and soybean); Blanca Palomino, Carriere Family Farms (walnuts); Greg Jackson, Border Valley Trading (hay/forage) and Allison Baker, JBS (beef, pork, poultry and hides).

Panellists said consistency of ocean carrier service remains a problem and some blamed the consolidation of carriers into larger vessel alliances.

They complained that definitions of "free time" allowances before demurrage charges are assessed by ocean carriers and fluctuates from port to port.

Some said export containers arrive at final Asian destinations late, because the ocean carrier was late and missed the sailing time of the Asian transloading vessel transporting the container to its final destination.

Others said carrier alliances undermined carrier accountability, adding confusion when an exporter books a container with one carrier, but discovers the container sailed on another carrier's vessel belonging to the same carrier alliance, resulting in late deliveries.

Some complained of a lack of container availability. Import containers pay a higher freight rate and so ocean carriers are more apt to provide containers to importers than to exporters who pay lower freight rates.

One panellist complained that a carrier announced a cancellation of delivering containers at the last minute contributing to dislocations.

Source : HKSG.

[180617.ID.BIZ] Morowali Jadi Sasaran Pabrikan Baja China

JAKARTA. Kawasan Industri Morowali, Sulawesi Tengah mulai banyak dirilik perusahaan-perusahaan asing untuk pengembangan produksi baja. Salah satunya yang terbaru, perusahaan asal China bernama Delong Holding Company.

Dirjen Industri Logam, Mesin, Alat Transportasi, dan Elektronika (ILMATE) Kementerian Perindustrian, I Gusti Putu Suryawirawan mengatakan, Delong dikenal sebagai perusahaan smelter bahan baku baja dan manufaktur produk baja. Rencananya, perusahaan asal negeri tirai bambu tersebut bakal memproduksi carbon steel, bahan baku stainless steel.

"Mereka baru saja tanda tangan dan berencana bangun pabrik dengan kapasitas produksi sekitar 3 juta ton per tahun," ujar Wiryawan, Jumat (16/6).

Nilai investasi lini produksi carbon steel tersebut berkisar US$ 950 juta. Pendanaan lewat joint venture dengan perusahaan lokal masih belum bisa dipastikan. Namun yang jelas, sebagian besar dana diperoleh dari Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA).

Untuk memperoleh bahan baku, pabrikan China tersebut akan memakai sisa stainless steel lokal dan impor beberapa material dari Australia. Harapannya dengan adanya pabrik baja baru ini dapat meningkatkan efisiensi pembangunan infrastruktur di timur Indonesia.

Kawasan Morowali tercatat dikelola oleh PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP). Perusahaan hasil merger Shanghai Decent Invesment dan Bintangdelapan Grup tersebut mengelola kawasan seluas 2.000 hektare (ha). Sampai kuartal pertama tahun ini kawasan tersebut telah menyerap investasi senilai US$ 2,6 miliar.

Sepanjang kuartal I pula kawasan tersebut memproduksi feronikel sebanyak 11 juta ton dengan pendapatan US$ 1,22 miliar. Kabarnya pula, perusahaan itu berencana membangun PLTU kapasitas 2x350 Mega Watt (MW) dengan dana investasi US$ 650 juta.

Sumber : Kontan, 16.06.17.

17 Juni 2017

[170617.EN.BIZ] Old Price-fixing Air NZ, Garuda Appeals Quashed by Australian High Court

AUSTRALIA's High Court has dismissed appeals by Air New Zealand and PT Garuda Indonesia over a 2016 ruling that agreed surcharges on cargo breached that nation's price fixing laws, reports financial news portal Sharechat.co.nz.

The two are the only airlines of 15 that haven't settled with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission since the Australian regulator began proceedings for price fixing on air cargo at ports outside of Australia destined for that nation.

Total fines of A$98.5 million (US$74.2 million) were imposed by the courts against the 13 airlines that settled, with the largest, A$20 million, imposed on Qantas Airways.

The original court action, brought by the ACCC, was dismissed in 2014 in a ruling that found the behaviour didn't occur in a "market in Australia" as was required by the Trade Practices Act 1974 that was in force at the time. The ACCC appealed that ruling to the full Federal Court, which took the regulator's side in 2016.

The High Court held that all aspects of the market, including customers in Australia, in considering whether a market is "in Australia", said the court. The Federal Court will rule on relief and award penalties.

"How a market is defined, including considerations of whether conduct occurs in Australia, are critical issues to the understanding and interpretation of Australian competition law," ACCC Commissioner Sarah Court said.

"Today's judgment sends a clear message that the ACCC is committed to pursuing cartel conduct that impacts on Australian business and consumers," she said.

In New Zealand, the Commerce Commission reached settlements with 11 carriers, including Air New Zealand, securing penalties totalling $45 million, or about 10 per cent of the revenue generated from air freight forwarding services in and out of New Zealand in 2006.

Source : HKSG.

[170617.ID.BIZ] Ini Strategi APOL Genjot Kinerja Tahun Ini

JAKARTA. PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk (APOL) optimistis masih bisa mencetak pertumbuhan tahun ini seiring dengan berbagai strategi yang disiapkan perusahaan pelayaran ini. APOL optimistis bisa mencetak kinerja positif setelah tahun sebelumnya masih merugi.

APOL masih akan melanjutkan strategi efisiensi di segala lini, terutama untuk pemakaian bahan bakar serta penjualan aset-aset yang tidak produktif seperti kapal-kapal yang sudah tua. "Ini kami lakukan agar perusahaan lebih efektif, ramping dana dapat bersaing," kata Ferdy Suwandi, Sekretaris Perusahaan APOL di Jakarta, Jumat (16/6).

Perusahaan pelayaran ini tercatat memiliki 42 unit kapal yang terdiri dari dua unit kapal Paramax untuk disewakan, satu medium range, 14 tongkang, tiga unit floating crane, 21 kapal tunda dan satu kapal crew.

Tahun lalu, APOL sebetulnya memiliki 53 armada kapal namun terlah berhasil dijual sebanyak delapan unit, yakni dua unit tongkang, dua floating crane dan empat unit kapal tunda.

Ferdy bilang, pelepasan kapal yang dilakukan tahun lalu membantu efisiensi sehingga beban usaha juga mengalami penurunan. "Tujuan utama kami melepas kapal karena usianya sudah tua dan tidak produktif yang membuat biaya bahan bakarnya sangat besar," jelasnya.

Sementara dari sisi prospek usaha, APOL optimistis melihat bisnis angkutan batubara tahun 2017 ini. Apalagi sejalan dengan program pemerintah yang menetapkan target produksi batubara 413 juta ton, yakni 121 juta ton akan dialokasikan untuk pasar domestik.

Selain itu, pemerintah juga untuk menggalakkan program untuk merealisaiskan penyediaan listrik sebesar 35.000 MW tahun 2019 dengan 25.000 MW Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU). Itu juga akan menopang pertumbuhan bisnis batubara. Perusahaan ini juga sekaligus mendukung transportasi pembangunan infrastruktur.

Di luar angkutan barubara, APOL juga berencana untuk lebih angresif mencari proyek-proyek baru di dalam negeri yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan usaha pelayaran dan jasa pendukung lainnya seperti manajemen kapal, jasa bongkar muat, jasa pengelolaan pelabuhan dan jasa keagenan.

Saat ini, APOL tengah menjalankan kontrak kerja sama angkutan pelayaran batubara dan migas. Pertama, kontrak dengan Pertamina untuk angkutan migas. Kemudian dengan PLN untuk angkutan batubara dari Kalimantan ke PLTU Tanjung Jati B Jawa Timur dan satu lagi kontrak angkutan batubara dengan PT Asmin Bara Bronang (ABB).

Sumber : Kontan, 16.06.17.

16 Juni 2017

[160617.EN.BIZ] Maersk Trade Finance Offers Shippers Ways of Financing Overseas Deals

MAERSK Line, the world's biggest, is now offering ways to finance trade deals through easy access to capital, easier ways to establish credit worthiness and a simple computer system that removes paper trails.

Maersk Trade Finance is a new customer-centric, ocean transportation financing product that combines container transport with financing, reports the American Journal of Transportation.

Available in Singapore, India, Spain, the Netherlands and the United States, Maersk Trade Finance will be launched in New York, Texas, Florida, New Jersey, and Georgia effective immediately.

Maersk Trade Finance is one of many new integrated solutions Maersk Line will deliver in the coming years to improve the customer experience.

Maersk claims to offer a one-stop shop providing a "more effective way to manage the ocean leg of end-to-end global supply chains, both financially and operationally".

Said Maersk Trade Finance product chief William Duggan: "This is an exciting new product that unites the flow of goods and finances to support and strengthen the importing and exporting ambitions of businesses shipping throughout the world."

Source : HKSG.

[160617.ID.BIZ] Tol Palindra Seksi I Dibuka Untuk Mudik H-6

PALEMBANG. Jalan tol Palembang Inderalaya (Palindra) seksi 1 (Palembang-Pemulutan) sejauh tujuh kilometer ditargetkan beroperasi pada H-6 atau pada 19 Juni 2017.

Kepala Divisi Pengembangan Jalan Tol PT Hutama Karya Rizal Sucipto mengatakan, saat ini pengerjaan seksi 1 jalan tol Palindra sudah selesai 100%, termasuk sejumlah fasilitas pendukung seperti marka dan rambu-rambu lalu lintas.

"Silakan masyarakat menggunakan jalan tol ini secara gratis sampai H+10 karena masih periode uji coba," kata Rizal di sela-sela pemantauan lapangan seksi 1, Jumat (16/6).

Ia mengatakan HK juga telah berkerja sama dengan pihak Kepolisian untuk menjaga kenyamanan pengendara kendaraan roda dua. Sebanyak dua unit kendaraan patroli jalan raya, dua unit ambulan dan dua unit mobil derek dan dua unit mobil rescue telah disiagakan untuk mendukung operasional jalan tol tersebut.

Ia menambahkan, meski seksi 1 telah selesai, pengerjaan Tol Palindra saat ini masih mengejar penyelesaian untuk seksi 2 (6%) dan seksi 3 (67%).

"Untuk seksi 2 memang belum terlihat progresnya karena saat ini baru pembuatan jalan kerja. Seperti diketahui bahwa Tol Palindra ini berada di kawasan rawa," kata dia.

Sementara itu, Manajer Proyek Tol Palindra Hasan Turcahyo mengatakan secara keseluruhan sudah tidak ada kendala lagi setelah persoalan pembebasan lahan diselesaikan bersama tim percepatan pembangunan Sumsel yang dipimpin Setda Pemprov.

 Persoalan yang menjadi kendala yakni cuaca mengingat perkiraan awal pada Mei seharusnya sudah tidak ada hujan.

"Ini berkaitan dengan penyediaan material untuk proses teknologi vacum. Jika hujan, jalan-jalan menjadi becek dan truk harus mengantri lama," kata dia.

Meski dihadapkan pada kendala tersebut tapi HK optimistis target selesai pada akhir 2017 dapat tercapai sesuai dengan instruksi Presiden terkait dengan dukungan atas pelaksanaan Asian Games XVIII di Palembang tahun 2018.

Sumber : Kontan, 16.06.17.

15 Juni 2017

[150617.EN.BIZ] Qatar Airways Posts 20.9pc Demand Increase, Hitting Million Ton Mark

DESPITE an Arab boycott, Qatar Airways has had cargo demand surpass the one million ton mark for the first time together with rising revenues, London's Air Cargo News.

Cargo demand increased 20.9 per cent year on year in its annual results to 1.15 million tons. Cargo revenues for the period increased by 13.5 per cent year on year to reach QR6.4 billion (US$1.7 billion).

The increase comes as the airline increased its network during the year, adding six new freighter destinations and the launch of 10 new bellyhold flights.

It also increased frequencies to existing destinations.

This year it has added new freighter services to the Americas with flights launched to Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Quito and Miami while adding flights to London Heathrow.

The past year has also seen the airline's freighter fleet grow. At the end of March 2016, the airline's all-cargo fleet consisted of eight B777-200Fs and five A330-200Fs.

At the same point this year, its cargo fleet included 12 B777Fs and a single B747F. An additional B777F is due to join the fleet during fiscal 2018.

Other developments at the airline include the introduction of online services and the launch of a QR Cargo mobile device app.

Qatar Airways also plans to soon open an advanced airside climate control centre at its Hamad International hub.

In the longer term million it is increasing cargo capacity at the airport, from million the 1.8 million tonnes handled last year to 4.4 million tonnes, through the addition of a second cargo terminal.

Source : HKSG.

[150617.ID.BIZ] Jualan Online, Zoya Cosmestics Gandeng aCommerce

JAKARTA. Zoya Cosmetics, salah satu lini bisnis dari Zoya Fashion yang dipayungi holding company Shafira Corporation merambah pemasaran online. Zoya menggandeng aCommerce Indonesia sebagai partner strategis untuk membesarkan bisnis Zoya Cosmetics di ranah online.

Dalam kerja sama ini, aCommerce Indonesia akan memberikan solusi bisnis end-to-end mulai dari konsultansi, webstore development, channel management, digital marketing, fulfillment, hingga delivery.

aCommerce Indonesia juga berperan sebagai online distributor Zoya Cosmetics, bekerja sama dengan Lazada, Tokopedia, dan Shopee , selain meluncurkan website yang telah resmi beroperasi tanggal 8 Juni 2017 lalu.

Sebagai strategic partner e-commerce bagi Zoya, aCommerce Indonesia tidak bertindak sebagai penyedia jasa di level eksekusi saja, namun sebagai partner bisnis yang juga memproyeksi pertumbuhan bisnis dan strategi untuk mencapainya, sekaligus solusi bagi kemungkinan isu-isu operasional yang muncul.

Hadi Kuncoro, CEO aCommerce Indonesia mengatakan, kerja sama antara Zoya Cosmetics dan aCommerce Indonesia diharapkan akan menjadi percontohan dan success story multi-channel menuju omnichannel e-commerce model dengan ketersediaan produk dan kemudahan berbelanja yang sama, baik di platform online maupun offline. "Lebih dari itu, kerja sama ini juga merupakan bagian dari misi aCommerce Indonesia untuk membawa merk-merk dalam negeri ke pasar global," ujarnya, dalam rilis, Kamis (15/6).

Dalam mengembangkan bisnis online Zoya Cosmetics dua tahun ke depan, aCommerce Indonesia akan mengoptimalkan penjualan dengan pendekatan O2O (online to offline), mengintegrasikan online market place, corporate e-commerce, webstore, dan media sosial.

aCommerce Indonesia akan mengelola baik fulfillment offline maupun online di warehouse seluas 200 sqm di Gedebage, Bandung, yang merupakan hub terbaru aCommerce.

Sumber : Kontan, 15.06.17.

14 Juni 2017

[140617.EN.BIZ] Qatar Carrier Taps Mumbai Cargo Access to Sidestep Arab Boycott

QATAR's Milaha Maritime and Logistics has been shifting focus from Dubai to India and the Middle East to reap transshipment cargoes resulting from the diplomatic row that has cut off supply chains to and from the oil-rich Persian Gulf nation.

The short-sea ship operator this week announced a new feeder link between Mumbai's Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) and Doha, and upgraded an service on the route by adding a call at Sohar, Oman.

Omani ports - Sohar and Salalah - are not part of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) boycott/blockade over Qatar's defiant indifference to their opinions, and is willing to trade with Qatar, reports IHS Media.

The new service, named the India-Doha Express (IDX), will connect the ports of JNPT and Kandla, both on India's west coast, to Hamad Port in Doha.

The service will begin with the Hansa Magdeburg, voyage 719E, departing from Kandla on June 15 and arriving at Hamad-Doha on June 22, according to a company customer advisory.

Source : HKSG.

[140617.ID.BIZ] 19 KA Tambahan Lebaran Siap Dioperasikan

JAKARTA. Untuk meningkatkan pelayanan semasa angkutan Lebaran 2017, PT KAI Daerah Operasi 1 Jakarta mengoperasikan 4 kereta api (KA) tambahan ekstra dengan rangkaian kereta premium untuk berbagai relasi.

Rangkaian Kereta Api yang akan dioperasikan sebagai Kereta Api tambahan ekstra ini merupakan hasil produksi PT Industri Kereta Api (INKA) yang baru saja diselesaikan dan diserah terimakan.

Menjelang lebaran, PT KAI menambah armada angkutan untuk mudik. PT KAI Daerah Operasi 1 Jakarta pun mengoperasikan kereta api tambahan yang mulai beroperasi 15 Juni 2017.

Nama-nama kereta api tambahan itu yakni Mataram premium jurusan senen ke Lempuyangan, gaya baru malam selatan premium jurusan Senen ke Surabaya gubeng, Tawangjaya premium jurusan Senen ke Semarang Poncol dan mantab premium jurusan Senen ke Madiun.

Kereta api tersebut terdiri dari delapan unit kereta premium dengan kapasitas masing-masing 80 tempat duduk dan dua unit kereta premium untuk penumpang dengan keterbatasan fisik, berkapasitas 64 tempat duduk di tiap kereta, sehingga kapasitas dalam setiap satu kali perjalanan adalah 768 seat.

Dalam sehari, total keempat kapasitas KA tambahan ekstra tersebut yakni 3.072 seat. Adapun fasilitas rangkaian kereta premium tersebut di antaranya tempat duduk yang sudah reclining, fasilitas TV di tiap kereta sebanyak 4 TV, interior kereta makan dengan desain mini bar, dll.

Dalam keterangan resmi PT KAI Selasa (13/6), Khusus untuk KA Tawang Jaya Premium Lebaran ini, pemudik akan menduduki kursi kereta premium pada 20 Juni 2017 (H-5). Bagi pemudik, PT KAI membuka pemesanan tiket mulai 14 Juni 2017pukul 00.01 WIB.

Seperti biasa reservasi tiket bisa dilakukan melalui pembelian via online di website KAI, aplikasi KAI Access, situs penjual tiket yang telah bekerja sama, maupun channel-channel resmi lainnya.

Sebanyak 19 perjalanan KA tambahan Lebaran 2017 akan dioperasikan setiap harinya oleh PT KAI Daop 1 Jakarta pada masa Lebaran yaitu keberangkatan mulai tanggal 15 Juni 2017 (H-10) sampai dengan 11 Juli 2017 (H+15) atau 27 hari.

Sehingga total menjadi 71 perjalanan KA per hari (sebelumnya 52 perjalanan KA Reguler per hari), dengan kapasitas tambahan tempat duduk (TD) adalah sebanyak 12.912 TD per hari. Adapun kapasitas tempat duduk total adalah 43.400 TD per hari atau 1.171.800 TD / 27 hari. Angka ini meningkat 3,2% dari masa angkutan Lebaran 2016 lalu.

Sumber : Kontan, 14.06.17.

13 Juni 2017

[130617.EN.BIZ] Gulf States Step Up Saudi-led Qatar Blockade, But Oman Offers Relief

TENSIONS mount among the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states blockading Qatar from all commerce for its defiant independent attitude.

Maersk Line says it is working on bypassing the ban using alternative routes, but admits it can no longer deliver cargo using feeders via the United Arab Emirates.

But Maersk also announced that will have feeders running from Salalah port in Oman every 10 days from June 19 arriving at in Doha June 25, but it will not accept bookings for Qatar until further notice.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, former CEO of oil giant Exxon Mobil, has offered to mediate between Qatar and the angry Saudi-led coalition.

But socially conservative Arabs see such an act like neighbour interfering with the punishment of a spoiled child. The Saudis have even announced fines of US$2,666 for anyone caught watching Qatar's Al Jazeera TV channel, which is as much a part of the dispute as any other factor.

Qatar, with the world's highest annual per capita income - US$74,667 a year - has a population of 2.6 million in 2016, a 62 per cent increase from 2010. What's more its citizens own more of London than the Queen, says the Daily Telegraph.

While many Americans see the reason for the fuss is Qatar's support for terrorism, others say it has more to do with the country's profound liberalism and its defiant independent air.

True, Qatar welcomes Hezbollah terrorist represenatives, and has become a place of refuge and muster for Arab Spring activists, whose revolutions backfired in North Africa. But these acts have more to do with radical chic than with any intent to foment serious revolution on Qatar's part.

After all, it is also the home of Al Jazeera, the world-beating 24/7 news channel, whose fame has eclipsed of Arabia itself, parading western styled women as TV presenters in ways deeply offence to social conservatives in Saudi Arabia, with which the Qatar peninsula shares its only land border.

Another factor to keep in mind - perhaps Mr Tillerson's big stick - is that 10,000 US troops are stationed in Qatar, according to Forbes, which contributes to the country's air of independence.

German shipping giant Hapag-Lloyd with its merger of United Arab Shipping Company (UASC) is now embroiled with Libya, Mauritius, the Maldives and Yemen piling on, but significantly, not Oman or Kuwait, where 15,000 US troops are stationed.

Hapag-Lloyd and Gulf-based UASC meant that UASC's two shareholders Qatar Holding and Saudi's Public Investment Fund (PIF) took 14.4 per cent and 10.1 per cent stakes in the combined company.

"It is currently unclear how the Hapag-Lloyd shareholders will resolve the complications arising from the diplomatic spat involving Qatar and its erstwhile Middle Eastern partners in UASC," Alphaliner said. Hapag-Lloyd declined comment.

Abu Dhabi's oil ports authority banned all vessels coming from or going to Qatar from using its facilities, a move in line with most other terminals in the United Arab Emirates.

Saudi ports are applying restrictions, with some allowing ships to sail to Qatar, and others preventing vessels from leaving for the neighbouring state, according to a shipping agent with knowledge of situation.

King Abdullah Port on the Red Sea side banned all vessels sailing to or from Qatar from berthing at its facilities, the shipping agent told Bloomberg.

In some ways, Mr Tillerson, as a former oil man with many friends in the region, is an ideal mediator, except for the hostility aroused by US President Donald Trump's recent friendly visit - far too friendly for Arab social conservatives.

Because of climate change regulations sprouting everywhere, Qatar stands to make even more money by its hold on liquified natural gas (LNG) mandated by western regulators. It is the world's second biggest producer after Russia.

"A major effect of the cut in diplomatic relationships with Qatar is likely to be felt in the shipping sector," FGE, a London-based consultant, said in a research note.

Ships going to and from Qatar will need to find a new refueling port, and LNG shippers will have to adjust schedules and routes, it said. "This will increase costs, and in the near term, could even lead to delays in LNG deliveries."

Muscat airport has seen a spike in air traffic this week as a blockade on Qatar has enabled neutral Oman to bridge the divide between Doha and other Gulf states.

Oman Air has laid on special flights to help stranded Qataris reach home as other Gulf countries continue their blockade on Qatar by land, sea and air.

Qatar Airways was forced to cancel flights to Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt after the Riyadh-led embargo on Doha was announced this week.

It has put Oman - which has stayed out of the spat - to use its unique position in the GCC to bridge the gap between Qatar and other Gulf countries.

Oman Air has chartered flights to pick up the Qataris stranded in these countries due to the ban on Qatar Airways by Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE.

This includes three flights on Tuesday to the Saudi Arabia's eastern city Jeddah, Muscat Daily reported.

"Oman Air is upgrading its flights to Doha to bigger aircraft, with more capacity till 14 June ," a spokesperson from the sultanate's national carrier told Muscat Daily.

Oman Air has also provided three extra charter flights for Qatar Airways on the Muscat-Jeddah-Muscat sector.

The long-standing tensions between Qatar and several Gulf states erupted on June 5, after Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE cut diplomatic dies with Doha.

Qatar, right or wrong has been an irritant for its socially conservative neighbours for its liberalism representing the Arab world in ways its leaders do not wish it to be represented, then annoying the Americans by allowing Iran to explore for natural gas and welcoming Hezbollah terrorist representatives.

And now it is spending US$500 million a week to bring the 2022 World Cup, the world's biggest sporting event to the Arab world for the first time, though the bid as been mired in controversy since Qatar won it seven years ago.

Source : HKSG.

[130617.ID.BIZ] BPK Temukan Indikasi Kerugian Negara Rp 4 T di Pelindo II

Jakarta - Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) RI menyimpulkan adanya indikasi kerugian keuangan negara pada PT Pelindo II minimal sebesar US$ 306 juta ekuivalen Rp 4,08 triliun (kurs Rp 13.337/US$).

Simpulan tersebut merupakan hasil pemeriksaan investigatif atas perpanjangan kerja sama pengelolaan dan pengoperasian pelabuhan Pelindo II berupa kerja sama usaha dengan PT Jakarta International Container Terminal (PT JICT).

Penyerahan laporan hasil pemeriksaan investigatif ini dilakukan oleh BPK kepada DPR pada hari ini, Selasa (13/6/2017) di Gedung DPR, Jakarta, seperti dikutip dari keterangan tertulis.

Pemeriksaan BPK tersebut dilakukan dalam rangka menindaklanjuti surat dari DPR RI No. PW/02699/DPR RI/II/2016 tanggal 16 Februari 2016 kepada Ketua BPK tentang pengajuan permintaan dilakukannya pemeriksaan investigatif atas perpanjangan perjanjian kerja sama pengelolaan dan pengoperasian PT JICT antara PT Pelindo II dengan Hutchison Port Holding (HPH).

Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan tersebut, BPK menyimpulkan adanya indikasi berbagai penyimpangan dalam proses perpanjangan perjanjian kerja sama pengelolaan dan pengoperasian PT JICT yang ditandatangani tanggal 5 Agustus 2014.

Indikasi berbagai penyimpangan yang ditemukan BPK ini patut diduga sebagai suatu rangkaian proses yang saling berkaitan dan ditujukan untuk mendukung tercapainya perpanjangan perjanjian kerja sama pengelolaan pelabuhan milik PT Pelindo II dengan mitra lama (pihak HPH) dengan cara-cara yang diindikasikan bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Sumber : detik, 12.06.17.

12 Juni 2017

[120617.EN.SEA] Owner of Rickmers, Bertram Rickmers, Could Lose His Entire Empire

FOLLOWING the rejection by HSH Nordbank of a proposal for a financial rescue plan for the Rickmers Group, and the subsequent filing for insolvency by the German shipping group, owner Bertram Rickmers could stand to lose his entire empire, ShippingWatch of Denmark reported

In the financial rescue plan which the bank rejected, Mr Rickmers would keep an ownership share of almost 25 per cent. However, should Rickmers collapse, Mr Rickmers could lose his entire stake in the company and it will be a historic moment for German shipping which has been struggling since the beginning of the global financial crisis.

Besides shipowners and management companies, the financial crisis and downturn in global shipping has pulled the rug out from under German shipping banks and unleashed a veritable collapse in the German shipping financing system of KG funds, whereby private investors with tax incentives have invested huge sums in ships.

Mr Rickmers and his brother Erck Rickmers, who have both operated two different companies, are the fifth generation in the Rickmers family and have to an extent characterised and symbolised German shipping.

"We are witnessing an endgame for shipping in Hamburg right now. Values are being distributed, and the sector may have to fall even further. We don't know when there'll be a new wave in shipping, but right now it's like the time after 2011 when we suddenly saw the market change quickly," Torsten Teichert, CEO of capital fund Lloyd Fonds, recently told ShippingWatch.

Source : HKSG.

[120617.ID.BIZ] Garuda Membantah Bangkrut

JAKARTA. Direktur Utama PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk Pahala N Mansury membantah keras jika perusahaan penerbangan pelat merah yang dipimpinnya akan gulung tikar. Menurut Pahala, justru mulai di kuartal II 2017 kinerja keuangan perseroan membaik.

Hal itu dinyatakan Pahala, menjawab kekhawatiran banyak pihak melihat jebloknya kinerja keuangan Garuda Indonesia di kuartal I 2017. Dia menilai, kekhawatiran itu terlalu berlebihan.

"Tiga bulan pertama memang ada kerugian, tapi jauh sekali kalau ada orang yang bilang tidak akan bisa beroperasional (bangkrut). Itu jauh sekali dari kondisinya," kata Pahala, yang resmi menjabat sebagai direktur utama di Garuda Indonesia pada April 2017 lalu, di kantor Kementerian Perhubungan di Jakarta, Minggu (11/6).

"Likuditas kami masih sangat bagus, ekuitas yang kami miliki juga masih sangat baik. Jadi dari beberapa aspek kondisi kami masih sangat bagus," lanjutnya.

Seperti diketahui, pada kuartal I 2017 Garuda Indonesia mencatatkan kerugian sebesar US$ 98,5 juta atau sekitar Rp 1,31 triliun (kurs 13.300). Padahal pada kuartal I 2016, perseroan mencatatkan laba US$ 1,02 juta.

Menurut Pahala, kerugian yang terjadi pada kuartal I 2017 lalu disebabkan oleh beberapa hal. Antara lain, karena kenaikan harga bahan bakar avtur.

Dalam paparan kinerjanya, Garuda menyebutkan bahwa dalam setahun terakhir biaya bahan bakar perseroan naik 54% dari US$ 189,8 juta di kuartal I 2016 menjadi US$ 292,3 juta di kuartal I 2017 akibat kenaikan harga avtur.

Kenaikan biaya bahan bakar tersebut secara signifikan membuat total biaya operasional meningkat 21,3% dari US$ 840,1 juta di kuartal I 2016 menjadi US$ 1,01 miliar di kuartal I 2017, atau mencapai 20%-30% dari biaya operasional.

Di sisi lain, penerimaan pendapatan yang naik 6,2% dari US$ 856 juta di kuartal I 2016 menjadi US$ 909,5 juta di kuartal I 2017, tidak mampu mengkompensasi tingginya biaya bahan bakar.

Kemudian, perseroan juga menangguk rugi karena sedikitnya jumlah penumpang yang diangkut. Hal ini sejalan dengan siklus tahunan sepinya penumpang di kuartal I.

Pahala mencatat, ada beberapa rute penerbangan baik domestik maupun mancanegara mengalami kerugian akibat sedikitnya jumlah penumpang. Setidaknya ada 10-20 rute dalam daftar yang tengah dikaji oleh pihak maskapai mengenai keberlanjutannya.

Andalkan Mudik Lebaran

Pahala mengatakan, di kuartal II 2017 mulai ada perkembangan operasional positif. Perseroan melakukan efisiensi bahan bakar dan operasional. Perseroan fokus mengejar kenaikan jumlah penumpang di kuartal II 2017.

"Saat ini kami masuk periode haji dan peak season mudik Lebaran," kata dia.

Dengan demikian, Pahala berharap kinerja perusahaan maskapai yang dipimpinnya ke depan akan semakin lebih baik. Terlebih dengan estimasi kenaikan jumlah penumpang yang akan diangkut.

"Memang karena kondisi persaingan yang ada, tarif penerbangan domestik kondisinya menurun, tapi kalau kita lihat sebetulnya positif," tutup dia.

Sumber : Kontan, 12.06.17.

11 Juni 2017

[110617.EN.SEA] Container Ship Charter Rates Slide, Reversing Uptick in February

THE strong rally that started in February is beginning to lose momentum as containership charter rates are sliding or stalling, depending on the vessels size.

Rates for ships more than 5,500 TEU are "nose-diving," and the 7,500-1,000-TEU segment has been hit by a "sudden meltdown," industry analyst Alphaliner was cited as saying in a report by IHS Media.

Although a recent report found that the rise in global container volumes is likely to outpace the addition of new tonnage to the market, overcapacity is expected to remain a defining feature of the market until 2019 or 2020.

"The rest of the market is following an uninspiring course, with stagnating charter rates, and an uneven demand across most vessel types and sizes," said Alphaliner.

Rates for panamax vessels of 4,000?,100 TEU have declined by 15 per cent in recent weeks to between $8,500 and $9,250 per day, depending on ship type and trading area.

The oversupply of Panamax tonnage is rising again, with 37 vessels currently seeking employment compared with 34 two weeks ago. Twenty-five of the jobless ships are laid up, mainly in Southeast Asia, leaving just nine on the spot market, of which five are in the Atlantic.

Maersk Line fixed a 4,256-TEU vessel for two to six months at a daily rate of US$8,900 to trade between the Far East and Australia, and OOCL chartered a 4,252-TEU ship for one month at $9,250 per day to join the new weekly North Europe-Turkey service jointly operated by Cosco Shipping Lines and Hapag-Lloyd.

The 7,500?1,000-TEU segment has been active, with Maersk Line particularly busy fixing tonnage, but this has not been reflected in daily charter rates, which have declined by several thousand dollars compared with earlier deals for 8,000?,000-TEU vessels.

Maersk chartered or extended fixtures of four 8,814-TEU ships for two to six months at rates believed to be around $14,500 per day, significantly down from the $20,000 Hapag-Lloyd paid in April to extend the charter for a sister vessel for 10-12 months.

There is limited availability in the 5,300-7,500-TEU segment, with only seven ships currently seeking employment, according to Alphaliner.

Despite this low availability, charter rates have plunged in this segment, with Maersk paying $10,000 per day to extend the charter of a 5,992-TEU vessel in the Far East-Australia trade compared with the $14,000 Hapag-Lloyd paid in mid-April to extend the charter of a sister ship for four to six months, partly owing to the lack of tonnage in the region.

"Since the flurry of activity from the launch of the new east-west carrier alliances on April 1 has mostly subsided, new requirements in the charter market are expected to remain muted in the short term," Alphaliner said.

Meanwhile, the idle container ship fleet crept up slightly to 518,650 TEU on May 29 - equivalent to 2.5 per cent of global capacity - from the 20-month low of 502,900 TEU two weeks earlier.

Source : HKSG.

[110617.ID.BIZ] Blue Bird Kepakkan Bisnis Non-taksi

JAKARTA. Pergeseran selera zaman digital tak bisa dilawan. PT Blue Bird Tbk misalnya, kenyang dengan pengalaman itu sejak setahun lalu. Makanya tahun ini, mereka memilih berdamai dengan keadaan, lewat penguatan bisnis bisnis non taksi.

Blue Bird akan memusatkan perhatian pada usaha shuttle bus. Perusahaan berkode saham BIRD di Bursa Efek Indonesia itu juga bertekad membikin divisi khusus.

Target lokasi pengembangan shuttle bus di wilayah Jabodetabek dan transportasi bandar udara. "Ini berdasarkan hasil kuartal I peningkatan terjadi pada kendaraan non taksi seperti charter bus dan rental, sementara taksi masih menghadapi kompetisi yang sulit," jelas Adrianto Djokosoetono, Direktur PT Blue Bird Tbk, saat acara paparan publik, Jumat (9/6).

Mengintip laporan keuangan pada kuartal I-2017, pendapatan taksi maupun non taksi kompak turun. Kalau dihitung, sejatinya penurunan pendapatan taksi masih lebih kecil ketimbang non taksi. Pendapatan taksi menyusut 16,89% sedangkan non taksi sekitar 24,58%.

Namun kalau ditarik periode lebih panjang yakni sepanjang tahun 2016, hanya pendapatan taksi yang turun 15,44% menjadi Rp 4,03 triliun. Sementara pendapatan non taksi justru tumbuh 8,38% menjadi Rp 771,03 miliar.

Yang terang, pengembangan shuttle bus tahun ini memanfaatkan alokasi dana belanja modal atau capital expenditure (capex) sekitar Rp 1,2 triliun. Blue Bird akan belanja sejumlah armada shuttle bus.

Blue Bird juga akan menggunakan capex untuk meremajakan taksi lawas. Fransetya Hutabarat, Direktur Keuangan PT Blue Bird Tbk, mengatakan, investasi tahun ini sangat selektif. Alih-alih menambah armada taksi anyar, mereka pilih memperbarui taksi lama.

Sumber : Kontan, 10.06.17.

06 Juni 2017

[060617.EN.SEA] Number of 15,000+ TEU Box Ships Rises in May: Clarksons

THERE are currently 76 containerships of 15,000+ TEU worldwide for a total capacity of 1.4 million TEU, representing an increase of 29 per cent compared to May 2016, as measured in TEU terms.

Deployed solely on the Asia-Europe trades, they account for 36 per cent of capacity on the route, up from 27 per cent a year earlier.

The rising proportion of 8,000-12,000 TEU vessels deployed on the transpacific trades is partly due to the displacement of the 15,000 TEU ships from the Far East-Europe route, as well as to new deployment opportunities on the Asia-US east coast owing to passage via the expanded Panama Canal.

In May, 8,000-12,000 TEU ships accounted for 54 per cent of total capacity deployed on transpacific trade lanes, whereas the 3,000-8,000 TEU sector accounted for 32 per cent, according to research by Clarksons.

"From around mid-2016, the 'cascade' of larger units onto transpacific routes has also been supported by firm trade growth. Enhancements to US east coast port capability to handle larger 'Neo-Panamax' units have been ongoing, supporting cascading of larger ships into the Far East-US east coast route, now including ships of 12,000+ TEU," Clarksons said.

On north-south routes in May, the 8,000-12,000 TEU sector accounted for 32 per cent of deployed capacity, up from 29 per cent a year earlier, while the proportion of 3,000-8,000 TEU capacity dropped from 53 per cent to 49 per cent.

Further down the size hierarchy, deployment of 3,000+ TEU vessels on intra-regional routes has remained relatively steady at 30 per cent, while the intra-Asian trades recorded robust growth throughout 2016 and Q1 2017.

Although there remain some additional opportunities for larger vessels on these routes, these appear to be diminishing over time on the back of port capability limitations, added Clarksons.

Source : SN-TR.