30 Juni 2021

[300621.EN.SEA] Privatisation of HMM Still On: Korean Development Bank Confirms


OFFICIALS of the Korea Development Bank (KDB), reported to be the largest investor in HMM as a bondholder, has confirmed they are in discussions exploring a sale of their stake in shipping giant.

The move is part of a plan to privatise some of South Korea's large industrial companies to enhance their competitiveness.

Speculation over a deal began in January 2021 and its timing could be tied to the strong rise in HMM's valuation as the container shipping industry recovered in the past year, reports The Maritime Executive, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

The Korea Times, quoting the chairman of KDB, Lee Dong-gull, said the bank was exploring the acquisition of the bank's investment in the shipping company with a Korean conglomerate. According to the news outlet, KDB would structure the deal in several stages, including a conversion of the bonds into equity in the company, which would reportedly give the bank a 25 per cent stake in HMM.

KDB reported that it is currently undertaking a comprehensive review with officials of the Korean government as they explore a possible sale of the shipping company.

In January, the Korean media reported that steel company POSCO was the possible buyer of the shipping company and that the bank was beginning the review of a comprehensive restructuring plan for HMM. Bank officials, however, denied that any specific company has approached them at this point about a possible acquisition of its stake in HMM.

Hyundai recorded the highest quarterly operating income in the history of the company during the first quarter of 2021. Revenues nearly doubled to over US$2 billion and operating income rose from a small loss a year ago to over $900 million in the first quarter of 2021.

If the bank proceeds with the privatisation of HMM, it would be their second major effort to strengthen the maritime industries through mergers. KDB was the driving force between the proposed acquisition of Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) by Hyundai Heavy Industries. Announced in 2019, that deal remains bogged down waiting for regulatory review from the EU, Korea, and Japan.

Source : HKSG / Photo : Maritime Business World.

[300621.ID.SEA] Ini Penyebab KMP Yunicee Tenggelam di Perairan Bali


Bisnis.com, BANYUWANGI - Kapal Motor Penumpang Yunicee  yang mengangkut 41 penumpang dan 12 anak buah kapal tenggelam di perairan Bali. Musibah itu diduga karena kondisi laut yang menyeret dan menenggelamkan kapal tersebut. 

Kepala Kantor Kesyahbandaran dan Otoritas Pelabuhan (KSOP) Kelas III Tanjung Wangi, Banyuwangi, Letkol Marinir Benyamin Ginting mengemukakan KMP Yunicee diduga terseret arus laut dan gelombang tinggi empat meter sebelum tenggelam.

"Tadi kami sempat melakukan pencarian korban di laut, gelombang tinggi mencapai tiga hingga empat meter, kemungkinan ini (gelombang) yang menyeret kapal dan tenggelam," ujar Letkol Marinir Benyamin Ginting kepada wartawan di Pelabuhan Ketapang Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, Selasa (29/6) tengah malam.

Dia menceritakan saat melakukan pencarian bersama dengan tim SAR gabungan lainnya, pihaknya berhasil mengevakuasi ABK, yakni kepala kamar mesin KMP Yunicee, yang terombang ambing di tengah laut Selat Bali.

Dari kepala kamar mesin tersebut, lanjut dia, diperoleh keterangan bahwa seluruh penumpang kapal dipastikan menggunakan baju pelampung. Sehingga, kata Ginting, besar kemungkinan 14 orang penumpang yang belum ditemukan bisa selamat.

"Dalam pencarian kami menemukan kepala kamar mesin dan menyampaikan semua penumpang menggunakan life jacket. Besar kemungkinan masih bisa ditemukan selamat, meskipun ada enam penumpang yang ditemukan meninggal," katanya.

Kepala kamar mesin KMP Yunicee yang ditemukan selamat itu juga menyampaikan bahwa sebelum kapal tenggelam terseret arus laut dan ombak tinggi ke arah selatan Pelabuhan Gilimanuk.

"Kepala kamar mesin menjelaskan kepada kami, kapal tersebut yang parkir dan menunggu antrean terseret arus. Karena ombaknya besar, kemampuan mesin tidak bisa mengimbangi tingginya gelombang dan terseret. Sekitar lima menit kapal miring dan tenggelam ke sisi kiri," ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Kepala Satuan Pelayanan pada Badan Pengelola Transportasi Darat (BPTD) XI Jawa Timur Rocky Surentu mengatakan KMP Yunicee masih laik dan dari manifest tidak ada dugaan kelebihan muatan.

"Di Ketapang kondisi ombak tidak tinggi, dan di tengah (Selat Bali) gelombang tinggi. Mengenai muatan kapal juga sesuai," ujarnya. Kapal Motor Penumpang (KMP) Yunicee mengangkut 41 penumpang dan 12 anak buah kapal (ABK) dari Pelabuhan Ketapang Banyuwangi, menuju Pelabuhan Gilimanuk, Jembrana, Bali.

Dari 53 penumpang termasuk ABK, hingga Selasa (29/6) malam, ada enam korban ditemukan meninggal, 33 penumpang ditemukan selamat, dan 14 orang lainnya masih dalam pencarian.

Sumber : Bisnis, 30.06.2021.

29 Juni 2021

[290621.EN.SEA] Container Ship Losses Pose Major Headache For Insurers


THE possible total constructive loss of the X-Press Pearl stands to be the latest in a line of container ship losses for the insurance industry.

There have been two explosions on board the 2,700 TEU unit-capacity container ship since it initially caught fire on May 21 at anchor near the Sri Lankan port of Colombo.

Speaking to S&P Global Market Intelligence, Martin Hall, head of marine casualty at law firm Clyde & Co, said all signs from the event point to a "total constructive loss" even if the fire is eventually extinguished and the vessel stays afloat.

Rob Hawes, head of marine at loss adjuster Crawford & Co agreed. "I can't see a situation where the vessel and its cargo [aren't] going to be a total loss."

Insurers will face hull and machinery, cargo and liability claims, although there is still much uncertainty about the size of the loss. The vessel itself was only three months old; it is unclear how much the hull was insured for and which company insured it.

Mr Hawes estimated that the cargo loss could be between US$30 million and $50 million, based on the X-Press Pearl's 2,700 container capacity and an assumption that a container houses an average of $15,000 to $20,000 of goods.

He said he thought the loss would be spread among a "large group" of insurers in London, Europe and Asia, and that fire and explosion losses would be covered under "pretty much every cargo insurance policy that's out there."

Marine mutual insurer The London P&I Club, confirmed in a May 26 statement that it provides specialist marine liability cover, known as protection and indemnity, or P&I, to the X-Press Pearl. As the liability insurer, it would cover crew injuries and any environmental impact. The insurer said three crew members have suffered injuries "that are not thought to be life changing."

The London P&I Club is the trading name for London Steam Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association Ltd and its subsidiary The London P&I Insurance Company (Europe) Ltd.

The environmental impact of the blaze could have significant bearing on the size of the P&I claim. A "serious pollution incident" could lead to the claim swelling to "potential hundreds of millions" of dollars, according to Mr Hawes, but that this would only happen if the vessel sinks.

The vessel sinking in deep water, well away from land, could be a better outcome for the P&I insurer than saving it and bringing it back into port because of the heavy clean-up costs, said Mr Hall.

"They could be in for a huge loss, or alternatively they could be in for quite a small loss," he said.

The P&I insurer could end up picking the tab for the cargo and the salvage cost. In a total loss situation, Mr Hawes expects cargo insurers to try to recover their losses from the shipowners. The salvage team is probably working under the SCOPIC clause, which would mean they would be paid by the P&I insurer, said Hall.

Salvors are usually paid from the value of what is recovered, and the SCOPIC clause ensures they are paid adequately for recovering vessels to limit environmental impacts where vessels are so damaged that they have little commercial value.

A spokesman for The London P&I Club said in an email that the insurer would not speculate about the potential size of the claim.

The X-Press Pearl's claim is likely to keep the persistent threat of container ship losses at the front of marine insurers' minds. The market has already been hit this year by the grounding of the Ever Given in the Suez Canal in March. The final claims bill for that event remains under dispute.

Mr Hawes said there were concerns about the size of the vessels, stowage plans' impact on vessel stability, dangerous goods not being declared and crew fatigue amid pandemic-fueled staff shortages. He noted that a November 2020 article by Norwegian marine mutual Gard said there had been a container ship fire every two weeks at that point in 2020.

Source : HKSG.

[290621.ID.BIZ] Instran Usul Kapasitas Transportasi Maksimal 50 Persen


Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Institut Studi Transportasi (Instran) menyarankan adanya pembatasan kapasitas penumpang angkutan umum jadi 50 persen demi membatasi mobilitas masyarakat ditengah melonjaknya kasus Covid-19.

Pengamat transportasi dan Ketua Instran Darmaningtyas menyarankan agar pemerintah kembali memperketat aturan perjalanan seperti pembatasan operasional kereta jarak jauh dan pengurangan kapasitas angkut.

"Katakanlah kereta jarak jauh nggak boleh jalan dulu, nggak boleh angkut penumpang lah atau ngangkut tapi dengan kapasitas misalnya cuma 40-50 persen," katanya kepada Bisnis.com, Selasa (29/6/2021).

Hal yang sama lanjutnya, juga perlu diberlakukan terhadap operasional bus umum. Selain pembatasan kapasitas angkut penumpang juga perlu diterapkan kewajiban untuk melampirkan hasil negatif tes kesehatan seperti Antigen atau GeNose C19.

Selama ini, ujar dia, kapasitas angkut diperbolehkan sampai 70 persen dengan pelaksanaan tes kesehatan secara acak (random testing) untuk angkutan bus.

"Kemarin kan sampai 70 persen, sekarang mungkin cuma 50 persen. Terus tetap harus dengan tes [kesehatan] lah entah antigen, swab, GeNose, pokoknya harus dengan tes itu mutlak. Hal yang sama itu juga diberlakukan untuk Bus. Jadi operator Bus saya kira juga perlu mempersyaratkan atau mewajibkan bukti tes negatif," tuturnya.

Dia mengakui hal tersebut akan membebani masyarakat yang hendak bepergian. Namun di lain sisi, pengetatan syarat perjalanan akan membuat orang berpikir dua kali bila ingin melakukan perjalanan.

"Memang konsekuensinya akan membebani konsumen tapi nanti memang hanya konsumen yang betul-betul penting yang boleh melakukan pergerakan. Jadi kalau harus tes segala macam kan berat bagi konsumen sehingga mereka kalau nggak berkepentingan beneran nggak akan melakukan perjalanan," tegasnya.

Sumber : Bisnis, 29.06.2021.

28 Juni 2021

[280621.EN.AIR] EU and US End Airbus-Boeing Trade Dispute After 17 Years


THE EU and US agreed to end a 17-year dispute over aircraft subsidies, lifting the threat of billions of dollars in punitive tariffs on their economies in a boost to transatlantic relations, reports UK's Financial Times.

Two days of intensive negotiations in Brussels led to a draft deal on how to handle subsidies for Airbus and Boeing, with the breakthrough finalised last week at US president Joe Biden's first EU-US summit meeting in Brussels.

"With this agreement, we are grounding the Airbus-Boeing dispute," said EU trade commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis. "We now have time and space to find a lasting solution, while saving billions of euros in duties for importers on both sides of the Atlantic."

The deal takes the form of a five-year accord to suspend punitive tariffs linked to the original disagreement. Coupled with that is the creation of a minister-level working group to discuss subsidy limits and overcome any issues that may arise between the two sides.

The intention is that disagreement never re-emerges, including for new aircraft models. The deal commits the EU and US to making sure R&D funding to aircraft makers will not "harm the other side". The two sides also pledged to work together in "addressing non-market practices of third parties" - something officials said was a nod to concerns regarding China.

"Both sides agree that it is wiser to put our disputes to rest and see how we [can] actually co-operate in this area, and how we work on ensuring a global level-playing field," Mr Dombrovskis told the Financial Times.

The EU trade commissioner said he was "confident that at the end of the day we will be able to put this dispute to rest completely". He added: "It is already a very big step in that direction."

The deal was confirmed after being reviewed by Airbus's three host countries in the EU - Germany, France and Spain. The French government said in a statement: "We can now focus on putting these disagreements behind us, and on defining the conditions of fair competition at the global level for state support to the aeronautic sector."

The breakthrough lifts a cloud of uncertainty hanging over the airline sector and removes the threat that US$11.5 billion of EU and US consumer goods could again be hit with punitive tariffs.

Those duties - on products ranging from French wine to US sugarcane molasses - were suspended after the EU and US agreed in March to lift them for four months and start negotiations on a solution.

Airbus welcomed the agreement, saying it would provide "the basis to create a level-playing field". The company added that the deal "will also avoid lose-lose tariffs that are only adding to the many challenges that our industry faces".

Source : HKSG / Photo : Investor Daily.

[280621.ID.BIZ] 100 Gerai Matahari Kena Imbas PPKM Mikro


Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – Manajemen PT Matahari Department Store Tbk. (LPPF) menyebutkan 100 gerai ritel perusahaan terkena imbas pemberlakuan pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat (PPKM) mikro yang mulai berlaku pada 22 Juni 2021.

Jumlah ini meningkat sejak pembatasan pertama kali diterapkan sepekan lalu. Dalam keterbukaan informasi Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), perusahaan melaporkan 100 gerai tersebut merepresentasikan 67 persen dari total toko yang dikelola perusahaan. Seratus gerai ini juga menyumbang sampai 71 persen terhadap total penjualan.

“Berdasarkan informasi per 28 Juni 2021, kami memiliki 100 gerai yang terdampak atas pengurangan jam operasional, meningkat 26 gerai sejak pembatasan dimulai,” jelas manajemen dalam pernyataan, Senin (28/6/2021).

Dari 100 gerai tersebut, gerai di wilayah Jawa, termasuk Jabodetabek, menjadi yang paling terdampak. Adapun sebaran gerai mencakup 71 gerai yang berlokasi di Jawa, 19 gerai di Sumatra, 4 gerai di Kalimantan, dan sisanya di wilayah lain.

Perusahaan menyebutkan gerai-gerai ini terdampak pengurangan jam operasional, beberapa gerai bahkan harus tutup pukul 18.00. Selain itu, sekitar 30 persen dari total gerai terdampak atas pembatasan kunjungan mal atau pengalihan lalu lintas jalan.

Pembatasan kapasitas peritel makanan dan minuman yang mengurangi kunjungan ke mal juga berdampak pada 42 persen gerai. Meski sebagian besar gerai telah mendapat dampak dalam seminggu pelaksanaan PPKM, perusahaan melaporkan masih akan melihat dampak keseluruhan dari kebijakan ini.

Situasi ini pun dipandang dinamis dan mencerminkan kekhawatiran akan penyebaran varian virus Covid-19 delta di tengah masyarakat. “Karena itu, saat ini terlalu dini untuk menyatakan dampak keuangan spesifik dari setiap aspek pengaturan. Namun, manajemen Matahari tetap sepenuhnya siap untuk mematuhi langkah-langkah yang diperlukan oleh otoritas terkait melalui ‘BELANJA AMAN – 5 KOMITMEN MATAHARI’,” tulis perusahaan.

Komitmen yang diberikan mencakup penyediaan kasir khusus untuk lansia, mengutamakan tenaga medis, menyediakan produk primer dan kebutuhan bayi di lokasi yang mudah didapatkan, membersihkan gerai secara menyeluruh, penyediaan alat sanitasi di lokasi, dan penegakan jaga jarak di gerai.

Sumber : Bisnis, 28.06.2021.

27 Juni 2021

[270621.EN.BIZ] Freight forwarding Market Recovering, Expected Growth of 11.6pc in 2021


TRANSPORT Intelligence's (Ti) latest report, Global Freight Forwarding 2021, shows the post-Covid-19 global forwarding market is settling into its recovery phase after dramatic contractions in 2020.

However, market dynamics remain skewed with limited capacity available and sky-high freight rates presenting a challenging market for shippers and opportunities for forwarders to secure high margins.

The Global Freight Forwarding market contracted by 8.7 per cent in 2020, recording its worst year since the financial crisis as a result of the pandemic. The sea freight forwarding market contracted by 3.8 per cent in 2020, but air freight forwarding suffered worse with a decline of 12.3 per cent. However, the freight forwarding market is expected to bounce back strongly with growth of 11.6 per cent in 2021 and a CAGR of 5 per cent from 2020-2025 as volumes recover.

The sea freight forwarding market is set to grow at 7.6 per cent in 2021 and at a CAGR of 4.5 per cent from 2020-2025. Growth in 2021 will largely be driven by the bounce back in volumes from 2020, particularly in Q2 2021 vs Q2 2020. Sea freight forwarding growth out to 2025 will be driven by the ongoing recovery in volumes, modal switches from air to sea and new trade agreements generating more trade.

Air freight forwarding is set to grow at 14.9 per cent in 2021 and at a CAGR of 5.4 per cent from 2020-2025. Growth in 2021 is largely driven by a recovery of volumes from 2020 and very high freight rates. Longer term growth out to 2025 will be driven by a recovery in global trade and strong growth in air freight intensive sectors like high tech, pharmaceuticals and cross-border e-commerce.

The new report also shows that amid all the disruption to the air freight market the top 20 freight forwarders have significantly increased their share of overall volumes, from 65.05 per cent in 2019 to 74.89 per cent in 2020. The top 20 actually increased the air freight volumes they handled in 2020, despite market volumes declining by 12.50 per cent. Coupled with the high air freight rates that persisted through 2020, this led to a good year for large forwarders.

The sea freight market also saw volumes decline from 2019, with 9.95 per cent fewer containers handled in 2020. Nevertheless, capacity constraints and high freight rates enabled the top 20 forwarders to broadly maintain their revenues, even though they carried 7.49 per cent fewer containers than in 2019.

"A tumultuous 2020 saw major disruptions in supply chains the world over with the ability of forwarders' to keep goods moving severely tested by shocks to supply and demand, carriers greatly reducing capacity, and congestion at logistics gateways, amongst other forces," said Nick Bailey, Ti's head of research. 

"Although the market saw one of the sharpest contractions in recent memory in real terms, sky high rates resulted in record-breaking top-line performance for many forwarders. The pandemic also accelerated digitisation and digitalisation efforts across the market as speed, agility and responsiveness proved highly valuable capabilities during the crisis."

Source : HKSG.

[270621.ID.BIZ] Sepekan Tes Acak Antigen, 48 Penumpang KRL Reaktif Covid-19


Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI) atau KAI Commuter telah melakukan tes acak antigen di enam stasiun selama sepekan terakhir (21-27 Juni 2021) terhadap para pengguna jasa Kereta Rel Listrik (KRL).

VP Corporate Secretary KAI Commuter Anne Purba mengatakan selama tujuh hari kegiatan tes tersebut, sebanyak 911 pengguna telah diperiksa dengan hasil 48 orang diantaranya reaktif.

"Untuk calon pengguna KRL yang hasilnya reaktif tersebut dilarang untuk naik KRL dan selanjutnya datanya diserahkan kepada Puskesmas setempat untuk dilakukan tindakan selanjutnya," katanya dalam siaran pers, Minggu (27/6/2021).

Dia menegaskan KAI Commuter tetap berkomitmen selama masa pandemi untuk selalu menciptakan transportasi KRL yang aman, nyaman dan sehat untuk seluruh para pengguna dan petugas KAI Commuter sendiri.

Namun begitu, mengingat jumlah kasus positif Covid-19 yang terus meningkat belakangan ini, KAI Commuter menghimbau masyarakat untuk sebisa mungkin tetap beraktivitas dari rumah. KRL hadir sebagai layanan transportasi untuk kebutuhan yang benar-benar mendesak.

Sementara itu untuk pergerakan penumpang, dia menyebut bahwa KAI Commuter mencatat jumlah pengguna KRL hingga pukul 17:00 WIB sebanyak 139.528 orang. Angka tersebut turun 26 persen dibanding hari Minggu pekan lalu pada waktu yang sama yaitu sejumlah 187.454 orang.

"KAI Commuter berharap di tengah meningkatnya kasus positif Covid-19 belakangan ini, masyarakat dapat beraktivitas dari rumah. Jika masih harus keluar rumah dan menggunakan transportasi publik, gunakan masker ganda dengan salah satunya adalah masker medis sesuai anjuran para dokter," jelasnya.

Terpisah, Ketua Bidang Advokasi dan Kemasyarakatan Masyarakat Transportasi Indonesia (MTI) Pusat Djoko Setijowarno menilai ada atau tidaknya pemeriksaan antigen di stasiun KRL tidak berpengaruh terhadap pergerakan penumpang. Menurutnya, penurunan jumlah pengguna KRL tersebut disebabkan karena adanya penyesuaian atau kebijakan Work From Home (WFH) dan Work From Office (WFO) oleh sejumlah perusahaan.

"Mobilitas menurun disebabkan pola kerja WFH dan WFO. Tidak ada pengaruhnya antara tes dan tidak diadakan tes. Kalau hasil tes positif, berarti tidak jadi berangkat menggunakan KRL dan tidak masuk kerja," ujarnya.

Sumber : Bisnis, 27.06.2021.

26 Juni 2021

[260621.EN.SEA] More Container Ships Receiving 'Astronomical' US$100,000/day Rates


MULTI-MONTH container-ship charters continue to be signed at jaw-dropping rates above US$100,000 per day, reports New York's FreightWaves.

The market is getting even tighter, pushing charter rates and durations higher still. Shipowner executives participating in the recently held Marine Money Week virtual conference discussed the historic strength of today's container-ship chartering market and how this unprecedented boom could end.

As previously reported by American Shipper, the 15-year-old, 5,060 TEU S Santiago was chartered at $135,000 per day for 45-90 days. Alphaliner subsequently reported that the 4,506-TEU CO OSAKA was chartered for two months at $125,000 per day.

Speaking on the Marine Money panel, Symeon Pariaros, CEO of Euroseas, pointed to "owners taking very short-duration charters at stratospheric levels." He cited a ship of the same size as the CO OSAKA getting $90,000 per day in recent weeks.

Constantin Baack, CEO of MPC Container Ships, revealed a new deal that sounds like a record in terms of dollars per day per TEU of ship capacity.

"The new normal for vessels of up to 5,000 TEU is a charter duration of two to four years. If you go shorter you get a significant premium. If you have the right vessel in the right place you can get astronomical rates in the short term," he said.

"We have just fixed [chartered] a 2,800-TEU vessel at above $100,000 per day for 65 to 80 days. We bought that ship, which was [built in] 2008, for $8 million. This charter alone pays $8 million. That gives you an idea of how interesting the market is at the moment if you catch the right deal.

"We have fixed about 30 vessels already this year and we have another 26 coming up [for charter renewal], so we know pretty well where the market stands," he said. "What we've seen is that over the last five weeks alone, it has really skyrocketed, both on periods and rates, and there's no end in sight. There's no reason to be pessimistic for the next couple of quarters.

Source : HKSG / Photo : VesselFinder.

[260621.ID.SEA] Pelni Tugaskan Kapal Jumbo Angkut Muatan di Patimban


Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) atau Pelni melakukan uji coba muatan kontainer menggunakan KM Gunung Dempo di Pelabuhan Patimban, Subang, Jawa Barat.

Pjs Kepala Kesekretariatan Perusahaan Pelni Opik Taufik mengatakan pelaksanaan uji coba ini dilakukan dalam rangka mendukung aktivitas perekonomian daerah serta meningkatkan produktivitas Pelabuhan Patimban.

KM Gunung Dempo dipilih untuk masuk ke Patimban karena kapal penumpang tipe passanger container ini dapat mengangkut muatan kontainer paling banyak di antara kapal Pelni lainnya.

"KM Gunung Dempo mampu mengangkut hingga 98 TEUs, jauh lebih besar dibanding daya angkut kontainer di kapal Pelni lainnya yang hanya berkapasitas antara 22 TEUs hingga 67 TEUs," kata Opik dalam siaran pers, Jumat (25/5/2021).

Dia menjelaskan selama masa uji coba, Kementerian Perhubungan selaku regulator meminta Pelni yang juga bekerja sama dengan Pemerintah Daerah dan BUMD setempat agar mengkhususkan KM Gunung Dempo untuk melayani angkutan barang dari dan ke Pelabuhan Patimban.

Menurutnya, dengan masuknya kapal Pelni di Pelabuhan Patimban diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengiriman muatan menuju wilayah Timur Indonesia. Pelaku industri diharapkan dapat memanfaatkan kapal Pelni sebagai sarana untuk mendistribusikan hasil produksi sehingga dapat memperluas jangkauan pasarnya.

Selain itu, lanjutnya, dengan masuknya kapal Pelni di Pelabuhan Patimban dapat memberikan alternatif kepada shipper dalam pengiriman barang. Baca Juga : Mei 2021, Arus Peti Kemas Pelindo I Naik 7,72 Persen

"Kini para shipper yang berasal dari Jawa Barat tidak perlu lagi memuat barangnya melalui Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok bisa langsung melalui Pelabuhan Patimban, sehingga dapat menekan biaya pengiriman dan efektivitas waktu pengiriman shipper. Terlebih kapal Pelni juga memiliki jadwal yang tetap dan teratur," terangnya.

KM Gunung Dempo dijadwalkan akan kembali melakukan sandar di Pelabuhan Patimban pada 8 Juli 2021 mendatang. Kapal ini merupakan satu dari 26 kapal penumpang yang dioperasikan oleh PT Pelni (Persero) dengan rute Tanjung Priok - Surabaya - Makassar - Sorong - Manokwari - Wasior - Nabire - Jayapura (PP).

KM Gunung Dempo dapat memuat sebanyak 58 dry container dan 40 reefer container.

Sumber : Bisnis, 26.06.2021.

25 Juni 2021

[250621.EN.SEA] Shoei Kisen Reaches Deal In Principle On Ever Given Suez Canal Blockage


THE Suez Canal Authority (SCA) and the Japanese owner of the 20,388 TEU Ever Given, Shoei Kisen Kaisha, have reached an agreement in principle over a compensation claim for the grounding of the container vessel that disrupted world trade in March, according to media reports

The out-of-court agreement follows a recently increased offer from the vessel's shipowner. "Following extensive discussions with the Suez Canal Authority's negotiating committee over the past few weeks, an agreement in principle between the parties has been reached," Shoei Kisen's insurer, the UK P&I Club and their legal representative, Stann Marine said in a statement.

"Together with the owner and the ships' other insurers, we are now working with the SCA to finalise a signed settlement agreement as soon as possible."

Financial details surrounding the settlement have not been disclosed. The deal follows a recently increased offer from Shoei Kisen to free the vessel after an initial offer of US$150 million. Last month, the SCA lowered its claim to $550 million from its original demand of $916 million.

The claim costs will largely be met through Shoei's protection and indemnity insurer, the UK P&I Club, and its hull and machinery insurers. The UK P&I Club said it is working with shipowners and other insurers to sign a final agreement "as soon as possible".

"Once formalities have been dealt with, arrangement for the release of the vessel will be made," the UK Club statement said. The Ever Given has been kept at the Great Bitter Lake by Egyptian authorities since March 29.

Legal proceedings at the Ismailia Economic Court of First Instance in Egypt were put on hold to allow the parties to come to an agreement after the increased offer was made.

Source : HKSG / Photo : Offshore Energy.

[250621.ID.BIZ] Serikat Pekerja Dukung Integrasi Pelindo


Bisnis.com, BALI - Proses sinergi dan integrasi BUMN dalam layanan pelabuhan yang melibatkan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I, II, III dan IV (Persero) mendapat dukungan penuh dari serikat pekerja masing-masing perseroan.

Dukungan itu ditunjukkan dalam penandatanganan berita acara kesepakatan yang dilakukan oleh Ketua Serikat Pekerja Pelabuhan Indonesia (SPPI) I, II, III, dan IV bersama Direktur Utama Pelindo I, II, III dan IV, di Bali, Kamis (25/06).

Ketua SPPI II Dodi Nurdiana sekaligus sebagai Sekjen FSPPI (Federasi Serikat Pekerja Pelabuhan Indonesia) mengatakan bahwa serikat pekerja mendukung penuh rencana integrasi yang sedang dipersiapkan oleh manajemen.

Menurutnya kekompakan dan kesepahaman serta manajemen yang terbuka menjadikan serikat pekerja mendukung integrasi dengan sepenuh hati.

"Serikat pekerja akan berada digarda terdepan mengawal proses integrasi ini sampai selesai, ini tidak mudah namun harus berhasil," tegasnya. Bahkan, serikat pekerja siap jika dilibatkan dalam seluruh proses pembahasan persiapan integrasi Pelindo.

Bagi serikat pekerja, perseroan merupakan wadah bagi pegawai untuk menunjukkan aktualisasi diri.  "Kami juga akan menjadi yang terdepan mendukung pemberantasan pungli untuk mewujudkan pelabuhan bersih," lanjut Dodi.

Direktur Utama Pelindo II Arif Suhartono memberikan apresiasi kepada serikat pekerja yang telah mendukungan secara penuh dan aktif program sinergi dan integrasi BUMN dalam layanan pelabuhan. Menurutnya hal tersebut menunjukkan adanya keselarasan dan kesepahaman antara jajaran manajemen dan serikat pekerja. 

"Kita sudah sepakat untuk menciptakan sejarah kepelabuhanan. Terima kasih sudah ikhlas kita untuk bergabung menjadi satu," katanya. Sinergi dan integrasi BUMN dalam layanan pelabuhan merupakan bentuk nyata untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan jasa kepelabuhanan.

Dengan adanya integrasi Pelindo maka standar pelayanan di seluruh pelabuhan dari Sabang sampai Merauke akan sama. Hal ini akan akan meningkatkan daya saing logistik di Indonesia yang selama ini masih dianggap kurang optimal.

"Dukungan serikat pekerja menjadikan manajemen semakin mantab untuk mempercepat proses integrasi, semoga ini menjadi awal yang baik untuk kebersamaan kita semua," pungkas Arif.

Sumber : Bisnis, 25.06.2021.

24 Juni 2021

[240621.EN.SEA] Ever Given Compensation Case Nears Deal Agreement: Report


UK P&I Club and other insurers are close to an agreement with the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) for compensation following the stranding of the Ever Given in March this year, reports London's The Loadstar.

As a result of negotiations with the SCA, the parties involved asked the Egyptian court to postpone the next hearing to July 4 in order to complete deliberations.

The UK P&I said: "During the negotiations a proposal was submitted that we believe satisfies all the requirements of the SCA.

"Accordingly, the owner and its insurers requested and confirmed to the Ismailia Economic Court of First Instance in last Sunday's hearing their clear desire to adjourn the hearing in order to take the necessary time to reach a final and amicable solution that satisfies all parties."

The announcement came five days after the insurers had issued a statement confirming they were in "serious and constructive" negotiations with the SCA over the Ever Given incident.

While the level of compensation has not been disclosed, it will likely be higher than the original US$150 million offered by the UK P&I Club and lower than the $600 million demanded by the SCA. One expert had estimated approximate costs for the removal of the vessel at close to $200 million.

The 20,388 TEU Ever Given ran aground at the southern end of the Suez Canal on March 23, blocking the waterway for six days. There was no loss of cargo or any pollution as a consequence, but around 400 vessels were delayed.

Source : HKSG / Photo : CNBC.

[240621.ID.BIZ] Investasi Pelabuhan Anggrek Bisa Tembus Rp1,4 Triliun


Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub) akan melakukan pengembangan Pelabuhan Anggrek di Gorontalo Utara pada tahun ini dengan nilai investasi Rp1,4 triliun.

Menteri Perhubungan Budi Karya Sumadi mengatakan pembangunan akan dilakukan dengan dua tahap. Tahap pertama akan dimulai pada tahun ini hingga 2023 dengan membangun dermaga, lapangan peti kemas, kontainer, kargo dan fasilitas pendukung lainnya.

"Nantinya, pelabuhan ini akan memiliki kapasitas peti kemas 47.500 TEUs, reefer container 9.200 TEUs, Kargo 622.600 ton, dan curah 250.400 ton," ujarnya dikutip Kamis (24/6/2021).

Dia menjelaskan, urgensi pengembangan Pelabuhan Anggrek dilakukan karena kapasitas operasional dermaga saat ini sudah melampaui standar kinerja pelabuhan. Pasalnya, ukuran kapal kapal-kapal yang bersandar (peti kemas dan kargo) lebih besar dari kapasitas dermaga eksisting sehingga kurang optimal.

"Diharapkan keberadaan Pelabuhan Anggrek dapat mendukung konektivitas Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus Gopandang di Gorontalo, yang berfungsi sebagai penunjang kegiatan industri dan/atau perdagangan serta simpul distribusi, produksi, dan konsolidasi.

Adapun komoditas utama di Gorontalo adalah jagung dan ikan tangkap," jelasnya. Lebih lanjut, dia mengungkapkan bahwa pembangunan pelabuhan ini dilakukan melalui pendanaan kreatif non APBN dengan skema Kerja Sama Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha (KPBU).

Budi berharap proyek pengembangan Pelabuhan Anggrek ini dapat bermanfaat untuk melancarkan pergerakan logistik dan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di Gorontalo dan kawasan sekitarnya. Selain itu keberadaan Pelabuhan Anggrek juga diharapkan bisa saling mendukung dengan Pelabuhan Gorontalo yang berada di Kota Gorontalo, sehingga dapat menciptakan efisiensi dan tidak menimbulkan masalah seperti kemacetan.

Sumber : Bisnis, 24.06.2021.

23 Juni 2021

[230621.EN.BIZ] China's Inland Providers Fight to Clear S China Port Congestion


NEARLY three hundred missed vessel calls through the first half of June are leaving a growing backlog of loaded containers at Yantian International Container Terminals (YICT) that the fully stretched ports and logistics industry will take weeks to clear, reports IHS Media.

According to data from project44, 298 container ships with a combined capacity of over 3 million TEU skipped Yantian between June 1 and June 15, a 300 per cent increase in blank sailings compared with the first two weeks of May.

"Though the total capacity was not meant for YICT, it could take weeks to process backlogged containers, and shippers should expect serious delays," the visibility provider said in a statement last Thursday.

"The volume of loaded export containers that were left behind has caused a severe backlog and is due to create major delays and disruptions in global supply chains."

Estimates from industry analysts put the number of export containers waiting to be loaded by carriers in the Shenzhen terminals at 300,000 TEU.

Judah Levine, research lead at online freight marketplace Freightos, said the impact of the South China port congestion was being amplified by the entire containerised supply chain operating at a deficit, with no additional capacity to throw at the problem.

"For example, Freightos.com marketplace data show ocean shipments now arriving from China to the US took 42 per cent longer than last June, and this will probably get worse before it gets better," he wrote in a market update his week.

Rolf Habben Jansen, CEO of Hapag-Lloyd, also warned that with capacity already at the limit, there would be no speedy resolution to the South China congestion.

"Demand remains very strong at the moment, and I don't think we are going to get out of this very soon. Congestion will remain an issue for the coming months," Mr Habben Jansen told a press briefing recently.

Maersk in a customer advisory last week also pointed to the difficulties of handling the congestion in a container shipping environment already overwhelmed by strong and sustained global demand.

Yantian maintains its terminal operations are back up to 70 per cent utilisation, a figure also given by HMM in a recent customer advisory. Even at that improved level of productivity, a backlog of 11,400 TEU would be building every day, according to Jon Monroe, who serves as a consultant to trans-Pacific forwarders. He wrote in a LinkedIn post that with a 16-day wait for a berth, 60-plus vessels waiting, and scores of other ships bypassing Yantian, the backlog of boxes would be significant.

Yantian reopened a fourth berth at the East Port area, which predominately serves long-haul services, a move that has reduced the yard density to 70 per cent and allowed YICT to ease restrictions on laden export containers so gate-in is now permitted seven days before a vessel arrives compared with three days previously.

A YICT spokesperson confirmed that the number of trucks allowed into the terminal had increased to 8,000 per day last Wednesday, up from 6,000 a week earlier, and this would increase further.

"It is projected that full operations will be basically regained at YICT in the last week of June," the spokesperson said.

However, Maersk said although YICT gate activity was expected to soon reach the same levels as before the incident, schedule reliability would continue to suffer as the carrier was experiencing an average waiting time of 16 days "and counting."

The Asian rotations of 19 ships operated by the 2M Alliance of Maersk and Mediterranean Shipping Co have been affected, either cutting Yantian calls completely or reducing calls at the terminal as the carrier strives to maintain its schedules. Maersk expressed concern about congestion spreading through the Pearl River Delta.

Transshipment traffic on intra-Asia services to and from Thailand, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam has also sharply declined since the congestion gridlock emerged, with regional carriers instead calling at Dachan Bay and Hong Kong, shipping sources said.

Source : HKSG / Photo : Produce Report.

[230621.ID.BIZ] Pelabuhan Yantian di China Sempat Lockdown, Begini Dampaknya ke Industri Tanah Air


KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Penyebaran virus Covid-19 yang kembali merebak di China membuat kegiatan pelabuhan Yantian yang merupakan terminal kontainer terbesar keempat di dunia sempat terhenti. Namun, setelah infeksi Covid-19 di sana mulai terkendali dan  aktivitas di pelabuhan Yantian sudah berjalan, tetap saja efek domino seperti kongesi dan penumpukan kontainer di sejumlah pelabuhan  China masih terjadi.

Ternyata efek masalah ini cukup dirasakan pelaku industri Tanah Air karena banyak aktivitas impor bahan baku dari China serta ekspor produk ke sana.

Macetnya pelabuhan di Yantian turut dipantau Indonesian National Shipoweners Association (INSA). Ketua Umum INSA, Carmelita Harototo mengatakan, Pelabuhan Yantian China mengalami keterlambatann operasional dan turunnya produktivitas.

Alhasil, layanan penyandaraan kapal dan kegiatan bongkar muat barang menjadi sangat terganggu, bahkan mengalami keterlambatan. Kapal harus antre berhari-hari sekitar 10 hari hingga 14 hari.

Akibatnya, pelabuhan menjadi kongesti, muatan atau kapal tidak dapat masuk atau keluar karena tidak diimbangi dengan prosedur yang lancar. Hal ini tentu berakibat pada kenaikan biaya yang pada gilirannya membuat ocean freight (OF) melambung tinggi dan tidak terkendali.

"Indonesia cukup beruntung karena kegiatan layanan kapal dan barang milik pemerintah tidak ada yang terganggu. Perusahaan pelayaran nasional tidak ada yang ekspor langsung ke China. Adapun yang menuju China adalah pelayaran internasional atau main line operator (MLO), " jelasnya kepada Kontan.co.id, Senin (21/6).

Carmelita mengatakan, kemungkinan yang akan terganggu adalah impor bahan baku yang mengalami keterlambatan atau ekspor produk ke China atau melalui China.

Executive Secretary KIKT Kadin Baldwin Kurniawan mengatakan  saat ini memang ada persoalan kapal telat terus dengan alasan kongesti. Selain ocean freight yang mahal dibandingkan sebelum pandemi, jadwal kapal juga kacau. Dia memberikan gambaran, seharusnya kapal bisa berangkat tanggal 10, tetapi bisa telat 10 hari bahkan hingga 20 hari baru berangkat. 

Menurutnya, dampak dari macetnya aktivitas di pelabuhan China bisa berdampak pada seluruh sektor bisnis, tidak terkhusus di sektor manufaktur saja. "Umumnya pasti semua barang yang berada di atas kapal akan telat dari jadwal perencanaannya. Tidak melihat dari sektor mana," kata Baldwin.

Sekretaris Jendral Perkumpulan Perusahaan Pendingin Refrigerasi Indonesia (Perprindo), Andy Arif Widjaja menambahkanm penutupan pelabuhan di China sangat berdampak terhadap industri pendingin refrigerasi di Indonesia.

"Saat ini seperti kita ketahui bahwa China merupakan basis manufaktur air conditioner terbesar di dunia dan juga supplier bahan baku industri refrigerasi terbesar di Indonesia sehingga dengan adanya hambatan pengiriman dari pelabuhan China mengakibatkan keterlambatan pasokan bahan baku untuk produksi produk refrigerasi di Indonesia dan juga barang jadi," terangnya.

Andy menyebutkan, dengan adanya hambatan shipment dan kelangkaan kontainer maka dapat mengakibatkan kenaikan harga kontainer.  Lalu, bila harga kontainer naik maka mengakibatkan harga pokok produksi (HPP) produk refrigerasi juga otomatis naik karena banyak bahan baku yang masih diimpor.

Tapi untungnya, berdasarkan pantauan Perprindo per-hari ini, kondisi pelabuhan di Yantian sudah berangsur pulih dan sudah mulai beroperasional di kapastias 70%.  Menurutnya, seharusnya harga jual produk masih dapat stabil karena keadaan ini tidak berlangsung lama.

National Sales Senior General Manager PT Sharp Electronics Indonesia (SEID) Andry Adi Utomo mengakui efek macetnya pelabuhan di China hanya sedikit dirasakan SEID. "Sempat sedikit dampaknya. Bagi SEID, efek yang sangat dirasakan adalah saat kelangkaan kontainer," jelasnya saat dihubungi terpisah.

Kata Andry, kendati persoalan kelangkaan kontainer sudah tidak terlalu dirasakan SEID, bahkan pada bulan Maret hingga Juni 2021 pasokan kontainer lancar, sayangnya harga kontainer masih belum normal. "Namun, kenaikan harga kontainer sudah diantisipasi dengan kenaikan harga di awal April 2021 yang lalu. Kenaikannya bervariasi 5% hingga 20% hampir di semua produk," imbuhnya.

Sumber : Kontan, 21.06.2021.

22 Juni 2021

[220621.EN.SEA] BETTER WAYS The CMA CGM Group's New Signature


Building a more efficient, resilient and sustainable global trade is the strategic transformation driven by Rodolphe Saad,, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the CMA CGM Group.

This new ambition is embodied by BETTER WAYS, the Group's new signature. Drawing upon CMA CGM's history and the core values that have supported its development for more than 40 years, the Group is launching a global communications campaign with a powerful key visual linking people, technology and the planet.


A commitment to take action, BETTER WAYS is the promise of a renewed shipping and logistics offering that adapts constantly to customers' needs. A promise that is built around five strategic pillars:

" Further expansion in shipping powered by innovation for higher levels of security, operational efficiency and greater customer satisfaction through the introduction of more sustainable transport solutions as well as through the Group's commercial offer, including the extensive range of CMA CGM+ value-added services.

" The offering of efficient logistics solutions by building a complete and seamless range of services, from warehouse management to shipping, to overland transport and air freight, all within the CMA CGM Group's shipping entity, its logistics subsidiary, CEVA Logistics, and its new CMA CGM AIR CARGO division.

" Faster innovation and digitalization. By investing in R&D as well as in IoT, artificial intelligence and blockchain solutions, the Group aims to develop smarter and more secure service offerings, while delivering a smoother user experience for both customers and employees.

" The development of solutions that are more people- and planet-friendly to make shipping and logistics a more sustainable industry. The Group is committed to taking concrete action by adopting the best available solutions, i.e., liquefied natural gas (LNG), biomethane and biofuel to achieve its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050.

" The support and guidance for the Group's staff members, keeping them safe, improving their well-being and championing more inclusive approaches with tailor-made training programs provided by the CMA CGM Academy to help them develop their expertise and know-how. Through the CMA CGM Foundation, staff members are able to pass on their talents via skill-based volunteering programs and other volunteering actions around the world.

" BETTER WAYS is a game changer that embodies a mindset and a commitment for logistics and transport solutions that are more responsible and efficient while being built on strongly humane values from a family-led enterprise " commented Tanya Saad? Zeenny, Executive Officer of the CMA CGM Group, President of the CMA CGM Foundation. 


* The BETTER WAYS signature and its key visual convey the Group's-and its staff members'- unrelenting will to always strive for the better.

* Looking to the future, responsible growth and continuous progress, this triptych of images reflects the scale and complementary nature of the Group's business activities, and its ability to provide a comprehensive, integrated service offering.

* They also recall the Group's determination to take steps to ensure its logistics activities are increasingly considerate of both people and the planet.

* With its new signature, the Group reaffirms its commitment to unlocking new ways of creating value for its customers, its partners and its 110,000 staff members around the world.

* The CMA CGM Group worked with Havas Paris and Brand image, two globally renowned communications specialists, to help create a strong and impactful image conveying its growth, ambitions and expertise.

Source : HKSG.

[220621.ID.BIZ] MTI Desak Polri Turut Berantas ODOL dan Pungli di Pelabuhan


Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Masyarakat Transportasi Indonesia (MTI) meminta Kepolisian Republik Indonesia turut memberantasan kendaraan over dimension and over loading (ODOL) dan praktik pungutan liar (pungli) di pelabuhan.

Ketua Bidang Advokasi dan Kemasyarakatan MTI Pusat Djoko Setijowarno menilai apabila pemberantasan kedua masalah tersebut hanya dilakukan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Darat Kementerian Perhubungan tanpa ada penegakan hukum di jalan raya, tidak akan ada hasilnya.

"Harus diakui selama ini penegakan hukum sangat lemah. Jika penegakan hukum gencar dilakukan, niscaya pungli dan ODOL pasti akan berkurang dan berakhir," katanya kepada Bisnis, Selasa (22/6/2021).

Oleh karenanya, dia juga menuntut adanya kinerja kepolisian terutama dibawah kepemimpinan baru untuk bisa memberantas pungli dan ODOL di jalan raya. Jika tidak, praktik serupa akan bertambah subur.

"Sekarang dituntut kinerja Kapolri baru dengan program presisinya. Apakah bisa memberantas pungli dan ODOL di jalan raya atau sebaliknya. Upaya Polri belum maksimal dalam hal penegakan hukum," sebutnya. Lebih lanjut, dia menyebut, dampak dari pemberantasan pungli di Tanjung Priok baru-baru ini juga berimbas pada kegiatan di Pelabuhan Tanjung Intan.

Pasalnya, untuk sementara waktu aksi pungutan Rp250.000 terhadap para supir tembak dan Rp500.000-700.000 untuk biaya parkir dan jasa keamanan sudah tidak ditemukan lagi.

Sebagaimana diketahui, isu pungli di pelabuhan ramai diperbincangkan usai Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) melakukan peninjauan langsung kegiatan vaksinasi Covid-19 di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok pada Kamis (10/6/2021).

Setelah menerima keluhan para sopir truk soal praktik pungli dan premanisme di Tanjung Priok, Jokowi langsung menelpon Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo, serta memerintahkan jajaran Kepolisian untuk menindak segala bentuk pungli dan premanisme yang dialami para sopir truk logistik tersebut.

Sumber : Bisnis, 22.06.2021.