30 November 2018

[301118.En.BIZ] China is Set to Block US at G20 From Winning Allies in Trade War

CHINA is expected to use the G20 summit in Buenos Aires today and tomorrow to prevent the US from winning allies in the trade war by emphasising that it is reducing its reliance on export-led economic growth, reported London's Financial Times.

The declaration last week by US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer that "China fundamentally has not altered its acts, policies and practices" has dashed hopes of the US and Chinese presidents finding common ground to resolve their differences when they meet.

China has rejected the US report, maintaining it is "totally unacceptable," and accused Washington of reneging on its commitment to World Trade Organisation members.

Rather than seek a grand bargain, analysts believe Beijing will attempt to block the US from gaining allies by pointing to China's shrinking current account surplus.

The surplus, which ballooned to US$421 billion in 2008, entered into a deficit in the first three quarters of this year. Oxford Economics predicts that the full-year surplus will be "close to zero", given that commodity imports and foreign tourism have counteracted China's surplus in manufactured goods.

The exception among China's trade partners is the US, which clocked up a $176 billion current account deficit with China in the first half, according to US data - on track for the largest annual gap.

"China's falling current account surplus is winning it no points in Washington, where the rising US bilateral trade deficit with China continues to fuel trade tensions," said Cornell University economics professor Eswar Prasad.

Despite China's slowing economy and weak stock market, which the White House cites as evidence that the tariffs are biting, analysts say Beijing is still unwilling to offer major concessions. Trade data indicate that Chinese exports continue to grow strongly in spite of the tariffs.

"China sees an opportunity to stop an escalation but I don't think it's desperate," said policy analyst Yanmei Xie at GaveKal-Dragonomics in Beijing. "The most they are likely to offer is tactical concessions."

Source : HKSG.

[301118.ID.AIR] Lion Air Diberi Waktu 90 Hari untuk Tanggapi Laporan Awal Musibah JT 610

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA--Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) memberikan waktu 90 hari bagi Lion Air untuk memberikan tanggapan atau safety action atas laporan awal investigasi PK-LQP yang jatuh di perairan Tanjung Karawang, 29 Oktober 2018.

Investigator Kecelakaan Penerbangan KNKT Ony Suryo Wibowo mengatakan tanggapan yang diberikan oleh Lion Air akan dievaluasi kembali guna memastikan aspek keselamatan penerbangan.

"Jika alasannya penolakan yang disampaikan, kami nilai cukup untuk mencegah terjadi kecelakaan, kami bisa terima. Namun, jika tidak bisa akan kami tolak," kata Ony, Kamis (29/11/2018).

Dia optimistis Lion Air secara prinsip telah mempersiapkan tanggapan, tetapi belum disampaikan kepada KNKT. Diharapkan, ada tindakan perbaikan signifikan yang dilakukan maskapai.

Dalam rekomendasi tersebut KNKT meminta Lion Air menjamin implementasi dari Operation Manual part A subchapter 1.4.2 guna meningkatkan budaya keselamatan dan untuk menjamin pilot dapat mengambil keputusan untuk meneruskan atau tidak meneruskan sebuah penerbangan.

Alasannya, kemudi pesawat mengalami stick shaker saat penerbangan dari Denpasar menuju Jakarta, sepanjang takeoff rotation dan masih berlangsung selama penerbangan. Kondisi ini dianggap sebagai kondisi ketidaklaikudaraan (un-airworthy), sehingga penerbangan sebaiknya tidak dilanjutkan.

Berdasarkan Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) Part 91.7 tentang Kelaikudaraan Pesawat Sipil dan Operation Manual part A subchapter 1.4.2, pilot in command (PIC) boleh tidak melanjutkan penerbangan ketika terjadi kondisi un-airworthy mekanik, elektrik, atau struktural.

Pada rekomendasi kedua, lanjutnya, maskapai milik Rusdi Kirana diminta bisa menjamin semua dokumen operasional diisi dan didokumentasikan secara tepat.

KNKT melaporkan menurut weight and balance sheet, di atas pesawat Boeing 737-8 MAX terdapat dua pilot, lima pramugari dan 181 penumpang yang terdiri atas 178 orang dewasa, satu anak dan dua bayi. Akan tetapi, kenyataan menunjukkan ada enam pramugari di dalam kabin.

Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa weight and balance sheet tidak memuat informasi yang sebenarnya.

Sumber : Bisnis, 30.11.18.

29 November 2018

[291118.EN.BIZ] CEVA Dispatches Truck From China to Europe - 10-15 Days Door to Door

CEVA Logistics Greater China has sent the first ever TIR (Transports Internationaux Routiers) truck from Khorgos, China via Kazakhstan to Europe, the company announced.

The trial run was on November 13 and was successfully operated as a joint initiative between CEVA Logistics, the IRU (International Road Transportation Union) and CEVA's partners Alblas and Jet-rail.

The truck arrived in Poland on November 24, with no disruption or customs problems after 11 days on the road. The closing TIR at its final destination was after 13 days on November 26.

The new road service will deliver a cost saving of 50 per cent compared to air freight. With a lead time door-to-door of between 10 to 15 days, it will be 30-50 per cent faster than rail.

Customs sealed in Khorgos, the first TIR truck from China to Europe started its 7,000-kilometre journey via Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus to Poland in the afternoon of 13 November. It was a historic moment when the truck, operated by CEVA's partner Alblas International Logistics, left Khorgos to cross the border into Kazakhstan.

"This is a day to remember. Together with our partners, we have trialed TIR all the way to Europe today the very first time," said CEVA China road and rail chief Kelvin Tang.

Undoubtedly contributing to the success of the Belt & Road Initiative in the near future, the international customs transit system TIR became active for the People's Republic of China in May 2018.

"Since then we started to investigate the possibility and feasibility of road transportation from China to Europe in order to find an alternative to the escalating air freight market," said CEVA vice president Torben Bengtsson.

Source : HKSG.

[291118.ID.BIZ] Raih Penghargaan, Kapal CMA CGM Komitmen Ramah Lingkungan

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Perusahaan pelayaran asal Perancis, CMA CGM Group, menerima Penghargaan the Most Accomplished Asia Pacific Ship Owner Award 2018 pada Maritime 2020 Summit, yang digelar di Singapura pada 27 November 2018 lalu.

Penghargaan ini diberikan pada shipowner yang mendemonstrasikan upaya terbesar untuk membuat armadanya lebih sustainable, efisien dan ramah lingkungan.

Vice President CMA CGM Asia regional office Mathieu Girardin yang menerima penghargaan tersebut mengatakan industri pelayaran memberi hormat kepada pimpinan CMA CGM yang luar biasa untuk membuat shipping yang lebih berkelanjutan.

"Kami bangga menjadi perusahaan pelayaran pertama di dunia yang melengkapi peti kemas raksasa dengan mesin bertenaga LNG, karena memperkuat komitmen CMA CGM yang terus menerus berkomitmen terhadap perlindungan lingkungan melalui keberanian dan semangat pionirnya," katanya dalam siaran pers, Kamis (29/11/2018).

Dengan menerima penghargaan ini, pihaknya merasa terhormat bahwa pihak berwenang dan mitra industri utama mengenali CMA CGM Group sebagai pelopor inovasi teknologi di Asia-Pasifik.

CMA CGM Grup berkomitmen penuh terhadap pengurangan carbon footprint CMA CGM untuk mengurangi carbon foortprint dan melindungi lingkungan.

Perseroan telah mengurangi emisi CO2 per kontainer yang diangkut sebesar 50% antara tahun 2005 dan 2015, dan telah berkomitmen untuk pengurangan lebih dari 30% pada tahun 2025.

Tonggak penting ini dicapai dengan mensponsori inovasi terobosan termasuk pengenalan bamboo-floor container tahun 2005, pesanan 2017 untuk sembilan kapal kontainer raksasa bertenaga LNG, dan investasi yang sedang berlangsung untuk memenuhi persyaratan pada 1 Januari 2020 dengan Peraturan Sulfur Rendah Internasional Organisasi Maritim baru.

"Dengan membangun komitmen lingkungan yang sudah mapan ini, penghargaan yang diberikan saat ini akan semakin memperkuat ambisi Grup untuk melayani sebagai pemimpin dalam kemajuan lingkungan di industri pelayaran," ujarnya.

Sumber : Bisnis, 29.11.18.

28 November 2018

[281118.EN.BIZ] Canadian National President Ruest is Named Railroader of The Year

CANADIAN National Railway (CN) chief executive officer Jean-Jacques "JJ" Ruest has become the 56th annual recipient of the Railroader of the Year Award that is presented by Railway Age magazine.

"JJ Ruest took a railroad plagued with service problems and serious network capacity shortages and implemented aggressive capital investment and service quality programmes," said Railway Age editor-in-chief William Vantuono.

"These efforts have produced outstanding results, in terms of traffic growth and profitability. As examples, CN's engineering team completed more than 80 per cent of expansion projects while the network was under heavy traffic.

"And in Ruest's first few months as chief executive, CN hired hundreds of new line employees in train and engine service, laying a strong foundation for the railroad's continued success. Our Railroader of the Year sees strong growth opportunities ahead, across multiple commodities and new supply chain services."

Upon receiving the honour, Mr Ruest said: "The North American rail industry plays a critical role in our economy. Our human talent, our deployment of technology and infrastructure are what make our industry supply chain services so relevant to all the customers who depend on us."

Mr Ruest was appointed CN president and CEO in July 2018. Previously, he was executive vice president and chief marketing officer since January 2010, with responsibility for providing strategic direction and leadership for the railway operator's sales, marketing and supply chain solutions groups. He joined CN in 1996 as vice president petroleum and chemicals.

Source : HKSG.