11 September 2017

[110917.EN.BIZ] Piracy Falls to Its Lowest Levels Since Current Records Were Kept

FORTY-THREE incidents of piracy in Asia from January to August - the lowest in 10 years - were recorded from January-August 2017, by ReCAAP, the Singapore-based Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy.

"There was a 20 per cent decrease in the total number of incidents reported during January-August 2017, and a 72 per cent decrease compared to the same period in 2015," said the ReCAAP August report.

A total of 54 incidents were reported during January-August 2016, and 151 incidents reported during January-August 2015. "

The improvement during January-August 2017 was attributed to the improvement of the situation in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore (since 2016), and at certain ports and anchorages in India, Indonesia and Vietnam," said the report.

While the overall situation during January-August 2017 has improved, there was an increase in the number of incidents reported at ports and anchorages in Bangladesh (Chittagong) and Philippines (Manila and Batangas) compared to the same period in 2016, it said.

On August 17, the Philippine authorities rescued one of the abducted crewmen of Royal 16 while conducting military operations in the vicinity of Mataja Island, Basilan province.

The Royal 16, was boarded by 10 armed men on November 16 who abducted its six crew. But the Philippine military found the bodies of another two Royal 16 seamen. To date, the remaining two crew of Royal 16 are still being held.

Source : HKSG.

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