03 Maret 2019

[030319.EN.BIZ] Kerry Logistics Draws 8 Cyber Teams to Compete In Its First 'Hackathon'

EIGHT teams competed in Hong Kong's Kerry Logistics Network first "Hackathon" when eight teams competed in the two-day event.

Combining robotics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, the teams devised applications for autonomous drones to enhance operational efficiency and accuracy.

The winning team was commended for its outstanding ability to bridge the gap between innovative ideas and practical use.

Competitors incorporated innovative technological solutions including autonomous drone navigating and computer vision in their bid to realise the theme of "Drone Warehouse Stocktaking".

Proposals to adopt advanced technologies such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) were also presented.

"Advanced technology in our operations helps to foster business sustainability and drive long-term growth. As we have witnessed at the Hackathon, the contestants have demonstrated thinking outside the box, which is what innovation is all about," said Kerry IT chief Wilson Lee.

Source : HKSG.

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