23 Mei 2020

[230520.EN.BIZ] CEVA Logistics Goes Robotics Down Under to Expedite Operations

AS a key part of its strategy to innovate and automate, CEVA Logistics has deployed Automated Mobile Robots (AMR) at its Australian super-site - Truganina - near Melbourne.

In a statement, the company said that "in a world-first for a Goods to Person (GTP) implementation for the company, the introduction of robots has already achieved a 400 per cent increase in the speed of operations within the 250,000-square metre facility.

CEVA has invested in a goods-to-person AMR solution to improve throughput and picking rates in a move to provide a better service for one of its largest e-commerce clients in Australia. The AMR robot brings the shelf to the picker and the project took only three weeks to go-live, including the installation of eight robots working across a trial 400-square metre of warehouse space. Each robot can pick shelves up to 500 kg and they are controlled by centralised control system. All staff pickers have undergone a two-week training induction during the implementation phase.

Milton Pimenta, CEVA Logistics' managing director Australia and New Zealand says: "With the scale of CEVA's operation at the super-site we could immediately see this AMR solution was an extremely fast and efficient picking productivity and throughput option for us. AMR is the future for e-commerce operations, and we are excited to stay ahead of the competition in offering this kind of solution."

CEVA worked on a co-investment basis with Cohesio Group (a part of international technology group Korber) during the pilot phase and the companies worked together to create and then deliver a scalable customer centric solution. They will now continue the relationship to deliver AMR robot solutions to other warehouses across the CEVA global network.

Source : HKSG / Photo : SHD Logistics.

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