18 Maret 2018

[180318.EN.BIZ] Gibraltar Ready to Allow Spain to Share Control of Its Airport

GIBRALTAR appears willing to share control of its airport with Spain as part of a deal to retain trading rights with the European Union after Britain leaves the European Union, reports Bloomberg.

Gibraltar's deputy Chief Minister Joseph Garcia said that the British colony is ready to grant Spain joint management of its airport in line with a 2006 agreement.

But this requires Spain to build a EUR6 million (US$7.4 million) extension to the terminal on their side of the border. By expanding the airport and extending rail links, Spain and Gibraltar could attract more companies to the area, Mr Garcia said.

The 33,000 inhabitants of British Gibraltar, who voted against Brexit, do not wish to have Spain, which disputes sovereignty, seized in 1713, impose border checks that would impede the 8,000 Spaniards who cross the border every day to work.

Mr Garcia said he is confident that Spain won't force the colony into isolation after recent comments from Foreign Affairs Minister Alfonso Dastis.

"I think that there is an understanding that it's not about treaties or vetoes," said Mr Garcia. "It's about trying to find solutions for problems that exist, to make sure that interest of citizens aren't damaged by Brexit."

Source : HKSG.

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