11 Oktober 2010

[111010.EN.LOG] Alleging Abuse, DHL Workers Stage Week of Protest In 17 Nations

DHL WORKERS in 17 countries have staged a week of protest, alleging unfair dismissals, harassment, discrimination, problems with subcontracted employees, bad faith and the use of lie detectors by the German express delivery giant.

Organised by the UNI Global Union (UNI) and the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), employees in Bulgaria, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ethiopia, Germany, Britain, India, Italy, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Senegal and Switzerland participated.

Unions demand full union rights, application of best practice standards, employee consultation, formal global agreement that redundancies are not an option and access to corporate strategy information.

DHL denies the allegations. "We think that our workers are treated very well and these allegations are wrong," said a spokesman, adding that there is no need for a global agreement because DHL is already is in compliance with worker demands.

"We also follow the principles of the United Nations Global Compact and we observe the International Labour Organisation's declaration on fundamental principles on the rights of work."

Activities arranged by DHL employees include wearing "Week of Action" t-shirts, conducting questionnaires on working conditions, holding rallies, putting up hoardings and banners outside DHL facilities, distributing leaflets and holding press conferences outside key DHL offices, including at its Bonn headquarters, according to London's International Freighting Weekly.

"DHL claims it respects trade union and workers' rights, but evidence from around the world suggests otherwise," UNI said in a statement.

"DHL's reactive policy of compliance with national regulations clearly isn't working - instead it breeds a management culture of "do what you can get away with".

Said DHL: "We are in a dialogue with unions UNI and ITF, and in 2009 we presented our strategy 2015, which is designed to increase the level of employee involvement and commitment. In general, we foster a culture of constructive debate within the company between employees and executives."

Source : HKSG, 11.10.10.

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