30 Januari 2019

[300119.EN.SEA] PSA Terminals Handle 81m TEU Worldwide, Up 9.1pc yoy

SINGAPORE's PSA International handled 81 million TEU across its global container terminals in 2018, a year-on-year increase of 9.1 per cent.

Flagship PSA Singapore contributed 36.31 million TEU, up 8.9 per cent, and its overseas terminals handling 44.69 million TEU, up 9.3 per cent.

Group CEO Tan Chong Meng said: "2018 was a dual-speed year. The slow but steady pace of global container trade growth continued, despite geo-political shifts and rising trade barriers.

"At the same time, there was a surge in digitalisation activities within the global supply chain which promised better visibility and efficiency, while the industry continues to grapple with issues of data standardisation and collaboration.

"Against this backdrop, the PSA group has achieved good volume growth, thanks to the support from our customers and partners globally. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to our unions, staff and management for their steadfast dedication and spirited contributions throughout the year. They handled the increased complexity and operational demands from the new state of shipping alliances with aplomb.

"As we run full speed into 2019 we, at PSA, are excited about the opportunities and challenges ahead in this age of disruptions.

"We will continue to build on our global network of ports while leading the charge towards co-creating an Internet of Logistics - an ecosystem that is plug-and-play that links up a mesh of communities through interoperability and which allows us to innovate boldly," Mr Tan added.

Source : HKSG.

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