10 Mei 2011

[100511.EN.SEA] Show Me The Value Added, Shippers Say

INTEGRATED shipping and logistics services and supply chain solutions are among the top priorities listed by shippers as services they would be willing to pay their carrier a premium price for, according to an industry survey.

The author of the survey, a very senior shipping executive and is also an MBA candidate spoke to us about his research on what shippers want from their shipping lines, during a brief stopover in Hong Kong.

To gain a better understanding about what shippers believed were essential services, the MBA candidate asked 30 shippers to rate 19 services in order of importance to them. And the results are as follows (Figure 1).

The respondents were asked to select the services they believed were a competitive necessity to their businesses.

The survey revealed that the ability to secure equipment and secure space availability were most desired by 24 out of the 30 shippers taking part in the survey. These parameters were followed closely by competitive rates at similar service levels, which had 21 votes, and on-time and in-full delivery of products garnered 21 votes as well.

Services that got 20 votes included complete and correct documentation and billing; customer service levels; and ease of booking.

Other popular service choices included the ease of receiving quotes (18 votes), professional sales representatives (18 votes) and wide geographical coverage (17 of the respondents).

This survey also revealed airfreight services, with six votes, and LCL services with seven votes, were minority priorities for this group of shippers from China’s west Pearl Delta region.

Another survey done by the MBA candidate asked those surveyed to vote on what factors made up a premium service that would create a potential competitive advantage (see Figure 2).

Source : CSM, 16.04.2011.

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