27 Mei 2011

[270511.EN.SEA] World's Shipowners Seek Naval Mandate To Sink Pirate Motherships

SHIPOWNER associations' of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the International Shipping Federation (ISF) has urged navies to authorise a legal mandate to immobilise pirate motherships and provide up-to-date information on their location to shipping.

The rising incidents of daily attacks and growing number of seafarers help hostage - 600 - is leading many shipping lines to avoid Indian Ocean sea lanes. A legal mandate would help to minimise incidents and drive the pirate activity back to the Somali coast, said the two owners' associations, which are to merge in June.

An international mandate, plus domestic legislation to include full criminalisation of all acts of piracy including "intent to commit" would end the absurd situation of releasing Somali pirates once caught, said the owners.

"Diverting ships will have serious geopolitical implications and greatly damage the economies in the region," the ICS/ISF joint communique said.

Source : HKSG, 27.05.11.

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