07 Oktober 2015

[071015.EN.BIZ] GAC Faces Double Challenge Moving Vital Gear to Istanbul Sports Events

GAC has successfully managed to transport time-sensitive and valuable equipment for two separate sporting events in close succession in Istanbul.

To prepare for the Extreme Sailing Series, which holds races across Kadikoy Sahli harbour, GAC sent 19 containers of vital gear by road, rail and sea from St Petersburg, where the previous leg in the races were staged.

In a separate challenge, GAC was charged with transporting 70 tons of high-powered rallycross supercars cars, equipment and supporting infrastructure from Toulon for the FIA World Rallycross Championship held at Intercity Istanbul Park.

Said British sports even manager Mike Millar: "Having been involved with the Extreme Sailing Series for the past few years and working with World Rallycross since the beginning of this year, I have come to really appreciate the skills the sportsmen need to excel in their field."

Source : HKSG.

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