14 Maret 2014

[140314.EN.SEA] Bowring Leads Owners Into UN Accord On Seafarers Minimum Wage Hike Over 2 Years

MARITIME employers of the International Shipping Federation (ISF) met with International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) and agreed to the 3.7 per cent minimum wage increase recommended by the UN's International Labour Organisation of US$$614 a month.

This would take effect in January 201 after a minimum wage for ABs is increased to $592 in January 2015 from $585, up 1.1 per cent, reported London's Tanker Operator.

ISF spokesman Arthur Bowring, also executive director of the the Hong Kong Shipowners Association, led the shipowner group in the discussions held in February in Geneva.

In his opening statement, Mr Bowring said that the current recommended figure of $585 came into effect in January and would apply to developing countries as well.

"We believe the decision taken is an appropriate one that gives shipowners adequate notice to be prepared for the impact of agreed changes going forward to 2016." he said.

Source : HKSG.

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