25 Mei 2016

[250516.EN.BIZ] Hamburg Sud To Adopt INTTRA e-VGM Service To Facilitate UN Compliance

GERMANY's Hamburg Sud and INTTRA, an ocean shipping electronic marketplace, have expanded their links to meet the implementation of the UN's Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Verified Gross Mass (VGM) amendment on July 1.

The INTTRA e-VGM Service will be a channel for Hamburg Sud to receive VGM submissions from shippers to meet the requirement that all containers must have verified weights before being loaded onto a ship.

Hamburg Sud was a founding member of INTTRA's e-VGM Initiative. Launched in December 2015, it brought together carriers, freight forwarders, shippers, terminals, ports, regulatory agencies and industry experts to foster dialogue and readiness within the ocean shipping community and minimise disruption across the industry.

"Hamburg Sud played an integral role in championing a ¡¥Digital First' approach to SOLAS VGM compliance and common standards for the industry," said Inna Kuznetsova, INTTRA's president and chief operating officer.

Source : HKSG.

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